Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, IT'S PISCES SEASON - March 03th, 2019

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having to be misunderstood you know what conflict is you try to be nice to nasty people you know where conflict is y'all waste time to take the high road when Nick Rhodes dragged you down you know where conflict is they don't like you so they try to kill your idea you know what counselor dears they don't understand your favor so they make up lies about you you know what conflict [Music] chapter 6 verse 36 through 38 once you found her won't you say I have it if you can't find it say lord help me Oh what help us Thank You judges 6 verse 36 through 38 I'll be reading from the New International Version I invite you to read and whatever translation of the Bible that you have with you Gideon said to God if you'll save Israel by my hand as you have promised look I'll place a wolf feet fleece on the threshing floor if there's dew on to the fleece and all the ground is dry and I'll know that you'll save Israel by my hand as you have said it and that's what happened Gideon rose early the next day he squeezed the police and wrung out the dew and a bowl full of water came out of it you may be seated of the month of March I'm gonna be preaching a series entitled miracles still happen dealing with the signs of wonders and miracles of God how many of you still believe in miracles Gideon said to God if you'll save Israel by my hand as you promised I need you to give me a sign I'll put will wool fleece on the threshing floor there's dew on the fleece and all the ground is dry then I'll take that as my sign that Israel is gonna be saved and then next morning what Gideon asked for came to pass I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject it's Pisces season for the old Saints throw me out give me a few minutes it spicy season would you look at the person beside you and tell them that's what it is look at me now telling me it spicy season in the history of traffic port it's interesting to note that stop signs have just been around since 1915 the first one popped up in Motown Detroit Michigan on the cusp of the car craze because the Detroit was busting at the seams serving as the headquarters of Ford Motor Company interestingly enough initially stop signs were yellow in order to maximize both night and day visibility it wasn't until 1954 that sign makers were able to cultivate the technology for durable fade-resistant red coatings so that the signs would be in uniform with traffic lights because the traffic lights signify and indicate stop then the sign should be synonymous for one moment of your life have you not found it curious and all over the world you can find stop signs but no where can you find a goal sign for Samuel 30 David and his men have just returned back to the camp only to discover that the enemy has come in and destroyed the cities and stolen their wives and verse number 8 David prayed unto the Lord shall I go after hear his voice shall I go after what has been taken from me and the Lord responded go after it because if you go after it you shall get everything back a mindful I'm not preaching everybody who's in the room everybody who's viewing but there's a small remnant who need to know the only reason why you are in church this morning is because God knew you needed a sign today God says I'm giving you the sign in blaring neon lights that this is the month you are to go for it everything that you've been hesitant and ambivalent about after today God said take the foot off the brake you have got to go after everything that I have put in your heart in your spirit in your mind and in your dreams I need you as allowed as you can would you just declare this month I'm gonna go for it now Isaiah chapter 7 verse number 11 Isaiah 7 verse number 11 the Prophet says you can ask for yourself for a sign from the Lord your God you've given scriptural permission as for yourself for the Lord to give you a sign those of you who are needing of a sign from God that's what I want your prayer to be even in this hour would you throw your hip back and just cry out to the Lord Lord show me a sign the greatest sea merchant missionary by the name of Noah was in the biggest storm in the history of the earth because it just kept running and it wouldn't stop it kept raining until he lost everything and when the entire earth was subdued and entrenched in precipitation and water and the flooding was overwhelming at the end of those 40 days the Lord sent two signs and the two signs that he sent Noah I bear witness that he's serving to you today the first time that he gave Noah after that tumultuous storm he sent a dove with an olive branch in its mouth and the Dove with the olive branch in his mouth was to alert Noah hear this that the rain has dried up and it is now clear for you to rebuild some of you don't need that word others of you need it more desperately in other words he was saying to the person who's sitting two rows over from you the storm you are in is officially over and [Applause] everything that is necessary for you to rebuild your life is now available some of you have been through in his storm so you don't understand it I want to make that announcement again for 500 of you the storm in your life is over and you have now been cleared to rebuild every area of your life that you have lost in the flood that was the first sign second sign is Noah opens up the hatch looks out the window and when he looks out the window he sees a rainbow and God says I'm giving you a rainbow as a and the sign here there's 300 of y'all I don't know how you gonna be able to contain yourself here's with the Lord sister knowing there's a consequence of what he's saying to you the storm that you just came out of if you were not covered by me it would have killed you but you will never go through a storm that bad again in your life I'm not telling you what to do but don't wait til the battle is over you have survived that storm you survived it you survived it it was rough it was hard it was difficult he was touching gold things got tight but you survived it folk gave up on you they walked away from you they counted you out but you survived it you went through a season of depression and rejection and isolation but you survived it there were days you didn't wanna get out of the bed and nights where you could sleep but you survived every once in a while every once in a while