I Spent 100 DAYS in Minecraft PIXELMON!

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I'll be spending the next 100 days in Minecraft Pixelmon and this challenge is not going to be easy here are my goals catch at least one Pokemon of every type defeat a legendary tier boss Pokemon Mega evolve a shiny charizard to Mega Charizard Y get my whole team to level 100 and finally create an overpowered Fusion Pokemon at the fusion lab can I complete all my goals and become one of the strongest trainers on the server watch until the end to find out and please if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe YouTube tells me that ninety percent of the people that watch my content aren't subscribed so make sure you sub to never miss A Pixelmon video guys let's waste no more time and choose our starter for this 100 days and to be honest I think it makes the most sense to choose shiny charmander obviously one of our goals is getting a Shiny Mega Charizard Y it's only kind of just makes sense to get the shiny charmander but don't think we're too close to completing that goal we still have a lot work to do as you can see from the giant Mewtwo we're on the smash MC Mewtwo server the server just launched and if you guys want to play Pixelmon and find me on the server the IP is play.smashmc.com VIP is also in the description as well as the smash MC website and the link to download Pixelmon and one of the coolest things about the smash MC server is all the amazing custom Fusion Pokemon and we'll be creating one of these amazing Fusion Pokemon by the end of the video so make sure you stick around to see which one we make and first things first before we start checking out the server more let's go ahead and evolve our shiny charmander to a shiny Charmeleon thankfully on Smash MC you do start off with a few rare candies so there we go on Charmander evolved into Charmeleon and he is looking clean bro looking very strong but of course the server has a ton of places to train your Pokemon this is the Eevee Center where we can come to Evie train our Pokemon and just under that is the area where guys we're gonna be spending a lot of time here you can face trainers of various different levels like this guy's a level 10 trainer he's got Rattata so let's just take him on real quick and boom that was easy there we go and of course there's also the boss Tower where you can take on very strong boss level Pokemon there's a bunch of different floors and the bosses get stronger and stronger each floor you go up and this is a great place to grind up levels on your Pokemon but most importantly grinding for money there's a lot of the boss Pokemon drop really cool stuff that you can sell at the shop which is right here there's a bunch of stuff you can buy here we have pokeballs you can buy potions over here but most importantly if we come to this guy right here we can open the TM shop and this is very very useful obviously for buying better moves for our Pokemon and one move I do want to buy is flamethrower cause we could definitely use that on our beautiful shiny Charmeleon so let's go and do that flamethrower and boom but now that we've checked out this server for a bit let's go ahead and RTP oh and right away we can start working on one of our goals we need to catch at least one of every type of Pokemon and there's 18 different types obviously Charmander is a fire type so we only have 17 more to go but we can catch maractas this would be another grass types of fun to stay in the Ultra Ball and we caught it okay and now we can also cross off the grass type on the list and not bad at all it's not only 16 more typings to go one thing I want to do before we start hammering out all our goals is get our team of six Pokemon oh and I see a Pokemon right here that would be so cool to catch guys if we could get a trap hitch and evolve it to a Flygon I would love that Flygon is actually such a good Pokemon and honestly it's one of my favorite dragon types too so come on can we secure it in the Ultra Ball NES we catch the Trap which also crosses off the ground type and we're here with a new day I want to talk briefly about how we might get a Pokemon Fusion as you can see we have Blastoise and Kyogre fused okay we have celestila and Beedrill we have Mewtwo and zero Aura fused as you can see a lot of the fusions contain legendary Pokemon and thankfully we might not have to catch our own legendary Pokemon thanks to these crates if we open the Galaxy crate here we have a 100 chance at a legendary Pokemon and I see a lot of legendaries on this list that have Pokemon fusions and thankfully there is also the mega stone crate which contains the charizardite Y obviously there's other ways of getting mega stones in legendary Pokemon but we could try our luck but for now I'm gonna spend the rest of the day training up Charmeleon in trappage just so when we try to go catch Pokemon in the wild it's a little bit easier we are under leveled and also because I just want a shiny Charizard and now Charmeleon is a level 35 meaning we can toss one of our beautiful rare candies on I honestly should have just used more rare candies I I totally forgot we had a bunch and