We Survived 100 Days In Pixelmon Hardcore Nuzlocke

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hey everyone Jordan here and Welcome to our 100 day Pixelmon hardcore Nuzlocke here are the rules every Pokemon gets a nickname if a Pokemon faints we must release it forever and if we lose a battle we die and lose the challenge to make it even more difficult we cannot throw pokeballs outside of battle so we must enter a fight if we want to catch anything then as the days progress roaming Rivals may appear an attempt to end our career until finally at the end of The 100 days we must fight and defeat Ash's world championship team will either of us make it to day 100 let's find out you know it's kind of sad that this Wiglet here could end both of our Pokemon's lives and thus Our Lives as well it would destroy mine even quicker dude because I have a Fuego known as dead meat Doom dude that's what you named it are you planning for it to die no but I'm just getting ready for the realistic outcome of the show you're gonna die is what you're saying yeah it's very likely actually I went for a different naming scheme of his name is spinach and when you think about it during spinach gets you healthy it's a very healthy leafy vegetable it gives you iron that's for defense it will never die spinach is Invincible this is a marrow level five I can take that down right can I can I take that down leafage I did it brother also Jordan before we can buy Pokeballs or anything Professor Oak is blocking the way he also yelled at me earlier saying that we can't leave The Village at all until we defeat him am I allowed to grab this Pokeball on the ground no you're not oh no I almost got there go for wulu he behind you I cannot defeat that wulu it's level seven man that's but true Magikarp what level are you level six let's go this is definitely great training Jordan I actually leveled up first level congratulations also dude I have a message of encouragement as you begin your Nuzlocke Journey wow I can't wait thanks Zigzagoon since our journey begins in a coastal town Nick's able to find decent training for spinach maybe he's strong enough to defeat Oak I don't know how strong Oak is his level said something like five but I don't know what Pokemon he has you know it could be a level 5 Mewtwo you never know with Pokemon professors what's the next Professor gonna be I don't know how many trees are left uh no there are no more trees left Jordan what yeah they're gonna have to start naming them after like rocks is that because of global warming for once Jordan I I don't think so dude I might risk it on a wolf risk it you're level five I'm going to train up just a little bit more and then I will take down Professor Oak for the both of us yo will that work can you hold in the bay while I leave for sure yeah I am in the point of view of a Pokemon that is currently swimming what is going on this is so cool I think I'm a Magikarp right now oh no how did this happen he's finally lost his mind Jordan this is so peaceful though what I kind of want to become a Magikarp I've never wanted to before why is this so nice I want to become a fish this is fantastic Nick this is day one we haven't been going for like any time at all what was wrong with you well I leveled up so um I I ended the bow but I unironically was a fish there for a moment and I loved every second of it as happy as I am for you I'm also terrified for the coming days okay Jordan This Guy's level five I gotta level eight I can win right Jordan I can win also there's a pirate ship that's terrifying you shall not get the goods until you beat me Professor Oak villanoc oh whoa it's his villain Arc dude he's got an Eevee he's got an Eevee Jordan I'm gonna use uh lethage that's an evil Eevee be careful well evil Eevee is I I defeated it he is dead I'm gonna give him that letter that you threw on the ground yeah yeah I think that's more than reasonable well Jordan uh we can move on now yay let's see what we get oh wait we can't there's no reason to grab the revives at all they're actually worthless XP all though you can sell them though thank you for reminding me that's very nice of you hey XP on the left chest you definitely need it we finished claiming our treasure then move out from the starting town now equipped with medicine and miscellaneous pokeballs like quick balls bro that means I could hop into a battle with a level of 50 throw a quick ball and either my day is done or I win you only live once but how about you try to live your one time for a long time okay Jordan we're not here for a good time we're here for a long time right yeah Jordan can I defeat a mud prey level nine I think I should be able to put mud praise or randomly like really strong wait mudberries are randomly really strong I'm gonna catch it the quick ball is gonna catch it first try zero percent chance it doesn't unironically Jordan I'm not be kidding look at that look at that roll it's not gonna ever stop rolling until yeah there we go I've got a mud braid Jordan I'm so proud of you I will write on your tombstone he caught a mud Bray wait I'm not I'm not gonna die no I know well I mean you will no I mean not yet oh dude and now I can take down normal type Pokemon this puppy I couldn't take down earlier now I can double kick it into Oblivion so brutal yeah I like dude that we're power tripping on level twos Abra wait I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna try to catch this Abra I'm gonna like ball mainly because it's gonna teleport away and uh time is valuable but also because it's actually a hard Pokemon catch but I did catch it I'm not going to be using it until it's an Al exam I don't think also I need to name these Pokemon like ASAP bro I I didn't plan any further than day one I'm doing way better than everyone expected so Jordan we got donkey and then we got a Cutlery enjoyer the spoons count as Cutlery yeah I think it still counts it's great at cutting pudding sometimes you say a thing that should be stupid but is profound I don't know about profound but correct yeah I took down a century one hit it was level it's good man this is good easy that was proud Android bell sprout level two we're finally in the forest this is perfect for you oh I'm a light in a blaze oh okay just the Pokemon does that make it better that's what I thought you're going to do oh you know these are things that we're having to do but when said out loud it is very uh it sounds awful all we have to do is not say it out loud drop a like on the video [Music] it's pretty darn messed up day two I already have 12 level 100 let's go that's not true check this out dude I've got Tyranitar the app oh look how he rolls dude look how he rolls this is just making me sad because that Pokemon is going to faint at some point I'm sure of it now you see what's really gonna happen is I'm gonna send it out thinking that I actually have a Tyranitar and then realize that it's just an apple and then it will die then it will die it will die I kind of want to catch swallow I mean a uh what is the Pokemon actually called now Halo Halo sorry I have swallow friends IRL but actually it'd make me really sad if it died that's good I'll destroy some weedles in a symbolic fashion also physically bro my name is on point today you want to check out my talo Eagle MC tiger face look at it eagle mctagra face I won't pity you when you lose Eagle MCT tiger face is at one HP what Jordan you battled a mill tank you're not that bright also there's a village over there I don't think it's the one with I gotta watch this Jordan tennis is fine I use astonished because I'm so lucky though Jordan okay that the rollout missed why are you using withdraw because he'll never be able to kill me and then he will slowly burn to death tyranitor is dead I'm at 3 HP okay okay wait do I have potions I have potions I have potions you actually have potions I actually have potions let me use some of these super potion super potion why would you battle a melting to kill it you can use the tackle and you win you used another withdrawal I don't have tackle I have astonishing withdraw dude that's the only moves I have on this that was dumb Jordan oh Oswald that ends well right Nick no that was pretty bad it's not gonna lie my heart's a beating my hands are shaking and you're still withdrawing I'm still drawing wait this isn't where we started is it this really is yeah we're back home what oh man and I'm gonna potentially take this Quest over here he's gonna be like have you ever seen this legendary Pokemon may I hear me with the tail of a legendary Pokemon is that actually what he said ah legendary birds is cover all are fighting um I don't know if it's ice initially it's level 15. don't fight it dude fight someone your own side no he's bigger than me yes I already did find somebody my own size it was a milk tank it was a terrible idea okay Jordan I want you to fight someone smaller than you okay that's a good rule of life right I mean for a high win rate yeah it's never just fight people your own size it's fight people that maybe I shouldn't be saying this no you shouldn't be saying this Abra has bad EVS let me check his IVs real quick too oh no he's gonna die and I'm gonna feel less remorse than I should oh bad show Lads hey Nick brother I got my first casualty already Eagle mactographist is fantastic oh could you do this what did you battle why I thought I could two-shot it and it turns out it could two shot me instead of course it could you was wing attack your best move look at my man like it's it's day three I got three Pokemon two of them are close to evolving it's day three I got two Pokemon I think I used to have three but it's hard to remember hard to remember you know A lot's happened I'm surprised that I'm still in this video but so far so good we trained through the mountains until we reach a new town it's actually a new town I swear Also let's see how strong these trainers are but if I get too close they might battle me a level 50 I'm out of here man I'm out of here okay please tell me I can buy quick balls here no there's a lot of pokeballs but they're not quick balls there's a wormhole yo there's no way we're going through a wormhole right I ain't sure about no wormholes but I did find a Team Galactic base why do you run straight up there I I don't think very much about the things I do it's soon to be day four which I kind of want to have at least a fourth Pokemon on day four right yeah and I want to catch my third Pokemon by day four it's your fourth my real third book I hate you we carefully loot the base while avoiding trainer battles of Doom wild Arceus uh don't want it what this is little tiger oh the Starly oh no don't you like it I've recently acquired a hate for starlings the bird it's based off of I'm aware I don't know I don't know how I feel about it right now Jordan I'm renaming hey let's go back oh no to what I'm gonna head back to the town though Jordan because new day new pokeballs to buy plus I should have more money oh that's awful it's also a girl it's better than late Nick Jr I hate it oh wait I'm supposed to be finding a Pokemon to catch Larvesta now that is a Pokemon I'm willing to catch okay I can't hit it again I'll stomp on it cool it's seven percent HP and now I'm going to use a great ball I'll stomp on it we've all been there I'm gonna have to run from this battle soon Jordan I refuse to let donkey faint I couldn't escape and it's been burnt okay I might be sacrificing Cutlery enjoyer are you String Shot I escaped I escaped okay stop might take it down this time no it's back to exactly seven percent come on this is the one Jordan this is the one right one rule two rule three I caught it oh dude both the Pokemon disappeared but like I didn't see the last roll so I thought for a second that it like broke out and destroyed Dunkey but no I have a large vessel level 15 and it had three HP and that's I'm excited now but my heart hurts Jordan that's not supposed to happen right ah uh can you can you get over here and assist me can you can you advise me okay okay so I've been trying to catch this Viper I really thought it would catch uh it's used rap or something dude so I'm gonna die next turn are you faster than it I don't know what do you mean you've been using moves it won't let me know I've been throwing pokeballs it won't let me run it won't let me I just have to use Amber right do you have potions still Jordan it won't let me use oh oh this situation can be diffused Jordan oh that's why I needed your assistant and now you use Ember or you can try to run now no no now I can throw a Premiere ball you're going to Greed for a Seviper yeah yeah I was gonna name it stinky if I catch it stinky is not worth all of this Jordan but hey you did get it yay I cannot believe I absolutely cannot believe that if you didn't have any teleport over there your Foy cocoa would have fainted yeah yeah it would it would have definitely died I'm really glad you came over here oh you got the first evolution it's level 17. interesting you're the best coach I appreciate you I'm so glad you came over oh I don't want to hear that thanks so much coach not from you am I your greatest student or second greatest student you owe me 350 bucks Jordan for that coaching session you know that I will never pay you oh I know I mean I'll just put on your tab I got seed bomb that's such a good move and now spinach is evolving as well Jordan that is funny that they evolved right next to each other get that out of my face I'm watching an evolution that I can't see so leave it there actually it's it's adding some stuff to the Ambiance look at this Jordan it's Finch the chosen one he's Naruto running wait is dead meat the Doom dude the chosen one oh he is too no no not trying to do that not intentional not intentional bro I'm sorry why is he so tall why did I gonna hurt you I'm sorry I was joking I was joking is he so tall he's very tall swap might be interesting get some cool water Pokemon maybe maybe a toxol dude I see a Starley in the water if you want it so funny do you not want it you're so quirky wait I go for toxil though that's cool that's a baby Pokemon no not really though I mean it is wearing a diaper hey we've all probably been there and we'll all be there okay Jordan first quick ball it's gonna work on it sure asked me to trust me wait actually yeah it did it did work it did work also I never named Larvesta Insurance what up so I I named my Larvesta come again uh you know Hephaestus that like the volcano like forged like uh Greek folklore God guy no don't he like he makes weapons and stuff and is like a fiery fellow I'll trust that you're not having a moment it's a hard name to pronounce Jordan so I um I just spammed I just hit my keyboard a bit and that's his name and then my tonsil's name is Phil eppins his name's Phil short for Philippines like the entire country of the Philippines is Philippines a name no also I'm catching I'm gonna try to catch a a ducklet shout out to the uh yeah shout out to the Philippines uh it's gonna be really awkward if Phil ever paints also I've caught my sixth Pokemon doclet so Jordan I name my ducklet ugly because like the ugly duckling and stuff but don't worry it's not like a mean name because like trust me this ducklet's gonna embrace it I show duckling on screen right now okay now give her an eye patch and make her mouth angry you see oh she's that kind of ugly like she's got she's gonna destroy you kind of thing you know what I mean oh wow yeah I mean name a type I bet I got it Jordan Dragon nope oh no I'm gonna tell her to do some more Pokemon spawn I I accidentally walked back to town you you I was about to I just walked to it and I was gonna TP to you and then I heard you say I'm teething to you could have said my brain didn't have time to panic I'm terribly sorry Cutlery and Joy are the Abra is a volley yeah yeah and then if we find a trading machine man you can trade it to me and then I