I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft PIXELMON... This is What Happened

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hey everyone thanks for wanting to check out my 100 days in pixelmon series this will be done on the pocket pixel server so all of the links in the description will be down below on how to get there okay let's jump into the video now day one when i first spawned in on the server i immediately noticed the graphic banners in the hub i then dashed to the pixelmon blue branch of the server right clicked on it and was greeted with a screen to select my starter pokemon i wanted a pseudo legendary and decided on beldum and it turned out to be shiny now officially in the blue server i found that using slash rtp will be my main way to get out into the field and catch some pokes my friend waddle and i wanted to explore the spawn area more though and we quickly saw all of the mystery crates that the server had available the ones that i checked inside seemed to give a lot of cool pokemon as potential drops which made me excited to see what i would be able to spot on the server from there i checked my inventory and put on my running shoes which gave me speed boost some other things of note in my inventory were a bunch of rare candies some diamond items a bunch of wood various tiers of pokeballs including one master ball and a crate key we did slash rtp chose the flower forest biome and got teleported to the beginning of our adventure right away i was greeted by a ladybug in the sky as well as some man-made structures in the area you see on this server you can actually go into the wilderness and build in order to make your own little community so that's 100 what one of my goals was i sent out my beldum to bask in its grace and saw that its full name was beldum the chosen one i then read the server's rules by doing slash rules and immediately proceeded to try and take someone else's apricorns from someone's farm but they were server protected so their owner could be the only ones to pick them i saw chikorita in the area and knew that i needed to beef up my beldum a bit so i used the rare candies provided to me and kinda went a little crazy boosting him up to level 17 for some reason by that point chikorita was already gone though so i went into the wilderness and got some more apricorns at night i found his arua and had my first battle all belgium knew was tackle but zarua didn't stand a chance against it i won the match ready for the next one on day two i ran right into a charmander i just knew that i needed to catch it even if i wasn't planning on using it for too long so i challenged this fire type with my steel type after weakening it a bit i chucked a great ball at it and it was mine next i ran into a jiang mo-o and even though i knew this pokemon's catch percentage is extremely low due to catching it in the actual games i went for it anyways i threw plenty of balls at it but it just kept busting out over and over i burned through so many of the balls that i had trying to catch this boy but in the end i just gave up on him and defeated him instead and then tried to swim in lava but nothing happened at night while chasing an abra i fell into a hole and needed to mind my way out i then went back to throwing the ball at the abra and that thing just dipped after that i met up with waddle who suggested that we live underground but i said that i didn't really want to in this area i found a drift loon and i tried to catch it but completely failed when it proceeded to destroy my entire team on day 3 i learned about daily quests and rewards by doing slash dailies i redeemed my day 1 reward and got even more rare candies i then used a growth token that i got and i guess it made my beldum size gigantic i'm honestly not too sure but i kind of want to believe that my boy is big and strong thanks to that thing i then returned to the spawn and headed towards the pokemon center while healing i saw that i was lagging behind waddle who now had five different pokemon we then returned to the wilderness but this time i found myself in an icy biome around it was also a strange building with a tree inside but i couldn't get inside of it in the ice area i battled and caught a swine up and now with my third pokemon added to my growing family i was feeling good on day four waddle and i found victory road which had famed trainers like supreme homer and santa claus we made it to the first elite four area and found four ultra space portals clustered up in the area later on while running around i randomly got a bed after not finding much in the area that i was at i tried going to the ocean biome but quickly regretted it and went to the jungle instead waddle and i wanted to make a jungle house but with evidence that another person's house was in the area we decided against it in the trees were a lot of purloin and manky which i wasn't too interested in so we left the area we returned to the cold and i tried to battle a snorer since frostlast is one of my favorite pokemon but when i saw that it wasn't a female i didn't really feel like getting it since i didn't really want a glaily on day five i found another snore run but when i saw that it was a male i ran away this time from there i decided that i wanted to find a place to settle down so that became my main mission on day six this search continued through the