when you aren't hearing from God you go through seasons where God isn't talking you just need God to show you a sign a sign of affirmation that I'm not crazy I need you to give me a sign that you still with me I need a sign that the promise is still good I need a sign that my family was wrong I need a sign that my haters are gonna regret what they did to me and in the book of Judges we find in the book of Judges we find an otherwise unremarkable young man by the name of Gideon who has been accosted by an angel who announced you are anointed to free your people the anointing is not on your life just for you but you are anointed to set other people free and Gideon is feeling insecure about his ability and he feels that he is absent of qualifications so he begins to barter with the Lord and in judges chapter 6 he says to the Lord I'm gonna put a wool blanket right here in the middle of a plot of grass I'm going to bed if you are with me Lord let the blanket be wet but let the grass be dry he woke up the next morning new birth and you're not gonna believe it when he woke up the next morning the blanket is so wet that when he wrings out the blanket it can foot feel an entire Bowl in other words I need you to hear this God's sign - Gideon is that the fleece was not like what was around him all right I've lost you sometimes the evidence that God is with you is that you don't match your environment and folk don't understand who it is that you are because they want you to be as miserable as they are but they don't understand what God has on me is not like the stuff that's around the sign you are going to be victorious is that you are different from everything connected to you and you keep frustrating yourself trying to assimilate with that in which God has separated you from you don't understand why many of your friendships are not genuine or deep you don't understand why you got nothing in common with family members you don't understand why you keep putting yourself out there to people and they reject you and misunderstand you God said you are in the world but you are not of the world that's something different about your life so much so much of the contemporary church is liberal in its lifestyle but conservative in its thought process and I give it to you again since so much of a contemporary church is liberal in its lifestyle but conservative in its thought process we have confused tradition with being Christian [Applause] had a meeting yesterday with the Millennials of our church and I said to him we sitting on two hundred and almost 50 acres of land 250 acres of land in the next 30 days the Georgia legislative session is going to vote on whether they gonna make cannabis legal in the state of Georgia said to the Millennials how many of our black men are swollen up in a Prison Pipeline for nonviolent offenses I asked the Millennials we got 250 acres and most of our young black men who are in jail are in jail for either possession or intent to distribute I want to know why we wouldn't I asked him rhetorically what would happen if the church had a cannabis farm if it's legal [Applause] if it's legal that's what I asked the Millennials as the Millennials that rhetorically by 8 o'clock last night some of the old st. started getting on the phone y'all heard with this new young preacher trying to do he's selling drugs at the church we got a call somebody just don't match up with the Apostolic vision of what we supposed to represent how we gonna sell drugs at the church because we have confused that which is traditional with that which is spiritual I'm trying to wrestle through a full seminary education a third-generation preacher trying to figure out how we live in an age where if you go on Facebook and look at people's profile that you'll have people in the same profile use hash tag team Jesus and right next to that hash tag team Capricorn it's a new age it's a new season it's it's nonsensical how theologically we claim to look to the hills from whence cometh I help but then we look into the stars in order to get directions you know how many sites who are in church right now who never read the book of Hebrews but read their horoscope every day it got real quiet right through here and I was of that same mind frame that same passive-aggressive theological resistance until I read a book I read a book called the witness of the Stars the witness of the Stars written by theologian BW ball winger and theologian BW Bullwinkle in this book the witness of the Stars says that biblically we have edited out for our own convenience with Scripture States all of us who are in the room at some point or another if you were raised in the church you are part of the Christmas play you may have no lines you was a shepherd in a bathrobe in the fellowship hall with a empty box they used to have your mother's shoes in it saying it's a gift for Jesus and they asked a wise man how did you know where Jesus was and the wise man you did you said in that Christmas play we followed the star that the wise men were not philosophers the wise men were astrologists they were studying the stars to get some sign or understanding of who God is you can't jump over Genesis chapter one go to Genesis chapter one because I was looking at you I feel tomato thorn spirit coming at me right now look at Genesis chapter 1 and in Genesis chapter 1 person number 14 Genesis one person number fourteen look at what it says it's the first book of the Bible is the first chapter in the first book of the Bible Genesis 1 verse number 14 God says let there be lights in the expanse of the seasons of heaven to separate the day from the night and what's this the Stars will be signs for the season man 50 church people just got mad I'm right here in the Bible so secularists in search of compatibility have often asked upon meeting somebody new what's your sign ask him on know you you're a Libra I can't date a Libra I know nothing about your story enough about your testimony nothing about your income nothing about your habits not about how far back you are in child support but because you are Libra can't date you and that's because the Bible is clear that many of our people died from a lack of knowledge but we don't know and because in fact we have been ill equipped and unprepped improperly taught is that we don't even understand that the signs usually historically were theological indicators they give a reflection of the life of Christ it is not until the