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so [Music] everyone standing [Music] standing at this time as we greatly go into prayer [Music] father in the name of jesus right now oh god as we come before you this morning in the mighty name of jesus say to the lord god rebuke you and the blood of jesus against you today we bind every hindrance demon in this place today we bind every foul spirit in this place today we bind every angry spirit in this place today in the mighty name of jesus right now devil is a lie you come to him but the blood is against you today in the mighty name of jesus right now god wants you to save deliver set free lift every burden today god lift every bowel down here today god in the mighty name of jesus right now but god you able today to do anything but phil you never lost the case god you never lost the battle of god in the mighty name of jesus right now go into the hospitals god go into the sick rooms god in the mighty name of jesus right now go into the prisons god go behind the prison walls god save in the prisons god in the mighty name of jesus right now god you're able to do anything but fail god oh god let the backsliders know god that is yet room at the cross god in the mighty name of jesus god isn't going to the highways and the bad ways god compel your peoples to come in god in the mighty name of jesus look on the shepherd of this house god let him run with the vision that you set before him god in the mighty name of jesus now god you able to move in this service today let the oil float in this place today let it run down high up as you did aaron's beard god let her run through this place today god filled with the holy ghost today god let somebody say what must i do to be saved today in the mighty name of jesus in all these blessings we ask in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy ghost somebody said amen amen amen amen come on praise the lord everybody come on praise the lord everybody come on praise the lord everybody amen we're going to recite the affliction i want to hear everybody amen amen the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he leaded me beside the still water he restores my soul he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his namesake yea though i walk through the valley of shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod thy staff thy comfort me thou prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemy thou anointed my head with or my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever every heart say amen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah good morning powerhouse hallelujah good morning powerhouse how many of us came to bless the name of the lord this morning come on do me a favor stand on your feet come on greet the neighbor and just say god is worthy hallelujah we came to praise his name hallelujah jesus come on standing all over the building let's have a few minutes of praise and worship [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you're always making away [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you're always making wise [Music] everybody [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] everybody [Music] god god [Music] again oh [Music] [Music] you're [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] clap your hair [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] god [Music] [Music] oh [Music] goodbye [Music] is [Music] and we're here [Music] we're [Music] how [Music] somebody open up your mouth and give him praise come on get the glory into our god the glory is who i read hallelujah [Music] hallelujah jesus father we give you glory have never came to give him glory this morning come on helping us know that it's not about us but it's about our god come out the glory belongs to him hallelujah jesus come on sat to your feet don't sit down let me keep standing all over the building we come to give god boys this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] we bless your name hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] before we do yes [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] glory to you [Music] glory [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] me is [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we will see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you know [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we worship you [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh ah [Music] we will [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] we will sleep and rejoice [Music] we will see [Music] is [Music] we will see [Music] [Music] glory come on we know that we give him glory come on we run here [Music] to your name [Music] lift your voice we will see and rejoice [Music] to your days [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the glory all the praise did anybody come [Music] jump up on those feet and open your mouth and give god's ways in this room the songs that all the glory all the honor and all the praise is through his name did anybody come to the house this afternoon to give god all the glory and all the praise [Music] but you could be somewhere else you could be in the hospital you could be you could be dead you could be in a mental institution you could be also because of what you are come on somebody give god glory in this place come on he gave us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaven go into heaven you ought to give god praise we ought to break this heavy spirit and open our mouth and reference the king come on you're here because he get activity of your limbs breathing your body open your mouth and bless him he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be played he's worthy to be praised somebody said it like this from the rising of the sun [Music] from the rising of the sun to the point down to the same sun he's worthy to be praised hallelujah my god you want to just look at somebody and say neighbor i don't know what you're facing today but i came to tell you that you don't have to fight it all you got to do is face it oh come on look at somebody and tell them this there like this is not yours is there anybody out there that know that the battle don't belong to you it belongs to god who ought to get it [Music] come on somebody put those hands [Music] our holy together come on he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus christ thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus i heard somebody say thank you make room for more you oughta jump over your mouth [Music] thank you oh come on if you're thankful and rightful let them call you in you got a reason to praise them hey you got a reason [Music] thank you jesus come on give it to me thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you thank you jesus thank you peter thank you thank you jesus thank you thank you [Music] thank you [Music] open your mouth and thank him open your mouth and thank him you do not know what your thank you is going to do for you by the time you leave this service you do not know what your praise is going to do for you by the time you leave this service you want to just look at your neighbor and say neighbor by the time i leave this service something will be different if you believe it's going to be a difference you want to hover your mouth that's his holy name something will be different something has to change all right [Music] let me get myself together [Music] maybe y'all don't need nothing to change like i do oversee i need a few things to change so i'll tell this suit up i don't care nothing about it i'll buy another one but when i come to the house of the lord i come to get something out of the service when you go to an atm machine you don't just go and stand there you go and you put your guard in and you make a withdrawal why would you come to god's house and not take nothing away [Music] from costaria you better learn how to withdraw from heaven you better learn how to withdraw from heaven you better learn how to withdraw from heaven because he got an account listen listen welcome to powerhouse international ministry we'd like to take this opportunity to welcome each and every one of you our visitors and our viewers those that are watching us via the internet glory to god those that are watching via facebook hallelujah those that are watching us all over the universe we like to thank you [Music] [Applause] ministries you are welcome and we believe that you won't leave here the way that you can in jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] we gotta [Music] but we move you again you're welcome to follow us on all of our social media websites if you would like to log into powerhouse international.com [Music] we want you to know what's going on [Music] we believe that god is going to move on your behalf [Music] [Music] we got something to do y'all we got stuff to do [Music] rochelle you gotta take [Music] [Music] all right media give them 30 seconds y'all got 30 seconds and we got to move y'all got 30 seconds y'all got 30 seconds and you better give them all you got so [Music] go ahead crystal [Music] all right [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is foreign [Music] do it do it [Music] all right all right we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go [Music] we gotta go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] all right have your seats have your seats have your seats have your sleeves have your seats we want to acknowledge our visitors on today those of you that are visiting with us for the first second or third time we like to welcome you come on oh my god dig and give them praise we gonna try [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] when the leader danced we all danced i said when the leader played the whole church [Music] come on here the deacon is praising god for another year of life [Music] he sedates his birthday from what i understand he's 75 years old oh y'all better play god for the life of our head jesus come on bless him [Music] he can heal you he can get do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it [Music] he can do it foreign [Music] well the holy ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah oh let's go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so much has happened already put those hands together for unity week hallelujah we have had a great time listen we have to move swiftly because overseer has to get up so he can bring our bishop up amen right now sister q is coming to acknowledge all of our visitors all of those that are visiting with us for the first second or third time we welcome you we just want to call your name and acknowledge you amen good afternoon and welcome to the greatest church on this side of heaven powerhouse is the national ministry we thank each of you for coming out to join us today as we continue to celebrate our women's unity week hosted by none other our first lady elder leela roquemore to all our business we thank you for coming out today so if i call your name if you can just please stand ashton jones ashton jones monique jenkins lakeisha [Music] eric elizabeth smith jacquita phillips theresa young barbara wright catasia smith [Music] now we have a special video announcement so please turn your attention to the screen [Music] you mean to tell me you're not following powerhouse you can literally have wisdom wednesday thursday night live and our sunday night experience on demand did i mention our crazy praise breaks listen grab your phone and join over a thousand others and follow us on facebook instagram twitter tick tock our newest platform and youtube we are everywhere but you can always catch us at the big eight nine don't miss it [Music] i'm gonna put those hands together for all of our visitors amen and we have some visitors that didn't did not hear your name and you didn't happen to fill out a visit visitors registration just wave your hands we want to acknowledge you amen brother dale and brother branding are in the audience they're guests of elder copeland amen anybody else sister what's your name trudy come on put your hands together for sister trudy and our sister back there what's your name lisa isha come on put those hands together for her we thank you all for being with us on today amen listen listen we're moving swiftly this is the time that all of us can play a party you know what that time it is giving time come on put those hands together amen it's time for our harvest seed and our offering a harvest seed here is what we do it's three dollars one is for the father one is for the son and one is for the holy ghost and we plant that into the soil of powerhouse so that we can receive a harvest amen amen so you are sowing your three dollar seeds your harvesting and your tides