morning as it poured down rain i was determined to find a spot to set up this channel's little community on the server i really wanted a place where all of you who are watching could come and chill as well that night i spotted a skarmory and thought about catching it but went for a nearby rookery instead because i like its final evolution corbinate more on day seven abra was back to playing games i chased it around the forest chucking ball after ball at it and it teleported away the game was silly at first but after making a nice long throw it finally decided to stay in i then found myself in a mesa biome where i spotted new faces like ponyard and bagon my eyes were mostly on the bagon obviously but eventually my attention was grabbed by the sizzlip that was in the area i mean it has sizzle in the name so of course i needed it on my team unfortunately baegon despawned shortly after however not too far down the line i found a shiny spinorack and caught it right away luckily this was a very easy catch by night i found a place for my house in the tiger biome that i slash rtp'd to and i began working on it the flattening of the area continued into day 8. eventually this led to putting down the outline of my house and digging out the floor this house making process ended up taking the rest of the day on day 19 i found a timber that i decided to battle i tried using sizzlep to battle it but a quad effect of rock throw really threw me for a loop i decided that i'd catch this pokemon as a replacement for one of my current party members i soon saw a rock rough as well chucked the ball at it and it was mine back at work at my house i made some chests and put them down which triggered an effect that now made this small area belong to me i wondered if putting down other chests somewhere else would also have the same effect but it didn't after reading the grief protection book that was in my inventory when i first got onto the server i found that my ticket to claiming stuff was the golden shovel that i also spawned with unfortunately i was speed reading and i didn't really know what was going on so i did a poor job at marking my territory when i finished off my house on day 10 i showed off my coordinates for all those that are watching this video right now that's right i'm talking about you when i was done showing off how to get to my place i went around and collected some apricorns in the area while out there i spotted a giant bridge in the sky which i made a mental note of to get back to then i found a level 50 pilot swine and decided that i had to catch it so i went for it and did just that i also caught him a wreath because why not back at the pokemon center at spawn at day 11 i switched out my team for these strong pokes that i had caught on day 12 i realized that i lost my house because i'm dumb and i didn't set it as my home on my journey back to it i found a rowlet and when i tried to catch it it said nah and left i tried catching an araqua nid next but he dipped too eventually i found a nice little community tucked neatly into a small area i found it made me really want for more people to move close to my house so we could have something similar going on i did slash rtp to try to teleport closer to my house but it still wasn't very close so i kept going on foot in the direction of my house's coordinate i ended up running into some nice pokes on the way like seismitoad charger bug and crawdant but my mind was on getting home so i just kept going my mission continued on day 13 but my one track mindedness was broken by a shiny sentrit that i found i got too excited and fell off some blocks that i was on and when i got back up the sentry entered a tree and never came back out i completely lost it at night my journey brought me back to the giant tree structure from before but that really didn't help me much at this point i rolled the slash rtp dice again on day 14 and this time the tiger biome still teleported me far away luckily i found a lavatory in the area i was transported to and captured it that honestly made me feel a lot better while swimming through the ocean on day 15 i found a lapras and i knew it had to be mine it was level 50 so i wondered how difficult it would be but it wasn't too bad at all after that i finally did it i found my house waddle came over shortly after and the two of us celebrated by trying to figure out how to properly use the golden shovel i found out that he could enter my house through one of the two doors so that means that anyone else could as well waddle and i ended up reviewing the grief protection book on day 16 which led us to messaging one of the moderators on the server for help the person i messaged quickly responded back on how to fix my issue which was to do slash abandoned claim in the areas i had claimed with the golden shovel while figuring this out we found a shiny teddy ursa which needed to be caught afterwards i did as instructed abandon all of my claims on my house and proceeded to pick a singular area that would be protected as my area on day 17 i found a grubbin that had a weird fire effect around it after catching it i found that it was seemingly part of the poke hunt aspect of the server which the chat said that it didn't really look like it was the right one this is when i realized that the feature on the server was kind of like a scavenger hunt thing i guess which