100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon: Adventures into Paradise

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in this video i'll be spending another 100 days in pixelmon on anubis mc here are my goals first battle catch and evolve pokemon to complete the main quests second train a team to take down the first battle tower and third test my skills and defeat every tier 1 trainer of the battle frontier alright so i joined anubis and chose to play in the paradise realm i had the choice between original or custom starters so i obviously took the latter there were so many to choose from and they even came with bonuses also if you're new to pixelmon and want to join check out the link below to help you get on the server if you already have the mod feel free to use the ip anyway it was a tough decision but i decided to go with a baby dragon i then took a look around spawn and already loved the little room they put me in i then went outside and was super impressed at how gorgeous this place looked i walked around and soon found a quest master there were all these different quests and this felt like the best place to start i went through the tiered quests and looked at all the options for the battlerequest i had to defeat 250 wild pokemon for the catcher i had to catch different types of pokemon and for evolutions i just had to evolve them they seem simple enough but i'm sure i'll have to grind for them anyway i continued exploring and the more i did the more i was impressed by this resort i felt like there was a lot more to explore so i went back to the spawn area and eventually found the crates section there were all these colorful crates but the one that seemed the most important was the shiny golden one by the fountain apparently this was the voting crate and if i type in slash vote i can vote for the server and get tons of rewards by voting i get keys which i can use on the crate to get items like this diamond shovel i'm actually really glad that i got this shovel i'll definitely need it for when i build my house speaking of houses i feel like it's time to head out and go build one i took one last good look at paradise and then typed rtp which teleported me into a random forest i explored the forest and found my first wild pokemon it was a pacharisu and to me i always thought of this pokemon as the squirrel version of pikachu he probably isn't as strong but he definitely did some damage and was a pretty good opponent for baegon i defeated him though and was pretty happy to win my first battle after that i tried my best to get out of the forest in hopes to find some nice clear land to build on the forest was massive and i got a little worried about nightfall but then i remembered that there's no hostiles in the game strangely enough other than that pachurisu i wasn't actually finding that many pokemon but i guess that's because i'm constantly on the move i did find a nice flat plains biome and decided to settle down as i chopped some trees down i noticed that there was a gigantic blue and green beedrill next to the forest now i don't speak bee but when he buzzed at me i believe he was trying to tell me that only a small percentage of viewers are actually subscribed and if they enjoy this type of content it'd be awesome if they hit that button anyway after gathering some wood i finally got started on building my new home i also want to mention that i got xp from chopping wood and my wood cutting skill was already level 5. it made me wonder what types of rewards i could get from it in addition to that i also got levels from shoveling dirt which was awesome now on to more important things i wanted to focus on finishing this base since i'll be making this the first house for spicy town a town where fans can visit and build their home next to mine by using slash warp spicy town speaking of warps i warped to the pokey center to heal my bag on and i got some free pokey snacks they allow me to heal my pokemon whenever i want which is pretty handy i also took a minute to look around the place and it was easily the best looking poke center i've ever been in although i guess that's not saying much since the only other ones i've been in were on the ds oh i almost forgot to mention don't forget to claim your land with the golden trouble i'm not sure why but whenever i see a nice unclaimed base i always have this temptation to destroy it anyway the task at hand is to fight more pokemon to complete that quest i also want to level up my bagon and evolve him in the process after defeating this flying squirrel i took another look at the first quest and was pretty happy to see the rewards lots of money lots of tokens and even some crate keys if i want a really decked out team i'll have to buy some expensive tms so i need to be careful with my money i also need to be careful when fighting these sheep this cute little ball of wool just took down my baby dragon i thought i'd test my luck again on this donkey and i got absolutely destroyed after that were even more crushing defeats i tried battling the snake and baekon was doing well against him but ended up getting taken down by his poison attacks the next morning however as i looked through the poke menu i browsed through the options and found the daily roulette i thought i'd give it a try and i ended up winning a life orb i also checked out the skills menu to see the rewards for my woodcutting skill and it was pretty much exactly what i expected skill keys and more wood but after that my day just kept getting even better baegon defeated