will have it level 22 basculine I'm gonna go for it you gotta take chances every once in a while right do it oh if I Flinch okay cool I didn't Flinch that um I don't think I'm gonna take chances anymore check it out man I'm gonna be honest with you it's not gonna help me for a little while but it's a level five I'm a chop named Bluey oh it's level five it almost killed late Nick Jr yeah good oh it's only level 22. seed bomb we'll take it down one hit oh it barely lived and used Rock polish it shouldn't matter I should have used quick attack it almost actually took me down Jordan and I had quick attack which would have finished it off I am trolling go donkey bulldozer baby you can just leave those thoughts in your head Nick we all know you're having them but you don't have to vocalize them Yo does this celosis only no recover it's used it eight times so far eight times I didn't mean to it just happened check it out man I got mice I keep Pokemon named goopy does it know more than recover yeah what oh protect Endeavor psych it's got good moves hey that's not too bad yeah that sounds fine why did it just Spam recover because it didn't want to die oh it's very reasonable now that you've explained it to me yo did you know I'm a rapper since when uh since ever you know I I stretch every day and now I can contort around a candy bar that's a good one it's not a good one but like I feel like no one's ever said that at least oh there's a belly bolt ah I kind of want a belly Bowl but like if I don't get it maybe you should get it but also it's way too high level for you to deal with I think I'm gonna catch it and if one of my Pokemon happens to faint then I will have a wait no this Pokemon's terrifying actually I couldn't escape it used charge please let me escape I couldn't escape donkey's almost fainted what do I shouldn't do out here Jordan I think Philippines can live the best if you zap Cannon but it missed okay I got out of there I really wish we had the roll off where you know I'd be able to catch it outside of battle because that would be insane that belly bolt is a maniac that's what makes this difficult though we can't just throw pokeballs at it yo Lee Nick Jr's evolving Nick okay whatever dude I love to battle it then but it's just not happening you know wait wait wait wait wait wait George Jordan no dead battles are really good for training because you get you know XP candies and all only one Pokemon can faint so we catch a Pokemon for the dead wait am I genius or what Jordan dude it's late Nick Jr die if it loses to a level one Sentra it does not deserve it's not level one this is like level 20 something well no it's a level one it's a one-star base but it's like did you attack me I did I did I'm gonna die wait it was not on purpose killed late Nick Jr it might revive during the battle that's fine no I think it survives and has h at the end of the battle I think it's fine you killed lightning you killed lightning Junior dude no but it might come back it recovered fainting it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it does it not matter no it doesn't matter it's gone now dude I can't believe you killed my Nick Jr dude it didn't even give us anything I genuinely I want you to know that normally you just click in the moves done and then I click through really quickly and just where roll out the move was was your star Avia I'm so sorry I gotta make this up to you somehow yo you caught it I'm replacing it with a level 26 engine I have to name it give me a sec honestly upgrades people upgrades I can't believe I'm sorry I'm so sorry man look what I got now it's okay I know you didn't mean to it's just it's weird it feels like I probably meant to but I did your subconscious couldn't stand it that was fun I like that you're subconsciously killing my Pokemon using Jamaican accents I mean what's with you today man I'm Sandra is you've had two Pokemon faint I've had zero you're right I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I found a creden level 25 do you want to fight it no you're trying to get revenge on me here I just like dude that you can tell we're taking this seriously whenever we won't battle yeah wait I sent out a donkey accidentally that's really bad that was not intentional you spit up though so like that doesn't work maybe do that again you swallow also didn't work okay Jordan and now you stuffed cheeks which also failed okay Jordan it um pretty good training not gonna lie not very scary Nick may have said it wasn't scary but it was I'm not the kind of person who names their dog like muffin or pickles or like something like that or pickles is not bad dude you gotta be honest with yourself as usual we're losing focus which is dangerous in this challenge oh wait I'm going against a wiggle level 26. I don't know what's move it's almost like I could still see him Nick flying there his arms flapping through the wind you know what's messed up Jordan yeah the fact that you had to release the Pokemon but I am very confident you didn't poke kill beforehand so you just dropped a fainted bird just on the ground yeah that's awful I like the Savannah I can kill everything here I'm like The Lion King I got a lucky punch that's so good for Chansey is it yeah it boosts chansey's critical hit chance specifically yeah not even blissy just chancy man why is that an item level 31 Skiddo like the thing is it's a skid-o so like you know I can kill it I took it down because he used worry seed every single time and don't get me wrong it got me worried but I wasn't worried about losing oh just uses words oh dude I'll take down the level 31 with uh level 18 Pokemon that uh is about to get one shot and um no no no no no no go ugly spins can tank tank right use tackle run okay cool cool we're chilling man not even scary man you're gonna lose this fight I feel like I feel like yeah he's Full House oh and you just you joined were you just spamming incinating no it looked like you just spammed incinerate instead of like waiting to actually read what was happening let me sit down for a second you do your thing were you standing to begin with okay I'm back you okay I'm okay are you A-Okay or like B okay I'm gonna take out a nice easy pineco I kind of feel bad for taking down a chimchot but I kind of want to take down his Chim cha hi late Nick Jr 2 is evolving yeah that'd be a fur your team actually is stronger than mine I think right now yo your computer crash well my power was out for a few Minecraft days fortunately commentary didn't seem to suffer much you turn wow that's poggers you need your generator unironically oh I took down a charcoal level 32 that's actually kind of nuts I just took down a Charmander it's like me when I'm Squirtle wait a minute I just realized something I never named that Mill tank that's illegal her name is tank Nick bulldoze is a bunch of Pokemon before dozing off to sleep I rejoined the adventure in the morning but something unexpected appears Jordan what's with that random Rock pillar nope there's Brock on top of it Jordan weisbrock here well I knew that his gym was facing a deficit but I didn't realize that the layoffs were this bad we're also eventually going to have to you know fight Ash so we might need to fight this guy although this core fish seems potentially scarier so I'm gonna battle it first I'm gonna go and battle him okay Jordan he might give us something very good go spinach I'm a gonna crush your pocket mons this even Brock he spelled his own name wrong either he's losing his mind or it's not Brock he's a good training but he wasn't very scary that was not rocking time to carve some more pokemans he gave me a gym badge but uh does he carve his geodudes and onyxes out of like mountains and then use them because I don't think that's how they work I don't like that one bit are you perplexed and horrified yes can I make this jump yo I'm gonna try to make this drum [Music] oh made it second try we decided to loot this poker pyramid for its incredible loot wait did I say incredible I meant it's garbage down here Zama zenta has fought oh it's in a den Jordan that's not happening right or is it happening Jordan is it happening is it happening it's not happening Nick oh okay stop wow hey you want a torch it what no do you want to play the egg game oh okay yeah I go first all right your turn I lose whoa this thing's level 35. it's protected itself twice oh I'm paralyzed I escape that is not rhetorical for me take down my Palms are so sweaty already I can take down mag Mark that's easy eat pie and Pie is the easiest thing ever have you ever made a pie yeah I actually have made a pie really it's not the easiest thing ever it's not the hardest thing ever either though what kind of pie did you make all of them at once that sounds terrible would you like a piece of my blueberry pumpkin pie blueberry pumpkin chocolate spicy pecan I like Groudon so much though where's Groudon I want to see it I might battle it maybe if I had a flying type maybe it wouldn't have a move that could hit me also there's a village yo wait a minute I'm willing to risk it you're gonna risk stinko that's messed up I mean we're risking it for a Groudon though you're actually going okay okay I mean we have no chance it's five star why would we do this I mean because maybe I didn't even hear I'm gonna growl I'm gonna use Swagger and hope it hits itself goodbye stinko goodbye tank goodbye everyone well it said toke be held on with its focus stash but that's just not even true it tried and it didn't work I uh I released tank Jordan bye bye stinko hey everyone I have a job opening for sixth Pokemon would anyone like to be my new sixth Pokemon what happened to the other ones nothing a wow Groudon attacked us there was nothing we could do we had nothing to do with it I swear hey silicobra wait this could work work for what to replace my snake with another snake yeah not sad at all why would that be sad it's a little sad how it's what they would want I think I think what it wanted is you to not battle or groud on with it I might try to catch this Larvesta wait I have Laura Vesta I know yeah but mine would be better oh one I'm gonna throw a Premiere ball for the style points oh my goodness dead meat Doom dude's gonna die which is a horrible name it's a great name and it's in line with my character check this out easy dude and him lard man also he's a girl oof as night falls on day 11 Nick begins thinking intelligently about how to dominate this Nuzlocke I mean you think about it if we had six Focus fans and Rattata is that new Endeavor and quick attack that would also be enough but then they'd all die but then we'd get a grout on well no I mean like to beat Ash Ketchum at the end like we could use a strategory like that but then we would end up with one Rattata at the end and while it'd be kind of cool it'd also be very sad yeah where are we gonna find all those uh Focus sashes yeah I don't know actually that's the biggest issue hey I'm climbing up a tree drawer it's a treehouse wow master ball Lou is it odd dude for a second there I thought it was like a focus band or something no it's a focus belt which is good for defense yo I found a master ball you might do that wait you just found one too I just found one oh wait down in like an underground area no I found one in a tree it's only a sash Jordan that's not like that good yeah well it's the focus stash it was right there in a master ball yeah but you only get to do it once but it's cool wow isn't this where you get like yeah but we just like we talked about it six seconds ago I know it is funny how you just can't get those and then you just got those that's incredible dude oh I got that got though do you ever got oh you do a floor I got to or got both oh yeah that's actually its name breaking in the home stealing all their stuff wait well Nick you're doing it again you put that stuff to yourself you don't have to say it out loud oh it seems like another good time to say um subscribe if you're not and um hit the bell for notifications you ever break in someone's house and trade out your bed with things he's like I know my bed but while he's distracted I break his window and go out you want to fight over Tata then if it's one star I might it's a two stars no I'm actually not going to this too risky yo I'm editing this one I'll have to make sure not to leave in the park where what is this house too many trap doors okay it's too many trade the trap doors for floors vote Nick for president more floors less trap doors should common sense it's just common sense no quick balls where who are these people why are they so worthless whoa dude sorry these are the people that are gonna vote for you dude it's not like this they aren't are we normal dude uh no but what is normal no Average Joe no I'm I'm not normal Jordan and that's okay and normal people are allowed to not like me such a funny little word I mean I think a lot of people are weird but then they like want other people to like them and they're weird things and try forcing them on it but it's okay for normal people to not like me and my stuff like me I don't like it I don't like you either I know it's a great deal I hate you and others must also hate you all right not exactly what I was expecting okay a one star Pidgey not a level one oh goodness we shouldn't be doing this Jordan you just told me it was a good idea I don't think I ever did that you just I really don't think I ever did that I'm talking about you just did all right don't hit me this time did you hit me I didn't hit you that was just a Max strike that luckily the Pidgey hit you luckily we also have a Pikachu who's not trolling it's paralyzed I got the good nozzle I'm gonna belch on it you do that I'm gonna heal myself yeah because hopefully it hits you again I did with you again but you left it I think that's so funny and it gave us two white wolves it gave us two white wool I mean I I caught the Pidgey at least Jordan good job Philippines and your Pokemon too right yes I named him okay then it's a bad name but it's keeping it my name's even better what is your name it's a duck I like that Duck's good name yes it's pretty good I like it when you name an animal a name of another animal right I agree entirely agreed it get down from that tree whatever you never [Music] you know it's the best trading I've had in a while this sad you're sad hey yeah am I yeah no you might not realize it but you're crying right now is that what these tears are great at he used rest wait do I dare catch a greeting I got it Green's name will be Munch just munch just munch it really feels like there should be another syllable but nope just munch as the days pass we continue to stumble into strength training and catching new Pixelmon finding random but useful Loot and even getting items like this Citrus Berry from a random Raticate at this rate nothing can stop us you're the secret villain of the series dude what I only want all your Pokemon to faint I don't think it's that secret no I'm thinking it through it continues his green Rampage while we also seek a town with a trading machine Nick needs one to evolve his Kadabra and later I will need one for Bluey my Machoke copy critical hit me and he got me down to seven HP but I took it down can my palm stop being sweaty for just a second oh a nursery I'm sure I'm you know prepared to battle that well I mean it depends on its level but my guess is it's at least 40. it's 30. whoa wait wait I'm gonna go for it double kick I use leer that's kind of scary you just covet and Donkey got down to pretty much no HP whoa so how am I going to deal with this potion switch out run all three stop crying Nick it will know that you are afraid of it who do I send out do I send out spinach I don't want spinach to get taken down I'm gonna try sending out spinach because I at least have quick attack okay these fake tears good good good quick attack I took it down dude easy I didn't even have to you pushed a