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welcome to pixelmon 100 days in minecraft the full movie [Music] now before this video starts i would like to disclose that this is 400 days of pixelmon but the server that i was playing on actually reset so now everybody has started completely from scratch and this means that the series has come to an end but that also means that i'm going to be starting a brand new 100 day series very shortly so before that new series does come out i thought i would combine my entire last series into one amazing long epic movie for you guys so anyway guys sit back relax grab some popcorn and enjoy 100 days of pixelmon the movie the reason i love minecraft so much is its ability to mod the game to add whatever comes to your imagination growing up i always loved to play pokemon so when i saw that there was a minecraft mod called pixelmon i instantly fell in love i've been playing pixelmon for years now and i feel like it's finally time for me to do a 100 days challenge if you guys don't know pokemon or pixelmon is a game where you can catch hundreds and hundreds of different pokemon you can train them you can breed them you can battle them all the way up to level 100 that's putting pokemon in a very very small nutshell there's actually a lot more to it but anyway in this video i will be spending 100 minecraft days on the pokey smash server [Music] the server has a ton of amazing features including eight gyms a safari battle towers tournaments for real life money a war zone where legendary and shiny pokemon have a high chance of spawning but if you battle other players in the war zone the winner gets to steal the losers pokemon it also has a pokey hunt challenge where you have a limited time to catch a specific pokemon and if you do that you get to claim a pretty awesome reward there is also a pokemon hunger games mini game that is absolutely epic amazing custom pokemon textures just like this galaxy groudon and there's much much more in these first hundred days i have four specific objectives the first one is definitely the most challenging and quite nearly impossible but it is to complete the generation 1 pokedex that means i have to catch 151 pokemon including all of the legendary pokemon the next challenge is to beat the very first gym on the server which is a flying type gym the third objective that i have is to catch a legendary pokemon now if i do complete the first generation pokedex that will inevitably happen but i at least want to be able to catch one legendary and my final objective is to complete a poke hunt now i know that one sounds kind of easy but i feel like i need one relatively easy objective on this list so that this video isn't a complete fail these challenges will be incredibly difficult especially completing generation one and catching a legendary pokemon i'm not looking forward to it but if you guys do want to join me on the server the ip and a tutorial on how to install pixelmon will be linked in the description down below before this video starts i would just like to say that this video took me an incredible amount of time to make so if you guys do enjoy please do me a favor and leave a like and subscribe i would really really appreciate it anyway guys let's start our journey so just like any pokemon game pixelmon forces you to make the most difficult selection of your life to start your adventure you get to choose any of these starter pokemon from any of the eight generations now looking back on it it probably would have been smartest for me to take a generation 1 pokemon but i have to go with the love of my life mudkip so this is where you spawn on the pokey smash server and i actually ran into someone pretty famous to start off my adventure yeah i found technoblade within about five seconds i thought it would be a good idea to fight the first person i saw and make them my rival but the problem is well technoblade is is pretty good and not only minecraft but apparently pokemon as well and uh yeah he killed me in one hit sad sad times so because my pokemon died i went to slash warp heel and that is the well i guess a freeway an easy way to heal your pokemon and so now mudkip is back up to full health and ready to battle the first thing that i love to do whenever starting a series on this network is to jump straight down from spawn because when you do that you'll come across a bunch of these level one pokemon which are actually perfect to train your starter with because your starters on level five and so battling these level one pokemon is relatively easy and it gives you very good experience and not too much later i was able to actually get my mudkip up to level 16 which means that he evolves he evolves into a marsh stomp unfortunately the view of the evolution was pretty blocked by my ginormous legs i know i'm pretty thick but nonetheless i was still pretty excited to get my first evolution on this 100 day challenge someone gave me a team rocket chest plate and i was naked this whole time so i guess i'm joining team rocket now before we venture out into the wild a really good thing to do is vote for the server because if you do that you actually get vote crate keys which will allow you to get free pokeballs free rare candies and a bunch of free loot that is really helpful in starting off an adventure if you do the slash warp crates command it takes you right to where the crates are and the vote crate key is right on the left so in our first great key we actually managed to get ourselves a random pokemon this was really good for me because it got me a mudsdale that was level 36 which is which is a really high level to start off an adventure with um and this is going to allow me to not only eliminate higher level pokemon but it's also going to let me catch high level pokemon as well because with this muzdale i will now be able to damage those pokemon which will allow me to catch them easier and then i also got 10 ultra balls which comes in very very handy later on in the series and then i got rare candies 10 more ultra balls more rare candies and lastly i got 10 timer balls now that we have a level 16 a marsh top and a 36 mud sail it's time for us to explore the wild and the first thing i came across was a little tiny cute home but as i went around back i noticed that it was on fire uh so uh the first thing i did on my adventure was a pretty good community you know just a good thing you know i feel like if i were to start off my adventure as a nice guy you know good good karma will come my way so the first thing i wanted to do in this adventure was start my house because it's always nice to you know have a home that you can always come back to but unfortunately i am extraordinarily picky and i didn't end up building my house for a while because i really wanted to find uh you know a terrain that i wanted to build on oh and this is actually really rare so early on in our adventure we actually found a grotto which has a master ball loot inside now there's random loot scattered around the world of pixamon uh some are pokeballs some are ultra balls some are master balls but that doesn't mean that they drop that respective pokeball they actually drop normally a random held item and i noticed that there was actually a weedle right next to me as well so i decided that it would be a good idea to catch him as he is you know a generation one pokemon and that is one of my goals so i figured might as well start early rather than late for some reason it did take a really long time to catch him but in the end we did manage to catch the level 2 weedle and shortly after that we managed to catch ourselves an oddish and then i call my least favorite pokemon of all time a rattata oh i found another grotto choice specs let's go this is what's called an apricorn field you use apricorns in order to craft pokeballs when the apricorn is fully grown like this one right here you just right click it and you get a black apricorn then you smelt it up and combine it with other smelted colors of apricorns in order to get lids of pokeballs then you also have to craft the bottom of the pokeball by using iron and also get a button and after you combine all three of them up you then get a pokeball normally i don't like catching zubats because they kind of stink but with this objective in hand i'm gonna have to catch every single pokemon in generation one even if i don't like them uh after i called the zubat i had to take a dump and that took up a couple days i went back to spawn to check out a few things and i realized that there's actually a slash gts command this is where all the players on the server will actually list pokemon that they have for a certain price for example someone is selling this bag on for 70 000 it does have perfect ivs and a perfect nature though that's why it's so expensive someone is selling a shiny almost perfect iv rayquaza for two hundred thousand dollars that's a crap ton of money right now i only have a hundred dollars there's a hologram here that says if you type in slash smash me which we won't really talk about i'm pretty sure the full command is slash smash menu which yeah that's what we'll type in because we're a little bit more appropriate here this actually shows you how to claim it blocks some useful commands economy info how to train your pokemon warps vote gyms which is actually something that we need to accomplish today well in today's video at least the war zone which is something else i'd like to check out ranks and party stats if we go ahead and select on gyms you'll see that the very first gym is a flying gym and then there's a ground gym a fairy gym a normal gym an electric gym a dragon gym a fire gym a poison gym and a that's it that's all the gems they all seem to be closed at the moment but once the flying gym is open i will be sure to try to challenge it anyway guys i think it's time that we build our first house ideally i want to find a plane's area because that to me is just the most fun to build in oh my god we actually just found a ginormous bear this earth string is level 59 which is a very very high level to find a wild pokemon i'm gonna leave him alone or else he's literally going to destroy my whole team oh a geodude he can be added to my collection and boom there we go we've captured a geodude and there we go we caught him a chop now one really cool thing about pixman is they actually have a really ultra rare pokemon that spawn but they're invisible and you can find them by seeing these particles on the ground sometimes they're actually double battles so if i walk through here you'll see that boom it puts me into a double battle with two tour cools that are very very high level the ones level 46 and the other is 53. neither of these are generation one pokemon though so i'm just gonna go ahead and try to escape if they'll let me boom we caught a hitmonly i just realized that one of my objectives is to catch as many generation one pokemon as possible and i started with a generation three pokemon so that was pretty dumb of me finding those first three starters is uh definitely going to be pretty challenging oh and i just found a tauros who is actually a pretty challenging pokemon to catch so what we're going to do is actually take out our hitmonlee and see if he can do some good damage to it with any of his fighting moves boom we captured tauros boom we captured nidoran kokuna doug trio graveler cubone oh and then i came across a village oh and i found my first trainer and he actually ran to his mom because he knew that i was about to whip his butt but unfortunately there's nowhere for him to run when i break down the entire building so little man it is time to face your fate and without much time i managed to absolutely destroy this puny little trainer i wanted to feel a little bit more of a personal connection with my pokemon so i decided to nickname all of them and there we go now they're all nicknamed i caught a couple more pokemon atkins radicate diglett gastly i decided to destroy a village and strip it of all of its courts even though i know this is really frowned upon to do i want to make sure that the house that i build is a really nice looking house after i mined out all the courts it was time to mine out all of the wood as well this pokemon is getting absolutely destroyed miltank after the start of building my house i realized that there were a couple blocks that i didn't have that i wanted those are terracotta blocks and the way to find them is to actually find a mesa and in the mesa there's a lot of very rare pokemon that spawn so my next mission is to go and find a mesa and gather some of those blocks so my best bet was actually to ask the people that were on the server if they knew where mesa was turns out zoom in lp seems to know and boom there we go i now have a mesa and this dude's got a ginormous bass check this out wow this is incredible so these areas that you see here are actually breeding areas these are called ranch blocks and the reason that it has glass and iron on the floor here is because whatever pokemon he's breeding in here are most comfortable with glass and iron as their environment same thing with here this is endstone so most likely the pokemon these breeding in this area are dragons i don't know if that's something that i'm gonna end up doing in my hundred days because that is something a little bit further down the line but if you guys do like this episode be sure to first of all smash that like button and let me know if you want to see another 100 days but anyway this is exactly the block that i wanted to mine for the outside of my house so let me go ahead and gather up a ton of this whoa look someone in chat actually just called a zapdos it only has 56 ivs probably the worst ivs i've ever seen on on a legendary pokemon which is why someone actually put f in chat but it's still pretty epic that he caught himself a zapdos so the way that you catch those three legendary birds that is zapdos articuno and moltres you have to oh no my pickaxe broke gosh dang it well anyway to catch those three birds you actually have to get a legendary orb and then combine it with either a firestone a thunderstone or a water stone and after you've done it that relative one you then have to eliminate i think like uh 350 pokemon or so and as you eliminate those pokemon the souls of those pokemon go into the orb and when the orb is completely full after you've killed i think around 350 pokemon then you can find their shrine which is actually at spawn and someone at that pokemon and i know that sounds really difficult to get but you can actually get legendary orbs i believe from the vote crates so zapdos articuno and moltres are the three most captured legendaries on the server and that's something that i think i actually want to do in this episode in this hundred day challenge is to catch at least one of those three birds now i know that they're all generation one so my you know one of my goals is to complete the generation one pokedex but honestly guys there's no way that i complete the entire pokedex in this 100 day challenge i think i'm gonna get really close but to get all the legendaries is going to be incredibly difficult one thing that's really important to know about pixelmon is that almost every single pokemon has a respective bomb that they spawn in which means that in order for me to complete the pokedex i'm going to find almost every single biome and so right now i am in a mesa and this is like one of the only times that i guess i'll find a century i think that they actually also spawn in the desert so maybe this isn't the best example but there are some pokemon that exclusively spawn in the mesa and also like let's say some ice biomes as well which are usually pretty difficult to find but my point is it's easy to catch a lot of the generation one pokemons to start but as you narrow down towards like you know the end of your adventure of catching those generation one pokemon it gets really difficult to find the specific biome the specific time of the day and actually to get those pokemon to spawn but anyway guys i think for now we should have enough terracotta we have three almost four stacks let's get the four stacks here and then we can go ahead and complete our house all right guys so i know that i said i'm not a great builder but i worked really really hard on this house and i have to say i am not surprised at all this house came out absolutely terribly and i'm very sorry for everybody that is still watching this video because you were about to see um an abysmal house ah here we go three two one rip it off like a band-aid and oh my god what what is this what oh my gosh man guys i'm not gonna lie this is disgusting and i will move out of this house and i i didn't even get to finish the top of the house because i ran out of courts and it's not good i made all my courts into stairs which was not a good investment because now i've i have no more courts to finish the top not good at all well anyway it doesn't even matter it doesn't matter this doesn't matter because pixelmon and catching pokemon is the most important part of this adventure okay it's not about how well i can build that's not what it's about i think what i'm gonna do for my next house though which i probably will build pretty soon because this is a disgrace and i don't feel comfortable living here it actually gives me that like the creeps i don't want to walk in this house i feel like something bad is gonna happen while i'm in here anyway for my next build which will hopefully be better because i i haven't really planned it out but i've at least thought about it i'm going to make a pokeball that's like halfway in the ground so it's going to be like a circle and then you know it's going to be the top half is going to be red and then when you walk in there's going to be like a glass layer but then underneath it's going to look like it goes down like a pokeball so you're walking into a pokeball i don't know i think it could look pretty cool but knowing my building skills it's gonna look terrible oh there's a balls pokemon right here this is something that i completely forgot to mention because they're pretty rare to find as you can see the center is green um and it says boss uncommon now there are a bunch of different tiers of bosses uh uncommon is the most common of the bosses there's green there's red there's yellow there's orange i don't even know if orange spawns i'm pretty sure orange is like legendary the way that the level works is it takes the highest level in your party and it adds whatever amount the rarity is so an uncommon boss takes your highest level in your party and adds five so as you can see i have stallion who is level 37 and says this is uncommon ball so that's five it's now 742 and basically what these balls do is they drop some item a destiny knot that's actually really good destiny knots are really good for breeding there are actually boss towers that you can find in the wild i've yet to find one but those boss towers they do what they say they spawn a bunch of bosses and that's a pretty good way to farm up some really good items and i've actually forgot to set my home here so if i type in slash set home boom i now have a home so now if i