a level 14 rattata and i found a master chest with a power lens i also got into a fight with this electric and i was finally able to catch my first pokemon i feel like this guy will be a great addition to the team and i look forward to raising him the following day when i voted again i got a tortuga fossil i remembered that there was a fossil machine at the pokey center so i placed him in there and waited for him to dissolve while i waited i thought i'd take a second to explore spawn again i found the shop area that had a ton of different shops and had a shop dedicated to pixelmon it pretty much had everything a player needed for their journey with tons of machines balls and heels the shops were fun to explore but i couldn't wait to see my new fossil pokemon in the machine i saw this blue and black turtle and i grabbed him i threw him out and noticed how tiny he was i've never seen a pokemon this small before regardless i think he'll be great for the team thanks to his high defense in other news i clicked on this person near the fountain and i started rolling for a shiny and the shiny i got was a klepha forget the turtle this was by far the tiniest pokemon i've ever seen moving on after defeating this wulu begone leveled up and learned dragon breath i'm glad he learned his first dragon move especially this one since has a 30 chance to paralyze this is going to make life a whole lot simpler but to make life even easier i can type in slash kids which will show me the paid ranked kits the stake kit for free steak and the tokens kit for free tokens it might only be 10 tokens but hey i'll take it anyway i took another look at the battle quest and i was 20 done although i was nowhere near completing the catch request i just felt like it was easier to battle pokemon rather than catch and evolve them i did catch the scorpi and even though i probably won't keep him on the team he's still a really cool pokemon to have afterwards i found this ultimate boss who i soon found out had super high jumping abilities and could float as well he took out my pokemon with ease but he failed to one shot my level 1 tertuga i found out that he had the ability sturdy which prevents any pokemon from one shotting him moving on i tried teleporting to other biomes but some of them just didn't spawn enough pokemon i spent a lot of time in the spruce forest but couldn't find anything i rtped again in hopes to find some high-leveled pokemon in this ice biome i found this little teddy bear and he was pretty much exactly what i wanted high leveled and super easy to beat i really like this biome so i decided to set a home here i also chose to stay here for a while to train those snow cubs were great but i wanted to see what other pokemon were in the ice spikes i learned that i could type in slash check spawns to know which pokemon spawn here and their spawn rate it seemed like swinub kub chu and vanalite were the most common i also checked out the snowy forest that had a bunch of pokemon on the spawn list i guess that makes sense since it's kind of like two biomes in one after the snow biome i warped to the desert and found this chubby little ball-shaped pokemon who kept bouncing around i obviously had to capture him because of how cute he looked but as i come to think of it all my pokemon are extremely cute especially my tiny turtle who i can't seem to find while i was here i found an epic boss and got absolutely demolished i knew for sure i wouldn't win but it doesn't hurt to try actually my pokemon are kind of dead so i guess it does after healing i warped back to the desert to continue training i fought some camels some ground moles these cool looking cobras and these four-armed rock dudes i found this level 36 graveler which was the highest level i fought so far i got him low with bagon but he took him down with the rest of my pokemon except for tertuga he was level 1 and took a level 36 down with water gun he got 9 levels from that as well as the move smackdown i was proud to say the least but i was focused on fighting more pokemon here now i learned the great thing about staying in one biome is not only will pokemon spawn more but there's also higher leveled pokemon depending on my team's highest level with that being said i tp to the forest biome and stayed here for a while i feel like it's good to switch bottoms now and then so that i can fill up the pokey decks as well although fighting bosses may not be the best use of my time i did find a village though and where there's a village there is trainers however some of these people can be quite weird like my guy steve here that wanted to build a robot of himself to help him make some friends aside from steve i couldn't really find any other npcs here all except for one who sent out his wheezing on top of a pressure plate forcing me to listen to this throughout the battle not only did i lose but the sound still rings in my ear to this day however things brightened up when i got 10k with the skill key i earned from chopping wood i also realized i had enough tokens to change one of my pokemon's nature to do that i can type in slash pokebuilder which gives me all the info about my pokemon in regards to their nature ivs and evs when i click on my pokemon i can actually change all of those attributes with the use of tokens for the price of 100 tokens i change baegon's nature to jolly which will increase his speed and lower his special attack after that i checked out the kits again to get my daily free stake free tokens and i also started claiming the kits i got from my rank