little close to that limit Nick it's only day 13. only 83 more days left wait oh my goodness you're leaving that in no 87. Jordan you know what's funny yeah unironically a kindergartener could have gotten that Jordan I found a master ball Loot and it's an EVO light that's good on like Larvesta for now do I go against this bug guy Jordan he's a bug trainer level 20. they're such good training but I also wouldn't be able to run or forfeit I don't have great moves against a bug train ah dude I think it's a little risky man if you want to risk it go for it but just know it's cool okay I'm going for it I got it you got it man oh dude do it it's gonna make me sick though yep karablast flame wheel that that was that was the battle that was the oh no what do I do one second let me oh should I teleport yeah I accidentally talked about it with fur fruit just out of habit I'm used to killing furfers it's okay your Ghost type trust I'm not it just hit me you gotta get out of here I think I might be able to take a hit with late Nick Jr yeah oh cool cool it didn't do anything to me now I run can't escape I'm just gonna try to run again it'll have it'll work okay do it again you're out there at least goodbye late Nick Jr too fur-free looks so smug dude look how smuggy looks I know man lay Nick Jr too uh poor guy he never had a chance though like I feel real this feels very familiar doesn't it moment of silence Nick for late Nick Jr Nick you just burped so I said Nick [Applause] okay trying to get it out before you finish saying it just happens to work out that way okay all right wow wow dude you're really blaming me I don't blame me I'm blaming trading machine ah is there really not a trading machine come on trading machine up here what kind of cringe is this how many kinds of cringe are there Nick too many to be completely honest like unironically there's too many that is the right answer that yeah I don't know how many late Nick juniors are there gonna be Jordan what are you doing man okay I threw a Pokeball at the Abra because you can't get too close to it I overshot it and I'm battling the green level 40. how are you this guys can I just run I'm just gonna try to run okay I'm out oh all right where'd that Abra go I started oh I overshot it dude it died it dodged or something yeah man sorry my blood pressure is really Rising man what is your blood pressure supposed to be at I try not to put pressure on my blood I let it do what it wants oh Jordan you want to do a cinderes then no what dude it's only five stars wait only five only five oh wow not even more than that oh I found a pink Bellsprout that survived snarl I catch it and I have a sport ball which is good at catching bugs spell Sprout's not a bug I felt like a bug when I looked at it hey I caught it maybe it is a bug it felt like a bug bell sprout what do you what do you mean it felt like a bug it's poisonous and kind of small and walks around in the weeds you know like a bug it is it's just a plant Adrian's jealous Dan I think it's a one star it's a two star wait Jordan this one's a Magikarp one coming down here Wait no that's a win pod that's actually kind of scary yeah never mind let's fight this other one though because we actually fight it Jordan what do you not think he can take down chicken chicken my my starter though oh I'm spend with us oh yeah man I don't know why you agreed to this I didn't even put up a strong argument please just don't hit me at least did you hit me oh no I didn't hit you good hair poisoned it man check that out buggy Bell no buggy Bell why are you using fire lash on it I'm not not you them okay I took it down buggy Bell's dead though hey I gotta experience candy um well maybe I can replace it with the cellos come on shallows I got M and S bro yeah did you by chance capture that Pokemon uh no I don't know if I did I don't remember I did do you know what level it is uh what level I didn't catch it I haven't named it yet but do you want to toss up a guess 37 39. Zooey mama that's wild dude Jordan you just traded out a Pokemon I mean yeah he just immediately yeah kind of messed up Jordan no loyalty you're like modern day corporations Jordan am I Nick yeah am I like a modern day Corporation you are I can't believe you even say something like that am I wrong I don't know are you no actually really good at allergy I'm gonna be honest man this is actually going pretty good considering how many of my Pokemon have succumbed to an early grave I'm doing well you know you're not dead yet I don't like the yet 48 for it why to clarify level 48 for it not 48 ferrets I just accidentally hopped in battle with a level 47 for it again that's level 47 not 47. you can't keep doing that Jordan it's not an accident if it keeps happening well I instantly ran away but it's because dude I it was right around a bunch of level 15s right and so I just thought it was one of them read the level I read the headlines man fine print during fine print yo I'm I'm sick and tired of my Pokemon not evolving same man so I asked that they do evolve how's that working for you they aren't listening although I'm gonna try to take down this trainer here a spoink I'm bored upgrade level 17 whoa whoa this guy's cheating that's what he crashed but like horsepower but Hammer arm but it's an illusionable man what is this this guy's team it's so much stronger than it uh water pulse please please water pulse thank you wow please be the end of the battle no it's not what does he have next farfetch okay let's let's go Philippines go Philippines and with another nozzle oh my speed was increased also nozzle wait hey you're evolving too just like your ass oh did anything die oh that's the barrel dude oh my heart oh that was unexpected I saw a level 17 trainer dude I'm like that'll be easy whatever yeah I know right but uh all of this Pokemon were evolved big time he landed burns on my Pokemon Jordan and he shouldn't have and that wasn't cool but uh now finally what I was sick and tired of is over with donkey has evolved into a bigger donkey yo I'm gonna catch a chuckle dude okay finally a shackle that's what we've all been waiting for Jordan oh this could be late Nick Jr three now the shackle is doomed to die a horrible death do you want to meet him I told him that I named him after the dumbest man I've ever met and who's that oh during the ditto Dad wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what level five star did Oden that's so I bet it's a shiny too but we'll never know wait I could know I'm gonna battle it with Munch not shiny Munch has 13 HP I'm gonna rest immediately nope Munch is dead dude you should have named Munch late Nick Jr more yeah uh four months Jordan never never had a chance I pulled a thing that you would do where uh I just got into battle with the fur at level 47. see it happens I actually thought right beforehand yo even it's level 50 I'll just take it down and then as soon as I got in battle with him like wait no no no no that's not true yeah no immediately your overconfidence just melts you're like wait a minute I was being a fool a fool I felt the fear Jordan I will destroy this little puppy instead what is wrong with you Shelton's evolving yo gastro gastro Sheldon gassy Sheldon I'd like that least level 40 greeting I you know I I can take down a level 40 greeting right oh wait you stockpile as well I'm I'm leaving I'm leaving oh flee get out of there what's wrong are you crazy the fact that Nick ran away from a green shows you how seriously we're taking this challenge Meanwhile my ridiculous name goopy is slowly powering up yeah just to clarify by the way it's a Solosis right yeah yeah but I couldn't remember that name yeah okay okay when I'm talking about a Pokemon dude I will pick whichever iteration my brain remembers first hmm sir Boomer anyway a battling Trader this is going to be insane what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing it's level 24. it wasn't supposed to be flying poison gas you're crazy cringe you can't just poison gas you're so cringy you smoke screen you are the cringiest fellow I maybe have ever met in my entire life bro this guy plays like me oh yo hey you haven't met late Nick Jr check this out like he's great he reminds me so much of you he is my favorite iteration so far High horsepower oh yeah bro you're getting me I said it because I know you don't know the name not any bigger really but it's stronger do you see the flower that's floating behind it yeah in its description there's actually a stem there but it's hidden because of camouflage really kind of interesting it's kind of silly okay see those chameleon so you can change colors kind of dumb isn't it what in the world man what do you mean what do you think yeah it's cool that is cool yeah whatever flower trick yeah yeah there's a town there's going to be a trading machine I'm going to get an alkazam and all of my Pokemon are going to be super strong now wait is this the town we were at before that doesn't have a Pokemon Center Jordan it is fortunately Nick finds another town and it's not the same town which is good there's a training machine let's go oh wait yo do you just want to wait until I can get my champ no yo is passion fruit called passion fruit because the person who named it had passion or because the fruit inspires passion or is it just a dumb name better than dragon fruit disagree dragons don't even eat it it looks so good but have you ever had it no I haven't is it good it's just bitter and mainly tasteless just like Dragon Meat uh dragon meat can be good you should you gotta smoke it oh really yeah if you smoke it um and it's vegan Dragon means vegan yeah mythical creatures don't count hey Philippines [Music] wait it involves it level 30. which one you get do you get the rocker one or the laid back chill one The Rocker one I think oh there's a drippy that's such a rare Pokemon dude I'm like I gotta try to catch the dreepy right oh it despawned what is he spawned right in front of me how'd that happen it's a Ponyta there's a Ponyta two star we can take down it right Two Step honey do not hit me please go straight you first that's too funny man I caught it I'm gonna name it Shrek it's a good name I'm gonna name mine Fiona it's a boy I have severe pain in my spleen call Doctor late Nick Jr nine Circa 2024 wow I can't believe you said that in the future I like that you think I'm only gonna be a nine in 2024. no that it's probably your last one but you you lost before it did it traveling in the future to save other latex universe that's so stupid the Troubles of the past to save them and then for the future ones it would just stop it no as the president chases the future we keep training until Nick notices an earthworm yeah where on the map right here it might be underground I got a hammer and I am afraid to use it I'm starting to think you hallucinated the Earth one can I lied did you actually find it Nick found the earthworm so loudly and proudly that his microphone briefly gave up regardless he takes it down which gives us the courage to keep training every single day this has suddenly become an inspirational video and for some reason we're doing the greatest Rocky Balboa Impressions you've ever heard what I'm talking about what you gotta do when you get hit is you get back up you get hit in the head and you keep getting hit in the head after you've been hitting the head you get hit in the head um after that we take down some more dens and I want to point out that we throw all the Dynamics candies away we will keep doing this for most of the video right up until we realize those might be useful I just wanted to point that out oh this is painful to watch me when I touch grass wow I got master ball to experience share noise oh is this my ducklet following me I was so annoyed with this duckling following me it was mine get away from me you stupid Ducklett oh hey Ducklett oh boss fur fruit that's terrifying that's horrifying it's big purple and will beat me up specifically you dude a camera up level 50. research good training I'm quite effective it just needs to not one shot me he used to tackle dude yo hey wait wait I found another mask while there I want you to see Pete because if it's a focus stash that would be sick be right there Jordan I'll be right there okay it's over there to my right oh should I take it yeah yeah cause I want to see if it's a focus where under the tree under which tree Jordan that tree come on man is it actually uh Jordan yeah what you don't get to know what this is what what is that what does it tell me what what do you mean Jordan this is like a once in a lifetime kind of thing what is it actually a master ball you see my hand is it it was actually it was actually a master ball did you just cheat when I wasn't looking at it no it was actually a mastermind I'm not kidding dude wow that's wild dude yo yo yo next I have a legendary Den spawns no no no not the den then we have to defeat we need an actual legendary oh dude hey Jordan This is technically yours but like you want me to have it right go to sleep by the way did I owe you anything turn turn I have the play okay whatever legendary we catch I catch you know I will name it late Nick Jr or do you want Jordan Jr play Jordan Junior it is okay that's hilarious it is our Pokemon it's gonna die it's what we do why haven't we got a shiny yet you know it's not a 100 days in Pixelmon if you don't find at least one shiny right well we haven't gone all 100 yet to be fair oh I found another Den thing let me go down and take a look at it get another master ball dude come on it's a lucky egg it's a lucky egg dude all right Jordan the eggs not lucky you're lucky bro I'm kind of goated right now okay so uh what are you gonna do with that egg I'm gonna throw it at the ground and see if a lucky chicken pops out yeah I wanna I wanna play a snowboarding game but uh snowboards have wheels me when Joe Biden sides with Nintendo and bans Pixelmon we've been to this Den before this is the beacon I placed down how do we we just go in circles me when my crocolor evolves wow Jordan I think I need to get the Cascade badge do I even need to get the badges should I even fight this lady over here Jordan or do I just like leave me when I'm a sand craps don't have to give advice me when I have murderous intent okay well I'm gonna battle Misty I guess Jordan me when I have murderous intent what you got a problem uh Jordan she's level 35 that's that's very scary that's a star of me that's fine for me unless I was gonna say unless a nice move but I was able to take it down pretty quickly Gyarados I need to switch out to Philippines I believe Philippines has been frozen solid no okay I'm going to use one nuzzle okay I paralyzed now and I did lots of damage now I use a moo moo milk now I'm full HPI tank one I got frozen solid again are you kidding me dude dude that's actually not okay if he gets a crit I'm done though I didn't even know this is possible with the Philippines climate he was paralyzed and couldn't move I just gotta hope that there's no crit and that spark takes it down okay nice wow man and that's not the bow there's a side duck here that's fine hydro pump I think not flower trick boom and there I've won the battle Jordan I've gotten the Cascade badge which I don't even have room in my inventory do I even need it Jordan you want it me takes imagine matches your get up hey there's a done what what is it got a toy pull no oh it's a slow bro Dude tell me that doesn't look like a boy pull though straight up from this angle especially is that point yeah Mew and I think I see a purple would you like to go to ultra space no okay whoa yeah there's a portal above me how do we get to the portal I can't fly on Alex can I it's okay I get cobblestone wait but I can catch an ultra beast and do you know how strong Ultra beasts are oh whoa and they just spawn naturally what am I looking where am I what is this what is this done is this a fair most nope wait