type slash home boom it takes me right to my home so now i can go as far off as i want and always be able to come back to the home let me grab all my pokeballs that i have and we can move out i did actually see a ponytail right here and a meowth so that's two more pokemon and a rapid dash that's three more pokemon that we can add to our collection and then we get we just caught our ponyta now for the meowth boom meowth captured boom we got him on our second try let's go now what we can do is actually put him in our team look at our pc it's actually filling up really nicely now let's get rid of this rattata we don't need him anymore and there's actually a voltorb here as well this is like the perfect area for catching pokemon that our generation won this is great and boom now we call the voltorb okay so one thing that's on my list to do is do a poke hunt this is something that i've never done before and i'm really excited to try it's actually wait is it slash poke hunt i think if i just type in slash pokey hunt boom so this is my hunt i have to catch a dragonair which i can tell you is gonna be pretty much impossible to catch an al creamy uh a clam pearl a uh passimi guys i'm not uh okay i don't know what the heck now creamy is or a passimian can i get different pokemon this is not good whoa if you actually catch it it tells you how much money you get so if i catch this guy i get 3 055 what that is outrageous and 19 pokeballs and 15 rare candies that is insane any pokemon that is on this list will receive an iv boost when caught it is also temporarily marked in the wild with red particles if it has one of the listed natures you will get greater rewards and a higher iv boost that is absolutely amazing all right so my next goal is to catch a dragon air because it is generation one which helps my cause and also it gets me a lot of money and more pokeballs and rare candy so i'm definitely gonna go for that now one thing i have to keep in mind is i'm getting pretty low on pokeballs so i'm okay there's a couple things i can do here um one i can start a farm an apricorn farm and uh and make my own pokeballs or two i can buy pokeballs or three i can actually vote some more on the voting um links in order to get vote crate keys which will allow me to actually get some more pokeballs so there's actually a multitude of ways of actually getting more pokeballs um i'm just going to figure out which one works best for me i really do want to catch this macho but i want to i want to save my pokeballs though for this dragonair okay so i found an ocean which is a really really good step one but the problem is that i i really struggle to swim now one solution to that is to actually find or catch a pokemon that swims and then you can ride on that pokemon while it's in the ocean and that allows you to travel a lot quicker and i think it actually lets you breathe underwater as well oh there's a gold dean right here i really want it but again i don't want to waste my pokeballs on a pokemon that isn't either one i can swim on or a dragonair oh let's go i actually just found a magikarp level 17 and at first you might be like wow who the heck cares it's just a magikarp but one is first of all it's another generation one pokemon and two it's only three levels away from evolving into a ginormous gyarados which is a pokemon that i can swim on so this is actually really really good i'm gonna use my three rare candies on it um because i think i have like 20 or so i'm gonna use three on this thing just so i can get it into a gyarados which will allow me to swim which will hopefully allow me to find some dragonairs boom let's go all right we got a magikarp and three level and now it's going to evolve into a ginormous freaking gyarados let's go and there we go we now have a gyarados which if we right click on them boom we can ride and go in the water with let's go dude this is actually awesome this is actually a lot of fun i'm not gonna lie there's a ton of pokemon spawning down here but it's taking forever to find dragonite i honestly wouldn't be surprised if i've been down here for a day already now for those of you guys who don't know dragon air um or dragon knight or dratini any of the line is a pseudo legendary line which is probably why it costs or it pays out so much money to actually find one because they're pseudo legendary which means they're not quite a legendary but they're almost a legendary they're really really really really rare pokemon oh i'm not gonna lie guys i've been in the water for about almost an hour now at this point i haven't caught anything i've seen a couple things like crabbies um goldings and a couple other things that i could have caught but i'm trying to save my pokeballs for this dragonair and um well he's nowhere to be seen oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god it's dragonair oh my yes let's go finally i'm actually so lucky that that this isn't a dragon knight or a dratini rather wait what level is it please tell me it's not that high it's level 46 oh it's got the fire particles let's go so the fire particles are because it is a pokemon from the pokecon i'm trying to find pokemon that can maybe tank some hits from it because it's going to one shot almost everything no it didn't it waited so long oh and it forced me out of battle what it used like whirlwind or something and it forced me out of battle all right here we go again come on quick ball please please please please please please like stop stop doing this to me and just catch stop come on stop messing around yes oh my god it worked let's go oh my gosh let's go i did it i received 3 000 coins and i got 15 rare candies as well let's go oh my gosh i can finally get out of this ocean let me go home i need to take a breather that was one of the worst experiences of my entire life turns out once you catch one uh it it randomizes so and i also none of these pokemon are genuine so i'm going to leave it there so there is the pokey hunt crossed off the list of objectives to do we still have to beat a gym and also try to complete the generation one pokedex and also got a legendary pokemon so there still is quite a few things that we need to do what i'm gonna do now is actually start an apricorn farm so here's an apricorn here um and it's not ready to be what is it uh harvested that's the word but basically the best way to find apricorns in the wild is to go into the woods like so and you'll see you'll just find random apricorns like so there we go we got a blue one oh so there's actually a legendary orb that is four thousand dollars if you guys remember we got a well after we complete the the poke hunt we got three thousand dollars so we have a decent amount of money i just got to figure out how to get that last thousand so we can buy a legendary orb and then after we buy the legendary orb we can combine it with let's say a thunderstone and then after we eliminate around 350 pokemon we can then spawn in a zapdos which hopefully we can catch that would be the legendary objective crossed off our list also the first ship is a flying type gym so if i do get my hands on a zapdos that gym should be fairly easy to take out so after using all of my pokeballs i did manage to catch myself quite a bit more pokemon as you can see our box goes the entire first box and also into the second box so we're doing pretty well on the front of catching all of the first 151 pokemon however there's still so many more to capture if you hit eye on your keyboard that brings up the actual pokey decks as you can see i have none of the sort of pokemon but i have a lot of like the beginning pokemon and then you'll see there's still a ton of black silhouettes of pokemon that not only i've not caught but i haven't even seen yet and i also have no pokeballs so i think what i'm gonna do instead of buying that legendary orb is i think i'm gonna buy some pokeballs let's see so we have three thousand one hundred dollars pokeballs are only now i know these are the worst ones but look at how many we can actually buy okay what i might do is actually try to catch some of these guys because they do give out a lot of money actually it's probably worth trying to catch some so i'm gonna go try to find a pineco i'm fairly sure they spawn in the extreme hills um so let me let me try to find one oh let's go okay so we actually found apollo sand which is one of the pokemon on the poke wait it is right slash poke hunt [Music] paulistan okay yes perfect but let's see uh if we can catch this thing and this is perfect because we have dragonite here's level 55 who like i said is gonna be able to do a good amount of damage against pokemon like this who are also very high leveled oh and we caught him first try let's go don't sleep on a great ball or a poke ball they're still low-key pretty good but there we go so we know did we get money wait we didn't get any money why don't we oh i it has to be the exact nature too no that is so unlucky oh maybe we can find another one with the correct nature oh okay i think that we found another one here we go okay so yep it is all fiery which means it is a go boom let's go we caught it let's go and it gave us 14 ultra balls i think that we only use like we only use four great balls total between those two pokemon let's go wait so i guess it was the correct nature and there we go oh fire those are so easy to find let's go after about 10 minutes or so of searching for pineco i decided to call it quits because i wasn't entirely sure where pineco spawned and i knew for a fact it would be pretty easy to find a ferret in fact the easiest way for me probably was to go back home so that's exactly what i did as they spawn in the planes and here we go it literally took me 30 seconds to find a fart hopefully it's the right nature and with our first great ball we did manage to capture the ferret and he had the correct nature so we got another 1 800 coins which puts us up at 4 000 coins that i believe is enough to get ourselves the orb the legendary orb so this is actually amazing so we can go ahead and purchase the orb and boom there we go we now have an orb in our hands that's not the last step though there still are quite a few steps before we can someone a zapdos inn we still get our hands on a thunderstone and we also have to eliminate another about 350 pokemon or so in order to fill up the orb with pokemon souls so the poke hunts were going really well for me so i checked them again and there's a core fish in here that gives you 2 000 which is a ton of money for a relatively easy pokemon to catch okay so if you type in slash p wiki space any pokemon in the entire game it comes up with this pixelmon wiki that shows you where it spawns what it's weak to all of its stats and a bunch of other really interesting things so if you're ever not sure about anything about a pokemon just type in slash wiki space the pokemon it even tells you the entire move set it's pretty epic but anyway it does say that spawns in the ocean on land during the day so i think my best case is to try to find an island in the middle of the ocean so it's still technically an ocean biome but so that the core fish still spawns on land whoa that was just lining right here oh my gosh if there was like a if there was a magikarp it would be his oh my god it's a magikarp wait is it a zombie magikarp if a magikarp gets struck by lightning it becomes a zombie magikarp oh wow that would have been so epic if that happened it actually took a little bit longer than i thought that it would but uh let's go ahead and catch a thing it's on level 15 should not be an issue whatsoever and boom just like that we made another 2 000 coins guys if you do join the server honestly the best way to make money is by doing the poke hunts i don't feel like too many people know about it but they are epic and it's a really easy way to make some money let's check what the uh the new core fish updated oh a bell sprout that is easy cash baby let's go [Music] and oh there we go we finally caught a bell sprout that um that had the correct nature so there we go we got 800 coins and we also got 15 level balls which is pretty good now even though bellsprout was the literally the easiest pokemon of any of the pokemons i've done it was the most challenging for some reason to find the correct nature of it so that's something that i definitely have to take into consideration is i think i've been getting really really lucky with the poke hunts so far maybe it's not as easy as i thought but if you look i've actually caught a ton of these stinking bell sprouts to finally get the one that gave me 800 coins which is enough hopefully i think to go slash warp mart and buy myself a thunderstone and here we go thunderstone is 500 wait we have 3k how do we get three oh wait no okay we got we got money from the core fish that's right okay so anyway now we have an orb if we put that in the crafting bench and then the thunderstone you'll see that it turns into the orb of static souls now when i have this in my hotbar every single time that i kill a pokemon its soul will go into the orb now the best way to do it is definitely to drop down straight from spawn and go into one that the first room that i basically went into in this in this episode which you if you dropped on twice you go right to it because all the pokemon here are on level one and so now i basically just need to absolutely destroy a ton of well reigns and that orb will be full as you can see as i'm killing these machops here that the legendary orb is filling up that is a little bit over halfway i've been killing these things for a long long long long very very long time all right and we are on the home stretch of completing this orb of static souls i don't know how many exactly i've left but it's not much as you can see the durability is very very low and we have to get the durability to zero in order for it to be completely full now as you can see swamp butt has gained almost five levels from killing level one pokemon that is how you know i've killed way too many of these stinking things oh a reggie isis spawn in the war zone holy crap wait that's actually awesome now i know a lot of you guys are probably expecting me to go and battle the zapdos right away right now but you would be mistaken because at their spawns at level 70 and um i don't have a pokemon over level 7 over level 57 so for me to battle this thing i'm definitely gonna have to get some better pokemon so that i can actually injure it and maybe get some status effects on it before actually attempting to battle it because if i can't catch it then it's going to get away and i will never be able to catch it again and i did not just spend the last hour maybe even more than that of my day filling up this ore but just for the stinking zapdos to run away so i'm gonna make sure i'm prepared fully prepared before engaging in battle with that thing but anyway i need a break from this whole zap those thing my brain is hurting i'm tired and i'm going to move on so what i'm going to do is actually work on my pokeball home um i'm completely giving up on this project it's a lost cause you know it's the first thing that i built though so i feel like i'm just gonna leave it as a tribute to my little town that i've created and it will never be forgotten so live on king live on i needed some more courts so i decided to find another village and absolutely destroy the pokemon and the pokey center so after taking some time off playing pixelmon and actually building i thought i would actually get to something pretty useful turns out i spent another way way way too long on a project that really did not deserve that much time uh i'm about to turn around and show you what i've been working on well i told you guys what i've been working on but it it just did not come out the way that um the way that i expected so if i turn around you'll see [Music] that's my pokeball yeah um it's it's bad it's it's really really bad i don't know why it looks so blocky i thought i did like circle stuff the one cool thing is i try to do like that milky effect when you look down with like the white stained glass that's probably the coolest part but when you when you look up it um it's just not good it's not good and i'm ashamed of myself i don't know i don't understand how to build in this game i've played this game for about eight years now and i still just don't understand it so what i'm going to do is go on an absolute massive spree of catching pokemon because i'm tired of building and i'm just gonna figure something else out there's actually a macargo that is still in the pokey hunt and uh well guys it has been some time since i've seen you last i decided not to put too much grinding in the video just because i don't want this video to be insanely long as is it's probably already going to be if i had to guess i don't know 45 minutes to an hour maybe maybe longer but anywho um i have been out and about catching pokemon for a very very very very long time and i've also been doing poke hunts not just catching pokemon so with those poke hunts it actually i'm up to seven thousand nine hundred dollars and i have a ton of rare candies now as well but i've made unbelievable progress on our journey to uh completing the first generation and i will say there's no way that we finish like there's just no chance but check this out guys unfortunately i've somehow not found any of the starter pokemon literally none but look at this i've completed so much now in the beginning you know the more common pokemon so it sort of makes sense that i'm able to do the beginning ones for the most part there are some bits and bobs that i've missed um but for the most part i think i've done pretty freaking well but the more i scroll the more blacks you'll start to see um the more rare they get like there's a ditto i haven't found any eevees yet zero of them i haven't done any fossil hunting so i don't have the ammonite ammo star uh aerodactyl or kabuto and then you just have store lax and then a bunch of legendary pokemon and then we have dratini that i don't have dragonair and dragonite dragonite is actually after uh articuno zapdos and mole trace that's how rare that dragonair is so uh i hope that puts that a little bit into perspective as to why i was so happy to find him but anyway that was a lot of work that was uh yeah way too much work it's it's actually been a couple of days in real life since i've seen you guys last i'm actually really low on pokeballs now as well from all of the uh all the pokemon that i've caught now the poke hunts were really helpful because every time they give you around like 12 to 16 pokeballs-ish so that's why i was doing those it also gave me some money so i figured um it was it was definitely a good thing to do but one thing that we're really close to guys is evolving our shiny marsh tomp aka swamp butt into a swampert so he only needs three more levels and i wasn't i haven't really been training him that all the levels you got was mostly just from catching pokemon because when you catch pokemon you actually do get the levels or the experience from it as if you were as if you just killed that pokemon so anyway let's grab all these rare candies we have a ton of rare candies again from the poke