I SPENT 100 DAYS IN PIXELMON SKYBLOCK... Here's What Happened!

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yo guys what is up welcome to a brand new series of pixelmon minecraft meet skyblock that's right we are stuck in the entire world with nothing but this block area and this tree here there are very limited ways to get resources in this game and killing pokemon is gonna be one of them now but me and charmander are here and we are on this island together and we're going to make it through this is a map developed by nine islands custom map for twelve point two point one point five one two one this is the the hardest map so i wanna do the hardest one possible normally you start on one dirt block but it seems like all the sky factory three maps you start with all this dirt here for some reason and you'll see this chest full of like other stuff here and in the last episode you guys were always like um i could never know the resources and stuff or whatever it was but now we can actually just look it up here we can click on it and it actually tells us exactly what we need to make anything if you all are interested in playing this i might actually make a mod pack that you guys can download and install for yourself that way everyone can play along with me so literally no one has done this on youtube and i don't know why not because it's so great we're literally just going to do everything we can do right now so the first one i want to do is make sure that we can get a sapling from this tree if we can't we're in trouble and basically if we don't get a sapling we got to restart the entire game so charmander are you ready to get started on the skyblock challenge dude this is just me and you just me and you buddy um and there's a i guess there's a pit up up there somewhere um let's see if we can uh just mind this really quick we need some wood for sure and once we get this first tree started you guys will see what sky block is really all about we gotta get some saplings first that's the main thing we gotta get all right i got all the wood let's just try to get as many saplings as we can if we can get any saplings out oh i got one okay we got one let's see if we can just get more now the more the better all right so um we only got one but that's okay that's all we need we can now make some wood and we can start getting a crafting table set up for this challenge dude this is going to be a rough challenge um but it's going to be okay we got enough wood to do whatever we want to do first things first we need to expand our island and the easiest way to do that in this mod is to go ahead and just make these wooden slabs uh we're also gonna uh make this dirt more usable we really don't need to be standing on top of three layers of dirt because dirt is actually valuable in this game um and so is grass we need to make sure that we don't lose any grass we need to keep at least one grass block so that we can spread you know what i'm saying all right so i'm gonna rearrange my island and then i'll see you guys in a bit all right so basically i'm using these slabs which you can make double the slabs that you can have planks and they do the same job just make sure you put it on the upper half of the blocks that way you can actually place stuff on top of them which is a mistake that i have made in the past of making it on the lower half of the block all right our island is a little bit bigger now we'll start planting some more trees in a minute but first i want to actually do a pokemon battle we gotta be careful because i didn't even realize that we could potentially get knocked off because of the pokemon battles now it's good to kill pokemon because we can actually get stuff like rotten flesh like um which is actually important in the game like all this stuff is potentially important um so we just got to be careful dudes we just got to be real careful all right now um we have extended expanded our island we have a few things here to work with that we're not going to work with right now we're just going to focus on doing a few other things really quick and that is expanding our island even more so i also have this mod on that lets us do things so whenever we're planting these trees we can actually get up next to the trees here and you'll notice if i do this right here and dance next these trees they'll eventually start glowing oh it grew it literally grew right in front of me i didn't even see all right so there we go we have more trees we can just keep planting those things so hopefully we can get more i should actually put that over here so it could have dropped down but now we can start getting more wood and getting more trees and stuff oh there's a sapling up there at the top we need that sapling if we can if we don't get another one that's gonna oh there's two saplings yes yes all right we actually have two saplings which is amazing which is amazing i now have 48 of these slabs so hopefully we can just extend this out this mary wouldn't would get away that'd be awesome murray get away get away can it die can you push pokemon off the edge and kill them no i need a tree i need a tree the water is super important if we could plant some trees and get some water going that'd be sick all right now we have two saplings we need them to grow so we can catch this rain in a rain catcher you can make like a little bucket that catches rain oh there we go there we go we're stuck in the tree we're stuck in the tree all right but now we can um harvest this and we have a bunch of leftover saplings so and we have a big platform so we don't worry about catching the saplings this time we can actually relax a little bit now that we can advance the game without having to worry about catching saplings the whole time okay this actually isn't enough we have to keep dancing to make this tree grow we need more wood to catch the rain grow tree grow grow tree grow maximum overdrive oh yes we did it if we can get a little bit of wood i think we need we need enough wood to make some we need some slabs and we need some sticks i think already made some sticks so we should be good on that if we can get this tree here we can start making everything else i might make an axe as well i think we actually have i think it actually gives us materials to make a cobblestone maker so we can actually make cobblestone all right so i need to do a little bit of this i think it's like this actually first we got to make some slabs so first um we'll need at least one slab so we'll do this here that'll get us enough so i think it's like this put these and then i think you do this and that makes a wooden crucible and we can actually just sit this right here and eventually this will fill up the rain boys this will fill up with rain i'm pretty sure that's how it works we can also use the same thing to make a c which we will use in the future for something else and a similar thing will give us a wooden barrel which you guys will see what we're going to do with that in the future um so i'm just going to go ahead put that there and then i'll put my sieve here okay so it's actually the barrel that fills up the water not the crucible i'm so dumb i think the crucible yeah you put this okay oh wait never mind they both make water just depends on what you do so they both can fill with water they both can do different stuff so yeah it's just whatever um whatever floats your boat i guess all right i'm gonna make a wooden pickaxe because i think we can actually make a um a cobblestone thing or cobblestone farm or whatever so let's go ahead and see if we get some more wood really quick and then we'll try to make a cobblestone maker all right this thing filled up with water completely which is perfect and we can't use this yet because we actually need um some string which i'll show you guys how to get string in this mod pack in just a little bit actually all right um i've made the island i've moved it out a little bit um and basically what i'm trying to do right now is make a cobblestone generator all right i think this is going to work i think they'll put lava on one end and water on the other end and they should hit each other and make cobblestone right here we can just mine up some cobblestone to be sick let's see if it works all right so this mod pack actually gave us a little bit of lava hopefully this doesn't catch our base on fire let's see how far this spreads it's going to spread out to right there yeah okay so i think if we get this water here and we put it here this should potentially make i was wrong i was wrong okay maybe it's had to be different i don't know all right i moved it up a little bit let's see what happens when i put this water here nothing happens this pit of almost push me the lava bit of never do that again i'm going to try a few things hopefully i don't get rid of my lava because that would ruin this entire thing okay it's not working what i need to do and we made cobblestone anyways so we don't need all this stuff here we can just get rid of this excess dirt and use that in the future to make more dirt stuff oh my god so many pit ups alrighty but now that we have this we can mine up the cobblestone oh no but i put this back one okay we got stone but i'm afraid i'm so afraid that this is gonna get rid of our lava every single time now i'm gonna have to get the water back out so that way it doesn't get rid of our lava no no i want that all right i'm not going over this right now i'm just gonna worry about expanding our base i want this to be huge so i don't worry about falling off the whole time so basically charmander dude me and you were working getting trees growing and making a sick farm we're also going to start working on the sea we do have enough dirt that we could probably start getting some aluminum from it because you can like shift the dirt and look for materials inside the dirt and you can also make more dirt this is not what i wanted to do with that i think i wanna i think you wanna put saplings in that so let's see if we have any saplings here okay yeah so we can make dirt by doing this that's one dirt and that's two dirt okay i don't know how many these things it takes takes a few saplings to put in there but um we have a few trees here to get us a few saplings from now literally a move to respond here dude why why are you on my island how did you get here how did you get to my island okay we have since we have access to unlimited cobblestone i'm really tempted to just go ahead and just make this into a stone axe this is going to make getting wood a whole lot quicker and we can do things a lot faster on this island that mary just died there goes my hero watch him as he go whatever um there's so many pip ups here i need to like make the spawn rate not spawn as common probably all right boys um might have messed up i didn't get a single oak sapling from any of those trees um so we definitely definitely need to get one from this one this is our last oak sapling here um yeah i'm gonna grow by itself i'm going to go ahead and just lay down all these wood slabs while i can i have a lot of wood slabs here this is it this is our last treat the biscuits apple and now we got to salmon on the first one all right perfect um so i guess let's let's keep um doing that oh thank god another sapling thank god hey we got an apple all right so that's actually our first well we have food from the guy from the pokemons it's a little four mil tank this could be some good xp for charmander so i'll kill it really quick and we can also get a healing out on patrol manager because right now it's gonna be hard for us to get anything to heal our pokemon with um especially at this low of a level in the game there we go miltank is burnt now perfect perfect all right and miltank is dead we get some milk milk please milk i've actually got some beef which i'll actually take that dudes i'll actually take that all right so i got a little bit of food in here coming out we still don't have a furnace though but we're getting close to making all this stuff happen there we go dudes look at that we have a little tree farm going on right now hey cintra dropped a gripper berry i don't know what that does we got some other two which is pretty cool all right actually does not help us in any way there's so many pokemon spawning on our island right now okay charlemagne is brave which kind of sucks and i didn't check how close he was to dying he's so close and now he's paralyzed so charmander hopefully we can find a way to heal you very soon because this is a tough mod pack to get anything done hey charmander was cured of paralysis i guess you just gotta wait and then it gets a little bit better everything gets better over time boys charmander died no charmander we will find a way to revive you it might be a while though all right i'm about to show you guys something else that you can do in this mod pack and that is we need a few sticks to make this and that's how we get string first things first we gotta make this thing called a crook and when we do this right here we can use it on the leaves to get special little things you guys will see actually there's one right there that's what we're looking for these are called silk worms i'm pretty sure are they called chokes worms silk worms yeah we can stick these in the tree and you guys will see in a minute how it works i'm gonna go ahead and take one of these sap linter to actually two of these saplings for for security purposes and you'll see what we can do with the string in a minute we just got to get ourselves we tell that we've got to wait a little bit all right you can slowly see the tree changing eventually the stream's gonna be white dudes all right i think the tree is ready um let me see here let me check that oh yes it is ready all right so you when you put the worms in there they they breed and hopefully we can get a few more worms from this you can just get more worms from regular trees um but this is going to give us all the string that we need probably just from this one tree because it looks like we're getting a lot of string boys unless we're getting a whole lot of string we could potentially use this to make a fishing rod do a little bit of fishing in the game but i don't know what we're gonna do let's see if we can make a bed first if we can sleep i don't know if you can sleep in sky block if you can then we need to sleep so that way we can um actually heal our pokemon that'd be great all right here is a bed can we sleep and does this heal our charmander i think it actually is going to work guys it actually worked our tremendous healed dude perfect perfect all right dude now we can literally do whatever we want with pokemon this is perfect we also got so many saplings from that last tree we're literally able to plant so many things here oh yeah one thing i also have to make with this is um i think it's how do you make it all right yeah so you literally just have to make a like full thing here i think we need a few of them so we can take this make a string mesh and this is going to help us advance and oh my god dude get out of the way get out of the way all right we take the string mesh and actually put it in this and this is where the extra dirt that we had earlier is going to come in handy where that's up now we start with a lot of dirt so um we can actually just keep press right clicking here and eventually this dirt will get shifted into we just got some pumpkin seeds and i guess some regular seeds um you also get granite and you get stone and we got dye right so you can actually make stuff out of this which is pretty cool i'm just going to shift all the stuff here and see what we get from the loot oh no oh no this is not good this tree is too close to this lava and we're definitely going to move this around move this away move the lava no no no no not the fire not the fire we don't need to be on fire all right we need to move this lava away from this tree because it's too much of a fire hazard right now i thought i heard some fire like man it sounds like something like something's cooking in the background and so um yeah we're gonna we should probably actually just pick up this lava right now so we can and this is the last one let's see all the loot we got all right so here is all the loot we got we got 57 stone pebbles which i'm sure we can make that into stone we got dye rot granite that's just basically for everything we got some jungle seeds acacia seeds and birch seeds as well as of andesite pebble which is actually over here grass seeds cactus seeds ancient spores i don't know if it's for maybe just for mushrooms um regular seeds we can make some bread and stuff now we can actually get a farm going on and make some actual food um but yeah we need to we have enough dirt we need to make more dirt though to be able to do that all right so four stone uh makes a mix of stone makes a cobblestone so we just got a lot of cobblestone from that all right so there we go awesome we can just put the stone back up here and we can use this cobblestone to make our probably make our new cobblestone generator instead of having whatever all right so i think i'm gonna mine up all this grass here and then use this area for something else i have no idea i think i'm gonna yeah i think i'm gonna make the this this is gonna be work where the cobblestone generator is gonna be but i'll make it out of stone and make it further away from these trees alright guys after extensive research on youtube i finally am comfortable and made an actual cobblestone generator so now we can literally have unlimited cobblestone in pixelmon and sometimes that happens i guess but most of the time we can well hopefully most of the time we can catch it all right maybe we can figure out another way to get this better but right now let's just focus on getting a little bit of a couple so that we can all right now we have enough cobblestone we can actually make a cobblestone pick that'll make this go a lot faster all right boys we finally have enough stone to make a cobblestone furnace dude we're finally making progress all right we have plenty of wood we can actually um cook the food that we have now if we need to get food and eat we can actually cook it up and use it and this also be helpful if we ever get materials from the sieve here i'm not sure what else we can do that we can actually make new um new sieve things all right so there's a way to make gravel we need gravel to make a new mesh but we have to make hammers from this is from the pixelmon i guess it's from both pixelmon and other thing too all right let's uh make a hammer now we can make a stone hammer really quick so we can actually hit this hammer i think we can hit this cobblestone with the hammer and that should give us gravel i think let's see okay it didn't work okay so it's actually a different hammer than the mine than the pixelmon hammer i have to make one out of uh sticks and then the two cobblestone like this so here we go new stone hammer who dis and did that give scrabble that gave us gravel can we can we sift gravel oh we can dude that's nice that didn't give us anything was it supposed to give us something we might have to sit a lot of gravel let's get a bunch of gravel and sift it and see what we can get out of it all right i have six gravel let's just sift it and see if we can get anything i think we need flint and i'm not sure if you can get flint from this oh we did we get one flint all right so we got two flint we need like six flint for this to work and we just had a bunch of flint in a row right there we got lucky so we have the flint we need so we need to get a lot more i actually just realized something we started with sugar cane and a piece of sand so you know what that means we can actually make a little sugar cane um little thing here so let's go ahead and add that to our little base all right we have 12 cobble or 12 gravel now we can sit the scrabble down hopefully we can get three more gravel if we can then we can make ourself a new sieve which i think will give us more materials or better materials dude we're getting super unlucky on this we need two more come on two more let's get it one more one more one more oh we didn't get it we still need to we have three cobblestones if we can get it from this all right we got it i'm gonna go ahead and shift sift the rest of this um gravel and uh let's see here we can what is it we already have a string mesh and then we just take this and think it's like that and then we have a flint stiffened mesh um i think we can break this up and then we can switch them over yeah this might give us i don't know if it gives you more stuff or if it gives you faster i have no idea how it works all right i've already used all the dirt i want for this i'm going to turn this into a little farm eventually um i want to test the new sieve to see if we can get anything better from shifting dirt so actually it doesn't even sift dirt maybe it shifts cobblestone i don't have no idea i just realized instead of like getting the cobblestone and then turning it into gravel i could probably just use this to turn it into gravel like that yeah and then pick it up that's so much easier than me doing whatever i was doing before i don't think it shifts cobblestone it definitely doesn't it doesn't do dirt does gravel anything good from gravel let's get a bunch of gravel and see if it gives us anything different all right 10 gravel should get us something at least right so let's see what we can get from this if we can get anything new that'd be cool oh i actually think it's in the new that's um so i think this is the right way to go with this this might be the way to get iron and stuff um so i guess the new in my inventory might need a lot of gravel to get to where we're going though all right looks like i got a few new things here we got some more flint and we got iron ore pieces that's what's important though we can actually smelt that into iron ore i don't think it's ready to go in yet yeah let's say we need a few pieces of iron ore to make uh like a full iron ore but there we go i think the next thing i want to do now is focus on some pixelmon stuff let's see if we can level up our charmander all right i put enough saplings in here to actually fill this up now we should wait so long and then eventually we'll get a piece of dirt from this i'm pretty sure to end this episode i think i want to try to evolve my charmander so getting to the highest level as possible which we'll basically just five more levels so we're pretty much close to that area if we get more pokemon to spawn then we can actually train them up i'm going to continue expanding my baseline waiting for pokemon to spawn so i'll just continually be mining trees and um just doing whatever i can do to get more wood and expanding our base all that spawning right now is pit up there's literally pit of everywhere right now we're level 12 now though that's pretty good dragon breath dude nice all right i think this dirt is ready and there we go dude we just got did we just get six dirt from that we got like six dirt from that that's actually really good um because we need i think dirt makes pokemon spawn with those grass and stuff so if we can i think i want to like build like a huge like park area so i think over here i'm gonna start building like a um really big area for pokemon to spawn in oh dude magikarp sweet all right here's mine in so we're pretty far off from actually getting poke balls and being able to catch pokemon to add to our team um but there is ways that we can get um aluminum and iron and stuff and actually even full on pokeballs we're in the plains area as you guys can tell from the map on my screen that means that voltorb can spawn here and voltorb actually drops the parts to make pokeballs yes the dirt is spawning the pokemon that's what we want to happen hey glowstone dust and we're getting a lot of redstone now nice we will need all that gloss on dust and red some dust we can to make a pc eventually because the pc needs a um something while we get to the nether as well i don't even think the nether i think the other is also sky block territory so i think um modens are going to be our key to getting a pc because we need a redstone uh redstone lamp i guess what it's called yeah redstone lamp all right it looks like we can get aluminum ore from sand so i guess we need to mesh it through a flint our dirt is done i could have swore i got a bunch of dirt earlier from this and i don't know if i just waited longer and it made more dirt i have no idea all right so i actually have grass seeds and i think i can plant this in here and yeah that'll make grass and we can start spreading grass out and getting more and more cooler spawns all right terminal 14 now dudes two more levels and you can evolve into charmeleon all right there we go little 15 charmander nice only one more level to go is that a trainer there's actually a trainer here let's um hopefully he doesn't despawn i need to heal up my charmander really quick please don't despawn please don't despawn yes all right um charmander you're 15 this is level 7 trainer if you defeat this dude potentially you could become the next person so he's got a ralts uh we gotta go ember on the ralts though uh durtini's up next perfect dude we can get a free knockout with the dragon breath here nice nice dude this is an easy trainer battle here easy trainer battle for us hey we just won our first trainer battle nice all right this should be the last battle here for um all right there we go i think charmander should evolve now let's uh let's see how he does uh yeah we'll take all this and dude there we go our charmander is evolving he's inside of us for some reason come on charmander dude show the world that you are an amazing pokemon here we go and charmander evolved into charmeleon dude why's he running away for all right charmeleon dude welcome to the world dude you used to be my little charmander and now you're all grown up and our pokemon world is looking great and dude there's so many people spawning on our island right now all right guys i think that's going to be it for today's video if you all did enjoy this episode and you want to see more of this series be sure to leave a like down below i think we got a whole lot done so i'm excited to see where the future of this series takes us as you guys can tell we have a lot of stuff happening and our base is constantly getting bigger i was thinking i was going to build off screen but i don't want to do too much off camera i think it's essential i do everything on camera with you guys but with that being said i'm in the video here as always god bless you guys and i'll see the next one thanks for watching yo guys what is up welcome to a brand new video of pixelmon skyblock this is our brand new series we have charmeleon here um at magikarp mill tank so basically we started in the air with nothing but a tree to block and me and charmeleon have built this entire base if you guys did miss the last episode a lot happened and you guys don't want to miss out so go watch the last episode right now anyways in this episode i plan on making a lot of advancements so i think first thing i'm gonna do is get a bunch of wood all right so this tree just grew alright so we have a lot of plans for this episode first plan is to get as much wood as i can try to get at least three stacks or one stack of just regular wood and then we're also going to try to get a bunch of um cobblestone and a bunch of gravel charmeleon are you ready to help today my dude chameleon all right so basically we'll be doing some levels up today maybe even catch some new pokemon but first things first we need to get some resources so we can start moving forward and actually begin crafting pokeballs so i'm gonna go head off camera and collect those resources and i'll see you guys in a little bit all right guys so basically i've just been holding my mouse down while i've been watching youtube videos and we've been getting quite a few stuff i think i'm gonna go ahead and start sifting these in the comment section down below somebody said i could have like four of these in a thing and then stand in the middle of them and then would sift all four at once the only problem with that is that we have to have more flint to actually make more of these flint shifter things all right we already have one string mesh in our thing so we have three string meshes nice charmeleon we're about to get so many materials here dude you ready for this char amelia all right dude all right um i guess um let's just keep doing this until we get some flint when we get some plant we can start making more of these bad boys all right i'm just going to hold my finger on the right thing here and then i guess we'll see we actually got one flint there so i'm just going to hold this here until i have six flint in my little item bar down below alright we just got six flint um i guess let's go ahead and make these things all right this will make another flint stefan mesh all right now we have another flint stiffened mesh we did get a lot of wood from this too i also got like a whole stack of wood and now we have way too much wood we actually like clear out our inventory really quick oh i just realized we got coal from sifting that stuff we can actually put that in our furnace and if we want to later instead of burning all of our wood we also got some lapis which is pretty cool all right our inventory is a little bit clear now let's go ahead and make a few sticks we're going to go ahead and just make every single one of these things we need to make three of them all right that should make three sieves also slowly i'm trying to get more water it's not been raining so i'm just going to keep putting this in here and eventually this will turn into a water block for us then we can finally start our garden over here all right now we place all these here and then we can place uh well we have the string mesh there all right then we can place this stiffened mesh in here now whenever we do the gravel and stuff we can probably do two at once i think let's go ahead and say that's correct i think it does both oh it does do both at once dude this is gonna be so much faster now all right we now have a third one so we can make even more of this gravel we can sift it all at once three at a time dude this will be insane we get to four and this is our last one dude nice all right here we go we've got all four of them and we're about to get so many materials i guess i'll see you guys once i have collected everything from all this gravel and this was the last one nice all right let's see what we got from this all right so we basically got four different things which i think might be the only four things you can get from grav we'll get some lapis some iron and some gold dude i think we can actually turn this into a iron ore chunk dude nice um so we just do that right there and we're like one way i think we have one more in our thing we can probably make another one yes we have one more perfect and that will give us three iron ore chunks we have three gold ore chunks okay lapis does not work the same way it's literally just lapis i thought i was made trying to make lapis block so i'm just stupid we can use this in the future to enchant stuff i guess now do we just put the iron in here and eventually i guess that turns into iron let's see what we can get here oh yeah boys we just got our first iron ingot of the entire journey this is going to be a very long journey when it comes to getting materials we also got 16 colder in that i guess so that's enough coal to help us smelt everything we need here i also need to be training my charmeleon more often so we did some training today and i think i'm also going to try to get to a different biome to see if we can get different pokemon to spawn all right we now have three gold and three iron um i don't know what to do with this stuff so i'm going to look up and see what the best way to use my materials are i don't want to be wasting any materials in this game we have a lot of stuff here too all right guys new plan um a lot of people are spawning here it's nice but anyways i shot a bunch of trees down and i made a bunch of wood and i have um decided that i'm going to be heading north of here because i want to look for different pokemon to spawn and one way to do that is to go to where the pokemon are going to spawn different so it's pretty much planes around this area if we keep going north just a little bit eventually you'll see somewhere in this area is the desert plains or desert whatever and hopefully i have enough wood i have um anyway i have six and a half stacks of these wooden um slabs so hopefully i can just make it all the way there without falling off if i fall and die then that's gonna suck i'm gonna go ahead put my stone up though in case i do die cause i don't wanna lose any of that stuff all right this is probably gonna take a long time so i'm just going to hold down these three buttons while i watch youtube probably all right house i'll be back eventually y'all eradicates just stay near the lava i guess i don't know what they're doing unless they're having some kind of meeting they're talking to each other oh wait a minute wait a minute i wasn't paying attention and looks like we are currently in the desert now and we're really not that far away from our home so that's actually good so i think what i'm gonna do now is just like expand this into like a big area to where i will not be afraid of falling off and then i guess place some dirt blocks here so pokemon will actually spawn all right the platform is completed now we can just put some stuff down here i'm wondering if stone blocks can spawn pokemon i think i'm gonna smelt some uh my cobblestone down and see if it can make any stone blocks but we can still see our house from here which is nice dude running on this is making me so nervous but it takes forever swim we'll have charizard and then we can just fly back and forth between our islands but right now we literally have nothing just running and it's kind of scary all right so i'm smelting some stone here and while we're waiting for that stone to make i think i'm gonna go ahead and see if i can get this dirt off of the spot here because i know this will be like a little base here and pokemon are just constantly spawning and i don't want them spotting my base you know whoa i love the meowth holding that thing out real quick i don't know this pokemon drops hopefully it actually drops some good stuff for us oh gold nuggets so it's another way to get gold from the game i think i have a plan to get uh what i want here so basically i'm just gonna mine this up i put a whole block right there and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna put like this little block here and then hopefully we can grab this dirt a little bit and we get it dude that's what i'd like to see then we'll just place this until we can get all the dirt hopefully we'll probably lose some of the dirt no but if we can get a majority of it that'd be great all right we got all the dirt we dropped four of them um which is not fun but it's okay all right um we got eight stone here uh i think it's enough to check out and see if we can do whatever but it looks like we're getting attacked by a pit of all right let's head back to the desert area i have one uh dirt and then eight stone so let's get it boys all right we are at the desert area now charmeleon come on out welcome to your new home well not home for now it's just we need to knock out some pokemon here dude and hopefully you can help us you're only level 17 when you level you up um it's probably best that i build a bed at every single location that way we can just um kill up everywhere because beds are a free hill in this game now all right let's place the stone down and see if this can help cause pokemon to spawn because i know that pokemon spot on stone right or do i need to put some dirt down i have no idea might need to put some sand down actually oh yes i was spreading out stone and a trap inch spawned dudes all right so this is perfect that means that stone can actually spawn our dudes um trap inch can probably knock us out right we'll go for a trap inch see if we can knock it out um if not we're going to level up some and then we'll come back all right trap inch we need to get some good stuff okay he knows bulldoze okay so uh looks like we need to go back make a bed and then i guess come back here and see if we can start getting some stuff because then we can get some dirt blocks we can get some stone blocks maybe even some iron and some bauxite ore and we can start making poke balls or getting close to that area we'll also need some apricorns which we're going to build another island going towards the forest area and see if we can find any greetings to spawn whoa i was minding this tree and it says charmaine was revived i didn't know pokemon could just revive themselves on their own i had no idea that happened all right i'm gonna keep making wood because we need literally as much wood as we can get uh if we're gonna be building up these islands and stuff i wonder how long it'll take me to fill this entire chest with wood probably not that long actually in the meantime let's keep leveling up see if we can come in around level 25 once we get there i think we'll head back to the desert and then we'll start um hunting the pokemon there to see if they can drop some good stuff for us to advance our story here all right there's something i want to try um a long time ago in the dirt patches in the last episode we did get some they are birch seeds i don't know if you just plant them okay you just plant them here all right so let's get some birch um i think that's what we need to spawn ingredient i think well i don't even know if it even matters but just having different trees in the game is pretty cool so we'll plant these and get some more wood and see what happens