200 Players Simulate the Titanic in Minecraft

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200 players were invited to the most realistic Titanic simulation ever done with every single room at a one-to-one scale of the real Titanic this ocean liner will have more than enough space to accommodate our prisoners yeah that's right because the passengers aren't aware that there is a massive prison at the bottom of the Titanic just like in real life if you die you cannot respawn welcome aboard to the Titanic experiment [Music] on day one I noticed nobody was boarding the Titanic so could you explain to the viewers why there's like no players online right now apparently we're missing some crew members it turns out passenger boarding wouldn't begin until day four but why is this well I guess you're in for one thrilling adventure foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh look at this this whole place was fenced off and had guards looking for anyone attempting to leave the area but why are they even here and what even is this place in an effort to avoid complete chaos the leaders of this operation told everyone to sit down for an important announcement take a fade take a fit please be patient and we'll be with you in a moment [Music] I would first like to introduce myself I am peachy and I am the lead Ambassador here at Visionary Holdings you may be confused and that is completely normal you were sent here because we needed your help the workers were informed that they would be helping out with the company's mining operation and after the fact they will get their reward very proud of all of these amazing workers here I see they got a line going on over here it's actually pretty well organized hopefully nothing changes that [Music] Keep On Moving [Music] already it looks like they are arriving to the mines [Music] as you can tell there is a gigantic amount of gold Within These mines so no wonder this company wants some extra hands right Jesus now I need you all to collect as much gold as you can the workers decided to uh lighten up the mood it's a tradition the sound got so distracting that the guards were unable to communicate effectively the CEO of this operation who goes by the name of Carl crafts was extremely concerned but they continued 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer as I flew further down the mine I found a small group that had already found diamonds on this cross they were beginning to wonder if they are prisoners rather than workers there's a good chance for being used by these people we're just simple minus but what's next when I got an opinion of another worker he was actually quite delighted who else so far it's quite darn nice so nice to see all the people unquestionable for now a player by the name of unlucky cookie was actually very lucky because they were assigned farming duty this is one of the easiest jobs you could have I'm loving my job well that's fantastic and the singing continues it was time to bring the gold back down to Camp the workers would be camping out for the night until it was time for day two [Music] day two was the first day we started to see accusations being made you see a guard by the name of deadline green was accused of planning a Revolt car crafts didn't want to risk it so he decided to go ahead and teach him a lesson of solitary confinement hopefully tomorrow you'll have a little bit more of a company Spirit the workers were promised that after today's work they will then be rewarded but this did not stop multiple Escape attempts and highly suspicious activity Before Sunrise one of the new Farmers sneaked past the fence I heard I thought you where'd you go oh my God she just walked right past him he waited until dawn is he running oh he's on the Run ah here they come no no the water's not water ah you better come back here well that didn't work out too well but this won't be the only escape attempt today the legendary singing crew led by is Kevin were up to no good they were plotting a distraction attempt we're about to be dwarves and we're gonna dig but all workers were called up to the surface and were told to get in a single file line everyone could you please come up towards the surface I'm going to be escorting you down towards the base Kevin if you could go first very kindly this process was to attempt to catch any workers carrying Contraband or stolen handcuffs and very quickly somebody was actually pulled to the side for questioning once you guys are cuffed and then uncuffed you're free to go down to the camp somebody is up to no good here uh yeah we don't talk about it hello hey I'm hey Chris can I actually can you like step aside really quick had some things near inventory uh yeah I have some rest though nah I wouldn't do nothing like that all right you can head back down to the camp foreign it was time to pull the trigger the professional singers created a distraction about Taco Bell I'll make a distraction oh guys holy cow did you guys hear about the story about the dude who actually like successfully heisted Taco Bell eight years ago what and like a taco gun it shot burritos oh he's running well this is intense by the way this is a massive jungle if he escapes it's going to be one long journey oh it doesn't look good was quickly sent over to a prison cell on the boat why were you sent here I'm just curious oh one God found me in the other side of the city oh I gotta go I gotta go with Contraband piling up carlcraft decided it was time to reveal the reward this would hopefully regain some Trust alrighty here they go this has been a long wait on the way towards the reward is Kevin was desperately attempting to get duvid free you're arrested an innocent man and it worked if you could stay