the pokey hunts are op guys like never stop doing poke hunts because they are literally too good but anyway the rare candies let's go ahead and apply three of them to the boy um and yeah let's go he's now evolving into a swampert which is obviously a really really really good pokemon we don't have a mega ring for him yet i haven't found any mega pokemon hopefully we find a mega pokemon soon though we could get a mega ring that would be pretty epic but until then we will not be able to make it evolve anything actually uh we probably should use a lot more of these rare candies now one thing that i'm about to do actually is is battle the very first gym which is a which is a flying type gym i believe swamp butt does oh you know he already knows rockslide so i'm definitely going to bring swamp butt uh now the level cap is 25 for the gym i'm i'm pretty sure he can bring in pokemon that are higher level than 25 but it just brings your level down to 25 so you can't actually like bring level 100 into the first gym because that would just be unfair so i'm going to try to find pokemon that i've caught that have like rock type moves and try to come up with the team that would be best for against flying all right so here's the team that i picked out swamp butt graveler magneton dragonite rapidash and riku oraichu i don't even really know why i picked rapidash i think it was mostly because it was already in my party but i guess fire blast is pretty good to have but anyway after we battle this gym assuming that we win at least then i'm going to do the uh the zapdos spawn we are running pretty low on time though so we're not gonna have too too much time to get all of this done but one thing that i definitely need to do before going for that zapdos is one leveling up my pokemon which will be relatively easy since i have a hundred and i don't know almost 120 rare candies but also i'm willing to spend a lot of my money which i have a decent amount of on pokeballs so that i'll obviously be able to catch the dang thing i'm definitely going to level up raichu a lot though because he is the move thunder wave which paralyzes your opponent which is gonna be very very important um in oh wait but i can't paralyze zapdos because he's electric type hmm maybe okay i'm gonna have to find a pokemon that knows like hypnosis or something maybe i'll get my hypno out all right so without further ado let's go ahead and type in slash gyms and that brings up this amazing little gui and then we can click on flying gym and here are the gym leaders oh it actually makes me select my team it's not just who i have in my party okay so we're just gonna go these top six okay oh this is so cool what the heck it fills in the entire like pokemon down there okay let's just go these top six and then start battle oh my god and here we go we are now at the flying gym this is crazy there's probably a way to warp here i'm just at the leader right now okay so he has a glidescore i thought that this gym was level 25 apparently it's level 30. that is really awkward but swamp butt is gonna go ahead and do a big rock throw wow that did nothing wow okay this is bad that was supposed to do a lot more water gun actually might do more because glasgow is really good at physical defense there we go and water gun is a special move wow okay he did also put a stealth rocks up which means that every time i switch it to another pokemon it's going to do one-eighth of my health um to start so that is definitely not good well let's rock slide here it's gonna be super effective i think togekiss might kill me in this first turn but let's see oh a rock slide does a lot any flinch that's actually really good for us we're gonna be able to get another rock slide in and we missed i mean i guess it only is fair for me to miss there oh and it sets all of our pokemon level 30. i don't even think graveler was level 30 but no that's pretty cool sweet okay so i definitely don't want to go to dragonite because togekiss is super effective let's go to my cargo and we can use rock throw if i land i'll kill his but if he lands first he'll probably kill me and he doesn't and boom we kill in one hit let's go okay this is going swimmingly all right let's do another dragon rush and he he kills me in one hit oh okay perfect i have magneton we can spark and it's dead get out of here get out of here pelipper oh i'm confused and i hit myself in confusion that is actually so unlucky he used u-turn goes to hall lucha and spark does a ton of damage again come on let me go first and please don't hit myself like confusion nice no it's good okay i stepped out of confusion i killed him this is a beautiful thing oh wait surely i outspeed a pelipper right come on magneton is normally really fast come on and boom let's go dude so we've actually won our first ever gym battle challenge that is let's go that's actually so good nice and now i have a gym batch but guys look this is actually the flying gym there's a little airplane here um and yeah it's a nice little place now i don't know if i'd be able to take out the next gym because first of all i think that they're level 40 and i don't have too many before this let me actually see what gym type it is it is ground type which i don't think yeah i don't really have too many like water type pokemon or grass type so i'm not really sure how good i'd be against it so now what i'm gonna do is buy some pokeballs by oh wow i just got 10k from beating that gym okay that is really really good because now i'm gonna be able to buy a ton of ultra balls 109 on top of what we already had should be pretty gosh dang good all right so now we are at the shrines um i do have the orb of static souls on me to put into the zapdos shrine before i do that though i do want to get my drowsy out and uh put a bunch of levels on him i have him somewhere uh or my hypno he's on level 30 though i'm pretty sure he knows yes okay so he knows hypnosis um so he's gonna be my primary guy to put zapdos to sleep so first things first i'm gonna put a ton of levels onto swamp butt mostly because he's my starter so i feel like he deserves all the love that he can get so i'm gonna go ahead and pile a crap ton of these on him i'll actually even make him level 100 because why not uh maybe i'll only make a level 80 for this battle because i want him to still be able to damage zapdos without actually killing him so level 80 will do for now there we go i actually feel really bad for putting so many rare candies on a hypno he's now level 81 but it's all good i'm gonna put the rest of my rare candies on the dragonite hopefully he can just tank well guys i mean this is the most prepared that i'm ever going to be uh in order to catch myself a legendary pokemon i have a level 80 swampert a level 85 dragonite and a level 81 hypno um and this guy spawns level 70. so i think we should be good to go i have a ton of pokeballs as well i don't have any quick balls which normally you're supposed to throw a quick ball at a legendary on the first turn i'm kind of nervous i i i've been i've been grinding this like crazy the past couple of days and i feel like that everything that i've been doing sort of amounts to right here and right now oh let's go okay we did it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god all right all right all right please don't kill it buddy all right is muddy water gonna kill it oh my gosh i don't know i feel like it's gonna do so much oh my gosh he avoided the attack i'm actually so nervous i feel for some reason i feel like muddy water is gonna do so much to it please don't kill it please don't guys i don't know what to do okay let's let's try let's try to do graveler now i know this is kind of a stretch but he's only using light screen here so let's do some smackdowns because yeah his discharge doesn't affect me so maybe okay so he knows light screen discharge and rain dance that's three moves that do nothing to graveler okay this is perfect this could actually be really good this could be really good i don't know if he knows yeah i don't think he knows any moves that can touch graveler this is perfect so we're just going to keep on smacking down until he is in the red this really couldn't be any better it couldn't be any better now he does no discharge which is going to hurt him now okay i'm gonna leave it there i think i might be able to get one more smackdown in but i'm there's a chance that i critical hit and if i do that well then he's dead so we're gonna go into hypno and we are going to do a bunch of hypnosises i gotta make sure i click the right one because if i didn't well then the zapdos would definitely die all right well the hypno plan did not work at all he is dead after like two turns so i literally wasted like 50 rare candies on him for absolutely nothing i'm a little bit worried that he's gonna start using struggles soon struggle's a move that when you have no more pp left in your moves which is when you use all of your moves then your pokemon starts to struggle because it has nothing else left to use and it does damage to yourself and so if he starts doing damage to himself he's going to die [Music] yes oh my god let's go i finally caught it now oh i think i started that with 120 around 120 ultra balls i'm down to 67. oh my goodness that took freaking forever hey this guy just gave me an orb of fiery souls well guys that is basically going to be it for today's video this was a this was a ton of work to record but it was a lot of fun we ended up completing a lot of our tasks which were to one catch a legendary pokemon and we got zapdos two to be the gym and we beat the flying gym number three was to complete a poke hunt which we actually did quite a few of those and then the last one was to complete the entire generation one pokedex unfortunately we did not finish the pokedex but we did make quite a bit of progress this is a lot more than i thought it was going to be to be honest this took forever but guys this was so much fun to record and if you guys want to see the next 100 days on the server be sure to let me know by leaving a like rating and also commenting that down below also if you guys do want to join me in my adventures the ip to the server is in the description down below along with a link to a video that i've uploaded on how to install pixelmod so if that is something you're interested in be sure to go ahead and join the server but anyway guys that's gonna be it thank you all so much for joining me in this adventure and i'll catch you guys in the next one see you dudes [Music] tell me what two games you think are the greatest of all time if your answer is minecraft and pokemon i would agree with you what if i told you that you can combine these two games into one well you can with a minecraft mod called pixelmon welcome to my second 100 days playing this mod in my first hundred days i gave myself four different goals the first one was to complete the entire generation 1 pokedex which consisted of 151 pokemon the second goal was to capture a single legendary pokemon the third one was to beat a gym and the fourth one was to complete a poke hunt the regular pixelmon mod does not offer gyms or poke hunts so i decided to play my journey on the pokey smash network this server offers a ton of amazing features including eight gyms a safari battle towers tournaments for real life money a war zone where legendary and custom shadow pokemon have a high chance of spawning but when you battle other players the winner can steal your pokemon it also offers a poke hunt challenge where you have to catch specific pokemon with a specific nature within a certain time frame to claim an epic reward also there is a pokemon hunger games that is coming very very soon and i cannot wait to play it there's a lot more that the server offers but those are just some highlights anyway in my first 100 days i managed to capture one legendary which was a zapdos i managed to beat a gym and complete a pokey hunt unfortunately though i was unable to complete the entire generation one pokedex but i did make some good progress in these next 100 days i gave myself another three goals my first goal was to get a pokemon to reach level 100 which is the max level my second goal was to go to the war zone and catch a shadow pokemon that goal is gonna be very risky because players can battle me and steal any of my pokemon and the third and final goal is to finally complete the generation one pokedex before we get into this video please do me a favor and subscribe to my youtube channel only 16.5 of the people who watch my videos are actually subscribed and it would really really mean a lot to me if you guys could do so but anyway guys i hope that you all enjoy and let's get into the next 100 days [Music] so the first thing that i want to do in these next 200 days was set a warp to my house this way a bunch of players could join me and build around the town so what i did next was i told the entire server to go to slash warp siren and build pokemon themed stuff to make my town look good because as you guys know i'm not the greatest builder and the only thing i've really built so far was two stinky little structures oh and look we've already got some people here i will say for whatever reason you guys really thought this house was pretty good even though i don't think so along with this pokeball and already off the bat i've already accrued quite a few players that will hopefully build some amazing structures in the town and they just keep swarming in so now that i got an entire crew that will hopefully build a ton of stuff here oh my gosh they just keep coming now one problem with this is i might get griefed and they might steal all my stuff but i'm really hoping that everyone here is a good samaritan and they don't do that but this will allow me to go on my pokemon adventure and hopefully come back to my house only to see incredible progress in the town so as i said earlier one of my objectives is to complete the entire generation one pokedex we're really close if we do check our pokedex the only things we don't have is our starters a couple of things here and there but most importantly we don't have any of the legendaries so i'm gonna start off this next hundred days with a bag the first thing i'm gonna do is get the orb for the articuno because we already have the mold trace orb and then i'm going to fill both of them up and battle both of them and hopefully catch them both as well so i'm having a look on the gts for an orb normally there is an orb somewhere but i'm not actually seeing any right now so i asked if anyone was selling an orb and this guy said he was check out this base it's actually amazing i'm gonna go ahead and pay this guy four thousand dollars because that's how much i paid for my last one and there we go so now i have another orb and the next thing i did was go to warp mart this way i could buy an ice stone because that is what you have to combine with the orb in order to make a orb for articuno so now i have the orb of frozen souls and also the orb of fiery souls the one thing i wasn't sure of when starting this off was whether or not both of the orbs will fill up at the same time or if only one of the orbs fills up at once ideally they would both fill up but i wasn't sure at the time but anyway if you guys didn't watch my first 100 days basically the way that you fill these orbs up is you have to eliminate 375 pokemon after you've made this specific ore so i am most definitely going to be here for a while uh killing all of these pokemon so after earthquaking my favorite pokemon ludicolo into a new dimension for about 30 minutes i quickly realized that the orbs only fill up one at a time as you can see in my hot bar the durability of the frozen souls orb is the only one going down the fiery souls is staying exactly where it was which means that i'm gonna have to kill even more of my favorite pokemon ludicolo so after the over frozen souls was a little bit over halfway full i decided to start either training my pokemon instead of just killing looty colos this way i'm kind of doing two birds with one stone so now my zapdos is going to be fully eevee trained while me getting the orb of frozen souls up so finally after a really really long time i filling up this orb it's finally just about full but i never really knew exactly how to tell if it is full or not so i decided to keep on bashing some of these cinder races until i was 100 sure that the orb was full the next thing i did was go back home because i wanted to see if there was any progress on the town and unfortunately there wasn't too much but some people were building around and it actually looks like there was a sign that said that there was a battlefield here um it's not much of a battlefield but it gets the job done i suppose then to prepare for my fight with articuno i opened a couple of vote crate keys and i got a lot of ultra balls great balls timer balls dust balls rare candies and a couple of other things that will help me in this battle and so here we are we're still pretty early on in 100 days and we're already in a legendary battle i was a little bit nervous going into this battle because i knew that articuno would be able to damage all of my pokemon i was also a little bit worried about using it thundershock with zapdos because i thought it might kill the articuno but luckily it actually not only did a ton of damage to it without killing it but it also paralyzed him i really couldn't have asked for anything more so the next thing i did was throw an ultra ball at it because i couldn't damage him anymore with zapdos without killing him so i figured zapdos would probably just have to die at this point unfortunately this does not give me too much time to catch this guy if you guys remember it took zapdos about 70 ultra balls for me to catch him so then i went to magneton because i wanted to try to get a little bit more damage out but unfortunately i misclicked and i accidentally clicked on thunder wave which was not good then i risked it for the biscuit and went for spark but it actually didn't end up doing as much as i thought it would which is probably good still though articuno wasn't in the red which is not good when you're catching a pokemon you always want them to be in the red and either paralyzed or asleep and so what i tried to do next was a rock throw with level 29 gravel and he actually hung on with sturdy and did a lot of damage now this is perfect articuno is now one hp and paralyzed so if i don't catch him now there's really nothing that i could have done differently and so eventually swamp but did die which means i have to go to my dragon knight but unfortunately articuno was times four effective against dragonite and so he did not survive very long and so last up was our hypno who was level 81 which probably in hindsight was a terrible idea to level him up in the last episode i probably should have spent my rare candies on another pokemon but unfortunately he is the last pokemon that we have and so i was really really nervous about this because i just spent so much time trying to get into this battle with the articuno and for me to not even catch him would be very sad unfortunately for me this is the last chance that i have at catching the