at this time if you need a tithing envelope please raise your hands our greeters are walking the aisles and ready to assist you if you are given electronically the methods to give are on the screens in front of you or behind me if you are our e-church audience the ways to give are at the bottom of your screen your mother welcome to share and giving with us we're standing all over the room and we're just coming with our seeds at this time we're just standing and walking from all over amen together [Music] bye me [Music] workshop [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] hey man clap those hands for your seeds everyone has given god bless you amen we're moving at this time we're standing all over the building we're standing all over the building as we get ready to receive the shepherd of this house put those hands together open your mouth and let's celebrate our leader in the person of prophet overseer antonio d rockefeller come on put those hands together for our leader [Music] hold the music while you're standing lift your hands all over the sanctuary for our god is great and he's greatly to be praised if you're able to lift your hands lift your hands so you can show god and fix this in the in the house so you can show god that you don't take it for granted that somebody can't do this this morning they still dying every day but you're here so with no music cause most of you all hide behind of it most of us don't need it we appreciate it with your hands lifted open up your own mouth and tell god thank you [Music] [Music] ah he didn't have to do it but he did it there's a ring in the monitors just i'ma go back and i'll i'll give you the instructions and we'll release our bishop thank you we release our bishop i'm gonna give you instructions so i'm going to go back and give you the instructions that god has for you on today because i'm going to serve as your male nurse today before the doctor come in the room okay some of y'all act like you've never been to the hospital before the doctor never just come in first before the doctor get there they have to check your blood pressure so i'm gonna check your temperature i'm gonna check your blood pressure [Music] and then i want you to tell me what's bothering you and based on what you tell me what's bothering you i can relay that to the doctor some of y'all not gonna clap but uh if you've been to the hospital you talk to that nurse on two occasions when you enter in and when your exit the doctor never greets you or never sends you on your way the doctor simply comes and give instructions so that means when the doctor come up the doctor shouldn't have to work because the doctor already know the problem it's up to you to follow the instructions so so preachers should never have to get up and work a crowd while y'all they're talking to me it should be a nurse that comes before the preacher and sets you up for what the doctor is going to tell you what's bothering you and when the doctor exit then the nurse comes back up and said the doctor said take this every day [Music] the reason why a lot of us is not blessed is gonna get quiet here because you don't know how to follow if you just learn how to follow instructions some of the things that you're going through will stop can we honor the lady of this house my beautiful lovely wife lady leela roquemore [Applause] we have put this unity weekend together and it's been a blessing all weekend she makes me look so good why y'all ain't saying oh y'all thought it was just me i know you want to give me the credit but she makes me look so good and don't she look so beautiful i mean we may have to end this service early or we'll just let the doctor continue and we leave. is it your birthday oh it passed oh okay rewind no i'm just saying can we honor my mother my mother is in the house [Applause] that's my mother she's in the house and i love my mother she's the foundation of this ministry and i appreciate her prayers mother susie is here mother spivey is here they in the building you all have to help me celebrate when i first started pastoring uh 15 years ago i had seven people and i had one man that said if you start i'm coming with you and when i opened the door that day he was right there and so since he walked in the door with me i made him my deacon that was 15 years ago and today he's celebrating his 75th birthday the head beacon of this house y'all y'all too quiet a lot of people died but deacon is still here [Music] and we started in the roughest neighborhood that we can start in and people would come in off the street and they would just come and look crazy and deacon stand up and look at me and say i got you i tell the i don't know how far you can kill but we we're gonna do the best we can and he's been with me ever since so i want to pause and say happy birthday to you come on [Music] clap your hand for our beacon [Music] i wanted to release the bishop we're going to release him right now do what he want to do we're just grateful that he took time out of his schedule why y'all y'all too quiet to be with us on today he he walked in the office and i was in the office and he walked in the office and then he greeted me and i sat back down i don't normally do that i just i sat back down and then he started talking to me and i said i'm so sorry i said i'm not uh you don't mean to be rude i said but i'm in service right now and he looked at who i was watching he said you know what i don't want to mess with nobody let me just go and have a seat and watch the service with you shabbat has good church this morning man i'm telling y'all i get my church before i come out to church and so and i know some of y'all ain't gonna say man because some of y'all want to go into leadership role but every pastor need a pastor don't just think you can come out and just reach this no who's feeding you okay wait um every pastor needs to eat and so i've had my meal on this morning so i'm looking uh for some extra meal on today because our bishop is here can we do this real quick because here's your instructions with no music here's your instructions on three times here's your instructions god says to send a shabbat up in the atmosphere right he says set the atmosphere for what's getting ready to fall out of it right you don't look like the requests you've been waiting on all right now so i'm gonna need you before he get up here to get rid of the mask okay tell your whole row say get rid of the mask you don't need that uh come on you got to speak that thing on your road said neighbor you've been hiding all year the doctor is here when i count to three you put a shabbat up in the air it should be a sound right and that sound is getting ready to set you up for something that the enemy said you weren't going to get this year but i got news for the devil the year is not over yet and god is getting ready to set you up when i count to three we're gonna do it on three different times and you'll be ready to see the doctor one two three send up a shabbat the lord said tell them you don't have to tell nobody what you're dealing with it's all in the sound you ain't got to tell them your testimony your issue your pro is all in the sound i just need him to stop the bleeding here's your second shabbat one two three [Applause] a shabbat you don't have to use words in a shabbat he's just listening for a particular sound and your sound is getting ready to have something transferred down when i count to three i don't care who looking at you make your crazy sound and let's get ready to hear what god got to say one two three [Music] i tell you to make yourself make yourself [Music] open up your mouth [Music] open up your mouth [Music] make yourself [Music] thank you to you [Music] can you thank him in advance thank you to you can you thank him in advance thank you jim thank you sir thank you jesus [Music] oh [Music] you ready now remain standing [Music] hear what god had for the church on today [Music] we're glad that we're excited that our bishop is here we're going to we're going to release him we're going to release no no no [Music] [Music] to come [Music] we're going to release him to come now whatever he want to do that's what he's going to do but my job is to release the man to god and to be the male nurse today to let you know that i've checked your temperature i've checked your blood pressure won't you look down the road and speak it because some of y'all gonna get so carnal and deep you're gonna miss it won't you just check down that road and talk down that road and said blood pressure normal y'all come on okay some of y'all missed it but you don't know who's sitting on your row so so look down your rope and say your sugar is low come on tell them come on look down your brother say your kidneys are functioning y'all you don't know who's sitting on your own pillow you no longer have a high temperature [Music] well as i present and introduce to others a man that really needs no introduction but god have allowed him to be with the powerhouse international ministry can y'all please help me welcome to chicago my father your bishop the bishop todd if paul senior come on [Music] well put your hands on [Music] [Music] you've got 30 seconds to clap your hands like you love god i know it's a little hot but somebody ought to just dance for 20 seconds that's all i need is give me some bold people that's got something in your feet for the lord and use it for 20 seconds [Music] wow [Music] [Music] while we're about to sit look at you people and tell them death freak is over your head [Music] begins [Music] y'all not gonna make me feel like i'm at home i'm gonna act like i'm a visitor all hands start clapping right here [Music] come on all right bring the pizza [Music] that's 1969. i'm trying to expect some of y'all if y'all got it open your mouth help me sing i feel all right [Music] all right all right all right all right all right [Music] oh i'm on church [Music] my god is an awesome god i said our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love our god is an awesome god i understand some of you wanted to dance but you got to wear them clothes twice today i feel you i feel you i feel you but my question for three people who love god is what if he comes back before night sir what you gonna tell him then who she held you back but the old school used to say when i think of the goodness of jesus talk to me your mouth won't get hot and all that he has done for me [Applause] mothers my very soul cries out hallelujah i thank god for saving me i'm saved by his power divine i'm quoting songs from my day i'm saved through new life sublime i could be using the lyrics of break every chain but i'm saved back in the 60s my life now is sweet and my joy is complete somebody that's happy ought to jump up and say cause i'm saved i said you want to say it like you're from a storefront i'm saved [Applause] somebody that's got a higher pitch than mine just jump up and say i'm sorry [Music] life now is sweet and my joy is [Music] [Applause] i said clap in here say yes lord [Music] [Music] dude [Music] [Music] cause all of my good days they outweigh my [Music] look down your row and tell them no complaining on this road no complaints [Music] these littles of mine tell them things are about to get much better for you things are about to get much better come on proclaim that over the life of your neighbor things are about to get much better for you [Music] you're gonna get it before this month is over but you gotta praise them every day you wake up and you've got to be able to tell the devil look where the lord has brought me from testify to your neighbor and tell him he's brought me from a mighty long way i said tell him like you feel like preaching he's brought me from a mighty norway [Music] he brought me out of the mirror clay then he placed my feet upon a rock to stay then he put a song in my soul today songs of his praises church say hallelujah this church is absolutely and don't clap till i have finished because we don't want to be robotic we want to know why we're clapping but this church is privileged to have a great leader hold on i'm not done for the scriptures declares how can they hear without a preacher can i get 10 folk to help man how can he or she preach except they be sent son i want you to consider something and i want elder robert to talk to me and i want uh brother michael to talk to me when the scripture says who can find a virtuous woman as hard as it is to find this type of woman it's that hard to find a real leader see y'all don't believe me some of you are here cause you've been hurt elsewhere your pastor spiritually molested you raped you prostituted you y'all don't want to talk now talking is what our alligators do to cool their bodies down when you're hot and your mouth is closed you