We Spent 100 Days in Minecraft PIXELMON... Here's What Happened (Duo Minecraft)

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today relive your childhood and watch us spend 100 days on pixelmon this is our first ever time playing pixelmon and we actually completed so much stuff for example we caught the iconic charizard and we even got the best pokemon in the game the rayquaza so if you think you can beat us in a pokemon battle which i highly doubt you can come join the server on pixelmon realms everything you need to know will be in the description below and if you subscribe right now we can hit 1 million subscribers and only 4 videos uploaded so please subscribe like the video and hope you guys enjoy for my first pokemon i really want to get the monkey but my friend took him so i had to take the next ugliest pokemon so i took the roulette and once i logged in i just saw some dude flying on the pterodactyl it was pretty cool and if you want to meet my friend this is his very first introduction we then threw our boots on and we went on our adventure let's go let's go on out and if you couldn't tell already we were both pretty excited to start playing this search drop that one here you go dude that's a good one you don't need the purple one since i don't know a clue about pokemon he actually convinced me to drop the master ball and then he logged out on me then he pretended to throw it away but he actually threw it up in the air and now it was up for grabs and i luckily caught it back thank god because he would have kept it using slash rtp which teleports you to a random place we teleport on top of this mountain and we spent a couple of days just finding out what to do and how to play what is that yo you see that freaking airplane the seagull i'm gonna catch it i'm throwing a master ball at it then we found our very first pokeball and when you right click it you get a random item so it's basically like gambling then i found a rock that kept running his head into the wall i'm not sure why then we saw this super weird looking pokemon on the side of the mountain so we bridge to him to check him out oh he grew an arm he's waving at me once we got on top of the hill we found this little house and we tried stealing some things but it was already claimed sadly then my friend carlos got into his first ever pokemon battle and he got clapped so he started hitting it with a shovel and throwing snowballs at it and once we realized we could throw snowballs at pokemon that's basically what we did all night we just threw snowballs at random things then you know me i had to try breezy bridging at least once and the entire night we could not find any trees anywhere so i did slash rtp again and it brought me to a desert and with every new bomb you get new pokemon that spawn and i found this little panning bed that actually clapped me so i really need to start upgrading my pokemon soon and then we finally found trees so we were fighting over the same ones and i tried to annoy my friend so this is what he had to say to me so ugly he called me ugly and that kind of hurt so let me know in the comments if you guys can relate to because i can definitely relate to what he calls me but anyways from day 6 to 10 it could have been day 6 to nine that would have been perfect but it wasn't i went mining because i found a cool ravine and i found some random orders i've never seen before after we met up again we found this ultra ball and he got a little stick and um yeah and we went around just touching a whole bunch of balls then we made a boat and crossed the ocean and then our boat randomly disappeared hello oh you gotta be kidding me yeah our boat roundly disappeared but we had to make another one and we rode the boat until we found some new land i then found this apricorn tree and like i didn't know you could right click it to take the apricorns so i accidentally just broke it and got locked yeah don't make fun of me i finally figured out that if you go to the pokey center at spawn you can actually repair or heal up your pokemon for free of charge which is awesome i did slash rtp again and it brought me to this dude just afk i'm not sure what he was doing but he was just in an afk pool and like there was nothing around him that we tried waking him up we tried punching him a little bit and he actually did not wake up after messing with him some more he actually did end up realizing that we were messing with him and he caught us freaks in the chat what a kind kind person and the entire night of day 11 we just ran around collecting all these balls and while we were exploring we found some name tags in the ground and we went to check it out and we actually ended up finding these really cool houses built into the mountains so we decided to check it out and kind of raid it a little bit we didn't break anything yet key word is yet but i finally caught up to this one person i was running away and i said hi and i asked if they have any spare change then we notice that they have an unclaimed leaf house so we actually ended up claiming it okay i got it i got it [Laughter] yeah that's right we actually took over this guy's house and we told them to stay five meters from our property but here's just a twist the person who