they give a fair number of rare candies and ultra balls which is perfect for my catcher and evolution quests they also give me a few tms and one of them even gives me a random pokemon i got the flamethrower tm which is great since it's one of the most solid fire moves in the game after that i took a little break from battling and instead went on a little treasure hunt i found out there's presents hiding all over spawn that give free tokens and money but as i went to go look for them i fell into this portal that sent me to the end just by the looks this place seemed really cool with all these legendaries in the air there were also presents here which was what i was looking for in the first place i decided to explore here for a bit and realized that this was not the typical end biome i thought about staying here for a while but i really just wanted to claim these presents and get out afterwards i teleported back to spawn to see what other presents i could find here it came to my attention that there was a lot i hadn't explored yet i also didn't explore the spawn room very well since there were a couple hidden here however those were probably the easier ones to locate since i just could not find any other presents for the life of me i guess this treasure hunt thing was not completely ideal for a break but then again i did miss one that was right under the center fountain so it's possible that i might just be bad at finding these however i did manage to get some tokens to change some natures for electric i wanted to focus on his speed and special attack so i gave him a timid nature and for tortuga i focused on his attack and defense so i gave him an adamant nature after that i left spawn to go do my quest and in the mesa i found this huge aeron i thought he'd be an easy catch but he turned out to be super annoying and fled each battle it was taking me so long that it eventually became nighttime before i could capture him it set me back a little but it didn't stop me from completing this quest i checked my progress and it looked like i just needed one more pokemon it was a pretty special moment and i thought about fighting this boss but i also just wanted to get it done once i got it done i claimed my reward and completed a third of my first goal i ranked up from student to trainer and i thought i'd take it on as well since it gives double the rewards now with the great key i got from the quest i opened the great crate and got a god fishing rod this item had crazy enchants and i was pretty excited to go fishing but before i head to the ocean i had some rare candies left to give to my pokemon i gave a few to bagon and he finally started to evolve in the process his body swelled up in the shape of a sphere and transformed into shellgone for some reason he stared at me with such anger in his eyes and it kind of made me uncomfortable i guess it runs in the family because monectric did the exact same thing i couldn't take the pressure so i put them back in their pokeballs now when i evolved tertuga into keracosta i expected him to be a lot bigger but i honestly love the size he was now riding on the shell of this tiny turtle was super funny looking it's hard to believe that this guy's in charge of defense for my team the squad is looking pretty solid right now but i do want to fill up the other slot soon but as i mentioned before it is now time to fish i built a platform in the middle of the deep ocean and hoped to catch something good i caught some puffer fish a ton of raw cod a fishing rod a name tag more raw cod and a couple of enchanted books i also found this shiny primal kyogre that spawned right below my platform but i started drowning before i could even fight it or catch it but then i said to myself wait a second there's no way a primal kyogre could even spawn that's a hundred percent an ultimate boss i still wanted to fight it but i couldn't see how i would do it without drowning so i just left it in the ocean i didn't really catch anything good but i did get a skill key from fishing and got a decent amount of cash i got even more cash when i browse through the pokey menu and found the streak section by voting every day for 4 irl days i was rewarded with rare candies tokens and a little bit of money now the best part is the rewards became even better the higher my voting streak which was pretty awesome to say the least hopefully i can make it today 105 now with the voting key i got from the streaks i was able to get a pokeball package which included a gs ball this got me super excited because i had just learned about the slash warp shrines feature this warp has all the shrines in the game which makes it super convenient if i had the right items i could summon the three legendary birds and i can even get the azure flute for arceus more importantly i can summon celebi using this shrine with my gs ball i was so pumped up to catch it but then i found out i had to pay a 250 000 fee to use it this whole time i thought i would get a legendary for free but i guess everything comes with a price afterwards i checked the progress on the catcher quest and i still had a lot of pokemon to catch i needed to catch some ice pokemon and i'm glad i set a home here at the ice spikes while i was here i was able to find an alolan sandshrew it was my first time ever seeing one and i was pretty glad to catch it it soon became morning and as i continued to catch more pokemon a message popped up on the screen saying akeldio had spawned near me i found the little guy by the river and threw a master ball at him and