The Rhythm of Worship | Rhythms | Pastor Daniel Groves | Hope City

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we have now the privilege of meeting jesse my name is daniel groves and i have the incredible honor of serving here as the teaching pastor here at hope city pastor jeremy and ms jen are actually uh with our friends uh mitch and brandy rose over in san antonio celebrating their five-year anniversary at city hills church so can we honor our pastors actually can we honor pastors jeremy jennifer foster come up for leading so strong so uh for those of you who have never been in a service before uh with me um you know pastor and we'll be back next week hey man and for those of you this is not a one-piece khaki outfit i just just need to clear up a few things before we get started sooner like it seems like a onesie like the zipper's hidden under the arm okay um anyways i had a wild week we had a fun week uh my uh my kids school they came to me and they were like mr groves and i'm like do i owe you money uh because you start with mr groves i know you need some of them and they're like can you would you be open to being a chaperone on the seventh grade camping field trip i'm not really the camping i know i know some of you were shocked by this because of my premium beard but i don't i don't rough it in the camping world like i'm a little bit more of a glamper like i need a camper and air conditioning and wi-fi and all that good stuff so so i set up my my tent with like a cot and down feather comfort i mean it was nice i was not roughing it but i went out there and it was wild you know we're sleeping like very little and and we're eating sticks and stuff like that and it's just crazy so then on friday they were like we're gonna go uh play paintball and i was already like i was already having conversations with these kids to try to figure out who was gonna be on my team and there was one girl there her dad was a former marine special forces she's on my team like she knew she had my six she was like a black hops like she was incredible and so we set everything up and y'all these kids went all out i mean they were just i was like we're gonna take it easy on them they've never done this before y'all they were i have 31 of these welts like all over like can you see this i don't have guns like pastor jeremy i was born without muscle mass uh but they they i have 31 of these and i was like guys you're shooting me like non-stop and this one kid's like we thought you were sasquatch i said what he said you kind of look like bigfoot and this other kid's like bigfoot doesn't exist this kid goes today i believe i'm like all right it's ridiculous so that was my week but y'all are gonna hang out with me here for week number four it's our final week of rhythm some of you guys have enjoyed this series i think it's been incredible so week number one pastor jeremy talked about the rhythm of restoration week two i unpacked the rhythm of rest last week pastor jeremy talked about the rhythm of relationships and this week if you're taking out notes if you've been in services with me before you know i'm big on taking notes because if you're here only you only retain five percent of what you hear if you take down notes in real time it goes to 35 take down notes and apply them and go back and reapply them actually goes to 90 to 95 if you're taking down notes this weekend's sermon is titled the rhythm of worship thank you for your overwhelming enthusiasm i got one amen because you know that's perfect i'll tell you why that's perfect because most people are like ooh so i don't i don't sing that great i don't have great rhythm white people you know i don't like i don't know how that really fits me like i'll never have the opportunity to sing like ariana grande alvarez up here and she was just like and sometimes we catch ourselves just watching worship and almost being a spectator the reality is if you come in as a spectator and you just kind of go through the motions of worship then this is no more than a karaoke sunday but when you position yourself and you align yourself with expectation you can walk out better than when you came in so this weekend we're going to be talking about the rhythm of worship the definition of rhythm we've been talking about this all four weeks is a strong regular repeated pattern of movement or sound the definition of worship is to regard with great or extravagant respect honor or devotion let's pray before we dive in god i thank you today that you give us ears to hear you we need a mind that's ready that's sharpened to understand and most importantly god we want a heart that's willing to receive all that you have we did not walk in today to just play church we're not tuning in today online to just play church cinco ranch and woodlands did not show up to just play church so god leave us marked by your presence today so we can walk out better set free and changed in jesus name come on somebody say amen all right i want to set everybody up to win this weekend this is going to be freeing for some for others that know you got it then it's not going to be that big of a deal but for others this is going to be a really big deal i want everybody to know this that you're invited all of us look the person the next movie says you're invited i mean it's really nice getting the invite right but when you find out something's happened later you're like what was that party and you're like nothing you weren't invited like no we're all invited to this we're all invited into the presence of the living god the bible says in john chapter 4 verse 23 read letters jesus speaks these words he said but the hour is coming he spoke these words and is now here jesus has the ability to say something's coming and it's right now like what an incredible declaration when the true worshipers 90 crowd participation we're an interactive church so across all locations even at home next year kitty cat i want you to wave at me if you're a true worshiper come on where's all the true worshipers out okay cool some of you are lifting your hand because you only be left out you're like i don't even know what it means i'm gonna unpack it when the true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth paul to worship the lord in spirit and in truth and this is going to be freeing to someone has nothing to do with your ability to sing on key that's great news so we're not pressing it again