was kind of cool i really did like all the variety and the different things that this server offered i then set my home so now all i had to do was use slash home to teleport there from anywhere we went back to the spawn on the next day and used waddle's crate key on the rare crate and it gave him a rare item called the gender token i stayed in the spawn after this and saw that the server had gym leaders to challenge who were actual people on the server they also had a battle tower where you could battle at any time we then went to the pokemart at spawn and looked around waddle decided that this would be a good spot to evolve some of our pokemon so i went home got some rare candies and evolved my beldum into him a tank waddle and i then took turns evolving our stuff and i soon had a metagross while waddle had a grim snarl next i evolved my sizzlopede into a center scorch on day 19 i used my new scented scorch to catch my own impedimph i wanted to try out the battle tower for myself so that's where i headed to next after finding myself dominating the first two rounds quite easily i then got to the third round and i saw that my team's lack of experience and the bare bones move sets that they had because i hadn't been working on them too much wasn't going to cut it against the mimikyu who sweeps my entire team on day 20 i tried to challenge a gym leader who ended up being the same person who helped me with my house situation unfortunately i don't know if i was doing the challenge thing correctly because even though it said that i was part of the queue it also said that i took too long and that the challenge was canceled from there i thought that i should battle a few pokes to train up mine so i spent the rest of the day doing that day 21 started off with a nice surprise a level 50 toga kiss was in the area and i really wanted to have it on my team anything to boost up my party's power honestly it took a few tries but togekiss joined the team not long after noting that i was running low on pokeballs i flattened an area near my house and decided that this would be my apricorn farm don't mind the hoe that i'm using for some reason i thought that i would need it to plant them but eventually i learned that that wasn't the case after planting all the colors that i had i marked the area as well and it now only belongs to me the following day i was already seeing some apricorn trees growing once again i showed off my coordinates in case you all wanted to come join me on my adventure in this server by making a house close to mine and then i labeled my own house just so that you truly know it is mine from there i went and found a nearby cave entrance and began to mine i feel like i said mine a bunch of times in that little bit but anyways it was about time to get some minerals so i can craft some pokemon based items my adventure in the cave actually led me down to an abandoned mine i just said mine again oh my goodness i went strip mining for two whole days while down in the depths of this land that led me to discovering a bunch of minerals including diamonds i also found a jutagon down there and since it was level 50 i caught it when i had my fill of my time down there i then worked my way out i returned home on day 25 and smelted up some of my gathered oars then i went out and battled some togethers in the area because they drop aluminum plates which is something that i would definitely need for crafting pokemon based items like healers and pcs finally the last thing that i did on day 25 was i caught a noibat at night and made an anvil so i could use it to make pokeballs in the future with my apricorns now it was time to finally see what was in the rare crate when i went and opened up the rare crate for myself i ended up landing on a fly token which allows me to fly for three days but with other crazy possibilities in the crate i was really excited what else i could see but first i need to show you what i've been up to from there i went back to the area around my house and battled the shanatic with the goal of catching it but i ended up defeating it instead out in that forest whenever i saw toggle to maru i took the chance to farm aluminum plates off of them at night i saw pupitar and even though i already owned a larvitar i decided that i wanted to catch it the next day i worked on my apricorn farm a bit and then went home and crafted a healer with the materials i had gathered i then ran to the sand near my house and even though i saw a surf skit which was part of the poke hunt event i ended up defeating it and got my sand after that i proceeded to smelt it all while i went out and farmed more pokemon in the area including volbeat because they dropped glowstone dust which was needed for the next thing that i was gonna craft back at my house i put all the items together and i had a pc ready to place down my apricorn garden was looking good the following morning as i filled out the remaining empty spots i also needed pokeballs so i used the apricorns on my anvil to make some more outside of my house i also stumbled upon a lykan rock which i decided to go for and caught it next up was a haunter who quickly became mine as well back home i healed up my pokes and then looked at all the different ones in my pc this led me to checking outside for any others to add to the family and i found a level 60 ursaring just chilling outside of