owned these houses are admins and yeah we uh claimed over uh admin's house and we renamed the leaf house to cookie and carlos's house it was not a good look for us but i decided to explore the andaman's house a little bit and it was actually pretty nice and then the admins made a deal with me they said they would build me an entire house if we unclaim their leaf house and move away from them so we had to take all our items back and move out of our leaf house and carlos changed the sign he changed it to previously owned by carlos and a cookie god the 633-639 then i disslashed rtp again and this amazing command always takes me to the best places it spawned me on top of these mountains and i asked the animals to build my house on top of these mountains we also picked up another homeless guy off the street to play with us so now we have three people and he dueled me and he actually destroyed my pokemon with his charmander how did you even get a charmander to start what and then we decided to have a little fun and throw pokeballs across this huge gap in the mountains while we wait for the irons to build our house look at this adam and just making our house for us thank god he was because i was way too late to make ourselves a house and then my friend asked if he would die if he jumped off the cliff so he ended up jumping and he died obviously so while the adam was building our house we decided to go explore a little bit and actually collected my first ever level 40 pokemon and i actually got a first try with a regular pokeball so i got pretty lucky his name was meganium mcganium i have no idea how to pronounce it but he was level 48 and he was much better than my level 10 roulette i then ran into a super cool white looking pokemon and i wanted to catch it so bad i threw some great balls at it and some regular pokeballs at it but he would not get into my balls though i ended up getting frustrated and ran away i then walked into a cave and just continued mining because i knew we needed some iron to make those iron plates or whatever for those pokeballs and once i got back home the house was almost complete it was looking pretty awesome i'm so happy we claimed that leaf house from those admins and they were probably worried that we would do something bad so they were just three staff just chilling around us watching us and this guy's skin was a mcdonald's worker so i typed in chat i want to make double and large fries and he end up throwing me a cookie instead but you know i'm the cookie god so i'm fine with that we talk about how awesome mcdonald's fries are in the comments cause they are so good and he actually gave us bunk beds what do you guys prefer tell me in the comments because i prefer the bottom bit he also hooked us up with an inventory for pokemon and a healer and it was very convenient just having it around the house then the homeless guy that we picked up off the street named the menace he dueled me again and with his charmander he again clapped my robulette but then i put down my level 40a magnum and he was a tank like look at this damage she done to me he did a little sliver of damage i then used taco on the charmander and i insta killed him yup who is the king now i then noticed this cool little ring on this adam and i knew i had to get one before this video ends because it just looked so cool and on day 21 we started making the apricorn farm and we waited all the way until sunrise to watch them grow on day 23 we started to make those iron plates so we can start making some pokeballs and while i was working hard these two goon heads were making armor and i put it on and they just started laughing at me because i looked so stupid with it on on the morning of day 23 i finally collected the apricorns because i was so impatient i was taking way too long so i ran around just collecting even more apricorns all around the world i ran into a big apricorn farm owned by somebody else and i was praying it wasn't claimed so i could just take them all but obviously it was claimed and my heart was broken because like look at it just there sitting there as i was running around i ran into a big eagle somebody made it was pretty cool the community here is pretty awesome while i was running around the forest i found a big reindeer so i decided to steal him only because he was level 44 he did not look cool at all but i knew i needed to upgrade my pokemon so i had to catch him since i have a whole bunch of more apricorns i decided to spend day 28 to 30 expanding our apricorn farm and making it look way better than it was and my friend of mine is somehow got a pikachu the best pokemon in the game how did he even get him but while i was building the apricorn farm i found this huge big i can't talk but i found this massive buffalo with huge horns so i really wanted to take him but my pokeballs are going right through him i'm not sure if my aim was just poo i could not catch him and then i'm gonna try dueling him and his pikachu got slapped and just in case you miss my friend here's his voice yeah i don't ask me i don't know why he makes those noises but he does and it's just not something you question anymore that's just what he does and on day 31 i realize you can actually ride your pokemons and my