all my Pokemon are sleep wait what yeah mine also are asleep it must be the plant dude this is kind of weird I just got Choice facts that's pretty good those goggles might be useful but Ultra space might not be even though they can appear Ultra beasts are rare and we've only got 80 days left nevertheless it's time to explore let's see what we can find here Jordan where's Ultra Mr Beast what where's Ultra Mr Beast instead of finding an ultra Mr Beast we find a Registeel of all things unfortunately it's a five-star Den so we move along nothing to see here yeah the odds of us getting a legendary here is about the same odds of us getting a legendary not in Ultra space they're good items here though like I just got Choice specs again the jungle biome that they made for this is really interesting and creative I like it a lot the floor of the Jungle is just it's just water legendary dens taunt us what we appreciate space Wilderness why am I here how do we get out of here like we don't we don't have to find another Wormhole do we that's exactly what we have to do I knew we'd never should have come here don't you remember before we came when I was like hey Nick you wanna hop with this warm hole yeah and I said no oh why then I got sucked into it Nicholas we have made a mistake oh is that a fair monster then that's totally a fair most of Dan is it actually but we can't kill it dudes you won't get to throw a Pokeball I might be able to kill it Ember if I can burn it throw use wait wait why is it taking so much damage wait what torko level 22 tank to hit whoa it said my Pokemon came back to life but it didn't and now the battle's over sorry Shrek I can take down this awesome right what I got two Eevees and a wishy-washy this is not gonna work out it said an Eevee held on with its focus Ash but uh it did not sorry hysteria I'm going through my Pokeball quicker than I should be hey dude I found a wormhole I found a wormhole I found a wormhole I found it ironically ironically where can you not see this right here above me I can't see it Shader sometimes does that it's right above me right now here I can get out I'll turn off Shady to see if I can see it oh it disappeared no it didn't I'm so sad Nick which end do you go in for the portal did you find a portal yeah I'm right next to you you did find a portal uh the big end the big end again okay okay sweet sand me when I'm buried insane oh wait dude the gravity it's so different I don't know I don't like it oh dude I feel weird I got a second lucky punch how lucky yo hold up can I sell the Cascade badge do you think no I'm gonna ask you mean ask the shopkeeper high speed wins that's not how that works you don't go to a specific shopkeeper and say highest bid wins because then he can just bid whatever he wants and it's the highest bid what if there's no there's two shots you're holding an auction for one person with no minimum bid oh there are two shopkeepers that work together I consult the two lucky punches for a grand total of ten dollars it's not a lot of dollars boy those are worthless you know it feels kind of wrong that we can just take their stuff out of their chests and then sell it back to them no oh yeah no you're right it does feel wrong now that you've said that out loud I mean I'm still doing it but like kind of messed up dude I have so many premier balls how thievery what level are you trainers level 30 level 30 level 30. these spells are perfect training a little spooky but Nick's team is not to be trifled with and Jordan would you look at that ugly is evolving ugly ugly you don't know ugly no I know ugly but what's what's the Pokemon's name oh he's ugly the swan oh you can fly uh how do you descend they keep changing it I dislike every new iteration of flying more don't lose a Pokemon Jordan here I'll preemptively take a photo just in case you know for posterity are you kidding me dude I'm gonna one shot everything right in your mind that's a Zapdos it's not a Zapdos man I'm gonna use torch song on it which we should have they use Shadow Ball in here Jordan you can't forfeit this battle Yeah I'm gonna have to send out it was faster than you too I'm sending out late Nick Jr three okay that's actually solid wait I used rollout I forgot that it would keep why would you use it's not even effective no no no no no no no no no no oh good okay okay get out of there dude get in there Sheldon Sean will be fine Sheldon will be fine you didn't even poke a hill beforehand what what's up if this guy has six Pokemon Jordan you are doomed okay give me a second Jordan let me let me I'm I'm getting out of battle I'm throwing you lots of hyper potions I want them back but use them if necessary which it's seeming necessary by that they haven't appeared in my inventory so it must not work anymore it used Brave Bird you might just want to keep healing here oh no why would you not and you decide to battle this guy I thought he would be a pushover oh come on man now he's got a drill Burr oh come on now he's got Atkins why torch song Jordan you're fine I'm use flamethrower because it's stronger you're trolling I'm not it's stronger dude oh why does he have more door please don't kill Jordan Sheldon died Sheldon's dad oh come on man hey I want those hyper potions back wait send out Sheldon real quick both he'll send him out I take a photo and then you release him poor little Sheldon I added Dunst bars to The A-Team oh wow well Jerry come over here no what are you um would you like to say a few words you're the best Shellos into gastron that I've ever known I wish you were a little tankier do you have anything to say nope your name should have been late Nick Jr for it I'm so sad that is a bit sad Jordan whoa donkey is almost fainted yeah easy done he looked funny yeah I need to try to battle the last player here do you think you can beat them there clearly they're the most powerful trainers to ever live yes wait I missed and the hyper voice does some damage so I'm gonna hyper potion real quick High horsepower well you gotta create with hyper voice that time if I don't Jordan that could have been bad but I won okay I beat all the Traders and now I'm running away I did not enjoy that I like that sirs get dude now floats on top of the water look how cute that is it's good that they added that yeah I like Jordan likes it isn't that really how all updates should be judged does Jordan like this update well I do like that the evolutions worked out but I liked it when they didn't work that's how you sound to me it's a good interpretation oh I have a curse of binding helmet so I can't take it off to put a Pokemon on my head hey Jordan can you hit me in the head you can use this bone if you want oh sweet 31 more times 100 days of getting hit in the head do I have to crit or do I not have to crit no you don't have to cry I'm Gonna Keep creating Jordan believe it or not this is how I train to make myself impervious to head is hey thanks now look at that why do you have my guy on your head so then I have the power of your guy and my guy combined it's just to throw them off they're like oh he's out skeletons I'll send on a water Pokemon yeah yeah yeah you hit him with a cat a cat with a cat earthquake I'm taking earthquake over High horsepower every day dude I know earthquake it's over it's over for all of my enemies I found a level 40 battle arena if you want to take it nope level 40 though dude it's just you know you have earthquakes so I figured you'd want to no uh German why would I battle level 40 is from the battling level 50 right now right so I found two things Nick I found a dojo if you want to fight it even though that's probably gonna be death no they're like level 70 or 100 or something yes they are but then next to it I found another mouse balloon and it gave I got a choice Band Yo you have the one for special attack right and that's why it's on Cutlery enjoy her he enjoys Cutlery what is his favorite thing you would think it's a spoon but no it's a spork a dessert Spork so they're a little smaller more delicate Pro have you looked at how much dessert sporks cost no I I haven't I haven't either well why not it's not for common men like us dude who's it for royalty me when I'm Mr Beast oh that's such a nice dessert Spork I'm gonna eat my feastable chocolate bar with these dessert sporks I bet he does can't you picture it right now I can't say I can I can picture with that exact voice describe his face to me Jordan what it was Mr Beast look like again he looks like a grinch right now dude he's got like that he's got that smile going all the way up his cheek I don't like that what was the only thing the dessert Sparkle I like how I can reference Mr Beast solely because people know Mr B it's true actually yeah I like by the way that you and I accidentally ran into each other despite our random roaming oh we should start a cell phone service that promotes random roaming sometimes it works most of the time it does it don't you need more excitement in your life what if your phone didn't work like most of the time whoa awful it still hasn't worked but I'm excited for when it might or might not you know what Jordan we should stop using cell phones and go back to stone tablets I mean I agree Jordan if someone offered you stone tablets would you take one because I would depends on the stone tablet like what it says or like the quality of this Stone the quality um okay I feel like it's a good conversation starter hey look at this Stone tablet you should hand out stone tablets instead of like leaflets see you could leave stone tablets on people's uh porches because they're way harder to get rid of dude dude you know I'd be a really messed up prank Oh no just leaving like sparing and adding gravestones to people's front yards and they're like wait did someone bury your body no that's the worst thing I've ever heard I'm going about this uh T magma later it's level 35 this guy's scary it's a Hound Doom level 36 it use Inferno and burnt me I knew they had a heart attack because the battle ended and I thought it defeated me it got me kinda low I did not enjoy that oh Jordan since when did leech life have base power of 80 what what um when when did they change that because that used to have a base power of like 20 or something it used to be 20. it used to be 20. yeah that's what I thought I don't know if this is 100 true because I'm not finding it on serebi which is the only side I trust but apparently it changed during sun and moon oh wow so it's been a while yeah they changed it from 20 to 80. I mean it's just insane it's really nice yeah I like that wait why do I hear Boss music yo yo yo yo yo Jordan it was meant to be masterful no way look at this thing can you see the master ball dude this is maybe my favorite legendary of all time dude Jordan so this is no I can't even believe that that's so legit what do I name them wait can you replace in my team I don't even know Jordan do you want to trade me one of them oh yeah I can give you one of my Pokemon oh do I trust you no it's definitely gonna die but at least it would have a fulfilling life okay its name is his name's oats because like Quaker Oats and he uses earthquake he's a ground Pokemon so his name's oats he's really friendly actually are seeing this yeah oats is a good name for him wait Jared uh let me uh do uh oh my goodness oh wow that's um hey wait Nick check this out what are you doing girl Magmar level 50 ah earthquake dude we can take down like three to four star dens now we is kind of a questionable word but it's a little bit scary with the Wii because doesn't earthquake also hit your Pokemon let me look at what my dead meat Doom dude's ability is it's not levitate but it could have been hey wait I have pokerus you have pokerus yeah all my Pokemon do I don't know which one originally yo I don't have pokerus bro I've had it for a while that's even more rare than a shiny by like a massive margin but of course we've not seen a shiny yet wait I should Evie train Groudon shouldn't I oh he's got a bad nature but it's okay I'll EV train him okay his nature could be worse though I have a power ban Jordan yo wait not power man I need the muscle man power bracer with a new plan to power up Groudon we get to work Evie training oats without getting too into the specifics basically every Pokemon you defeat gives your Pokemon an effort value which gives a small boost to snap like attack speed Etc and pokerus makes that process way faster it'll still take time but we got more than 70 days left hey wait Nick you need to look at me [Music] hey come on to Nick wait you know what I'll lend you this for right now but don't use him you know you'll contract the disease in a little bit yeah I'm used to that mean when I'm diseased double EVS it's me when I'm deceased time to train I mean factually when you're diseased that's when you get the best workouts in right is that true Groudon already has 49 attack EVS how is that possible how is that possible I've not taken down that many Pokemon so the brace doubles it and the EVS pokerus doubles it if it has that I've bowed like five Pokemon Jordan okay Nidorino now if I'm at 49 this would put me at what like 53 right it put me at 59 Jordan it gave me 10. what and I don't have pokeristics oh you don't even have pokers yet what and then farfetch just gave me nine Jordan it has to be like a plus eight it just has to the training is really starting to happen Jordan yeah you're popping off dude well you didn't get a rather a substantial upgrade why didn't you come on dude I gave you a master of moment you don't have to be come on wait I don't have a master ball though all right I'm gonna dude I'm gonna vomit aggressively I'm gonna vomit across is there any other way to vomit yeah I'm gonna vomit sheepish away I'm gonna vomit tenderly adverbs were a mistake weren't they oh dude my entire team has pokerus except spinach and oats I just realized my two strongest Pokemon are food related and then also alakazam's food related with Cutlery enjoyer did we record normally before lunch well we also record after lunch are we just always hungry dude we're human wait mine are kind of dude I have dead meat Doom dude that's not food I have lard man yours are just insulting Century it totally is true dude I'm unironically gonna be done EV training before either spinach or oats but oats being the more important one gets pokerus all my other Pokemon have pokerus they got it immediately oh wait I could give you you Sparky bath oh I could give you your donkey pack but I am still waiting for a chance to kill it but don't no I'm passing over here I wouldn't do that you sound like you're trying to do a scary voice but you're afraid your mom might hear you oh Blaziken wow naturally spawning and it's destroyed okay do I have pokerus yet hey I got poker is let's go and with that battle with the pokerist I'm a 252 attack Evie yo you're maxed out so the question is do I dare go for Speed second Evie train is making my stat go up before I level up which is not something I'm used to I was at 151 speed and now I'm at well okay I only want to have two EVS though so I don't know if that was enough this Doug Trio now then I can test it earthquake and let's see is my status yes my speed has gone up Jordan wow that's really interesting I kind of missed the old way I don't know if that's how it still is in Pokemon or if they've swapped it but before I remember Evie training leveling up and then a stack going up like 40. a little screen 70 what level did you catch him out 70. but he's been Evie trained dude his attack stat went up like 50 already I like that this is like the only Pokemon thing that you kind of know yeah because I actually did it see garbage at Pokemon otherwise and it doesn't make sense that you're garbage at Pokemon at all Jordan you unironically are easily in the top one percent of people who have played Pokemon and have experience in the game if not you're not higher up thank you like you