stay hot when you steal and you breathe out of your mouth it's an air condition for the body and we always talk about because it's a woman's thing this morning how virtuous women have certain characteristics i'll name one or two for the three women who say man number one she don't sleep long so now half of y'all know you ain't virtuous right that is proverbs 31 she has too many ideas and dreams and responsibilities she's not waiting on the mack daddy sugar daddy or your daddy and sometimes sometimes she had to make it through life without a daddy but women that sleep too long are not virtuous two is she found a way to make her husband praise her where is that proverbs 31 i'll give you a third one for free just for two folk talk to me many women try to be her and can never be her the scripture says many seek to be you but thou excellest them all so if you're competing with another woman you're not a virtuous woman but if other women are trying to be you you may be a virtuous woman i think i'll name a fourth thing because i can't get nobody on the side wall to talk and that is this you you don't have to be a virgin to be virtuous you can go from a prostitute to a preacher from a prostitute to a prophetess from a prostitute to an entrepreneur and with all of those things that i've just mentioned you have to picture how hard it is for god to turn a playboy into a pastor a drug dealer into a deliverer a hole into holy did i say that [Applause] a perpetrator into a prophet it takes work to become something that others should be honored to follow so powerhouse i know you're a little heated but powerhouse and you that are watching let's pay homage indifference to this wonderful leader in the person of overseer prophet antonio [Applause] will you do that [Applause] be seated god cannot give such an elitist a low-level wife because women that don't have real qualities from the bible for a pastor will become their disaster some of you young preachers should be talking that's why y'all on your fifth date and your third engagement and third marriage is cause you chose what was not on your spiritual level only on your genitalia excitement plateau so therefore your ministry and your weakness fight each other so you're stuck never going anywhere cause what you love to be is not stronger than what you love to do [Applause] [Music] i can't love i i cannot afford to lose what i've become because of what i like to do do i have anybody strong enough to shout me to i can't and i ain't like y'all i'm not delivered i'm just smart looking folk look at the motherboard he's not no i'm not you don't have to be delivered not to do it you got to be wise enough to know you too old to start over the children of israel was out of egypt but egypt wasn't out of them the issue is don't act like god pulled it all out just let folk know i fight to remain victorious and if i hold my peace and let the lord fight my battles victory shall be mine so you can't imagine what god had to do to this particular woman who's hosted this weekend to step into some big shoes and um hey let's just be very frank i know he's not a preacher the one back then you know the one that's dressed up he's not a preacher but can you just let him sit here for a little while yeah because come here sit sit in my seat and feel comfortable [Applause] stay right there [Music] [Applause] now first ladies is a term that the black african-american church created then the hybrid fake holiness church created them the name first gentleman never heard of a first gentleman in the bible anywhere until recently but i've heard a first lady all my life and the reason why you have to be strong as a first lady is there's always someone waiting to be the second lady [Applause] some don't mind being the third lady some don't mind just being one of the ladies but it takes a lot of strength to become the only lady and i don't see elder as first lady i see her as the only lady [Applause] and if you really watched her instead of judging her she handles business [Applause] her friends and colleagues own businesses they're not out clubbing drinking mixing dog with lights they're owners of state farms and insurance companies and real estate agents and repairing your credit that you didn't show up for because you stayed late friday when you should have been here learning how to become this next level woman your pastor can preach to you but he can never be the example of a woman oversee a rock no ain't got a female bone in his body and i ain't gonna lie i tested him bm4 i made him an elder i mean obviously if we put him in our office and he went through hell he came out asking me are these the same people that we've been dealing with yeah while you were just who you were we treated you nice but now that you're going up to another level we need you to answer some strict real questions are you gay what's your faith if a job can ask you about your past oh y'all quiet then why can't a ministry you can't make a pedophile your assistant pastor because then children can't join your ministry if they got to stay a hundred feet away from the assistant pastor and you crazy women that ain't that ain't virtuous y'all got to stop falling in love with pedophiles who mess with your daughter and you and you believe your boyfriend over your daughter [Applause] look somebody tell me that part right there [Applause] she's a great example came in knowing that he already had children and knowing that he had already been where he was and came in like me and you gonna do this and whatever boxing matches we have we gonna have them at home and then we gonna come out smiling like we never argued a day in our life i think we should stand and thank god for lady eldar leela rockmore i'ma start calling her his rock [Applause] what i'm gonna start calling her his rock on leela the solid rock you stand cause all the other grounds pretty but they sink insane all other protocols have been established not that i don't want to address you it's been established i want to take you to the word of the lord right now father help me in jesus name we had a stupendous time on friday i didn't hear the women but we learned so much about the bible [Music] that some of you just found out there are different levels to this thing called womanhood no no not women from the hood womenhood because black girls like for you to know there's another side of me you need to don't announce that side only let us see the side that makes you better i don't want to meet your bitter twin i want to meet your better half can y'all talk to me please cause all women have another side but black women can get nasty and once you all cut us up even after you say sorry it don't work cause y'all talk like machetes black women with mexican tongues i can tell some of you cuz just by how you try to stare me down but i ain't your ex i'm not scared of you at all back in my day we love folk that look like you y'all can fill in all the blanks but looks are made to change i was going to preach a topic called baby ruth but instead i'm going to read the scriptures from the book of ruth but i'm going to take away baby ruth because my approach was gonna be for three women who were jumping one man preferably him that i used to eat a baby ruth and it's made of certain ingredients it has almonds got chocolate and the issue with some of you who claim your ruth but you're not grown ruth but baby roof y'all did y'all don't even catch them is that baby roofs are sweet till you get to the nuts looking for what does that mean that means you've got a kooky side to you and you use sweetness to draw us soft speech but later on we find out you ain't really that soft but a grown roof is a roof that worked on her attitude worked on her emotions knows that her silence is stronger than her screaming look at somebody and tell them all your baby ruth or grown ruth go on and ask them me baby now answer them let's see if y'all lie to each other cause your best friend know you are nuts so go and tell them you but i still want to read from the book of ruth and i want to read this story from the message bible even though it's king james somebody shout hallelujah god is in the building you don't think he is because we ain't screaming no more trying to let you fan and cool down the holy ghost said he wants to wish you a happy belated birthday september the 14th stand up i want to talk to you see it's only you that ain't in the spirit i'm in there [Applause] see god talks louder when you have expectation i don't know whether you will believe this but if you listen to my sermon and worship god today from your heart you're going to experience early retirement early retirement because you have something to do in your own business but god wants to make sure that the transit authority takes good care of you after all of this is over maybe i should close this because they think i'm maybe i should close this down can you come see what's on it i know you don't doubt me but no i need you to see it so they understand what's on here that's your notes and that's the scripture right there all right good so um what's on your phone nothing and you that thought it was i won't be prophesying to you and that's 15 of you in this one section whoever the man is don't come from the state of ohio and not get what you came for it's all right we don't have to let our mass be our muscles i can hear you behind it what happened to your wrists on what worked transit authority sound like early retirement sound like some money you got injured while working okay listen let me have a piece of paper or just give me just give me one of those napkins thank you [Applause] thank you lord just want you to look at this hear you being that i've been prophesying you sit there sometime like wow that's real i'm wondering nobody really really like told me anything that direct ain't gonna make sense but if it does i know you fly you got high heels on i don't want you to sue the church but if it makes sense take your shoes off run down the road and come back take your shoes off because your right ankle is weak all right go back to your seat first and enjoy you were going to be sad by the end of this year because someone in your family was going to die but god said i'ma let her live her name is dorothy oh she running too oh i'm a so already [Music] are you all happy or you're not [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god's putting some angels around the woman named dorothy who is that that's your biological mother all right um do you have a lot of siblings how many you have one living so that means you had some that passed your older sister um 2001 how long has your mother been married to this man he's not your father right okay listen does he have kids how many that's why you got a big family so i'm trying to help you when you praise god in any way you choose on her to rest just for 10 seconds i'll even let the music strike up 10 seconds 30 seconds at max god's gonna take what's going on in her body pull it out of her body i can't tell you how long she's going to live but i'm telling you that she's going to live past the date she should have died [Music] now god says imma go refine you a heart so you can get ready like your mother for your new husband you get married too one two three four [Music] [Music] that's it you may be seated the book of ruth chapter no no no no that's it the book of ruth chapter 2 the the the book of ruth chapter number two i want to read from verses 11 to verses 19 and i want to read see some of you told me i wish you props out of me when you can't praise for others [Music] you're not even on the list because she get the bread don't mean you can't have the crumbs y'all ain't talking because everything in the crumbs is in the loaf i can't call these four people out but i'm going to ask 10 folk to dance 10 seconds after i say what i say so that no one knows who it is i like that daughter hugging the mom whoever that is but the lord just that's a that's a daughter okay because the lord said to me if the women dance there are four women in in here whose baby's daddy's been running from child support god said by next thursday i'm gonna catch him and if y'all don't dance [Music] [Music] tell the young lady that's always in the office that serves the food and stuff in the corner i'm talking about her now the book of ruth chapter two look somebody say baby ruth or groan ruth which which one you are now because if you need a prophecy to praise you a baby ruth but if you know it's already done you a grown room every grown roof jump up and start dancing on your own for 10 seconds you grow men too [Music] all right be seated settle in i'm being considerate sorry miss jackson i am for real didn't mean to make you cry i don't know all the worldly words but ruth chapter 2 but