boy amanda is doing me one more time thinking his pikachu would beat my meganum and guess what my mega dumb clapped his charmander again and i also clapped his pikachu come on now don't underestimate my boy meganome he's the best pokemon in the game mewtwo is not even existing anymore it's my boy mega gnome but then i spent the next couple of days just fighting some pokemon so i can try leveling up my magnum because he's my favorite pokemon now so i just went around fighting everything i can find and my mechanim was just one hitting every single pokemon i fought and then my friend of metis came back in a hot air balloon he brought him back up he was ready to fight me one more time i was jealous on how he could fly around so i tried throwing some pokeballs at these flying pokemons hoping i can catch a pokemon that could fly but i ended up killing this gold bat and i couldn't tame them and i feel like i couldn't even ride in many ways because the gold badge is so small and i weigh like 400 pounds and my friend just loves making weird noises yeah now that is a true monkey right there and he's just so annoying that he stole the plates that menace gave me and he just logged oh yay as my friend was trying to make the plates with the anvil i kept bothering him and we kept getting in his way so he got mad and he took the ammo with him and jumped off the cliff i'm not sure why he loved jumping off the cliff so much but i guess we do too because we have so many death beacons everywhere i've just died so many times around this place i then found a meow with and i thought it would evolve into a mewtwo but my friend told me it doesn't and i just ended up killing it but as we were running around trying to find some pokemon to kill the lever of our own pokemon we found this nice little house and we went to raided but obviously there's nothing in it and we didn't take anything but someone did leave us on saying he should claim his place before someone steals all his items what a nice guy then we found another house with another portal and i was pretty excited yeah i guess my friend isn't the only monkey around here because i make monkey noises too sometimes but the nether pro didn't work so we just spent the next day just killing a whole bunch of pokemon they tried to level up our own pokemon i then found this really cool lion tiger looking guy bull tonned he had some cool stripes and he was yellow so i tried so hard getting him but he kept breaking out of my balls so i ran away again and i ran into this duo dew or uh he had two heads and so i thought it looked pretty cool and the menace came back with a crazy pokemon didn't even know existed this is just a floating sword and there was this cool pokemon carrying a leaf so the only pokemon had was the abra and the only move he had was teleport what a scam pokemon and while my friends organizing the chests i asked him this yeah a present yeah and i threw him a whole bunch of random junk oh my god oh look at that there's a fighting monkey over there oh i want the monkey find mine mine mine mine mine mine mine man yeah so we found a monkey chilling outside our base and we were fighting over the monkey because we both love our monkeys cause we're related to them i ended up beating my friend to the monkey and i actually caught him with a great ball let's go give me the monkey so my friends start punching the monkey and my monkeys are fighting back the monkey gave my friend a quick one-two punch and made my friend run away then we found a level 69 a perfect number so we tried fighting him just for jokes and he completely destroyed us i then decided to go explore the spawn a little bit and i found a marketplace and there's a lot of pokeballs in pokemon i didn't know i thought they're just regular red ones and like master balls then we found out slash warp altar and it brought us to a super cool place i also found the shrines around and i think that's for somebody who's sweatier than i am then this guy starts spawning in like a demon or something and i start throwing my pokeballs at it trying to collect the pokemon and then my friends stole them all and someone had the same exact idea and threw an ultra ball at it now i have a free ultra ball thanks whoever threw it and we finally found out there's a slash warp eevee training and this was so helpful it's just a room full of level one pokemon this is gonna save us so much time instead of running around trying to find pokemon to fight and i also hired my friend vtec martin and i had to bring him in to help me with this video because i have no idea what i'm doing and i really need some help from a pokemon god so he told me to go exploring to find some new pokemon and to try to get some ivs that are at least iv 31. after about nine days of searching i finally found an iv 31 for speed i then spent day 61 just collecting a whole bunch of apricorns and apricots to make a bigger farm and just in case you're missing my friend's voice here we go everybody just make fun of him in the comments so he feels bad i took all the apricorns and then i smelted them so i can start making some ultra balls to collect even more pokemon and this took around three days just waiting for everything to smell and we just spent the whole three