Charmeleon is growing dude I can't wait to see shiny charizard show it to me let's go let's baby's shiny charizard is here we're learning air slash let's go now all we need is the mega stone and the mega ring and we are set and we got trappage evolving into Vibrava as well let's go baby obviously not that amazing of a Pokemon but we're so close to having a Flygon one thing we should do immediately after evolving is come to the move relearner because this way we can get some really really strong moves on our Pokemon like Dragon clone Charizard oh Vibrava can learn crunch not only that but bulldoze as well that is so good and super power too I mean why not dude let's teach that no way wow I'm actually kind of impressed at my Bravo's moveset so we've reached the dawn of a new day and we found a beautiful mountains biome honestly there's a lot of Pokemon types that we could try and cross off the list if there's a chop right here let's fight this and see if we can get a fighting type and I really do like this catch every Pokemon type goal mostly because it gives us something to work at like in the early game here keep hanging in there miraculous but let's go come on that ball went all the way over the cliff and we somehow captured them what just happened I mean I'll take it let's go we got him a chop which means we have four typings down not bad at all and one thing I do want to make clear is that a Pokemon can't count for two types like for example when Charmeleon evolves to Charizard it's still only gonna count for fire I just feel it could be way too easy if it counted for both fire and flying so yeah there we go we caught a Geodude so rock type is also done yo wait is that a jangmo oh oh wait hold on let's actually use this I want to slap this on the team jangmao could actually be a sick Pokemon to use I can't remember the last time I've used a Como oh let alone in Pixelmon so come on baby get in the ball let's see what catch this that'd be awesome and oh no it takes down my chop and have no fear because Charizard is here second Ultra Ball It's gotta be the Trump awesome I gotta stop at the Mark okay I need some more pokeballs I need quick balls I'll just stay in to stay in stay in and there we go Jang moho has been caught which means we can cross dragon type off the list that's actually huge because dragon is definitely one of the hardest typings to find so I'm glad we got that done early now our only problem right now is we have two dragon types on the team being Vibrava jangmoho but we'll cross that bridge when we get there we still have a lot a lot of time to make changes to our team so I'm really not too worried oh wait hold on let's just catch this Mareep let's get our electric type why not it's only level five I mean if this great ball doesn't catch Shirley Shirley this catches right come on one shake two Shake three Shake oh it broke free no way all right come on if you break out of an Ultra Ball this has to be the most OP Marine let's go Mareep stays in the ball and there we go we can cross off the electric type and honestly I might want to use Mareep Ambrose is a really fun Pokemon to use for sure one of my favorite election type Pokemon which could definitely come in handy on the team alright so I spent most of day five down in the training dungeon and got each of our Pokemon one level away from evolving so now our Vibrava will evolve into a beautiful beautiful fly gun our Flappy will evolve into a powerful Ampharos and last but not least hakomoa will evolve into the one and only Como oh so when it's day five and our team is already looking kind of heater let's go baby so we can got a new day and it's actually night time I decided to skip out on the whole day because there's actually a specific Pokemon in this biome I want to catch I think I just saw a Larvitar walk in here wait a second hold on there he is there's a Larvitar and a gasoline and you know what we should probably catch this ghastly I mean it's an easy Ghost type to knock off our list and boom there we go we have captured gasoline on top of that dude this is a Larvitar I know our team is pretty much only full of pseudo legendary Pokemon right now but we might as well catch it guys I do think it's time we start working at more of our goals and I want to start looking for the fusion Pokemon there's obviously to make any few Fusion you need two Pokemon there we go finally it we captured the Larvitar okay easy enough and here is that Pokemon right here oh my gosh and it's level 45 two oh my gosh okay so here it is we have found ourselves a Dino and I want to be extremely careful not to kill this thing it's actually a pretty rare Pokemon but the fusion Pokemon I want to make is actually a brand new Fusion that includes High Dragon so there we go we have caught ourselves Dino really quickly I just want to show you guys look at this Fusion we have hydragon and Venusaur and personally this is one of my favorite fusions on the server I just think it's so cool but we are actually going for a different Fusion we need to catch ourselves a punka boo to make that happen and unfortunately punkaboo is not the easiest Pokemon to find because we need to find