articuno because it's going to kill me in the next hit and there we go so we lost to the articuno so i ended up actually finding the articuno he fell off the shrine and was all the way at the bottom at the time i thought that when you battle these legendaries that they despawned after the fight it turns out that they don't so that made me much happier and i captured him on my very first pokeball he wasn't even in the red or paralyzed sometimes i really don't understand how this game works and so there we go now we have an articuno and a zapdos it looks like someone's someone sent me a dialogue as well the original trainer to this was tinny thank you tiny for sending this to me after that exhilarating battle my spirits were really high and it made me really want to complete the trifecta and capture a mole trace so what i did for the next very long time was fill up my orb of fiery souls and i knew that this would take a ton of minecraft days to complete but this is something that i just really wanted to rip off like a band-aid and get out of the way so after an exhausting very very long time of eevee training my articuno the orb of fiery souls was finally ready so i warped home to go and get some revives and potions and stuff only to find that a lot of my stuff was stolen this is mostly my fault though because i forgot to claim my chest and so i decided to go to the mart and buy some potions for this battle i decided to stock up on a bunch of revives because they were relatively cheap and it's really important to keep as many pokemon alive as possible in these battles i also decided to get a bunch of fresh water because i'm pretty sure that they heal your pokemon by 50 health points and they're only ten dollars the next thing i did was look on the gts for an xp all because i really wanted to get all of my pokemon to a higher level before taking on this mole trace unfortunately i didn't find one so apparently the best way to get an xp all is to go to the boss tower which you can get to by typing in slash warp boss tower this will take you to this area right here where you can actually battle a ton of bosses where they drop you really rare loot one thing you do have to be careful about when you battle these bosses though is that to a really high level and normally very strong it does seem like this clefable is not really able to hurt me much but it's taking me forever to kill it so after we destroyed that clefable we actually managed to get a macho brace and a prism scale neither of which i found too valuable there's actually multiple stories to the boss tower if you go on the teleporter block and crouch or jump it will take you up to the next levels and then i found another legendary clefable unfortunately this one knew moonblast which was really really bad for me and made it very difficult for me to actually beat it but in the end i did and it actually gave me king's rock and a scope lens again not what i'm looking for then i got never melt ice and a weakness policy so it turns out the bosses i was fighting before were either rare or uncommon but i thought that they were legendary and then i found this vaporeon that was up 105 because this is actually a legendary boss luckily zapdos was super effective against the vaporeon and did a ton of damage and ended up killing it unfortunately for me i still did not get my xp all but i did get an iron plate a macho brace and an assault vest if i'm able to collect all the different plates i can actually summon arceus so this is a good start then i got an electrizer fairy gem another prism skill and another macho brace zoom lens a metronome and a steel gem another macho brace and lacks incense an evia light razor claw and dust stone stone stone dragon scale and splash plate normal gem steel gem dragonfang and dusk stone again safety goggles and shed shell a leaf stone another macho brace and flame orb a smooth rock another prism skill and focus band rocky helmet and rocking sense silver powder and sharp beak mystic water reaper cloth and another rocking sense toxic orb and electric gem psychic gem magmarizer dark gem luck incense razor claw firestone zoom lens and electric gem until i looked on the gts again and found that there was actually an xpl listed but it was for 4k which i think is pretty expensive but at the same time i really really wanted it so i confirmed my purchase and there we go i now have an xpr so even though it seemed like all that battle tower training was for nothing i actually didn't get a ton of items here all the items that i got from that battle tower training some of these are going to be really useful in battles the next thing that i'm going to do is select a couple pokemon that i would like to level up specifically for battling mould trace and eventually mew i decided to bring rhyhorn and nidoking onto the team to activate the xpl all you have to do is right click and then it's activated and so now every time i eliminate any pokemon my entire team splits the xp so what i did for the next very very long time was train in the area underneath spawn because there are some pokemon here that are very very high leveled and just like that my pokemon were leveling up really quickly articuno learned ice beam by horn learned takedown bryhorn evolved into raidon and also learned hammer arm zapdos learned roost and a couple other pokemon learned other moves in general but after grinding for a very very very long time my team was finally a pretty solid level zapdos was level 85 articuno was level 84. rydon was now level 67 dragonite at 94. needleking at 73 and swamp but at 93. i still don't have any level 100s but we can probably finish off those levels with some rare candies a little bit later now it's time to battle mold trace so the next thing i did of course is warp to the shrines and look for the mole trace shrine before i started i realized that i forgot all of my revives and all my potions and so i went home real quick to grab those now that i had all my heals and revives it was time to place the legendary orb into the shrine the first pokemon that i sent out against the mole trace was my nidoking and this is because i was pretty sure that any of my other pokemon would just one shot the mole trace and so what i did was i used needle king and i used chip away a couple times unfortunately uh my needle king died in two hits uh because mole trace was a lot stronger than i thought he was going to be then i quickly switched to my ride on and i didn't want to use stone edge because i thought it would kill it in one hit and so i went for a mega horn but unfortunately that did next to nothing and rydon was about to die but i did remember that when i called the articuno it still had a lot of hp and zero status effect so i tried my luck and it didn't work and so when i thought that i had to fall as planned it turned out it really didn't work out too well i went for a gust with the articuno which actually didn't do too much damage which is perfect and i went for another one which was really risky but it paid off because now moltres was essentially one hp and the next thing to do now was just to throw as many ultra balls as i possibly could at the mall trace until it caught someone in chat told me to spam b while i was trying to catch this guy and so i was just spamming b unfortunately it didn't really seem to make a difference and my last pokemon was zapdos i finally just remembered that i had a bunch of revives and heels so i decided to revive swampa and a couple other of my members of the team and the server crashed when i was mid-battle uh this couldn't have been any more unfortunate so because the server crashed while i was mid-fight i spoke to one of the managers and he actually spawned me in another mall trace for me this was kind of annoying though because i had the moltres in the red and in a perfect position the first time around and i wasn't sure if i was going to get as lucky the second time luckily though we were able to get him back into the red not as deep as last time but still good enough to hopefully catch him after throwing pokeballs at this guy for ages i was already down to my last pokemon again so i decided to use a couple more revives at this point i'd already run out of ultra balls and i was getting kind of desperate what i decided to do was actually run from the battle and get my ride shoe out for my pc this will allow me to ensure that i paralyze the moultrace because he has thunderweave so i thought and it didn't even work and eventually the multirace used struggle and killed itself so after that horrible loss i decided to go to sleep and pick things up the next day so it was the next day and at my house there wasn't really any progress on any builds unfortunately i was really hoping for this to turn into something like crazy so not only did we never even get to capture the articuno but we also didn't get an amazing town like i was hoping so so far this second hundred days did not go very well but that didn't stop me since i was fed up with going for legendary pokemon i decided to hunt for more of the regular pokemon in the pokedex that i still have yet to catch so as i was hunting the pokemon i was hunting specifically for were the starters bulbasaur squirtle and charmander and luckily i actually found a bulbasaur pretty quickly and my plan was after i caught all three of them that i would go back to spawn and evolve all them with the xp all shortly after that i got really lucky and ran into an eevee now eevees are basically just as rare as starter pokemon as far as i know but it's really important that we get at least two eevees this way we can breed them because as i'm sure you know there's a bunch of different eevee evolutions and so we're gonna have to breed a bunch of these and then evolve all of them into their relative uh different evolution so this was definitely a good start i actually captured him in the first pokeball that i threw which was very very lucky again as i was exploring i actually found a jungle which is a fairly rare along with a mesa right next to each other but the importance of finding a jungle is actually very very important because this is where mew spawns and obviously we're gonna need to eventually find mu this way we can capture it and turn it into a mewtwo with the cloning machine so what i did was i said i home here i typed in home jungle this way if i ever need to i can just type in slash home jungle and go straight to the jungle to hopefully find a mew and after searching the extreme hills for a very long time i finally found a charmander oh finding these pokemon took a very very long time after catching the charmander the very last starter that i needed to catch in this generation was a squirtle so i needed to find a beach biome and even though i love long walks on the beach this walk was a little bit too far before i finally found myself a squirtle oh it was such a relief and that meant that i have all three of the starter pokemon so what i did next was i went to the training area where i could battle really high levels i turned on my xp all and i let swampa do his thing and destroy pokemon left right and center already after the first battle all of my pokemon were learning a bunch of new moves and evolving charmander evolved into charmeleon bulbasaur evolved into ivysaur and lastly squirtle evolved into wartortle and eventually ivysaur evolved into venusaur charmeleon evolved into charizard and wartortle evolved into a blastoise now my pokedex was completely finished on the first page and so there wasn't really too much left for me to do as far as catching regular pokemon so the next thing i did was actually go to buy a ranch block what these blocks do is they actually allow you to breed your pokemon together unfortunately they're really expensive they're 2500 and so now i was left with just 966 dollars so the reason i bought the ranch block was so that i could breed my eevees together and get all of the eeveelutions the problem is it's really really rare to find a female eevee and then what i call was a male i found a couple of other eevees but they were all male as well and so what i ended up doing was asking anyone on the server if anyone has a bad iv cheap female eevee for sale so in chat i said that i would buy a female ev for 900 which is very very cheap by the way um and and someone someone sold me one someone sold me one um but the thing is it wasn't a bad eevee at all it was 87 percent female eevee and i feel really really bad for taking it well anyway you gotta do what you gotta do and it is time to breed so what i did next was i put my ranch block down i put my two evs back into the pc and then i place both of them into the ranch block so the fastest way to get to pokemon to breed is to put blocks in the ranch block area as you can see it is a nine by nine and those blocks need to match the pokemon's typing this way those pokemon are comfortable in their environment and will breed so as you can see when i right click on the eevee it says eevee is more attracted to 87 ivs every day that's that's the name of this eve that is because normal type pokemon like the environment of grass blocks but the environment that they like most weirdly enough is cakes and so the next thing i did was i went back to the mart and i wanted to see how expensive cakes were and to my surprise cakes are a thousand dollars each i would assume that is because it is really really good for breeding eevees that is definitely not something i will ever invest in it turns out normal pokemon actually really like wool as well even more than they like grass blocks grass blocks only have a value of one while wool has a value of two cake has a value of three so wool is kind of the most in-between block so what i want to try to do is get enough money to buy a bunch of bull and replace all the grass with wool and what better way to make money than to do a poke hunt oh and there's actually a furo here those are pretty easy to find so i finally caught the furo but unfortunately it was not the right nature so i had to find another one with the correct nature not too long after i found another one and this one was the correct nature and so i got my money and a bunch of rare candies so i went back to the mart and purchased 81 white wool and boom with a little bit of perfect math our last block fills up the ranch area and so now if we right click on evie it says eevee falls madly in love with the other eevee so this is going to speed up the breeding process and then eventually there's going to be an egg in the ranch block that i can withdraw but while they breed i am gonna go out and try to complete a little bit more of the pokedex as i was power leveling my other pokemon by using swamp butt with an xpl on he actually got to level 100 he's my first pokemon to get to that level so it's been a very very long time since i've seen you guys last and that is because i have almost completed the entire pokedex now there is just a vulpix that i have not caught but look at this guys i've actually caught almost every single other pokemon except for ditto the other eevees which i kind of forgot about to be honest i'm sure my eevees have an egg ready to be picked up but also all of the fossil pokemon i still need to get along with moltres mew and mewtwo so what i want to do now is go into an ocean and find as many fossils as i possibly can finding fossils isn't really hard at all all you need to do is swim on a pokemon and go into a deep ocean biome at the bottom of the ocean a lot of times you'll find these little black blotches these are what fossils actually are all you have to do is mine them up and boom you get yourself a fossil i found a pokemon down here that i've never seen or heard of before it's called the graplock and so i captured it so after i went fossil mining for a really long time i ended up getting quite a bit of fossils then i went straight to the fossil room which is right below spawn in this area the server provides all the things you need in order to uncover all of your pokemon and so that's exactly what i did first battle saw i got was a helix fossil and then i got a jaw fossil an old amber a cover fossil and a plume fossil i wanted to make sure that i uncovered as many as i could so i did another round and it actually tells you exactly what pokemon each fossil is here is an old amber which is an aerodactyl that's one of the pokemon i'm looking for here is a helix fossil which is an ammonite another pokemon i'm looking for and so then i place both of the fossils into the fossil machines and yes i actually got a dome fossil as well so then i put all three of the fossils into the fossil machines and waited very very patiently for them to become pokemon while my pokemon were in the false machine i decided it would be a great time to go take a dump and when i came back all three of my pokemon were ready to be retrieved so i put pokeballs in all three of the slots and quickly withdrew all of them fossil mission success and then i evolved kabuto into kabutops and ammonite into amistar after that i put all my fossils back in my chest saw that there was a chikurita in my house decided to leave it though but also i noticed that there was actually an egg in the fossa machine so i right clicked it claimed the egg and took it from my own then i was gonna go hunting for a vulpix when i saw that there was actually a chest full of items in it a ton of pokeballs which i could actually use some full restores rare candy and some other stuff the package was from oh blanket thanks man eventually i found one i caught it and quickly evolved it into a nine tails so now the last couple pokemon i need are ditto the eevees porygon moltres and the muse not too much left my next mission was to find a ditto which spawns in the savannah but it's extremely rare i was searching for the ditto for so long that my eevee actually hatched it was at this point that i actually realized that there was only three eeveelutions in generation one for some reason i thought that there was a lot more and we actually currently have three eevees so then i went home took my eevees out went to the mark bought a firestone a water stone and i was about to buy a leaf stone but then i remembered i actually have one at home from the boss tower and then i realized i already had a firestone as well and a water stone nice so then i got my eevees out and i evolved them into a flareon a vaporeon then when i tried to evolve my eevee with the leaf stone it wasn't working and then i remembered to evolve it you actually have to find a molsy rock in a forest and level up your eevee near it and then i realized that i'm an idiot and that leafeon isn't even generation one it's jolteon so i bought a thunderstone and i gave it to evie and so now we have all the eevees the last pokemon we need are ditto porygon moltres mew and mewtwo i saw that there was another orb on the market and i decided to buy it then i bought another firestone and combined it with the orb so now we have another orb of fiery souls after about getting halfway through the fiery souls orb i decided to hunt for a ditto because i got pretty bored and luckily i actually found one pretty quickly not too long after i captured it i finished filling up the