days waiting for the smell running around the base i then made my diamond thor hammer and i was ready to get working and i can't imagine who does this every single day it takes so long it took like 30 minutes of work just to make 40 ultra balls and after collecting a whole bunch of pokemon we are ready to go fight the boss my boy the mcdonald's worker and could we just take a moment to talk about his nose forget a villager oh my god then i finally got into battle and every single pokemon i put out was getting clapped we thought we could have had a chance but there was literally no way i could beat a single pokemon i couldn't even get the first gym to half a heart we'll meet again ugly mcdonald's man he smelled like fries and mayonnaise sauce anyways so day 67 to day 69 we went exploring for more pokemon it was day 70 but 69's a funny number we then traded all our pokemon so i get the best pokemon and we went back to the rocket gym and we had to fight him one more time since i had a full party and a full lineup this time and we're just idiots and we didn't heal up our double before we started so we started with 8 hp and we still got clapped by this weird looking plant thing i have no idea what it is but it made us sad that we were getting clapped at the first gym and we couldn't even beat it at all like we couldn't kill a single one like our entire life led up to this moment we collected a whole bunch of pokemon we went exploring for hours and we just get one tapped by every single pokemon this mcdonald's worker has how disappointing that we went exploring one more time for more pokemon and i found this crazy temple on top of this mountain it reminded me of kung fu panda where uh master shifu lived you guys remember this you know like master ube like my time has come no okay nevermind i guess no one knows i'm talking about let me know in the comments you guys do because if you do we could actually be like best friends i'm not even kidding [Music] if you guys want 200 days let me know in the comments because it would be really cool building an entire city or i guess it's like a town i don't know i don't know any freaking geometry but anyways on day 71 to 73 i just wanted money for some materials all day and all night so i can expand the apricot form because i was sick of getting pokemon all day so i want to do some building [Music] sadly i didn't have any leaves to spice up the building like what i always use but this is what i ended up with then my friend vitek was telling me to get home quick and his ice cream comb evolved into a two-headed ice cream cone the very next day we found a massive collectible just chilling like right outside her base keep saying collectible it's clefable but just fun saying cleft able you know nevermind but we threw a whole bunch of ultra balls trying to get it because he was massive he reminded me of my actual size in real life and we finally ended up catching him with a regular pokeball we ran a couple blocks later and we found a shiny hitmonchan another fighting monkey and he was shiny and we actually caught him let's go we got our first shiny of the video i think i got too confident with my new pokemon so i challenged a random player and he had an articuno and he just completely destroyed me but this is when it starts getting crazy in the video we had absol just spawn right in front of our base like he's in our base and he looked so cool he was a boss so i tried fighting him for jokes and he was level 69 which was even better but he obviously destroyed me but it was fun fighting my first ever boss and it gets even crazier we found even more bosses and more giant pokemon all around our base we found my very first charizard and it looks so cool just seeing him in the distance and i tried finding his aerodactyl and he clapped me but it was all good because it was just so cool seeing him then a couple minutes later we actually found a legendary or a shiny charizard that was black i have no idea what if it's a shiny or legendary i have no idea but he was black and he looked so cool and i just knew i need to capture him because he was a charizard look at him and he tried flying away from me so i threw another ultra ball at it and he broke out again i threw another one and i captured him i got my first ever shiny let's go and everyone in chat was just saying gg to me and it was pretty cool i felt like i was popular for once and i had to say goodbye to the original and giant charizard that was flying away from me he didn't want me to capture him and the second i got home amethyst challenged me to a duel and i already had so much faith in my charizard and i completely destroyed his pokemon i finally won a battle and we looked outside and we found another boss like they're just chilling everywhere i don't even want to try to pronounce this guy's name because it's just way too hard but he just destroyed me too and at least i don't look as bad as this boss because he just looks disgusting but with my new best friend charizard i went around the entire world just killing every single pokemon i can find and i ran into a raikou oh my god so i gave my friend the master ball because he was the one that actually summoned it and my friend collected him up let's go we got