with that i captured my first legendary and even got some achievements along with a congratulations message i was so happy to have caught him but there was just one problem i already had a water type and i just could not let my tiny turtle go in terms of overall stats keldeo obviously had an advantage but it was mostly in speed for keracosta speed didn't really matter since he had aquajet and the sturdy ability i also wanted to use karakosa for other purposes so i chose him for the final team moving on i headed back to the desert to catch more pokemon while i was here i thought about what other type of pokemon i would want for my team and the one i thought of actually spawned in the daytime i wanted to catch a larvesta which was a bug fire type but was super rare to find as i searched for one i found an uncommon boss which was much easier for me to take on than these ultimate ones i still had keldeo on the team and i'm glad i did because thanks to him i was able to defeat my first boss now the next few days were pretty rough considering that all he could really do was hope for larvesta to spawn however it wasn't all that bad since i was able to find all these cool looking pokemon i hadn't seen before this helped me make some major progress on my quests interestingly enough i stayed in the desert long enough for multiple bosses to start spawning next to each other eventually though i was finally able to find larvesta after what felt like an endless search it took forever to catch this bug but i was glad to welcome him to the team for larvesta i wanted him to be a speedy special attacker so in the pokebuilder i changed his nature to timid moving on i stayed in the forest bomb to catch different types of pokemon i have to tell you though some of these pokemon were super annoying to catch they were also super tiny making it hard to throw my balls at them and some of them just did not want to get caught for the ones that annoyed me i made sure to take them down all of a sudden as i wandered through the forest azation spawned near me and i went into full panic mode because of all the trees in the way it took a little bit of time but i did find the blue wolf and he was a lot bigger than i imagined him to be as soon as i battled him he went into his crown sword form which was pretty intimidating i did have two master balls left so there was absolutely no need to worry about catching him i was thrilled to have this guy and i think he'll be a great asset to the team considering he's one of the strongest legendaries in a second form he becomes a fairy steel type which are arguably the best types i got on his back and was having a lot of fun hopping around with him he was also incredibly fast and traveled to other biomes in a matter of seconds after spending a ton of time with him i came up with an amazing idea for who i wanted as the last member of my team i wasn't really sure if he was dejan's sibling or rival but i spent a few nights in the forest in hopes to find zamasunta i heard that he has a really high spawn chance so i was always prepared for his name to pop up meanwhile i chased down the skitty and i wasn't going to stop until he finally got inside my ball however he was completely immune to my ultra balls because none of them seemed to work whenever i threw them that annoying cat actually escaped and as i tried to find him sama zenta appeared right in front of me the big bad wolf looked absolutely terrifying especially since it was nighttime he went into a second form when i battled him and it was quite amazing seeing these two against each other but little did they know i would soon catch him with my last master ball and they'd be a part of the same team i threw him out and admired just how awesome he looked i just couldn't believe that i had both the pokemon sword and shield mascots in the squad after catching zamasunta i finally had my full team i tested him out and he proved to be super strong after taking down a level 50 tauros although i did notice that he tends to be extremely fidgety and can't stay in one place now when i was about to change their natures i ran into a little problem i needed a total of 200 tokens for the both of them and i only had 178 i tried looking for presents around spawn but i just couldn't find any until i opened the pokey menu and found this section called present hunt it gave me a list of places where i could find presents one of them being the safari i warped to the safari to try and see what this was all about i was in this purplish mushroom biome and found a present right up front while i was here i found some crazy looking pokemon that i hadn't seen before in the wild i also went to this beach that had a bunch of different water pokemon and even had some starters i found a squirtle a popplio and even an oshawott after the beach i went into this fairy forest some of the pokemon here were quite strong and pretty high leveled this forest looked extremely nice and i wanted to stay here but i also wanted to see the other biomes i love the aesthetics of this whole safari and i was pretty enticed to stay here for a bit next up was the desert biome and i was pretty shocked to see a beldum here i noticed that there were also a ton of pokemon here and most of them were extremely rare to find in the wild i then headed over to what looked to be some ice wonderland and i was pretty amazed to see all these different ice pokemon that i couldn't find back the ice bikes there were a lot of them here and it even felt a bit overwhelming after that i found this huge