ourselves a sunflower planes bio and we're on the plane right now when I do see some flowers everywhere but this unfortunately is not correct oh wait a second I just found a large Vesta here in the desert don't think these aren't too rare but honestly this would be a great addition to the team actually we do already have a fire type being Charizard but I do need to catch a bug type anyway so we might as well just catch this now and possibly use it later of course I got burned from flame body oh my gosh all right Larvitar I need you to handle this bro you're the only Pokemon that's around the levels here you're level 10 against level 12. will our best to stay in the ball ah actually yes wow I did not expect to catch that first ball there we go we got the bug type down but still we have not found a sunflower planes no I feel like this is so close we rtp'd into a flower forest biome which is like gotta be the next thing over from the sunflower planes right it has taken me days but we are finally in the sunflower planes I cannot really tell if it's night time because of the rain Bugaboo only spawns at the night so if not we're just gonna have to wait it out and thankfully it is only a uncommon spawn so we're not looking for like anything super rare here spawn for us I feel like he had spot to start daytime soon oh God I got so unlucky finding this biome just as it's about to hit daytime yes oh yes dude oh let's go it's such an easy Pokemon to find I think but I'm still super excited because honestly that took me like way longer than catching Dino I don't think that should ever work like that punkamoo is here level 22 let me just Chuck a great ball at this really quick but dang I really need to go stock up on Ultra Balls after this I keep forgetting to do that I don't know why but there we go we have caught punkaboo and just like that guys we are well on our way to making our very first Fusion Pokemon we just gotta level up this Dino to a high Dragon since we're back at spawn before I forget I want to come over here to the Pokeball man and we gotta buy some Ultra Balls we got 19 000 I'm gonna spend like 4 200 on Ultra Balls that should be enough and now guys it is truly grind time like literally it is time for us to grind up our Pokemon and we really don't need to grind up punk boost so let's just grind up Larvitar instead but honestly I think now we should grind up all of our Pokemon to at least like level I mean either way we gotta level up this Dino all the way to like 64 I think but I don't want a dino to be the most OP Pokemon on my team so we should just grind everyone else up also you guys when the squad is level 50. all right that training took a while but I got the whole Squad up to level 50. I guess the one downside to using this many like pseudo legendary Pokemon is how long it takes them to level up like I was grinding Pupitar for like four days straight and I really do think it's funny that we can spend all that time grinding and Pupitar and zwireless are still not fully evolved I think we only need like five more levels on Pupitar but we need like 14 more on zwireless so we gotta wait a little bit longer for that Pokemon fusion and guys I really don't feel like grinding again so let's go ahead and see if we can knock off a few more types in the up I thought we needed water I just walked past a video beautiful beautiful car fish right here and let's just see if we can get lucky and catch this real fast and perfect core fish stays in the first ball so there we go water type down as well what even is oh my gosh wait is this a legendary boss it is a legendary mega Garchomp boss so guys we need to defeat one of these to complete our goal but I'll be honest we are not prepared at all just let's see what level this is oh my gosh level 90 Mega Guard Shop boss but uh let's try our luck he went for dig and we went for earthquake on the Dig which actually does a lot of damage and hold on if he's going for dig let's swap into Charizard here and Charizard just gets one shot okay one thing that's actually really cool about these boss Pokemon is that the first time you beat a boss of like any Pokemon so this is my first mega Garchomp if we were to take this down we are guaranteed to get the mega stone for darchomp which is so huge and obviously we need to Mega Evolve our shiny charizard by the end of the video so if we can just find ourselves a mega Charizard Y boss we can get that mega stone so easily and yeah I'm kind of just watching all my Pokemon die one by one here Pupitar it was so nice having you but yeah there is no chance for taking on a legendary boss now so hopefully by the time we find the next one we will be prepared adios Garchomp you own the desert bro you can have it and it is now a new day and we are back at spawn for one reason and one reason only I think it is time for us to get a high Dragon so let's head down here to like yeah the level 50 trainer when he's got star Raptors okay please don't have close combat that would be so annoying but yeah guys it's time for me to train UPS Wireless to level 64. so I will see you guys when we have a high dragon and we are Level 64. I mean wait what why did