another awesome pokemon now we have a charizard and a raiku i think we might have a chance to actually beat the first rock gym and with the raiku my friend was trying to pull in some ladies at the spawn and he was doing a pretty good job until she got unimpressed and ran away and as we were trading some pokemon the bulldog evolved and he turned into some mr krabs looking kind of guy he doesn't look anything like mr krabs but that's the first thing that came in my head and i had to challenge my friend one more time with the raiku because i just love beating him and it's so much fun if you guys want to try it out join the server all the information is in the description below and come collect some pokemon and ruin your friendships i then use the slash wonder trade command to trade a random pokemon for a random one in return hoping i would get like a rayquaza or something but i got this ugly guy he's just a big bug and then i voted for the server to get free money and a free voki and hopes to get some rare candies to level up a pokemon to beat that ugly mcdonald's worker at the first gym so after voting for like 30 seconds i did slash warp crates and i started gambling and i got the rare candies i wanted got three i then got some quick balls i got another three rare candies and i got n crystals i have no idea what the end crystals do but we just sold them for money and then my friend helped me change all the moves for all my pokemon so we were ready to beat the first gym and then we ran into another shiny called a car call like carl a carlito i'm not sure but i want to capture him just because his name was yellow and i ended up capturing him in about three tries i just wanted a full shiny leg lineup and then i looked up and i found a boss a sparrow he was green and he looked pretty cool so i tried throwing my balls at it and i kept missing but the third time's a charm and i finally caught him and i completely destroyed it with my charizard man i love this guy so much and to be completely ready for the gym battle i went to the eevee training again and tried leveling up the evs for my cleft able and then one of my leaf pokemons turned into a bigger leaf pokemon i don't even remember his name his name is victory bell i don't know but he's kind of ugly look at his eyes and even boss is spawning the eevee training which is awesome so i started fighting this boss and he actually kind of destroyed me i did not expect that but having them spawn in the ev trainings must level up your pokemon a ton so this was an awesome feature to have only if you can kill him that is because i didn't even kill him with six pokemon and i almost killed him but he was at like a quarter of a health it's probably because i don't know like which move to use so i healed my pokemon again and fought him and then i killed him let's go i just click around and moves man i don't even know what i'm doing but after eevee training on day 90 we were back for my room hello before we do this go to spawn i i guess we're not back after we changed the moves around that spawn and we were all prepared we went right into battle we actually had a chance this time the trainer kept switching on his pokemon and we actually ended up doing a ton of damage to their pokemon we almost killed their aerodactyl and we almost killed her cradley and then he spawned in this giant t-rex like what what what the hell is this this is even considered a pokemon is it this is from the jurassic world and then he slapped me with his tail and he insta killed a mind shoe and i i i omit defeat he defeated me and i thought it was time to quit but in good news there was a boss outside the base so i fought it and actually ended up killing him and killing the boss gave me a keystone to choose from and i was going to choose the wristband but i had to go with the shades and look at look how stupid i look look at me look at me like my head is so big and to match with the mlg shades i had to make some rocket armor and i look pretty stupid actually and just take a look at all these death beacons man we get so stressed playing we just jump off the cliff every time and there's at least like 10 in there and the owner actually came on to give us a gift and it starts working on him oh my god is that really phantom oh my god oh my god yeah we were pretty excited to see him but i opened the shulker box in the chests and he hooked us up with a crazy present he gave us like 10 stacks of rare candies so many stacks of tokens a stack of master balls and even 10 overkill keys i then checked my pokemons and he gave us crazy pokemons all level hundreds and even gave me a level 100 rayquaza so i quickly removed my entire lineup and i brought in the new refresh let's go and then i gave away my poopy armor to a random e girl at spawn i hope you enjoyed the junk then we spent day 92 just upgrading all the moves and all the pokemon that i got and here's a showcase of all my pokemons i got the raikou the charizard the monkey looking guy and even this black mamba and this is a custom skin that the server gave me he looks so sick and so cold he reminds me a little bit about kobe bryant let's get a rip kobe in the comments real quick but anyways you know i had to make the rayquaza the biggest size ever