with the rest of the group we were very much appreciate that I will do my best sir [Music] this is a 10 million dollar Island Mansion they will be resting well with 20 luxury rooms multiple pools a boxing ring and some other surprises this place is nice wow this is so nice [Music] nice I present to you the feast [Music] you've all done amazing work today very proud of you all very proud of you and as your award we'll make sure we've got some food for you very soon [Music] people are doing doing a good job we're going back to the my tomorrow for one more day but you're all doing amazing well most of us are farmers here well that's a good way to date they have no idea what's coming [Music] say hello what will we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning and up she Rises early in the morning we care about you deeply we want to make sure that you are safe and also that we are all getting very rich together the workers were told that they will all be heading back onto the boat for the remaining work but some interesting stuff happened on the way multiple workers and even guards were looking around for ways to escape as they were heading towards the boat is this guy gonna miss the boat I'm surprised nobody even notices this if you thought this was daring I kid you not there were two miners exploring the mines when Carl crafts arrived they told him that they were trapped and he believed it oh hello hello I think I'm stuck as well we got stuck and we didn't know what to do yeah thank you very much for being patient with that but eventually every everyone made it to the boat this my friends is where things really get interesting after a Day's Journey at Sea the boat arrived to its destination [Music] greetings ladies and gentlemen welcome we are very excited to show you all the luxuries and amenities we have hold up a moment are these even our workers the workers are still on this boat over here so then who are these guys wait why don't I just ask I got a question so who are you I am ish head of security aboard This Magnificent vessel now when I dig further into the footage I caught something very notable we're able to operate thanks to our sponsors at Visionary Holdings to mitigate our recent financial difficulties so Visionary Holdings partnered with a luxury shipping line I think I may know where this is heading now with that being said first class follow me the rest of you follow my assistant here [Music] I see they're doing a health inspection over here but first class doesn't even have to do a health inspection which I believe is accurate in history oh yeah right speaking of History this is the architect of the Titanic well there's a reason he actually plays this role in The Experiment he knows literally everything about the Titanic watch this alright the captain is gonna be hiding in b89 let's see how long it takes him to find this room all right here he goes bro it's been like 10 seconds oh my God he also knows his history he went to go help with the lifeboats that were still left but Dover board holy crap first second and third class we're all LED over to their own rooms some nicer than others Oh I thought the room's gonna be a little bigger hey at least there's enough space for one person in this room but as much as I like showing you guys light-hearted moments beneath the Titanic is where the rooms are questionable thank you foreign [Music] is this really where this is going well I'm afraid so the Mansion was such a powerful trick that they actually regained loyalty it quickly dawned on them that this is indeed a prison I see a I see a rogue prison cells up ahead so they kept saying that we're you know people with jobs and stuff but I think we're actually prisoners Jesus Carl crash had some explaining to do firstly I'd like to say we are very very proud of the work that you've done today we've got all the jobs done you've done fantastic but while we work on your release from this fantastic work environment that we've provided not a prison it is a facility behind you out of the cells when I hit them he made it abundantly clear that if he hits the red button all workers must return to their cell units and if he hits the green button they may continue work with a major change in events the workers had no choice but to comply otherwise they knew the outcome wouldn't be in their favor they were immediately sent over to the coal mines their job would consist of mining coal in bringing the coal across the entire facility to continue to power the Titanic however none of the workers know that they are on the Titanic they can only speculate the professional singers immediately rallied up nearly every worker to build furnaces under the mines where are you guys oh this is amazing you see many workers still had leftover gold in their inventory this entire time they began to craft golden armor golden apples and even Stone swords meanwhile not a single guard was in the area this is because they were dealing with a worker by the name of armadura who is not giving up alleged Contraband as you can see here he's holding on to the diamond sword as the workers were finishing up a player by the name of unknown ethereal reported the entire incident to peachy peachy and the others immediately went over to the mines you can go once you get full gold make sure they don't wear all the full gold one minute then destroy all the furnaces and everything that that's in there [Music] I need a fresh pick all right come with us Kevin yo don't worry we actually had another idea that we thought would be maybe a little bit more persuasive oh dear into the room my mind [Music] s all they're taking is friend too but wait it turns out PK convinced them to cancel Kevin's death sentence here you can take