i apologize how many times [Music] ruth chapter 2 verses 11 through 19. you that are watching my streaming forgive my posture i have the king james in front of me but i have to turn around to read the message bible i want you all pushing me because i can let you out very quickly now cause i've done my job boaz answered her i've heard all about you heard about the way you treated your mother-in-law after the death of her husband and how you left your father and mother come on in the land of your birth and have come to live among a bunch of total strangers come on women i need to hear you sons of god i want you all to talk to me now god rewards you well for what you've done and with a generous bonus besides from god look at somebody and tell them i'm going into my bonus i'm about to get a bonus no tell them speak it to you believe it i'm about to get a bonus to whom you've come seeking protection under his wings verse 13 she said oh sir such grace such kindness i don't deserve it you touch my heart next verse treated me like one of your own and i don't even belong here i want to prophesy again or speak a word of exhortation to folk with the mouth god said after this weekend you're going to get to a place that folks say you will never be i promise you and this this will not be based upon your college degrees the name of your ancestors not based upon lotteries or lawsuits is simply the grace of god and you women that ain't talking i'ma say it for the last time stop asking god to send a husband you don't deserve one quiet women are boring non-responsive women to men giving you information are very boring [Applause] you're about to get somewhere that life said you don't belong verse 14 at the lunch break boaz said to her come over here eat some bread dip it we ain't talking about liquor in some wine who dips bread and cavacio nobody but some of y'all do put fries in ice cream in that shake [Applause] so she joined the harvesters boaz passed the roasted grain to her she ate her field and she still had some left over so the third proclamation i want to make for those who are happy is god says i'm gonna put you in a season where you can pay the bills and still have some resources and revenue left over what if he started giving you a check and one week check paid all the bills and the rest of the month you could just use it invest it negotiate some deals am i boring them now the sermon's for everyone but i'm targeting women let her glean where there's still plenty of grain on the ground here it goes but make her job easy go back go back because i want to see it make it easy for her better yet pull some of the good stuff out and leave it for her to glean give her see the women that are talking that's virtual that's virtuous you that ain't talking you average that you won't even read your own future that's why all your dreams are stuck in cause closed mouths you better ask somebody give her special treatment didn't put this on my notes he just put it in my heart and this is only for 50 people and it includes men say of the lord god said after this month the last three months is gonna show you special treatment you'll be good by thanksgiving and christmas and new year's eve you'll be good when god says a whole year is yours it doesn't mean you'll enjoy the entire year if god says he'll do it in the day he got 30 seconds of 11 59. you can have hell for 23 hours the day is not over [Music] give a special treatment ruth gleamed in the field until evening verse 18 when she threshed out what she had gathered she ended up with nearly a full sack of barley can't get these men up here to talk y'all praying for me she gathered up her gleanings went back to town showed her mother-in-law the results of her day's work she also gave her the leftovers from lunch verse 19 naomi asked her so where did you glean today let me break it down where you get all of this in one day how could all these changes happen within 24 hours see you that ain't talking ruth told her mother-in-law no no go back i miss the good part god bless whoever it was who took such good care of you which means this didn't happen just to happen someone's looking out for you and did not announce who they are i wonder if you would scream hallelujah if i informed you god just put you in somebody's heart [Applause] who has exactly what you need i wonder how you would act if i told you you don't know them but they know you that's why i said be careful how you entertain strangers i feel like preaching because some of you have entertained angels which is messengers which are also super terrestrial or people assigned to help you succeed so y'all got to stop hating on folk because what you gonna do when god puts what you need and who you don't like you don't get to choose the miracle and the package he can keep it i'd rather die than die if your attitude is stronger than your future die i don't want nothing for my baby daddy no no you don't need it the child do and by the way y'all stop buying yourself hair and things on the children money save the money so they can go to college in case they don't get a grant 18 years of my money don't ask for no more after that instead of it being on your head put it in the bank get a job and make your children's lives easy that's why it's called child support not baby mama support [Applause] don't worry i had to do that for a few years but my baby mama knew she was she had she had been with a gangster i went to her hairstyles and everything if you do her hair one more time look at the women in the back looking at me like i wish you to try that with me i wish i could too i bet i win that part if you're gonna get my money and it's for my child make sure that it is used for my child and if you need some of my money then we can talk we can negotiate [Applause] god bless whoever was that took such good care of you ruth told her mother-in-law let's close this scripture the man with whom i work today his name is boaz matthew chapter one verses one through five i am a third through the message for real matthew chapter 1 verse 1 through 5 the family tree of jesus stay with me mike jesus christ david's son abraham's son abraham had isaac see y'all don't scream on the right thing isaac had jacob don't go next verse jacob had judah his brother which means this is called the genealogy this is how everyone becomes who they are is through someone else look at somebody tell me you can't get there by yourself go on tell tell them i know you think you can but i'm here to tell you we all need somebody to lean on i might just have a problem that you understand y'all boring in the back we all need i don't trust nobody you better find one body to try to trust cause we all need and if all y'all are so hurt that no one can be trusted does that include you i don't trust no man then don't get mad every new person deserves their own opportunity either to help you or to hurt you that's what relationships are all about i feel somebody praying for me and the only way geology genealogies work can i teach the preachers i know y'all act like you know it is through the male not through females no children have your seed they may have your blood but they don't have your seed and nothing you have could be gotten without male seed i don't hear nobody folk got the nerve to be sleeping on my information let me tell you something i just need god to send me who he has for me there's no scripture for that i know your pastors told you in prophet's prophet but there's no scripture for that there is no special person for any of us see how quiet it got no no what you got you got and it became special but it's funny how you in love with us and do anything then once we make a mistake you hate us and ready to leave so did god change his mind what's special is you can stay with somebody when they're not doing what you want to do that's special i can't get no help i feel like i'm wasting it when you go to the book of chronicles men begat men beget men for god soul of the world and the male species he gave and it says my only begotten so men begat but some type of way the reason why i'm using this text to strengthen my cause is it said abraham had isaac isaac had jacob jacob had judah his brothers come on come on come on come on yeah yeah yeah judah had perez and zara the mother hears all of a sudden women's names are starting to be mentioned in matthew's chronological genealogy which you are not supposed to be mentioned so i said that for this to see if one woman would jump and don't care who laughed you're going to be mentioned where they said you wouldn't the issue is every woman that's trying to do right that's done wrong god's going to bring your name back up and this time is in a positive way i'm letting the scriptures do all the talking the question is gonna be like we theologians asked a question in school for one woman talking to me where did she come from see the parts i'm not upset because the parts you sleep on are the parts the devil don't want you to hear and when you miss what you need you have to repeat the cycle judah had perez you're praying for me i'm used to hearing you and zelda the mother was tamar perez had hezron and hezron had aaron and aaron had a minidab let's go to the next verse amina dab had no no no sean and nashon had salmon and salmon had boaz his mother was rayhead it don't say the women had any of them it just tells you the men couldn't have them without her all right everybody's missing where i'm going i'm gonna make a statement and i mean only once because i'm an alpha male and sometime i can be a bit to handle so god humbles me this morning or this afternoon by saying this for three folk who would jump and scream we can't make it without y'all even though we tell you who you're gonna get when i'm gone you should tell us the truth anybody that's the truth anybody oversees over here bullying his wife you don't have to do that all you got to do is stay put rehab y'all know who rahab was cause you won't help me teach you cause you won't scream she's a used to be harlot turned business woman see i'm trying to help everybody [Applause] she is a professional madam in jericho and then the bible says you're in my seat talk to me she escalates and metamorphs herself into being a seller of purple so she's no longer selling bodies she's selling garments to cover bodies all right nobody caught that i wish i could shift the second row out and put some other people in there see the people that think they know all your business today is gonna need you to cover them tomorrow you only know i'm naked because i trusted you as a friend you only know what my addictions are because i told you i want to be delivered but you use what you knew against me but what's gonna happen when you need my other side i want every man to look at a woman and tell him this ain't just for you today i'm sorry it's your day but we taking some of this can i tell you one more thing about rahab because you asked me they didn't camera stay with me they you ask when women should want to know right but they take for granted that we just talkers men don't just offer information when we come in we might even forget to say good evening we might forget our anniversary we might forget your birthday till the last minute of the day and fly to the mall and be like jesus christ because men have a lot on their mind especially if they have responsibilities that have not been met see i'm teaching virtuous women now but you should never forget your anniversary why not why not y'all gonna tell me why it should be important to you no you are not the date the marriage i don't call all my grown kids on their birthday i did that till they was about 18 now they just got to remind me you know today my birthday all right i'm a cash at you yes i got time to remember your birthday your father's a businessman he's an entrepreneur he has responsibilities we shouldn't be celebrating no grown child's birthday [Music] them children don't never celebrate hours [Music] i made you breakfast i want no breakfast then y'all lie that's so sweet that ain't sweet rahab is a professional harlot what harlot's major gift is is not sex their gift for three women is their ability to take what belongs to somebody else and get from it what you can't your rent is late because the harlot paid hugs you follow it's dry in your house but it's raining and oh y'all quiet now and some of your women still frowning like bishop bishop you know we've been through this i know some of you are having flashbacks and now trying to figure out is that what he's been doing with the money that's not what you're supposed to be here thinking you're supposed to make sure the money don't leave your house no more if it went it's gone you ain't supposed to be reminiscing about what's already gone then you women