all right guys i'm gonna try something here that i think is gonna help us i'm gonna waste my iron uh two of them on making shears i hope this was not uh not bad all right so all right this will be the test here can we take this and put it in here okay i think that's exactly what we want to do all right so it looks like we can just take a bunch of this here and instead of using the uh whatever it was called we can just do whatever but we need to actually make sure we get more of these saplings because this is the from the birch tree so i need to actually get some bursary sapling until hopefully we get some but basically what we're to do is just fill this up and then dude this is going to make dirt dude it's going to be sick dude we're getting this is making dirt so fast this is the new meta for getting dirt in the game for sure all right we at least got one birch sapling from that now um which is perfect wait a minute i just found out how to get sand boys we can take a hammer and we can hit gravel to get sand okay so that's actually kind of cool um we don't really need sand right now i guess um wait wait wait can we actually get something from sand i forgot what it is oh yes sand can actually give us aluminum ore pieces which is a 5 chance which is actually not that bad all right the shears were definitely worth it um this is some older two but we're up to 37 dirt now we almost have a full stack of dirt guys all right guys i went ahead and marked out the areas around us we went to the desert first we have a jungle extreme hills forest mushroom island ice plain swamp land and eventually we're going to this dude i swear to god this pit of longer ones get my nerves alright anyways we're going to build up to all those areas eventually so i went ahead and marked them all um so we can event we can see where to go and where we're going to go so we can just see where we're going to go eventually all right let's make a bed really quick and basically here's all the wood we got i'm going to go ahead and go over to the area now with charmeleon it's like 22 almost we almost got a full stack of dirt um we got a lot of stacks of wood and a bunch of saplings too birch and regular but like i said we're gonna go ahead and head on over to this area over here and see if we can get any cool pokemon to spawn and get some sick drops guys okay we have our bed we have our charmeleon everything's fully healed now it's way for pokemon spawn oh cubone baby all right let's see what we can get from this all right this should knock it out there we go and we got an ink sack and a bone dude bones are actually helpful we can make a lot of stuff with bones in this game i should have brought some wood over here and made a chest and like even planted a tree and had like a little thing we could have been expanding this island and working on it while we've been training on it we need to have like a little base on every single alloy build i'm actually noticing something in the distance there's like these little blocks i don't know what those are um maybe we'll get a flying pokemon soon we can take those things out oh yes a gravel it's level 35 though dude we can't knock you out you're too strong oh a score rupee dude this could be good it's a still type pokemon which means it drops like still stuff uh which is good for a drop it could drop iron it could drop aluminum let's see what it drops it drops actually sand dude this way we can actually put that on the ground here and we can make one spot on that so we are in the desert biome and the desert is full of sand so give us as much as we can we actually i think we can get aluminum from that so um i don't know if it's a good way to get aluminum but probably this is the best way to get aluminum from these guys i thought starting with charmander be the best idea because then you can fly really early but now i'm starting to second guess that and dude these pokemon are such high levels all right so i expanded the island a little bit to get more spawns to come in and it looks like there's a lot of geodudes spawning here this one's level 10. maybe we can knock it out hopefully we can if we can't oh that was pretty close all right i think we got this out i had sturdy so let's see what kind of stuff we can get from a geodude i know graveler can drop box eye or can geodude also drop box iron ore let's see flint all right that's actually not bad thank you for the flint dude oh yeah the spawns are coming in boys oh we got a poison barb that time all right another geodude down more flint oh what a cast form i have no idea what cast form can drop so maybe we can kill this and get something cool all right easy knockout um level 23 now two what's this what'd he give us what is he going to give us a gas tier and two glass bottles all right well we're pretty far upside down you try a million um we're pretty far from being able to brew anything oh we got two new spawns here we got a diglett and we got a sizzle piece diglett for sure dropped some kind of block oh a ball toy level 20 maybe we can knock these guys out i have no idea if we can't knock him out i'll be happy oh he dropped a lot of stuff three terra cotta and two clay nice all right diglett's dead we got oh we got two dirt from diglett dude dude diglett is the meta for dirt now nice another ball toy oh we actually gotta attack by him first next up we're gonna try to see if we can take on the sizzle peeds all right this is we just attacked us for no reason um maybe we can knock it out here i don't know i just wanna sort of drop dudes all right we killed it level 24 now too nice um oh once learned slash yeah we'll teach it over scratch nice all right he dropped some string and blaze powder which blaze powder could come in handy in the future all right guys so i think i'm going to go ahead and episode there all right guys so i think i'm going to go ahead and end the episode here we've gotten so much done especially on this little island here we now have our first little island that has different pokemon spawning on it this is the desert island and we went ahead and marked on the map all the other areas that we can build to think in the next episode we're going to try to evolve our charming into a charizard and then we're going to build little islands on each little biome and use our charizard to fly to every single one of them this series is coming along nicely and i really appreciate the viewership you guys are awesome but with that being said i'm in the video here as always god bless you guys and i'll see the next one thanks for watching yo guys in today's episode we are going to evolve charizard and start making pokeballs but be sure you watch to the very end of the episode at the end i have a very important question for my viewers yo charmeleon it's time for another episode dude are you ready charmeleon yo guys what is up welcome back to another episode of pixelmon skyblock a huge series on my channel right now which you guys are really enjoying a lot and i'm actually enjoying playing so much we have a few huge goals in today's episode and one of the main goals in today's episode is to evolve charmeleon into a charizard so we can fly him all over to the different biomes and stuff in the last episode we did discover the desert biome as well as mark the other biomes on the map you guys this last episode be sure to go check it out with the link in the description down below or you can click the card at the top of the screen right now another huge goal i'm going for this episode is actually getting apricorns i want to have an apricorn farm and i think i'm gonna do that is get to the forest someone commented down below to paris bonds in the savannah so we gotta find a savannah bomb too if you want to find pat rat so just a lot of different pokemon drop apricorns and if we get enough we can make pokeballs finally we also need more steel for an anvil to actually make a pokeball uh making machine so i guess the first thing i'm gonna do is just i'm a little bit off camera just go ahead and grind out getting a whole lot of gravel here so we can sift it down i guess in the meantime i'll also be getting some wood off camera so i'm just going to do all this really quick so you guys don't got to watch it because in this episode i really want to focus on the pokemon aspect of this mod so basically i made three stone hammers and i've just been sitting here like this i upgraded my um generator you guys in the comment section down below have been so helpful all right there we go and we got attacked as soon as i got done all right so anyways i cut this little area here which i could just get closer to the thing and also put a slab on top of the lava so that way the lava just has basically very few directions to go all right so it looks like we got uh five full stacks and then a little half stack of gravel i'm gonna go ahead and sift all of these the plan is to get as much iron as we can in today's episode so i guess i'll just let you guys know once we're done doing this and i'll show you all the loot we get all right this is the last little bit let's see what we got now all right so here's everything we got we got 47 iron ore pieces 12 gold 18 lapis a lot of flint and a little bit of coal which is nice all right so i guess we're gonna put all this coal in here and then start making these iron chunks into big iron pieces all right so let's make all this iron we got 11 iron from that and three gold chunks so that's going to be a lot of iron and gold so basically what i want to do is make some iron stiffened meshes and we can start getting diamonds in the game and that's going to help us advance a lot further and i need to put some more stuff in here so we can actually get up another bucket of water and make a little farm here i've also been training um charmeleon a little bit he's a little 25 now getting closer to level 26 every day so he's just 11 levels away from being a charizard which is really going to help us out on this mod pack i guess i thought it was five pokemon waiting for these uh iron ores to smelt up what would really suck is if we encountered a shiny pokemon while we were actually didn't have any balls and stuff so we need to get his ball like any pokeball as soon as we can all right we got 11 iron now let's make some stiffened meshes all right so we're just one iron or piece away from having 12 iron ore ingots and that would give us two iron stiffened meshes so i'm gonna go ahead and really quick and just see if i can get myself another piece of iron ore 12 gravel let's sift it boys i'll stop as soon as i oh i actually just got on the first one no i got to finish sifting this now all right that's another whole iron ore piece here um we can go ahead and oh i gotta actually craft it first all right that is another iron ore chunk we'll have 12 iron ore and we can make ourselves two of these bad boys so we can go ahead and just mom these things up because um we're only going to use the iron ones now no more flint stiffened ones all right so now we can actually take our flint and stiffen meshes and we take these iron ingots and we can make ourselves two iron stiffened meshes we'll just stick them in here and there we go boys we now have a greater chance of getting iron and an actual chance of getting diamonds now oh i actually just found 5 gravel on the ground that i must have missed let's see if we can get from this on this first five oh yeah we're getting things way more common now there's like a 15 chance we get iron with the iron civil meshes so it's a really good upgrade all right i'm almost gonna put some torches down because it is super dark in this area all right guys i went ahead and made a third irons all right guys i went ahead and made a third iron thing and i minded a lot of gravel so um we need 20 more we already have one iron ingot in our inventory so if we get 20 more iron pieces which we get 20 more iron pieces we can go ahead and make a fourth rnc and that is going to be sick we're going to get a lot of materials from this oh yeah i also got this earlier i forgot to show you guys it's an emerald emeralds actually have the same drop rate chance as a diamond um which i wish we had we got a i wish we got i wish we would have got a diamond instead but it is what it is boys it is what it is oh we just got it we just got it boys we just got our first ever diamond that's a point i think it's a point eight percent chance of getting it almost a one percent chance of getting a diamond um we got one of each now we gotta get six diamonds to make a iron a diamond stiffened mesh which is a lot a lot of diamonds boys oh and we also got enough iron now so let's go ahead and make this into iron all right there we go six of these let's go ahead and make our last iron mesh all right and we can stick this in there we go dude we got four of them now this is going to make us a whole lot faster and increase our productivity by a whole lot let's see if we can get some more diamonds maybe a lot more iron because we're gonna need a lot more iron to make some shears to get a whole bunch of the whatever they're called actually i'm actually gonna keep my iron and diamonds in the front here so we can see if we do get more so i guess i'll see you guys once i'm done shifting all this gravel all right that is all the gravel done we didn't get any more diamonds or emeralds um we do have a lot of iron though so that is good all right um you know what guys we've been living like this for a very long time i think it's time we actually build like a legit base for our character we're also running out of storage and that's one of the main reasons why i want to build a base for we've got plenty of wood and stone to do this hey level 27 charmeleon anyways guys here is the base of our base um so let's see what we can turn this into all right guys here is the finished product of the house dude this is and basic oak house we got some birch roof and i ran out of birch planks so we used these wooden ones instead shermelium what do you think about our new house dude just please don't burn it down all right charmeleon all right my dude i guess it's time to move all of our stuff into our new house now all right guys i have completed the new base let's go take a look at the inside first of all you'll notice that um i changed a lot of stuff here i got out of this dirt uh money's up for something else in the future i moved all of our furnaces and our chest into here so everything is now more organized if you open it up you'll see that i actually put some paintings on the walls to kind of spruce it up a little bit we got a dragonite a guard chomp and a pikachu painting on the walls over here we have all of our shells we have our furnaces now we have two furnaces to help sweep things up our food chest in the middle which has all our food and like food related items in it and then this is just an empty chest we got our like rocks dirt flint um just anything we can get from a sifter and then we've got all of our wooden items in here bottom chest down here is gonna be our rare items we have our iron uh lapis redstone diamonds emeralds up here is we're gonna have just like random stuff and then up here's me like pokemon held items berries um tms anything we found that kind of place it's gonna be up here and our new bed is here we can sleep and make this our new spawn all right so uh we have a house built a new secret base or not a secret base but just the actual base uh i went ahead and got some materials we got a lot of cobblestone and i'm ready to start heading towards the forest area um so that this should be more than enough since we didn't use that much into the desert um but if we just go right here this way straight we'll eventually make it to the forest biome so um i guess we're gonna we could build from here or we could build from our house uh i think i'm gonna build from here and then leave our house separate but off we go oh there's magikarp just spawning down here in the water falling to their deaths oh and it looks like we made it to the forest boys we're not too far out it took us just a little over two stacks to get this far um so i guess i'm gonna go ahead and build a pretty big platform around this area here and then i guess we'll start building ourselves a forest biome for animals to spawn in i don't know why i said animals for i mean pokemon let's go ahead and make a big pokemon forest biome here all right guys looks like we have got um we've used up all of our cobblestone i messed up a piece right there but anyways i'd go back and get some more and while i'm there i might as well get some dirt blocks a few trees get things ready for this bottom to get started and going because we're gonna get some pokemon to spawn here and get some sick items hopefully get some apricor in this episode and start making poke balls all right i got some material let's head back over to the new biome oh our first pokemon just spawned i was just building the biome oh and actually a person a legit person spawned here all right that's okay um so what is what we're after so well it's not actually what we're after but this is a um three xp dudes the new pokemon we haven't seen before and a drop string i think all bug pokemon drop spring string but i'm hoping that we can get redund or squove it to spawn here i think that's one of the two that spawn here and if they do then uh i think they spawn on the trees so hopefully we can get up in the trees and get them dudes level 26 of my charming level 27 it's not going to be a very it's going to be a very good fight pokemon are not spawning i need to get rid of this guy maybe i can kill him please die please oh all right easy no one saw that um oh there's a waddle up there nice they dropped melon seeds that's pretty cool i guess hey we're getting even more pokemon spawning right now we have cocoons and everybody and weedles dude we're just i hope this is the right place though we just built this in the right place and not the wrong area oh a cricket that's new spider-right uh that will ever use that oh boys look what just spawned here easy ender eyes which we will probably not use for anything in this game but still cool to have them though right still cool to have got a middle herb and two ender pearls nice we could potentially make it ender chess which might come in handy in the future oh pucciana that's cool what does pujana draw oh i just dropped bones most dog pokemon shot bones all right guys i think i feel something out i learned that pokemon can use this um ability called forage um by pressing i think it's pressing g oh what do we just get we got seeds what all right so i'm gonna try this a few times i think he can just forage i think we can actually find apricorns in the trees from him foraging instead of looking for a green dent or whatever to spawn oh we got something there what is that we got a white tulip all right we'll put that there i guess there is a chance we could get apricorns i think i'm not entirely sure oh dudes i literally just got an apricorn okay charmeleon dude you have come in so handy in this series my dude today you're going to evolve and you also got some apricorns which is pretty sick i guess um we could start making a farm now we need more than just blue though i'm gonna plant this for here for now just to get some more growing until then charmeleon let's keep searching for red ones and maybe even some yellow ones if we can all right i looked it up looks like you can literally find any color of the apricorns here so hopefully oh we actually got a we got a white one boys we're getting africorns this episode yes i didn't even have to make my way to this biome it was a waste of materials um but i think before the end of the series i want my way to every single one of the biomes and make a little area there this is also a great place to train to our million because everything here is just weak to fire all right charmeleon get us a yellow one please oh nothing was found level 29 dude just seven more levels away from evolving to a charizard all right guys i changed something about the mod pack a little bit so i was noticing that these apricorns weren't actually growing because the tom wasn't actually moving in the game so i actually had to change it to where time was moving in the game so these things would actually grow because you can't do the little dance and make them grow instantly i wish you could do that with them all but apparently does not work on apricorns so before it was stuck on daylight um so i guess we're just gonna keep having the days actually move now instead of sucking at one day lot mode at the time or whatever this is actually okay for us too because we needed greetings to spawn oh we found nothing again um because this is not a very good way to get apricorns um and green only responds to daytime so um hopefully at the daytime we can come here ingredients will be everywhere and they'll just drop apricorns like crazy hey we should get a black apricorn now nice all right charmander let's get some more apricorns nothing was found all right let's try again i really want to get a red one um i think that's the one i want to go to i want red and yellow we got white black and blue now we need green as well i don't really care for pink so i hope i don't get that one oh we actually found a carrot what we plant carrots in this game or do you need carrots either can you just stick them in the ground i don't know oh there's a slovak i can drop red ones right woven drop us some apricorns please all right squive it we're here to kill you so hopefully you just die dude hopefully okay there we go what a draw oh yes red apricorns nice nice there's another one right there i can see its tail all right another one down but no apricorn we got a pink tulip this time no apricorn again yes another one nice dude there are so many squivets spawn there's two of them right here right now another oh there's a dude here at level 26 i'm really tempted to take charge million on and see if i can get some levels on my chart million we're almost level 30 so i think we're trying to defeat this guy if we can this would be our actually i don't even beat a trainer before but i don't remember if we have or not maybe we can beat this guy he's got a coughing up first um we'll see what we can do though all right we at least knocked out the coughing and that that got us killed nice all right i think um i've got three red apricorns and i went for these guys to grow here so thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go over to that area and find out where i'm gonna make my apricorn farm at and start making the apricorn farm all right here it is the apricorn farm has been started oh no pokemon are spawning hopefully i don't know about this thing here um but we got uh this started here and i'm gonna do red on this side then just whatever different colors we have here so i want to make some more layers then i'll go check out the rest of my apricorns over there and then continue planting this farm here the only bad thing about the daily knot cycle now is that we can't sleep whenever we want to and heal our charmeleon um i need a little bit more dirt to finish the farm up but i think this is gonna get for a little bit i'm gonna head back over here and start getting more apricorns now i can't wait to get charizard this walking is so annoying oh i think our apricorns have grown a little bit more actually they grown that one's not this one has got a white oh it's actually grown right no one more stage then we can get it get up to apricorn charmeleon come back did that fall off the edge of the map i think that apricorn it was pink anyways so it doesn't even matter all right there i just harvested a white apricorn so that's nice level 30 charmeleon dudes six more levels oh flamethrower nice six more levels until we get charizard nice green boy this guy can drop different colors i think but he's a pretty high level hopefully i think there can be some damage here all right we almost beat it but we got knocked out i'm coming back for you greeting eventually oh yeah one more thing i forgot we can actually put leaves in here and get some more water we still don't have an infinite water supply and we just need one more water block and then we can have an infinite water spluff okay one thing i realized is that i'm going to need to make a anvil and i really don't want to actually hammer out the the pokeballs myself so i'm going to try to make my way over to let me open the map really quick i'm trying my way over to the swamp area the swamp biome where i can get pokemon that can drop slime with slime we could make an automatic pokeball anvil and it can make pokeballs for us instead of us having to sit there and hammer out balls for hours at a time so i guess i'll be mining cobblestone until i have enough uh slabs to get over to the i need to make axe until i have enough slabs to get over to the swamp area can we get this water now oh wait wait how much water can i get from this i think i did too much water i could this a long time ago all right let's put one water here wait now can i get more water out of this oh my gosh i could have gotten water so long ago all right we now have an infinite water supply we can put water anywhere we want to so it's not actually a bad idea to have water just dripping off the edges here because that way we can if we ever fall if we fall into the water we can swim back up boys all right and that's three stacks that should be enough to get us over the swampland area this makes like six stacks right yeah it makes a lot a lot of cobblestone slabs all right so my plan is to go over to the ice plains and then build over to the swamp land so let's go ahead and do that really quick all right and we are officially in the ice plains area now we should go over there to the swamp land and we can start spawning in our slime monsters oh i didn't know he's in the swamp i was like where in the world is the swamp at dude i swear it okay there we go so we've been in swamp for a while actually so all right so we are currently in the swamp where are we right it says we're at the beach right now all right the bottom thing is going a little crazy all right so i guess i'm gonna build up this swampland area now let's make a little area here and start putting down some blocks so pokemon can spawn on them so i'll read you guys comments and yes i now understand that pokemon spawn on blocks doesn't have to be dirt blocks can literally be any block here so i'm just gonna go ahead so i put down some like wood planks and stuff and maybe pokemon will start spawning on them or something i don't know all right i built a small little platform a lot of things i've had and this is made out of slabs and also non-slabs specifically these are not slabs here um but pokemon are not spawning maybe i gotta give it some time i'm gonna get some dirt blocks and then bring them back so i think it's gonna take dirt blocks because i think i think it does do dirt blocks gosh this is gonna take forever i gotta walk all the way to the ice area and then back to the base through that area as well further we go out the more we need charizard hey something's grown let's go ahead and plant some more almost got a full roll of red here all right to get more dirt we're gonna need more leaves oh there's a trainer over here is he high enough for me to fight level are you dude 39 never mind never mind okay i still got 32 dirt blocks in here i could actually finish up my farm i don't know how many third blocks i had all right let's go back i got some dirt we're gonna make some pokemon spawn and get ourselves good old slime yeah i don't think it's just any block they can spawn on i think it has to be dirt blocks because there's still nothing spawning over here i don't think cobblestone works either so i think we put down some dirt blocks they'll actually start splatting a little bit since we're going to be here we might as well start collecting materials um and making ourselves useful and getting more wood we're almost out of wood now anyways so we will be planting trees here oh a pokemon did spawn and it's a bell sprout see it's spawn on the dirt block guys i know it's the dirt blocks oh it drops wheat and seeds nice all right so i guess we'll be chopping trees and stuff and hopefully civil spawn i know the pokemon we're looking for i think coughing and grammar drop um slime which they spawn in the night time i think talks will drop slime as well which can spawn in the day at least i think we should get one to spawn that's the thing oh shroomish nice nether war that's pretty cool ooh s pair what's that what's that drop oh it drops ender pearls nice bro this ink i thought it was shiny for a minute but i think it's model is just off for some reason it'll probably drop ender pearls as well yeah oh ink sack though that's pretty cool we can actually use those to make a camera in the future oh i'm stuck in a tree we can actually use the ink sacs to make cameras in the future for a really cool episode all right the sun is going down that means pokemon are gonna spawn and drop slime let's hope we can find one tonight so we can just go ahead and leave this area or at least get a few slime drops because i want to have more than one anvil eventually you know there's a lot of bug pokemon spawning in the sky i think that's going to be right there oh stunky can you drop slime dude please nope just bones just bones all right we're getting really unlucky with the spawns another stunky just came in but this should get a level 31 which is only five levels away from your boy being a charizard and there we go level 31. nice oh level 40 fungus dude can we beat this oh it attacked us anyways ah dude we need to attack it we have to attack it right can we kill it please okay toxic does that's not bad that's not bad dude we just gotta hope that we can kill it and get that free xp dude could this drop a slime ball all right this will kill it and there we go we got a bunch of experience from that and a big root and a lot of mushrooms all right my charmander actually died of the poison i guess um so i gotta go back and heal up and then it'll be daytime that sucks hey more apricorns have grown just one more red one and we'll have finished our red apricorn row i don't know if this makes a difference but swamps usually have water in them i wonder if um putting water in the swamp will make a difference or not in uh what spawns there all right guys i got an idea for this little area here i want to make a little pool but i don't want the water flowing at the bottom so the pokemon will just fall to their deaths or whatever i want them to actually be able to swim in this little area so i do have a plan for this to be able to post because it's actually impossible to post there's actually a greeting there there's gonna give some nice stuff here level 37 and a detactus that sucks at least we um hit it with the flamethrower and got it burnt so there's half damage on its attacks now oh my god it almost one shot us with the body slam dude can we kill it please just die oh my god it killed us now we gotta wait until not time again dude this sucks anyways we can work on building this little area i guess so my plan is simple put water here all right now i just gotta not die put all my important stuff in here so in case i do die don't lose anything that i want to keep i'm just gonna keep like one oak wood plank here um so let's go ahead and place this oak wood plank here probably actually do three all right so basically what i'm do is i'm gonna go in the water all right this is sketchy and what we're gonna do is we're gonna place a block under here so let's see if we can get under here and look up and then place the block i'm so nervous all right i think it's working boys there we go we went um two down i guess now we can just pick this water up here put it here for now because we fall off but we can now place platforms down like this for some reason i still feel like pokemon can come through the bottom here so we're gonna clog this up by placing some blocks all right now we have like a little pool area we can actually um get some more water and then make this into like a non-flowing water area all right we might as well grab a bed too so we can heal up our back over here all right there we go we have a nice little pool now and i think i figured out what's wrong with our spawns let me sleep really quick and then i'll explain all right so if you notice right now on the swamp land and then over here well dude i swear earlier there we go flower forest is right here swamp land is where i think we're too close to the flower forest swamp land's back this way so maybe a little more back this way oh ladybugs i heard ladybug guys that means ladybug can actually um bond and actually drop slime where's that where's that where's it i can hear it where's it at it must have already flew away because it ain't on the map no more i just heard another ladybug guys where is it at oh there it is can i hit it not even close not even sorry charmeleon yes yes it spawned a little right in front of me all right this is going to give us slime boys this is going to give us slime i think it's guaranteed slime right come on level 32 too oh yeah one slime ball and one glowstone we need that glowstone actually but that's enough to make one machine to make some pokeballs so i think i'm gonna head back now i'm tired of being in the swamp area uh we're only four levels away from a charizard so i'm excited for that all right to make an automatic anvil we need a total of seven iron bars and i think we have not even well we actually have four that's pretty decent about to have five um so i'm gonna go ahead and get some stuff after i put up all of my items in here and we're gonna make ourselves an automatic anvil all right i don't feel like doing any more of this so let's see if we can get enough iron from just 56 gravel all right we got one we need eight more or seven more now so hopefully we can just get seven more iron ore chunks all right we definitely didn't get enough we still need three more all right 37 more gravel let's go all right we have enough now but i'm going to continue shifting the scrabble because why not oh we got an emerald gz me all right we got a crap ton of iron that time let's go ahead and finish this up all right now we gotta smelt this and then we move on to the next area all right all the iron is completed all right let's make an automatic thing for me to make a piston which is two cobblestone wood okay got it and this should be what we need for a piston and there we go nice and then a sticky piston is just this piston with the slime ball that's perfect and then to make an automatic anvil we need a furnace and we need some iron bars there's the furnace there's some iron bars and this should make mechanical anvil nice all right i don't want to put it inside my house i want to put it somewhere like over here i think i want to make like uh area that connects to my house right there that i can make like a little place where i make apricorns and stuff all right that should make um it's not completed but it is area now we can make our apricorns here um so let's just go ahead and set up like this we're gonna need some coal for this one all right i took half the coal from each furnace we can put it in here we actually need more furnaces out here for our dudes so let's get some more furnaces and then we will um put some out here for the apricorns all right four furnaces should be good for now i guess i should take some coal out of this and maybe divvy it up we haven't gotten coal in a while but we can actually start cooking these apricorns now and we're just one ironing it so we'll see another iron and get to make ourself a ball bases we're also gonna make some stone as we get some buttons for the pokeballs no i pushed the wrong button i was trying to push the c button and i pushed the button to kill us i think i had the iron on me i don't even know i think i had i don't think anything did have iron on me please somebody had another iron i had the iron at least not the diamonds or anything important all right i guess since we die we can start getting materials back i have been getting my pickaxe a stone thing i just get some wood and i think i'm gonna focus on getting char million into a charizard right now so i guess the next clip will be us leveling up our pokemon oh yeah level 32 trainer let's get it oh yeah a level 22 trainer let's get some easy levels here unless she has a geodude and then a slowpoke then we really can't do anything about it all right we got defeated there so that sucks while i'm at it i might as well get some more iron so we can make some pokeball bases we will need 12 of these little chunks to make three iron bars to make enough ball bases for us to make at least one pokeball i need one more iron piece i just got three from four so that's that's just super unlucky all right let's go ahead and smelt these down all right our stone is finished cooking we can actually go ahead and make the buttons really quick oh a voltorb this could actually drop us like actual parts for the pokeballs let's see what he dropped he actually dropped iron base dude nice that'll actually come in handy hey level 33 charmeleon and we couldn't let the buzz which dropped thunderstone shards that must be the only way we can get thunderstones in this entire game unless there's something i'm just not thinking about right now hey i just put up a new painting of charizard charming this is what you're gonna look like in just a few levels dude you're gonna look amazing let's go all right our iron is completed i guess we can go ahead and make some ball bases that way we can get this going by training our charizard all right so these will be done in just a little bit i love the animation on this machine though it does look really really cool dude a lot of like newer pokemon are spawning now we got some even like