the golden apple back silence speaks under our feet uh can we on cough Kevin this is indeed surprising but he took is Kevin up to what they call the luxury rooms this is where we keep people who have been more Cooperative his friend saved his life and because of their honesty they got to enjoy these beautiful rooms okay thank you thank you boss oh I I forgot the shower oh something's happening downstairs [Music] oh you gotta be kidding Carl crafts decided a public example needed to be made of what happens to people [Music] [Music] yo Thunder how's it going up here it's it's going pretty well the ship's uh handling I hope we don't really run into any obstacles all right here he comes April fools okay I'll admit I was in on that one but you might be wondering what is even going on in the upper levels of the Titanic we got Shrek over here just enjoying the sun I also wanted to see how first class was doing how's it going it's going okay but the sound of these miserable filths downstairs just it sends me back to the cave men times there was only one major complaint we had reports of animal abuse on the server the dogs couldn't even fit into the kettle room apparently some pets actually died this was because of entity cramming so you think they should fire the guy that's running this yes is he a stalker one of the prison guards was actually secretly exploring the Titanic hi uh just trying to figure out how to get back oh you're just you're just kind of lurking around checking out yeah that's what they're hiding up here that's fair that's fair however a worker by the name of cyber cynical was also exploring the Titanic while no guards were looking he simply sneaked right by and went up a suspicious ladder for whatever reason he didn't take off his jumpsuit he began making friends with random passengers even storming hell who you may recognize from another experiment yo what's up the sultan is back in luxury this time storming hell is no easy opponent we've got nothing you've got nothing to lose so what do you think about cyber well um I really don't have an opinion on him nobody really judged him at all which I found surprising because cyber cynical's intentions are much deeper than it appears it turns out he wanted to build a community you see many prisoners and workers were splitting up into different groups which cyber thought would lead to eventual chaos so his ultimate solution was to unite all workers under one Grand Alliance every worker would be able to cast their own vote to elect a leader he called it cyber Syndicate my Syndicate would unite people from all walks of life I believe we will only get out of here if we all work together [Music] that begs the question though how do you even enter or exit the prison this smokestack right here is heavily guarded 24 7 and no one on the upper levels are allowed to know why as you can see it would be quite difficult for a worker to enter the Smoke Stack but they must keep it guarded 24 7. if I fly over here you can see the Armory a Contraband dump and Executive offices for example the CEO's office you can even see his paintings of the Titanic there's also this button right here you do not want to know what this does but I'm sure you'll find out soon [Music] all right it's time to wake up [Music] a whole new wave of workers have arrived [Music] uh would anyone like something to eat all workers were sent over to the cafeteria well fortunately this isn't too chaotic yet but a player by the name of I am Evergreen tried to abuse the system by getting unlimited free food he did this by sitting at multiple tables and then went with the table groups to get more food Carla Krauss eventually got a little suspicious about him clutch Danger Mouse I am Evergreen if you could cut down economy by the way definitely keep an eye on I am Evergreen he totally didn't self-destruct the entire Death Star in a previous experiment yeah totally not they also found this cat wandering the cafeteria I myself was very curious on where it came from but we won't comment on how it got down here now that they were replenished it was time to introduce the game variable looks like all of you are very well fit I thought maybe we could have a little bit of a celebration maybe we could play a game sure sounds like fun sounds good everyone was forced to line up in a single file line directed towards a mysterious hallway [Music] [Music] and here they come [Music] this is not what I was expecting welcome to the first of three games in this game everyone will get a golf ball and a Putter and if they don't get the ball in a hole within seven tries they are out the first contestant had a disadvantage because they had everyone watching them the pressure is on thank you here they go looks like it's stuck in the sand oh they're getting close seven [Applause] nice a par of five now there are many techniques like critting the ball which will make it go much further we'll see if they find out [Music] I don't even know why he's trying this guy is 64 attempts he's trying to hide it boom [Music] it turns out is Kevin is actually a professional mini golfer all right we have five or six people that have made it to the end we're getting down to the wire but of course right as this was about to happen chaos ensued a player by the name of hound Fury started a massive fight [Music] uh Carl where is he one of the guards quickly ran over to get Carl here he comes Carl arrived just in time to stop the fighting he then escorted them back over to the prison Hound Fury was then sent to solitary confinement this would hopefully teach him a lesson the last hole could be any of these four options right here if you guess incorrectly you are out [Music] thank you foreign was the only winner he refused