unironically you know how they say it takes 10 000 hours to become a master yeah you have like a master times four thank you unironically so you should be really good at the game I mean I should be thank you better than I am also but you can't just spend 10 000 hours mindlessly I guess well you you can well yes you are proof of that if I didn't though I wouldn't be having as much fun as I do you know what I mean Jordan Pokemon's not about having fun it's about are winning and becoming the very best please I think what Pokemon's really about is you name a Pokemon you put down the game for six months you go do other stuff then you come back to it forget all the names and they all remake you laugh or when you go back and you're like wait why is my rival named turd nugget who did this I am much too sophisticated for that I have several desserts sporks I'm far too sophisticated you know it's disappointing a lot you know how China has a Great Wall of China yeah I do I wish every country had a great wall I'm not trying to be political here I swear I wish every country had a great wall I just wanna I just I just think you know it could be cool right Jordan I see who I presume to be a lieutenant surge on top of the mountain and it's about day 30 what 31. so it would make sense that he would be here now so uh whoa level 46 you know what Jordan this would have been scary but go Groudon oh he appeared at the worst possible time the great Lieutenant said shall destroy you earthquake I assume I can just earthquake to Victory right maybe one of his Pokemon will have levitate well Magnum taught someone that should have and it didn't so maybe Electro will be left oh no I don't think Jolteon I've destroyed him oh yo Jordan don't you hate when you order a bass guitar yeah and then you know instead of getting bass guitar you're you know you're sent a child's guitar that also has no refunds like can I walk you through the story don't you hate when you order a bass guitar and then what gets there is a small little base and then you upon closer inspection it's not a bass it's a guitar and then upon really close inspection it's a child's guitar it's so small all for me I already have guitars sorry this is a thing that just happened so I uh I'm exponentially tilted Jordan I'm angry I'm very angry you see I I like trolling you and messing with you and I might seem angry during it but I'm not actually angry no it's the show we have a show I'm angry now yeah I know you're actually hungry this might be a thing I'm angry about for the rest of my life dude I might take this to the Grave I know this isn't how it works but I like thinking that there's a child who really wanted a guitar who now has a grown man's base the greatest base Prodigy that's ever lived it'll be because of you technically Nick and I will be the best child guitarist ever now you're not leaving much of this in but I'm going to keep talking about and keep being angry no the voiceover is going to be like Nick proceeded to talk about this for the next eight days I'm I might you probably you will actually I will my little kitty cat's looking at me and he's all happy oh yeah yeah well aren't you glad you got a cat and not a child's guitar I need help okay yeah do I go back in time to give the guitar to me when I was a child or do I go back in time to not order the child's guitar which I didn't order in the first place it was a bass it's so ugly Jordan I think it's disgusting it looks like a blues guitar not only do I dislike how blue sounds I also dislike how Blues look not the color but wait dude we have videos like a few weeks ago where you're playing harmonica what kind of harmonica were you playing uh I was feeling all right then they said I'm gonna stop it you're gonna make me angrier I got soft sand for my crowd on what does he use that soft sand for earthquakes all the edges are like super rigid and it's like why would you want 90 degree angles on a guitar that's stupid that's so stupid the edges aren't rounded I don't think it looks all that bad I think that the pain of having I think it's ugly and I I think takes one to no one oh wow yeah okay wait is that insulting you or me that's insulting me not you whoops I'll stand by it dude um I wanted to pick me up for today and that was my pick me up for like the next month Jordan yeah I know that was what was supposed to bring me joy for the next month of my life I know what are you gonna do now I almost got a puppy yesterday and I didn't get the puppy because it was too shy and doesn't like other dogs and I have another dog so I was disappointed but I'm like oh but I'll have my bass guitar no I got a child I hate I hate it if it was not a child's guitar oh man dude I'm gonna take it out on Duck Trio it's not enough I need I need more things to take it out on I need a punching bag Jordan right now I'm not even playing it up like I'm actually really really sad dude also I've been planning to order a base for like over a year and I've wanted to but like I don't know I don't like spending money and all likewise so I I didn't you know yeah and then I finally decide to yeah you're like this is a good time like it serves you ain't trying to buy something okay communist okay call me yeah right uh dude if you were in a communist kind of snake you would take that child's guitar and you wouldn't like it and eat it okay the only thing that might make my day a little bit better is if I find a shiny Diglett to destroy I just sent you another picture of uh I don't care about your cat I sent you another picture of my cat oh there it is okay he is very cute that actually does help a little bit he's adorable hey a keldio I think small near me yeah it does it's a cute cat that's actually adorable there's a Keldeo right next to me if you want to take it down to quell your rage are you going to kill my Groudon no wait because like wait no okay I just showed the Kill Leo yeah there you go see Diamond Sword did you actually oh please stop wait no I'm too strong two shot stop perhaps my hats I like that I said hats because I forgot if I was wearing one or two as if you could wear more than one hey you left your bed over here do you want to teleport to me what oh it is my bed why is it there I found your bed you have to find my base look I'm giving it to your dunspar Sparky Nick I found a shiny Nick I found a shiny you found a shiny shiny shiny Pokemon look at this bad boy I don't think I've ever seen a shiny fart wait you're not a battle with it right okay I'm gonna hop in no are you going to be able to catch it yeah I am don't hit it again why not I'm gonna throw a dust ball it's the hey you got it dude I got a Shiny Pokemon what is its name brother also you'll have to evolve it oh yeah I forgot that they even can evolved back in my day they couldn't you should take my power bracer to Evie train in an attack hey yo by the way check it out man I finally it took me a little bit dude I came up with the perfect odd name it's Frankie Frankie be Frankie the far fetched my dude okay I like it he does look a little cranky cranky Frankie don't let it die please please you didn't respond you need to respond I didn't hear you I was thinking about your bass guitars [Music] I wonder if Farfetch'd evolves the crits in this as well three critical hits in one battle I guess trainer battle is going to be the best bet my wife said I'm sorry but I'm dying of laughter via the guitar situation I think it's time for a divorce I just I think it is is this a joke to you so funny someone will pay hey if if you don't get a result I'll buy you a base for like Christmas Christmases like like five seven months old I mean otherwise I'll have to get it for you for what Mother's Day is that the next thing coming up I'll take it for Mother's Day if your earthquake you'll kill your own Pokemon so I'll use your Pokemon I won't really you're doing that to me just don't use earthquake the only reason you're not blasting me right now is because I sent out your Pokemon I see a force of fire so I assume you've been down to this master ball Crypt but I will double check nope you haven't and I got to Nick experience share what hey at least it wasn't a child's guitar look June there's nothing wrong with the child's guitar no yeah but I'm not a child also that guitar is horrible and there's something wrong with it yeah you did not even poke a kill beforehand Jordan it's a miraculous What's it gonna do oats is almost dead how is oats almost dead who attacked it did I attack it no attack it was the miraculous I'm using a hyper potion you get to take him down okay I refuse what to lose my oats what was that how did that why was that close wait also why am I training your duns for Sparky instead of ugly it's because I wanted to give everyone pokerus but now ugly's behind in training man I'm learning overdrive in real life we're in game dude I got another Focus house from a uh uh Crypt oh yeah what are we gonna do with Entei wait why are Hearts coming off it when you hit it what it sat down are you taming it no I was hitting it with an ax keep going what's wrong come on I want to see what happens it's gonna die how do you know without science oh axes work do we just have to let this thing chill because there's nothing we can really do I'm not fighting that I mean I'm not fighting it I'm not risking taking it down for just a little bit XP yo I might be able to catch it if I send out donkey don't you dare send out donkey I'm trying to mostly attack and I've basically done really even IV training so you're failing there's roughly 16 in every single category how is that possible you have the attack power band you defeat two people and you have 16 EVS you have pokerus and itband Jordan I'm gonna have to tell you something harsh that our parents couldn't tell you oh no what you're a disappointment but they did tell me that Nick oh good I'm almost done EV training oats and I'm I don't even think I'm getting EVS oh wait I'm typing IVs dude are you kidding me okay am I talking yeah it's all maxed out [Music] that's pretty dumb okay let's check the EVS it's one more Diglett and my EVS are done why is earthquake just not working what yo it has something called Earth eater let me look at what it is I assume that it nullifies it if hit by groundside move the Pokemon has its HP restored instead of damaged we should find duns oh speaking of that a Dan just showed up hey oh it's not the score bunny one is it oh it's not score Bunny Jordan it's cinderase oh even worse that's what I meant though be straight with me how bad did I spell daffodil daffodil I think that's how it's spelled really oh look it up it looks like a fake word that's not real yeah it feels like it should be spelled differently but I think that's how it's whoa okay boss Pokemon I don't want to battle this fella looks like one of groudon's lost cousins it's the pokestop research restart it's got potatoes now it's re-starch uh Jordan I see Team Rocket do we have to go fight them what do we have to go fight Team Rocket you got James I got Jesse okay go Groudon James why did he say James in that way I mean I think that's neat and I I would do that you know Nick no it didn't feel right no it didn't work I think I need to also say James yeah try it James see it kind of works actually it's pretty fun it works better it does work better chemeko fire blast won't miss it will also crit him this is kind of unfair Jordan what if the tobacco had Destiny bought or something oh well I mean I at least took him down very quickly you know uh Jordan you can take that Jesse right you don't want me to do that I feel like I have to at least try for my own ego don't you dare have my donkey you know die oh no wait wait I thought that one shot it Nick you're fine I'm fine for now okay licky time and Lickitung can't do anything to you at all do you not have did you actually okay first thing there I thought you got rid of torch song in general that would have been so bad I would have been the most foolish of men had I done that hey uh Jesse's team kind of using dumb moves this is going great for me yeah she doesn't have the excuse that she went against a Groudon either you know wow that wasn't too bad I kind of thought I would lose some Pokemon where did Jesse go I think she blasted away but uh the rest Team Rocket's still here so that's a little awkward it feels weird going to sleep in the middle of a town where there's just people running around or just looking at you the entire night it's kind of strange Jordan there's someone on the gym that seems abnormal look at this fella here why why he's a strong trainer do I dare take him down my Groudon is significantly higher level but uh what if there's a type disadvantage you better than me if I'm being honest what should I battle you Jordan I gotta take some risks right I know not if it's wise but you must battle this man go right on I am training man I train you you can bow me three times only oh okay I didn't expect that but that's a Blissey so that's good training that's incredible training very Yeah by Pokemon believe it or not or leveling up even your Groudon uh Yes actually even my Groudon dude that's good training man dude I can probably use this guy to evolve Frankie the far-fetched into sir fetch yo yes because you should be able to get crits if he's not using damaging moves you struggle what that's strange you might lose this battle why isn't using struggle why haven't I gotten to crit yeah wait what's evolving for you oh is that your Solosis during unius like heal heal Jordan heal I just like to make things exciting we're gonna have to ask him to not use struggle and make it easier for us he's taking the training man too serious we need the Evolution for far-fetched man hey he looks happy Jordan I've talked to the man he's going to not use struggle now you're going to get a surf batch all right Frankie it's up to you you've grown a little bit but now it's up to this man especially make sure you're using air cutter what about Leaf blade it also has a chance Leafly good yeah use Leaf blade that's okay it might do less damage though that's even better though it gives you more chances also yeah Blissey is using sword stance and that's terrifying because it will one shot any of your Pokemon if he decides to be a little bit quirky can he refrain from the quirkiness please befriend from quirky yeah no that's actually terrifying to see Jordan hey also you should get a critical hit sure yeah I would that's kind of the entire point after this battle you only get one more chance to battle the guy no you know some people would say that getting a critical hit is chance but I'm pretty sure this is a skill issue for you Jordan hey you might want to start using Leaf blade before it has to use struggle because it's struggle would probably kill me yes it has some attack Jordan here's another Leaf blade this is terrifying hey a crit okay I got one crit one down two to go you got one crit okay Droid before you battle this guy again we might need to find something for you no good morning Nick this evening I dreamed of critical hits It's Not Gonna help I know it tormented me Nick a challenger approaches is it the Zigzagoon no it's the far-fetched dude that that had been taken down you're gonna leak time to find out I see him holding one but I don't know if he'll give it to me damn it Jimmy I got a leak Jordan you do know what you're going to be doing with that leak right hitting people no no no you well the far-fetched is yeah other Pokemon you you put it on farfetched it did look like he already had one but uh if he has another one that's where the critical hit comes in ah because he's dual wielding yeah Jordan this is your final battle with the training man you better make it count listen dude I'm armed with a vaguely onion like weapon yeah I'm more ready than I've ever been air cutter I got a credit yeah critical hit come on another one Jordan get three in a row man I believe in you