it not evolve is the server okay okay there we go Zoila starts evolving now I was scared for a second I was like are we not gonna be able to get high Dragon but here we go and guys this took forever to train up oh my I would not wish leveling a zwireless up to 64 on my worst enemy and I totally forgot to use these three raking you know what let's just Chuck these on high dragon now but then here we go guys a level 68 High dragon is out dude this is like one of the coolest Pokemon ever and now that we have a high Dragon we can make our way here to the fusion Pokemon lab and we can now use this beautiful Fusion key that I just got simply click here on the high Dragon here on the punka boot and here with the key and we are now making our own Hydra Geist we have high Dragon there punkaboos in this one you can barely see it I don't want to miss the fusion though and boom and here we have our very own Hydra Geist punkaboo and high Dragon fused and with that guys we have completed our goal of creating an overpowered Fusion Pokemon oh my God this is so cool let's check it out dark in Ghost type with the flare boost ability not bad which Powers up special attacks when we're burned oh my gosh that's insane so let's head to the Mart for a second cause we gotta talk to this dude the move relearner and yo okay we can get Dragon pulse perfect oh we can get Shadow Ball even more perfect one thing about these Fusion Pokemon is that they all have a custom signature move at level 100 so we gotta hit level 100 soon trust me guys this Pokemon is Opie but most importantly here are the dark TMS we gotta find Dark Pulse boom there it is oh wait hold on we just want one there we go boom we have bought Dark Pulse let's just teach that to Hydra Geist immediately yeah we do not need crunch but dude I could not get over how sick this Pokemon is but now that we got our Pokemon Fusion I say we knock out a few more Pokemon types that we need to catch and currently we're only missing eight more Pokemon types so I feel like we're doing pretty good hey and it's head of your site here we actually are missing the normal type also yo look how cool Hydra guys looks in battle oh my God come on Teddy you're so all right I love you you're a cute Pokemon you're a great Pokemon but just stay in this Ultra Ball all right don't make me work for it and there we go Teddy Ursa has been caught which means we can scratch off the normal type oh and we just teleport pour it into a snowy tundra biome perfect because we still need to catch an ice type Pokemon and I feel like it shouldn't be too long before we bump into an ice type Pokemon we gotta swine up here and a vanilla like here so two ice times back to back I think I'm gonna go ahead and catch swine up though just because if we do want to use this in battle I think mammal swine is a lot more useful than vanillux and literally on the first ball we capture swine up let's go baby so there we go we can cross off ice type oh my god oh Magikarp did you see that bro oh I almost just died that was only slightly terrifying there we go only five types left oh and here we go I got sick of just having a Pupitar on the team so I figured you know what just spend the day trying to get like five more levels and by the way five levels on a Pupitar honestly takes a long time but here we go Tyranitar is finally here I just got sick of having the Pupitar man no point in that but now we have a powerful sleepy apparently Tyranitar oh my gosh guys wait wait wait this could actually be so sick oh my gosh okay so what tier is this boss Pokemon it's Epic which means it's 30gb level Pokemon which right now is our 68 Hydra ghost this is about to be a level 98 Mega Ampharos yup level 98 oh my gosh and one thing I do want to make clear is that the Epic Level boss is only one tier under what we need and Hydra guys just gets one shot okay cool but of course guys one of our goals is to beat a legendary tier boss Pokemon however if we're somehow able to beat this Mega Ampharos we should get dropped to the Ampharos mega stone which would just be amazing because obviously we are using an Ampharos and it doesn't look like ampros can touch Flygon oh my gosh wait Flygon please don't hurt yourself in confusion okay we're going to ampros here on the discharge which says one shots are Ampharos oh my gosh all right but fly gun you know what you need to do you know what to do we're earthquaking confused Ray no please hit through please hit through yes we hit through can we do this with one more earthquake no way we beat an epic level boss right now no way we do fly gun can you hit through so 3.6 oh my God we just need to land one more attack here just one more confused Ray and we snap out out of confusion and take down the Ampharos Flygon the MVP but look at this we can get ourselves the ampharosite beautiful beautiful beautiful and take a look at our arm we now have the mega ring as well and real quick let's just slap that mega stone on Ampharos because I want to see this Mega Evolution let's go baby Mega Ampharos our very own one oh that looks so cool man so all we need is the Charizard mega stone and we can complete our goal of having a Shiny Mega