orb leveled up right shoe a little bit and got some pokeballs now i'm ready to battle moltres my plan this time around was to get him paralyzed immediately by using rytrue that worked like a charm unfortunately raichu died straight away after but it's okay he did his job unfortunately i wasn't able to get him into the red without killing him and so i ended up having to throw my pokeballs at him while he was still in the yellow but at least he's paralyzed this time and finally after a very long time we caught the stupid flaming chicken it was easily the most annoying pokemon to capture now we have three pokemon left a porygon a mew and a mewtwo oh and someone give me a master ball i'm not sure why but thank you and a pixie plate and another orb of fiery souls i will never battle that thing again unfortunately we don't have too much time left in these hundred days and so what i decided to do was get my entire team over level 75. the reason i wanted to get all my pokemon over level 75 is because the only way you're allowed to enter the war zone is if your entire party is well over level 75 and so the next place that i went to is the war zone the war zone is a very very scary place in this area tons of unique pokemon spawn legendary rates are buffed and even shadow pokemon will spawn you just have to be careful when you battle other players because if you lose the battle that other player will be able to steal one of your pokemon so it's a very risky place to be and not too long after i actually found myself a shadow clay doll i caught it pretty quickly and then i found a shadow skip loom but i wasn't too interested in catching that to be honest and then i found a shadow shift tree after i captured him i noticed that there was actually a shadow bidoof right next to me and a shadow mechanium with a guard chomp behind it and a shadow my while i caught the badoof and then i went straight to the meganium one thing that i was struggling with was actually damaging any of the pokemon because since there's a level requirement of level 75 to get into the war zone all of my levels were a lot higher than the pokemon i was trying to catch but we still managed to catch the meganium and then we found one of my favorite pokemon a shadow luxray and we captured him i saw a player coming and he decided to battle me this is what i was really scared about i got too greedy and i really wanted to leave earlier but unfortunately i'm now forced to battle this player and he forfeited the battle um i'm fairly sure he would have destroyed all of my pokemon and now i get to steal one of his and so i want to steal his darmanitan but and it's a perfect armanitan by the way so i'm gonna go ahead and steal it but i'm pretty sure he was being nice because he didn't want to kill me so i'm gonna save place the only way to get out of the war zone is to do slash safe place and then not move for five seconds but i feel really bad that i just stole his pokemon especially because he forfeited and was obviously going to beat me and so i sold it back to him for free but that is definitely the last i will ever go into the war zone we did get quite a few shadow pokemon including luxray badoof shift tree and clay doll and meganium but anyway guys that is the end of the 100 days i did manage to smash some of my goals and i still failed other ones for example we did get swamp butt to level 100 we did go to the war zone and capture some shadow pokemon but what we failed to do was complete the generation one pokedex we still have mew mewtwo and porygon to do so if you guys do want to see a 300 days of pixelmon let me know and in those 300 days i will definitely be able to capture mu get mewtwo and also get porygon to complete the generation 1 pokedex but other than not being able to capture those three pokemon i'm really really happy with the way that this hundred days went also thank you guys so much for the support on episode one it really really means a lot to me and that's why i decided to make another 100 episodes so quickly so if this episode also gets a ton of support then i will definitely make another 100 days playing pixelmon anyway guys thank you so much for watching i'll catch you guys in the next one see you dudes if playing minecraft wasn't part of your childhood then you really missed out it is one of the greatest adventure based games ever created and if you combine that with one of the greatest story based games ever in pokemon then you potentially have created the greatest game of all time the thing is that game has been created and it's called pixel mod i have been playing pixman for years now and some even call me a master today my journey continues i'm going to be playing another 100 days in pixelmon now i've already done this two times before and i've set myself a lot of goals that i've already accomplished but there's one in particular that i will try to finish in these next hundred days that goal is to complete the full generation one pokedex the reason it's been so hard is there are so many legendaries and really rare pokemon that i had to capture i only have a couple pokemon left and those are porygon mew and mewtwo so if i don't accomplish it in these next hundred days then i'm a horrible pokemon trainer if you guys didn't know i'm actually playing this adventure on the pokey smash server the server offers a ton of custom features such as eight gyms a safari battle towers tournaments a war zone where you can steal other people's pokemon a poke hunt pokemon hunger games amazing custom pokemon textures and there's so much more than it offers and another side goal that i would like to accomplish in these next hundred days is to beat another gym i did that in the first hundred days and now i'd like to do it again in the next hundred days my last side objective is to go to the ultra space dimension this is a dimension where ultra beasts and other legendary pokemon spawn it's kind of spooky but it should be a lot of fun if you guys do enjoy this video be sure to go ahead and subscribe only 16.5 percent of the people who watch my videos are actually subscribed anyway guys enjoy the next 100 days [Music] the very first thing that i did in my next 100 days was take off my team rocket chest plane it was given to me early on in the series and i think it's time to rid myself of this disgusting armor the very next thing that i did was check out the town because i told you guys to come build around my town and well i found that there was a lot of stuff um who maybe wasn't the greatest stuff but there was a lot also my pokeball got destroyed it seems that i forgot to claim this area and well people thought it'd be funny to destroy my pokeball i guess that's my fault though i do have the slash fly command but i just thought it was a lot cooler to fly on more trace so i decided to fly on him to give me a nice tour of the new town and i was actually really really surprised and really happy with all of the builds that you guys built in the town honestly i did not realize how much of an impact uh me saying that if you went to slash warp siren would have and i was just really overwhelmed with all of these builds and even some of them were amazing like this build right here but again if you guys do want to build near my house feel free to do so by going onto the charizard server and going to slash warp cyrid that is how you will get to this town there's so many houses that are not done being constructed yet and once they are i feel like the town is just going to look so much better there's even floating islands that still need to be completed and once everything is i think that this town is going to be the best on the server but anyway after the last couple of hundred days all that i really did in those was catch a ton of pokemon and i really wanted to take a break from strictly catching pokemon but before i went out on my journey i actually found a little shrine that somebody put in the backyard of my house that says hope this can help you on your adventure to siren from no dad derek and after i opened it i was really really happy with what was inside now normally i don't take handouts but i was really low on pokeballs and some other items um and getting the toxic plate in the sky plate was certainly very useful and lastly he gave me something that was absolutely insane he gave me two non-legendary iv boosts that was honestly way too generous of him and if i see him around i'll definitely have to repay him somehow as i put the plates back into my chest i realized that i actually had five plates already i believe you need to get to around 16 before you can summon arceus but it's definitely a good start anyway i put everything else back in my chest and started my adventure so if you guys remember i actually caught every single generation one pokedex which has been my goal for the first two episodes except for porygon mew and mewtwo now i'm definitely not looking forward to catching you because the chance of him spawning is like one in a billion so i'm gonna be saving that for later and my first task will be to catch myself a porygon every time you craft a pc there's a chance that a part of the porygon will be put into your inventory you have to collect all the parts of porygon and then put it into a crafting table in order to spawn one the way that you actually craft a pc is with six aluminum plates a redstone block one piece of redstone dust and one glass paint luckily i did remember that at spawn if you do jump down there are pokemon that drop redstone and glowstone which meant i didn't really have to go to the nether to collect these items and it turns out there's actually a pokemon here that drops bauxite ore as well which is how you get aluminum so instead of mining i actually stuck around and decided to kill a bunch of pokemon this way my pokemon would get a lot of levels in the process and now that i had a level 100 swampert it was really really easy to take out anything that spawned here after battling luxuries and golems for about an hour i realized that it was definitely the best way to collect redstone glowstone and bauxite all at the exact same time also there were other people battling pokemon in this area as well that allowed me to just run around and scoop up all the loot because of this in only just under an hour i was able to get stacks in stacks of bauxite and redstone and glowstone so the next thing i did was go back home and smelt up all the bauxite but then i realized that i barely had any coal whatsoever so unfortunately in the end i did have to go mining also the more time that i spent in my house the more i realized that i hated it and that i really need to renovate the entire thing so i teleported randomly in the world and decided to just start digging straight down and right away i actually found coal which was very lucky especially because this was literally the only block that i was trying to find unfortunately though i still didn't have any fortune on my pickaxe so i was only yielding one coal per block but even with that small vein that was enough to get a lot of my bauxite cooking as i was mining i actually found some amethyst but i wasn't entirely sure what i could do with it i think that you can make armor with it but at the time i wasn't sure i found some redstone as well which i didn't really need anymore but was really good for getting levels and i actually was level 33 after mining it this was pretty important because later on in these hundred days i wanted to enchant some armor and tools in general this way i could speed up the process of mining and other things around i heard a lot of pokemon around me as i was mining and i found the cave that they were all in it's a lot easier to find caves when playing pokemon because all the pokemon in the caves just yell so i ended up finding a lot of really cool pokemon i found a diglett a drill bird a rock and roller and a couple of others but more importantly i found even more coal which is really all i was here for eventually i found a lava pool and on top of lava pools it's pretty common to find fire shards what you can do with fire shards is combine them in a crafting table to make an entire fire stone and then i watched a bronzer burn to death in a lava pool and then i saw a gastly that was on fire as well and it was one of the most scary things i'd ever seen in my entire life as i was mining i remembered that a diamond pick is not even the best pick that you can get in the game with some of the stones like firestones and waterstones you can actually craft armor and tools and one of the tools you can craft is a thunderstone pickaxe it's definitely something that i want to get by the end of these hundred days because they are the fastest pickaxes that you can possibly get also you can even craft thunderstone armor with this armor you get an insane permanent speed boost and after i was mined for a while i thought that i found diamonds but turns out they weren't these are actually called crystals crystals are similar to sapphires and ruby and amethyst where i believe you can craft armor with them unfortunately there's not a really big reason to craft armor in pixelmon as it's really hard to die since there are no mobs but the armor does look pretty cool in general anyway i decided to go back home because i had an entirely full inventory of coal iron gold you name it i had it except for diamonds and i didn't realize this at the time but that whole time i was mining it turns out none of my bauxite oars smelted which was really disappointing because i thought that they would it's okay though because i had eight furnaces going which would make this process a lot faster and as i waited i decided to tear down my entire house and start from scratch i know that a lot of you guys actually liked my house and told me that it was pretty good but honestly i never liked it and i was kind of embarrassed that it was my house at all i've seen other people's hundred day videos and not a single other person has made a house this bad so i felt like there were some expectations that i had to meet and so yeah i decided to just completely restart after i finally destroyed my entire house all the bauxite was turned into aluminum ingots as i was taking out the aluminum ingots i was putting in a bunch of cobblestone because i wanted to build my new house out of either cobblestone or stone or stone brick but if you guys remember i did say that we need aluminum plates not aluminum ingots and to get aluminum plates you actually need to craft a pixelmon anvil and the pixelmon anvil is a lot less demanding than an actual minecraft anvil it only requires eight iron ingots and basically the way that you get aluminum plates is you place down the anvil and then you put an aluminum ingot on top of the anvil after you do that you need to craft yourself a pixelmon hammer to craft the hammer is pretty simple all you need is sticks and stone or iron or diamond whatever you really want i didn't have any diamonds so i decided to get an iron hammer and so what you do with the hammer is you just run up to the anvil and you just start smacking it until the ingot turns into a plate this process unfortunately takes a very very very long time so guys i'm not gonna lie i ended up taping my mouse down so that i would just keep banging this thing i did go through quite a few of iron hammers but the tape was very very helpful you can call that cheating if you'd like but after a very long time of doing this process and about five iron hammers later we actually ended up doing pretty well we now had three stacks of aluminum plates and a little bit left over along with some more aluminum ingots but i really just did not feel like hammering away anymore so i decided to get all my glowstone all my redstone all my glass and start crafting a bunch of pcs so the first thing to do was to craft a bunch of glowstone blocks and i realized that it only made 20 which made me quite sad but it is what it is so then i made all of the glowstone blocks into redstone lamps and then proceeded to craft myself a ton of pcs the crafting recipe was pretty simple i just did not realize how much glowstone i would actually need and turns out i'm going to need a lot more if i want to make up for all the extra aluminum plates but anyway this was only enough for 20 pcs and what i didn't realize was right after i spawned in the pcs the porygon bodies went straight into my inventory this was something that i had never done before i've actually never gotten a porygon so i was a little bit confused so i decided to right click this thing on the ground and nothing happened so i did a little bit more experimenting and made a couple more pcs i wasn't able to make many more but it was enough to get myself a porygon head and now things started to click with me in my first 16 pcs i managed to get two porygon bodies and the last four that i crafted i got a porygon head i tried putting both of them in the crafting bench but unfortunately it didn't do anything i wasn't entirely sure what to do with them so after i talked to chat a little bit it turned out that i was still missing the tail and the leg so after all of that work i was only halfway through getting a porygon and the main thing that was holding back at this point was the lack of glowstone and so i guess the best way to get glowstone would be to actually go to the nether and so i asked chat if anyone had another portal i can use and a lot of people said yes thanks to c dinger i was able to go to the nether very easily and not too much longer i actually managed to get two and a half stacks of glowstone now i don't know who told you guys that killing pokemon under spawn was the fastest way to do it but they are a liar but that still probably is the fastest way to get bauxite and redstone anyway the next thing i did was pretty obvious i made a bunch more glowstone then i turned a bunch of that glowstone into redstone lamps and then i realized i needed more redstone after sitting here for a little bit i realized that the best way to get redstone probably was actually to mine so then i rtp'ed and went mining again then i found redstone but not just a little bit redstone a ton of redstone there were like five different pockets in a really close cluster i got really lucky and this was basically all that i needed in order to continue crafting more pcs this time around i was only able to make 16 and i wanted to take them one at a time just for more anticipation purposes because last time i just yeeted all of them together and it seemed to work pretty well but i wanted to see if i would get lucky doing them one at a time i was about halfway through grabbing all the pcs and did not get lucky a single time and didn't get a single part so when there were six left i decided to eat all of them in my inventory and i got a leg and a body so now i have one porygon head three porygon bodies and one portagon leg the very last thing that i needed was a porygon tail now i still did have 51 aluminum left so i got smacking after smacking away for a while i did manage to get all the aluminum ingots into aluminum plates and so i finished the rest of my pcs i can only make eight more and i decided to eat all of them at once because that is what was working for