mountain and i was super excited to find a charmander and a chimp char here i guess it didn't matter too much which starter i picked considering i could find them here the next place i just had to check out was this huge mountain at the center of the safari but after seeing these fire types i suppose this is actually a volcano i got inside the volcano and found a present here which i totally did not forget about i also climbed to the tippy top to find a charizard flying near me not only did i find starters but i found their evolved forms as well there were also a ton of bosses here that were pretty much impossible to fight considering they had 50 more levels than my legendaries now the downside of the safari was that the pokemon were not naturally spawned but it's still a great place for me to train and complete my pokedex it's also a really great place to find presents since this area is a lot smaller than i thought it was after giving zamasunta an adamant nature i completely finished giving out natures at the cost of 600 tokens i eventually left the safari to go back to catching pokemon and as i was about to fight this boss a salomon spawned above us it was a legendary boss and i was so happy to find it because there was a chance of it dropping a mega stone however he was way too high level for my pokemon and they stood absolutely no chance against it as i stood here not knowing what to do another boss spawned as well he was only an epic boss so i thought there was hope for me but he took down all my pokemon like they were nothing i had absolutely no idea what i was going to do to beat these guys and i didn't think i had many options either i did fight this camera up to help boost my self-esteem and it actually went pretty well he was the same level as the metagross but was a lot easier to fight since he's so much weaker when i took him down i received a lot of items as well as a keystone i put it on as a necklace and was glad to beat my first epic boss but right as i say that another boss spawns right in front of me and this time it's an ultimate was the game trying to make fun of me why were there so many bosses here but more importantly why were these bosses so overpowered maybe i'm just imagining things and they're not actually here if i see one more overpowered boss i think i might just lose it of course there's a giant mega evolved ultimate tyranitar here at this point i'm not really surprised but who knows maybe i have a chance at this or maybe he'll get rid of my legendaries who are my only chance meanwhile i was able to finish catching all the pokemon i needed for the quest it wasn't easy but i finally did it i finally completed the catch request and can now claim the rewards i also needed just three more evolutions and i decided to use a couple of my rarest catches this beldum was an absolute pain to catch i think i used up to 15 to 20 ultra balls before giving up and using a master ball on it nonetheless i was pretty glad to have found these pokemon especially this grotto who evolved into my favorite grass type i mean just look at this guy he literally has a tree on his back also metagross is cool and all but i'm still pretty mad that i had to waste some master ball but after evolving him i had finally accomplished my first goal of completing the three main quests also the next quest after that seemed very rewarding so i made sure to accept that meanwhile after getting crushed by those bosses i wanted to start training my team seriously which is why i warped to the eevee center i can buy a lucky egg here to level up like crazy and i can buy a bunch of berries that affect my pokemon stats more importantly this place is primarily used for training evs and if you're not sure what they are they basically raise your pokemon stats by fighting the pokemon in this mesa i can raise their defense and by fighting the pokemon on this beach i can raise their special defense for me i want to focus on attack and special attack stats since my pokemon already have high numbers in those i can also type in slash evs 1 to see the eevees on my shell gun i want to max out his attack and speed and i don't need the rest except for low hp now the great thing about the eevee center is that there's a lot of cool pokemon here that i don't normally see which is great for the decks but i don't actually plan on staying here for too long since there's a better ev center made for donors by typing in slash warp dev i can teleport to this huge castle where i plan to train for a bit this place is super well designed to make ev training a lot easier and more efficient for each stat there are different level trainers ranging from easy to medium and to hard since my shell gone is not that highly leveled i figured it'd be best to start with the medium trainers i wanted to max out my attack but i couldn't because of the other stats to decrease those stats i can buy berries from the normal ev center or i can go into the pokey builder and change those using tokens now these berries are super expensive and i'll have to buy a lot of them the only way i was able to afford this was by having multiple sources of income those sources include the quests the crates the voting streaks the skill keys the treasure hunts selling items and pretty soon the pokedex rewards after fighting this trainer my shotgun finally evolved into salamance and i couldn't have been happier he now has wings and is able to learn one of his best moves i got on his back and took him out for a little test fly there's no better feeling than riding a dragon