play us all i want you to do is tell me the truth i can take it we tell you now you don't cook right don't talk what's wrong nothing he said why y'all ask us for the truth and then change who you are and not give us the reset that you said i'm sorry i was talking to you she a harlot and god sent two spies into the camp because he was about to give joshua jericho but they could not get jericho even though god spoke without a woman it could even be a nasty woman it could be a cussing woman it could be a promiscuous woman women are stronger than men even when they don't know who they are [Music] so picture how strong you will be when you find out who you are to be why is it quiet brother just talk to me forget everything else i've not told you anything about it yet because you asked me dwell a little more so if i tell you something can you let me know because i feel like i probably haven't said what intrigues you yet but um because my sisters in here that are now becoming grown ruth acting like they never hit baby ruth because i know women in church because i'm raised in church who went to college and had to dance out of town just to pay for their school and dance to pay for their children but you little cover-ups are in here acting like everything you receive was legitimate how you dress lets me know you've had a pass cause real church women look like church women what church women look like like they still waiting on god they go to rahab's uh business space apology come on you asked me which is on the pit house suite of the roof she is a madam living at the top of her game the spies that needed help had to go to her so they had to come up to speak to a woman that wasn't even saved and they had to go through a center for salvation look how quiet it is because church folk don't really offer help to other church folks once we get it we want to keep it all that's why god created a tithing system for church folk to teach you how to give some away all y'all that don't pay tithe you will help nobody cause you say it's your money but when you had no money you wanted prayer now you won't even sow where you grew so remember this prophecy the lord give it all right you remember all i need is about 40 minutes and i'm done now ruth is so much of a businesswoman right now doing illegal business that she says to the men of god on this you can tap my shoulder if it makes sense i do have what you need and i'm willing to help you but i need you to talk to your god for me cause what i need is not from a man because i supply men all right it just got quiet what i need can none of y'all give me cause i'm supplying all you guys i need you to talk to who doesn't talk to me they said who jehovah yahweh yahshua elohim and what do you want us to tell him tell him the only way i'm going to help y'all is that when he destroys the city or does what he do that he allows me my family and my hookers to live see some of y'all ain't gonna never prosper because you're too busy killing people oh y'all y'all got to hear everything you're too busy trying to kill people with what you know i got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. and the bible says they went to god and god said okay and when god said okay he didn't ask them to stop looking oh i know i'm in the bible you can look roll your eyes i don't know how you know god and don't know his word some of you sharing god on feelings not on facts why would god not tell them to stop hooking i don't know but let me just say scriptural and talk to five folks who get on my side the scriptures that even support what went on with rahab says while we were yet sinners oh out of here see i'm here christ died he didn't wait for us to get saved he didn't force us to get saved i'm doing this whether they get saved or not he's me while we were yet since christ died for us so god says yes i'm gonna show you how she got in this scripture who more people are eating even though we'll sweat through this is cool i'm dressed too we're gonna sweat through this and go go and buy more clothes but listen why can't we getting bonuses and some of y'all going to get a new wardrobe in the size you want to be [Applause] [Music] don't dress your old self [Applause] i didn't buy clothes at all for a year and a half till i got down to the weight i wanted to be i don't dress my pants now hear me very well the walls came down everybody on the top floor from the walls coming down lived how you live from that height when all the concrete walls and you can put two chariots and ride the side of jericho and not fall off and all of that debris not kill you with all the mess certain people got on some of us how can we still wake up be in our right mind and go from the truth to a business individual the answer god i feel like i'm running nobody but jesus testified that the two people in meaning nobody but the lord [Music] i guess i didn't say anything to fully tantalize your spiritual taste buds yet but i'll go a little further the walls come down we don't know what whether she was home or not but we do know she survived right her whole family and all the hookers no stds just god no nothing nobody died and when they all survived they weren't told where to go ruth decided to follow israel and then god told salman who y'all forgot is the baby daddy of boaz boaz daddy god tells salmon lead israel to the promised land and then ruth and her people stay in the back of over 800 000 israelites here's the question and i hope eight folk go crazy if and god told salmon let the hookers in them stay behind they can come but they must follow from afar so my question of inquisitiveness is simply this for 10 folk who are inquisitive and not nosy if rahab was stayed in the back how did he and salmon ever get together and he's out front and they have a baby named boaz how did the holes reach the league and give birth to a gentleman like this the answer is so mysterious for 18 screamers that that's going to be a question and an answer when they see you make it to the front [Applause] you don't owe anybody an explanation of how you got from the back to the front i am still here it's by the grace sir you're giving me strength i feel strength right there so that's what happened some kind of way she changed even following from afar in some kind of way word got to salmon out front there's a little woman way in the back checking you out and for him to get with her she either had to disobey rules and walk to the front or he loved her enough to go to the back [Music] one thing about salmon for sure for 10 women and men who would scream he didn't have to worry about being satisfied he got a professional so maybe god let salmon have her because that was the only thing that could keep a leader of his caliber attention when i get married my husband have the same thing your husband don't know that pride in marriage now wait to get married but let me tell some of y'all something you fooling yourself if you think you that good and you've already lost two or three other people right you can't even get your baby daddy pay child support you're gonna get the next man to pay all your bills buy your house buy your car that's them baby roofs they came together so boaz has a testimony my mother was a prostitute my father was the pastor of the church who's your father my father salmon he led israel 800 000 members who's your mother rahab look at some of y'all let me put it out there in 21st century lingo and see if one woman would scream for me and push me because i feel like i'm being highly disrespected and that's this some people gonna get mad and jealous of some of you cause when they see what you have they're gonna be like what did he see in her see the issue is the issue is i'm only dressing like this in front of you but if you knew what i did before i met you you will know what's keeping here need to tell you something that's hard on women prayer ain't never kept nobody [Applause] you got to have good communication skills you have to have certain interests you have to keep yourself in a certain manner let me look on this side wall and see who ain't talking to me today let's get to this verse his mother was rahab boaz had obed go back because i want them to see it boaz had oh bad ruth was the mother of obed and obed had jesse and jesse had david and david became king david had solomon y'all gonna like this uriah's wife was the mother which means god didn't even hide david's error said david did have solomon but he took another man's wife he don't blame bathsheba for sleeping with david he blamed david for the whole thing i thought it took two to tango women are protected by god and don't even know it that's why you shouldn't have to protect yourself god will get who hurts you so you don't have to be vindictive you need to stay focused for your future [Applause] [Music] i'm done with that go back one verse please go back one verse go back go back one more yeah there uh his mother was rahab boaz had obed then it brings in ruth ruth was the mother and after ruth everything else you preach comes from her existence jesse david solomon all the characters you really know comes from the relationship that ruth has with boaz i want you to look at one person i'm about to read my notes and just tell them you're about to be known after this very well known tell them not known for your pain known for your prosperity talk to them not known for the past but known because you arrived to a place in life that everybody said you would never reach [Applause] tell your neighbor again i got to close in 10 minutes i am still here and it's by what nobody told me that the road would be easy but i don't believe [Music] that he's brought us this far just to leave us yeah ruth one more scripture can i then my reading is only nine minutes long i think i've helped my daughter she's learning i came to give her the best and i'm giving you all the best because of her and you're still not digesting it but genesis 18 verse 14 genesis 18 verse 14. when i read this i'm going straight to a statement and read my notes it says in genesis uh it says god said to abraham why did sarah laugh at me saying me have a baby let me reword this for screaming men and women she's laughing because she's been so unproductive so long that she's reached a certain age where she's used to not having and now god shows up in her latter age to say i'm about to make you produce look at somebody tell them i'm about to laugh at my past i ain't lying i'm about to laugh at my past what happens when people say it's over for you and you give up on yourself and god say i'm still going to do what i said i'm going to do i wish i was at the potter's house i don't even know why i said that god said to abram why did sarah laugh saying me have a baby an old woman like me i want you to look at your neighbor before i go to my last reading of the holy scriptures and look at someone that is very much so concerned about what's being said on this afternoon and tell them you're going to become a late bloomer you'll be okay you're going to get it at your latter age well this is scripture because the bible says your ladder see y'all ain't talk you just read it but you don't believe it so some of you he would have given it to you when you asked but he knew you weren't ready to maintain it you were too youthful to manage it so he was good and god enough to hold it till you mature [Applause] oh i'm loving you you remind me of a small me for real today an old woman like me is and here's the question and here's where i'm about is there [Music] is anything women they help me men too hard i'll give the question again and see who'll jump up and answer it as loud in in your own way but the question is is anything too hard for god the answer from you all should be now the song says tis no secret where's my old school new york phone what god can do what he's done for others y'all don't talk through the math he'll do for you ladies with his arms wide open he'll pardon you tears no secret why y'all stand up and not talk you look foolish stay down don't get up with the same silence there's no secret what god can do then god prophesies to the impossible woman who is never supposed to have nothing but will and when i read it you got five seconds to scream he says i'll be back about this time next year [Applause] how long is the normal carrying time for baby nine months three trimesters 10 centimeters dilated water breaking push oh y'all don't want me to preach that huh nine months is the normal carrying time before you deliver am i right so you women should scream because we're in the ninth month right now and that's very important and god said before the month is over push don't let the devil make you a boy don't miscarry late in the midnight hour god is going to turn it around y'all preaching and