Charizard Y dude I am just so excited that we took down an epic level boss because that gives me a lot of confidence that we can beat a legendary tier boss but first we need to grind our Pokemon up honestly I think our whole team should be around level 80 right now so that's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna train the whole team up to 80. and I'll catch you guys right after and just like that finally our whole team is now level 80. there we go we're so close to leveling our team up to 100 and completing that goal and we're here with a new day and what I want to do is actually try our luck here on the mega stone crate as you can see right here we now have three mega stone crate keys and this is the mega stone we want the charizardite Y so we can complete our goal of mega evolving our shiny charizard to shiny megazard y so let's see if we can't get lucky and pull ourselves a charizardite why but here we go let's spin it and come on man just give me that Charizard like give me that charizardite please and we got a Swampert we didn't get a Swampert okay so unfortunately we don't have a Swamper but there we go we've still got two more chances come on please come on game just show me Char if we get the charizardite X I'm gonna be so upset and we won the altario night okay interesting I don't think we'll ever use a mega altario but that's cool nevertheless but for our final Mega Evolution Roll come on baby show me Charizard I don't even care if it's Charizard X I just want something Charizard that looks good oh a magnetite so mega manectric mega stone unfortunately we didn't luck out I mean come on look how many mega stones there are honestly I feel like we're gonna have to take on a mega Charizard Y boss to get the mega stone which is fine it just means we're gonna have to wait a little bit longer before we complete that goal so here we are on day 56 might as well try to knock out a few Pokemon types oh wind flying type perfect because here is a vullaby come on follow me stay in the Ultra Ball I know you want to oh and it actually did WOW Volbeat caught on the very first Ultra Ball when an Ultra Ball come on what's this gonna be we get a oh candy L that's gonna be so nice for grinding and here we are with our poison type Nidoran female only level four so if this breaks out of it Ultra Ball I actually have no idea what I'm gonna say but there we go Nidoran female has been caught and we can cross off the poison type as well now we only need to catch three more types which are psychic steel and Fairy Oh and here we go we have a Steel type this is actually a new Pokemon from scarlet and violet honestly one of my favorite new Pokemon it's just so funny looking we have earthworm here and of course this is a Steel type so let's see if we can catch it real quick come on buddy and there we go we have captured our very own earthworm so there we go we can knock off the no no way so we have another legendary tier boss Pokemon here this is a Shiny Mega Gardevoir legendary tier boss I don't even know this could spawn here I guess we have nothing else to do but challenge it oh my God look at this it is level 120. is there a chance that we can beat this I have no idea but we're gonna try my team is so bad against fairy types like look we just keep getting one shot Charizard goes down and here's Ampharos which I'm sure yes goes down in one hit we just got six owed by this boss my whole team is dead so that me grinding before taking on another legendary boss Gardevoir it was so nice to see it but honestly we gotta get out of here all right so it's increasingly clear and if we want to beat one of those of them they're into their bosses we need to be like level 100. so I think it's time to knock out our goal of having a full team of level 100 Pokemon I'll catch up with you guys when our whole team is level 100 and with that Flygon has reached a level 100 as well as the rest of the team all at level 100 and now we only have three more goals that we need to complete of course mega evolving our shiny Charizard's Mega Charizard Y beating a legendary tier boss Pokemon and finally catching a psychic or fairy type pokemon to finish off catching one of every type of Pokemon and that's actually the goal I want to work towards now because if I can catch a psychic and a fairy type pokemon now if we could just focus on our last two goals which are honestly the hardest goals we have and here we have our fairy type snubble I actually love this Pokemon so much he's a little grouchy but honestly I think it's adorable and let's just Chuck an Ultra Ball right at it come on stop we'll just stay in a in snubble stayed in the ball let's go baby so we can cross off the fairy type and now we just need a psychic type Pokemon and we can cross this gold off like I don't even know what biome to start looking in to find a psychic type I have no idea oh and of course I find a clef fairy here why couldn't that be a psychic type dude another fairy type like we just caught one I don't need that game come on I don't know if I could just find like a Solosis or like an Abra oh wait I just had an idea as soon as I said the word Abra I remembered a ton of