to take the prize without bringing the other finalists with him Carl crafts ultimately decided this was okay but somebody saw the prize as a distraction and a perfect opportunity to sharpen up their plan he goes by the name of missed lights you see there is an entire group planning to escape with one condition their leader mislights keeps all of the gold to himself and they are the only ones who get out of here alive they wanted no risk of other workers betraying them Miss lights wanted to be a leader behind closed doors and hired other workers to be a proxy for his agenda so you have some new armor here oh never mind uh we're not showing anything nothing's happening here their first order of business would be to eliminate potential eavesdroppers you can see there's only one guard here and soon there's gonna be zero because they're killing him now there is the leader they are blocking off his only exit foreign was murdered this resulted in a prison lockdown oh it looks like somebody actually is not at the meeting right now I'm trying to sneak back one of our valued Gods has been slaughtered tension was Rising quickly but funny enough this could have all been prevented is Kevin and PK tried to report the suspicious activity to mock blank himself mock blank simply ignored their report I guess you could say he blanked it but we really could start to see a rivalry forming between missed lights and his goons against is Kevin and the professional singer this is precisely because Miss lights saw the professional singers as a threat to their escape plan and because of this objective number two was about to commence I think the only solution here is violence violence it is except that he's on the ride foreign [Music] [Music] of Miss light's goons did this I just need to see his face I can't remember names it's this one right here no Kevin Kevin of course this was all a part of Miss light's plan to flip it on the professional singers Carl crops was not falling for this so miss lights quickly informed Creech to launch Plan B and it happened fast oh [Music] man is he gonna kill Carl foreign [Music] let's just say it's going to be one interesting day who is your leader if I tell you you will kill them all I can tell you is that when you kill their leader it will be chaos there will be an attempted chaos there will not be chaos I will control it what do I need to do TJ to get the information out of you promise that I live I promise the leader I don't know if I can do it [Music] Carl identified a first-class member by the name of quaal's Wonders who witnessed the incident the prison security swarmed him holy are they coming after him what are they doing [Music] this was indeed a kidnapping case they ended up escorting him all the way down to the prison but someone had already reported the entire incident to the Titanic security team otherwise known as ghost star alliance Qualls wonders is all the way down here there they are [Music] back off you guys aren't supposed to be here but before they knew it it was too late to handle this peacefully what the heck this would be a grave mistake because it resulted in a full-on battle [Music] oh he's on the way foreign [Music] what is this all about chill out as the situation de-escalated Carl craps came down to offer ish an invitation to their next game he was open to the idea but this whole chain of events would not go unnoticed crass reputation has been under assault ever since he has been threatening his own workers and in some cases ending their lives players were beginning to question his true motive because while it was obvious that he had ill intent some players felt that it was more than just bad intentions and as a result work was happening less often and workers dare I say prisoners were in their cell units far more often even his own guards were questioning his own leadership the lead Ambassador who once was Carl's most loyal assistant was now plotting against him while Carl wasn't around she led is Kevin out of his cell unit over to the mines I don't feel safe anymore and I don't like what's going on so I want to know what you're doing Kevin's concerns about his own safety were becoming clear but she promised she would Aid their escape plan is Kevin and the professional singers were well aware that players wanted them dead so they began seeking information from peachy about who is behind this whole operation and if they didn't find answers soon their life was at risk [Music] water yes that's because they'll be playing a massive game of Marco Polo this will be interesting whoever loses will have severe consequences alright is Kevin is now Marco Polo Marco Polo we started to see most players swimming across the entire map I guess most people don't play Marco Polo in a pool this big is Kevin cannot see very far at all because he's currently Marco so he has blindness Marco it's not even saying Polo oh he's it I began to notice most guards were actually missing this was because peachy called them over to a private meeting Carl assumed it was because of something happening in the prison he didn't know any better but boy was he wrong foreign and they were meeting at the grand staircase welcome everyone I have become aware of the recent drama and of course the mysterious death of TJ plays I am doubtful that we can find a diplomatic solution to this let's keep this partnership between our security private for now I invite you all to join us in the grand opening of taiwan's Mexican restaurants let's go [Music] the prison security was now working directly with the Titanic security their goal was to create a work-life balance for the prisoners so that they could truly be considered real workers but they would need to remove Carl crafts from the prison