tauros is over here i think i'll train over here and try to get apricorns while i'm training each other to level 36. oh agree them we can actually get some blue apricorns or maybe some dip oh level 40 green hunt i think we're about to lose boys we can try oh yeah we're about to get smoked i need the let us see to run away why spawn into level 44. our actual when we planted earlier that's about to be finished growing then we could plant more blue ones over at our little farm over there hey there we go level 34 just two levels to go boys oh no now there's two level 40 green i think i'm gonna train in the desert i know baltimore drops clay and i have a plan for clay in the next episode we're gonna be recording so i might as well stock up now while i can oh there's actually already a ball toy here nice all right it seems like with flamethrower now i'm a lot stronger in this area and there's some clay and a lot of terracotta all right let's say we already got five clay and that's pretty good and a lot of wood i didn't even know about all right we also need the bones so give me all the bones i can get ooh nummel and silicobra spawned so um these pokemon are pretty strong and i definitely can't knock them out with charmeleon maybe i can knock out this trap hinge but i'm gonna say probably not oh nevermind we definitely can we definitely can and i'm saying nice all right silly cobra attacked us might as well try and see if we can knock it out oh we can one shot that pokemon too i guess other credit i think drop red sand dude that's actually for i can actually sit down and get some really good stuff with that i think i know for sure i can't knock out numble uh it's a fire type anyways oh no another one spawned another trap hinge let's go three sand do they drop so much sand now a hippo dude can we knock this thing out i'm gonna say probably not i think it has thick fat ability doesn't i think it could definitely knock us out if we wanted to let's wait see if we can see the other thing spawn number keep spawning this one's level 18 we might able to knock this one out i don't even know normal drops but we can drag and breath one to death and we got uh some sand and some flint nice all right these animals are not that bad as long as they don't use like magnitude or some kind of ground move ooh helium tile hey dude this trap inches level 35 just one level away from a charizard boys all right i wanna see if i can knock out this hippo i'm gonna say that it knocks us out though but if we can get it this could be some cool drops as well as um some good xp oh we got it to halfway um but i think it's gonna kill us with the sand tune yep you're lucky my charmeleon's dead or i'll wipe the floor with you right now you stupid geodude don't do that to me and you with that smug look on your face i'm coming back for you all right hippo we are back and ready for action if charmeleon dies this time i'm going to be so mad it's gotta wait a whole other day just to heal up there we go we knocked him out yes we got some beef and sand nice oh cool of magmar spawned i don't want to take it on though right now oh a silly cobra can drop silicon i didn't know that not that it's actually used for anything helpful but there it is oh boys this should be it right here this is level 36 let's see um level 36 okay we got stuff okay we can't actually see it no we're gonna have like a weird angle i wish you could move the screen but you i moved the screen a little bit there but it didn't work very much but we can kind of see the evolution here all right now we're inside of charlotte's body but we now have a charizard um wing attacks pretty good we can actually ride this charizard now let's survey our land we can literally just fly where we want to go now we could literally get to places so much faster i just need to remember to never press shift while flying i have a problem of doing that if you guys have watched my previous series but let's go ahead and land back at our house here all right we evolved charizard our final goal for this episode is to go ahead and get some pokeballs and i think we're about there alright yes we have this and we have some ball bases now we just got to make a few pokeballs i don't know how many i want to make but might as well just make as many as we can right all right now these just gotta get pressed into pokeballs it won't take very long guys and we're gonna have ourselves another pokemon on our team for the first time since the beginning of the series guys oh well in the meantime we can train our charizard and see how he's gonna fight this survivor all right charizard flamethrower to death all right that's all i have to see that is what i like to see we got some rotten flesh nice all right let's just go ahead and make a pokeball we now have the lid we have the base and we have the button and that is going to make our first ever pokeball dudes that's right our series just got that's right our series just got a whole lot more in depth uh but we're not gonna catch up so that means next episode we're gonna go on a catching spree catching as many pokemon as we can alright guys so at the beginning of the video i did ask you guys to say the entire video and then at the very end i would ask you all a question a lot of this stuff has taken me a long time to record and i've just been recording everything and nothing off camera so if you guys want do you guys think i should collect resources like stone and wood and stuff off camera if so go to my community section on my channel and be sure to vote in the poll and see what you guys think but with that being said i guess we can go ahead and episode here guys i want to thank you all so much for watching if you haven't watched the previous episodes you can watch them the link in the description down below or you can click the playlist here on the end screen as always god bless you guys and i'll see you next one thanks for watching guys this is my greatest video yet we get so much done this episode and you don't want to miss any of it plus i got a question for you guys at the end so make sure you watch the entire video yo guys what is up welcome back to another minecraft skyblock episode so you guys voted in the last episode to see if i would collect materials off of camera and majority of you guys said yes so i've been working my butt off collecting stone and gravel and wood and if you look behind me you can see that we have quite a good apricorn farm going now and if you look behind me this direction you will see the beast mega ampharos which spawned and with charizard there's literally no way we can defeat it right now i wish i could get a mega stone bracelet but it's gonna have to wait until we have a pokemon that can actually talk out of ampherhost but anyways guys make sure you stick around to the end of this episode we have a lot planned for today and i don't want you to miss any of it with that being said let's get the video started all right charizard last episode you helped us fly around and dude we're going to be using you a lot today all right guys so me and charlotte have some really plans today today we're going to be focusing on building a nether portal oh yeah i'll show you guys i built a couch so we could actually just chill out here dude this couch looks extremely comfy in the last episode we got pokeballs so i think it's time we get a pokemon and i really want to catch a water type and i think some of those water types are going to be spawning over in the swampland area so charizard let's get over the swampland area and see if we can find any cool pokemons thanks for the ride buddy let's see if we can find anything here all right i'm going to be training on wild pokemon while i'm doing this just to get some experience and some sick drops from these guys because you never know what you might get um these guys drop ender pearls i'm pretty sure and yeah they do nice we also have this little water pool here spinning some pokemon actually spawn in this thing i just realized this is planks down here we probably need to put some like sand in the bottom of this so that way pokemon actually spawn in it all right i'm just gonna steal some sand from the desert really quick and put it in the pond over there oh for me i thought this was a shiny jodo but dude this is our first boss pokemon all right let's check it out so we can get from this thing all right uh boss pokemon give us some good stuff here hopefully we can knock it out without getting killed oh never mind we just got hit with a smackdown um yeah we're we're still not ready for this dude yet i am so dumb for trying to catch a wild pokemon when i know the best way to actually get water pokemon and that's not making a fishing rod and now we actually have pokeballs we can actually make a pokeball fishing rod if i can actually remember the recipe there we go an old rod boys so to actually get a good rod we need blaze rods which are from magmars and i think they spawn in the desert so eventually we can get those oh this is good drop bones please bones is one of the things we need for our episode today to make the nether portal so hopefully we get bones from this pokemon drop yes there we go all right so that's seven bones i need seven clay now good to go with the seven bones all right i definitely didn't make this deep enough to put the sand on the bottom um but we can still fish here let's see what we can get boys oh we got a golden i can't actually see it because charlotte's in the way but maybe we should catch goldeen there's so many cool pokemon spawning here's a comb face i guess because we're in the flower forest area so it's gonna spawn oh we dropped some flowers baby oh yes level 25 golden so this is probably more like what we want to catch so i just one shot it dude i'm too strong all right next time we're gonna not kill it unless we do kill it then we don't catch it all right another level 25 goldeem we can't see it because of our screen i'm gonna go firefame this time and see if that does anything yeah i should resist the fire all right um dude let's see if we can catch it i don't want pokeballs though so hopefully this is a decent one at least we've only got six pokeballs uh let's see if we can get it we can't even see the pokeballs so hopefully we just get it dudes come on first pokemon first pokemon did we get it oh i broke free oh i don't know man should we catch this should we catch this all right i'm gonna throw one more pogo if we don't catch it then it's not meant to be that's how i'm gonna do it if i catch it i meant to be i think we're gonna get it we just caught our first pokemon boys what what welcome to the team goldie what is wrong with your model hopefully sea king looks better than this oh it has mystic water on it that's lucky and it actually has water pulse all right so um our next plan is to go to the desert and use this golden to actually take on some pokemon there gosh you're so ugly oh dude there's a core fish levels of score fish level 28 dude i'm gonna try to catch this if i can catch this instead i'd either use that than goldeen and we also have mystic water so that'll make it better all right this time i'm able to actually move the screen and get a decent look at the core fish um oh dude that health is so low we're gonna throw all our pokeballs this core fish and hopefully we can get it boys where's the pokeball where is the pokeball at he broke free okay he just sent off a cliff alright three pokeballs left let's get it hey we got it nice all right corfish i like you a lot better than golden and your model isn't that bad what nature are you quirky i'm pretty sure that's not an actual good nature i think it's like neutral actually and this one's lonely which isn't actually a bad nature for goldeen but i don't know if i want to use it or not all right i think i'm actually probably going to use golden so um what i'm going to do is i'm going to wait for the knot tom so we can heal up our pokemon because right now we still don't have a healer and that's one of the things we're going to be getting from the desert area with golding so we'll have a healer soon i actually have something over here my information you guys in this little area here that's an aluminum ore piece and aluminum ore is what you use to make everything in the pixelmon mod and you can actually get this from sifting the sand and the sieves over here so we're gonna get as much sand as we can and sift as much as we can and see if we can get enough aluminum ores to actually make some plates so we can make pcs and healer machines we still need to find yellow i need to expand this out and put a yellow patch um but until then we don't have yellow yet so we just have blue black white and red yellow and green would be nice to have i also mentioned the beginning of the video that i harvested a lot of materials i didn't show you guys yet but this is all the gravel that i got um i think it was six hammers i just or five or six hammers sick five and a half i think this is how much gravel we got this is going to probably give us a lot of iron and hopefully a few diamonds if we can we will need diamonds to make a hilling machine but i'm still not sure if i want to use a diamond to make a healing machine or if i want to go ahead and make sieves with it either way we'll need a lot of diamonds for the sieves only one for the hilling machine so i think the helmet she might be the way to go that way we don't wait for night time to actually help her pokemon all right our pokemon are all held up time to head over to the desert all right let's get as much sand as we can we can actually use charlotte to knock out some of these trap hinges and stuff probably oh miraculous drop the cactus we can actually plant cactuses here now dude goldeen is tearing up these numbers hardcore um looks like we have a graveler here this could give us some bauxite ore which is a guaranteed piece of aluminum so let's see if we can knock it out here oh we all hold that out with our core fish actually alright he actually killed himself but he oh he actually dropped the box out or and three gravel dude this is gonna give us a guaranteed piece of aluminum this jojo is getting smacked by a cactus and he just got sucked what what what did i just say did i say he just got sucked what oh boys look what just spawned all pokemon are dead except for my charizard and pokeballs we have left we have two pokeballs left the chances of me catching this pokemon are extremely low i don't think i can weaken it boys i might want to do is gonna kill it here and i got two pokeballs i can make more let's see if we can get lucky here and catch this spinnaking please stay in the ball come on no i don't think it's gonna work i don't think it's gonna work all right we got one last ball let's just keep our fingers crossed can we get it boys can we get it wiggle once wiggle twice and uh all right finickin time for you to die all right what does the finickin drop blaze powder and a stick nice blaze powder is actually helpful all right let's smelt our first bauxite ore dude i'm glad that we have graveler spawning now because we can get some aluminum yes our first aluminum ingot um but to make plates though we're definitely gonna need a lot more iron so that we can actually have two iron thinger here we got a lot of gravel um i think i'm gonna start sifting now and see if we can get anything good first things first let's sift all this sand and see if we can get some more aluminum from this all right i actually got one piece from 16 so it's pretty rare i guess it's probably better if you use um diamond meshes but it's gonna be a while before we have four diamond meshes anyways let's go ahead and sift all of this gravel all right we have so much gravel to sift i guess i'll see you guys once it done um i'm gonna keep a secret what i got until the very end of me sifting all of this all right guys this should finish it up here um this is gonna get us to our last thing and it looks like we surpassed our max stack of iron which is really really good all right i know that we have found a diamond i put and we found two emeralds before i put them in my inventory i put them in the socket surprise myself to see how many um like diamonds and emeralds we would get so um let's go over here and see how many we got boys oops charlie that's the wrong button and oh dude non diamonds that's actually insane all right so that's actually really really good dudes if we had three more diamonds we could make two sieves diamond mesh sieves um and then we got six emeralds for every emerald pound that could have been a chance for another diamond which kind of sucks but you know that's okay um so we can make a lot so i guess 16 iron that's a lot of iron and we've also got this right here so boom 17 iron we have any more in here not just one short of being able to make that and i don't really care much for gold right now um so let's just go ahead and smelt all this iron and then i guess we're gonna need to make ourself an anvil with this iron all right 10 should be enough i think we can take this here and i think you place them like this here and yeah that makes an anvil which we can make some amazing stuff on boys i'm gonna stick it here for now all right and we take our aluminum we're gonna stick it on the anvil here and with our trusty hammer our stone hammer all right there we go dudes it is working it is working all right this is gonna be our first aluminum plate this iron hammer takes forever though i mean this is not even iron hair this is actually a stone hammer what i'm talking about i could make an emerald hammer eventually i guess dudes we just got our first ever aluminum plate now we need like five more of these to actually make a pc or even anything i think you need actually four of them to make a healing machine all right so we actually do need four of them a diamond and then four iron and then to make a pc we need six of them we already have one and then we can make the redstone and the glass we all have all this stuff except for the aluminum plates here all right we have nine iron and um we have two aluminum ores here i actually have some more sand i could sift and see if we can get some more aluminum but we now have ten diamonds guys we're two diamonds away from having two diamond meshes i think i'm gonna go ahead and make one mesh actually all right let's make this diamond mesh here we got this on each side and dude there we go this is the final mesh i went ahead and moved this one over here because you don't want to be missing those things together because we want to have the best chances to get the best stuff and we now have an official diamond mesh this will actually increase our chance of getting diamonds to like 1.6 and i think 25 to get iron ore so we're gonna have a lot more materials very soon anyways we still need clay so i guess we can go ahead and head on over to the desert and see if we can get some ball toys to spawn oh dude sizzle peed it's level 25 we can knock it out pretty easy with gold in here um has a chance to draw blaze rods i'm pretty sure and we can use it to make a good rod dude that'd be sick all right what does it drop it drop string okay oh dude gibbel's here i hate killing it but we need the stuff drop the bone that's pretty good dude there's so many gimbals spawning ooh yom ass what does this drop y'all mass doesn't drop anything i think most um like ghost pokemon don't actually drop anything all right another night without any ball toy spawns kind of sucks but let's continue on doing other stuff with our adventure all right let's see how much aluminum we can get from this one diamond mesh here um if we can get any at all we have 10 sand i don't know how long it's going to take maybe we'll get something good i don't know all right i'm pretty sure we didn't get a single thing from that but that's okay all right i found another way to actually get clay without having to look for the ball toys and that's actually making sand by hitting the gravel with a hammer so we're currently just making things as small as possible all right then we take all the sand and line it up and hit it one more time and that's gonna give us dust i'm pretty sure dust blocks or whatever the world that is all right the next step to making clay is making a stone barrel which i've never actually done before but we did smith a lot of stone over here earlier for this we're gonna need some stone slabs and then i think you just go like you're making a regular barrel and there we go that's nice stone barrel we will need our bucket for this we have to find our bucket really quick all right good thing we still have water in here we can okay maybe we don't have enough water anymore but we do have a limited water over here all right i guess we just put the dust in here or we put the water in here and then we put the dust in it and then oh that gave us clay and then that gives us how much clay i think you can cannot get rid of this okay oh you mine it and then you get clay all right that should give us enough to make what we want to make now so we have way too many dust blocks all right the next one we're making is a uh okay the next one we're making is called a clay crucible we need seven clay and seven bone meal i think so let me just make sure this is the right way to do this all right that's right porcelain clay we have more than enough bone meal for this and this should give us what we need to make a crucible there we go unfired crucible then i think we just take this and we can stick it inside this place and then that makes a fire crucible all right our journey is almost completed we now have a crucible and this is the next step to making our nether portal for this to work i'm pretty sure you have to put this over top of a heat source like a i think it could be over a torch or it can be over lava or something we're gonna put ours over lava we can just uncover this really quick and then i guess we can just place it right there and that should be good we can use it as a thing to stop our blocks or whatever and it's still over the lava and i think we can just put cobblestone inside here and then eventually this will melt down into lava and we can put it in our bucket and we can make ourselves you can slowly see it going down though this is how we're gonna make our portal guys all right well that's working we need to get some cobblestone because we gotta make ourself a portal and we're gonna need to make like a frame for it i don't know why i'm mining this for i did a lot of this off camera i have so much cobblestone back here in the chest uh we have like four stacks uh that's pretty good all right first things first we got to build a little area where we're gonna put the portal up then we'll put the port on top of my house here all right i gotta admit i have no idea what to do once we get into the nether i just wanna go there and see what it's all about did this make lava yet is this enough to get out of the bucket oh it is yes let's fill it back up really quick all right first things first we need to make a base and to do a base we need some water and some lava so what we're going to do is we're going to pour the water on the lava and make some obsidian but i do want an unlimited water source so we are going to make one of those really quick and that should do her there we go boys there we go we have our first little thing here and we need some more lava to put there and then we'll have our first two obsidian for our base and then i guess we can build up around the edges and then we're almost done with this dudes i wonder if we can keep filling this up and see how much lava we can get if we can get over the top we can probably get enough lava to make a portal really quick i guess i could harvest some gravel while i'm waiting for this to go on all right we can still put a little bit more cobblestone in here i was able to get 54 um able to get 61 gravel here almost a full stack let's see if we can get any more diamonds there is a 1.6 chance that we get diamonds and a 1.6 chance until we get emeralds i guess and uh 25 chance we get uh iron so we need as much irons we can get so this is actually good oh we got a diamond yes we need one more um and then we can actually uh make another diamond sieve and do two at once which would be lit we gotta be getting close to filling this up and i think it actually is full now all right let's see how much we can make all right there is our second half of the base now he's gotta build up a little thing here um so we can get the place for the lava to flow all right now we're starting to build the upper halves um going up with a thing all right let's take our water now and turn these into obsidian and there we go there we go we'll just keep building up all right guys i think i have enough lava now to finish this off really quick let's just get this here uh once we do this here we should be able to get the um top half and then just finish it up all right this should be our last bucket of lava let's get it boys let's take our water here and pour it and dude i think we got a portal let's just clear off this cobblestone really quick all right there we go boys looks like we did it we completed and made a nether portal we just got to make a flint instill really quick all right here we go i have no idea what to expect but let's turn this thing on boom we have a portal boys goldeen i want to thank you for helping us get this far but dude you are so ugly my god all right i guess let's head on inside i i think it's going to be exactly like this but potentially we could get ourselves some blaze rods by making areas where pokemon can spawn let's see what they got whoa oh boys looks like the nether is actually normal so what is this what is this i didn't get a block in that i'm on that ain't gonna block bro this is good for us dude senate scorch there's so many good pokemon here i like how we're on the side of this cliff we could just fall off at any moment what is this block netherrack okay this is netherrack nice this would be like a super easy block for us to get to use to like travel in our land and stuff instead of wasting all of our resources on slabs and things we can use this to travel from island to island now i think dirt spawns another somewhere and gravel spawns here dude we could get so much gravel is that gravel there or something else i'm gonna go get a piece of wood and make some more tools like shovels and stuff i'll be right back oh dude you can't see it but right now a pony hard to spawn and this is a great source of aluminum all right we got two iron ingredients dude this is going to be such a good place for us to train there's another pony are there too two more iron ingots all right let's fly around and see if we can find anything good i don't know if that's gravel or not i actually don't think that scrabble looks like some kind of soul sand or something but let's go check it out is this soul sand or is this i think it's i think it's definitely soul sand oh yeah that's soul sand for sure all right that's gravel there i think oh yeah this is definitely gravel all right since we know pawn yard spawns in here i'm just gonna hunt it down um and try to kill it as much as i can to get as many resources as i can anyways all right pawn yard give us some good stuff dude oh we got two aluminum from that that's nice let's see one more and we can make a hilly machine it's kind of scary flying charlotte in here we might need to get a different flying dot pokemon um to help us ooh ooh there's a lot of rock pokemon spawn in here when i got this graveler we could probably get ourselves some aluminum ore all right level 25 we can do this we get bauxite yes we did do we can make a hilly machine now let's get back to the portal and head back and make a hill machine all right the nether just made this game so much easier so the faster you get to the nether the faster you can do a lot more stuff all right so while that's melting i guess we get the materials out so we do need um one diamond for this all right there we go we got the aluminum let's hammer it down this is going to take a long time but we have to do this to make the machine oh yeah i'll try to show you guys this but we actually started um planting yellow ones nice that means in the future we can make ourselves some quick balls all right we have all the materials let's see here put the diamond in the middle and then i don't know if these go on the edges or they go like that but we're about to find out and all right it's the other way around and this should fix it there we go a healing machine yes it's taking so long to get to this point but here we are we can officially heal our pokemon anytime we want to i'm gonna move our bed i don't really like it there anymore all right the new bed is here um we need to build a pc now so we need six more aluminum and then uh that's what we're going to do i guess i'll head to the uh i said the nether and see if we can find some more aluminum from the gravelers and also oh there's a volt orb but like i said i'm going to head to the nether and see if i can find any more pawn yards and then i'll get some more aluminum stuff and maybe even some more gravelers to get some bauxite ore all right we need to be very careful in here but we need the we need the aluminum more so we got to take risks here boys i wonder where the fortress is the forest could have diamonds in it oh i found the fortress there it is there it is boys it's somewhere under all this i feel like i hear a slime are there mobs in here oh an advancement was made a terrible fortress i feel like i hear a slime for some reason hello there anyone down here oh there's actually a blaze spawner um but i don't think blaze spawn in this hopefully they don't spawn all right might as well get some of this glow some over here so close to us i'm hoping we can find a chest soon because chess could have diamonds in them and that would help us advance way further and way faster and this four just goes for ways and ways back here another blaze spawner we must have gotten really unlucky because i'm pretty sure i think i've explored the entire thing now i thought it was really big but it's actually not that big here's an upstairs part maybe it uh extends out and we can go even further into the fortress and no it doesn't it just dead ends right there okay looks like there's part of a fortress right here and is that some up there no it's not a fortress we could go check out up here and see what it's all about yeah i'm not really seeing anything i guess let's uh head back over to the beginning area here because this was a the worst other fortunes i've ever seen in my entire life okay please do not oh god this is bad this is bad this is bad okay charizard is a fire pokemon that means he can actually withstand the lava somewhat so dude this is why it's so bad to flash hard inside here all right let's see if we can make it home without getting killed down charizard dude but for real though the nether is kind of beautiful in a weird kind of scary way yes here's our first pawn yard come on we need six aluminum all right all we got from that one was iron oh yes another one oh yes two aluminum and two iron nice yes drop us a blaze rod please and nope nobody's rod oh yes a boss pokemon i think we could knock it out with charizard too it's a uh four times a week to flying top so dude one wing attack we get it we kill it oh yeah what do we get what do we get this is our first ever boss a power band dude nice there's a boss zubat next to it what dude two bosses spawn together this is that's that's like super lucky that's gotta be the best look i've ever had my entire life all right we're gonna get from this one um we're gonna get ourselves a oh choice band dude we're getting all the items now there's a lot of fairy mushroom pokemon spawning in this purple area fungi forests i guess it's why oh there we go another one give us the two aluminum drop please oh we got it dude nice two more to go oh yes there's one right there all right this could be the last one hopefully potentially um let's get it what is it going to be oh yes yes indeed all right we have enough to make a pc now let's get back home while i'm here i might as well get these things started i'm going to go ahead and make a few um 15 i guess 15 ball bases here see if we can get ourselves some quick balls soon all right now i guess we just gotta go ahead and hit these things out which is gonna really suck all right i guess i will see you guys once i have smashed out all this aluminum all right this is the last panel there we go we got a six we can go ahead and make a i'm gonna make a redstone lamp really quick good thing we picked up some glowstone earlier we already had enough but then we picked it up now too we actually need some sand too so we can make a glass panel so good that we picked up some uh the gravel in the nether all right let's go ahead and make the redstone lamp here i think you just take four around the edges there we go redstone lamp acquired all right the glass is done just make some panels really quick all right and this should be everything that we need to make ourself and that should be everything that we need to make ourself a uh pc so let's put it in here like this and there we go boys we got ourselves and we got a porygon piece too that's pretty nice put that up here for safe keeping all right here we go boom we now have a pc and we can put up this core fish finally dudes we've completed so much stuff in the episode so far i guess the next thing to do is to make some quick balls and start catching more pokemon all right we also got 15 iron bases here we can use those later all right there we go we have 12 quick ball discs now let's stick these into the automatic press here and this should make us some beautiful quick balls i just love looking at the animation for some reason it's crazy to think that we've made all these guys from just one block and me and charizard starting off with basically nothing we've made it this far into the series we've seen a lot of progress and we still had a long way to go to finish this up oh there's somebody in my apricorn field how did you get up here a level 37 trainer this might be actually good experience and a little bit of money okay she looks like she's a water trainer so this might not be good this might not be good for us guys oh she's sitting on bay gun all right easy knock out the bag on all right we defeated our first well i think we've actually defeated other changes before but we defeated we did defeat that person nice all right we got a quick wall lids let's go ahead make some quick balls all right this should give us 12 quick balls nice now we can use these to catch some good pokemons one step at a time boys one step at a time all right guys now that we have quick balls i want to ask you guys the question i mentioned in the beginning of the video i'm gonna take suggestions from you guys in the comment section down below which pokemon should i add to my team i have four spots left so i'll let you guys pick four of them i'll be picking from the comments make sure to comment a pokemon down below and also i think i've decided what legendary pokemon i want to go for before the end of this series i think i want to go for legendary pokemon mew charizard that means you got a lot of work ahead of you so i think eventually i want to clone it and get mewtwo so i think mewtwo is the end goal for this series but with that being said i think we made the video here we got so much done this episode and it was probably my best episode ever in this entire series but as always if you guys enjoyed it please be sure to leave a like subscribe comment if you haven't already and as always god bless you guys and i'll see the next one thanks for watching yo guys what is up guys in today's video we are aiming for 1 000 likes my wife said if i get 1 000 likes i can get a new case for my pc and you guys don't want to keep me forgetting the new case for my pc right but anyways if you guys haven't watched the last episode you can watch the last episode before you watch this one in the link in the description down below and make sure you watch to the end of the video some pretty crazy stuff happens and i do have some questions for you guys at the end so let's go boys yo guys what is up welcome back to another episode of pixelmon skyblock as you guys can see our charizard is getting very very strong and we still have this very very ugly golden which we're gonna get rid of this episode in the last video i asked you guys what pokemon should catch and today we're gonna do that we're also gonna be making our way over to the jungle biome so we can try to start catching mew but to do that we're gonna need a lot of poke balls which is why i've been kind of non-stop harvesting these off screen i don't have too many uh but we got a lot of stuff going on here you guys can see i got 15 yellows there we got 13 blacks and then we got a few blue here we need some more wood and some stuff to burn there some sticks in there for now all right so we got some poke balls coming on we got a bunch of quick balls last episode we got a little bit of iron bases here and basically we're out of iron right now and iron is the main thing that's keeping us from actually making our pokeballs oh my gosh this pit of attacked me anyways in the last episode um anyways i have been collecting resources specifically gravel and wood for this episode um i have it all right here quite a bit of wood not too much wood but then a lot of gravel so basically i'm gonna be sitting on this gravel right now and then i guess i'll see you guys once i get done sifting all this and we're gonna be going very slow because we're gonna be doing all in this diamond mesh here so hopefully we can actually get some good stuff boys but before i start that how many diamonds do i actually have i have four diamonds so if i find two more i'm going to upgrade that and get a second