finish it to each other it's oh y'all said it like you were lazy and lousy that means you don't want it but if you're in a contraction you gotta say it like it's coming out it's gonna work [Applause] you didn't finish it it's gonna work what [Applause] let's try it again and see if y'all scream one time this is the only time i'm hooping so you better hit it now cause i'm reading i said delay [Music] you finished [Music] it's going to work in your favor if i got a witness that ain't jealous you ought to throw your head back like you just gave birth to a business and say [Applause] yeah yes yeah [Music] i'll be back i'm closing by this time they thought i was playing next year ain't no warm-ups when you're playing behind me i'm ready i'm 100. ease in just come in like we close it rerun midnight [Music] y'all finish it [Music] [Music] [Applause] my topic sub topic my notes and we're going home the topic of the sermon this morning and i want you all to give me your attention for the last 10 minutes don't mess up this sound now bring that back and take that echo out and let's have church the topic of the sermon is simply things are becoming easier will you tell three people that getting a job is going to be easy getting a raise is going to be easy having children that obey is going to be easy easy like a sunday morning [Music] and then the sub topic for 30 scream is from surviving to succeeding come on we closing look at somebody and tell them i'm going from surviving to succeeding now reverend dr preacher oversee a prophet i'm going to read my notes and then hand you to mike after i challenge him because i'm done because these people were not prepared for what god was about to really say when you finally give a woman what they want they don't know how to take it y'all looking at me like the man that hurts you and when we apologize you got that look that say that's all once a person means sorry don't ask him what for look how quiet he got now if all you want is an apology and it's real don't go back on it and then say now what you're apologizing for and then don't bully them you better not ever do it again statement paragraph three points and i want to see if anybody get with me and push me because i'm done i would like to proclaim through biblical research and proper exegetical uh teaching that god is going to create a plan to lighten everyone's law [Applause] then it says tell them look at their neighbor and tell them take it easy take it easy i got help right here it is so important that we seek the scriptures to find out if our expectations are realistic and anything for a christian that's realistic must be biblical based no amens huh y'all think the reading is me starting over i'm leaving let me properly extrapolate from the text this proper content that will assist us in having the greatest season of our life here i go i didn't i have not heard from kathy wherever he is it is impossible to it is possible somebody say it is possible it is possible to be in your best season experiencing your worst time she ain't ready she ready y'all ain't ready i said it is possible to be in your best season while experiencing your worst time the way you know that you're in your best season experiencing your worst time is the scripture that says life is hard [Music] but then the question is is there anything oh y'all ain't talk for it to be your best season you have to be in something you can't see yourself coming out of and it's almost killing you to barely survive [Music] [Applause] oh i feel good now i'm i'm out there we must also accept that the hard times in your life is when god is most visible it's so hard for some of you you can't see him but hard can't stop him from seeing you oh y'all see you you slow i lord god where are you god said don't worry i know where you at you don't have to worry about where i am i'm everywhere and god said the reason why you can't see me right now in your present is i'm in your future making sure that when you come out of what you in what you have will automatically grant you a promotion i got to get out of here i'm reading my notes and i'm let's just kiss and say goodbye just living a life where every day with no miracles is called surviving living a life where every day is a routine with no godly intervention it's called survival but when god steps in he holds a meeting with survival and success your friend he said both of y'all come here this person has survived the worst season of their lives success fire survivor [Music] [Applause] look at somebody and be a little righteously indignant and tell them i'm firing survival just go and tell them come on talk like you the boss tell them survival has to go i'm almost done now i'm down to my last note son ruth's name means women please don't die on me push me you're going to get a little mad but roof name means it means a female friend that's what her name is looking for what her name in the old testament and also in the new testament means female friend can i freely uh express my sentiments thank you strong women of valor and men of faith let me say this for ten women who will just jump and turn around cause you just feel liberated and that's this before you try to become a wife how about be a friend [Applause] cause your friend can get away with doing the same thing your husband can a friend can get away with the same thing your boyfriend can't you need to work on friendship because friends stick closer than brothers before you become a lover can't you just be a friend ruth never went to boaz job looking for a man she went looking for a job and the scripture will prove for 10 folk who won't scream she was working on a job with all men so she did not have a scarcity of options for men but because she went through so much hell she says my health does not equate to marrying an employee the hell i've been through means i deserve a boss y'all all right nobody's talking right i'm trying to help some of y'all because someone with a job like me we can survive someone with a job that's above me we can experience success and some of y'all are still settling for what's beneath you now i need some men and women to look to the left and right and say this loud i'm a boss you understand that forget being a g be a boss [Applause] the lord said i'm threatening some preachers who don't study enough don't be threatened be unctionized boaz name means fleet like f-l-e-e-t i know y'all thought it meant fleek but it means fleet and that word fleet means that he has several trucks trailers and cars carrying cargo to go from one place to the next which means he has everything that goes along with being a boss then the lord showed me to tell the women then the men can scream that if i give you a boss i've given him enough room for all your luggage your children your anger your issues he can just put him in the truck and drive him away y'all need to the issue is y'all still dealing with pintos and nissans and i'm using this in the term that my children told me i don't know if it's proper but i need 10 folk to jump up and down and go crazy on this when god puts you in your season of six success whoever god puts in your life we will know you chose right because you'll be dripping [Applause] cause the oil drips from the head down so if you got who god has for you your knees will be supplied because god is creating this new drip [Applause] you survived the famine you survived the dry now can you handle the drip is the new clothes gonna stop you from jumping clapping running dancing some of you ain't even blessed yet and your hair gotta last two weeks but if god has brought you out of something you don't care about your hair all you know is i owe him all the glory put that thing in the bun snatch it on back no ponytail put it in the rat tail do the best you can but when i look back over my life [Applause] and i think things over all of my good days [Applause] [Music] they outweigh my bad although the clouds hang low and i could hardly see the road i see some women in mental i asked oh but he knows what's best for me you ought to tell somebody like you ain't even got a job that you the c ceo of the business tell them he knows what's best for me now come on y'all you that are watching by streaming i know you're homer in the car but act like you in the service and just graduate he knows what's best for me even though my weary eyes cannot see all of my good days [Applause] my bad days next time i go to the hoop y'all come on and i won't complain before i close with my last three things i'm gonna say this to the educated intellectual thinkers and that doesn't mean you had to graduate that means you surrounded yourself around healthy people the lord said the 75 of all of you that are in here after the next few days next few weeks you're going to be in the new tax bracket now you that ain't smart you don't know what that mean can't change your bracket till you change your money you going from five figures to six figures from six figures to seven figures an ounce of us are going to eight figures cause god said i will do exceedingly and he said that that will be done according to the power that works in us will you just look at somebody and act like you don't have no bills and tell them there's power come on michael help me power wonder working power in the blood [Music] of the lamb look at that same person like you own everything and tell them what can wash away my sins [Music] but the blood of jesus y'all got to look at somebody and help them preach and tell them our neighbor come on y'all i know we slow but tell them all our neighbor tell them how will you praise the lord if in the next two weeks you're in a new tax bracket [Music] i wish i had some anointing people for you to tell your neighbor i don't have to wait until the next two weeks to praise him the lord is not a man that he should lie here nor is he the son of man that he should repent some of y'all ain't used to this kind of church but grab somebody by the elbow ankle hand and say uh neighbor [Music] come on get it within the next 48 hours survival is about to walk out the door and success is about to walk into your life and high-five you [Music] find a neighbor that can be your partner and say oh neighbor i want you to look at me today and ask me how good the lord has been and say our neighbor i'm glad you asked because of god i said he descends on the glory he deserves all the honor he deserves all the praise y'all ain't talking to each other so i might as well walk out the door but get that same entrepreneur that dressed fly but know who god is and say oh neighbor you and i oh god of praise cause when we were down now the lord was right there when we were sad the lord was right there when we were sick in our bodies the lord was right there if that neighbor's not talking then find somebody else and say your neighbor are you the one i should be talking to cause you're still acting the same way you acted when you came here but tell your neighbor i've got another side of me that's ready to give god glory because i should have been dead sleeping in my grave but i had the lord [Music] [Music] and tell your neighbor god said i'm closing come unto me all ye that labor and our heaven later and i will i'll give you rest take my [Music] can i preach 30 more seconds cause i feel help from on high you find somebody that's not jealous of your tomorrow and say your neighbor can i please quote a few scriptures that is going to highlight your next level of living [Music] here is one scripture and that is greater is here cut that chain up greater is here that is that i'm a quote in your ears and i'ma watch your response and if you don't give god glory you'll have to start life all over tell them here is the second scripture it said i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continually have been in my life are y'all talking to a wealthy neighbor say i've hey one more one more scripture that i hope you get excited about and that scripture is yay so i walk to the darling [Music] through the valley of the shadow of death i will [Music] i feel a coaching spirit i'm sorry just grab somebody near and say come on out of there tell them you've been there too long you cried and you cried i cried [Music] y'all don't want to say that say i never can i say three more words and then i'll leave you alone and those three words are it's already done [Music] grab the neighbor like you love them and tell them your best games are ahead of you now say your black gays are ahead of you [Music] [Music] your best days are ahead of you i feel a bit of trauma just look at them i see in your future and things are looking much better because what's coming y'all may prophesy what's coming so [Music] y'all standing up you might as well speak to each other and tell them you dressing for