in order to do this would this meet ing truly be enough to convince Carla Craft's own security to revolt against him that will be the defining question but in the meantime a player by the name of Taiwan had an abundance of steak so he decided to rent a dining location for the grand opening of Jose's Mexican Grill hello everyone we're here because the last restaurant I opened was unfortunately destroyed we are selling from steaks to a steak [Music] this restaurant is quite popular but I wonder how Marco Polo is going oh is Kevin is still Marco there's literally only 10 seconds left [Music] [Applause] he had been defeated his future was clouded with uncertainty we're all gonna go back and jump into ourselves except for Kevin oh who I need to stand in front of the cells that was the scariest game of Marco Polo I've ever played in my entire life punishment in a private location I'm glad that none of you have to find out what dire consequences means what are you doing out fellas get back in your cage Carl suspiciously led him over to a dining location in the Titanic welcome to a higher plane of living whoa yes sir this is what you get for winning Marco Polo dire consequences is it not meanwhile the entire prison was thinking he was being killed Carl said that Kevin had secured his spot as player number one in the final game Kevin was not told what this number actually means but everyone would find out on the following day [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember that one guard who was accused of planning a revolt on day two well he decided just to ditch everybody and go off on his own and he would be considered our first successful Escape but where even are we let's just zoom out here [Music] uh okay so it's a boat icon oh wait let's zoom out a bit more [Music] huh so according to my calculations the Titanic is traveling across two different hemispheres I guess we'll see if deadline finds anything out here I want to reveal to all of you the final game it's been a blessing it has it has been a blessing I promised myself I wouldn't get emotional but but we built a real bottom together didn't we yeah sure [Music] is Kevin and Miss lights immediately started running away from the game it turns out both of them wanted each other dead now but miss light started running in the other direction peachy then dropped Kevin a diamond sword but they had their security under control and they both were sent back to Glass bridge now the gloss Bridge I've been proud of you all I have you've done so well you'll all make a terrific Journey on this bridge you'll make you'll make you'll go the distance I don't know how far it goes I just know that it keeps going for a while I'll be proud of you I will is Kevin was first in line because as we saw in the previous day he is player number one this is literally a life and death decision will it be left or right the clock is ticking [Music] oh oh my God here he goes oh my God he made it hold up okay what is going on here Carl what is this it's just a game a game hey uh stop what you're doing don't move Carl what explain to yourself look what is this look it's like a bridge it's like a death trash listen my name is this and I'm the head of security here at go starlines and under my authority I am removing Carl crafts facility I will lead Coral craft off this ship come on Carl this is enough oh things are about to get very interesting I'll miss you all goodbye after all Carl accomplished he would never return but he did promise that there was one more game but that there was simply no instructions this time everyone was in shock and they were thrilled because they thought this meant Freedom new prison management was coming in fast but players were revolting quickly a player by the name of its ghost who runs ghost star alliance was attempting to calm everyone down but right as he thought he had them the unthinkable happened [Music] wait what get missed [Music] [Music] let's go do it let's get out of the ship but right as they were trying to find their way out of the prison water emerged we gotta get out in tickets luxury rooms we gotta go up to uh [Music] okay the Titanic security is blocking them off oh my God this is nuts [Music] this guy literally doesn't care he's just sleeping oh geez I think he's in trouble now [Music] looks like this guy's trying to save some people the water is rising quickly he better hurry up it turns out the reason pepperono is swimming so far down is because he's trying to save people's lives [Music] I don't need the money [Music] oh when the end is the beginning all you need to do is start I'm drowning in [Music] I'm drowning in fire oh yo let's go yes let's get out oh my God Freedom let's go Retreat that one moment in that one movie Let's Go to the scene okay as far as take a screenshot of this okay I'm on top of the world [Music] let's go kinda iffy is only letting first class go there's not enough boats for everybody they're definitely not too happy about this older attacking I'm oh my father [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm gonna poop
Channel: CaptainLights
Views: 1,831,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Civilization, 100 players stimulate civilization, minecraft society, minecraft civilization servers, minecraft nations, minecraft war, minecraft 100 players, minecraft countries war, magicgum, simulating society, simulating society in minecraft, 100 players, simulating civilization, simulating civilization in minecraft, state experiment, minecraft experiment, ish, captainlights, 200 players simulate titanic, titanic, prison, 100 players simulate prison
Id: Z3BchWTsHzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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