mesh all right it's time for the grind let's get it oh we just got our first emerald that could have been a diamond right there actually oh we just got a diamond yes one more of those and we will have ourself a second diamond mesh oh there we go there we go i just i just seen it on top corner of my eye we got uh we gotta get the rest of our diamonds over here and then we can make ourselves a second mesh and this is gonna go a lot faster all right we're taking you buddy and there we go diamond mesh now we've got two of these things we can go so much faster now i'm not really sure what any diamonds for at the moment so i think we would need it for an enchanting table but i don't even know why we would need an enchanted table at the moment or anytime soon ever in the future so i guess i could get more diamonds but i don't know what i'll use them on this is taking so long all right we've got six more diamonds i don't wanna make another mess yet because i don't know if one of these in the future for anything or in this episode or the next someone hold on to them for now holy cow it's actually raining this is like the first time it's rained in the game for a long time since like the very beginning of the game and there we go we finish it up nice all right so we got quite a bit from that actually we got enough to make 16 iron there and then a few more here and we have some in our chest too that gives us a total of 22 iron that's pretty good i still have a lot of gold which i don't know what i'm gonna do with and we got 10 diamonds from that and nine more emeralds of 18 emeralds and 10 diamonds that's insane bro i have so much gold ore here we got two regular stacks and then some a little bit here and then even some gold nuggets but i guess go ahead and make this ore into some iron ore or whatever so we can make it into some poke balls all right looks like we can make 19 ultra balls i think i'll make a few of those too let's go ahead and stick them in the machine and once again we can sit here and watch it because i do love this animation boys it's so good looking oh yeah boys voltorb spawned y'all know what that means free ball bases all right goldeen everybody wants you all right goldie and everybody wants you gone for some reason so you have to stand here until we can get a froakie actually it's probably the best way to keep these guys on our team just in case we need them to like die or something then we can actually use you guys to damage some pokemon and stuff you know what i'm saying oh i didn't know i had cobblestone in here nice nice we got an iron ball base from the voltorb gz and there we go all of our iron ingots are completed now we just got to make them into some pokeball bases here how many can we make i'm gonna keep some of this iron a little bit so uh six times five that's 30. nice we can make 30 pokeballs jeezy me and our ultra balls are done nice now should we wait for these bottoms here and we'll have some ultra balls made all right since we're waiting for our stuff to be completed we're going to go ahead and make a bunch of slabs here and we're going to head on over to the jungle area and see if we can start making our little jungle biome for ourselves i do have a jungle tree seed so once we get over there we're going to start planting some awesome jungle tree seeds and that's going to help us get a lot more wood in the future all right so we've got to build over that way to get ourself a mew and it's our vessel just spawned i'm going to kill this thing really quick so i have no idea what it drops wing attack let's go baby what is it going to give us it is going to give us gun powder and string nice all right i'll see you guys next time when i'm in the jungle biome so let's go all right boys there we go we are officially in the jungle biome all right i guess the next thing to do is to actually build like a really big platform here so that way we can actually start building our huge jungle biome for me to spawn in one of the things you guys commented down below if you guys want to catch a froakie or a greninja which is a pokemon that i really want to go for now so after i've completed this biome here for um so after i've completed this biome from you we're going to go over to the swamplands biome and see if we can get ourself a froakie boys all right i've got a pretty big platform going i want to make it a little bit bigger than this but i think i'm gonna go ahead and start getting some trees planted around here all right charlotte let's go back home and get some more materials i think i got a plan for those diamonds we got earlier all right we are back home and i do want to get some more stone so i think we'll make a diamond pickaxe just so i can get stone as fast as possible and diamonds we could always get more i'm also going to try to make a diamond hammer and see what this does i want to see how fast i can get gravel for us in the long run it might be worth getting the in the long run this might be worth it because you never know if it could get as fast or grab which will in turn mean faster diamonds and faster everything else all right let's see how fast we can get materials with this diamond pickaxe all right a whole lot faster actually um not too much not like extremely fast um if we get this in china this would be crazy probably we'll show the hammer now see if it's any faster oh man that's so fast right there way faster than the stupid stone hammer i was using before i don't even use the iron hammer so i had nothing to judge it to but this is so much faster than the iron or the stone hammer oh my gosh all these filled up from the rain i didn't even realize we have so much water now all right i got one stack pretty fast i get one more stack make a few more slabs then head back over the jungle place and probably actually plant a jungle tree with some dirt we have all right this will probably be enough cobblestone slabs let's get the sleet out now all right this will be enough cobblestone slab let's go ahead and find that seed really quick and yes there it is the jungle seed and we're getting some dirt for this too we have 23 dirt that's pretty good all right i'll meet you guys back over the jungle biome charizard fly me there buddy dude just playing on this game and all the islands and stuff it's a super cool game mode if you haven't tried it out yet be sure to try it out there's a link in the description down below where you guys can learn how to download yourself and actually play on your own so let's build a jungle biome thanks for the ride buddy once again you are coming and clutching this episode let's finish this up really quick and then we'll start planting the tree all right it looks like i made way more than enough but it's always better to have a lot more than none um let's put the tree just like right here in the middle i'm not sure how much dirt this is gonna take i know it's like four blocks wide so we want to make as many blocks as we can here my plan is to have this whole thing covered in dirt and then get some grass seed and just have grass here it may look like an actual jungle biome but let's go ahead and hit the jungle seed and see if it works all right jungle seed plant i don't know if the dancing works in the seed too but hopefully it does oh it's working it's working i don't think it's going to work but it is i might have to go get some bone meal and see if i can speed this up really quick grow tree grow core fish see if you can water this tree my dude that helps out a lot what do you think dumbest expression on his face right now i think the growth time on jungle trees is like a very long time so i might take a while and a lot of shifts clicking here just so we can oh i think it worked okay so um wasn't as big as i thought i think any four of them together to make the big tree um but let's cut this down and see what it looks like dudes hopefully we can get ourselves some saplings from this if we can't then we're screwed all right saplings please fall please fall we got one we got one i'm gonna be here a while i'm on his where where did you come from oh i guess piggyback spawns in the jungle nice if i'm gonna be here i might as well make a chest so we can get some good stuff we can put it in the chest if we need to we can keep everything safe that we don't want to lose yes we got a second one boys oh gosh there's venipe veil from the sky all right let's kill it okay it looks like we're only gonna get we got we got our last one a few minutes ago i don't really need any more saplings we might get one from this last one here i don't know i can reach it though all right we got two saplings we'll keep one in here for now but let's try to play another tree and see if it grows fast boys dance around the tree dance around the tree so we can get a jungle seed pick a peck you deserve to die for being here yes our second tree is grown nice um i guess let's chop it down see if we can get some more saplings we need three saplings right now to make the big tree i'm pretty sure you put all four together and it makes a really really really big um jungle tree so let's do that sapling please give us one dude i'm pretty sure we haven't got a single sapling yet if we don't get one from this tree we only have one left and then we hope we gotta hope we can get one from that oh my gosh oh there's one out there yes yes we got at least one we can replant oh my gosh fermandus what are you doing here i didn't mean to send in corefish he's gonna die all right fomantis now fight my charizard and see who's better now that's right charizard destroyed and we got some vine that's actually kind of cool we can use it to make our thing look really cool our jungle bomb look awesome all right this time i'm planting both trees at a time so that way we can um just do this faster i guess uh we'll see how this works out now all right i think i'll take a break from the trees and start hunting greninja for a little bit so let's go ahead and go over to the swamp biome and see if we can make the swamp biome better all right we have landed in the swamp biome um i'm gonna go ahead and heal up really quick all right so basically we want a pretty good size uh water here do i have a bucket i think i go back to my house in my bucket so i'll be back in the biome in just a little bit my bucket is here nice all right we are officially in the swamp biome and there's another core fish we're gonna make a little pond here though and see if we can make a good looking one all right here is the base of our new little swamp pond area thing so i'm gonna make it down um i don't know how deep i'm gonna make this but i need to make some water here and i'm gonna be building it down so that way we can fish in this and hopefully find ourselves a froakie boys all right i don't wanna lose oh there's an abra that's pretty cool i don't wanna lose my don pickaxe so i think i put it in here and as well as some a few other valuables about all of my food and stuff and uh these we can make all this other stuff again but um my bucket that's kind of expensive because it's made out of iron but let's see if we can go ahead and make this pretty deep i guess all right i made it i think or down so if we put a block here on the bottom one yep that's what i thought all right it should be good now oh don't don't drown don't drink now let's take our bucket and put the water on this side here put our bucket back up for safekeeping and then if we look down here we should just be able to fall right on our little block we made earlier here and this is where we're going to make ourselves uh the walls of our thing i gonna put this block on top of me all right we ran out of jungle planks so oak planks is gonna mix in and make this real ugly but we're not about looks in this series not for not at all i actually thought about solosis about the drop slime probably right and yeah it did drop slime nice the more slime we have the better boys now we're out of all the wood we have we need to get some more wood really quick all right boys and here we go this is going to well we're actually just still one block short uh unless we're using cobblestone for this one and boom there we go we have officially created a little pool and this is how it looks from the top we gotta fill this bad boy up now what in the bro dude a mega swamper just spawned dude i wish i had a grass at pokemon it's only a rare boss i mean it's pretty low level if i had any grass top i could destroy this thing let's just see if charlotte can do it charizard soul 53 that's such a high level um let's see if we can at least um damage it right go flamethrower and we did we're dead boys all right it is finally completed the water is evened out we have our little swamp pond here we can actually fish for froakie now now hopefully um you don't need an old rod or um now i'm wondering if you need a good rod or you can use an old rod i guess we'll try our old rod first and see what we can do we can also go ahead and i actually just forgot that we actually have some ultra balls to be making okay i think my old rod is actually in here and yeah there it is and our apricorns are looking good i'm gonna try to remember to harvest these every single time i come back here we actually ran out of firewood and i didn't even check it no wait wait even longer but then we have a lot of wood stuff we can just burn anything made out of wood and we actually help charlotte he actually got paralyzed by a fungus earlier so it's actually okay we're back here anyways i did find a pink apricot on the day i think you might as well have seen on the last episode or something but i didn't actually point it out but yeah you can make love balls or something with those and i don't really think they're actually gonna ever come in handy so it's just whatever all right so i looked it up and it looks like we actually can get froggy with an old rod which is good it is an ultra rare spawn so it might take a while to actually find one of those all right we got enough bases and enough lids to make 19 ultra balls let's get it and there we go boys 19 ultra balls and 12 quick balls that's pretty good that's going to help us get a quite a few pokemon actually quick balls are very very good in this in this game mode so i guess we can head on over to the swamp and see if we can encounter ourselves a froakie um hopefully it doesn't take as long as it normally does to spawn ultra rare pokemon uh but we'll see uh we are here there's actually a golden in there well um i guess let's go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute we can let our golden swim too you ugly goldie that's what our first pokemon is going to be what is it going to be boys is it going to be froakie on the first one it is a magikarp that we can't actually see we're going to be fishing for a long time to get this fro key oh a poliwag that's kind of cool what do they drop lily pads cool this will make our swamp place even more like a swamp now nice don't think the good rod i don't know if it changes the chances or if it changes the levels or what but we're going to get some blaze rods if we're going to find one of those we're just spawning so many magikarps in here and there's like different varieties i guess of magikarps which is pretty cool ooh a bell sprout level 12 though i'm really tempted to get grass pokemon to train on these like water types because the grass pokemon could be good for us and victory belt isn't that bad i just don't know where i get a leaf stone from oh a level 25 poliwag i'ma try to catch that really quick we got a lot of quick balls maybe we can get it boys maybe we can get it here there's a good chance we'll catch on the first thing here i'm pretty sure and we got it nice let's actually check it out really quick bold nature that kind of sucks i'm just catching pokemon at this point because i'm so bored i need to catch some pokemon i need a froakie come on get it oh we encountered you can't see it but we encountered a choodle um which i don't want to catch it i don't think i don't think i do it's kind of a slow it's rock type at least uh but we'll kill it i think it drops things to make a shulker box right no i guess it doesn't i could've swore someone said drop the shulker box pieces there's so many pokemon in here right now it is insane i wonder how many we can fit in this little tub there has to be like a spawn limit right right i don't know if there is going to be but it looks pretty awful oh my gosh look on the map it is insane dude there's a fla baby i actually like this pokemon and i haven't used it in a long time i might catch this for my team actually all right little bit baby all right baby let's see if we can get you and actually use you on our team that'd be kind of cool quick ball let's go this is our first time we can actually see a ball wiggling which is pretty cool so hopefully we get this thing and we got it nice all right let's check out the stats really quick what do we got here gentle nature could definitely be a lot worse has bomb with those we can actually train it in the grat and the water here so that's pretty good let's see if it can hold up hello baby let's see if you can do it vine whip and uh was one shot dude you can't even watch out of magikarp right now no maybe i don't just poke one on my team ooh a sea waddle levonny would be a good bug and grasshop pokemon we could probably get that all right so waddle let's catch you and maybe you're better i don't know we're literally just catching everything right now so let's get it dude stay in the ball come on stay in the ball and there we go nice okay neutral nature not the worst in the world bug bite tackle and string shot i think i actually have i think it evolved with happiness um in its final form so that we actually have a soothe bell at the house that could help it evolve a lot faster all right i'm getting tired of this and listening to the other pokemon just scream the whole time so let's go back over to the swamp for a little bit and there's a military nice let's go back to the swamp a little bit and see if um i keep saying swamp let's go out to the jungle a little bit and see if we get those trees to grow again i'm still looking for a cool grasshop pokemon i don't know much used yet maybe we can find something cool spawning in the jungle who knows all right let's put up all these garbage bonds oh there's a grass type level 15 eggs are cute but i don't really think i want that all right we got one of the trees to grow let's see if we get the other one grow too all right they both grown nice hopefully we can get enough saplings here to make a really big one now come on saplings please please please all right we got one nice let's see if we can get a few more as long as we can get a few we should be good all right there's another one nice nice nice three that's three of them right there i've seen the third one all right we got three jungle saplings and we got a whole tree here surely we can get at least one the ride execute right my dude all right let's see if we got this let's go give me some saplings please please give me a sapling at least just one more i just need one more manky get off there get off their manky pawn one sapling baby one we got it we got it all right let's see if we can get another one um the more you have the better oh we just got a fifth sapling baby that's just overkill right there we got two more and there we go that's nice we got five saplings gz me all right i'm gonna plant one here and these four i think you gotta plant them like this and then if we keep doing shift eventually this should grow into like a mega huge tree guys oh yeah it's working it's working i think i'm just gonna keep doing this until something grows come on tree produce a ginormous jungle tree please oh yeah i think it definitely worked boys we can't even well this one grew too nice let's get on charizard and fly around and look at this thing from the sky oh yeah it's not as big as i want it to be but dude this is a nice looking tree down here i mean look at that that's pretty cool looking let's get a few of these if we can i like how the big trees even spawn in like uh this vines and so it's pretty cool i guess let's uh start seeing if we can get any saplings this is the first thing i would want to do so i'm just gonna shave off the top of the street and see if we can get anything there's one right there right out of the back this is actually smaller than what i was hoping for for the jungle trail i was hoping for a really really big jungle tree like double this size a level 50 primate that'd be kind of cool to add to our team maybe i can catch it really quick all right probably you're pretty strong i just paralyzed you you're at red health let's see if we can catch you with a we have ultra balls now so should be pretty good castrate i guess right right all right so come on stay in the ball please please stay in the ball and yes we got it nice all right prima what's your stats look like relax nature not the best um but you're a little 50 that's pretty good for fighting wild pokemon we just need to constantly constantly be making our team stronger with higher level pokemon eventually we'll get to where we can actually use pokemon that we want to i think um but right now we're just trying to get the strongest pokemon we can get we're gonna get so much wood from this though that's like the main thing about this is just getting so much wood we got three saplings back that's pretty good and there's still a whole lot of tree up there so we got to go ahead and cut all this down all right that is the entire tree cut down let's hope some saplings actually fall down from this we did get one extra so we know there's no one out there actually so let's say we can make another full tree and another grown tree like we have now so we can make the exact same thing that we already had so we have five saplings again maybe we'll get some more i want to make a few big trees oh manky drops cocoa beans nice that means that we can probably make chocolate chip cookies boys that joltik's just barely hanging onto that leaf there oh yes there we go we got another sapling gz oh there's hop on here nice we're one stopping away from being able to create two giant trees all right so now i'm gonna be hopping around seeing if i can get some jungle trees to spawn if we can get a bunch of saplings hopefully this will be a fast way to do it i'm just trying to test out like all the methods guys all right give me some saplins boys give me some saplings i don't know if it's better to actually break the leaves or just let it fall by itself but um there's one already that's one pace for the tree itself as long as we can double our saplings each tree we should be good hey there we go nice we got three of them now this tree paid off boys this tree paid off good oh this is like a little 40 kecleon that's pretty cool stick your tongue out okay that was a pretty cool animation there it goes you can't see it because the tree was blocking it but just imagine how cool that was okay so this tree didn't give us like any saplings at all but we've still got a whole lot to grow here and i'm not trying to grow a big tree now um so we're about to have a lot of saplings and a lot of wood in the near future boys this is a level 35 jolt tick if it could be good it could be an actual decent pokemon using our team so let me see if i can catch this and did we get it boys did we get it nice we got it please be good please be good um minus speed that sucks dude that sucks all right we're waiting for these things to grow i guess we can go back and see if we can catch froakie now all right here we go first cast is gonna be a froakie right right let's see if we can get it here we go and goldeem was the first one that sucks i'm gonna use joltek and see if joel take him once for this pokemon if it could i might end up using joltik for my team honestly even if it is a bad nature and stuff it's not like i'm doing any competitive battles anyways it's a level two magikarp of course one launch of this thing oh yeah we're easily one shot on this thing that's pretty good we'll we'll keep using our pokemon okay so joel tick actually evolves in one level which i should have attacked here i mean to run away but don't take balls at level 36 so one level away from being a pretty good electric pokemon and a pretty good uh bug type pokemon so i think we'll keep it for now ooh and the more the pads we get the more swampy this place looks this bellsprout's had this out of nowhere i wish i had a bug moving on this thing that'd be pretty nice hey joltex level 36 now nice all right should evolve right should evolve all right there we go it's actually evolving and dude it's right on my feet you can't see it there is a beautiful pokemon under here all right evolve my dude evolve oh there he goes he's moving he's moving and dude we got ourselves a galvantula nice dude that's a pretty cool pokemon i actually hate spiders but dude this is going to be a sick pokemon golf angela welcome to the team my dude i hate spiders but you're a welcome addition to the team oh rosalia could be a cool addition to the team i actually like rosalia a whole lot um i guess let's see if we can catch it you never know it could be a good nature let's see if we can get it boys we'll throw one quick ball if it doesn't work we'll try ultra balls oh we're catching so much pokemon this episode there we go all right what do you got for us brave nature it has magic leaf mega drain that's pretty cool i might use jose my team as well just to have a good grasshopper pokemon but we'll see how things go all right we can finally take out core fish and we can finally take out golden but i think i keep everybody else in here the way they are this is a pretty decent team so far and i'm also glad we can heal up anytime you want to from last episode i've got a whole lot of junk in my inventory boys and we've got a whole lot of jungle wood now too having so much jungle it'll be good for us because we can use that to make uh like all the other stuff we need because we're out of wood like all the time for like fuel and stuff for our furnaces all right let's go back to the jungle really quick and see if we can get all these trees to actually sprout out oh my gosh i didn't realize i was making this tree grow this one over here the big tree actually grew which is the 4x4 tree which is awesome but i still okay there we go there we go all right so we got one sprout that hasn't grown yet let's see if we can get it to grow all right guys we finally did it look at this this is all the trees grown um it looks pretty cool actually um i think i want to get a few i want to get some of those big trees to grow there and over there uh because more would have the core this is going to look maybe we should just leave like this i don't know oh dude another joltik i'm really tempted to try to catch this one here to see if we can get a better one um but i'm just going to save my pokeballs for now and see if we can just do whatever a lot of monkeys in primate spawn in this area dude grubbin spawns here that's so cool all right all these trees have grown i think i'm done a little bit for the jungle bio let me know what you guys think of this place let's see if we can get some vines to start growing down like in the actual game up here i want to start them from over here see what they do maybe they'll grow down and be really long and cool we can climb them but yeah i am done with the jungle for now i guess in the future we're gonna flush this out and put all dirt on the bottom here so we can have an actual dirt area and then a little pond to the middle but yeah hopefully mew will spawn here in the future all right now that we have okay now we have the jungle out of the way i guess we have one more objective in this video and that is to get ourselves a froakie boys i'm dedicated to get one and we're gonna get one soon i promise all right rosalia i brought you out for a reason you're gonna help me um actually fish today so let's get on to it dude i just realized that every single pokemon that i have is a girl that like never happens that's pretty rare actually i think the chances of you start being a girl i don't know in the actual pixelmon mod but in the actual pokemon game it's very very low all right boys looks like i will see y'all once i encounter a froakie all right guys i have been fishing for quite a while now roses level 31 and yeah i think i'm gonna try to do the good rod and see if the good raw can get us anything different um so i guess go to another really quick and see if we can find some mad cargos i think that pokemon has the best chance of dropping any kind of rods we can get so charizard flies back home really quick yeah i've literally got poison gems 15 lily pads some cook fish um a stack and almost a half of raw fish uh some damp rocks we got so much stuff from fishing back there and i fish probably like three minecraft days um which is about 30 minutes i guess maybe less than a little bit more than that because i didn't sleep on some of those days um so i think that's a little bit around the spawn rate of froki so i think i want to go for a good rod anyways that way we can get even more experience for rosalia all right put this stuff up really quick and then i guess we'll head to another we have so much food now we're never going have food ever again and we're actually starting to rack up on a little bit of pokemon items as well all right into the nether we go all right so we're looking for mag cargos and they spawn near the lava so we just gotta look on our map and keep an eye out for any mccargos because they're like 100 spawn rate or 100 drop rate for these uh blaze rods and while i'm here i might as well kill pawn yards too right also santa scorches like a five percent chance to drop it so if we can find one of those that would be cool too hey a pawn yard nice and we got two iron good this could be like a quicker source of iron than actually sifting oh there's a mag cargo on the map just right over there uh despawned i have no idea where it went and there's a larvitar everybody's gonna catch larvitars as well all right i think i'm gonna try to go over there it looks like a better space for like my cargos to spawn it's like really close to the lava and i'm not afraid to fall down because it's kind of hard to see where i'm walking around here all right this is like the perfect spot let's see if we get any pokemon to spawn here now oh there's a pawn yard nice oh there's a second point down here i've seen it yes we are about to get so much iron and aluminum dude this is actually a good idea to come down here we got one aluminum one iron nice there's a hound doom hound doom is guaranteeing drop blaze rods so if we can kill that really quick that'd be sick dudes we should go there and kill it really quick after we knock out this pawn yard and get our free aluminum oh we got iron okay uh here we go hound doom let's go oh it's already fighting a stupid um oh there's a cine scorch too all right we kind of sentenced towards really quick or that hound doom's getting smoked all right you have a like this is like a five or one percent chance of knocking or dropping a blaze rod can it do it it can not do it drop blaze powder though all right hound dooms is level 24 did we easily knock this thing out with the wing attack probably and we can how many can we need three they dropped one okay that's better than nothing and it can drop dust stone shards that's actually pretty cool all right we need two more blaze rods and then we should be good boys there's so many pawn yards spawning too that's it's such a good like way to get like stuff in the game the bundle bees give us dirt let's see if we can find one and see what it does dude bunnelby's dropped so much clay i didn't know about that and they also dropped crystal which is hard to find in this thing i don't know if we'll need crystal to make anything in the future but if we ever do we know where to get it now i'm pretty sure slug must can't drop the blaze rods but we'll knock them out anyways just in case they actually can uh hopefully some more hound dooms and cargo's will spawn though oh yes i'm a cargo oh gosh a pawn yard attacked me first all right anyways that was free all right nice all right meg cargo time for your time to die yeah all right and this should knock out the cargo how many blaze rods uh we got one all right just one more ways rod to go we can have ourselves a good rod boys yes all right time to test to see if slug ones can actually drop blaze rods here the answer is definitely no a cinna scorches or i think incense gorgeous sizzle pizzas can't drop it i don't think and i haven't seen a cinescorch in a long time oh dude gravelers can drop your boy some bauxite ore and now we have a pokemon that can actually defeat ground and rock types so let's see here can we get some bauxite we did get box out and we got a lot of gravel too dude that was actually a pretty good drop from that graveler we need to actually take on more of those oh dude boss whispering nice all right give me something good like an exp share something that'd be really nice to have all right what can we get we got a uh medium exp candy we'll save that for now i might use it on a pokemon in the future um but yeah all right let's continue hunting for that blaze rod can dig let's drop dirt i think they do for sure drop dirt um could be a great way to just this is actually an alolan diglett so this would be a really good way to get some dirt um dude it dropped four dirt blocks what um yeah this is gonna be a place where i get a lot of my materials in the future for sure i have to come here and grind off camera hey panyard dropped us some more iron nice dude we've gotten non-iron since we've been here this is way better than actually sifting it wait what does air on drop i want to catch air on or not catch on but um but fight it for a minute and see what it actually drops there we go what does aaron drop it drops iron nuggets um probably more than that but our nuggets are just not good enough to keep killing them for hey level 45 charizard and we got some iron ingots for another pawn yard nice i can actually see another fortress from here i don't know if it's the same one from the last episode but i think i might go check it out guys all right yeah this definitely looks different it's in like a huge wide open area and we'll actually find some good loot in this one who knows all right boys let's explore hopefully we'll find some sick trader chess that actually have some like decent stuff in them i don't know if we can find any chests here but maybe we can find some oh my gosh there's another fortress over here um there's just so many of them now i didn't find anything in the first one and i don't know if there's something wrong on this map where they just don't spawn chests but maybe i'm just being unlucky i have no idea holy cow is this gravel bruh this be like the fastest way to get gravel in the world dude i could literally get so much gravel here yeah that's literally gravel i don't think i'll hit the time right now just actually just get this grab maybe in the future i'll do this um but yeah right now i'm not feeling it does anyone else think like fond of the nether is on charlotte is like it's like very soothing for some reason i don't know how to explain it it just feels very good to do this i died i died no oh suffocated in the wall thanks charizard oh no i just realized we had all of our pokeballs and our blaze rods those were our most important things we had maybe we can get all those back hopefully some of our stuff survived i'm gonna say that most of it didn't uh but if we can get something back that'd be lit just the important stuff please all right looks like some of the stuff survived hopefully some of the good stuff right i'm not seeing any of the good stuff boys wait what is that what is that uh the blaze rod survived nice all right we lost all of our pokeballs um but the good thing is we got all the iron back uh which is really good because we made more iron bases and we have enough apricorns back at home to make a lot of balls and the other good news is we have our two blaze rod still um so we see warmer blaze rod and we can wait a minute dude mega say black can i beat that i think it is he spawned no no all right i guess we might as well just keep getting resources over here we lost all our pokeballs we're gonna use as much iron as we can get what does that pokemon drop i don't know all right it drops uh blaze powder every five pokemon drops plays powder though dude magmar's dropped firestone shards i can get myself a firestone this way i'm learning so much with the drops today so what spawns in the undergarden spot here a lot of digletts looks like sweet great place to get some dirt dude oh that pokemon looks like it drops a lot of steel all right here it is little 44 pretty high level two so uh one point though i'll knock it out and how much can we get from this dude two aluminum ingot that's pretty good all right definitely different spawns in this area um a lot of digletts so this could be a great place to get some dirt dude what is coarse dirt and dirt i don't understand the difference dude where are the hound doom and magnum dude where are the hound doom and mag cargo spawns at oh torkle drops a lot of coal that could be good first in the future dude there's a bish sharp over here i've never killed a fully evolved one but i dropped so much stuff there it is let's go get it all right bishark we're here to knock you out dude if i have pokeballs i'd probably actually catch you but we don't have time for that what can you give us literally just to send them that you are able to give us oh what dude he transpond i don't have any pokeballs or nothing oh my gosh our first legendary pokemon spawn and i can't even do nothing to him dude there he is there's heatran in the comment section down below one of you