Greeks invaded at the Jerusalem Temple and stole our books that they bastardized the concept and made it an expression of an old to fake gods for example Virgo I never seen y'all dis uncomfortable you muttered under your bed is this right example virgo is a derivative of the latin word virgin it's a woman what's this with a branch in her hand in the ear of corn in her other Haven so she has a harvest even though she's a virgin y'all not gonna like it Jesus was born of a virgin you do understand that historically and theologically Jesus was not born in December but historically he was born in April yalla give me get lost you gonna be firecracker ha so now if Jesus was born in April then Mary had to be conceived to end August sir Virgo or virgin season is August 23rd through September 22nd y'all stay with me that that's the season where a miracle can happen without human assistance so even though Jesus was born in April stay with me he was conceived in August's the latter part of August or at the middle part of September I don't know how many of you all can handle it but I'm believing by faith that God is gonna produce for some of you a miracle watch this without people assistant you you've been waiting for other people to do it but God said when you get this next blessing you will be untouched by other people and folk NACO understand how you got it here's yourself how you got it without sleeping with nobody that they not understand how it was able to happen for you without you compromising your integrity your virtue your morrow or your transaction [Music] this is a season where you gonna get blessed without help did you hear what I just said I need to the elbow you never tell them this is your season where you gonna be blessed without giving any help thank God for the that watch you struggle because if they watch you struggle they gonna have to watch you skyrocket that this is the day when you gonna be able to say can nobody [Applause] you gonna get it done with no assistance you won't get the job without a letter of recommendation you gonna get the house with jacked-up credit you gonna get the interview we have no background experience you just gotta tell yourself if God be for me in a while be seated please look at the person beside you tell them this season you don't get it with no help hallelujah there were some people that watched you struggle and they knew what you needed but they still wouldn't do nothing to help you God said because when this happens all the glory belongs to me snap your fingers do your dance you're gonna do it all by yourself god I can't kill nobody in here look at the person beside you and tell them you gonna do it oh by your SAP [Applause] Hanan noon be seated please hallelujah I feel God in here you look crazy waiting to get mad before you buy house go buy your house now let God so bless you that whoever comes to you gotta have something you gotta be able to do it by neither leaving my sister neither my sister or my mother ascribed to science neither one of them but if they did because they were both born between October 23rd and November 22nd they will both be considered Scorpios Scorpio is the figure of a huge scorpion with his tail lifted up in anger in Hebrews translated to mean wounding or conflicting Satan is the scorpion who stung us through the temptation of the forbidden fruit it is the sign of struggle the evidence that you are anointed and destined is that you come with struggle that great abolitionist Frederick Douglass said that without a struggle there can be no progress if you are struggling through something it means you get ready to walk into something god never releases anything without a struggle attached to it I'm talking to 50 of you who are going through the greatest conflict of your life and you don't even understand where it came from or why it is attached to you you get angry cuz you hear folk complaining about small petty stuff and they got no idea you got the weight of the world on your shoulder trying to keep everything together you ain't got time for petty people because you're trying to keep yourself dealing with conflict so you've adjusted to conflict your whole life always having to deflect defend yourself having to explain yourself having to be misunderstood you know what conflict is you try to be nice to nasty people you know where conflict is your ways on to take the high road when Negroes drag you down you know where conflict is they don't like you so they try to kill your idea you know what conflict is they don't understand your favor so they make up lies about you you know what conflict is Genesis chapter 3 verse number 15 the Serpent's head will be crushed by the seed of the woman in case you don't know we are the seed and it is the intention of God for us to single-handedly crush the head of oppression racism and classism look at the person beside you tell them that's why your life has been a conflict because the enemy is afraid that you will realize what you were born to do the enemy is having a nervous breakdown because he hopes you don't get the Epiphany that you are not regular average or run-of-the-mill but God is gonna use you to break every generational curse I don't know how you able to sit there and contain yourself knowing that Satan is about to be defeated hallelujah we we like victory but we hate warfare y'all didn't hear what I just said I said we like victory but we hate warfare some of the conflict that you are in is because that your grandparents didn't destroy the serpent in the history of military military science America can never claim victory over the war in Vietnam why because they never declared war and I came to tell somebody today that you came to kill whatever serpent runs in your family hallelujah I'm tired of seeing my family dealing with the same stuff be seated you see them this is my last time asking you to do that after this I'm no longer responsible you're supposed to cut off the head of whatever serpent has been in your house hallelujah it ain't gonna live another day I sucked it up in January I didn't say nothin in February but I'm playing with it in March I'm cutting the head off there is not gonna be disrespecting house there's not gonna be dishonor him [Applause] not long before we hit these megachurches like new birth hallelujah our grandmother's was in little wooden churches y'all ain't saying nothing to meet her that had a sign in the front on how many people showed up for