my place on day 29 i thought about how this server hadn't allowed me to build a boat for the water so i tried to swim on my lapras and it actually worked really well i then shifted my focus to my toga kiss and i was soon flying through the air this allowed me to go over to the bridge that i had seen previously which ended up being much longer than i had assumed it would be even with my enhanced speed for my pokemon's flight it took a while but at the end of it there were just a few healers and pcs at spawn i ended up catching a level 50 galvantula and at the gym warp i found a gabby who gave me the hardest time no ball i threw would even shake at all before it busted out so i had to weaken it even further and that did the trick the next day the same mod who helped me with the house claiming issue showed me how to set a warp to my house's location so now anyone who gets on the server can get here easily i do want to go ahead and showcase people's homes like the user rachel b is hot who made a house overlooking mine by day 31 on the opposite side of rachel b's house is the house belonging to the user penguin qt who actually built it right at the warp location that i made so if you do use the warp you're going to get in front of their house first i do want to give a special thank you to all of the people who have already joined in on the fun anyways from there we went on to the gym warp and looked around there we saw pretty nice looking structures as we ran around the area our journey looking around the area went on to the next morning as we eventually made it to the area with the ground gym it looked quite cool inside honestly all of this was making me actually want to challenge jim though so i tried it out and this time i was rejected for not having level 25 pokemon i should have definitely read the rules prior to going headfirst in there so that was 100 my fault i went back home and evolved my timber while in the process of readying my team for the next time i challenged the gym outside of my house on day 33 i saw a guy named soldier zero but he was unfortunately afk after that i noticed that penguin qt left me a chest full of goodies and when i opened it it had so many good things i was honestly stacked if you're watching this penguin i really appreciate the gifts they helped me out a ton on day 34 i wanted to show my buddy waddle how i can fly now but for some reason my mamo swine kept popping out of its ball i decided to give it some attention due to this i warped over to the movie learner and using the abundance of diamonds that penguin qt graciously bestowed upon me i taught my pylo swine the move ancient power with a singular rare candy i was then able to get my boy to evolve into a mammal swine that night while frolicking through the forest i found a shiny pacharisu and caught it i then decided that maybe i should look into doing more quests with one that really caught my eye being the one that said to catch an ice type the reason is because it said that it would give me a master ball after completing it the weird part though was that it's said to catch zero ice types the following day even though i knew it was probably a glitched out quest i still had my hopes up for seeing that master ball but once i caught an ice type and nothing happened i just carried on next up was the quest to break 15 stone blocks it was only at this point that i realized that i had a mythic pickaxe with efficiency 8 on breaking 8 fortune 4 and mending penguin qt really hooked me up the stone stood no chance later on i found more structures deep in the snowy area but that didn't really lead to much i then ran into a magneton that i caught and a berserker that followed suit waddle had me teleport to him on day 36 to look at a house he found this led to us going around finding a lot more player-made structures in the area some of which really confused us i was still trying to complete my next quest which meant encountering plenty of ghost types to defeat and eventually that brought us to a savannah biome which ended up being the player shop warp where people on the server can go and open stores and sell items i found a scyther in this area and decided to catch it on day 37 we saw a neat structure of sylveon's pixel art and discovered a really long bridge that we followed all the way down eventually we got to a nifty little area that seemed like a daycare area with its own battle arena after leaving this area at night i caught a home edge the following day i flew up to a spot waddle was interested in and when i got there some poke spawned in but i didn't really care much about them at night though i was still trying to defeat ghost types and i took it out on a dusk skull in the area but the next day rolled around i had mostly given up on the ghost type hunt and went after a larvesta instead since i kind of like volcarona more than i like santa scorch unfortunately this thing was constantly dodging everything i threw at it or busting out of the ball so i had to battle it but accidentally killed it by the next morning though i found another larvesta and my hunt actually paid off i then flew into ultra space with hopes of finding something cool in there but honestly this other dimension felt so strange to traverse through and i didn't really get much done there i made it back to my house the next day and at night i caught clefable to have