guys sasha will catch heatran and well this is actually our first legendary pokemon to spawn in the game uh we can't catch you right now but because obviously we have no pokeballs um but in the future we might come back and catch us again dude oh yes there's a hound doom right there oh it's up there i think oh there it is there it is there it is there it is all right houndoom i can reach you probably right we gotta throw a pogo up on this ledge and get to him dude i literally hit him with it all right we gotta fly out there it looks like all right we made it here um all right um i needed to knock you out let's go probably at this time because i think charge is almost dead and i don't want to lose charizard um so i think one cross chop ought to do it okay there we go this should get us the blaze rod and we got three blaze rods on the first on that last one there that's like overkill all right so i guess let's head back and then we can make a good rod and start catching froakie but there are a few more pawn yards i do want to knock out to get some materials here oh gosh another hound doom well we might as well kill it just to get the blaze rods and we never know we might have in the future for anything else so let's go ahead and knock him out really quick and we didn't get anywhere that time but we get a dust stone which is pretty cool all right we are back home whoops i mean seeing you on charizard all right we are back home and here's all the materials we got we got quite a few of new stuff aside from losing our pokeballs and i'll be able to catch that legendary heatran uh that was a pretty good trip to the nether i like what we got here we did get five blaze rods all right to make a good rob we need an ultra ball so we just make an ultra ball we have some leftover stuff over here so we can actually make one probably all right we can make six ultra balls here and we got enough to make three quick ball tops all right there we got 12 quick balls and six ultra ball things which kind of make enough uh bases here and we can go ahead and make some ultra balls and quick walls once we get ultra ball we can go go ahead and make ourself a good rod all right we're gonna go ahead and make a quick ultra ball and we can make ourself a good rod all right to make a good rod first we need to make an ultra ball there we go we take the ultra ball put it right here take these blaze rods like this we take one string and boom good rod all right we'll let these balls finish really quick and then we can go up for froakie because we can't catch froakie without any kind of pokeballs so we're gonna need these as much as we can we probably should make another one of these um we do have more sticky um what's it called forgot it's called we have more we can make another automatic angle in the future if we want to all right we now have 12 quick balls and five ultra balls let's go ahead and see if we can start hunting for froki again all right let's uh do an encounter here with my first good rod encounter and see what we're going to get here all right a masculine all right i actually didn't want to use charizard but all right so there's actually different encounters maybe we'll have a better encounter of getting brokey with this higher level rod i have no idea if it works that way um unless we're gonna get some different drops at least bros i've literally been fishing for so long and i've been getting a lot of like rare fishing things and dude this dew potter it's this is actually an arachnoid and it's uh it's extremely huge i actually catch this just because how cool it looks you know nah i don't want to catch it let's just go ahead and kill it until we can get from it we've gotten a level 35 from fishing here now so it's we've been fishing here for a long while i've actually been chopping the trees and making this area here a little bit bigger to see if more pokemon can spawn because i know froki could actually spawn on the land um in like the morning time so we're actually waiting for morning instead of actually going to sleep so like we're getting a lot of spawn just got on the double spawn i wonder if like um if roki's going to spawn is at the double exclamation point do we have triple explanation points i have no idea but we're going to find out very soon guys we're going to catch it very soon oh my gosh we almost got killed right there we literally almost got killed right there from that sea king dropped a water gym though that's actually pretty cool thanks seeking and we had some pokemon drop fresh water so let's find me like the only way we can actually get potions for our pokemon in the future if you ever want potions oh yes pokemon are spawning in the wild might as well get rid of them just so we can do whatever oh wow um i just got a super rod i don't think this can actually help us catch froakie um i don't actually don't know what it does i'll try to fish with it one time and um we might have to just use whatever so the good i think i didn't see super odd as one of the things that could catch froakie um so i'm gonna go back to the good rod maybe not maybe this actually has a rare encounters if we use it uh it's just spawned a huge muck dude uh that's one like the rare spawns in the the fishing whenever you're fishing in the i don't know if it's rare spawn or not i have no idea actually uh we'll try sunrise this is when froakie should spawn here a crawdad just spawned one yes a badoof i told you guys i would catch one so here is me going on my promise i promised i would catch one so all right buddhist get in this pokeball and stay in there my dude let's see what we get here we got one wiggle two wiggles three wiggles and boom dude we got a bit off on our team now g z boys gz all right i just thought of a really cool idea we could probably make um if we get enough obsidian we could probably make ourself an ender chest on every single island and like share an inventory on every single island like we could have access to our all down pick axes and all of our good materials um and have one on each island that'd be pretty sick actually let's go ahead and change it book as mending what are you serious we just got mending on a book that doesn't happen usually i've literally in my other two series i've literally fished and tried to get mending and never got it and now i finally get it maybe the super rod has an increased chance of getting mending or enchanted books or whatever um but yeah we're putting that on our pickaxe asap oh and there is a cersket spawning there that is actually uh i think that's like a guaranteed chance of giving us a fresh water i think is that what it is no no fresh water but i think it can give you fresh waters and that's pretty good for us we got black sludge dude we're getting all kinds of items from the super rod i'm glad i got this this is going to get us a lot of good stuff probably hopefully a bunch of new content just spawned a whisk but we can't kill that with our electric pokemon hey there we go level 36 rosalia and we got a bunch of fish i was expecting a little bit more than that um here's the quad sorry we got that out really quick and see what it drops squawks are what do you drop you drop sand and clay nice oh boys oh yes oh yes boys we didn't catch froakie but we did just find a frog a deer all right this is literally the same thing okay i was about to give up i was about to give up all right quick attack or quick quick ball just get in there dude just get in the quick ball it's only six levels away from evolving into a greninja dudes come on can we catch it it broke free okay um that's actually okay we can actually paralyze it we'll switch into galvantula and galvantula can paralyze it we have a few ultra balls here i think uh how multiples we have let's actually check that really quick um let's see here we have five ultra balls right we need to conserve those and only use them when we can alright so let's thunder wave it all right it's paralyzed now um figure out a way to weaken this thing i don't think bidoof is ready to weaken it uh rosalia i'll probably kill it i don't want to kill it maybe one mega dream won't kill it but dude that's it took so long to find this these pokemon are definitely gonna kill it uh let's see what you can do here i don't know what you can do maybe we can catch it with you okay he's paralyzed okay we gotta free switch in uh we can go for the tackle attack oh we got smacked we got smacked all right um i'm gonna throw one ultra ball here with the one ultra ball see if we can get it stay in the ball please i know it's we just paralyzed you um we just want to catch this all right broke free okay what can i do here get adrenal kill um mega drain might not kill it because there's a lot of pokemon that are surviving off the mega drain all right please don't kill this i killed it oh no i need a pokemon that doesn't kill rosetta this is your fault why would you kill it we've been searching this whole time for it when you killed it no this is a level 32 trainer we can easily knock this out the charizard let's go all right that was easy well i'm just had a plus a little raichu so knocked him out all right we're gonna need some pokemon that can actually do so a little bit of damage there um we are hostile pokemon that can actually take and do some do some damage and take some hits and these guys can probably help weaken froakie um so let's use these guys and see if we can get it back to spawn again hopefully please let it spawn again this is like the time when you need fall swap the most and i don't have any pokemon with false swipe and i could have used leach c with rosalia but i got rid of leech seed a little bit ago when it leveled up so man i should have kept that at least that would have been able to weaken it over time i guess all right so it was a double exclamation point i don't know that means fro key is a single expression point i guess we'll find out um if we can find another one the super rod is the way to go though that is the way to go because you get the best items and the best pokemon with this thing i probably should have used sucker punch on galvantula not i think about it dude i'm so stupid yes okay chance number two boys we can do this first things first quick ball um if it doesn't get it we can try to weaken it now um this time we're going to get it boys unless we get with a quick ball right here okay broke free all right use bounce um yeah i guess i'm going to try to throw another quick ball at it can we throw it while it's bouncing i think it can yeah okay i think when it comes down we'll switch pokemons i might catch you here i don't know okay broke free i think the pokemons are really like really difficult to catch um all right i mean use bag let's go pokemon here um we're gonna switch into galvantula we're gonna paralyze it again and that should help us a little bit all right um thunder wave okay use thunder wave all right it's paralyzed can't move um do i want to sucker punch it uh let's go let's let's not use let's leave sucker punch okay it failed oh you substitute what all right we gotta get rid of that um let's go goldeen or corefish goldie all right it can weaken itself which is good that can help us out in the long run all right i'm gonna go water pulse so much damage that does okay water pulse number effective substitution damage i probably should use horn attack to get rid of the substitute okay well you just want to have to get a substitute all right there faded away all right it's weakening itself which is perfect okay hornets out here the substitute again and it faded away perfect it's paralyzed now let's go for the water pole so i don't want to confuse it please don't confuse it and use bounce okay this is actually this is actually good dude it's got yellow health now it's paralyzed there's a good chance we catch it we got four ultra balls that's such a small amount of ultra balls i should have made more all right please this doesn't catch it we're going to try to get in red health if we can please catch it just please catch it come on come on it broke free all right he's paralyzed um what moves does your boy cor fish have let's switch into core fish here see what core fish can do um i don't think core fish can do too much but bubble beam's pretty good double hit might be too much um how strong the double being i don't know don't kill this thing bubble beam attack let's go okay okay that doesn't damage it i thought it was a lot more damage than that but it didn't so we can do one more time get in the red health i guess okay here's the bounce bubble beam should not kill this unless we get a crit okay it's in red health paralyzed um we can do this right we can do this please ultra ball go please just let me catch it i need this pokemon so bad i've been hunting for so long and to get a second encounter this is oh yes yes we did it we caught ourselves a frog a deer oh man rose level 37 all right let's go back to the pokemon center really quick and get it out of the pokemon box charizard fly the fastest you've ever flown before let's go yes boys we completed our second challenge we had today and there it is frogadier all right what nature did we get i'm keeping it no matter what nature and stuff it is it is jolly dude i think that's not good for him that's mine a special attack um but all right i'm okay with that we're keeping it because it's what we caught it's the first one we're keeping and we're not doing competitive battles anyways so dude this is our frog a deer we're gonna have a greninja now frog a deer welcome to the team my dude glad to have you here this is where we make our apricorns and the ball we use what are you just looking over there for some reason what's what's that way oh he wants to go to the forest well too bad you're my pokemon now you can't go anywhere you want to go you got to listen to me you got that all right guys so this is the team right now this is what we have going on for us what do you guys think i should catch in the next episode i'm gonna evolve this frog a deer at the beginning of next episode so we looking out for that on thursday but yeah i guess it's gonna be it for the video guys if you all did enjoy it please leave a comment down below letting me know that and as always god bless you guys and i'll see in the next one thanks for watching guys this episode gets luckier the longer it goes on you're not gonna believe what we find in this video so make sure to watch at the end and i got a few questions for you guys that make it to the very end of the video yo guys what is up welcome to another episode of pixelmon skyblock um as you can see there is literally a trico right over there and a mega caesar spawn and it's dancing for some reason uh but yeah trico is one of the pokemon that i wanted to catch and scissor is a looks like it's gonna be an easy pokemon to knock out i was just building the jungle biome making it bigger let's see if we can use charlotte to knock this thing out it's just a rare boss so level 60 dude i think we can play throw this thing to death this could be our shot oh man each pursuit okay okay we might be able to finish this off dudes okay charlotte don't die you live lift yes we just beat our first mega pokemon oh man at the beginning of the episode dude this is already one of the better episodes in the game we got electrium z and we got a bunch of iron dude and our scissor right which we'll never be able to use uh but yeah we can finally get ourselves a mega item um i think i want to go with the do i want to go to the shades i want to go to the bracelet uh always with the necklace the bracelet with the shades this time just because i never worn before oh yeah look at that that's pretty handsome boys oh and i didn't forget about you trico we actually want to catch you i'm surprised that you spawned that's pretty lucky uh very very lucky last episode takes forever to get our pokemon but this episode we are going straight in i guess i'll leave with galvantula don't really have anything to weaken him well i guess first thing we can do is actually throw a quick ball we only got two ultra balls so our chances of catching this trico are not the greatest um but we're going to be spending a lot of time in the in this area so it's just whatever all right uh let's uh see if we can knock it out or not knock it out let's see if we can weaken it a little bit all right now it's paralyzed from the thunder wave thanks galvantula let's switch over to maybe frog a deer frogadier is our weakest pokemon potentially he's gonna do the least damage right and ah it's just level 16 trico though it's so weak man do you guys think smackdown will kill it that's the only option that i have i gotta weaken it somehow macdonald is a rock type move so i guess maybe it should resist it it's not that strong ah let's go smackdown don't kill it oh dude it's like one hp are you being serious okay okay dude we got two ultra balls please one of these works please let one of these work come on where's the ball at there it is wiggled once wiggled twice wiggled thrice oh my gosh we got one more chance to catch it oh my gosh boys i'm trying to make i'm back at home i got a bunch of apricorns cooking up and we're gonna have more balls very soon man i should be in the jungles too much cause i'm afraid that mew's gonna spawn and then i won't have any pokeballs to get it come on stay in the ball see the ball come on come on no dang it uh how many quick balls do we have we have seven quick balls trico i want you so bad dude so the quick balls only work at the beginning of the battle so i might as well just initiate battle then throw the quick ball and if it doesn't get it run away and then do it again oh the ball just fell way down there can this catch it though i didn't catch it anyways we'll try i'll use all the quick balls on this trico and if it doesn't catch it then i guess it wasn't meant to be boys i guess it wasn't meant to be i do know that the catcher for these guys are insane it's really rough to catch the starters i'm not expecting to get it here be honest please work oh dude we actually got it are you serious yes yes in the last episode you guys said to get trico in the comment section and dude we got a trico now and now this random joltik wants to fight us for some reason where is it at age old tick what are you doing my dude dude joel ticks are so small and so cute anyways trico is rash nature which is actually decent for our dude here he's a special attacker um dude that's we actually got a decent nature this time he's also one level away from evolving i guess that means i'm gonna get rid of azalea now i was gonna try to evolve rosa this episode but there's no reason to have so many grasshoppe pokemon anyways but what a crazy start to an episode i bought you guys anything episode to start out so like so action-packed i guess i'm going to finish making this jungle platform and then i'll see you guys and i'll discuss what else we're gonna do this episode all right i ran out of uh wood so let's go back to the base now all right guys so welcome to today's episode this is a formal intro now so basically in today's episode we have some big plans and that involves this material right here obsidian we need enough obsidian to make ourself an enchanting table we're finally gonna start enchanting stuff like our pickaxes and other things and we also need obsidian for like fossil machines and cloning machines and if you look behind me we still have these two frogadier and trico i do want to fully evolve them in today's episodes we'll have a sceptile and a greninja by the end of this dude they look so cool what are you guys doing you guys just chilling and talking about something but basically all these episodes are leading up to the finale where we're gonna hunt for mew and mew spawns in that jungle biome behind me guys and the ultimate goal is to catch mew and then clone him and get a mewtwo so we gotta prepare for that and that's meaning us getting stronger pokemon like greninja and sceptile as well as getting better items than just having like a strong team you know so i think the best way to start this off is to actually train our trico a little bit go ahead and get a grow vial because i do want to get a lot of dirt from the nether if we're going to be in there when we train in two and there's a lot of spawns in there so we are for sure even getting a lot of dirt to put over in the jungle bottom because i wanted to look like an actual jungle when i'm over there all right there we go trico's first level and all right trico is leveling up pretty fast that was just one battle right there and dude look at that yeah we're getting a lot of experience on our boy here shouldn't take too long to get him to the next level to evolve and then i'm not sure how far i'll take him before i go into the nether maybe all the way to a sceptile i have no idea level 17 now uh should go ahead and evolve once learn pursuit yeah we'll get rid of layer for that just have extra moves all right and there we go trico is evolving uh hopefully he moves away because i actually want to see him evolve all right trico dude you're looking crazy all right what's he gonna look like he's gonna look like a cool grow vile dude nice nice wants to learn fury cutter um this is actually not a bad move i just learned pursuit but ah i guess i get a quick attack profile dude you're looking slick and slim dude this is i actually love groville i like the way it looks it's like my favorite mid-evolution pokemon grova let's continue fishing dude we got you some levels you you got a lot of levels to go my dude he's level 18 now i don't think i'm gonna be like 18 19 because you guys can you guys can count the levels um so i'll just meet you guys again when he's at level 25 or something level 25 would be a good stopping point then we could probably go on the nether and then for all the deer i was looking at him it's going to be kind of hard to train him because he only knows no water type moves i was hoping that he would know like water poles or something like that um but he does not yo i decided to start training grovel over in the desert area and a boss pokemon spawned boys oh level 55 that's actually a really high level let's see if we can paralyze it or something yeah there we go we paralyzed it gz dudes all right hopefully we get a cool autumn from this it'll be pretty sick all right one more hit oughta knock it out here let's see if we can knock it out and boom boys there we go nice so we get a power weight we don't need ev training items nice level 24 grovile gz dude that guy just used self-destruct do i still get the items for that oh i do dude box eye or nice butt groval died no this is the world's tiniest little magmar he's so cute but he's a little 50 so he ain't that cute all right groville's level 25 i'm gonna see if he can survive in the nether um we're gonna be fighting digletts and stuff so hopefully he'll be okay i'll see you guys once we get in there all right we are officially in the nether i guess we want to go i remember there was a lot of like digletts over in that area so maybe we should go over there all right digletts let's find you guys and make y'all spawn hopefully i think drillboard can also drop dirt which um could be a potential pokemon we train on yeah level 30. we can partner that out with our pokemon a lot of geodudes here too they drop a lot of gravel oh there's our first diglett nice i think it's fighting the drill brew though oh it wasn't finding the drill but nice we could actually know this thing out uh mega drain you know sucker punch it kind of sucks um and then we got dirt dude two dirts let's see if we can get a full stack real quick dude all the pokemon down here just fighting each other for some reason level 26 boys 10 more levels until we have a sceptile oh dude i love the dick let's give us iron that's even better than regular digletts and drill birds give us dirt and stone that's really good too this is such a great place to harvest materials oh god no he transpond a second time are you serious where's he at this time where is he at where's i keep running the pokemon where's heatrin at oh he's over there we have three quick balls i don't even think we should try it don't even think we should try guys because there's like super low chance we got lucky with the trico i'm not even gonna try dude heatran spawns way too much in this in this mod pack seems like oh a dug trail this could give us a lot of dirt probably i don't know if we can knock it out with our grovel though so i don't want to go about a dollar i'm gonna switch out i'm switching charizard probably all right how much dirt do we get oh level 27 grovel nice we got three stone and one coarse dirt nice dude we're getting so much dirt i'm gonna keep our dirt in the front of our inventory so we can see how much we have at all times level 28 boys let's learn agility but no way i just heard like the weirdest noise in the game i don't know what it was and i just realized that we haven't had a single like ultra wormhole open up yet i wonder if like they even spawn like in the in this mod pack or whatever because if we could find one of those we probably get some crazy materials and stuff oh a bronzer spawn i don't know what this thing drops let's check it out all right bronzer drops aluminum plate dude i didn't get a hammer amount i'm gonna kill every single bronzer i see bro dude groval is shredding all these pokemon down here we're gonna have a sceptile in like no time wait a second is that a shiny ghastly are you serious dude we just found our first shawnee we have three quick balls please let me get this please let me get this boys oh my gosh dude today's episode is legit we are getting like the best luck and everything we got three quick balls if we get this this is gonna be insane come on stay in the ball stay in the ball boys come on i think we're gonna get it yes yes we got our first shiny baby we got our first shiny pokemon yes i was wondering i was like man we haven't seen a shine we've been on here for like almost 100 days and we ain't seen nothing and now we've seen our first shine saw the blue smoke and i was like dude that is that is a shiny gas leak i'll check it uh whenever we get back to the house right now i want to continue getting dirt for our pokemon though groval is about to hit level 30 which is amazing dude there's so many doug trio spawning right now oh i just knocked out my grow vile no all right i went to the pc and held on pokemon but i just realized i didn't even check the shiny gas lead in the pc uh i'm so stupid uh let me evolve my grow vial first and then once we do that we'll head back with all the dart we've collected and materials and we'll check out that china gastly as well as ooh dude that's a wild pupitar what in the world guess i'll knock it out we'll get em maybe get a tarantula in the future but dude draw andesite and crystals that's so weird yes clink that'll give some good stuff anytime i see a still type pokemon i'm like yes give me all the iron give me all the aluminum you can uh dude iron nugget that sucks holy cow dude there is an exca trill what level's this thing level 36 i think groval could knock that out never mind never mind never mind let's switch out one nicely placed flamethrower ought to knock her out and it did nice and grove at level 31 it's five levels away and we got metal powder i don't even know what that is to be honest what even is that all right in the last video we talked about um shuckles and they can drop shulker box things you guys said um oh it's already in a battle that sucks um but if we can kill a shuckle and get shulker boxes that'd be pretty sick i'll test it out in a minute i guess a another aluminum plate nice all right grow files level 33 now just three more levels to go and we will have ourself a good old sceptile this is a level 60 layer on um i'm gonna try to catch this i think i have three two quick balls and if i can get this on my team that'd be a really high level pokemon just one level away from evolving into aggron and agron could be extremely strong and help us get legendary pokemon in the future but we've just got two of these balls so one of them works that'd be lit come on agron stay in the ball my dude stay in the ball i didn't the first one didn't work so we'll try again all right this is my last quick ball if it doesn't work then that's okay all right it didn't work that's fine oh he transpond again are you serious that's our third heatran spawn where's he up is said he spawned in the chat i don't know if he actually spawned or if that was old text yeah they spawned here and then it says he trying to spawn in the underground biome or under garden i can't read i'm dyslexic today i think i'm just blonde i can't see him though anyways that's our third heatran spawn um so maybe heathrow's legendary we should go for all right i just killed a pupitar all right i just killed a larvitar and i got us a few emeralds which is pretty cool but dude the supplies are stacking up all right groval is out of power points on his moves so let's go back to the pokemon center and actually let's check out our shiny gastly really quick and heal up for pokemon all right gastly what do you look like my dude you're level eight i didn't even look at the level when i was fighting you um minus attack at least so it's calm not the worst in the world but dude we got a shiny ghastly this is so cool uh eventually i'm gonna make a like little breeding area and then we can put pokemon there that we want to display and gas is gonna be one of those pokemon i'm surprised we found a shiny though that's we've had just such good luck in this episode um but we are two levels away from evolving our grove so let's go ahead and finish that out and we have so much materials dude we have over a full stack of dirt now no no no no dude charizard didn't fly okay serenity calm we lost all the dirt we lost all the materials we just harvested right there and you know what it's gonna be okay we lost a lot of food too um we had a lot of fish which were my fish i think i cooked them all already enough so a bunch of raw fish i also have some steaks to keep and some apples if we want to eat oh my god charizard has let me down 100 of the time i've been let down in the series so if you have any anyone to blame for any of this it's charizard charizard i had so much dirt aluminum and iron and you ruined it you ruined everything dude um i had like emeralds and i don't even know what happened to him he just like couldn't fly forward or something i don't even know he just lost his lost his fly for some reason i'm like lagging super hard the only good thing um is that we have to train our frog a deer eventually and when it ceiling's a water move we'll probably actually train them in this area um there's some there's some good dirt so we can eventually get more dirt um we had a full i was literally saying i have a full stack of dirt and then that was like the perfect time to die wasn't it literally the perfect time to die we're getting our materials back slowly very very slowly and we're one level away from evolving our grove so about to finish that up really quick dude this guy will drop dirt nice the digletts are feeling really bad for us so they're dropping all the dirt that they can oh yes finally a shuckle we can actually test out our abilities on it and see if it does shulker boxes oh it definitely drops shulker boxes and orenberries as well that's pretty cool does that make a how do you how do you make a shulker box i have no idea oh yeah big oh yeah big still type pokemon let's get some real quick iron and maybe some aluminum too actually we got both nice this should get groved level 36 here oh sturdy on the sturdy i hate sturdy so much all right absorb level 36 there we go all right this should evolve it we can't see why does it give us such the weirdest angles in pixelmon if they need to fix anything about this mod it is the weird angles when you're battling and whenever you're um evolving and stuff i guess ah but there we go dudes roval evolved into a sceptile septal this looks so mean dude he's a mean looking pokemon welcome to the team sceptile dude you look like a beast can i ride you oh i can ride him i don't this probably looks so stupid but anyways i guess it's time for us to start training our frog a deer um i don't really know what else to train him on we could train him on sizzlepiece right now you know smackdown which is an instant knockout on sizzle peeds because he's fire and bug and we might be able to change them on some bats as well until he learns a water hot move he's not going to be very very helpful at all hey charizard got to level 49 and frog is level 31 nice so frogger has five levels away from evolving that's pretty close actually all right it looks like we can use bounce to knock out a few pokemon as well um which i wish it no bounce it has like the worst move set right now and like all of his moves have like the most limited amount of um power points so it's gonna take forever to train our frogadier up dude i'm looking it up right now on my phone and frogadier does not learn another water move until it literally evolves it actually doesn't learn any more moves until it evolves um this is gonna suck we might be switch training this dude might be the fast way to do it um let's just let's just do it oh yes a mega sablai dude i love fighting bosses um let's see if we can knock this thing out i don't know if we can or not we'll we'll find out i actually hit a hound our first but we got level 32 on frogadir nice all right frogadier uh let's see if you can knock out this sabla just kidding i know you can't uh but we're gonna send in uh rosella yeah i guess to see what we can do here boys dude if we can knock out this pokemon that'd be lit that would be so lit i'm gonna say that we can't though probably can't all right i'm using all pokemon to do as much damage as i can without using frog and deer i'll use frog ear last just to do whatever what does punishment do they do a lot of damage no it does not do a lot of damage i should have used assurance other than so much more damage there all right charlo's my last pokemon here if charizard dies i'm gonna have to find some way to get out of here um because i don't know how i'm gonna get back home if charlotte dawes here so i guess flamethrower or dragon breath to paralyze i think flame throws me the way to go here let's see how much damage this does pretty good and it knows power jam of course oh my god all right our pokemon are i think i know the way out of this boys um whenever we if we get knocked out here yeah we got knocked out pretty badly um not bad though not bad um it could have been a lot worse to be honest i think the plan here to get back home is probably to kill myself or drop all my items then jump in the lava i think that's the way to go all right let's just drop everything we can just don't despawn items i can't lose my items multiple times because then i get really depressed all right there we go stay there adam stay there all right the mods are all healed back into the portal we go are you serious get out of the lava charizard now get out of the lava dude am i gonna die again i'm i can't die like this i can't do it let's take my items with me this time oh we lived nice i need to get a better flying pokemon for sure that's what i'm gonna do next episode probably search for like a better actual like not a not a glider because they're too too hard to fly especially in the nether all right i guess let's just uh try to evolve our boy ooh more shuckles let's get some shovel boxes oh no another one oh no boys oh no do we try it again do we try it again all right i really want to beat this i'm going to try this one more time let me look at the level level 60 all alright it's the same exact one can we do this boys we definitely can't knock it out all right this one knows shadow claw instead dude i wonder if it's if it's how different it is all right almost half health i think if we can get it to half health maybe maybe we can knock it out oh dude the giga drain they got a crit dude that was lucky that was lucky lucky right there all right dude i think we got this one this time all right we're down to our last pokemon we have froggy deer but y'all know frogga deer can't do nothing um do i go i got a flamethrower right oh i knocked it out dude we got a crit on the flamethrower baby yes dude somebody attacked us wait did we not we didn't get anything for that did we i just realized that we didn't get anything for that oh my gosh all right uh note to self that killing mega stabilize does not give you anything and is a waste of time do you need something like a like a sill scope or something to get items from ghost pokemon i have no idea you guys in the comment section down below let me know how to get items from ghost pokemon because they don't drop any items at all all right just in case a dot i'm gonna put all my stuff in here so that way that we can come back and get it eventually hey level 33 frogadier we are slowly inching closer just three levels to go level 34 frogadier just two levels to go and we'll finally be done with this grind oh what dude i just killed a boulder and it up to ruby um i didn't think was gonna be able to find rubies in this game but it's good to know that we can actually find rubies and stuff uh they're actually used to craft a few things i don't think anything important though that can actually help us in this series ooh a level 24 hound doom this could probably get some experience on frog a deer and knock it out in one shot almost all right um that fire fan was pretty deadly smackdown knock it out level 35 yes nice we didn't we got dust done we didn't get any blaze rods from that but bones are good too one level away from having anger ninja dudes and then this i never come back here again well actually i'll probably be back here again because i do need the dirt and stuff