some of you are like uh god brings you like creating your own melodies i don't know we can hear you we can hear you some of you like we start the beat and you're like oh no please why does the drums have to come in i'm gonna look super transparent white right now i'm not even gonna be able to clap on b it's okay has nothing to do with your ability to sing on key or clap on beat to worship the lord in spirit and truth has nothing to do with your abilities your strengths your gifts no no to worship the lord and spirit and the truth is a pure need you hear this innocent authentic expression of your faith and your trust in god and this is the proof of this and i love this this is everybody's invited to this because the father loves your worship and it proves it right here put the verse back up for the father is seeking he loves your worship those who will take off masks who will relinquish control who will lift their hands before him and say because see a lot of you approach god's presence with the way you want him to see you and he's like hey i can't bless heal fix or restore who you pretend to be i want i want all of you all the authentic you the one i shaped and molded you so when you worship me do it in spirit and in truth don't come with this polished filtered selfie goals sort of approach but come to me in a position of transparency come to me in a posture of surrender and those are come on save my life those are the worshipers your life that the father seeks he loves your worship because here's the reality we were all designed and created to worship god your life is like an instrument you realize that now it might be like super wonky it might be like a wonky instrument but you're an instrument amen no he loves your worship again off-key anki he loves your worship you were designed and created to worship the bible says in revelation chapter 4 verse 11 worthy are you our lord and god to receive glory and honor and all power for you created all things that's me come on say that's me and by your will they existed and were created here's reality everyone no matter who you are worship something or even someone that's why we're on a mission as a church to introduce you to the living and the true god that's why we want you to know god find freedom discover your purpose and ultimately make a difference that's why we want you to align your life under the mighty hand of god position your heart syncopate your life to the rhythm of worship so that you can live out your best life and not be consumed by all this other noise and distractions because his reality not everybody worships the true and living god some people idolize and worship people worship sports heroes actors and musicians some people worship themselves don't look around some people worship possessions everyone worships someone or even something again let's look at the definition of worship the definition of worship is to regard with great or extravagant respect honor or devotion every person everywhere worships something because worship is the fundamental drive of life god created us with the drive with the sense that there's something more to life than just experiencing life here on earth the bible actually says in ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 that god has actually placed i need you to hear this eternity in the hearts of men he's placed eternity in our hearts and this simply means this that there's a recognition and a sense that there's something more than just the here and now in reality our ultimate purpose in life is not just to gain success that's great but it's not about fame and even happiness our ultimate purpose in life is to i need you to grab this to know the god who made us and when you know the god who made you this whole thing isn't about religion you'll recognize that this is about relationship that's why we're so passionate about relationships here that's why we keep challenging people don't do life alone because our god himself is about relationship you realize he looks down upon you and will meet you where you're at like if you need courage he'll meet you where you're at like a daddy to a daughter if you need faith and confidence he'll meet you where you're at like a son a father to a son he'll meet you where you're at it's not just this blanket statement love i've got four kids i individually have to meet them where they're at because the way i approach brecken is different than the way i approach my two-year-old fox it's different how i handle my daughter daphne versus my daughter finley god approaches us differently because it's all about relationship but until we understand and enter into this type of relationship we will always fall short of what is possible and attainable to us and as his sons and his daughters you have access to his presence you have access to his presence and that's really great news you you have this confidence in the knowing of who you are and whose you are when we were out of this camp other kids like literally all throughout kids like hey mr gross can you spawn me five dollars i was like i don't know you and my son rick can we come over and be like hey dad can you give me five dollars what's up bud she'll get to sneak it to you because i don't want all these other brecken has a different approach to me there's a different level of confidence that he can come to me with why cause i'm his dad he belongs to me he's my boy he's way more handsome than me that's my boy the bible says in first john chapter 5 verse 14 this is the confidence i love this verse i preached this verse this is a whole sermon it could be preached around this verse this is the confidence that we have when approaching god that anything we ask according to his will he hears us i love this verse because it makes me want to lean into his presence and ask according to his will to know him more to approach his presence and say god i want you to know i want to know your heart towards me more but there's a confidence because when you have a confidence you walk in with your blemishes and wounds you walk in with your struggles and your concerns you walk in with that stress and that heaviness and the bible says in isaiah 61 3 to take off that heaviness to take off those burdens and replace it with a garment of praise see there's a different level of confidence when you approach the presence of god and know that he is a good good father somebody say amen so again we're all created