me so with a little bit of luck i didn't get lucky at all and i only got one more porygon leg you see the reason i didn't try to get a porygon in the first 200 days was for this reason exactly i knew it was going to be a long tedious and long process and so i went back to spawn and to kill a lot more iron golems to get more aluminum to make more aluminum plates to make more pcs i couldn't be bothered to sit there as long as i did last time so i only got 56 aluminum plates this time and when i went to go craft my pcs i realized that there was a muzdale that was twerking to my face and then it got embarrassed and ran away what i didn't realize at the time was i actually got a porygon tail a long time ago and it's actually in my inventory as you can see right there looking back at this footage now i am so triggered because i ended up making it so many more pcs for no reason at all i actually already had everything i needed to make a porygon but i spent a lot more time making a lot more pcs then after i crafted and crafted and crafted i was so happy i was ecstatic i actually finally got myself a porygon tale which means that i was able to craft a porygon this is like the only pokemon that i know of that you can actually craft i was so excited for this moment it took days and days and days and days of grinding to finally get this porygon so i went ahead and put all of the parts into the crafting table and got myself a porygon and boom there it was it spawned a wild porygon now it was time to catch it i took out some pokemon from my pc and as i was i realized that someone sent me a freaking groudon which was absolutely outrageous people also sent me a greninja called cyrus frog and a drapeon called two siren but anyway i got some of the lower level pokemon out this way i could actually battle this thing without killing it and i started the battle off with a raichu and so i went to go catch it and realize i didn't have any pokeballs so i ran away and grabbed some i got into battle with him again and used thunder wave immediately as well then again i switched into blastoise and hit him with the water pulse i really really wanted to make sure that i didn't kill this thing because of how long it took me to get him so even though he wasn't too weak i decided to start throwing ultra balls at him and on my very first ultra ball i actually caught the porygon i was so so happy because i feel like this was almost like catching a legendary pokemon it probably actually took me longer to catch a porygon than it did to catch any of the legendary birds so now when i go into my pokedex and scroll all the way down boom you'll see that porygon has been captured and boom i put the porygon into my party and checked out its moves it actually has a pretty good move in psy beam but other than that it's not too great when i went to check the ivs on the porygon i was insanely surprised it actually had 83 ivs which is pretty much unheard of not only that but most of its ivs were in categories that it really really needed like special attack hp and speed i've never really used a porygon before though and i wasn't sure if they're good so if you guys could let me know in the comments to this video if porygons are good and i should use it let me know and maybe i will but anyway guys it was time for the moment you've all been waiting for it was time to catch a mew now in the previous hundred days i actually did find a jungle and i made it a home so when i type in slash home jungle it actually takes me straight to a jungle which is exactly where mu spawns i p wikid mu again to see what time of the day it spawns and it only spawns during the day so there was really no point for me to be here during the night however i haven't been in a jungle yet this entire series so i figured i would have a look around there were joltiks there were man keys there were venipedes there was a whole bunch of unique pokemon that spawn here but i was only after one one thing that i was worried about though was even if a mew does spawn i wasn't even sure if i'd be able to find it because mews are really really tiny pokemon and this jungle is full of trees and vines and bushes and a lot of things that make it really really challenging to find specific pokemon after days and days and days of literally just sitting in the jungle i realized that a vote party was about to happen and when vote parties happen there's a legendary that spawns at spawn so i went to spawn to go look for a legendary but i had no clue where to look to be honest and normally these legendary pokemon get snatched up really really quickly after a little while of searching i realized that still nobody actually found any legendary pokemon and to my surprise i found a mew this was absolutely insane and probably the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me ever playing pokemon after i found the mute the first thing i did was trying to get my raichu out i had to go really really quick though this way no one else in the server would find it before me i was panicking i managed to find my mole choice as well which i replaced for dugong and then it was time i engaged the mew in the battle the first thing i did was thunder wave the mew that was most important that the mew would be paralyzed i really really didn't want to kill it so what i decided to do was just throw an ultra ball i know it was really unlikely that level 59 raichu would kill it in one hit but one of my only moves was thunder and if i got a crit i was worried that that might have killed it and then i realized i didn't really have any other pokemon that would do too well against it and then somehow someway on my very next ultra ball attempt i caught the mew even though it almost had full hp that was so lucky everyone in chat was spamming f because the ivs on it were not good they were only 62 but it did have perfect special attack and perfect hp so i'm not complaining but this was so amazing this was so so important for the future of these hundred days but honestly this is probably the best thing that could have happened and now my pokedex was complete except for one single slot the mewtwo before i decided to try to take on the mewtwo i wanted to do something a little bit different i wanted to take my mind off things because i felt like i was rushing and so what i decided to do was gather a team that would be good against the ground gym which is the second gym finally after waiting a little while uh my challenge was accepted and so i brought my team of swampa dragonite porygon articuno dugong and cloister obviously i did bring a lot of ice type pokemon for this one since ice is super effective against i think all of them except for swampert so he is hit powdon i'm gonna go for an icy wind it's really not the best move but it is super effective so it should do a decent amount unfortunately my icy wind does not do as much as i was hoping it would but luckily my dugong did end up killing his hippaldo however my dewgong was very very weak and poisoned so this was not good at all he then went to a glass score which is times well ice is times four effective against it so obviously i went straight into another ice pokemon um i decided to go with articuno because i knew glasgow was better at physical defense than special attack and i knew articuno had ice beat so i went for an ice beam and i one shot it honestly i'm not sure why he didn't switch out but i will take it i'm not complaining whatsoever and then he switched into seismitoad and to be honest i didn't really know what to do at this point so i just went to porygon because i didn't know what else to do i wanted to save my articuno for later on in the battle because i think that he's going to be important and he's not really going to be able to do much against the seismitoad so i switched into porygon and decided to just use scibeam but unfortunately it really didn't do much against his very very strong seismitoad i didn't really know how good porygon was going to be and he ended up dying pretty easily without doing too much damage to seismitoad but that's okay i didn't really expect much and so the next thing i did was i went to swamp butt and decided to do an earthquake i wasn't really sure how much it was going to do but i ended up actually doing a decent amount and i know that seismic toad is a very tanky pokemon so i knew it wasn't going to do like a crazy amount but very unluckily for me i got frozen which is probably like the most unlucky thing possible it's probably the worst status effect that you can get but i did fall out of the freeze in two turns so it wasn't really the worst thing ever he then switched into excadrill who i thought was going to go before me and did because he used rapid spin but it didn't kill me and then i just used earthquake and killed it in one shot so um that was pretty lucky of me and then i just kept riding out swamp butt to see what he what else he could do but unfortunately nino king did kill me it went first which i didn't i didn't realize that nidoking was actually fast but apparently he is then i was torn between going to articuno or cloister i thought nidoking might have a rock type move so i decided to go to cloister because rock is super effective against the articuno so i went for an icicle crash and it did a ton of damage a lot more than i was really expecting and it it went really well so my cloister took out his needle king and at this point the battle i was kind of lost i didn't know how many more pokemon he had left but then he sent out his swamp butt and then it was down to what i thought was a 2v1 so i went to dragonite and i used outrage which is his best move and it did a ton of damage and then use outrage again because it takes two to three turns and boom the slumper was dead and that was the end of the battle from beating the gym i got myself ten thousand dollars and five rare candies along with the quake badge after beating the gym the next thing that i wanted to do was start construction of my new base i started by grabbing all of the stone out of my furnace and turning almost all of it into stone brick then i made a bunch into slabs because that was a really good way to conserve a lot of the stone bricks and you could also combine slabs in order to make chiseled stone bricks a lot of people don't really know that but chisel sunbrick is one of the coolest building blocks in my opinion the first thing i did was work on the outline of my new house now i've said this before in my first hundred days i do not pride myself on building so if this house comes out horribly i'm i apologize in advance because i'm not a good builder i wasn't entirely sure what i wanted but i started with a nice little checkered pattern as you enter the house after getting a lot of the flooring done i realized that i really wanted to build out of spruce instead of oak so i decided to venture out and try to find some spruce trees and as i was grabbing a ton of wood for my house i saw that a wild stack attacker actually spawned in the extreme hills biome and so i ventured out looking for an extreme hills and turns out i was right next to one and i started to get my hopes up a little bit so i started flying on my dragonite to search for this stack attacker as i was searching i found a dna which is actually pretty good and a dradagon as well but unfortunately i did not find any stack attacker turns out the whole time i was mining for what i thought was spruce i mined for dark oak but i decided to use this anyway because i never really used dark oak and i thought it would still look pretty cool and after hours and hours and hours and hours of working on this house it was finally time to show you guys here we go in three two one voila here is my brand new house now i know it's not anything too crazy it's not the greatest thing ever but it took me freaking forever you have to realize i'm really not a great builder and so for me to do this took a lot longer than it would most other people as i was building it i didn't really know what i was going for i was kind of just building and whatever happened happened and so that's why there's kind of some really weird things here and there because i didn't really know i didn't have a game plan at all um also there were people watching me basically the entire time and they're now in my basement oh yeah i made a basement it's not much of a basement and it's something that i need to work on at some point but i've been working on this for hours and hours and hours and i'm just i'm just ready to be done i'm ready to be done now i know it's not much but like i said i really tried my best and this is what we ended up with i had a lot of symmetrical issues when i was building this thing i had to tear down a lot of things and build them back up as i was going but this is like the best that i could do again i know it's not the greatest house ever but i'd certainly think it's a massive upgrade from what we had so i'm pretty happy with it but anyway now that i was finally somewhat satisfied with my new house it was time to go from youtube as i was about to sum my adventure to go and get a clothing machine i ran into gleam not quite dream i i guess this is dream's cousin hello dream's cousin but anyway in order to get a clothing machine you have to get a ton of obsidian and a ton of diamonds someone actually gave me these 14 diamonds so i decided to put them away and get all my diamonds legit before i went out i asked some friends if they had some lapis so i could enchant i swear to my lapis before but i just couldn't find it in my chest so in order to get a cloning machine you actually have to get two fossil machines and convert them into cloning machines and in order to get false machines you basically just have to have a lot of bauxite redstone obsidian which i pretty much already had but in order to convert them into cloning machines that is when you had to have a ton of obsidian aluminum plates emeralds gold and a couple of other things but kind of similarly to how beacons work you actually have to add blocks to the cloning machines in order to get a better chance of spawning mewtwo so for example you could add iron blocks to the cloning machine but that only gives you like a five percent chance of mewtwo spawning but if you get three diamond blocks that ups the chances up to 37.5 percent now obviously the pokemon that we are going to clone is mew that is the only pokemon that you can clone in order to hopefully get mewtwo now it is really risky trying to do this because if you do get a new to it the entire cloning machine breaks so you only have one chance at catching them youtube and if you don't get a mewtwo then you get a ditto which is still pretty cool and the cloning machine doesn't break which is nice but you can only get ditto three times before you can no longer use that mew that you were using to clone so you basically have to get mewtwo within your first three tries or else you have to catch a whole other mew to clone which is why i'm making sure that i get a ton of diamonds so that my chances are the highest they can possibly be i've gotten really really unlucky with finding diamonds and i finally found my first batch i got six from my first pocket and i still had a lot more to go i found a huge cave and i found even more diamonds in it but this time i decided to use my soaked touch pickaxe in case i got fortune later down the line i saw what i thought were diamonds but it was just crystals again i thought i saw more diamonds but again it was just crystals i hate crystals again i found what i thought were diamonds but it was just crystals i'm just kidding i knew they were diamonds i was just trying to trigger some people now we had seven diamond ore and six diamonds then i found again more crystals which i thought were diamonds but they weren't ah just kidding again i know they're diamonds so again i use my touch pick to pick these guys up i found even more diamonds that were hiding under redstone blocks a redstone ores and finally i found my last batch of diamonds that i needed to make all three diamond blocks again i decided to mine them up with my silk touch pickaxe in case i got fortune after messaging with emilio a little bit he told me that he had a fortune 3 book that he was willing to sell for 1k i tp the slippy so that i could use his anvil to combine my diamond efficiency 3 on breaking 3 pickaxe with the fortune 3 book and there we go i now have a diamond pickaxe named glizzy goblin that is really really solid and so i went back to my home placed all of the diamond ore that i had just found and i mined it up with the glizzy goblin comment down below how many diamonds you think i would get from 24 diamond or if you get 62 diamonds you would be correct we already had 6 in our inventory so we really got 62. that is an insane amount of diamonds so the next thing i did was gather all the materials i needed in order to craft two fossil machines and convert them into two cloning machines crafting a fossil machine actually takes a bunch of different parts so the first one i crafted was the fossil machine top and then i crafted the display then the tank and lastly the false machine base then after you combine all of these together you get yourself a false machine i did this process twice and now i had two false machines the next thing i crafted was the item that combines the two together which is the cloner cord and the last thing i had to do was convert both of the fossil machines into cloning machines except there were two different clothing machines i needed the first one required gold and was called the orange tank and made the green tank the next thing i did was make a bunch of diamond blocks which is why i mined all the diamonds in the first place it was time to combine the green tank with the orange tank to create the cloning machine my heart was racing after days and days and days and days and days of trying to get myself a mewtwo the time was finally here i decided to put the clothing machine right inside my house and there were the words insert mew my heart was racing i searched my pc so i could go find mu and there he is level 50. i right click the machine mu was inside then i put three blocks of diamonds inside the orange tank one two and three and i waited as the machine processed it would only take a couple seconds before we would know if i got myself a mewtwo or a ditto [Music] and i could not believe my eyes as the mewtwo was growing and growing and growing inside of the clone machine it broke the entire machine the machine was broken never to be used again and immediately i challenged the mewtwo to a battle i took no chances whatsoever i went straight to my bag went to the pokeball and used my one and only master ball the mewtwo stood no chance there was nothing it could do it was mine and just like that i captured potentially the most powerful pokemon in the entire world a mewtwo and that was it that was my biggest objective of this entire series completed the entire generation one pokedex as i looked at my pokedex i could not be more proud i have never done this before every single generation one pokemon i had captured this was a sight to behold although it does say i didn't capture vaporeon i literally have one in my