in the future all right even though we don't have a greninja yet i think i'm gonna go ahead and just finish training outside of this zone um because i do want to get started in the jungle biome putting some dirt down all right we would have literally had over two stacks of dirt if we would have done everything right um but we don't we only have one stack of dirt now all right so if you take uh coarse start i guess if you do this right here this turns it into regular dirt dude all right we got a lot of aluminum now and a lot of iron and i got a block of iron here as well now something i actually want to do with the iron really quick and that is to make an actual anvil so i think it's like that and then i think i think we're missing one more piece of iron so if we find one more we can finish this up and i think that's how you make the regular anvil in minecraft and that's how we're gonna put mending on our pickaxe it is so hard to keep fueling these things i'm thinking about actually building out over to the extreme hills biome and i think that's where rock and roll is spawns if we can get roger spawn that means we can get ourself a lot of coal oh dude uncommon meowth boss all right this should be easy to knock out but not for frog a deer oh man i gotta crit on so we've been getting a lot of bosses this episode though so i'm pretty happy with that guys we're just getting so much stuff we're getting so much stuff all right what are we gonna get a power lens um i don't know what that does it's another power item for ev training actually all right i made a few ultra balls in case we do run into our boy mew we have at least somewhat of a chance to attempt to catch it might as well hit it before we go over there anyways all right we have officially made it back to the jungle here i'm going to continue making this wider and wider so we can have ourself a really really awesome jungle by him but i want to cover the whole surface here in dirt so it's going to take a whole lot of dirt for this all right i finished this little area here i think i want this to be like a big pond to the middle all right i need to get a bucket of water really quick all right i got a pretty good base started here we need more stone and then we can finish it out all right right out of sand but you guys get the idea this is going to be an awesome little pond here dude he just dropped a cobweb that's pretty cool grabbings can drop cobwebs remember that all right only one place to get more sand and that is the desert biome boys shouldn't take us too long enough sand because like each pokemon in the desert drops like three sand each so um maybe we can actually get enough experience here to devolve our frog a deer in the desert area dude i'm really tempted to actually catch this cubone because it learns false swipe and that's like a super helpful move for catching pokemon in the future and if we're going for heatran dude cubone might be the pokemon to go for so i think i'll go ahead and just catch this q bone stay in your ball bro stay in your ball and nice we got a cubone gz oh yes frog it is level 36 boys you all know what that means all right here we go and we actually get a decent look at it evolving this time i just wish it wasn't under our legs whenever it evolves and dude evolve for me baby what's it gonna be dude there it is a greninja he's like inside me though it's so weird finally a watertight move greninja welcome to the team dude what kind of jutsu you're trying to perform there dude he's just such a cool pokemon this is gonna be like one of the top pokemons of all time people as water shurikens what he is so cool dude what i didn't even know you could do that that's so cool okay now we can actually destroy here with greninja this water shuriken is gonna make our life a whole lot easier and the best thing about water shuriken guys is that it hits multiple times so a pokemon with sturdy will not survive i'm really tempted to take this all this sand here and use it but i do want to leave some of it here for the pokemon to spawn on all right we got 24 sand this is probably pretty close i don't know i think this is not enough but we can get started on finishing it up i guess all right let's get about 12 more sand to finish this up oh dude a camera up this will test out a little 50 dude that's insane but this will test out our water shuriken probably gonna destroy this thing we got so much experience for that give us a lot of sand please it didn't give us any sand that sucks dude greninja is already level 38 and i think uh sceptile is level 38 as well so these people are almost a little 40 already all right we definitely have enough now let's head back over to the jungle all right boys now we can make an unlimited water source at least and fill this bad boy up all right that filled up pretty quick actually now we can swim in our jungle dude and just chill out and relax all right so you can see where i got the dirt started here um eventually this dirt is going to cover this entire area and it's going to look sick we're going to have a bunch of trees and i'm going to get some grass seeds we're actually going to plant real grass over here oh somebody just spawned here what a level 32 trainer might as well test out our pokemon and see how good we are we'll start with greninja oh he's got a level 31 metapod what all right this guy sucks he sent out a b drill next we'll smack it down yeah for some reason this dude sucks his pokemon are like the worst ever all right we did it we won the battle dude i'm starting this is starting to feel like a real biome it really is but one more thing we got to do is we got to get some grass so i'm gonna have to sacrifice some of this dirt which i'm not happy about at all we just gotta hope that one of these gives us a grass seed and hopefully it's the first one all right grass seeds looks like we have to use a regular string mesh um where is grass seed up okay so there's a five percent chance that we get grass um it's not a very very good chance at all and we can't do it in a diamond mesh with these actual old tommy string mesh boys hey we actually have one in our um one of our boxes here all right time to replace this mesh here in this one with a sieve and then a regular string mesh all right please give us grass seeds uh we did get carrot seeds andesite diorite and regular seeds we can do this we can get grass seeds alright we got a spruce seed that's pretty cool pretty sure we don't have that yet if we get any jungle seeds i'll also take those melon seeds are you serious i didn't get a single grass seed from that entire thing i must sacrifice more dirt for this i need the grass seed no way charizard okay all right unless we got a little bit of dirt here we can take um i think coarse dirt also gives us stuff as well all right i'll take just four more dirt away from the jungle and then if i don't get it then i guess i don't know what i'm gonna do all right we got eight more tries hopefully we can at least get one little grass seed all right boys let's just hope that we can get it we can't i don't know what we're gonna do we got a jungle see that's actually good two jungle seeds what come on last dirt well we got one more for this birch seed alright we got one more dirt can we get it dude why are we so unlucky at this all right i guess i should try to get these saplings going hopefully these will grow soon all right boys here are our three big dogs these guys look insane so these are the only pokemon that i'm gonna keep on my team charizard greninja and sceptile everyone else on my team is definitely replaceable right now specifically primate galvantula and rosalia my starter pokemon are staying i'm gonna see if i can get them all to level 50 or level 40 something in the next episode but yeah i'm gonna end that episode here guys did y'all enjoy this one let me know in the comment section down below and also have a quick question for you guys we've encountered heatran three times now do you guys think i should catch heatran before i actually go from you if you think i should go for hatred first guys we should leave a comment down below also do you guys think i should get dirt off camera i could grind off camera trap pokemon it gets a little bit of dirt in the process so i'll actually leave a poll for that in my community section down below but as always god bless you guys thanks for watching and i'll see the next one see you guys in today's episode spoiler alert if you guys wanna hear this you can skip this but um we're gonna catch a legendary pokemon in today's episode so make sure you stick around to the very end i have another important question for you guys and i love your feedback so see you guys the end of the video yo guys what is up welcome back to another episode of pixelmon skyblock in the previous episode we caught a trico evolved and we've evolved our greninja as well this episode might be the last episode of the series so i'm gonna work extra hard to make this a super long episode for you guys and i've got a whole lot of stuff planned all right the first thing we'll be doing is getting our jungle biome fixed the way we wanted to and dude there's a slake off things just chilling over there psycho what are you doing my dude i just killed a slave cough and i dropped wood male but anyways our main goal our first main goal is to complete the jungle biome by making a lot of trees and just making it look super cool around here so i guess let's go ahead and go over to the house and um in the last episode we did catch that q bone and i really want to use cubone on my team uh because it has fall flap especially that's gonna be very good for catching pokemon and just having a ground type if we go for heatran it's gonna be very very good so i'm gonna go get a bunch of dirt in the nether by training up the cubone which hopefully has a ground type move if it does we should be able to get a lot of materials my dudes all right here's the q bone what nature instead we get we got a hasty nature which is actually decent well not really decent just better than a really bad nature i guess does have bone marrow pretty good all right we don't need rosalia anymore we haven't used it in a long time and i do want to switch out primate and you got vanchala in today's video i'm not sure what for yet and we're also going to make ourselves a little breeding thing for this ghastly and i think we'll put the breeding thing right here which i might actually just go ahead and work on that really quick so we can go ahead and have a little trophy area for our pokemon we've captured awesome time for the last episode was sift all this gravel i spent a long time off camera and i didn't even do it last episode so um i need a little bit of iron and i need to get it now so i can make myself an anvil for my pickaxe so i'll just go ahead and do this really quick and then i'll show you guys what i got at the very end of this all right we were able to get 39 iron 23 gold one diamond and two emeralds seems like emeralds are way more common on my game than diamonds something else i do this episode is be focusing on getting as many pokeballs as i can because we're going to need a lot of them all right there we go i filled in this entire area now all right i took a bunch of leaves down i'm actually going to use these for like decorative purposes and i don't know i might use them for the jungle over there i don't know all right so there we go this would be like the little area we have our pokemon i made like a little leaf like hedge area i think it looks pretty cool all right let's see we need to make a ranch then we need a flower pot a piston and a pc all right we should have all this stuff let's make the uh pc really quick these quick balls from last episode i forgot to actually press them down so hopefully i don't even would depress them but we'll try all right so before i was using that stone hammer that thing took forever um but we're going to use an iron one this time an iron hammer will make us be able to smelt down these little aluminum things a lot faster i'll hold these in my left hand and then i can just hit them as we go so i'll see you guys once i'm done making all these aluminum plates oh yeah this is so much faster guys all right and that is the last actually i have one more i thought i had less than one more but there we go this is gonna be the last one and then we can start making the pc and the ranch block and stuff all right i think we have all the materials needed now to actually make this i just hope that i'm putting everything in the right order hey there we go so i already have a piston made i've seen to make a flower pot however you make that okay i think i actually have to fire the clay first then we can make flower pots i'm also gonna make something else so in the nether um we are always having to leave our pokemon but if we make an actual healer to keep in the nether then we can actually just make it there and i always mix up the actual stuff here hey there we go we have a second healer now we're gonna put that in the nether soon is this what we need to make a flower pot yes it is all right now we take the pc we take the flower pot and then we take the piston and that makes a ranch block nice we can finally showcase our pokemon all right i think that's gonna look good right there um so let's just open it up i guess i'm going to put in my gastly and my bidoof wait where's the bee duff go why is the bee doof up there for anyways we now have a place to showcase our pokemon we catch in our adventures i'm so happy with the shiny gasoline it does look so cool all right one thing i'm noticing is that our wood piles are being depleted extremely fast with these uh apricorns so what i'm gonna do is actually build a way over to the extreme hills biome where i'm pretty sure rolly coley spawns and we can get ourselves a bunch of coal from there we're also gonna need a lot of ball bases let's see how much iron we can get in today's episode all right so i guess i'll just harvest some stone and get enough to make enough like i guess slabs to make our way over to the the biome it's been a while since we've been out to a new biome we didn't do any last episode in this episode we're gonna make our way i guess to the extreme hills i don't really have a purpose for going to mushroom island i don't think but yeah it shouldn't take us too long to get the materials to get over there all right we got enough cobblestone now let's go ahead and turn this into planks and i guess start heading over towards the extreme hills biome we could actually find a riolo over there so i'm kind of excited to see how pokemon we can find a spawn now the thing is which way is closer do you guys think it's closer probably don't know they look about the same don't they might be a little bit closer from here i think i'll build out from the forest biome i just realized i got another part um of porygon earlier the same part i already had that kind of sucks all right just in case i fall down i'm gonna leave all my important stuff here we're in the forest biome time to start just building straight out this is probably gonna be the last bomb we build two actually all right any second now we should be in the extreme hills biome hey there we go all right um i guess now we just start building uh like a little area for it all right i have built a really long platform and hopefully we can get pokemon start spawning here i'm gonna go get some blocks like some stone and maybe some dirt blocks and hopefully get some pokemon spawn in here very soon i guess we can go ahead and switch cubone to the front since we're training since we'll be training cubone anyways um so this is the way to do it boys badoof are you being nice to gastly i hope he is he should be a good boy all right so we actually have granite and anderson stuff i think pokemon can spawn on that as well as gravel here all right we got a bunch of different types of materials for pokemon to spawn on hopefully we can get them to spawn pretty often yes pokemon are starting to spawn baby i'm just laying down like a bunch of different materials we got andesite gravel well i think i have some stone too yeah i have some regular stone as well this should definitely help pokemon spawn this should all be good now let's start attacking pokemon really cool is what we're looking for and as much coal as we can get okay so cubone only has one move it only has 10 pp so we're gonna knock out these pokemon every time in one shot oh too cold dude that's pretty good uh let's see if we can get at least a stack or maybe a stack and a half i don't know and dude there's like all kinds of different pokemon spawning here we got my choking everything and there's a mud braid i don't know my choke drops i forgot drops sticks and some kind of berry all right mud bray drops leather that's actually helpful because we're gonna be making a enchanting table in this episode as well dude there's even dragon pokemon spawning here that's pretty cool oh dude drop sapphires we can get sapphires now nice each little biome unlocked so much stuff for me i didn't even realize how much it did but mainly we're here for these rock rolly coalies almost said rocky but yeah the cold dude we already have three coal now nice all right so this is really not a great place to be training um cubone because we have some enough power points on our moves to actually train him right now what i think i'm gonna do is go to the nether because um it's not like we can smell things in the nether anyways like things will not be happening outside here while we're in there so i'll get my cubone leveled up hey charlie's level 50 now nice and we got some more leather nice i'll get my cubone leveled up and evolved into a marowak and then once we have more moves and stronger moves we'll actually start um coming over here and getting some coal we did get three coal that's a good start at least so let's just get over here and do what we can do all right we're going to bring a few things i'm going to non pickaxe i just hope that i don't lose that i lose that'll be so upset all right back into the nether we go charizard listen to me do not fail me in today's episode we can't afford to die anymore my dude you've got to be good and you've got to be strong all right so here is where we're going to be training out from the same place yesterday so sure you guys don't want to be looking the same place so i'm just gonna be like healing up and just doing whatever um and i'll see you guys once my cubone evolves and then we'll see what materials i've gained since then and the best thing about having a pc here now is that we can just train and then um i can literally just have to train and then heal up if i need to i don't know i was gonna try to stay there but i kind of stuttered but let's go i think i'm also gonna try to get we're gonna use a little 39 now i'm trying to get greninja and septile to level 50 to match charizard and that'd be good oh we should have quit claw from a drill bird that's pretty cool we could put that on a slower pokemon maybe cubone oh man cubone's evolving and i can't even see it um he's evolved in one level which i don't know is that close to volleyball at level 30 something apparently evolves earlier than that hey now we have a marowak you're a lot stronger now oh my gosh this is the world's smallest little houndour look at that little baby there he's so cute too bad we have to kill him all right so i just looked it up and um marilyn doesn't look at the ground i moved to like level 43 so we've still got like 11 levels to go until we learn any other ground type move which is an insane uh thing and i think we're already past the point um where we can learn false swiping level 27 you'll learn false swipes so we won't be learning that move looks like which really sucks because that's what we wanted to be honest that's what the movie went in on our pokemon which really makes me think do i want to continue training this marowak or do i just want to do something else oh we just killed a uh we just killed a larvitar and just gave us so many emeralds and crystals all right now that i know that my pokemon can't learn false swipe right now um i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna look up on pixelmon's uh wiki and see if i can find a pokemon that's easier to catch that is pretty strong and also false white maybe this way i can learn false slap i have no idea i'm pretty sure there's like traveling tutors move tutors but i think they're extremely hard to find and stuff you gotta be lucky to get to them i hate the rain so much all right yeah we're definitely gonna call very very soon i'm gonna get some more call really quick all right so we're getting cold now i'll probably this chance to just train up greninja as much as i can and probably also sceptile as well oh a dawn fan spawn that's pretty cool hey caracal this should give us a lot of coal hopefully hopefully give us like three or four come on just one and some blaze powder no i think torque gives coal right think so let's see hey too cold nice oh i don't think they're gonna teach us anything helpful here yeah i don't think it's gonna be anything helpful it's just like random moves and it costs like materials to learn it and we don't have any stuff on us so if we wanted to learn any of this that would only cost pedal dance only cost one um one sapphire dude i could have actually i wonder if my pokemon could have actually learned that could septile septal can't even learn that but he could learn dragon pulse won't have 15 aluminum though that would take forever to get all right but at least these pokemon responding even though we don't have enough to actually get some cool moves from the lady um we can still get some cool coal from these guys oh dude this machop just spawned right in front of me this is gonna be a free boss pokemon knockout maybe not i just barely took any damage from my water shuriken and one shot at my greninja no all right charizard uh can wing attack it right nice good charizard oh we got a rare candy dude that's pretty cool and a power which probably never used the red candy could be useful in the future all right we have seven coal hopefully that can last us for a little bit and these guys they definitely need to have something else in them i guess we can go ahead and get this wood here and just use that for like actual just burning you know all right let's see how much will we got from those trees hey almost three stacks let's just fill all these up as much as we can and then hopefully it'll last we're gonna keep making as many bases as we can because we're gonna need a lot of pokeballs catchy legendary pokemons i guess we still need to get iron and dirt so i'm just gonna keep going to the nether and just keep training there as much as i can okay i actually want to make a pc before i go um because they'd be cool to have a pc in the nether that way we could actually catch pokemon and change pokemon we want to but i need more redstone to make one of those so let's see if we can get some minins and pluses to spawn hopefully and all those things out pretty quickly oh there's a boss electric on top of the roof right now all right let's try do not knock out my charizard please it probably will electric moves i didn't do that much damage actually so should we knock it out here what do we get we're gonna get ourselves some another rare candy dude and a room service which is not going to be helpful and we got three redstone dude that's perfect that gives us four redstone now but we still need one more redstone to actually use it so we're gonna make a reset lamp and then we gotta actually use redstone to make the pc so basically any electric or any plus will be good there's like a random trade on top of the thing up there all right so we're gonna take him on and see if we can get some free experience in our pokemons we've been able to easily defeat every single person we went up against um so hopefully we can continue doing that actually this is like a scientist he had a lot of like fossil pokemon and other stuff so that was pretty cool we're getting like a lot of really cool spawns today for some reason oh boys i don't think we can beat this but let's give it a try we might as well give it a try we're right here next door we're supposed to be and oh this is a legendary then something like a really high level one that i don't know what to do let's just go galvantula i guess and see what happens i swing out eventually just get sucker punch off i guess i don't really know what to do just get some damage if i can he knows discharge all right so we know that it knows discharge if it doesn't know any moves that are not electric or non-damaging marowak could solo this thing and that'd be amazing but this is the test here if marowak can't beat this it was power jim okay so we lose oh yeah we're gonna get smoked we've still yet uh actually we actually defeated mega caesar last episode i forgot that so we have actually defeated the mega pokemon just nothing that we can actually use because we can never get scissors in the game so there's not even any point in having a mega stone for caesar all right so whenever i did the um the 24 hour stream or whatever it was called uh we made a bunch of timer balls and these were these came in clutch dude for legendaries so we're gonna make that many of them or however many of them it is that we need uh we'll probably make 21. that's a lot of them but we'll go ahead and smash these down but these things come in handy dude they are super good at catching pokemon after a lot of turns oh yeah smashed in pokeballs boys smashed in pokeballs boys a ultra wormhole just spawned and i'm going through it i don't know what to expect don't have anything too important on me but we're going to go into this and see what we can find in here what dude we just made it to another dimension and there's so much dirt in here i can hardly see oh and you jump like super crazy look at that all right first thing i'm gonna do in this ultra dimension is get as much dirt as i can i guess and the music in here is like so ominous i don't know if you guys can hear it but it is super ominous this is our first time going to different dimensions so this is extremely cool it's like half snow half knot oh there's really colors here dude nice this should give us uh cold nice carbine what in the world is carving dropped a lot of crystals all right let's make some wood i'm gonna make a crafting table and we're gonna get a bunch of this dirt dude we're gonna get stacks and stacks of dirt here let's get started is there a cobblestone here if we had a stone shell of this this would be a lot faster okay looks like there actually is stone down here i can get some of this and make a better better tools all right i got myself a little bit of stone uh we can go ahead and make a bunch of uh shovels dude i wish we would have found this a long time ago we would be able to get a lot of resources we're getting so much dirt right now all right my shovel has broken uh let's see how much dirt we have we have pieces right here to get we have oh it attacked us all right let's see how much dirt we got we got one two three four four stacks of dirt five stacks of dirt and then in this little piece here we got a bunch of junk i'm gonna get rid of really quick need to make a chest just so we can put everything in and get rid of it okay we don't need a majority of all of this stuff here all right this freed up some of our space now um let's see what we can do i guess i kinda wanna explore a little bit and see what we can find around here i forgot the map the map is actually important it looks like there is a pokemon center over here we've never actually seen a pokemon center in skyblock and there's some weird structures over here i guess let's go explore all this stuff and see what we can find there's a lot of stuff over here too look at all this stuff the only thing about these dimensions is i have no idea how to leave man if you can get one of these early on in like a series like this then you can do a lot of stuff this is like a really far down drop there's even berries growing here i've never seen berries grow in the game before oh what in the world is this place it's like half nether and then like half grass pretty cool i guess it could be like literally anything could spawn here i don't know i guess we can heal up here right oh but there's gonna be supplies yes dude we've been we've not been able to get supplies this entire time and now we can literally get healing supplies and stuff like that and a ppf that's awesome that's actually great and we can heal in here dude i might spend quite a bit of time in this area um this is a really cool place to be and this should be enough dirt for our entire jungle so eventually we're gonna go back to the jungle uh if i can ever figure out how to get back home but right now we just need to explore this area here and there's some people here too looks like level 55 trainer no way let's check out some of these structures over here and see what they're all about dude there's like actual different biomes here too sunflower planes we got all this stuff this is crazy what is this stuff i don't know what this is some kind of glass material like a certain way to harvest it or something i don't know dude there's like pokemon we can't normally get here this is pretty cool is this obsidian just like an obsidian tree bro this is where we need to be and we got an os block from that barnacle nice this is such a random area this is so cool okay so this is called ultra deep sea that's a cool biome it's like i guess it's a custom biome for pixelmon pretty cool though i wonder if you can find diamonds in these areas dude is that octolock level 48 octolog i do have some ultra balls cramerant there's so many pokemon here i just want to get out of here alive i've been here before in other games and i always die when i go here so hopefully this time i can just stay alive there is a cave here let's actually check it out because if we can get a coal mine that'd be so sick dude there's coal veins down here it's like an actual thing i bet you can actually find well i don't know it looks like a pretty big drop off right there but anyways we did find coal here and there's so much of it yes anything we have ever needed in the game has now been given to us never thought it'd be mining on a skyblock map so i guess there's other skybox i guess other like mod packs that actually add different dimensions in them but this is pretty cool it's like a pokemon dimension specifically for pokemon all right we almost got a full stack of coal dude this is insane i wonder if there's like iron and stuff that spawns in these caves is that a boss wubat i mean i guess we might as well take it on right oh it almost killed charizard but we're good we're good uh we got uh mxp candy nice i want that candy we really don't need burn heels let's put this candy on our uh sceptile and see how much experience it gives him hey level 40 nice all right let's check out this edge over here i think this literally is like an edge where you just fall out of the map oh yeah it is and that that bundle be almost like this off dude bundle be get away from me it just goes down there dude that's how you get out i think you just gotta fall out of here and then you leave but i'm definitely not ready to leave you i gotta get as much materials as i can because you never know when we're gonna see another portal so i gotta take advantage of it dude it's dark and i need some torches okay i'm not seeing any oars and stuff so i don't think like actual ores aside from oh never mind i lied i think that's box out right there can we even get it with a stone pickaxe uh no we can't okay so there is ores that spawn here i don't know anything besides box site and cole spawn here but it's a it's a start all right we have made it out of the cave now let's just continue exploring i guess see if we can find any more cool stuff um it'd be really cool if we could find uh a pokemon that could drop like a redstone sony more redstone what in the world is this oh no is that an actual shulker thing i'm pretty sure this is like an in-castle does it actually have chest and stuff inside of it oh no now we're in like a really weird area with like floating rocks and stuff everywhere i hope you don't take fall damage in this bahama i'm gonna see if i can get to the top of this here there's like any chest and so there's actually a guy up here the old fisherman he's just chilling up there on top of that rock all right i guess we could check inside here if there is chest in here that could have loot in them uh yeah there actually is chest in here dude is there an actual loot does actually just kill us i do not want to get with those probably i do not want to get hit with those all right i'm going to risk it for the biscuit actually i don't need risk right now i don't have it all right if there is chest in here okay there are chests in here and i need to clear out some space for it what items can i get rid of uh we really don't need others that much they could help with training i guess i don't know okay we can use pb up on our greninja to extend his water shurikens there you go one more water sugar for you and we really don't need ice and stone is not really important either i'm pretty sure they can find diamonds stuff in these chests let's see what we can find in here iron sword diamond leggings yes iron shovel nice oh no they're killing us don't die don't don't die don't die oh no this is this is worse than don i think i'm gonna die for real i gotta get on one of these things here this is the only chance for survival just get under these and don't die okay thank god dude we got fire protection three and unbreaking three on these diamond leggings nice nice i think i'm really tempted to go back in there and get the rest of stuff that we got uh we did get a really sick enchanted shovel efficiency three and silk touch i wonder if i can get the cool glass stuff with this do you take fall damage in this mod pack i'm going to take fall damage in this biome i'm about to find out because i just got to have my pony yard i don't think you take fall damage when you're in battles anyways so hopefully i don't fall too far all right we got some iron ice oh there's a dreadnought here this could be some free experience for sceptile all right silk touch on this thing can we keep this nope you still can't keep that even with so touch all right i cleared out some more spaces we have actual armor now and we have um yeah we have food and armor and we have full health then we can swap a little bit let's go in here and be really quick get the stuff and go it's gonna take everything i can take here oh now we're getting hit we're getting hit boys just gonna fly around a little bit hopefully we don't get hit more often anything else down here like anything else any more chests i think that's the chest just on the top so i think we just looted this entire thing here dude these iron leggings have mending that's pretty cool all right i salute another pair of diamond legs hopefully they're better than the last ones we had all right these diamond leggings have protection too and i'm breaking three these ones have been breaking three and fire protection we don't really need fire protection so let's just use protection too that's pretty good you might need fire protection if we fall on lava i think what fire protection is i have no idea oh there's another one over here let's see if we can go over there let's just keep exploring these areas and see if we can get more stuff but i think i'm about ready to leave this area once i get a few more things okay so we can find diamond stuff there's a chance we can find a dom pickaxe and then maybe even minus obsidian uh that would save us a lot of time getting lava and stuff what in the world is this stuff i don't even know if i can i can't even mine it well it's taking a long time to mount anyways i'm not even going to worry about it dude there's like a gallery slow bro that's pretty cool all right let's say we got a hop from these different like little orb things that are floating here there's like some red things on the map i wonder what those are oh there's the thing we're trying to get that fortress up there all right looks like we can climb up these blocks to get to the top all right i can't really see the tower i know it's in this direction i'm just going to jump and hopefully we can hit it i think i see it think i see it then we're going to land on it this is perfect all right perfect all right we did a good job oh we actually took fall damage a little bit that time those rods are pretty cool we can actually hit those holes if we want to i will take a few rods i hear shulker oh there's one right here i should have got that sword earlier i didn't grab the sword i need to take a long time to kill oh they can teleport what all right i'm just running away from this thing um looks like we can go up here maybe i don't know oh there's a lot of them in there all right we're floating floating right now i'm gonna stay in here hopefully i don't fall too far oh no we got hit with the thing oh no all right let's see if we can heal up a little bit i don't know if we're gonna fall a lot challenge accepted great view from here oh my gosh don't die the only thing i can say is just don't die are we falling right now i can't tell i cannot tell where we're at oh i see stuff okay don't die don't die okay actually didn't hurt that bad it's good i just killed this guy i almost killed him i almost killed him we gotta watch out for these things they can actually hurt us pretty good and that's kind of annoying just flying off the hook come on make it make it i need this i need some blocks dang it again there's a in there though i need to get those chests all right so basically if i stay right here i should fall right back down without that