to worship i love this passage in psalms 100 verse 1 through 5 it says shout for joy all the earth worship the lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the lord is god it is he made us literally shaped and molded you into his image where his people the sheep of his pasture enter his gates with thanksgiving approach his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise his name for the lord is good and his love endures forever i love this part right here his faithfulness continues through all generations it fires me up honestly the closer i get to his presence the more i recognize the importance of this relationship with him the more i start wondering and i'm going to ask you to ask yourself this question where's your adoration where's your adoration what are you putting your heart and your attention and your focus into i love my wife and my kids i love our church i love this assignment that god has us on but none of it should replace the love and adoration i have for my my savior to really lock into the rhythm of worship i want you to take down notes write this down we have to it'll be on the screens we have to redirect our adoration now some of y'all are like that's a big word you could have just said a door or something else you could have said devotion no no the definition of adoration is to express deep love and respect if you've been around me for any amount of time you know that i tell a lot of stories about my beautiful wife my my girl kim possible over here how many y'all where's all the ladies at how many all enjoyed ladies night come on man she crushed it pastor jen and you that was an amazing night the best is yet to come with that but if you've been in any services with me you know that i tell a lot of stories about our relationship i preach a lot about her you know that i refer a lot to my wife and the truth is i absolutely adore her 17 years married four kids 21 years best buddies like she's my greatest gift on this planet but even being my greatest gift on this planet if i talk about her more than i do jesus if i rely and depend on her more than i do jesus if i end up holding on to all my adoration instead of giving it or redirecting it to the lord i give it all to her then my life will become unbalanced and i won't experience the rhythm of worship the rhythm of relationship that i'm supposed to have with god i'll never live to the to the level of the assignment that god has called me to because my life will be out of sync we talked about it in week number two how a runner ends up finding their stride because if they're striving the whole time then they do it in their own strength and they wear themselves out because here's the reality it's him that gives me the breath to love her it was him that gives me the breath to love my kids i woke up again today and i'm breathing which is proof that god's not done with me yet it's a miracle i'm even breathing it's a miracle i even made it born into the mess that i was born into almost aborted twice was something i never should have made it's at come on it's a miracle and every morning when i wake up and i recognize that this breath is from him the moment that i posture myself to worship him i need you to hear this when i worship the lord and it's vertical i'm simply giving him his breath back when we worship him the breath belongs to him and it comes from him job chapter 33 verse 4 says for the spirit of god has made me man these verses just bless me and if they don't bless you i need you to get in the word more a pastor friend of mine said this it's gonna feel a little blasphemous but i'm gonna say it if you're mad at me you can email me at or somewhere just he said you know sometimes when you read the bible but you have to do it every day so sometimes it kind of feels like the jack in the box i'm like oh boy just a little okay sir i don't know where you're going with this and he goes you know it's like i open the bible and turn the page and it's really good reading it's cheesy but you're gonna remember this but all of a sudden one day pop revelation just pops right off the page so you're reading the bible and i read this verse and it just popped off the page and i was like whoa for the spirit of god has made me thank you god for shaping me for choosing me so that i can declare the night and day difference you've made in me from rejected to accept it from nothing to something you shaped and molded me you chose me you knew from the moment of conception the plan the purpose and assignment on my life you knew the hairs on my head and then when you would take them away to keep me humble you knew all you knew all of that god the spirit of god has made me and the breath of the almighty god watch this gives me life we must consistently redirect our praise and our devotion back to god knowing he is the only one worthy of our devotion in adoration nothing else i need you to hear this nothing else is worthy of placing your praise in and this redirection it's a daily discipline every day we have to apply spiritual daily disciplines you're going to hear this a lot of hope city every day we challenge you do the first 15 five minutes in worship five minutes of prayer five minutes in the word i added another one on week number two of rhythm over us i talked about how there's all four spiritual discipline that we're missing and that's just the discipline of simply remembering because when you are where you're at and you're at this rock and a hard spot and the enemy's like this is the thing that's going to destroy you this is the thing that's going to take you out it's robbing you of your joy it's muting your worship by simply remembering all that god has done for you you can say hey devil i know you're trying to mess with me now but look at what all god has done in the past and if he showed up before i know he's going to show up again so these spiritual disciplines we have to apply every day because if you aim at nothing you hit nothing it's true every day when you position yourself in a position under the mighty hand of god i'm telling you the spirit of god will begin to download everything you need when you need it come on somebody say amen another loaded question i want to ask for all our locations watch it online do you all know that you carry a sound everybody carries the sound like i'm a musician i started in music sound guys know this this room has a key so they they tune out and eq the