a strong fairy type lined up for me to use if the opportunity called for it day 42 saw me chasing after a shiny wingle for an extremely long amount of time it was super elusive by simply non-stop flying in a singular direction and even though i got it into a pokeball a few times i never caught it the rest of the day involved me just kind of running around and laughing at a tiny machoke on day 43 the user verizo boy had joined in on the community fund by having set up a base around my house i was super happy to see and interact with him and then he told me that he had caught a hakamoto specifically for me after seeing my failed attempt at catching a jangmo o we went to the upper level of the pokemon center at spawn over to the trading machines and i traded my swine up for the newest member of the family thanks again to the rhizo boy for the new friend next to rhizo's house was also the property of taco 25 molina 175 and even though i didn't see them i wanted to feature their house in the video that night i battled the battle tower again but this time i didn't make it as far as the first time i managed to just barely scrape out a win in the first round and by the second my team was kind of destroyed day 44 saw light to some new dailies which i really wanted to complete this time they wanted me to make a cloning machine catch 10 dark types and defeat 29 grass types with my goals in mind i made some great balls and headed out i knew the jungle would be the place to go thanks to seeing the purloined at night here before so i spent the night catching as many as i could to complete the dark type quest this mission went on into the morning where i caught the final purloin of the night and moved my sights to the carvana in the area since they're also dark type pokemon after catching those i saw that i only needed two more dark types but even when flying around on togekiss i couldn't find any my search went on into the night when purloin began spawning again which allowed me to finish one of my three quests i then moved on to the quest of defeating grass types and started with an execute in the area the next day opened up with more grass types being defeated by me and before long this led me to want to change scenery a bit so i moved over to the battle road which hosted many of the same grass-type pokemon that i had been seeing up until this point i ended up spending the rest of my quest defeating them here in this area and by day 47 i had finished yet another quest with only one more to go that one quest was to make a cloning machine though knowing that i'd need a lot of materials i headed down into the depths of a nearby cave and took what i could find i gathered up materials for a bit and since i knew the crafting recipe for the cloning machine thanks to looking it up i was able to gather enough for what i wanted to accomplish i went back home and started putting all the pieces together sort of like a puzzle this thing was really weird to make come together then when i was about halfway i went out and caught an extra drill near my place on day 48 i looked around for more toga tomorrow in the area since i needed more aluminum plates but i didn't find enough to satisfy my requirements so i did some research and found that boxy or something i had collected in the cave would turn into aluminum ingots when smelted and then i just need to beat it with a hammer to turn it into a plate i set my new clothing machine down and redeem my quest oh and another house had appeared so thanks to dz cloudier or cloutier dz claudia i'm not too sure for moving in as well now back to the crates i went ahead and tried my luck four more times and got a magnesium sulfide slugma which made it look like it was some cool white silver color but it was the next one that was really a big deal i got a thundurus in a crate literally called the racing thunder crate i think that's probably pretty good after that my last two were a shiny tauros and a shiny halucha again but my excitement was all on the thunderous i got obviously on day 49 i was invited to go to the house of a vip member on the server named it spurts yt to participate in five different games that could win me some valuable prizes on the server this endeavor carried on into the next day after setting things up he had me take part in the first game the rule was simple hit the button and whatever it lands on i get on my first try i got the 1 in 16 chance of winning a shiny pokemon and i chose to get a shiny wishy-washy off of the prize board the next game was even simpler i could wager anything and if i chose the right color that would glow i'd get to double it i wanted to play it safe so i chose one diamond and put it on the color blue which i got right and got rewarded with another diamond for winning the third game was quite different from the first two though i had to shoot an arrow into a hole that i couldn't see on top of a structure that was in front of me luckily spurts let me shoot to my heart's content and i finally made it after like 37 shots or something this won me yet another shiny pokemon and i chose zubat this time which fun fact was my second shiny that i ever got and my first one was actually a goal bat so right in the same family the next game was really interesting in that if you hit the button there was a smaller and smaller chance that a light would travel up to the top