pc i think it's because it's from the egg i hatched an eevee from an egg and then i evolved it into vaporeon and for some reason it doesn't say that i caught it but i'm counting it as a catch but there we go the infamous mewtwo mewtwo is a pokemon that was created by genetic manipulation however even though the scientific power of humans created this pokemon's body they failed to endow mewtwo with a compassionate heart that is what you call intimidating capturing mewtwo was easily one of the hardest things that i have ever done in my youtube career it was such a long process looking back on it if i hadn't gotten so lucky with the mew spawning at the vote party then i'm not sure i ever would have been able to do this honestly i couldn't be more happy so i decided to take mewtwo on a tour a tour of the most amazing town in pokemon history i think it's safe to say that he wasn't too impressed i only had 19 candies at the time so i decided to go to warp crates and open a ton of vote crates and there we go i got three more six more more ultra balls another three more rare candies and a random pokemon but there we go i now have 28 rare candies after voting and what i decided to do was put all of those on mewtwo his moves were pretty trash and so after i got him level 100 i decided to go to the mart and get him some better tns after applying all these moves to mewtwo he was now a beast now that i have three pokemon i was really really happy with and confident in i decided to go to the battle tower the battle tower is an entire tower of trainers that will challenge you in 3v3 battles so i talked to the dude with a really awesome mustache but as i was going to challenge it apparently mewtwo is literally too good to challenge the battle tower i don't think you're allowed any uber to your pokemon so i tried my luck with zapdos and it let me so this was my team my first matchup was pretty crazy it was a salamance against a dragonite i tried to risk it for the biscuit and i went for a dragon dance unfortunately it didn't work well and this alamance killed me in one hit it also had moxie which means every single time that it kills any pokemon its attack gets raised so i quickly switched into swamper and went for an ice punch but i i died in one hit and and so so did my zapdos one thing i realized is none of my pokemon had any items on them and i think that was a big problem i didn't have the best items back at home so the only thing i could really do is put a scope lens on zapdos which increases critical chance i put a muscle band on swampert which increases physical damage by 10 and then i put a dragonfang on dragonite which increases dragon type moves by i believe 30 and now i was ready to challenge the battle tower again this time i started off with zapdos because dragonite really didn't work well and i kind of want to save swampert for another pokemon unfortunately the camera angle for this wasn't too great but i started off with a drill pack which is super effective against haruyama and then somehow he killed me in one hit i was pretty sure the move that he used was an ice move which is times four effective against dragonite but i was really just hoping that dragonite could kill it in one hit unfortunately he switched into hit paudon but actually it worked out pretty well i continued to use outrage with dragonite and it worked incredibly well things were looking good and boom outrage killed his last pokemon and we beat the first trainer in the battle tower we were then asked if we wanted to continue in the battle tower and of course i did so the next trainer's first pokemon was mbor and of course i was going to drill pack the ambore as it is super effective and then it killed me and one hit again i'm not sure zapdos survived a singular turn in any of these battles yet my next option was to go to swamp bird and i decided to earthquake somehow the mbor was faster than my swampert i didn't realize that would be the case and then i tried another earthquake but somehow nine tails can learn solar beam so things just weren't really going too great again i thought ninetales would have to recover from the solar beam but apparently he didn't so i tried to get a dragon dance off and it just really didn't go well but fortunately i did manage to kill it in the end my last hope was to one shot this guy with an outrage and i did so dragonite has honestly carried me so far through these first two trainers and i was not very optimistic for the next one but i gave it a shot anyway and so the first pokemon that i battled was a ditto um which obviously transformed into a zapdos this was a very awkward battle because the only move that we could use against each other that did any damage was i thought drill peck but apparently electric moves affect zapdos i did not realize this so that was pretty awkward so knowing the moves that the ditto had because it was the exact same pokemon as my zapdos i went to swampert because electric does not affect swampert and i decided to ice punch this thing but of course it goes into a ferrothorn because why not this was a really bad matchup for my team and i really didn't know what to do i went for a hammer arm but i didn't expect much i actually did more than i thought but i knew that he would have power whip and kill me in one hit now once again it was down to my dragonite so i decided to drag and dance because i thought it was my only chance at sweeping this guy but unfortunately it just was not going my way i tried an earthquake but it just was not enough to take down the ferrothorn and unfortunately he got the best of me but that round was a little bit better we actually made it to the third trainer which i guess i'm sort of proud of so the last thing i decided to do in my 100 days was go to the ultra space dimension the way that you do that is you have to have either a lunala or a sogaleo obviously i didn't have either of those but slippy did so he threw out his lunawa and he made a wormhole for me and so i hopped on my zapdos and i flew in as you can see there's a lot of fog everywhere gravity is very very low and the biomes are so weird this area is really really cool though there's a lot of really rare pokemon that spawn here along with the ultra beasts i don't think any of the ultra beasts are obtainable in the overworld you actually have to be in the ultra space dimension for them to spawn i couldn't really see much but i thought that i saw some land so i decided to take a leap of faith and jump into the abyss luckily as i fell down very slowly i did land on land and this was actually a really really rare shrine this is a sacred area a sacred temple where you can spawn in giratina it is incredibly incredibly hard to get the items needed in order to spawn this in it's even harder than spawning in mewtwo obviously i was nowhere near spawning in a giratina so i decided to keep moving and keep hopping to different islands it was actually pretty fun in the middle of the ultra space dimension i literally just found a random end dimension structure i don't know what these things are called but i figured i'd give it a little exploration then i found this really cool biome i don't even know what blocks these are i broke one and then it just broke like glass i checked to see what bottom this was and it's called the ultra deep sea i said at home here actually called uds which stood for ultra deep sea i had a feeling that there were some ultra beast pokemon that would spawn here i was exploring this biome for days and days and days and days and days waiting for something really cool to spawn but the coolest thing that spawned was an incredibly fat clefable so i decided to catch it i saw in chat a wild version spawned in a forest hills biome and i was pretty excited but i didn't think that they spawned in the ultra space dimension so i kind of just went on my way not really thinking too much of it until i found a freaking parisian this was absolutely insane honestly i had no idea that they spawned in the ultra space dimension i've been exploring this dimension for so so long waiting for something amazing like this to happen and it was finally time i decided to change who i had in my party so that i could tank some more hits from it i engaged in battle with my raichu and went straight away for a thunder wave so i could paralyze it this went perfectly my next move was a thunder which i knew wouldn't do too much damage and i actually missed anyway so then i went into machamp and decided to do a wake-up slap and another one and another one and i didn't want to use another wake-up slap because i wasn't sure if i was going to kill it or not so i just went for some ultra balls i had someone supporting me in my battle and it was none other than psycho michael and just like that with a little bit of luck and psycho michael's help we managed to catch ourselves a virizion it even had really really good ivs that perfect hp perfect defense perfect perfect speed and decent attack of course the next thing i did was go into my team to find it and guys i have to say i was really really proud of my team not only did i have these six amazing pokemon but i still had an articuno and a level 100 dragonite after a whole 300 days of playing pixelmon i think i've come a very very long way we've been two different gyms we've completed the entire generation one pokedex we've been to the war zone and caught some shadow pokemon we've challenged the battle tower and did decent on it in one of the rounds we've been to the ultra space dimension and even called a legendary while we were there and we even built a really cool house these past hundred days were probably my favorite because we managed to finally finish some of the original goals we had in the first hundred days so i'm really really proud of myself and where i am now if you guys enjoyed this 100 days be sure to go ahead and leave a like rating that'll show me that you want to see yet another 100 days video of pixelmon but anyway guys that's going to be it thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music] it has been months where have you been all this time i i've been hiding for i've seen something something terrifying i i prayed to the gods that what i'd seen was fantasy but it seems that my greatest fears have come true speak to us tell us what you saw the prophecies the prophecies are true master and we're too late to stop it pokemon the pokemon are bigger scarier and more vicious than ever no no it can't be at first it was fun to catch and train pokemon i have so many memories growing up but now now i fear for my life and i fear for the world gigantomaxing is here well here we are very very long awaited 400 days of pixelmon i waited so long to make this video because i wanted the next 100 days to be something special something unique to the previous three recently there was an insane new update to pixelmon that allows you to battle and attain gigantomax pokemon as scary as they are i will do everything that i can to get them on my side so my main three objectives for these next 100 days are firstly to retain a gigantomax charizard they look absolutely ferocious i mean just look at this dude secondly i would love to win a battle in the war zone the war zone is an area on the server that has a very high legendary and shadow spawn rate but when you battle other players the winner of the battle gets to steal a pokemon from the opposing player so this area is extremely risky and i'm gonna try to win the battle and steal another player's pokemon the third thing that i want to do is to complete a bingo card i know i know this sounds quite silly compared to the other two objectives but hear me out with these bingo cards if you complete one of the bigger ones like a 7x7 or 9x9 you get some really awesome rewards there's a pretty good chance even that you'll get really really good crates maybe even a legendary crate who knows we'll see what happens that would be pretty epic also of course these next 100 days are being played on the smash mc network the ip is play.smashmc.com so if you guys do want to experience my journey with me be sure to go ahead and join the network also also i have a absolutely massive announcement that i've been waiting on for a very long time i'm so excited to tell you guys that i'm finally releasing my own merch as of now we only have one design which is being put on a t-shirt and a hoodie but depending on how much you guys enjoy the merch we will potentially be releasing some new designs not only is the merch extraordinarily comfortable but it also makes you go from looking like this to this well maybe not like that but you get my point also i will be signing the first 100 pre-orders so if you guys do want me to sign your shirt be sure to go ahead and order them asap and i promise last thing before getting into the hundred days please feel free to subscribe to my channel less than 20 of the people who watch my videos are subscribed and making videos like this takes an extremely long time as you can probably imagine so please consider subscribing anyway guys of course enjoy the next 100 days of pixelmon so the first thing that i did starting these next 100 days was reminisce i missed my house i hadn't seen my house in so long there was never anything too too special however as i walked inside i remembered the cloning machine that broke when we spawned a mewtwo oh the memories of that that was freaking awesome and as i walked outside it was nice and also not so nice to remember all the builds that people left in the city but i will say one thing that was nice about being away for so long is that people left a ton of presents for me it was actually pretty awesome so the first thing i did was absolutely just go through all of these gifts that i got and take them all it was awesome so shout out to ziff for some presents also shout out to epic entity for providing me with a thunderstone pickaxe also shout out to little thief25 for providing me with even more amazing stuff including a freaking elytra that's gonna be pretty clutch and also of course we can't forget nessie for providing me with an entire double chest of pokeballs rare candies and armor and lastly thank you to mineslime11 for another chest of goodies honestly thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart for all the support this series has really changed my life and i mean that you guys giving me gifts and sending me nice messages really goes a long way it means a lot more to me than you guys might even imagine so again thank you guys so much for all the support on these videos and for those little gifts that you guys leave me but anyway enough of this soppy stuff let's get into grinding the first place that i decided to go to was the boss tower this is an area that spawns a bunch of boss pokemon the reason i came here was because pretty much i just want to level up my pokemon since i was going to the war zone later on in this video i really wanted to get my team up to level 100. battling boss pokemon was nice because they spawned at an extremely high level since i have a level 100 on my team these bosses spawn from ranges 105 to up to 120. finally bosses wasn't really going as planned so i decided to go to the eevee trainer because upon killing the eevee trainer she actually gives you six rare candies and so my next plan was just to get as many rare candies as possible i did manage to get my pokemon up to a relatively high level though before going for this rare candy tactic so the next thing i decided to do was a vote for the server a couple times so that i could get some vote crate keys to hopefully get myself some more rare candies and on my first spin i got 10 rare candies after spinning the vote cranky a couple more times i managed to get myself another 10 rare candies and just like that i got 26 rare candies so then i went to my vault where i stored all my secret goodies here i found i had over a stack of rare candies i think a lot of these rare candies were actually gifts from you guys so shout out to everyone that gave me gifts because that actually allowed me to level up all of my pokemon to level 100. now that all the legendary pokemon in my team were level 100 it's time to get the boy charizard all the way up to the beautiful triple digit number 100 and 40 rare candies later we finally managed to do it our charizard was now an absolute beast little does he know though that he still has a lot of evolution to do in this episode eventually he is going to be dynamaxing and hopefully fingers crossed gigantomaxing and so now that my team was all at level 100 i was running to go to the war zone but that is not exactly what i did because the war zone is very scary and i was getting too nervous so instead what i decided to do was ask one of the managers on the server to go ahead and give me a nine by 9 bingo card now i think it is important to note that these bingo cards are not public on the server quite yet but they are coming very very soon so the way the bingo card works is if i right click it in my hand you will see that there is a by nine bingo card of pokemon that i have to catch there are two ways that you get rewarded from completing these bingo cards the first one is by completing a bingo whether that be a horizontal completion a vertical completion or a diagonal completion by just completing one of those you get to redeem a reward and then you also get rewarded for completing the entire card which is gonna be pretty hard because there's 81 freaking pokemon on the card which is which is a lot that is a lot of pokemon and so i study the card to find out which row or column would be easiest to complete and i decided that the row i was going to target was the third one it consisted of bulldozer tangroath wheezing magnemite larvesta machoke watchdog scrovette and for gatier those pokemon better watch out because i'm coming for them and the first pokemon that i actually found was a watchog and so he was the first that i captured as i check my bingo card you can actually see here that watch hog has been captured the pokeball animation that pops up for him now for the rest of this row and as i was about to leave i actually found a legendary tepig this is actually insanely rare to find a legendary boss and so obviously i did what anyone else would do and absolutely destroyed this legendary boss in pretty much one hit with swamp butt the next pokemon that i caught was a bulldozer two down seven to go and then completely out of the blue i noticed that this nidoran had fire particles on it and i knew exactly what that meant nidoran was part of the pokey hunt so on the server if you do slash hunt there will always be four pokemon that are being hunted by the entire server and it just so happens that nidoran is one of them if you're the first player on the server to catch one of these four pokemon you get some pretty awesome rewards you get money rare candies and even pokeballs so of course the next thing i did was just capture the nidoran and i got 13 rare candies and 15 netballs from it over the next couple of days i managed to get my hands on a larvesta a scovet a machoke and a magnemite at this point in the bingo card everything was going pretty well i was catching about one pokemon a day and