success you look like you're about to succeed you look like you're closing the deal you look like you're buying property you look like you're about to cash in so don't wait till the bottle over don't wait till the bluffing power don't wait till your body's healed [Music] right now [Music] i feel like thank you jesus in the room i said i feel i thank you jesus in the room i feel the glory to god in the room i feel a yes lord in my soul [Music] somebody ought to come and just stop saying yes i'm [Music] y'all gonna think i'm crazy but i need eight people that know you really gonna be a millionaire to give god a millionaire's dance and don't wait on nobody just go ahead and give it to you you better watch it give god [Music] [Music] some of y'all playing some of you playing this your future [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you got 30 seconds don't you be so cute you can't praise him don't you be so wealthy you can't praise me [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what i've been waiting on i've been waiting i've been waiting i've been waiting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go ahead baby [Music] 20 seconds and that's it if you don't get it you have to start life over [Music] praise them in the town poop [Music] don't stop giving god the glory hey don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't you stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't stop don't you stop you deserve to praise the lord [Music] don't stop don't stop move your feet don't stop clap your hands don't stop be clutching don't stop [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] you can remain standing hallelujah if you're standing remain standing i have two things i want to say give me my monitors back on my mic not the music me hallelujah yes thank you just two things come on bring that echo out of there just just two things one is look at me everyone in here that listen to the preaching shout the words new tax bracket [Applause] the government is going to take more because you will earn more god says tell those who obey today i will at least double what they make now look at somebody and say what about triple the bible says exceeding abundantly above which gives me the liberty to say this to 30 folk with a dance that don't have to dance you're going to be the greatest success story in your family in your entire family ambalando shamah [Music] i want to be and i'm not comparing myself to any of my siblings because they're all great i want to be the greatest success story of the whole family i want my kids to say when i've been called to home if i am he did it like no one else ever did it number two look at me don't you dare sit and look messed up now we're closing number two pastor i'll say it to you and to prophet hall ruth told her go get a job and told her where to apply roof put her where she knew she would not have to work long because ruth knew the only naomi knew the only person that equivalent to her husband who died was boaz and naomi couldn't have him because it's her nephew now i'm gonna say point two and then point three i'm done point two for the screamers god's about to make somebody give it to you because they can't do nothing with it [Applause] that's from property to automobiles to suggestions to supplies and they're no longer going to hold back your name they're going to willingly suggest you [Music] the days of being hated on are coming to an end god's about to make you his pick and his choice and the last thing and i'm done and the last thing i love your church because my church takes a lot of things from your church when it comes to this dancing and stuff y'all only took one thing of ours to make me feel home but we taking everything y'all do we don't care what it is and then when we get it packed your musicians watch us and add something new to it because they don't want us to catch up i hear it i hear it every time y'all hear what bishop is doing we gotta change this i get it y'all have fun i'm not playing any instruments but the last thing is this for my three percent of you who will be blessed you ready ruth goes to work and before she gets there in that scripture boaz says to all of his male employees without her showing up he tells all of the men come to work early said what i want you all to clock in y'all missed it early they came in he held the meeting the meeting says there's a woman that's coming here none of you can talk to her which means your next season already has rules boundaries god's holding a meeting tonight with your tomorrow letting tomorrow know what the new rules are he told all the men she's fine she's fly she's available but not yours then he told them start working early cause she gonna clock in on time but i want you to come early and make easy what's normally hard y'all missed it make her think she's actually working when all she's do is picking up y'all need to and all the men did hard work pulling it out the ground and left it and when she showed up she started picking things up so quick that it made her think she was strong it made her think she had a better technique what she didn't know is somebody got there before her but didn't take what belonged to her and somebody beat you to it but they ain't gonna beat you with it y'all understand where i'm going right don't worry about who gets there first first does not always win god is yet saving the best my last statement please stand and look like you're wealthy then you can go home dry off come back some of you don't even got to dry off nor change clothes you ain't moved since you've been here and here we go because when i grew up in a storefront we had no air and we danced till we sweated through everything wigs fell off braids came loose ruth was married before she couldn't get what was really hers until what wasn't died sometimes you have to live with what's not yours and wait till the mistake dies you can't move into the miracle until the mistake guys i'm closing right there and when shillion her husband died naomi walks over to ruth i'm only using and says the rule for my two-member church stop crying he wasn't nothing you didn't read it and it's her son and she went if a mother tell you a child of hers ain't good and she in her right mind that boy ain't good hit mama just jealous no his mama trying to stop you from dying that's the truth the mother and we are done look at me goes over to ruth during the funeral and says read it try your eyes my son ain't did nothing for you then told her y'all gonna miss it go home wash go back and prepare to get married again see how y'all left the bill roof looks at naomi and says thank you for giving me the chance to get it right the next time but before i do what you suggest i only need two loud women teach me how to serve your god [Applause] she said my real problem was i put man i put relationship before righteousness companionship before covenant and roof introduced naomi introduces ruth to jehovah because ruth serves the moabite once she starts trusting she said teach me how to love yoga once she started calling naomi's guard hers roof then said now i want you to disobey all of the fake church folk who tell you that a woman ain't supposed to run after a man she says for one screaming you don't have to run after him but be where he could see you because real men want a woman with a job [Music] i don't want my wife to work i want minds too and it ain't for her to pay no bills it's for me to know that she's a real entrepreneur in case i get cancer sick can't wake up i'ma say this to you and i'm gonna leave it alone because i feel like some of them played me to the left but i'ma say this to you as your father and i'm asking five women who haven't screamed screaming two men if you get sick today right and you're the breadwinner you don't have to worry cause that girl make bread [Applause] and if you couldn't talk she would get in your phone call your daddy and be like we've got to help my husband get back on his feet [Applause] the church would pray for you she'd make the call and then we keep things running until you rebound versus somebody splitting your ministry so your real backup is not another ministry it's ruth not the baby roof cause you already had her we talking about the grown room on that note hold your own hand you can't infect yourself some of y'all don't want to touch people but you still want them to give you their money you know the money i gave you i touched it don't you so covey can't get on the money look at everybody looking away now y'all really think kobe played by rules if anything cody should be afraid of is a child of god but she ain't afraid cause you are scared i've been checked 20 something times the first time you brought me here we couldn't fly to chicago without having a rapid test because chicago was blocking people from coming from florida in certain places that were red negative then i had to take one here to go back to my own state negative every two weeks negative you almighty i got to go and some of y'all done had it twice and you had it while staying home you got it and who you live with didn't you got it and you didn't go nowhere [Music] once god gets jealous of something getting more attention than him he uses it to get his attention back should have been gone you're holding your own hand can i sit there i just want to sit where you sit uh bishop go down there and i said bishop lord go down there trust me y'all he don't want that yet because he know what he got to pay to get it here they're like i ain't rushing babies we already been interrogated once i make him bishop i gotta find out what to make her then she becomes elect-lady then when you become archbishop she becomes shepherd mother you see how many levels and then after that you become chief apostle which is the last level and at that time she becomes whatever she wants to be this morning but now afternoon next service starts at seven we're probably going to get rolling till 7 30. because i ain't coming back i'm gonna need a baker i've given you the best that i've got with all my heart i love you baby oh i know the old songs i just don't know these new ones they've got too many cuss words in there just too many and there's everybody why i just can't do it i need you all and bishop i'm serious i'm not going to stop unless they obey i need at least 80 of us to sow a hundred dollars and i need two people who own the business to sow a thousand the reason why i'm even taking that step is not for my money or the church even though the church will benefit or whatever is because god says i'm serious about the end of the month he says they believe you when you call their names through my power their birthdays but they don't believe you when i call for an amount to whom much is given my i can't hear anybody a thousand dollars really can't get you five bundles of weed cheap hair is like 120. that's from them asian people on the corner but if you get that stuff you can put in the tub bleach it stretch it and it don't break you had like 200 and more dollars and you normally need at least three to four bundles and especially if you have no hair because you need one to tie the hair into and don't let it be a blue tag if you can put hair that belongs somebody else on your head quicker than putting your money in god's hands to see which one grows for real you want your hair to look longer or your money to get longer and some of y'all looking around like we beefing on your weave it's yours we don't care really only you think you that important we don't care about you we we care about whether you give cause you can be the finest thing in this church and be single because god won't let a man look at you because you kept his money now i gotta challenge four people to give a thousand one is a man i won't say who the man is i don't call names when i'm receiving offerings but if y'all accept this and do what i tell you by the end of the month you will recognize what it is to go from the back of the line to the front and not know how you got there you used to do this chat all i have is my dance what what are those words all right because judges 21 tonight is my chapter and my topic is all i have is my dads and let me tell you what the scripture says for the first person to jump up and be dead free it says in god told the men of war today you will take wives but don't touch those who don't dance that's what it says it said if they come out looking pretty and don't dance don't touch them so non-dancing women are infections so prophetically when you say all i have in my dance is you saying you have someone to support you and i want to talk about support i don't want the people giving a thousand to come first because they think no one's going to do it but all of y'all that will sow your 