around a castle especially if that dragon took ages to train however i'm not done training him and he still has a long way to go he's going to be crucial when taking on the battle tower so i'll need him to be ready now there's a maximum number of evs i can have and a max number of evs for each stat so after maxing out attack and speed i put the rest of my points into health by doing so i finished eevee training for solomon's afterwards i trained monetric and since he was pretty weak i had to make him fight the baby pokemon now one thing i forgot to mention is that i can further complete the pokedex here considering i'm fighting so many different pokemon i typed in slash dex and after completing 10 of the pokedex i was offered a bunch of rewards such as money tokens and even a great key i guess i killed two birds with one stone after battling and catching all those pokemon also a little off topic but at the time i'm recording this pixelmon 8.3 just came out with a bunch of new features the battle screen now has information on the weather and terrain and the pokemon have new attack animations as well i've heard that they've also released an externa max for eternitis and i hope to check that out sometime in the future but right now my main mission is to first max out the eevees for all my pokemon now instead of maxing out speed for zamasunta i actually maxed out his hp since i wanted to utilize his full potential of being a shield i also was really happy when he learned close combat which i would say is his best move it lowers his defense and special defense stats but that doesn't really matter since those are already super high speaking of moves when i got larvesta to level 59 he evolved into volcarona and learned quiver dance which is a really good stat booster now when he evolved he was super tiny and i just wanted him to be a lot bigger after collecting a few presents in the eevee center i went into the pokebuilder to change his size to ginormous i had the tokens so i changed keracosta's size as well i honestly love the size that they were now and to me i felt like it was a worthy investment i may have maxed out the eevees of all my pokemon but i'm still not done with training back at the donor evie there's this huge building called the level grinder which is an amazing place for me to get all my pokemon to level 100 the trainers here have level 100 blisseys that'll give my pokemon a ton of exp by doing this my pokemon leveled up rapidly and salomons quickly learned outrage one of his best dragon moves that i can replace dragon claw with once my pokemon are all level 100 i'll feel a lot more prepared to take on the battle tower but even after getting them all to level 100 there was still more i needed to do i needed to teach my pokemon all the moves that they need to become the utmost powerful which is going to take a lot of tms and trs in the tm shop i looked through the tr's and saw that these moves were super expensive and i also need to buy a lot of them as well while i tried to figure that out i found a legendary boss and i was pretty excited to finally beat one and once i did i was pretty confident that i could take on any boss i encountered from here on out now back to the money situation i collected a lot of tms for my kits so i decided to sell all the ones i didn't need at the pokemart since they're apparently worth a lot i also wanted to do the second evolution quest since it gives a lot of money my kids gave me a ton of rare candy so i was able to evolve a lot of the pokemon i had caught before it was pretty cool to have all these evolved pokemon and it even felt like a second team except this one looked a lot more evil in the second round of evolutions i honestly felt like this was a pretty solid team ampharos slow bro chandelor are really good pokemon and this team has a lot of variety now the next team i'm about to show you might just be the most horrendous team i've ever seen i'm not sure why though it's just something about these pokemon that just doesn't sit right with me now the final round of evolutions was probably the coolest there were some pokemon i've never seen before and they were just really well designed anyway after claiming my reward i finally had enough money to buy all the tms i wanted i went on a massive shopping spree and it felt pretty good spending all this money after doing that i found this ultimate boss and i was confident that i would beat him super easily but then he ended up destroying three of my pokemon luckily mazation took him down helping me beat my first ultimate aside from tms i can slash warp tudors to learn even more moves here to buy moves here i need to buy zephyr badges which are 7 500 each now that is extremely expensive which is why i bought two since i could only afford one move now that all my pokemon know their moves i'd like to quickly introduce them salamence my companion since day one is my attacking lead with the moves fly outrage stone edge and earthquake monectric the first pokemon i caught is my special sweeper who knows thunder volt switch flamethrower and thunderbolt carracosta my first fossil pokemon is my tank with the moves stone edge waterfall shell smash and aquajet volcarona the pokemon that was an absolute pain to find is my glass cannon knowing the moves fiery dance bug buzz quiver dance and giga drain xaecion the legendary i found in the forest is my physical sweeper with the moves close combat swords dance iron head and play rough and last but not least zamasunta the legendary i found while chasing a cat is my