psychic Pokemon spawn here in the end and I doubt it will be long until we see a psychic type Pokemon right here we have a soul Rock Let's go ahead and catch this psychic type to finish off yet another goal and this gives us like 20 days to work on our final two goals and there we go Soul Rock has been caught and we now have officially one of every Pokemon type so now it's time to start working on our final two goals and we honestly need to get super lucky to find a mega Charizard Y boss in order to find a mega Charizard X or Charizard Y boss we need to be in a Mountain's biome this is actually the perfect spot to stay so I think our best bet to complete our final two goals is to kind of just explore the mountain biomes but thankfully there's not that many mega boss Pokemon that can spawn here so we have a pretty good chance at getting Charizard Y but I'll see you guys when we have our first boss Pokemon and here we have it a legendary tier boss not only that it is my favorite Mega Pokemon we have Shiny Mega Absol legendary tier boss level 140 but guys it is about to go down can we complete the goal of beating a legendary tier boss he did just absolutely destroy my fly gun turn one but brick break from Como actually does a lot of damage good stuff but yo honestly this is not going this is not going too good I'll be completely honest uh I'm gonna go for the Stone Edge here I just really hope we survived we do Stone Edge needs to hit oh let's go Tyranitar is coming in clutch here let's go baby lives the knockoff please hit the rock slide it hits and Mega Absol legendary boss goes down to the sandstorm wow and look at this let's get the Absol mega stone we get some money we get a life form a fusion Shard as well to make fusion Pokemon but most importantly we can cross off our goal of defeating a legendary tier boss and that gives us 14 days to defeat a mega Charizard Y boss to get the Charizard Y Mega Stone to Mega Evolve our shiny Charizard and complete our final goal and honestly I'm just gonna stay in this biome this is still where Charizard Y spawns there's no reason to leave so hopefully we get Charizard Y as our next boss Pokemon no way way is this ultimate is this an ultimate bot dude we are about to get destroyed it is this is an ultimate boss which means it's level 150 dude we're about to get destroyed but I just need to take this on for science Sucker Punch that's didn't kill me earthquake does a lot but Mawile does a lot as well hopefully I can just come in and like kill this with an earthquake maybe from Tyranitar hold up I don't think this small wild can touch Tyranitar and there we go Tyranitar takes down the ultimate boss Mawile wait let me get a z Shard too I don't think we're gonna use that but not bad and once again unfortunately not Charizard Y oh that is literally it the Mega Charizard Y it's a legendary boss too oh my we're starting this battle but if we can beat this Charizard Y boss oh my God that did so much damage we will get the Charizard Y Mega Stone and be able to Mega Evolve our shiny charizard but I don't think this is gonna be easy guys I do have head Smash If I can land this head smash it might just no flamethrower just one shot okay but Tyranitar if anyone can handle this it's you we have four times effective rock slide we just have to live a flamethrower and we hit rock slide oh but we get burned oh that would have done so much more damage okay here we go rock slide again flamethrower doesn't do a lot but can tea tar take out the zard yes he can and guys we have officially beaten the Mega Charizard why so let's claim our mega stone our money we get a choice band too oh my gosh but with that we have the Charizard Y Mega Stone in our hands look at that so let's go Mega Evolve our shiny Charizard and finish off this 100 days and I can't think of a better place to show off our Mega Charizard than the boss Tower oh wait here we go there's a bunch of grass Types on this floor so let's give the Charizard i y to Charizard click that mega evolving yo here we go shiny charizard is mega evolving guys we have waited so long for this I was actually getting super nervous we weren't gonna find Charizard but we lucked out and look these Shiny Mega Charizard Y is here let's just hit that the moon gets up with a flamethrower and there we go we have one but guys we've completed all our goals that's gonna do it for this 100 days if you enjoyed don't forget to subscribe and I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Arpus
Views: 650,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arpus, arpus pixelmon, arpus pokemon, arpus minecraft, pokemon, minecraft, pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, gaming, minecraft pixelmon, arpus minecraft pixelmon, I Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon, Pixelmon 100 days, Minecraft 100 days, I spent 100 days in Pixelmon, Pixelmon mod, Pokemon in Minecraft, 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon, 100 days, I spent 100 days
Id: hzjqp18WABA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 28sec (1768 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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