come on it's so beautiful and I got another credit okay okay okay now you're just showing off wait there's no way you get five in a row that's six in a row Jordan no way can you make it to double digits am I going for the a world record I got another Chris wait whoa do you want this thing to evolve or do you want it to stay a farfetched that can crit bro I kind of understand perfectly grip but there's nothing I can do about that now man did he get another one he got another one dude come on Jordan 10 10 10. you got this you got this don't mess it up now wait it it hasn't it hasn't said yet yes 10 in a row oh that's actually insane yeah actually the tenor that's uh did it raise it to 100 with Leaf blade and air cutter whoa dude I mean legitimately they're all grits dude it's all crits that's the title of my book bro can you carve me a sword out of an onion I I what you Frankie you want to stay far-fetched or something wait wait wait does it have to be a galorean farfetched wait it does doesn't it it's okay Frankie's a monster now though I'm gonna bow the training man a couple times in a row now too did you know did you know that I was today years old when I found out that glory and Farfetch'd must be a thing they look the same nearly yeah they look identical what's the difference that's too funny man I didn't I didn't know oh no and ironically that leak is going to make Frankie Strong though he's impossibly strong dude man the training man such a good training man to train against and he only lets us train against him three times this is my last time battling him do you think there's a training woman out there for more training only time will tell ow tell me now you can be time I know how but Groudon by the way and no solar beam no no Batman you can't hit me you can't hit me at all ouch you hit me I said stop it oh Bluey protect me let me on your back Volcarona evolves at level 64 right our Vesta evolves at 59. well what Evolutions do you have left yeah I'm done unless chuckle evolves and I miss that yeah it does slide when into what chuckle two anyway be careful I don't want to fight any weird bosses here yeah I I'm not finding anyone in general though oh good wait or bad what do you call those noises not spooky mouth that's spooky mouth that sounds so dumb you sound dumb when you're doing it I should not be the one feeling dumb here yo I found a peachy done oh yeah that sounds fun to destroy the hopes of a baby Pokemon if only I had Fisher I'm done with the Dan well Jordan is officially day 50 and all of my Pokemon are over level 50. oats can take down a four star Den right if I give advice am I culpable I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying it I'm trying it okay I got down to half we got him low don't die please my people are missing oh no Maxwell did some damage to me but it wasn't insane Jordan I'm living for the adrenaline we kind of are though dude and I don't like it okay now earthquake should just take it down yeah I played that pretty smart Jordan and I don't think it was worth it based on my rewards level 54 it's right in line with my team name is pancakes pancakes his name is pancakes I always call camera up to cow it's clearly a camel nah it's a cow wait but it's got volcano humps it's a cow though yeah you're right though the German Infinity magma member I'm gonna defeat them with the Groudon that's kind of funny right I feel like ancient power should be a stronger move than it is not gonna lie yeah I'll give you some fresh water that looked like it took it out of you to fight that member oh yeah you think that took it out of me I still got the fight in me I'm not even done here chill chill what's wrong with you sorry I the tiger was pulling in my head oh that's understandable then good morning oh Jordan it looks like Maxi showed up oh he kind of does that he kind of follows me around occasionally I've noticed it's weird why you know I mean I've been in Team Magma at certain points in my life Jordan and uh while I'm currently retired I am wearing the uniform I have a Groudon and I'm wearing a grout on my head honestly it may have been the grout on my head that you know kind of lured him in yeah you know I'm gonna do that too just because it'll uh it'll annoy him I'll be like why does everyone else have Groudon yeah exactly uh so Jordan I I it's not exactly a rivalry because he's never really be in me but I've got I'm going to have to defeat him now you know and he's not that weak but don't tell him that okay let him know he's weak oh okay I won't but okay hey Max you'll pal I got grout on Isn't that cool uh you're actually high level you know what I'm gonna use Groudon against you it's your favorite Pokemon right go Groudon seems rude seems very rude hey Nick how's it going you kind of grout on again you know Mom said it was my turn to have Groudon Jordan there are too many groudons here in the center that's doing uh significant damage oh the one that's actually fighting in real oh I see wait it's not the one in the middle dude it's the one on the left it is the one on the well left or right depending on where you're looking you got tricked okay that team was not bad no not at all can I at least borrow Groudon after your Nuzlocke I want to look cool in front of Archie you want to look cool in front of Archie you mean Team Magma not Archie right go into your sand pit and reflect on your actions and be better no no no that's too far Droid no he'll be fine he usually get out if he wants to Maxie was like a father to me was he no not really four star Marowak then I'll use solar beam instead of earthquake oh no I'm not fighting it with you oh cringe no because one of my Pokemon might die it's happened too many times now Nick I've learned and reflected polar beam I'm also running out of time to choose new Pokemon that's true uh training Pokemon back up to the current level would be kind of difficult but the dancer and you can just catch the Marowak [Music] look I'm going to catch the Marowak yeah look at that no you sound very distraught I got two large XP candies though so uh that's pretty good I'm two levels off of this evolving I feel like you pronounced that differently each time a boostis did you ever play indoor soccer yeah it was super fun I had a really nice pair of Puma cleats did you were you aware of Puma wait how was that even spelled what is that wait how do you pronounce it though like actually you're so stupid how do you pronounce it how do you pronounce Puma Puma pants dude that actually reminds me I have a nice day yeah hey pokestop if you want it oh no man oh shiny ferret I found a shiny yo no way a pink for it yeah I love pink fur don't don't take it down I gotta get it nope it was pretty funny though wasn't it you thought I was gonna snow you're scaring me I thought about it you're scaring me big time Jordan you caught it Nick wait I did yeah you got it it hit me with slam and now it used rest and then I'm so confused but I shall now name it Jordan its name is turret turret the ferret there's a boss electric that thing is going to be super high level but there's no way you can take down Groudon right earthquake yeah I took down one hit come on give me red candy can you give me give me XP Kennedy small and a zoom lens cool hey Jordan yo would you jump down this hole if all your friends were doing it yeah I'm all your friends nope yo bro are you battling the apocalyptic Marowak yeah oh good oh good I thought I had to deal with it and I was terrified no you're fine man you're fine dude he looks like an even match for Frankie the Farfetch'd they both have weapons they do Frankie is holding his leak in his left hand the Marowak is holding a bone in its right hand oh that would be sick fan art dude that is actually fantastic wait but Jordan I might have an evolution right here potentially you got a little candy I think there's a good chance yes boom baby is evolving how it's the wisdom for Corona dude what since when can Volcarona fly by the way it's always been able to fly but since when is it able to have passengers bro can you impart Pokemon wisdom to me yeah always all right yo dog so my Bluey which is my champ wants to learn cross chop right now I have knockoff Revenge dual chop and dynamic punch what should I take out for this because this is a strong move maybe Dynamic punch it just is so inconsistent yeah it will be the move that gets you defeated because you miscalculated you can also just release the Pokemon you don't have to worry about it in general wow you okay don't leave that in don't leave that in oh no I wanted to test out if I could use quiver dance and then another move with the Troy specs you cannot the issue is that a trap inch level 10 use sand to on me so I cannot run or switch out either wait what is this predicament then does that wear off uh it better or else I'm going to be down a Pokemon hey my flame body burnt it though Jordan yo wait wait so you're gonna be safe it just might take hours bro these are the moments in a Nuzlocke that people do nuzlocks for he keeps getting crits on me is he trying to evolve into a serve trap bench too dude hey wait throw a Pokeball at it you just throw Pokemon at it that's kind of really smart I'm gonna release him right off the bat for his grievances that he's caused me that's really rude that's toxic don't do that I might yeah I got it okay I'm gonna name him sir pinch there he goes yeah Kabuto Jordan if it's really weak it's a cabato it's not very good oh no why did 20 people just click off the video wait no come back I can't hear you now Jordan or I'll do a better one I'll do a pun what kind of shoes do archaeologists wear what kind of shoes Jordan caboots don't come back comment down below if you're still watching this never get into a million Subs at this rate yo dude I got a dubious disc a disc of the dubious nature what are you gonna do with that evolve a Porygon too that's not what that is that is what that is no you're thinking of an upgrade I'm pretty sure it evolves Porygon two and z i don't believe so yeah evolves porygon2 is what it uses an upgrade Porygon one this is stupid you wouldn't download a Pokemon well I mean if you could yeah you can right now you wouldn't download this video and re-upload it 20 times that'd be so weird you wouldn't do that why would you do that yeah really why why no seriously why what's the purpose so Jordan teleport to me hola oh my bad that's the second time I found your bed in the wilderness all right Nick do you want to take it or do you want me to uh it will end us Jordan that is an ultimate boss Groudon we don't we don't stand even the slightest bit of a chance uh Nick yes there's something more fearsome Beyond us that old man Tom standing on a cactus it is old man's arm and he's standing on a cactus oh man Tom what are what are you doing in here you're level 70 you're not gonna like try to balance or anything right are your feet okay ooh guys we're going to have to battle me why would we battle you there's no point yeah there's not really any point unless like it's a guaranteed victory for us and then we would get good training because I'm angry at you and I won't stop being angry at you until you battled me yeah yeah why are you mad at us is it because we didn't invite you to the Nuzlocke no I don't care about the Nuzlocke it's the fact that you did not choose quick travel you chose the other two starters that are stinky I had no idea it was a gravel apologist so why would we battle you still though this is your own gripe also your beard uh is on your shirt not your chin and don't worry about that but if you do feet my quack quavo I will give you a Dynamax bad oh wait for the phone wait is that useful for you dude I don't really have any Dynamics that's pretty that's pretty good especially if I could you know like gigantom Max talk but on top of that Jordan he told me that he has a quick gravel right now I might try to beat him it's still going to be a little bit difficult because he's potentially level 70 and I'm hoping that's the only Pokemon he has but we don't know it's impossible to tell but dude you have a way better matchup than I do with that me Doom dude the skeletors so take them take them down dude I might initially hit him with like a nuzzle to paralyze him is that reasonable I don't want to lose my Dynamax Pokemon you know go Philippines use nuzzle the aqua stuff nearly took me down in one hit Jordan get out of there dude that's really terrifying let me switch to spinach I guess and hope that he doesn't have a flying move this is terrifying aquasep didn't do that much to me I'm going him with the flower trick I should move first because he's paralyzed flower trick should be able to take him down in one hit boom and it did yeah oh go and is that all his Pokemon please yes it is and Jordan it looks like I do have it right there like I'm I'm wearing it it's kind of hard to see it especially under the Groudon but I've got it nice dude you whacked the code and took down quack quavo you were thinking of that the entire battle weren't you no yeah master ball Luke I got a power inklet another master ball leftovers hey bro bro that's what I eat every night after I've made other food the night before Groudon do you like Meatloaf I can take down a four star Den right Jordan Groudon look tiny but on the bright side I'm really strong and I'm winning and we won that very quick oh I caught the center scores Jordan and it is level 57. waffle so Jordan I'd normally be too nervous to take down an epic boss but I have you know a Dynamax Groudon against this electric so I I'm pretty confident I can take you down with a Max Quake It was level 113 but uh it's gone another silver bottle cap Nick I found something funky what did you find is it a Kong No it kind of looks like a race course is that what this looks like to you in my experience this is what race courses look like normally you loop back to the start but it I it doesn't look like that's the case also kind of looks like a bad roller coaster here you know it looks more like a roller coaster excuse me sir uh what's up with this by the day I bake cakes by later in the day I race with no breaks whoa all right hey kid if you and your Pokemon beat the lap record I'll give you the soup you seek soup you seek I don't think we're seeking soup what although I do like soup so uh I'll go along with it good luck you'll especially need it why is this guy picking a fight with you I mean you especially need luck to beat a course I don't know it's kind of it's kind of mean I I have a shovel I could bury him it's true but wait what kind of soup do you well what soup are you seeking dude I I have no idea but hey I'm ready to go the lap record is eight seconds what what a course what of course this is okay it's kind of it's kind of hard to see George I'm gonna take off my hat for right now that's better okay you ready for the time whatever your name was wait give me a moment there's a zip strikeout on the course and that could slow me down so I gotta I gotta earthquake it real quick Jordan three two one go hurry dude you're in every second dude do I need it four seconds five seconds uh hey hey hey buddy I look at me he's looking Away Jordan uh I I won it wasn't even close Nick he just put soup on the floor what so I guess he's cool with it okay what soup did you get wait dude it's Mac soup which can cause the gigantic Max Factor to actually exist man I was hoping for chicken noodle wait dude I could go for gigantomax toxicity right now yo wait do you have any other options because that sounds fantastic otherwise is there a Mega Machamp yet there's a gigantic Maxima champ could I have a bite just beat the course as well okay that's a point hey Philippines take it and now he has the factor Jordan that's so cool and I gotta try again for you man three two one [Music] you totally Beat it I'm the greatest man that gets the greatest soup wait Jordan there's a master ball loot here as