roof and then we can get the stuff out of it not if we get hit with one of those things then we get sent even further into the sky oh no we're dying from what what are we dying from uh no please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't die okay we want that one away must be getting close i don't know what he's getting damage from but i hope we don't take any more damage oh yes all right we're here we're landing back on the roof we just got to watch this dude here do you know me with that do not hit me with that no no no none of that boys none of that stuff i'm going in here i'm looting the chest what have we got in here oh iron pickaxe that was not one oh we just oh my gosh everything i worked for and here's god no all right um dude we might have lost everything but you know what we know how to get some good stuff now we know that if we can get here we can get the good good i just got too greedy i just took my dirt i should have left we would have had all the dirt we ever needed for the jungle um but yeah let's just respawn i guess is the thing still here uh the portal is gone all right we had our chance to return with glory uh but instead we just lost everything we owned that's okay uh we'll just uh make way back there eventually right now i need to focus on getting more pokeballs anyways all right so we lost most of our aluminum panels whenever we died in the the whatever zone it was and yeah yeah if you guys look i'm shaved i shaved half of the video yeah that's right i get used to boys when i get in the military i'll shave every single day that's all this is what you need to get used to boys anyways we need more aluminum i was gonna make a pc before that thing um opened up for us uh hopefully another one opens up because that was really really cool we can get some good stuff from that but until then we just need to continue working our way towards catching mew and making a pc and putting it in the nether is going to be that first step i think all right we can actually make a whole lot of pokeballs right now so we're going to go to the nether uh in a few minutes just uh we're gonna bring a lot of pokeballs just in case he turns spawns and we want to attempt to catch it um we have a lot a lot of pokeballs we still got one more ultra ball lid here let me get that through really quick all right there we go um i guess we're gonna make all the ultra balls we can we're gonna make half these timer balls here half of these are gonna be quick balls and yeah i think that's pretty good for now i wanna make more ultra balls than anything else but we're going to need some more iron for the bases of the balls and we also need more um apricorns to actually make the great ball the ultra balls or whatever but yeah i'm happy we got 18 quick balls seven timer balls and 17 ultra balls that should be pretty good all right this time i'm not dying with my panels i'm just gonna go ahead and leave them in here now we need more iron too this is our last iron we need more of that for the iron bases especially i don't i don't know what else we could use iron for but that's what we need it for all right before i go any little food so i'm gonna cook all these fish here we got a lot of fish from when i was fishing for froakie dude oh yes plus will spawned we need more redstone now we lost it all in when we died earlier hey two redstone we still need three more all right we have quite a bit of food i guess to go back into the nether now we got to get more dirt and we got to get more um materials we need iron and we need aluminum i wanted the pc but it's taking a while to get the redstone all right let's just hope that charizard doesn't get us killed today oh there's some iron right there baby come on give us a big drop of iron clink come on one aluminum ingot no i actually had a bunch of stuff in here um oh we actually have iron and aluminum in here nice and box eye ore modern pickaxe is also in here to stay safe and we got a lot of dirt here dirt is still our main priority for this episode so we need to make sure that we can get enough to finish that jungle i want to finish the jungle and start hunting from you oh a bronzer attacked me y'all know what that means free aluminum plates baby oh we just got box out for this time man usually he gives you like fully hammered aluminum plates which is awesome holy cow there's like a then it's a really rare spawn that's a dread again um let's see if it's a high level i might catch that level 50 this could potentially be a pokemon i put on my team so let's see if we can get it boys all right charizard i don't think you can one shot with dragon breath but let's see what happens oh he paralyzed him dude okay so dragon breath is perfect oh it can roar okay okay it's gonna be one of those battles we do have a quick ball might as well change it at least once to see what happens here yeah i didn't think we're gonna catch with that all right dragon breath let's go can we get the process again no paralysis that time um who do we want to send in now let's send down galvantula see if we can get the thunder wave off i don't think we can oh we actually could okay wow dragon's really slow i guess um i guess let's go for electro ball over sucker punch you can't do much damage to it but if we can lower his health a little bit then uh it's just whatever all right um let's see if we can catch this thing marowak you go in now all right um i guess i thought ultra ball at it i don't waste all my ultra balls because i'm still saving this for heatring if we find heatran that'd be pretty sick and did we get it then we got it oh we just got our first dragon pokemon dredging actually did i catch on the dragon early i don't remember if i did or not all right anyways uh let's go back i've got a lot of dirt now i've been here for a while and uh we got over a stack of dirt now if you look at my inventory we got coarse dirt and regular dirt and then dude there's a turdinator why are all the good pokemon spawning now let's kill this does this drop coal level 55 what oh it's not even weak to water i forgot because it's not even i was thinking something else uh maybe i should catch this too i might try to catch this as well and we might actually get wiped out here so we gotta be careful all right ultra ball let's go i'm gonna see if i can catch this because we need the highest level strongest pokemon we can find and he didn't stand the ball he didn't stay in the ball all right marowak you're up next all right another ultra ball this will be the last ball i'll use i might use a tower ball next if we don't catch it with this one i don't think it's gonna catch it actually hey we got a turdinator now that's two dragon pokemon in a row two very high level dragon pokemon in a row all right um let's go back i guess and uh see what's going on back at home maybe put this dirt in the jungle i don't know actually there's a lot of digletts here right now i just need to go ahead and knock them out lockhand all right charizard fly us over there without killing us now it's really important we probably get dredging and terminator on our team um because we need higher level pokemon to actually stay alive and to be able to do stuff against your boy heatran or even mew so let's go those guys have a pc really quick as well as put all this dirt in the jungle might as well go ahead and do that right now all righty um so we really don't need galvantula anymore and we probably also don't need marowak so i think it's time we pull out our dread again in our terminator dude we got two dragon types now let's check out the summaries um and see what they've got this dude is naughty plus attack dude that's actually good that was decent enough for him anyways so he could actually do some damage uh very high attack set i'm pretty sure oh yeah 146 that's insane both moves like nice slash dragon tail rock climb superpower these are damaging moves here now let's check out turdinator um plus special attack i don't know modest is that good for tornado i think it might be i have no idea if he can flamethrower yeah 122. he might be a special attacker if he is that's amazing because we have the perfect nature for him i think yeah but dudes our team right now is almost level 50 plus we try to get greninja and sceptile up there which i'm getting dirt while training them and stuff so it'll get there soon yes um this is perfect electric spawn we can get some more um redstone which will be awesome we'll never have to leave the the nether again if we have to get if we can make a pc down there i'm just like stuttering right now but hopefully you guys understand me all right i did put some dirt in here a while back so we have over a stack now we have so much dirt nearly two stacks i would say stack and a half all right over to the jungle we go all right we have so much dirt um i guess i'm just gonna finish covering up this side over here before i do anything else so we want to make all this like dirt and just make it look like an actual jungle biome or whatever i keep saying that but you guys will see once this is done this is going to look awesome all right here's the coarse dirt so i think you actually can't grow grass on coarse dirt but that's fine so with coarse dirt you can actually i think you just right-click it and then it turns it into regular dirt here i didn't mean to do that sorry and there we go is all the core start done we still have 19 more dirt here dude this is starting to come along nicely we definitely need like five more stacks though maybe even six stacks um hopefully that portal will open up again and we can go ahead and just get a bunch of materials please portal open again i need the materials it was just so easy to get dirt in there dude and all that coal that coal would have helped us so much because we're like running out of materials to burn we're gonna have to start cutting trees again and i really don't want to do that so hopefully we can get a portal to spawn very soon all right but i guess we're gonna go back to the nether and keep training our pokemon and getting more dirt that way um and hopefully heatran will spawn if he responds we can start trying to catch it i feel more comfortable now we have a lot of pokeballs and we also have a lot of pokemon that are high level oh dude alolan dug trio spawn uh this is my first one i think it's my first time seeing all the dog trio in here we've seen a lot of lulu and diglett that just looks crazy look at that that looks funny ooh just a lot of iron dude nice oh sometimes a little 45 wants to learn x scissors this is actually a pretty decent move um i think i'm gonna get rid of absorb maybe because just that's such a good move all right so absorb can be taken away whoa there's a bosch rip over there all right so that's a hollow pokemon i might catch that one as well because that's just that's a dark and still top dude that's gonna resist mew so good level oh it's level 60 dude we're catching this if we can um i guess the first thing to do is throw a quick ball just in case it might work you never know can we get it boys can we get it if we get it with a quick ball come on come on oh we just got with a quick ball are you serious dude we just got a bit sharp with a quick ball wow dude that was really nice level six it's our household pokemon now um so yeah i i guess uh what's what should we do i guess it's not gonna help us against heatran so there's no point in getting it out right now um so we'll probably i don't know what we'll do oh i just realized you can use a hoe on this grass to make actual nether brick well that's weird dude that's super cool we're getting a lot of good pokemon today on our team all right guys so i was researching online about ultra wormholes and since there was like any way to actually just like create your own ultra wormhole and make it easier to get there and i did find a way to do it but we definitely can't do it because um the the thing about it is that you have to have legendary pokemon to make portals i think it's paul kia dialga arceus lunala solgaleo those pokemon can create portals and necrozma they create portals by uh i guess it's just one of their moves like how i come forward with charizard to find the apricorns earlier in the series we can do something to make portals if you could get one of those early on you can make portals and get a whole lot of materials from the zones for this uh for this mod pack okay wait a minute i think i'd have seen a shiny is that a shiny or i think it's a boss can't tell because the shine is pretty cool yeah it's a boss all right let's see what kind of stuff we can get i can never hit these zubats dude they just like flop see look where's the where's the hit box at to actually battle this dude level 60 dude that's insane okay zubat all right we killed him what are we gonna get we got a lucky egg actually that's actually kind of cool i think that's like increases your experience gain for pokemon so we can actually stick that on one of our pokemons and gain experience extremely fast now all right let's kill this geodude and see if we notice a difference in the experience gain here uh yeah i guess it's like doubled almost so that's pretty cool oh dude another boss pokemon to spawn right there boss graveler all right we'll see if we can do we should get some big xp for this one right some big xp for this one hung on sturdy you self-destruct and we died um but we still got the white clay i think this actually um what does lockheed do is that increase sandstorm or something or is that i have no idea what clay does have to look that up okay it actually extends the duration of like barrier moves like um like light screen or something like that dude we're getting all kinds of good spawns but now that we're trying to find heatran i guarantee he's not going to spawn that's just how it works dudes is that a shiny lunatone bro no way dude are you sick bro come on we're getting the shinies baby we are getting the shinies all right um let's let's try to catch it dude level 26 we got quick balls just get in the ball my dude just get in the ball brought to catch our second shiny dude i swear and pixelmon i normally don't have this this kind of luck but for some reason i have this kind of luck right now i'm just keep running away from it no don't kill yourself lunatone don't kill yourself with the fire all right come on don't kill yourself don't kill we gotta make sure we catch it guys we gotta make sure we catch this come on wiggle one more time no we didn't get it dude this thing must have like a really low cat trait or something because we are not getting it for some reason dude come on just spawn just stay in the ball please one more wiggle one more wiggle oh dude come on i don't have to weaken it with my pokemons are all like we're really high levels and stuff we might not be able to catch this one boys uh we a quick balls aren't really necessary unless we're just trying to catch like random pokemon but we can we'll just keep using quick balls and just hopefully we can get it once at least eventually maybe i don't know it has to be almost dead don't don't die dude it's just i hope i'm recently tell every single time it does this but i don't think it is i think it's gonna die before we can catch it come on stay in the ball no come on come on oh it just died no it died in the lava why did they have to do that it sacrificed itself well that's one shiny we're not going to be catching today i wouldn't have used it anyways like this would have been a little trophy thing in the next to the house there but it's still cool we encountered another shiny you know i'm eating a candy bar right now guys but this thing just spawned here a legendary boss i don't think we can kill it but we're going to try i know we didn't get anything last time maybe this time we'll get lucky get something i have no idea all right i guess let's take it on boys level 75 though that's i think we definitely can't beat this thing we might be able to beat it actually i don't think he's that great of anything he's really an attacker so maybe we can actually just do a little bit of damage at a time here okay with the nice shade though that sucks all right septal time for you to come in i guess x scissors that do that do a lot of damage there yeah so fury pops doesn't do much damage on the table so i'm gonna beat this if we use all of our pokemon all right um subtitle died so i guess prime map's up next just to do some damage here i don't know the difference between punishment and assurances probably just use a punishment this whole time all right so punishment got it halfway so we're halfway on the the health there and we still got a drug again and tertinator um i guess let's bring in drug again and see what we can do here dude we got such pretty good moves here we can really only use not slash i think and yeah that did pretty it did okay damage okay let's go for more knot slashes dude that he's doing so much damage right now oh dude we're so close to beating this all right all right so close okay um ternator you're up next charizard's gonna be last uh let's see here i guess let's go for flamethrower i think it does more damage than dragon pulse right what do we do oh we have oranberry i put orange on him so thank god we just beat it yes we didn't get anything did we we just got uh the satisfaction of defeating a legendary boss pokemon so there's that oh another bish sharp dude is it bisharp bye sharp however we pronounce it we found another one okay when we cause level 60 this one's a little 56 so hopefully this is just some good experience for us all right there we go oh dude we just got the jackpot three iron and two aluminum nice oh dude i fell down here and there is a boss graveler dude we're just spawning in all the good stuff today all right we went to the boss graveler which is pretty awesome and we just got an xp share dude this is that's actually good dudes that is actually good i think i'm gonna start training uh sceptile with the lucky egg and then making my other pokemon hold the exp share the days be sure to be really good if you want to train a pokemon in the future that's like a lower level one and we don't have like any good moves or anything to train it on it'll level up pretty fast with that all right so we've been down here for an hour now um i'm starting to think that maybe heatran is not gonna spawn so uh literally when we're looking for me doesn't spawn dude greninja is getting so much experience now from the exp share and then septa has the lucky egg as well we're getting a lot of experience but as i was saying um i just think that uh it's it's time to go back to the overworld and hopefully a portal will spawn if it does that's going to be lit dudes i'm going to bring all my stuff back my don pickaxe especially i think i'm pretty much done in here uh for a good while at least yeah but we did almost get our pokemon to level 50 7047 now and greninja level 48 almost all 49 so we're doing pretty good all right we've made it out of nether alive i'm grateful and i'm happy all right i guess we'll just uh go over to the jungle biome get rid of all this dirt and then i think we're gonna organize everything and then i guess start looking for more redstone hopefully some pluses and models will spawn and we can maybe work on getting a pc and some stuff i'm also going to check out the boss sharp 2 i might want to put that on the team right now i never know when you might need that very very strong pokemon to have got a lot of coarse dirt right now i'll have to hoe this out later though yeah yeah jungle tree grew and there's a tangle that's kind of cool move dangle it move there we go that's all the dirt blocks placed now um yeah dude i'm hoping that mew will lock this place and we just grew a short jungle tree nice dude so many primates spawn here and we had a royal pea there's a lot of cool stuff that spawns here all right let's head back to the house and i guess uh we can just start working on our stuff and yeah i think i'll make some shulker boxes and we can start organizing stuff that way um that'd be pretty cool so let's uh i've never actually made a shulker box or actually ever used one in minecraft so this is my first time doing this so please don't judge me guys we got 24 iron again we just another earlier we got 24 iron nuggets which i think you do this that makes a full one yeah i do that's pretty cool we got ourselves up to two iron ingots from killing those aerons nice and 15 total and 10 bucks out where we have so much aluminum and iron now it's great dude on our roof there are two mining spawns um let's see if we can get enough redstone where'd the other one go because oh there it is okay so let's all these guys out and see if we can get some nice redstone oh we got two i think that should be enough now actually but just to make sure we might as well knock this one out as well all right there we go we should have enough redstone now to actually make another one of these bad boys then we can actually just travel with it good then we got all that aluminum dude we definitely needed this so let's go ahead and hammer some of this stuff out we need six of it to make the pc i think since we're here we might as well get started on those ball bases so i think we can make quite a few from this right here dudes there we go that's going to make 25 more ball bases dude we're gonna have so many pokeballs now and yeah oh yeah i forgot to check that boss sharp dude here it is let's uh check it out dude plus speed master defense not the worst nature in the world uh some pretty good attack it's got night slash and slash so those are some pretty good moves and level 60 that's insane i think i might switch it out for dredging for now that means dread again dude you can come out and party with bidoof and a hard ghastly oh i think it's only two pokemon at a time all right biddoof um you've had enough time to chill drudging you can come out for a little bit dude and there we go another pc we can just carry this one around and drop it and we can pick it up when we want to and yeah boys oh we got another porygon piece porygon cell baby we got the body and the tail and then i think you need the head i don't know might need the feet as well i don't i have no idea so i got a bunch of stone and cobblestone and stuff and i think i'm gonna take that over to the extreme hills biome and make it a lot bigger all right dude the extreme hills biome is looking pretty sick now uh i put little little mountain areas here so it looks more like an extreme hills biome and there's a larvitar which is pretty cool let's actually catch this larvitar so there's an xp share i wouldn't mind actually training a few pokemon now and dude having a tyranitar could be pretty cool actually uh he just fell off the cliff never mind but as long as it run away we should be able to catch him i think right come on stay in the ball my dude all right i threw a tower ball after just using substitute for a bunch of times let's see if it catches it hey we got a larvitar knife that's pretty cool hey dude car calls dropping all the cold now nice oh you can hold blaze powder as a light source that's pretty cool i guess all right so um i'm not really sure what i want to be doing now i want a thing to spawn so bad i really want to go back to the portal but i don't think it's going to happen boys i think we just really got lucky last time and we ruined our chances of doing anything cool all right boys i'm really tempted to stand here until a nether portal or ultra wormhole spawns hopefully we can hopefully i can just come back and hopefully one small is like a sound that it makes when they when they appear or something mega wormhole please spawn dude mega wormhole please spawn for me all right i guess one thing for us to be doing is to not be wasting time standing here waiting for a wormhole to come out which literally has a chance of never spawning i guess all right video if you can come back out we're taking dredging back to the nether and probably gonna use him and hopefully we can find ourself a good old spawn for uh ya boy a heatran um that'd be pretty cool i didn't check this lavatar either is it a good nature no it's a bad nature all right back into the nether we go all right we can place the pc here now and we can use that whenever we want to catch pokemon we want to change pokemon or something like that but i guess we'll stay focused on getting dirt and dude here is a boss doug trio as soon as we get here nice all right what do we get we got ourself a macho brace which um could be good but not really right now we don't really care for it right now all right so i think heatran has a better chance of spawning in the hill biome so then we're going to spend more time over here than over there uh we can always just fly back over there if we need to heal and stuff that might have been our problem with not spawning heatran a few minutes ago because we would've been down here for like two hours and there was no heatran spawn which i don't know if that's normal or not normal i have no idea and here's a regular lunatone we seen a shiny one earlier and dude you're just not the shiny one oh a hound doom nice oh granger wants to learn a new move finally yes um extra sensory i'm gonna have to eat a substitute we have a socket top move now which is pretty cool and more blaze rods yeah hey greninja level 50 now nice and septile's little 52 as well and sceptile is also almost level 50 which is amazing so uh yeah we'll be going for that very soon we'll have all level 50 pokemon on our whole team guys you literally have no idea how long i've been in the nether um greninja is now level 57 57. that's insane greninja you're like our strongest pokemon right now and if you look at my inventory we have gained so many materials uh we can also make a firestone which is pretty cool um and look how much iron and aluminum we have now we have so much iron and aluminum but i was just exploring a little bit and i found this huge one now this one looks promising we still haven't found any items in any of the fortresses here so i'm hoping this one was like randomly generated or whatever and potentially could have stuff inside of it it looks a lot bigger than the other two we found so i'm hoping that this one actually might have something in it so if i find anything i'll let you guys know dude i'm not seeing any chest we're like this is like the area where chess would be like this kind of hallways like this is where they would be but i'm not actually seeing anything dudes there might be some kind of mod option on or some kind of option on somewhere where i guess chess don't spawn another i have no idea it's a possibility though for sure and also you will have noticed that um i haven't encountered your boy heatrin yet dude we've literally been down here for hours now and i've just not seen him he just hasn't spawned before we were finding him like crazy and now we can't find them at all all right i noticed all this gravel here something i wanted to try i think if you get rid of this it'll all fall yes that's actually like really aesthetically pleasing for some reason oh another big thing guys you didn't see the inventory i didn't notice it forgot to show you guys we found a lot of coal we've defeated a lot of torquels so how much coal do we have looks like we have 14 coal that's pretty good it's mostly ever had and i also want to show you guys one more thing we got this right here fall swipe on our sceptile i forgot something i even learned false swipe and i was trying to get a pokemon for false swipe and now we have one dude little 52 our pokemon team is coming along like very nicely we're all getting very strong and i think we find heatran it's going to be pretty easy to catch oh dude that mega gang car just spawned right in front of me dude i don't even know if we can beat it though it's actually just a rare boss so we should definitely beat it easier than the other pokemon we've been fighting so i don't know um oh no i switched to charizard and we can't fly we'll have to walk all the way back to the portal if charlotte dies here oh no oh we just died in one shot dude how is he one-shotting everything how is he doing this all right he one-shotted every single pokemon we had um that was a mistake right there i think we are pretty far away from the portal well yeah that's pretty far away actually all right time to begin the walk back home i guess and i guarantee i guarantee you heatran is going to spawn all pokemon are fainted i can almost guarantee it dudes i need a lot of this to build back our way home all right i think we're almost to the portal yeah i think it's actually just right there nice didn't take so long to get back actually all right i'm not leaving this place until i find a heatran boys so we're gonna build our way back over to there and um that's gonna be where we're gonna heal up at all right we made it no deaths yet no deaths this episode boys except for the one earlier in the portal no all right we got a lot of stuff and i don't want to be losing any of this later on so we're going to put our iron and aluminum and the more important stuff up in here all right boys if we don't find heatran very soon we'll be leaving and heading back um because this is taking forever and it's getting kind of old i think i have another plan for whenever we get back so i think i'll stay here for like 30 minutes and if we find heatrim then that's gonna be good but if they don't find each one they'll be that'll be okay too oh boys oh my gosh um okay he spawned he spawned okay hold on we gotta finish this pawn yard all right guys i think i'm gonna leave with charizard see if we can paralyze him or not if we can't paralyze him then i don't even know what to do hopefully we can see the paralysis off here um we're gonna get him low health we do have fall swap now so hopefully we can get them as low as possible oh lava plume did so much damage right there that did so we paralyzed him dude that's so good that's so good all right um greninja has a special move called double team and we can use double team to do um to just like waste time for the tower ball to gain power and stuff and he also can't hit us so i think that's the way to go after charlotte dies here if charlotte does die i guess i actually don't want her to die because then we can't fly back so let's actually switch to different pokemon and hope that we don't die well i mean i don't care if brian dies honestly oh i got a crit there i need to be careful um i guess we can start i'm gonna start throwing balls now i'm kind of scared um i'll throw ultra ball and see if this can do it okay this is gonna be pretty rough i think the the chances of catching this legendary pokemon are insanely low all right i guess i'm gonna i'm gonna go for rock climb so we can get some more i don't think that'll kill it right it seems like a pretty weird move and i think it resisted because it's still type okay it definitely resists it so that's good we can just keep waking it this way dude if we can get this thing to one hp with um sceptile dude that'd be insane one more rock climb wait is he drinking confused or am i confused oh man i hope patron's not confused here all right i'm throwing a timer ball right now please don't be confused teacher and i hope that if he kills himself i'm gonna be so upset come on stay in the ball stay in the ball come on oh yes oh boys we just caught a heatran oh my gosh this is our first legendary pokemon dude we can start hunting from you now i feel a lot better now all right boys we have to get back as soon as we can check this pokemon out all right let's see what we got here um there he is heatran level 70 dude that's such a high level and we got bold modest attack that's actually i think that's okay but dude these moves are insane we got a heat shrink we got our first legendary all right tordinator you're gonna get replaced with this one and bisharp you're replacing this guy dude our team actually i'm going to replace my primate with the dread again all right let's check this thing out look at this we got our first let me ride this thing we can ride it dude there's a shopkeeper what what okay can we actually buy stuff hello i see you're a connoisseur a fine pokemon where i have some rare treasures for sale here oh he's actually selling stuff he's selling balls dude we have we actually have money from defeating the people this is gonna be good i'm uh i don't wanna buy ultra balls probably however many we can buy so it's times eleven somebody has on him oh that's the sale that's how much we have on us he only sells water stone okay why did i go to sell first thing anyways there's a water stone there which uh we don't need that so i'm not even worried about that but i thought he was selling this so i was like wow that looks like a really good deal all right so there's no point in that guy there speaking of ultra balls we need to make sure that we're making as many of those as possible from you and dude the timer ball came in clutch there we have four of those left might want to use those for mute as well oh i just realized i didn't get all the iron and stuff out of the chest in there i was too excited i'm gonna go back and get the iron really quick and i'll meet you guys over here again all right boys i think i'm glad i don't ever have to come back to the nether again because we got a legendary pokemon and we've gained so many materials this should last us to the very end of the game i think all right so how much iron do we do we have in total now we have a lot of aluminum we have 50 iron almost a whole stack of iron and almost a whole stack of aluminum dudes all right let me put all this stuff up and then we'll figure out what we're going to do next all right i do have a few ideas for things we can do right now we have a lot of bones saved up and basically we're going to turn this into bone meal all of that into bone we have we have like two stacks and a half now bone meal and we can use this to like automatically grow the black and yellow apricorns and we can make a bunch of ultra balls so right now we're just gonna make a bunch of ultra balls and stock up on them and while we're doing that we're gonna make more iron discs or iron balls yeah so let's get that done too and we have a bunch of dirt too so i might as well go on over to the jungle biome and put all this stuff down i hate having a cluttered inventory so i might as well just get rid of all the stuff that i can all right i'm gonna start using the bone mill on these things now um and then i think what i'm gonna do is i'll tell you guys how much stuff we've got by the end of it okay oh yeah look at that down there you can see it in the inventory it's just popping up one two three four i'll use one stack on black and then one stack on yellow and then half the last stack probably should use more on black because you use double the amount of black that you would use for the yellows all right we got 51 blacks and 26 yellow ones um i guess let's go ahead and submit these things or do whatever with them and make them into some ultra balls baby i actually already have a few ultra ball lids here that were finished up earlier and that's gonna give us nine more so we have 20 ultra balls right now i'm gonna make some more timer balls as well we have seven of those lids left so we can just go ahead and stick some of those into some timer balls we are about to have so many pokeballs the beautiful moon rises again oh dude so you guys mentioned in the comment section down below that you can get a special bdoof if you use a luxury ball um so i think i'll try that in the next episode if you guys want to do that be sure to leave a comment down below telling me to catch the b dude for the luxury ball because i will definitely do that all right we are starting to press our ultra balls in we're about to have a lot i need to make these into some buttons yeah but can you guys believe that we started from a single block with a charmander and now we've got legendary pokemon heatrin as well as a huge base and so we built for ourself and a little bitty butt i'm so excited to go from you um and i do want to my end goal for this is to catch mew and then clone it into a mewtwo so i guess in the next episode we'll work on getting the cloning machine built and uh we'll probably also well we have enough balls this episode here all right i'm gonna try something really quick you guys are constantly telling me um to do this and i wanna see how it's gonna work all righty there we go that's all the ultra ball lids pressed down all right we should have enough here to make all these lids into balls and that's gonna give us 46 ultra balls guys we have so much stuff now 40's ultra balls 11 timer balls and seven quick balls and we still got some iron bases left as well i might make the rest of these timer balls to be honest and then whatever left we quick balls but we're gonna need more buttons for that as well all right there's something i want to try that i didn't do you guys keep talking about and that is unlimited dirt a way to get unlimited dirt which if it works i'm so stupid and i'm sorry for not listening to you guys earlier for this to work i have to have two dirt and two gravel i think so let's see what happens so i think you put dirt in this corners and then you put gravel like this and that makes four coarse dirt and then dude i think you guys are right i think you're all right so i made four coarse dirt so technically if we just hold this we're gonna have two dirt now oh man i am so stupid i'm sorry for not listening to you guys earlier i'm to dig all this dirt up really quick and we're going to make enough dirt to fill this up and make a awesome thing and we're going to sift a little bit of it see if we get some grass seeds finally all right i just took a stack i didn't dig up all of it because where's me double in this stack then we can double and double or double what we doubled or