prize a rainbow crescelia but anything that it stopped on on the way there was what it would dispense out to me he said i would have 20 tries to try to get a really good prize but as you can see by all the balls in my inventory we went a little past 20. more like way past 20 actually finally after that we had the last game which allowed for me to have the ability to get a really strong starter pokemon if i won this one was a little complex so basically if all of the lights with gems light up there's a chance that the rare candy light will also light up and if that one lights up then there's another chance that i would get rewarded with a starter pokemon basically it was like a one out of two chance for each of these lights to light up or something like that spurts explained that at the end of it all it was a one in 64 chance to actually get the pokemon luckily i did end up winning and i got a score bunny which apparently is so broken it's banned in the first eight gyms of the server i then evolved it and was super grateful to spurts for the awesome experience i discovered a circuitry around an ultra beast portal on day 51 and i definitely didn't want to lose out on that opportunity luckily i had my thundurus on me so i was able to weaken it and catch it as i roam the icelands the next morning i found a vanillish which i caught and then i found the boy here comes the boy [Music] hello boy welcome [Music] after that i kept walking and i found him [Music] on day 53 i had gotten absolite and blaziken knight from penguin qt and i just want to say thank you again penguin qt for everything that you've given me from there though i found a squirtle in the area and i caught it i then went to an extreme hills biome to get an absolute but i wasn't able to find one searching all night so someone on the server named angu just gifted me one special shout out to angu wanting to mega evolve it i took it to the battle tower and did just that i actually wanted to try and climb this tower but quickly lost during the first match because i'm trash on the following day i got a bunch of presents from members of our community first was from raijin who had left me some quick balls which are actually my favorite type of pokeballs in general i also got a present from king cross or crosby heart who had left me an abundance of apricorns which would definitely come in handy for ball making and finally there was furious spiders who left me minerals and potions alongside other little trinkets and stuff i really want to give a special thanks to all three of you because all of these presents always make me feel so happy to see i quickly took the apricorns over and smelted them up because i needed to make some ultra balls due to wanting to complete a quest where i needed to catch 17 bug type pokemon i then spent the rest of the night making the equipment necessary on day 54 i noticed that one of the things furious spider had left me was a request for my signature so i went over to the anvil that they left and fulfilled the request i also opened their letter after that which said hi and well hi furious spider i hope you're doing well the rest of the day revolved around my bug catching quest in which i went around my forest catching as many as i could find after that was more of the same the entire day was spent going around catching all of the creepy crawlies that i could finally by day 56 my quest was complete and i was able to get my reward a master ball from there i thought it was about time i hit up another one of those limited time crates that this server has to offer i had five more keys this time for the desert sun crate so i went ahead and rolled and got a summer snorlax things were looking good already so i spun again and got a spirit flareon which made it a cool black color after that i spun three more times and unfortunately luck wasn't on my side anymore because i just ended up getting three more summer snorlaxes or maybe that was lucky i mean i guess me and my boys are just gonna have to hit up the beach at some point once i was done there i noticed an announcement about amungus having a sus form at the safari for one week only so i rushed there but i kind of lost track of what i was doing soon afterward the next day started and i was back at the spawn hub which was noticeably more spooky to fit the halloween vibes i jumped back onto the blue server and was once again at the safari i took the time to just look around the area and eventually spotted a salamance which i decided to catch with the master ball that i had gotten from my previous quest still exploring the safari zone by the next day i went over to the hell area and a few others but by far the most interesting thing that i saw was the fact that i i think i found shrek on day 59 i went over to the nether and looked around to see if i could find anything crazy unfortunately i didn't find anything too cool besides a bisharp and i wasn't even interested in it so i didn't end up catching it day60 rolled around and i thought it was about time that i'd try to challenge a gym again and actually get some results i challenged one of the server's rock type gym leaders who was actually none other than spurts himself my team was just a bunch of pokemon that i had leveled up who would be good against rock types but they didn't really have any tailor-made move sets through tmz or the relearner