well and it is throat spray yo that would be good if we lose our voices yeah it's not actually bad at all for Philippines but uh actually yeah you just put it on Philippines yeah it's kind of perfect well that's hilarious dude that was dude that was Philippines Town yeah I guess so the town of Philippines yeah yeah look at that look how cool he looks he looks so cool I like the premiere ball hey what what's wrong [Music] why wait Jordan we can finally take down the trainers over here yeah in all the towns and that should be good training also when I die to Max Groudon gets like a tiny bit bigger and that is it oh Blissey now that's some good training I don't think we can battle them more than once a day but that lady is worth battling every day because a Blissey because that Blissey will get us to level 100. whoa Jordan This trainer is level 83. whoa he looks like a fire man which means your Groudon will likely lay waste to his teeth disregarding all that you said uh here's Professor Oak again why is Professor Oak here what's going on man I have stolen my grandson's Pokemon team he was the champion you know and now I will destroy you for revenge for destroying my Pokemon my poor Evie I didn't even want to battle you just said we had to beat you to leave the town yeah Jordan I feel like this entire you know 100 days we have old men just kind of trolling us Story of My Life Is it okay interesting um you're level 61 he might be good training honestly I'm not too nervous but wait he took Gary's team let's think about this Drew and let's think about this he's got like a Charizard a Pidgeot a Gyarados he has an Alakazam as well how about this how about this okay yeah I'm down to Battle and that sounds fun if you lose though you'll never age to be an old man oh okay go oats and that is the Pidgeot right there Jordan I'm gonna hit him with an ancient power and right off the bat the Charizard that would be terrifying but I have ancient power there's no way that it doesn't take it down in one hit man and it does okay I'm gonna Max flare I'm gonna gigant Max well Dynamax solely for the reason that I don't want Max flare to miss yeah good call or does Maxwell have the same accuracy I'm not actually sure I think it was the same accuracy I don't regret anything okay this thing cannot take down a Dynamax Groudon in one hit there's no way Max rockfall okay I did not actually expect that to take it down in one hit there though wait wait yo yo yo yo dude that's a Mega Alakazam neck that is Mega Alakazam but Jordan I don't think it will make it by a Max flare whoa even with all of its various Cutlery and then right on I hit him with an earthquake and just like that I want yo no my grandson's team now he is going to sue me in a court of law yeah yeah oh dude he gave me the alcazite he gave me the alakazai dude that means that you have a Mega Alakazam color the enjoyer can become a culinary Master Jordan I can't make it evolve him but it might be because I don't have a mega ring unless he gave me a mega ring did he give me a mega ring he did give me a mega ring oh okay uh I'm gonna I'm gonna go with the necklace one also I don't know if I can have that and the gigantic Max on at the same time it seems like I cannot Nick you look like you are Iron Man thank you I also still okay I'm gonna make evolve them I'm gonna test it out because I am I'm Iron Man okay I'm gonna use recover so that we can see the animation my hat is making it very hard to see very hard to see wait a minute dude I didn't realize it dude I noticed all the spoons first but also Alakazam grows A rad beard he sure does and just like that I beat him a chop give me the Mega Stone I want to have a red beard and a lot of spoons that's not how that works Jordan why not anyways I'm going back to the Wishing Star because I think it's better overall why doesn't it work you're not a Pokemon why you can't grow a beard Woods hurt so much no no are you eating like dolphin meat or something dolphin meat is supposed to be crunchy I don't know I never had it wait I just found sealed orange mail on the ground I have severe pain in my spleen called doctors what how's that still on the ground what how is that still on the ground over here and how did I find it I still want to start a fortune cookie business that's kind of started to become my dream I'm not kidding so many fortune cookies they don't even have fortunes anymore or if they do have fortunes which is like cool you finally have a Fortune they're not that interesting no I want a fortune cookie that says don't take the bus on December 29th 2032 yeah it's pretty good see I think you should do oddly specific ones like oh hyper species yes bro you could print the same one a lot though dude because like you don't have to give an actual date which you could do is you could be like the stock market will crash nine days from you opening this cookie you are the cause of the stock market crashing repent and I mean if you got a cookie that said that that would be a fun and enjoyable experience would it not it would be a good cookie it'd be a good cookie what flavor is the cookie though I mean it's fortune cookie is vanilla flavored see I would do a different thing I would make fortune cookies that had no fortune but that tasted really nice oh so instead of just having like funny and crazy fortunes you want the cookie to actually be enjoyable experience to eat I want a good I want a good cookie yeah yo we should put our ideas together a good cookie with a crazy good fortune come on man wait that's how you make a fortune I got a lucky egg I got a lucky egg chances are the best dude chances are the best dude you know it'd be a good Pokemon game yeah during a game where a Cubone goes back in time to save its mother oh I've got eruption do I want that over fire blast honestly probably not [Music] meerkat or earthquake uh Nick what Nick is that a primal Kyogre with Archie on top what is happening I don't know but I want to go check that out I really should have picked sprigatito yeah yeah you know what grass is good here for sure but I I do have solar Beam on oats as well how's it going Archie you're friends with the guy right yeah kinda you're wearing matching hats yeah we do that he's always like I want a shark tooth necklace that I look cool and I'm like you already look cool who cares he's like I need the shark tooth necklace and I'm like you know you know what I mean you're 40. you're you're you're important wait do you hear something the window or the Rayquaza the what um okay whoa whoa did not expect to have to battle Rayquaza what's good is I have been training oats up big time and I can gigantom extra and honestly is Max rockfall not going to be kind of enough I'm assuming that you're going to one shot it I was two shot but yeah wait should I have tried catch catching that you didn't even think to catch it Nick I have a Safari Ball it would fit perfectly if it's being protective of Oats I he's like a sun to me and I'm like his mother Archie appears speechless over there [Music] well Jordan uh he he's giving me the red orbs so I'm gonna I'm gonna turn back on that you know that Mega Ring there because uh the fact of the matter is Jordan if I can have a Primal Groudon I might go for the Primal Groudon okay I don't know how maybe it's not the Red Orb it works what it literally worked it worked yeah that was a Primal Groudon I had a private all right wait wait do I not even do I need the mega ring Jordan let me see oh yeah yeah I do I was I was looking at the ground out in my head so what I want to know Jordan is can I die to Max the Primal Groudon one man ought to not have that much power I think other Pokemon ran away Jordan wisdom fills this Valley so um it's not letting me gigantomax but I'm not sure why what if it had something to do with the laws of physics yeah I can do it with other Pokemon Jordans so yeah yeah that's okay yeah it's a lot right now I'm just gonna use the lucky egg to get him to level 100 and then I'm going to use both my Silver Battle Cats Autumn which is going to be insane I can't believe that this Nuzlocke started with us having little baby Pokemon and now you have a Groudon and I have a Shuckle I have a chuckle named late night Junior three and so far it's still alive which is kind of a miracle very surprising blissy give me your experience inches nature can you I don't know can I wait he's mints oh mint mint turn I can use mint how do how do we get mints I sold our beam day Squirtle why funny haha oh Victini spawn just by default I I might be able to catch that I see it on the map can I use earthquake on it if this doesn't catch it yeah yeah and then if it survives then you can try to catch it again I'm going back to the library why didn't you let me use earthquake I have a specific style that I play Pokemon with what nature do you want probably adamant in that case you need an adamant mint oh cool how do I get that you take a regular mint you try to add another man yes so it's like two mints together you could get a naughty mint okay dude just look it up red you need a Redmond yes yes how do I get one Jordan by using forage oh no wait it's an item there's a mint crop okay wait wait wait wait are you still in town that's not a mint that's a berry cringe wait I I think I found a mint never mind it's just another Berry do you need Dragon memory for anything Jordan I already have the memories of human why do I need memories of a dragon dude I have a rare candy I only need to level up oats three more times use the rare candy then oats is level 100 and I can use silver bottle caps what does he evolve into we've been over this he's got an Everstone or something right so he can't evolve wait a minute can you buy the mints from the town I feel like I've seen that store before that would be a perfect Artisan thing to buy I don't know if they do sell it but I thought maybe that they did this guy's talking about the natures right there but he's not selling any meds maybe this guy will nope you're a cringe feel free to TPM at it if you want it no oh I'm battling an Entei right now though this this trainer just happens to have a level 39 Entei why how and then then the ball picks afterwards so Jordan I I I don't know and then another Vulpix maybe he caught the Entei thinking that it was a Vulpix wait dude I see a pirate ship I'm gonna take a look at it because spice and mince and stuff I've got mint Journey it's got a mint it totally we gotta believe is that a pirate ship that's just a ship yeah cargo ship dude I'm the pirate why are you breaking the boat if you're taking it okay I'm breaking the boat too oh boss rare dude I'm not battling any of these people they're gonna have level 100s that can actually defeat through them there's no mints here those aren't mints what is going on why is Jordan French huh my inventory is so full dude and it's been full for the entire 100 days Jordan that's just how it is Minecraft needs to expand their inventories to hold like a thousand items like real life like real it's possible he gets swole uh Jordan yeah Jordan I'm battling a level 80 Tyranitar and I didn't mean to start this battle it just automatically started this is terrifying there's a wild level what oh it's a boss right not wild it's a boss battle oh of some sort oh no this is very scary and he even so he's got Sandstorm and he used Stealth Rock Jordan This Is Where thing people could die swapped out to Lucario and it's a mega Lucario fighting is super effective against me so I need to swap out very badly oats is probably the best that I could swap out too yeah because Sandstorm shouldn't even hurt him really and he was already mega evolved why is he mega evolving a second time Jordan he's going Giga Mega okay that did a lot of damage I'm going to go and gigantom Max use my flared make sure it won't miss that has been taken down this character is going to get taken down by Max Slayer as well hopefully come on send out your strongest snacks that is a crooked eye level 80. that's pretty strong he knocked off my lucky egg I mean that's just rude at that point you know here's the Tyranitar again Tyranitar should not be able to take me down in one hit he's got sandstream slow beam won't hit immediately so I'm going to earthquake he swapped out to a stout land okay did he swap out to a stop land or did I take it down I can't tell for the life of me because earthquake didn't do anything so he was true yeah yeah he swapped out but how did I not deal damage with earthquake I don't know how dojos work I don't know I got a crit there wait I took it down okay I didn't realize that I took it down I'm gonna hyper potion oats real quick because I don't think Tyranitar can yeah Tyranitar doesn't do all too much to me wise maneuver I'm gonna hit him with an earthquake and is that the battle no it's not even about good training as this is this is I don't like it I use solar BMX that only Jordan when it's still not good outside it's also nighttime I'm hyper potion when I say not good outside I mean Sandstorm still going so it's not instant oh oh earthquake and now that's the team okay Jordan we won I might want to try to conquer this entire place but for now I'm running away and I'm going to poke a heel and I am going to go to sleep and cry like usual triumphantly that was terrifying did you intend to do that or were you on auto no I did not intend to do that at all the moment you get close to it it just goes Jordan if you breathe you must commentate if you commentate you must breathe I like to imagine you that one day you just suddenly start talking in ominous metaphors and you don't stop I'm down for that is today that day I still want to start a fortune cookie company do you I can't believe you haven't even found a second Shiny Pokemon why would you take the stupid electric that I was trying to find it's not for you every little bit counts oh boss calm and lit Leo I can take that down for sure that's gonna be good it's only level 102. XP candy small boy howdy I'm all about that every little bit helps Jordan okay picture this you're a baker okay you're trying to bake a cake okay it's a three layer cake Jordan okay three layer okay if you leave out a chunk of the bottom layer on the left side it's a bad cake that's not gonna work Jordan most likely I mean it might work but it's gonna look like someone already ate it No One's Gonna want a cake that someone already ate you know that part of the cake he faces the wall you're good oh man but every little bit counts Jordan oh that was what I was going for what if I ate that little part so it helped fuel me to make more of the cake is that how chefs work during is that it takes so much energy which it actually kind of does but it takes so much energy that they have to eat some of their food to keep going you get instant energy boost as soon as you eat paleolisks always seem very annoying for me to take down yeah I've never trained one because they don't seem very strong how is that possible do you even know they're typing George they're normal and electric right oh you do know they're typing yeah I do know I'm actually I understand them but why are they see during the entire time I thought you were just using a ghost move over and over again on it and maybe that's why you're struggling hey for all you know that was what I was doing true but why won't it work or used again Insanity I'll click the button harder this time Honestly though like Pixelmon should take into account how hard you smash your mouse on the moves I think most games should I mean think about it that's how Pokemon Works in general the louder you yell the more motivated you are the more your Pokemon beat up the other Pokemon a picture at the highest level tournaments Jordan you know there's just two kids just screaming on the other side and the Pokemon is going nuts I really like that there's like a decimal level counter right next to them and everyone's just like watching it like