100 come now come quick 60 of you have to move without question hurt yourself fast for a day whatever you have to do to qualify for this 30-day turnaround do it you can tap him they can put the ways to give on the screen if you're giving by your phone tap his body you're giving checks cash everything is on here cash app zell giblify whatever that is i don't have any of this and you can still write checks can't they okay because people don't stop writing checks i'm old school i carry a checkbook because i'm a person of checks and balances to the 30 women that won't stand up you're going to find out something that's going to make you wish you would have given how much would it cost for you to get radiation because of a mass in your breasts what's your deductible before they take it give it to god and just let him dissolve the tumor let him remove the mass am i talking right come on sound happy entrepreneurs i said ceo sound like you okay cause i'm good when the white pastors ask me for five thousand dollars ten thousand it's way more than y'all it takes me about maybe two minutes but i give it because i'm sitting amongst their kind and i say god is not a racist so if he can do it for them he can do it for me but he does nothing for each other till you do what the other person did we're living in a day now pretty fine women divas that nobody now comes to you just because you pretty much looks don't work no more you got to have more than looks but have some looks and some money i bet you they'll say hello start coming all of you that are giving you a hundred come now in jesus name play something on the piano nice and worship being sweet or he giving his money first he said i gotta give my hundred dollars most musicians never give they always charge not sitting because i'm tired i'm sitting because the lord told me to sit down that's what he told me did you enjoy the message i want to ask you again did you enjoy the message on this afternoon [Music] still not telling the thousand to come everyone who did not have a hundred dollars but you wish you did because you really want to be a giver get as close to it as you can and come as fast as you can because god's going to qualify you for something great don't sit long i'm not giving you the amount because he didn't give it to me but get your best and i mean your best and bring it as unto the lord [Music] do y'all know that praise team that sounds good to me [Music] if you [Music] trust [Music] all right i want to make the devil mad to those that are going to sow your thousand when you come bishop i want you to bishop overseer i'm calling him bishop i'm sorry when they come if they sow their thousand i want you to put your hands on their shoulders and i want you to shake their shoulders three times that's a form of consecration when we snap much god says when we do that he's going to put oil and a mark on that person to succeed for the rest of their life even if their life is not up to par their money will be i just pray when he gives you money you don't let the money make you more sinful that you tell god because you've been good i'm going to live better those who are going to give that thousand stand up start coming now and walk this way in jesus name because i know i heard god i'm not even going to wait i just want you to come and bishop i want you to touch them trust there are two more people you better hurry there's one more if you [Music] if you [Music] the lord said speak unto her new strength hold on tell i can't reverse what i've allowed the deaf angel to take but tell this apostolic sage voice that i shall reward her for the years that she has laid before me sacrificed herself her sleep her voice her money her prayers tell her them that are left in her home that have not given me their life i will send the angels from my heaven into la manchikota into every one that's living in her home in her bloodline for i speak as god i shall save thy entire house now i don't touch people but today i'm touching her and i speak that every bone that tries to ail you every arthritic attack [Applause] be straightened out yes [Music] and all the burdens shall now lift i up make thy lord light yes lord jesus you shall see my glory prosper glory be made whole thank you the other two you have 10 seconds to come you own a business you're not bullied to come you're not cursed if you don't you will stay on the path that you've always been but if you sacrifice you will see my glory say of the lord [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] has everyone given if not you're gonna feel very bad when you go to eat and your money be like you got food poisoning [Music] god wants you to qualify i'm bringing the pastor everyone standing [Music] trust me [Music] i'll fight your battles one time everybody i'll fight [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hi [Music] everybody [Music] if you [Music] if you [Music] come on y'all [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] trust me [Music] can we clap our hands for our bishop everybody come on come on come on come on wow y'all can do better than that come on come on come on remain standing we're leaving [Music] now i told you at the beginning that the male nurse comes back [Music] and give you instructions and your prescription [Music] so here's your instructions when you leave here when you leave here stay focused [Music] can i help somebody that want to be held stay focused and don't allow what happens this week to cause you to forget what he said now let them hear me jeff now look down your road and say he gonna do it by the end of the month so anytime god is prepared to do something the devil has to try something so if it get back to you that somebody been dogging you and talking about you don't confront them that's the trick of the enemy let me say this to 12 of y'all that ain't scared to talk if you got to block them out of your phone some of y'all scared the black people cause they're gonna say did you block me tell them yes i did i don't need you talking to me this season because you bring in too much negative energy and i need something to change before the end of the month now watch this somebody going prophet they're going to forget this and the devil going to allow someone to let you find out who don't like you what they said you gonna get on 10. when you should just remain focused and just know when god is up to something the devil have to try something now tell your neighbor say he's gonna try you this week no no y'all gotta speak that to somebody he gonna try you this week come on on your job in your house and your friendship and your relationship he's going to try you and let me say this for those that don't believe it don't you say nothing but for those that talk that mean you just expose something that's getting ready to happen he don't normally try you with people that you don't love he gonna try you with a loved one somebody close to your heart cause everybody don't make you tick but the people that's close to you he'll try you with your son with your thought why y'all ain't talking and before you know it you cussing oh see i'm the male nurse why y'all late talking to the male nurses you cussing you fussing and you ready to fight so i gave you your instructions here's your prescription i want you to take this when the enemy tries to attack this is what you take and you can take this three times a day [Music] take this three times a day and you will find yourself so focused and not worried this is what i want you to take three times a day let's see who gonna talk renee here we go take this right here take look to the heels from coming yup yup yo help cause what's fighting you can't help you because all of my so if they didn't come to help they came to her all right now let's do this three times a day you gonna do what all right three times when they call your phone trying to fight what you're gonna take when they trying to frustrate you what you're going to take friend i'll say this and i and i want you to scream i don't know if the rest of my screaming but you scream because when you look to the heels you can't see who trying to fight you see you can't see them because you're because i'll fight your battle all right let's do this tonight if you have your shirts you're wearing the t-shirts tonight wear your shirts tonight that's how they come in you're still casually dressed you're still business dressed but you wear your shirt if you don't have a shirt um you know i think you can still purchase can you purchase them or they all out they all out so you may have to go online and put an order you can put in an order online and your shirt will be delivered by some awesome shirts that they're wearing tonight if you don't have one don't you feel bad but that's what i want you to do i want you to come i want you to come early what i'm going to do i'm going to open the doors at 7 15. we'll open the doors at 7 15 to let you uh get some good seats because we do have guests in the city that's coming on tonight they were here for another conference which was friday night and they decided to stay over so i want you to come early uh so that you won't have to end up in the overflow room this is what we're going to do on tonight uh because of the mass crowd once we fill up the chairs everybody else will have to sit on the other side which is the overflow side of your watch it on the screen so if you just plan on making a grand entrance i wanted to just throw that out at you [Music] that ain't nobody gonna see your grand inches but the people in the oath [Music] i'm not my greeters already i'm not going to open the doors of the church i'm going to do it on next sunday so if you want to join the church and you know this is your church home you'll come back next sunday if it's your church home you'll come back i'm not going to open i'm not going to pause uh we're just going to move on i want you to do that so get your shirts doors open at 7 15 and we'll get ready to have good church if you can't make it uh you can tune in tonight on gospel radio 1390 uh we will be on for an hour on tonight we will be live if you have to go to work we understand but just tune in even on the radio or via facebook or youtube uh and type the word powerhouse and you will be able to witness the service live on tonight everyone's standing father god we thank you for this service on today and god keep us covering your blood sugar protect us from our hurt calm and danger buying the devil on every hand that comes to steal kill and to destroy oh god keep us covered right now oh god and bring us back at your point in time and we be so careful you'll name the praise the glory and honor in jesus name thank god and all of god's people said amen we love you all we'll see you tonight god bless you and the kitchen is open tonight the kitchen open right now they got some dinners in there they got a full dinner uh they got rip tip dinner uh uh hot link dinner uh uh barbecue chicken they have chicken dinners so if you want one of them dinners go grab em now cause they go real fast rip tip dinner hot link dinner uh chicken dinner or you can get all three uh meats together and then your side dishes are they got they got they got some spaghetti and they got some french fries they got it all available for you go to the other side uh go to the adr outreach side which is called the mother stale sprigs fellowship hall go over there and patronize god bless you you you you you just do stuff nothing but confirmation wow so are you leaving sir are you leaving well god bless you one and all listen we have just gotten out such a wonderful experience here at the powerhouse international ministries here on ashland i cannot explain you would have to be here to explore the experience that we had but tonight the doors will open at 6 30. we'll be seating you service will begin somewhere around 7 30. you need to come bring a friend bring a relative just tell someone meet us here tonight for a powerful move your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard it has not entered into your hearts the good things that god has in store or storage for them that walk up right before him you see me i had to change clothes we praised them until the heavens dripped on us and now we're saturated with the glory of god come meet us tonight no excuses let's come and learn how to execute so that the rest of the year makes up for what we've already experienced the best is yet to come see you soon god bless you
Channel: Power House International Ministries
Views: 1,788
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: pMagGW8H9aU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 243min 26sec (14606 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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