or anything which directly contrasted with what i figured my opponent would have going into this i figured that these gym leaders would have full-on strategies that synchronized their team play and oh boy i was right a sunny day led to an explosion which led to a hidden power and a solar beam and that was enough to wipe me out spurts then took me to the training area at spawn to evolve my girder which i greatly appreciated the next day as i wallowed in the rain after my defeat i thought i'd go ahead and fill up my pokedex a bit more i was really close to having one tenth of the way done which would give me a reward so that's what i shot for while out there i also went ahead and looked at tms but i was soon reminded that i had very little money on this server and i'm not too sure how to really get money easily i went back to catching after that and eventually reach my goal which got me three more master balls on day 62 i went to the battle tower again and ended up spending a really long time here because i was kind of just goofing around in the voice chat with my friend waddlevania while i battled these trainers but on top of that i also had my longest streak at this place going into motion battle after battle i kept coming out on top which was really surprising it got to the point where the enemy teams were even reappearing which meant that i must have probably battled just about everyone there i ended up winning 11 times in a row by the end the next three days were spent finally making a place for waddle to live he had been at my house for far too long and i was kicking him out and making him a house on day 68 i went down into the nearby cave system and found a dratini which was caught with another master ball at this point i saw how it wasn't too difficult to get these type of balls so i felt comfortable using it i then used my crazy pickaxe to go to town down there i collected anything i could find and thanks to the fortune enchantment on it my loot was crazy i returned to wattle's place on the following day and dropped off my spoils at his house as a housewarming present i then went back to the safari zone to look for the sussia mungus again this led to me looking around as i saw fungus and other mushroom pokemon spawning but i couldn't find my boy day 70 came rolling around and unfortunately that was that i wasn't able to find the little sussibaka so i quit my search but i vowed to see one one day on day 71 i found a new area near my house a person named a7aoe on yt had stayed up for eight and a half hours working on this area so i do want to give them a huge shout out for their contribution to our lands they had built both a regular home and a pokemon center area which i thought was super neat i believe he also left me some items but i can't find that footage so uh thanks for that as well early in the next morning i also saw that a username odls had marked their home in the area as well on their home was also a sign telling everyone to subscribe and i mean odles might have a good idea there i'm just saying if y'all want to subscribe i think we should all listen to odles after that i went to ryjen's house just to apologize for taking his aerodactyl you see he had one of those fossil stations in his house and his house was just open for some reason and i went inside of there and without even knowing what i was doing i kind of just right clicked and stole it i didn't even have it on footage so i'm just sorry raijin i also saw that someone had left me some aluminum but they didn't mark their chest with a sign so just know that i appreciate you whoever you are finally i ended up the day by making a carrot farm because spurts had informed me that they were a good way of making money on the server so he had provided me with a few to start off my little business with the night of day 73 i found myself an infernape and you already know that i had to catch that monkey boy sure i already had the op cinder race on my team but it wouldn't hurt to have another final evolution fire starter in my arsenal the morning of day 74 i saw a rayquaza flying through the sky i began to panic because i didn't have any pokeballs on me and i was afraid that the server was going to purge it in the amount of time that it would take me to get back to my house and then run all the way back honestly narration wouldn't even do this part justice so here's what i was going through in the moment i don't have any balls for real you don't get no master balls no i don't have them on me i'm scared no wait come back we're gonna get in get in the battle okay okay okay okay okay i'm gonna try i gotta i gotta pull out aerodactyl oh please don't purge what happened to the technic launcher did it delete itself again yo this aerodactyl so fast bro it is so crazy fast bro don't don't it hurt no it didn't oh wait try it please please please i got it okay okay send it to me got it i have it in the battle please come over then my game crashed and i needed to quickly get back in before he spawned give me my right quasar i'm done bro hang on get it how did i not get it between how do i fight this thing my dragon's going crazy how are you going to steal my pokeballs and then try to steal my poke i'm not i'm trying to get him oh i got it i got it i got it i got it going okay let me you should have dropped me the master ball instead of going straight for it you're