wow the audience gets scouters yeah Pokemon's power levels as they yell everyone's wearing like the highest grade earplugs the fight's last seven episodes most of it is just them yelling oh wait has that already been on I think that's another show damage brain damage my brain is damaged my brain is damaged my brain is why are we doing this is John I'm not seeing any blessies it's her last Pokemon how do you know that it's right there oh you're right wow I'm so close to level 99 Jordan and I have a rare candy eat it instead of giving it to Groudon I just eat it myself level you up but then you'll be able to train them better I'm level 99 Jordan yo you're gonna have level 100 yep I might go and give him a rare candy in the you know during the Twilight hours of day 84. are you ready no that's actually a really fast level 100. yeah that's level 100 right there Jordan and now silver bottle caps so let me go ahead and check the IVs so defense and HP and special defense are perfect but the others are really bad if I can get attacked perfect and be beautiful wait they're straight up the those three stats are perfect IVs yeah they're actually perfect it's amazing so Jordan silver bottle cap hyper trains a single IV if it could hyper train the attack that'd be beautiful oh wait I can choose yeah I assume yeah of course Jordan His attack is going from 300 to 359. what that's insane I'm gonna do it on speed now turn oh no way his speed's from 198 to 297. that is absurd that is absurd dude I'm gonna be training spinach now into bok choy is that the level up for you I enjoy bok choy what's your favorite green I'd lean towards spinach can artichoke fit in there is it green enough yeah it doesn't artichoke kind of feel like a mushroom to you like where it's a little meaty I mean yeah I get that I get that artichoke slaps man artichoke does dude a little bit do you like it with honey mustard is that your jam uh that's my jam I feel like it's really easy to overwhelm the artichoke taste is the issue I just like the artichokes taste I just like your line it's very easy to overwhelm the other joke I think it's near me unless you're near it oh here it is where there it is I saw it on the map Jordan I'm gonna catch this thing and then I'll trade it to you okay I could have a legendary you could have legendary Jordan this is because I gave you a master ball I'm also considering just using earthquake oh did I use that you think a baseball was gonna work yeah go in Beast ball voice okay George what thank you for that you're welcome only two rolls Jordan I don't think I've gotten a three roll yet that's because you're bad now throw the Pokeball with a back seat you know what's gonna happen wait three rolls with the backspin oh oh you're welcome uh uh I I actually caught it I thought I was gonna have to wait for it to struggle once okay cool I'm gonna use this for IQ no no although since I'm the one who caught it I'm going to be the one who names it could it be late Nick Jr four I think it's able to be that because it's a raiku it shouldn't die Lady Jr three is a shackle wait is chuckle alive still yeah Chuckles alive still can it even be late Nick Jr four then it's late Nick Jr three still alive I know what I must do no I'm sure and I think you have the will to do it which is not good no another name then Jordan I'm giving it another name okay I've got the name for it oh no I hear a Google that means that it's terrible though what is the yellow rain because think about this during he he brings down the Thunder from the rain clouds and it's it's all yellow so it's the yellow rain and everyone will be afraid of the yellow ring wasn't that your nickname um yeah it was really tall Mandarin you're really just handed out everything in life you pretty much just got that as a participation trophy in this 100 days I gave you a master ball you insolent kid you're such a Zoomer sure what is this is this wormple this must be wormple is this worm Bowl I think it's Whirlpool it is Whirlpool I like to imagine if that the one Pokemon you've never seen is a wormple so you're like whoa what is this what what what is this it's like a worm it's not even purple why is it called wormple it's almost day 92 it's almost night 93. but according to calculus run they're still you know infinite amounts of times in between now and night 93 so in reality not very close could I confess something no I don't know what calculus is that's okay go to sleep I like to imagine you're like you're talking to like your son and he's like Dad do I need to know anything about calculus and you just go no go no son just punch the bear in the eyes and run away oh that got really that got kind of real don't worry I'm I'm faster than my kid Jordan yeah I need to stop just randomly battling people but why is this lady just in the middle of the plane to randomly level 82. lots of water pokemon at least okay as in just two it was good trading but oh what in the world man that is a big pedal little why is it so big how is it that large what am I looking at what what it evolves is going to be the biggest Pokemon that's ever existed I almost want to see that but I don't have time for this okay dude the sunflower planes trainers are like ridiculously strong Dan hey do you wanna battle no are you insane probably five star yeah I know it is five star really you're not gonna you're scared yeah it's Buffalo and dude those things they're telling me that an entire 100 days we're not gonna do even one level five done all right you want to do one you wanna do one you really you really you really think this is worthwhile yeah yeah yeah let's do it choose a really strong Pokemon okay I'm in go ahead and start it I'm waiting for you no I'm in no I'm waiting for you it's not showing for you hop in you it's showing it's showing your incentive all right a little chicken get in this dead fire Pokemon come on dude I'm in the den you are not I joined right after you I'm not you didn't I'm right there I started see I just started man why are you gaslighting me I get out and I can I keep it and I can wait and then start it if you want okay all right yeah I'm out I'm out okay I'm in you ready to start go ahead and hit start the leader of the Raiders left the shield and everything there's no way we don't lose Pokemon I was I was actually down to it that I thought about it I think I would lose a Pokemon no matter what so I'm like you know what Best of Both Worlds is to get Jordan to fight it by himself he was such a little stinkered dude teleport to me do I have to it's a good place all right yeah or anything no no little do you know this is perfect for making a steak oh no it's well done well done again do you want to fight a legendary silicobra it's level 140. it's okay I am going to Dynamax and use max overgrowth that's worth and XP share yay Dynamite candy toxic plate toxic Plate's pretty cool but uh actually the Dynamax candy might be good Jordan I feel like I've been throwing away Dynamics candy but that's really dumb for us to have done I have thrown out like 60 plus of that dude dude in my head it's useless I've only just now realized it's it's the opposite of useless it's useful it's very very good oh wow wait we how many days we have left to collect it hey dude wait I found another move I found another before do you want to fight it or is this the same this is the same one that is five stars and will destroy us Jordan I walked in a circle But but so did Ferdinand Magellan so like you know if you leave humans you know alone and they're trying to get like go somewhere and move somewhere they uh naturally walk in a circle why am I saying this as if I'm not a human you really just kind of made a strong scientists don't know why we walk in circles I talk it up to stupidity that's what I do for most of the things in my life that go wrong do you do you actually use chalk you know I have I've dabbled with chalk but not super it actually is convenient I mean it's I mean delicious that's what I was gonna say it keeps me too hungry PSA don't eat chalk the reason why is because I want you to mail me your chalk so I can eat it I I just hope that dude somebody skims through the video and if they do the only thing they hear is PSA don't eat shock and they're like that was a good video saving lives I agree with this video I'm gonna drop a like do you know you can actually use chalk to draw and it shatters if you hit something hard yeah which is always a plus anything you throw that shatters is satisfying bro if we make enough money from your fortune cookie business we could make a room where we just shatter stuff in it that hurt exists what did you not know about this you have a shadow room no that's not what they're called what are they called there's something rooms is it the break room no no that's a really good one though that would be like a specific one we gotta start that as well you're messing with me right no I'm not you can Google it throwing ax is fun I've never done it it looks fun well I've never done it at a place once again you can just get into ax and throw it Jordan oh wait actually I do have an ax yeah yeah exactly you have an X just throw it somewhere mine's absurdly sharp though to you really I have to sharpen mine Jordan it's a four-star gradient who who's scared of the four-star group we're all using fire moves we we all use do we all use Farms I didn't see what slash bottle cap for you dude uh during bats bats everywhere bats everywhere Jordan battle them destroy them so that we stop lagging yo why is this actually such good training bro I just realized that wubat is just flying Lulu they copied Pokemon that's a lawsuit ooh TP stick down dude I was just here man wait gold bottle cap what does that do again hyper trains all the Ivy's Pokemon with legendary Pokemon Acquired and our power reaching an all-time high this is our final bout of training there's less than a Minecraft week remaining before we fight Ash no self-doubt here only doubt of others yes like you what what what who why cuando dande how many where that is what you said right yeah did you guys have been to Mexico before you don't know that you don't know what I do in my free time I've been to Mexico you have not what did it look like okay picture in Mexico it's three stars be very careful no well Nick we've climbed the ranks I've gotten a Cascade badge and that lets us fight Ash he's not a gym leader yeah but we had to like we fought Professor Oak and then later we fought Professor Oak and then later we fought Professor Oak yeah I don't think we actually had to fight any of them it just kind of happened but Jordan I am terrified to take down Ash's championship team I don't know if I have a strategy for this Jordan I can beat him if you I want me to we could rock paper scissors dude it's okay it's okay you don't have to lie I take nap while you're fine no okay I gotta figure out what is my strategy what am I going to start with I might try to start with Volcarona because if I have a good matchup I can use some quiver dances and maybe sweep them go have Gengar Gengar okay so he did start with the Gengar I don't see why I wouldn't be able to use quiver dance right he won't have a move that's super effective sludge wave uh that did a lot of damage Jordan wow dude luckily I do have leftovers your speed increase do you think you have a one shot angle probably not but I'm going to try a bug buzz and I that was not the move to use I trolled I forgot hyper potions only heal 120. I I'm used to them doing 200 still back in my day in my day so fire blast might be able to take him down and there we go his first Pokemon's been taken down here's the dracovish which Dragon water not very good for me let me think I I feel like spinach is the best thing I have to send out the only issue with that is how do I tank the hit can spinach just take the hit it depends on what he uses does he have a move that would be super effective I think I just gotta send out spinach and yeah he used fishiest red I'm gonna use flower trick that did half his HP I lived I'm faster so one more flower trick takes him down just like that there's the Lucario I think I have to send out oats well you know what I'm gonna go with ugly I don't know if I've battled with ugly once and that's why the moves are a little bit awkward it knows the move water sport Jordan I missed and close combat ugly no this is like the first time I've used ugly ugly my boy you are so ugly but so beautiful I could send out Cutlery enjoy your Jordan coloring drawer could be faster and is likely faster because Alexander's a speedy boy are you serious if I'm trusting you on this and you're wrong I will be very angry I'm so right you're right wow I'm actually really surprised by that Dragonite I just need to deal some damage to use fly I'm faster than him so I can't even use recover call mine it shouldn't be able to take me you may have enjoyed Cutlery but I enjoyed your company okay overdrive there's no way it doesn't just take it down the Dragon no it's like no no okay Jordan this is when it gets serious Max rockfall all right you have 616 HP dude Max Quake what he kind of got taken down immediately Jordan surf fetch another Max Quake is perfect here yo wait was that it no I was in Jordan that was scary that was very scary so Jordan I know you wanted to battle me but I can't use some of my Pokemon now I mean that that's good for me I I have to beat you with three of my Pokemon this is not going to be a fair fight but I'm like the Pokemon champion right now so if you if you beat me you still wait become the Pokemon champion I'd say it's through doobies means but it is my only way I shall go for it are you ready dude I'm ready Jordan send it out oh Jordan what do I do this is less than ideal you're gonna get confused with that nope I just missed I I just missed I missed again this is a great start how are you living stop living that sounded rude believe it or not I enjoy living okay I'm going to win this battle Jordan I think I can win this battle get off the early picture of your three he survived for now but not for long Jordan no he's the greatest no lady Nick Jr he was late Nick Jr it's only right that I'm the one who takes him down Jordan get out there daffodil I did not know you had this in your team even daffodil was like my sleeper op pick and then it got one shot Jordan you realize your green is is making your entire team go away forever my greed you'll never be able to see them again Jordan right no this is going fine is it Jordan yeah it's going fine to Max or you Dynamax just to faint anyways it actually may have because I used a dumb move against you Frankie Frankie Frankie Frankie Frankie could take down notes oh yeah are you sure about that one was it good it was a grid Jordan newly time to use earthquake no dude out of this Arena join ahead oh you have more Pokemon I have the yellow ring goodbye raiku that's what I should have done at the start Jordan you've unfortunately taken down another one of my Pokemon but spinach and oats the ones I spent the most time on they have lived to the end of day 100 but if all my Pokemon die I'd die right oh yeah leave the server [Laughter] that's the end of day 100. that that was pretty good wait wait Jordan you died off the server before ever giving me donkey back in the world foreign
Channel: L8Games
Views: 140,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, minecraft 100 days, minecraft 100 days modded, 100 days modded, and this is what happened, minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, We Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Pixelmon Nuzlocke, 100 Days In Minecraft Pixelmon, We Survived 100 Days In Minecraft Pixelmon Hardcore Nuzlocke, We Survived 100 Days In Pixelmon Hardcore Nuzlocke
Id: 66pvcDkPgz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 32sec (7892 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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