whatever um but let's get over here and i'll get some gravel really quick from our generator or cobblestone generator and it shouldn't take too long with our diamond hammer anyways all right i got enough uh gravel now so we just take the gravel half that then they do this and that gave us two stacks of coarse dirt we went from one stack of dirt to two stacks we're probably gonna need more so i'm gonna go ahead and get another stack of gravel here i think one more stack of gravel we'll probably finish us off for having enough dirt to complete uh the jungle biome all right i should have enough gravel now to finish this up and we're going to make a hoe too so i actually should probably get some stones so that way i can make a stone hoe all right jungle biome time to finish you up my dude this whole episode i've been trying to get dirt when i could just been doing this would have been done a long time ago but we also probably would have caught hatred and we probably also wouldn't have um leveled up for pokemon like greninja's level 60 now so i guess i'll just start placing this dirt and then um i'll see you guys once i'm done let's actually sift some of this dirt really quick and see if we can get some grass seed because if we can then we can go ahead and make some grass boys all right please grass seed we've literally gotten so unlucky with the grass seeds what's up with that and someone said i had a grass seed i don't have a grass seed all right i went ahead and put all my seeds here just to show you guys that i actually don't have any actual like grass seeds these are like seeds for wheat so i don't think they grow grass oh i didn't realize i had one more left i just put it in there i didn't even i didn't get anything anyway so it doesn't matter i will not rest until i have that grass seed boys i'm gonna waste all this dirt trying to get it all right so this is what the grass seed looks like and yeah string mesh so it's a five percent chance that we find it the same percent chance we found any other thing in here so dude the chance we find it is literally the same as anything else in here we haven't found that one for some reason i don't know why but anyways i have 17 more dirt hopefully we can get it here and if we can't get it then i don't know oh gosh we just got it yes yes let's go boys now we can actually have grass at the area i can stop wasting all this dirt hopefully we still have enough dirt to cover up the jungle area i don't know if i want to do like a full cover or what why is there a shopping i guess that must have spawned from the not time or something i have no idea all righty let's uh go over here and get the jungle started dude we're about to officially have grass we have trees and we have a lot of dirt now oh dude a scyther spawned here that's kind of cool what does that drop it drops melon seeds i think a lot of things in the jungles just drop melon seeds for some reason oh dude somebody spawned here where's this guy a level 80 trainer um yeah dude i ain't touching you you're scary all right we barely need any more dirt dude yeah i'm gonna worry about this in the next episode probably i'll probably do this off camera so let's just go ahead and get this grass started alright we have a grass seed i guess let's just start it there dude look at this this is gonna spread now and we're gonna have grass literally everywhere i don't know how often it spreads so i'll probably just have my character to stand here and uh let it spread while i'm afk or something all right look at this video nap then look at this event and that where'd it go there it is is that a shiny venom now let me check that out thank you tiny bit that's like yellow or something right yeah it's not shiny it's just like a weird color for some reason yeah this one's definitely a darker color than that one over there oh boys mega caesar just spawned y'all know what that means free knockout for charizard oh dude one shot at it what um all right so we just got a bunch of stuff and psyche mz dude we don't have a z crystal yet i don't think but yeah guys what you see behind me is our team currently that's a lot of insanely strong and cool looking pokemon we've got bishar drutagan heat trend greninja sceptile and charizard dude this is such a good looking team of pokemon and we're gonna be finding um you in the next episode and going for mewtwo guys so i'm gonna do this off camera so my question for you guys today i want you to answer this in the comment section down below do you think it'll take us a long time to find you or do you think we'll find it quicker than we found heatran i've also never cloned pokemon in this game before so i have no idea what to expect i think you need diamonds for it but that being said i'm gonna go ahead and i'm actually gonna ride but with that being said i'm gonna go ahead in the video here guys if y'all did enjoy it please be sure to leave a like subscribe comment and as always god bless you guys and i'll see the next one thanks for watching oh what's that heatran you want a friend a legendary friend today that's right guys today we're gonna be going for mew and then cloning it to hopefully get a mewtwo so our buddy heatran here can actually have a little friend to play with in the last episode we got this legendary pokemon heatran and if you haven't watched yet guys be sure to go watch the last episode the link is in the description down below or you can also click the card in the top of the screen right up here all right so i've got a lot planned for today the main thing obviously getting mew and in the last episode i asked you guys if i should collect dirt and do some off the camera but i did a lot of stuff off camera um and you guys about to see once we get over to the jungle the jungle is not what it used to be boys the jungle is insane oh yeah you guys can see in the distance i got more grass seeds and started planting them out of where and i extended out the island a little bit to make it look more natural but dudes this is our um area here dude it just looks so good now i decorate it with a little bit of jungle leaves oh more grass is growing baby but yeah dude this place looks so good and one of the guys in the comment section down below said you just have a little waterfall coming down into the pond here and we have done just that it's not the best looking waterfall i guess i can make it look a little bit better but um it is what it is put some lily pads here some cane over there everything just looks good dude give me all these big trees i just love the way it looks but yeah hopefully this is good enough for me to spawn in and dude this is i think i put this here earlier like a long time ago it's just not starting to grow hey sometimes 53 from a random pokemon that just attacked me what i get yellow and purple wolf from from apom it drops yellow and purple wool what i didn't know that all right let's do a pokemon spawn here on the map all right slackhot spawns here we got pampore semifour i don't know their names i have no idea what their names are i think it's like pan sear that's what it's called the dudes the grass is slowly growing and spreading out here soon this is gonna be like a fully fledged jungle biome so i guess we need to spawn mew today but before we spawn me there's actually a few things we need to do and i actually don't even know when mu spawned so i'm actually gonna look that up really quick all right so i looked it up and it looks like mew spawns in the jungle in the day so i thought it was more specific than that like in the morning or something like that but uh i guess we just gotta be here and just stand around till it spawns but the main thing of today is catching mew and then cloning it to get mewtwo and to do that we have to make a cloning machine which is going to take a lot of materials uh specifically we need some more redstone and we don't have any redstone at all we have like three redstone and dude every pokemon in this area attacks me i don't know why so i guess we should go back to the house and chill around in the plains biome until some plussels and minins and electronics drop enough redstone uh for us to be able to make these cloning machines i'll look at the recipe and show you guys in a minute but it takes a lot of redstone we had to make a fossil machine full-on fossil machine for each of the cloning area machine things oh yeah so here is the cloning cord we had to make a cord and to make the machine well we need the cord to make the machine uh so she takes one cord it takes two tanks and each tank this one makes gold and a fossil machine and then this one takes uh emeralds enough missions we have all the emeralds we need obsidian so we know for sure we need six uh okay so we only have one obsidian we're going to count all this obsidian all right so i'm gonna need like 14 obsidian that's gonna take a lot a lot of stuff dude there's a hurdler up there and the obsidian shouldn't take too long it's gonna take a while to get because it's just like time consuming but uh the redstone is what i'm looking for the most i also want to try to catch uh bidoof in a luxury ball today that's one of the things i wanted to do all right and uh we're gonna need a lot of these um here so i might as well just go ahead and make another iron hammer dude i really think that i don't have any wood at all yeah i literally have no wood so time to chop down some of these trees here i'm glad i planted them last episode all right if we finally have wood we can make another hammer all right so we have a lot of aluminum ingots uh i'm going to knock all these things down into little panels which is going to take a very very long time i'm not sure exactly how many we need but i know it's a lot and we're getting some buckets of water too all right i just added it up it takes 22 uh aluminum plates to make this uh to make the two fossil machines with the two volts machines first and then move on to the next part because remembering all these recipes and stuff and how many materials we need is gonna really weigh on my mind so i gotta do one thing at a time just make sure i get it all right i'm just glad we got enough metal from the pawn yards in the last episode hunting that heatran that took forever but we got so many materials and i'm grateful for it even though we have not seen another portal yet i'm so sad we've seen a portal all right this is the last aluminum plate i will need to make all the fossil machines but i just looked it up and i'm gonna go ahead and press out six more of these uh these panels so i can have them to make the cloning machine because each uh like the orange tank and the green tank for the mew and the mewtwo they each require three more of these little panel things so shouldn't they want to knock them out i just wish there was an automatic anvil for these things because these things suck dude sitting here many things out just blows all right this is officially the last one um i think i have i'm gonna get the obsidian last probably because it just takes a little while to get so i think i'm gonna go ahead and start making some of the fossil machine parts which i think i just need a little bit don't have arm with me i have a little bit ironing the rest of my iron here uh i'm gonna make some buckets for this we already have one bucket from the beginning of the game and we see this one right here should give us two buckets all right i think we need glass panels for this we have 12 that should definitely be enough i actually think that's exactly enough and then here's our other bucket all right then we can just fill all of these up here and i think this can make the like false machine part the water part i don't know all right put the water there then we take these and that's going to make ourselves a fossil machine tank nice and we hit the buckets yes i thought i was going to use the buckets i forgot i haven't made this in a long time and there we go the second fossil machine we have two parts there and that's done now we have three buckets now for no reason which is actually gonna come in handy because we do gotta get lava i just thought about that we gotta get a lot of lava here i'm gonna just in case i die on the nether you never know i'm gonna put the important stuff in this chest up here so that way we don't lose any of this i'll leave it on pickaxe here too so we're gonna need diamonds for from you two guys you'll see once we get to that part but we need a lot of diamonds we're gonna be shifting a lot of gravel very very soon all right there we go we got three buckets of lava this is gonna make this a lot easier that we can get three at a time all right so we can just stick this in here and it's gonna get rid of the lava and we can do two at a time which is pretty neat i forgot how much this one you're gonna need i need to recount that i think it was like 14 or 12 or something like that but it's going to be it's going to take a little bit to get all this and we need to keep a look oh somebody keep a lookout for minings and pluses and stuff but boss pokemon are cool too level 75 um through the boss pokemon are getting stronger and stronger now all right we defeated it what do we want to get we got uh we already had a room service thing that kind of sucks i don't need this leather anymore i was gonna use enchanting stuff but i really don't need to inch anything anymore all right so i hooked it up and i was correct is 14 obsidian we already have one in here so uh that's four obsidian i just need one more i guess or not one more we just need uh 10 more all right let's hope that we can get this done really quick i guess i'll see you guys once i have 14 obsidian which is going to take quite a while all right i just got all of the obsidian um i only needed one bucket for this last run but i went ahead and got two more buckets while i was there might as well get extra just in case because you know what's gonna happen guys you never know what's gonna happen all right that's going to give us 16 obsidian that's pretty good i'm gonna keep all my stuff right here so i know where to keep all of it so that way none of it can get lost or destroyed all right what do we need next all right we can actually make a few pieces here so let's go ahead and make these we can use this right here to make the base of the fossil machine and then we can do kind of the same recipe but with redstone at this time and that will make the top of the fossil machine all right so we basically just had the entire false machine we just need one more part and that's really dependent on how many redstone we can get we already have one redstone left so we're gonna need at least um seven more redstone i think to finish this off let's just hope that moden and plussels and i think just any electric pokemon that can spawn can actually give us the redstone we need all right so i looked it up online just to see like uh what pokemon specifically dropped certain things and it seems like uh redstone is mainly dropped from mining and plussel so we literally have to wait until those things spawn so it might take a while for us to actually get the materials i guess i'll just walk around and kill pokemon there's a chance that another portal could spawn which we really don't need it anymore but i just want to go in there because it's so cool huh i guess we could uh actually use charizard to fly away and then come back to reset the spawns all right the next thing i want to check out with charizard really quick let's uh fly those little blocks i mentioned them before a long time ago and i said there's like little blocks out in the distance let's fly those and actually what they are all right there it is what is this block oh is that a sign i wonder what that says i have no other that says i can't i can't read the sign can i land on that it'll probably be impossible to land on that but you guys could pause it and then you can read the sign and tell what it says i wonder how far we go out here like how far is the desert biome is there any other biomes that spawn in this area i think it's just planes for miles and miles i think this map was specifically built for these biomes and stuff so that's just how it is anyway let's see if we can get some minins and pluses back at the house dude the jungle biome just looks so sick from up here i love the way this looks i did such a good job making this all right we're back we'll keep flying uh back and forth trying to see if we can change the spawns hopefully we can get some puzzles and minons to spawn pretty uh pretty commonly i hope a barbos just spawned i guess now we just wait until we get lucky or whatever all right i think i'm gonna get rid of the white and red apricorn tree rose here i think that'll increase the spawn rates of pokemon in this area and have more dirt areas for them to spawn on so uh money i need to ask for this oh yes um this is already increasing the spawn rate i think voltorb can drop uh redstone i hope it can anyways please drop redstone voltorb this pokeball piece is nice that's actually okay too yes pokemon are spawning here nice all right i'm gonna get rid of all the rest of these trees too i think uh the less trees we have the less flying pokemon spawn or something like that leafs spawn pokemon i think so we're gonna go to these leaves and hopefully we can get more ground spawns like plussel and mining even electric or manectric would be good spawns to give us some stuff oh boys i just found out that if you crush dust um you can actually have a 25 chance of getting redstone and yeah that would speed this up a whole lot so let's go ahead and get a bunch of dust and then we will make some redstone so basically to get dust we just gotta crush gravel and then crush the gravel into sand and then crush the sand in the dust and then hopefully we'll get enough redstone to actually do this let me how much reason we know that we need seven more redstone so we have any sand and stuff now we don't have any sand it shouldn't take us too long to get enough gravel and stuff though so let's go ahead and get some gravel and turn it into sand and then turn the sand into dust i think i'll just get one stack i hope one stack is enough if it isn't we'll be here for a while boys this should be faster than waiting for mine and plus will spawn too and if they do spawn then we'll be able to see them and we can attack them while we're doing this at the same time all right and that is our last uh gravel we gotta get let's turn all this into sand and then turn all the sand into dust or whatever it is all right this is actually kind of fast though so i don't mind doing this and do the durability on this diamond hammer uh was definitely worth it but we're gonna diamonds later on so i'm not entirely sure how much worth it it was all right so now we just have this sand we're turning the dust and i'm i wanna see how fast this goes with the diamond hammer i have no idea how fast it's gonna go oh man it's just like instant click and it's turning to dust i got a feeling that i got way more uh stuff than i needed to actually do this let's get that dust baby all right now we've officially got all of the stuff here and you gotta use a dom match for this i'm pretty sure to get the redstone so uh let's see how long this takes dude this shouldn't take too long to actually get some stuff here right okay i said 25 chance but i'm not unless we actually already have some our inventory oh we got some yes all right so um i think we need eight or like 10 or something like that and let's hope that we can get it we're getting it pretty fast looks like actually oh yeah we're definitely going to have enough redstone for this i'm going to go ahead and just sift all of this dust and then i'll see how much we have at the very end yeah i'm pretty sure sifting dust on the dom mesh only gives you redstone which is good all right we just finished that up and we got 20 redstone that is insane now we can basically build the entire machine i think all right so for the computer of the thing i think we're gonna do this right here yeah let's go ahead and make two of these for the fossil machine really quick and that should be all the parts for our fossil machine and now we gotta do this right here and that's going to make our cloning cord nice we almost have all the pieces we need now for the next part we need uh emeralds and we need gold and we're also going to need to make the entire fossil machine because i think we are ready to finish this up boys and this here should give us two false machines nice all right now i think these go in here and like this and i think i'm doing this right yes dude there we go let's go ahead put the rest out there put the rest of the obsidian here that's going to give us the orange tank and then i think we use the emeralds here to make the green tank and then the green the orange the cloner cord makes a cloning machine boys we got ourselves the cloning machine all right i don't know where to put it so i'm going to stick it right here and there we go we just got to put mu in here and then we can make ourselves a mewtwo in this right here this is going to be lit this is going to be so crazy uh we just got to catch you now i guess let me put up my materials and we'll go ahead and head over to the jungle area don't want to lose into this like high value stuff here because we might need to make another cloning machine in the future because i think mewtwo actually attacks you once you leave are you serious plussel decides to spawn now we don't need him of course that's how it works all right before we go to the mu island um we definitely need to have a wool to make a bed because we gotta be there all day you can spawn any time of the day and as soon as it gets not tom we gotta go to sleep so we can advance the next day all right charizard let's get to the jungle dude we're gonna be using you the whole time get you up to a higher level um so you can help fight mewtwo and get it paralyzed hopefully all right let's make a bed really quick and this is what we'll sleep on when it comes to night time all right i'm gonna sleep right here looks like a good spot for me i can bounce up and grab the vine all right now i guess we just wait and kill pokemon until mew actually spawned or something i don't know i just planted the cocoa bean i got from a manky dude that's gonna make some sick stuff up there like i like actually kind of looks kind of cool um i didn't realize that that could make better like decorations for the sick forest there's a lot of cool pokemon that spawn in the jungle to be honest all right for all you guys wondering you can look at the screen right now we're currently at day 82 so i'm not sure how long it's gonna take to find mu just hopefully faster than it took to find heatran you know i also noticed my website said mu spawns in the biome jungle m and this biome was just called jungle so i hope that it can spawn here i'll wait for five days and if five days doesn't work uh i don't know i guess i'll just keep waiting i don't know what to do because the main the main point of our series is to just find mu and to clone it into a mewtwo i guess i can go ahead and get the materials for the cloning device because i think you actually have to use some kind of special like diamonds or iron or something like that and there's like a chance there's a pretty good chance that we don't even make a mewtwo all right guys i have been here for a few days now i've not really battled anything or just done anything i've just been standing here afk kind of just hoping a pokemon would spawn and dude we just haven't been lucky at all oh my god are you serious are you serious oh it ran away it went away all right uh not like we needed it anyways man i would have loved to have went into that oh man why did i not see that earlier did you ever go on fk anyways uh i guess i found a command to check to see if legendary pokemon could even spawn um but we gotta turn on the cheats so we're doing this just check it out boys we're doing this check it out i don't like putting on the cheat codes and stuff but we can do it here i think the code is like check spawns legendary all right you guys can't see it all right you guys can see i moved the thing here and it tells you what spawns in this biome legendary pokemon so in the next 20 minutes of the 30 chance that a top of bulu or top of coco can spawn and mew's name is not even on that list so what does that mean for us technically it means that we actually cannot get mew unless i think uh i guess the ultra wormholes you could actually find mu there found a jungle biome i don't know if jungle bombs actually spawn there if they do that's where you can find them but since i'm losing but since i'm leaving for the air force that means i don't have time to actually look for one of those things to spawn again that was the second one this entire series and we've been in here for almost 90 almost 100 days now so i know a lot of you guys might not like it but we are going to have to spawn our own mewin and try to catch it this is the only way that we can do this and i can finish this series boys so there we go we just spawned in a mew dude and this is what it would look like if we actually have one spawn like actually so i guess let's go ahead and catch this bad boy mew you are mine i will catch you i definitely don't want to kill it let's go dragon breath see if we can get some paralysis off actually we got paralysis on the first thing here uh but synchronized ended up paralyzing us as well um which is okay which is a-okay uh what moves does mu have we actually have no doubt music what moves it has all right it has dragon breath use life dude okay it actually heal itself uh which is kind of cool i guess uh we can send in i think it was a little fifty that must be a higher level than level 50 but heating's level 70. i guess we can send in subtitle and start using false swipe that's the thing to do here because we can actually lower its health to one hp and then probably throw a tower ball and hopefully catch on the first one here let's see what happens here let's go false swipe a few times cause that actually didn't do too much damage at all to get its health a lot lower before we can actually do any damage x's will probably kill it so i'm not going to exit at all all right be very careful we do not want to kill this mew all right one more fall swipe ought to get it down to one hp here uh mew please we need to catch you mute it's just like a little tiny mew right there all right so it's a little bit 1 hp right now okay i didn't use life dude this is low hp as it can get it is paralyzed we've done quite a few times now um so maybe the timer ball will actually work here all right so mew is in this ball boys will it stay i'm sure the catch rate i think caught on the first one all right we literally just caught it on the first one okay um i figured we would one hp all that stuff that's pretty good well um technically it's mythical is the thing that was the achievement we made and you guys were in the chat in the last video saying oh technically it's uh mythical all right um i guess we can start doing whatever now we can go back over to the home and we can start working on getting ourself a bunch of um and we can work on getting ourselves a mewtwo boys i do want to apologize for you guys if you're upset that i had to actually spawn in that mu but that's the only way we can finish this series guys and i really do apologize i hope you all understand that one we literally cannot spawn it in all right mew where are you at you are right here uh let's check out the sunrise thing what kind of thing do we get we got a quirky neutral nature i think we can just stick it into a machine or something right all right mew okay that ponytail is just standing up down that portal all right mew let's uh i guess let's stick you inside here there we go it's scanning the mew um i need to put something in here we gotta insert a catalyst boost zero out of three all right so first things first we gotta get some catalyst and i know that if you put the diamond catalyst in it does a lot more and i we i don't think that ones we have all right we currently have five diamonds and it's going to take nine diamonds to actually make one block and i think it'd have three so we're gonna be making a lot of gravel and sifting that in our mesh over here i guess i'll see you guys once i get a bunch of gravel i probably shouldn't watch some of youtube videos and afk for a long time i think i'm gonna get like let's try to get like 10 stacks or 10 stacks or more of gravel it's going to take a long time i might end up going to the nether just to shovel up the gravel but i think this is literally just as fast and i don't have to go there and die i can just sit here in fk for a long time probably all right and here we go i did have the alright so we just finished up and i used up my diamond um all right i'm thinking that this is going to be my last uh gravel thing here i'm not sure how many stacks i have right now i have to count them back up but yeah our diamond hammer broke and we had to make a few iron ones or just one iron one actually i think uh but it looks like we have how many stacks is that 12 or 13 stacks here we've a little bit just been watching youtube videos i'm really addicted to like mario maker video for some reason so if you guys are watching maker videos watch the dgr or pangaea panga or whatever uh but i guess we'll go ahead and start the do let's get a diamond right then i don't know if i had six or five earlier all right anyways it is time for the biggest grind of my life and that is to sit here and hold down the right mouse button until i have no longer any gravel in my inventory so i'll see you once i'm done dude look at me just sleeping up there in this little cage you i'm sorry if this is gonna hurt you my dude but mewtwo is necessary oh yes all right we just got our ninth diamond um this is taking a very very long time yeah i've still got a lot of stacks to go we got ooh dude we just got we got a full stack of iron and a lot of gold here yeah so i don't know we might be able to make two blocks of diamonds but i don't know about three three's really stretching it um maybe even two stretching it kinda i guess we'll see after we finish uh sifting all of this gravel which is going to take literally forever all right i am finally finished and looks like we're still three diamonds short of being able to make a second thing but we got a bunch of iron and gold here i'm really tempted to make uh i don't know you need you really need diamonds for this because like i think even with you have like three diamond blocks then it's still like a very very slim chance that it actually works how does this how does this work i don't even know how this works i really do want to put at least two diamond blocks in there and then maybe a gold one do i have any more gravel anywhere about to get more gravel all right looks like i'm about to get more gravel boys i'm not looking forward to this all right guys my hammer just broke and i cannot be bothered to actually finish out this stack so uh looks like we got four and almost five stacks here so let's just go ahead and get to this really quick if i don't get 18 diamonds from this this is gonna be super annoying um i don't know what the chances are of getting enough diamonds i think i'm below the odds of getting one maybe so hopefully i think i think this should be enough to get us at least three hopefully maybe we'll get lucky and get a bunch of them oh i didn't even pay attention but we are literally one dominant away from being able to make two stacks here and we still got three stacks of gravel left which if we if we don't get a dominant three stacks of gravel that's gonna be dumb that's gonna be so dumb well let's get it boys we're getting close this is the end game here this is it all right i was just checking my inventory we got 12 emeralds that's 12 chances that could have been a diamond dude that had been so much better if we got that instead of these stupid stupid emeralds can't use them for anything that's mod pack because villagers don't actually spawn here only pokemon villagers spawn and they don't actually use diamonds or emeralds for currency they use actual pokemon money okay i think i got a diamond but let's let the buzz attack me for some reason so let's just get rid of it really quick nice and yeah we got 18 diamonds now it's not worth it making three it's gonna take forever if we don't get mewtwo on the first one i'm gonna be so upset boys i'm gonna be so upset all right that's two diamond blocks we need to make a gold block we can make one gold block looks like we actually have enough to make a lot of gold blocks um but i'm hoping that you can mix and match the different things here because i get three diamond ones dude this is going to take forever so how do we do this we rock click that okay boom boom and then please work i don't know the chances are this working but just please please work all right here we go and there we go i'm not sure how long it takes processing here it says on the screen here oh dude dude please work come on come on mewtwo not ditto not ditto not ditto if it is mewtwo it will blow up i think or it'll do something here no no oh my gosh i think that sucks dude that sucks all right so much into our pc um and ditto i don't even get out of my way i have to kill a super ditto now dude drop some random stuff here all right so basically um what do i say here so basically mew can be cloned three times that was our first time there i'm not gonna do diamonds again i'm gonna try two more times we have enough gold i think we can make a lot of gold yeah we have plenty of gold to do at least two more times let's go ahead start smelting this stuff all right once we have enough gold we will clone our mew again all right mew we're gonna have to clone you again this is gonna be the second time we've cloned you today yeah we have even more gold that i forgot about we can literally just make so much stuff here and dude we got a lot of iron for that enough to make 64 a whole stack of iron ore chunks all right this should be the last one we need and we can make our third gold block here there we go let's go ahead and clone you once again and see if it works this time we're gonna have a lot lower chances than last time mainly because we don't have any diamond blocks so hopefully we can just get lucky here please please work please work all right boys this is it right here this is it mewtwo please appear no dittos no dittos please no no all right we've got one more chance mew i'm so sorry dude stupid ditto at least he gives us some slime all right this is our last time that we can scan mew and hopefully we get it this time if we don't then i guess it's all she wrote boys dude i swear we don't need redstone anymore and all the rest of pokemon are spawning now it's so dumb i have the worst rng sometimes but that's just how it goes all right this is our last time trying to clone mew please please mew give us the luck we need it's processing the machine is working come on come on mewtwo i summon you please please work no no mew is no longer i think mu's no longer able to be able to be put into there all right let's see what happens you come back to our inventory what happens we try to put it back in you have nothing to clone no you guys can't see if there's a text cause you have nothing to clone what are you doing i just want you to know that i am so sorry for putting you through that stress why don't they ever look at me dude i'm trying to just look at you i'm so sorry look at those cute little eyes dudes i'm so sorry probably just put you through trying to clone you there took us three tries dude that's gonna be it for today's video boys we weren't able to clone mew in the end they were able to catch two legendaries even though we did have to spawn in one let's just say we earned it because we were in the jungle for like five days straight and it should have spawned those guys are just chilling out dude legendaries like each other but this was our team that we finished the entire series with what do you guys think i wish i had more time to record for you guys but i'm leaving for basic and by the time you guys are watching this i'm already in my second or third week of doing it i just want to say thanks for all the support you guys show them i just want to say thanks for all the support you guys have shown recently it really means a lot and soon i'll be back and i'll be making videos for you guys but that's going to conclude this season of pixelmon skyblock i really enjoy playing pixelmon and i think the skyblock twist makes it so much more fun are there any other mods out there that i can actually mix with pixelmon if you guys know anything leave a comment down below and if you guys would ever want to see a season two of pixelmon sky block but wave amped up and way different with some cool shaders and then be sure to leave a comment down below let me know you guys wanna see season two but with that being said i'm in the video here i just wanna say god bless you guys and thank you all so much for watching and as always i'll see the next one see you
Channel: Unstopablness
Views: 760,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in pixelmon, pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft 100 days modded, minecraft 100 days one block, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in pixelmon minecraft, 100 days, pixelmon 100 days, pixelmon episode 1, pixelmon server, pixelmon ep 1, pixelmon series, minecraft pokemon episode 1, minecraft pokemon mod, minecraft pokemon server, minecraft pokemon roleplay ep 1, 100 days in pokemon, pixelmon skyblock, skyblock pixelmon, pixelmon skyblock 100 days
Id: vpCjGYOevx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 7sec (13207 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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