like flying in the air right now i can't i think i'm glitched bro you see me please just get to the ground please just drop how am i gonna get you bro wait wait wait okay look at my screen that's not where i'm at look i'm right in front of your face on my screen so if i just drop it right here i hope please please it's not working i couldn't escape so that's cool right okay okay i escaped okay give me give me give me give me please thank you you got it uh yeah yeah i got it okay bro aerodactyl's dead no oh my gosh okay wait wait oh i might be close enough to just throw something at it no no no no yeah i got it okay okay okay okay come on let's go did you get it uh yeah buddy let's go finally the next day i showed off my new rayquaza to lost the locrian a gym leader on the server he seemed pretty enthralled with my toothless wonder i must say i then just kind of went around flying on it because of just how happy i was and i didn't really do much of anything else on that day on the night of day 76 though i found a boss beedrill and it was level 100. it is no surprise that it uh you know proceeded to sweep my entire team day 77 i saw that there were many different difficulties to the bosses after seeing that abbas aerodactyl was legendary ranking and a gengar in the area was epic rank i tried challenging the gengar but he was also level 100 so uh my team died again wanting to be able to fight these beasts i grabbed some rare candies and boosted my two tooth boy up to the max level oh and thanks to samariac for the title bell then i battle the level 130 heracross and i beat it with my rayquaza however i ended up challenging a hair across that was level 150 like bro after that defeat though i did find some boss b drills and i was able to take them out with my rayquaza which at least made me feel a little bit better after that i just kind of ran around seeing a bunch of bosses all over that i knew that i wouldn't be able to handle on day 78 after losing to a mega absolute boss i powered up my thundurus as well after seeing locrian again i hit up more of the loot crates on the server and while i did get a bunch of really interesting things by far the most important thing that i rolled from one of these crates was the sassy amungus yes that sasia mungus the one that i had been searching for the one that i vowed to see one day the following morning i tended to my carrot farm in order to finally make enough money on the server to actually do stuff with the money and my carrots had grown up nice and strong so it was time to use my crazy pig axis fortune ability to collect carrots by the truckload however kind of anticlimactically that's where my journey unfortunately concluded the next time that i got on i found out that the blue server that i played on was merged with a green and a yellow server and then they were reset because of this i was prompted to select a starter pokemon and start my journey over again unfortunately that happened before i could finish this 100 days series so what i really wanted to do was have the end of this video be sort of a tour around our lands to show off every single house and thank every single person that came and made the community what it was on you know just our little branch of the server i i wouldn't even call it a branch just our little dot on the server you know but i i was really like happy about the fact that all of you guys came through we had a whole community people were giving people items probably just me because you know i'm i'm sizzle games but you guys know what i'm saying i i really did enjoy every one of you guys getting on the server and making it a lot more fun so thank you to everyone that actually jumped on made a house next to mine and contributed in any way shape or form honestly thank you thank you thank you i really wish i could have thanked each one of you individually on this part of the video but unfortunately that is no longer the case so i just want to let you guys know that i really do appreciate every single one of you who did and hopefully i featured at least most of you in the videos i know that some of them aren't going to be featured in this and that's specifically because i just don't have the ability to go to that part of the server anymore just because it got reset so i just want to thank you all for this series and for making it fun and yeah i'm sorry that we didn't make it to 100 days but hopefully the next thing that we do will be a lot of fun as well so i hope you guys stay tuned for that thanks for watching see you later bye oh and shout out to adam wanderus again you are the real mvp and you already know why all right see ya
Channel: SizzleGames
Views: 357,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixelmon 100 days, 100 days pixelmon minecraft, I Survived 100 Days in pixelmon Minecraft... This is What Happened, minecraft pixelmon, 100 Days in pixelmon Minecraft, 100 days in pixelmon, pixelmon minecraft, pixelmon roleplay, minecraft pixelmon roleplay, pixelmon minecraft modpack, pixelmon minecraft roleplay, pixelmon 100 days minecraft, minecraft pixelmon 100 days, 100 days pixelmon, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 100 days survival, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days pokemon
Id: bWN-NrkDO-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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