so i made him a ginormous i put him down and he just massive oh my he looks so cool and then i gave him a kiss on the cheek but this is what he looks like he looks so sick in black too then i turned on one of his moves and turned him into a mega and just look at him he looks even better now jeez only took me 92 days to get this no problem just found him in the wild and i jumped on his back and started riding him and it felt like i was in a how to train your dragon movie i went from a level 40 mega gnome to a level 100 ginormous rayquaza i then right clicked all the tokens he gave me so it goes into my inventory and my balance i then took all my rare candies and started leveling up my pokemon so i'll be ready to defeat the first ever gym which is kind of sad to say to be honest from day 95 to 98 i decided to start opening my crates i 10 overkill keys and i was so ready i'm pretty sure each one of these crate keys are like 20 bucks so i was expecting something awesome but wow i was not expecting so much good stuff each crate that opened gave me even more keys to open more crates and i got even more stuff i ended up getting this winter wonder pickaxe which is a 1.6 percent unbreaking 50 and efficiency 15 that is pretty crazy and as i open more and more crates i got more and more keys and it was pretty crazy the entire server's chat was just going nuts because the entire chat was being filled with me opening crates for like 20 minutes they kept sitting in chat like did this dude spend his entire rent money on keys but i did and i'm getting a random legend and i got the kirium i think it's called and bro he's just so sick and i'm just gonna fast forward all of this crate opening stuff because i'm sure you guys don't want to see me opening a whole bunch of stuff for like 10 minutes but i did get another random and i got a victini and he looked like an upgraded like 2024 version of a pikachu and then i got one more random legend in the christmas crates and i got the best pokemon ever the marsh shadow just because he's so small look how cute he is i thought he would be ginormous but he's so puny then i got one more random legend and this is probably the most iconic pokemon ever i remember this pokemon as a kid i got the lugia i remember my cousins when i was like 10 years old always talking about the lugia i think another random legend but this one was shiny and he was even smaller so i just started working on them i'm not sure why but fast forwarding all of this opening stuff i typed in chat the first person you type subscribe to a cookie god will get a free overkill key and overkill key is around 20 dollars so this guy said it and i gave it to him and i felt so bad because everybody in chat was flaming him because they got beat and they couldn't get the key from me but then he opened it and he got two more overkill keys he just duplicated them i swear these are so worth it and i have one more key left so open it hoping i'll get something crazy but i got 1500 tokens that is so amazing then on day 99 i used all my rare candies to upgrade the new pokemon i got and then i checked my ender chest and they completely filled my under chest with more tokens i checked all my pokemon's ivs and they were all at 31 so i was ready to get my revenge on the first gym the ugly mcdonald's boy migrant ninja and the cradley were in an intense battle i did some damage to him and then cradley did way more damage back to me and he ended up killing me somehow i then sent out my kyrum to try to get my revenge on the cradley but then they switched out and actually ended up killing the next pokemon ronald mcdonald then sent over his aerodactyl but ended up killing him because he was no match for my pokemon i then sent out the big boy the rayquaza i put him on mega evolution and killed his ugly pokemon then he spawned in the t-rex with his butt facing me and i just completely wiped him out then ronald mcdonald's tyranitar wiped out my rayquaza luckily for me i had two pokemon left i used drain punch and i killed the last pokemon and i won the gym battle let's go it only took me 100 days to beat ronald mcdonald himself his big nose was no match for my big ego but anyways thank you all so much for watching this video if you guys want to play pixelmon everything will be in the description below this server is pixelmon realms and i had so much fun playing if you guys are new here please subscribe and i'll see you guys on day 300 on one block minecraft [Music] you
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 4,162,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft pixelmon, we spent 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, i spent 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, 100 days, 100 days in pixelmon, 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, pixelmon, pokemon in minecraft, pixelmon 100 days, pixelmon 100 days duo, duo pixelmon 100 days, duo 100 days in pixelmon, we spent 100 days in minecraft pixelmon duo, we survived 100 days in minecraft pixelmon, we survived 100 days in pixelmon, 100 days in pixelmon minecraft, minecraft pokemon, pokemon minecraft
Id: UosoE8aS-p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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