then i realized that i caught all the easiest pokemon first and that the three pokemon left have like a point one percent chance of spawning and so it took a lot of waiting and waiting and waiting to catch these pokemon but we persevered and we eventually did it and as i was looking for a tank growth i saw some more of these fire particles honestly i was getting so lucky with finding these poke hunt pokemon turns out there was a grubbin hiding in the jungle waiting to be captured and so i caught him and got my reward after a couple more days of sitting in the jungle i finally found myself a tan growth which was on the bingo card i was so excited and just like that recaptured a tangrowth our bingo card was down to two a wheezing and a frogadier apparently the best way to find a frog deer or a greninja is to actually fish for them in a swamp biome and that was actually perfect because that's where wheezing spawns as well so if i spend enough time in a swamp i'm fishing and just looking around for a wheezing eventually everything should come together as i was fishing for a frog deer and looking around for a wheezing i found this thing i didn't know what it was so i ran up to it it's called a toxicity i've never heard of this thing before and it looks absolutely insane and so i did what any normal pokemon trainer would do and caught it and after fishing for an extremely extremely long time i finally got pretty lucky no not not with actually fishing but eventually i decided to turn to my left and i found that there was a wheezing that actually spawned right next to me finally and it used self-destruct and killed itself so that was that was awesome that was fun and just to put icing on the cake voltorb celebrated by evolving into an electrode thanks buddy and after so so so long of fishing i finally got my hands on a frogadier i was honestly pretty nervous because of how long it took me to get this guy i really didn't want to fumble the bag and with a little bit of luck i managed to capture the frogadier looking at my bingo card i now had eight out of nine in the row the last one being a wheezing i tried to forget my last encounter with the wheezing and keep my head high and so i continued to run through the spawn plans which what feels like i've i've been here forever and you know what they say hard work and perseverance pays off because i finally found another wheezing and after i got the wheezing paralyzed and pretty weak i started throwing ultra balls praying that it wouldn't self-destruct again and just like that we managed to do it we captured the wheezing completing a bingo on our bingo card and so i redeemed my reward not only did we end up getting a ton of rare candies and pokeballs but most importantly we got our hands on a legendary crate key this was so exciting in these legendary crate keys you can get some epic rewards including pretty much any legendary that you want i was so excited and so obviously right after i got that reward i decided to open up a legendary crate key i was so nervous as the animation took i saw there were some mythical items in here that i could potentially get the crate spun and spun and spun until finally i got myself a legendary drop a shiny legendary of choice oh boys i was so excited i could literally choose any legendary in the entire game to redeem after thinking about what shiny legendary pokemon i wanted for a long long time eventually i made my decision i decided to go with the brand new op legendary pokemon eternitus since this pokemon was brand new i'm fairly sure that i was one of the first ever on the entire server to get my hands on one of them not only did i have an alternative but he was also freaking shiny this guy was absolutely epic riding on him was really cool as well i'm pretty sure that you're supposed to be on his back for the animation but honestly it's kind of cool that you're underneath him because when you look on top it almost looks like you are an eternitis which is pretty cool as much as i would love to use this pokemon in the war zone unfortunately he's just far too valuable i would never risk bringing a shiny eternitis into the war zone so though i did what any normal person would do and i leveled this guy all the way up to 100 and now we have an almighty level 100 eternitis on the team hey big shout out to this bingo card without this bingo card i would not have a shiny eternities unfortunately though i don't think i'm going to be completing the rest of this bingo card just a single row took so much time that i don't think there's any way on this world that i could complete this entire bingo card within this 100 days let alone complete the other challenges that i had in mind and ladies gentlemen after a couple of days of preparing it was finally time to do what i had feared most go to the war zone my fingers were shaking as i typed in the command slash or zone it took me right where i knew it would to the drop ship and i knew at the second i stood on this pressure plate everything would change and just like that my blood started rushing this is where champions were born and made and it was my time to shine as you probably noticed as well my entire body is highlighted and that shows for everyone which means that there is absolutely no hiding in the war zone and finally it was time to make our first encounter and here we go the battle commenced myself against carmify this was absolutely intense i didn't really know what to do i'm not the best competitive battler in the world so i decided to switch into a grass-type pokemon to counter his swamper i predicted that he was gonna switch out so i went for a close combat and he switched into an infernape which was perfect for me because i did a ton of damage with my close combat so then i switched into my charizard because i figured he was either gonna use a fire or fighting type move which would do pretty much nothing against my charizard and so i went for a thunder punch which finished off his infernape and then he switched back into his swamper which is obviously a really bad matchup for my charizard i knew that i had to keep my verizon alive in order to take out a swampert but i figured if i switched into my verizon now he could definitely get one shot so i went for a really risky play and went for a dragon dance fortunately i survived the hit that his swampert left and then i went for an earthquake of my own it didn't do as much damage as i'd hoped but it still did enough that i wasn't so upset with my charizard then of course i went back into my verizon because i knew that this was the opposite pokemon that he had wanted to see so i went for a leaf blade and it was times four effective against the swampert and destroyed him so far so good even though it seemed like i was up in the battle i was absolutely terrified my hands were shaking and my body's sweating i've never fought one of these things before so i didn't really know what to do and so i just went for another leaf blade eventually my verizon went down i didn't really know what to do so i just went into my mewtwo because i knew mewtwo's really good and i figured he could potentially do something to kill this thing so i went for an ice beam because i knew that was super effective he almost killed me in one hit but luckily i managed to take him out and then my life orb ended up destroying my mewtwo and now it was down to a three versus three i went back to swamp butt because i didn't want to show my last two pokemon this was a perfect matchup because he sat on a jolteon which can't really affect swamp blood i made a safe play and went for an earthquake unfortunately he switched into corva knight so i didn't end up doing any damage to it i knew that jolteon wouldn't really be able to do much against my groudon either so i just decided to try waterfalling this thing it used iron defense two times so i knew waterfall wasn't gonna do too much so then i switched out to zapdos and then i went for a discharge it was super effective and finished the job corvinite was dead he went back into his jolteon so obviously i switched back into my swamp butt and of course i went for an earthquake he switched out again into a superior which i knew was trouble for me because it was super effective not only against my swamp butt but also my groudon i knew that he had a big advantage here and i didn't really need swampa anymore since i still had my groudon to counter his jolteon so i decided to continue trying to just kill this thing with my swamp bud and he did a pretty good job then i switched into zapdos where i decided to use heatwave that killed superior and jolteon was his very last pokemon and so i used heatwave again and it did a lot of damage and burn jolteon now i was getting excited because i knew that i had this in the bag and the very last move was a heatwave from zapdos that finished his jolteon and now i was able to steal any of his six pokemon he had so many great ones i really didn't know who to go for to be honest but i ended up stealing his dragonpolt after that i got swarmed so i decided to get the heck out of the war zone as fast as i possibly could my entire body was trembling but as i looked in my pc i saw that he was there the battle perfect dragon pulled i brought him into my team looked at his moves checked out his stats and could not be happier and even though the fight had ended i was still very nervous and trembling that was epic and just like that i had two of my objectives crossed off my list [Music] and now it was time for the last objective to gigantomax my charizard and even though there's still a good amount of days left in this 100 days i knew that this was going to take absolutely forever this is not an easy challenge to get a dynamax band you have to find an npc that spawns in a village that gives a very rare quest this npc has a 5 chance of spawning which pretty much means that i have a 1 in 20 chance of it spawning however npc quests reset every single minecraft days so i pretty much have the odds of one in 20 chance of this quest spawning and so i ventured out found myself a village and camped this village until i pretty much found one i'm not gonna lie guys i ended up going to get food and doing some rl stuff as i waited i would check back every 20 minutes or so to see if there were any new quest givers here fortunately though after about 10 days of sitting in here and looking for the purple exclamation point quest i finally found it i'm not sure if the purple pink exclamation point 100 means that it's the quest to get dynamaxx but it's definitely one of them so anyway i proceeded to talk to this girl and she asked if i could help her so of course i said yes eventually she started showing me an item called a fall in its star she gave it to me and asked me to look into it and so of course i said yes so now i needed to find out what this fallen star was and come back to her after i found out also you guys might have seen earlier but there was this dude who has a red quest above his head and i was talking to my friends about it apparently this is a legendary quest that's even more rare than the dynamaxx quest the fact that they both spawned at the exact same time is kind of crazy but anyway of course i'm gonna accept this dude's quest as well there's tales of a mysterious shrine and a golden pokeball that attracts its guardian to it so pretty much all that kurt wanted is he asked me to get him five level balls which doesn't seem too difficult but as i check my quests there is a shooting star quest which is the more important one to me because that is how i dynamax but then there's also the forest guardian so for the shooting star quest i have to defeat 75 pokemon and capture another 25 pokemon it's definitely not too challenging but it's gonna take some time to kill the 75 pokemon i just jumped straight down from spawn all the way down to where all these level ones spawn and then i just started a massacre and just like that i only had one more pokemon to defeat and wallrain caught these hands so then i rtped and the the first thing that i saw was fire particles and i knew somewhere around here was a poke hunt pokemon so my tactic for catching the 25 pokemon was to just run around and throw dust balls at hoot hoots i literally just ran around and threw pokeballs at every single pokemon that i saw honestly it was pretty fun i was just bouncing around trees chucking these dust balls it was really helping with my aim rattata who dearling you name it they got in my boss none of them could escape my ferocious balls and as i was catching a hoot i noticed more fire particles and it was a skitty and she was no exception to the catching genocide she went straight into my ball as well and after a little while of catching pokemon i finally completed the shooting star mission and so i went back to the village and talked to professor hapu again and then she gave me another stupid quest and i had to defeat 25 freaking trainers where am i gonna find 25 trainers well i figured spawn might be a decent start there are trainers that are in the area so i decided to look around oh boy and a long time later you'll see if you look in the bottom right that there's only one more trainer left to defeat and here she is she's already got a bloody eye blood on her shirt and i'm about to make this mess ten times worse because she is about to catch the absolute smoke swamp boy is not messing around and there we go we finally did it now we have to return to professor hapu who will hopefully not give us another request and we'll just give us the dynamax thing and there we go professor hapu has officially given us a dynamax banned this will allow you to infuse your pokemon with immense power for a short while thank you so much professor apple and now it is time to equip ourselves with the dynamaxx band if i take off my robe you can see that i actually have a band on my arm now and that is a dynomax band however i prefer to have my drip on wait what is this i i didn't realize that i had this robe i think that this robe is an 8.2 robe and because i'm super awesome and super special that i have access to it wow that is that's pretty epic oh and there's also a winter cloak dude wait these are so cool all right but i'm going to stick with the drone road this thing is sick but anyway one thing that is really important to note about dynamaxing and gigantomaxing is that the only time that you can actually do it is against other boss pokemon players or npcs you cannot do it against wild pokemon luckily i found myself a mega ampharos these things are actually a lot more common than you think at least the ampharosis the other mega bosses not so much unfortunately this is a really bad matchup for our charizard however he should be able to dynamax not gigantomax yet but dynamax so if we do go ahead and click the middle button you'll see that this crazy thingy pops up and then we can max flare and here we go our charizard is enormous haha that is so sick like i said though charizard is not too good against ampharos and he got bodied so not a great first showing for our for our dynomax charizard that's okay because groudon one shot it easy peasy well anyway now that we have a dynamaxx charizard it is time to get him giganta maxed so pretty much in order for a pokemon to be able to gigantomax they have to get max soup the recipe for max soup is one bowl and three max mushrooms normally in pixelmon the way that you get max mushrooms is by finding a mushroom biome and finding them spawned on the floor however on the server there is a completely different way to find these mushrooms in order to obtain these mushrooms you had to kill this pokemon called shinati first of all they were really rare to spawn they only had a 2.36 chance of spawning these pokemon dropped max mushrooms however they dropped them at a very rare rate i can only find about one to two of these things a day but finally i got one a max mushroom i still had two left to go and i was honestly exhausted i'd been in this tiger biome for so long and after a little while we got another mushroom we only have one more to go until we have to craft a bowl which is gonna be really challenging i'm kidding obviously that would be really really easy and just like that we got the last max mushroom the last two actually came pretty quickly i only had to beat like four or five different of those things and they dropped two of them they only have a 50 spawn rate so that was actually really lucky so now it's time to go back home get some wood craft a bowl and complete the recipe for a max soup and now we can feed the mac soup to our charizard and in chat it says charizard has gained the gigantomax factor so what i decided to do was put in chat someone tp to me to catch these hands i was really ready to fight anyone but honestly i didn't care if i won a loss all that i really wanted to do was test out my new gigantic max charizard and then this guy took it too far and made battle rules and stuff but again i don't really care i'm just trying to have a good time and try out my new gigantomax pokemon and so here we go g-max wildfire let's do it and just check out that absolute beautiful beast a gigantic charizard i know for a fact that my enemy is trembling right now and just like that we took out one of his best pokemon in the vulcarona unfortunately the gigantic max form does not last too long and so it was only three moves before charizard went back to its original state however those three turns were absolutely epic and he managed to take out two extraordinarily strong pokemon in the process i ended up losing the fight but that's not what i cared about all i know is that all three of my objectives were now complete [Music] these 100 days were absolutely wild i took this puny little charizard and not only turned him into a man but into a giganta man okay that was a little bit cringe but you know what i'm saying anyway guys that's gonna wrap it up for these 100 days i know it was super long awaited but we actually have a ton of new updates coming to the server very soon and when they roll out i will be sure to make another 100 days where hopefully i get even more gigantic max pokemon because i think that they're really cool and if you guys think that they're really cool too be sure to go ahead and let me know in the comment section down below but if you guys do want to join me in these 100-day videos be sure to join it's completely free all you have to do is join the ip in the description anyway guys thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you guys in the next one see you dudes [Music]
Channel: Sirud
Views: 1,054,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon episode 1, minecraft pixelmon ep 1, minecraft pixelmon server, pixelmon server, new pixelmon server, pixelmon, pixelmon mod, pixelmon download, pixelmon 7.0, pixelmon update, kid friendly, no swearing, pixelmon episode 1, episode 1, pixelmon season 1 episode 1, pixelmon smp episode 1, 100 days, 100 days survived, 100 days minecraft, 100, days, I spent 100 days, pokemon, pokemon in minecraft
Id: 92yrDmwojQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 17sec (9077 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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