wall with the moves close combat psychic fangs iron head and crunch my team is finally at their max potential and it is now time to take on the battle tower i warp to the battle towers and noticed there were different colored pathways to each tower the green yellow orange and red paths led to the easy normal hard and insane towers my goal was to defeat the first battle tower so i went with the green path i apparently get more rewards the more npcs i defeat but i only have one try at this per day regardless i entered the tower and was confident that i still beat it my salamance was first up to bat against the surowudo he was a rock type so i used earthquake but got him down to 0.4 percent hp how does that even happen after solomon's fainted i brought out my fighting type against his normal type and he took him down with one hit he eventually brought out an alolan raticate a dark normal type and since fighting is good against both of those zamasunta had no trouble i then cleared out his last two pokemon with monettrix thunderbolts now this next trainer actually had pokemon that were five levels above mine i took her semester down with an earthquake but then i was up against another dragon type dragon beats dragon and since he was five levels above salamance he absolutely destroyed him however zaitseon took care of him along with the other four pokemon on her team zacheon is super strong and i now understand why everyone loves him however i can't forget about zamasunta because he's strong as well he might not do as much damage as xaceon but he can definitely take a hit or two he actually ended up defeating this guy's team by himself which made me really proud of him now i finally made it to the last npc and i was pretty nervous for the fight her pokemon were level 110 so this wasn't going to be easy however my volcarona was a huge help and she was able to pump out a lot of damage her attacks were strong but she wasn't the most durable thankfully i still had zaichion who at this point is pretty much a one-man army after taking down her last pokemon i had finally completed my second goal of defeating the first battle tower upon doing so i was rewarded with 16 rare candy 25 tokens 10 000 dollars and a master ball after winning i gave a little victory speech to my team congratulating them and honoring their hard work our journey may be coming to an end but it's not over yet since we still need to defeat the battle frontier before i head out and go do that i wanted to get a mega stone first for my settlements as i waited in the mesa instead of finding a salamance i actually found a mega evolved agron i honestly think that agaron is one of the coolest pokemon i've ever seen but him being mega evolved makes him 10 times cooler after beating him i got his mega stone and i obviously had to test it out my own agaron this makes me a lot happier than you would think anyways i eventually did find a salamence and this time it was an ultimate i was beaten so many times by the last elements so now it was time for my revenge although he did at 50 more levels than my pokemon so i need to be careful thanks to volcarona's flame body the majority of my damage actually came from burning him once i defeated him i was so proud that i got my revenge and got the mega stone as well salamance is already a fantastic pokemon but with the mega stone he becomes so much stronger and is pretty much an unstoppable force however nothing really changes in terms of looks except for his wings and i guess his horns anyway i tp to the battle frontier and i prepared myself for the final battles the first member i had to fight was named james and to me he looked pretty terrifying he started out with primal groudon and i started out by mega evolving my settlements i used an earthquake on him but i only got him down to five percent my speedy monectric finished him off but then he got absolutely destroyed by a durmanitan he then sent out a ghost arceus so i countered that with my dark move he decided to switch out arceus for mewtwo which was actually perfect for me he evolved as mewtwo into mega mewtwo x which is still a psychic type that's weak against dark moves up next was his necrosma which he immediately evolved into ultra necrozma one of the most powerful pokemon out there but he is a dragon and dragons are weak to fairy moves i then used a stab move to take down arceus but then he sent out a shuckle however it only took a couple of play roughs to end him his last pokemon was dormanten and i took him down with one shot which scored me the victory against james and allowed me to talk to joe before talking to joe i found this gigantic beast in the ocean it was a shiny legendary boss but for some reason i couldn't fight it so i just left it in the ocean now my buddy joe here tried to tickle me with cinderance but i tickled him even harder with salamance once he sent out xerneas i switched out salomon's for zacchion and took down his fairy type with behemoth blade he had a landorus so i used waterfall to take away most of his hp and used aquajet to finish him off next up was greninja but he switched him when i used crunch and i ended up taking down his necrosma now this guy had a mega evolved settlements as well and he was pretty equally matched with zamasunta he took down zamasunta but i still had zachion who had no trouble taking down a dragon all he had left was an ash good ninja but all it took was one close combat to be victorious and now i can speak to allen now for alan's team all i had to do was use sword stance which allowed me