Sunday school that how much was paid in class dues y'all don't remember that hallelujah there was a grandmother who never had stilettos y'all ain't sayin nothin never had a Chanel bag but she will come down the center house and say Satan we don't tell your kingdom today [Applause] according to the calendar watch this according to the calendar from February 20th to March 20th is um is Pisces season February 20th March 20 and I know you don't believe in all that is all right stay with me you use it as a metaphor as a parable symbolism whatever it is that makes you comfortable but then we're 20 of the March 20 of years um is Pisces season Pisces watch this is a constellation representing two fish two fish that are tired by their tails one fish is headed to the north and the other one is parallel to the Sun Jesus told us to be fishers of men how y'all ain't saying nothin to me he says I am getting ready to pull people out of the abyss of sin and bring them into the kingdom of salvation this is get ready to be fishing season that that swore they would never step foot in church again they said they would never be a part of ministry are getting ready to come back to God but then left for new science religion for meditation and Islam are getting ready to come back to Christ I'm done by your son there's a five percenter yo don't that's a Buddhist your husband that's a atheist God said in the next 30 days I'm bringing him back to me [Applause] Jesus is the Fisher of men and because he is the Fisher of men I think you forgot that one of the most profound and pronounced miracles that Jesus ever curated was to fish and five loaves of bread hallelujah in case you forgot it was five thousand people in the park that day and the disciples ran to Jesus and said send them away but Jesus said no I'm not gonna send them away what do you have I don't know whether I told you but it spicy Caesar and all they had was two fish the sign of Pisces y'all ain't liking this is two fish he said watch this if you give it to me hallelujah I'm gonna bless it here it is I'm gonna break it and break it i'ma give it away I came to tell somebody you know you're an order yes after you got bless you win broke but gosh and notice how blessed you before I broke you so that when you got broke you wouldn't lose your mind there's some folk that are looking at you and they think you got everything together but they got no idea I woke up this morning my oh Jesus I woke up this understand all I had was two fish five loaves of bread and with two fish sign of Pisces two fish with two fish what's this I was able to feed 5,000 I'm gonna say this to you because it spicy season this is a season where God works with two fish up until March the 20th everybody's not gonna get it those of you who have the elasticity of thinking to be able to embrace it can I give it to you between now and March 20th no resources will run out god I can't hear nobody every time you gotta put money out it's gonna come right back here if every time you pay a bill God is gonna restore it this is a season where watch this resources are stretched but here's the greatest shout of the day is this is the season that every need is met hallelujah if you don't need nothing don't say nothing but if your testimony is I had some good days and I had some bad days but when I think things over my good days they outweigh my bad days yo let's get out of here which a grab somebody by the head and pull a and save your season everything is gonna stretch your money is gonna stretch your paycheck is gonna stretch your jaw is gonna stretch your peace it's gonna stretch your anointing it's gonna stretch you're gonna stretch your business it's gonna stretch if you believe it you are the Sun right now your praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all ain't sayin nothin I said pull on that name up stretch it's not gonna run out of stretch you can pay up it bill [Music] you better find somebody would you just blow that neighbor [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] father I stretch my hands to thee no other help I know if thou with JA my hand from me whither shall I go he's gonna stretch your resources he's gonna stretch your finances you ain't gonna have to ask nobody for nothin he will supply all of your needs I'm gonna do this quickly if I can highest God to show signs wonders miracles I'll send this room mostly at this altar I want you to take two steps back for me please if you have this altar I want you to take two steps back for me please how many of you ever been at a place where you just needed God to show you a sign he's with you I'm gonna pray an emergency intervention prayer this morning for those of you who are facing eviction this week I'll know who you I don't know where you are but God dropped you in my spirit and I need God to do something for you supposed to be evicted between now and next Sunday I need you to meet me at this altar police this ain't the time for you to be shy just ain't the time [Applause] don't worry about these people looking at you I need you to get to this altar [Applause] [Applause] cuz you standing out there don't mean that you any better than them come on y'all I ain't sayin nothin to me I'm I'm sick of sites that are saved and stuck up you gotta remember God had to stretch some stuff for me don't know where it is that you are in don't know what is it you goin through you got a notice on your door I don't know where this pink or yellow I need you to come you supposed to go to court you scared they're gonna set yourself outside you've been tryin to figure out which friend to call to see if you sleep on their couch till you figure it out having anxiety cuz you don't want to have to separate from your children I need you to meet me at this altar please I came to tear satan's kingdom down [Applause] thank you you don't believe that God is able you ain't gotta say nothing but I I just need to hear the sound of anybody that ever ran short anybody I want those of you who are in the sanctuary wherever it is that you want would you just stretch your right hand to faith towards them hallelujah thank you I want you to open up your mouth and just begin to pray on their behalf that God would do something for them hallelujah thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 27,870
Rating: 4.8524375 out of 5
Id: am9e9tPjpvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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