to one-shot every single one of his pokemon earning me the win and allowing me to speak to gabe now my fight against gabe was interesting since he also had a duskman necrozma who my volcarona was able to beat side note i do apologize for these bad camera angles i believe it's a pixelmon bug that's been going on for a decade or so anyways this guy also had an arceus who he switched for deoxys which i was happy about since my dark move absolutely crushes his psychic type his arceus did take down zamasunta which left zacchaeus to take care of the rest if there's one pokemon i can trust to take a whole team by himself it's seision he's been carrying the team and there's no doubt that he's my strongest fighter after winning the battle i can now challenge bradley before i do that i know i've been talking about my best pokemon a lot but not my worst my monettric has been pretty useless in battle so i swapped him for keldeo monetric is not a bad pokemon it's just that he's kinda useless without his megastone his stats are pretty below average but once you mega evolve him he actually becomes usable now my fight against bradley was super hard considering he had some top tier pokemon but it wasn't impossible he sent out dragopold which is an excellent ghost pokemon but it's super weak against dark moves he also had a metagross that did an insane amount of damage but maization took it down with a close combat i then used swords dance to prepare mysean for the 1v5 and i was able to take his syndromes down with the close combat this guy even had a steel type arceus but since fighting is good against steel he wasn't an issue at all now zacchaeus did the best he could against tornadoes but he ended up falling which left me with two pokemon i finished tornados off with a close combat and all he had left was a tyranitar the nice thing about tyranitar is that he's a rock slash dark type meaning he's super weak against fighting types and after winning against bradley i can now speak to jon he started the battle with rayquaza and since his dragon vs dragon i figured i could take him down with an outrage next up was kyogre and since it was normal kyogre instead of primal i had no problem beating him down after that was heatran who carracosta was an absolute perfect match for he also did a lot of damage on ferramosa before he fainted i then pulled out xaecheon in hopes that he would handle the rest but he actually ended up fainting leaving me with two pokemon left again i decided to pull out my volcarona and i wasn't disappointed in the slightest when i did with his fiery dance he was able to clean up the rest of his pokemon his last pokemon was a grass type who stood absolutely no chance against my fire type i defeated jon and was on my way to take down the final leader i went back home to swap items and to strategize for the final battle but when i went outside i actually found a golden manectric right here in the plains biome this was exactly what i needed because with his mega stone i can finally mega evolve monectric to unlock his true potential this made me super confident that i would win the battle now the downside to this is that i can only have one mega of all pokemon in battle but salamance is already strong without it so i'm not too worried anyway it is now time to take down the last tier 1 trainer of the battle frontier his pokemon were level 120 but i was able to do some damage with volt switch i switched monectric for caracosta and was able to take down the first member his next pokemon was a mega evolved aerodactyl and since he's a rock type i was able to do some pretty good damage with aquajet but as soon as i pulled out zamasunta he switched out aerodactyl for ho-oh however two can play that game so i switched out zamasunenta for keldeo to negate his fire attacks i used a kamehameha on him but then he healed up with roost and switched out again for maghirna i was not going to let him get his way so i pulled out my steel type against his fairy type and did some massive damage one last behemothway took him out and he brought out aerodactyl again i wanted to make his life miserable so i brought out my fighting type against his rock and pummeled him to the ground he sent out palkia and got scared when i used outrage but then i ended up taking down his ho-oh with it outrage actually hit for a third time taking down his palkia and winning me the battle and with that i had finally completed my third goal of defeating every tier 1 trainer of the battle frontier i can't believe salamance my buddy since day one was able to clutch out and take two legendaries by himself i really enjoyed fighting the battle frontier and i definitely plan on fighting the whole thing someday anyways thank you guys so much for watching i appreciate all the support you leave on this video and i will see you next time
Channel: SpicyHindu
Views: 601,465
Rating: 4.9088798 out of 5
Keywords: pixelmon, pixelmon 100 days, 100 days in pixelmon, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, pokemon, 100 days pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, pokemon minecraft, minecraft, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft 100 days pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon 100 days, 100 days, minecraft 100 days modded, pokemon 100 days, pokemon minecraft 100 days, 100 days in pixelmon minecraft, 100 days in minecraft pokemon, modded minecraft, pixelmon mod, pokemon mod
Id: ULyQH5cOfjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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