frequencies of the instruments and the mics and y'all maybe you don't know this but like when we're singing uh and and myra and the team are up here and kim and kat we're all up here singing when they're see they tune out and they tie out and they they kind of remove some of those frequencies that are in the room so the mics don't go [Music] because if that was happening all the time it would be super distracting right you know that your life carries a sound for some it's joy like you know you walk in like i love that i just love to be around her like she has so much joy for some of you it's hope and peace and courage and bravery for some of you it's boldness and some of you it's freedom you shout from the rooftops all that's all that god has done but for some of you the sound you carry is insecurity for some of you that sound looks like an anxiety for some of you you wake up and that sound feels like depression or your past some of you you wake up and you just kind of go through the motions and i've talked about this before you're either sinking surviving or thriving for some of you your sound sounds like sinking i just don't know how i'm going to get through another day look at the person next to you and say you have a sound the bible says this though and i love this psalms chapter 40 verse 3. this is going to be freeing to somebody he put who did god he put a new song in my mouth and the margin of your bible are your notes you can write he put a new sound in my mouth he put a new song in my mouth a song of praise to our god i've taken down notes write this down number two we have to tune our sound to his song and again i don't care if you can't sing on key i don't care if you have no rhythm when you turn that worry and that fear towards him and allow him to replace it with his song i know somebody needs to hear this no matter what you're going through god specializes in the again and maybe your sound feels messy and maybe your sound feels like heartbreak but you're going to get your joy again some of you are going to get your boldness again some of you are going to laugh again some of you are going to start to live again because god specializes in the again and when you turn your in tune your sound to his song it begins to overflow into every area of your life you'll wake up and realize i can do this i can fight i've got boldness and bravery because it's not just me standing but i'm confident in the one who's standing with me and then you get this boldness and you've heard me say this before where you'll start looking in the mirror and say hey hey after i put on my whole armor my ephesians 6 10 verse 17 armor the the whole armor i put it all on i look in the mirror and say hey devil you're gonna get tired before i do because the one who's standing with me will always be bigger than the one that's standing against me when i tune my sound my strength into his song everything begins to change i uh i love this old song some of y'all will know it some of you will have no idea and if you have no idea then i wrote it uh psalms 107 verse 2 says let the redeemed of the lord say so see i tell everybody my story i can't help but tell people that i went from nothing to something i can't help but tell people about how my family was bound by addiction and struggles and strongholds and i never should have made it but i woke up again and i'm standing on the rock of my salvation and the redeemed of the lord through me i gotta say something i got some of y'all are like coming in hot like you've got so much passion and so much energy and i want to encourage you don't judge someone's passion until you know their past don't judge someone's worship and how they worship because you don't know what they've been delivered from but there's this old song let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord says white people stop clapping let the redeemed of the lord say so say so i say so come on everybody who's not white help me let the wreath come on now everybody can say come on let them come on a cinco at woodlands at home one more time even louder let the redeemed let the read let the rhythm does the lord say so say so that's pretty good give yourself a hand come on that was good that's redeemed of the lord say so whom he has redeemed me from the hand of my adversary i believe every day when you begin to redirect your sound to the song of the lord everything begins to change i remember i was asked this is a i almost didn't tell this story but i felt like i i needed to uh i remember i was asked by my my friend who his dad had an amazing church and he was like hey my dad would like for you he heard that you songwrite and i was like a little bit and he was like is it good i was like is he good these songs will go around the nations like it's gonna be incredible and it was terrible it was awful like it wasn't that great but anyways i was like okay but it was i was new i just started playing guitar he's like man just come do this friday night it'll be amazing so i asked my friend i was like hey can you like kind of do some rhythmic percussive sounds he's like yeah i got you i was like cool cool so we practiced a little bit i felt pretty good and then i forgot a really important piece i i just really just forgot about the lord in the whole thing and i was more concerned about my shoes i was more concerned about my look i was more concerned about pledging up my guitar and making sure it was shiny like it was light in the front rows like i don't know what's happening i can't see like and i got plugged in and the sound guy's like do you need a mic check i'm like you need a mic check he's like i don't need i don't know what that means like why he like i was just super arrogant about it because i was really relying on my own strength because i had it right how many of y'all know those people was like i got it so i sat down and i did not have it and and i began to train wreck i forgot all the lyrics to the song i wrote and this is not like a freestyle eminem like hip-hop battle like this is quiet and everybody's like what's he gonna do and i was like why don't you guys just sing something to the lord and i was listening for lyrics like i was like what did she say and i trained wrecked for about three minutes like it was so bad it was like nickelback except worse like it was it's really bad i'm literally train wrecking and i get done and for those of you don't know our sound team is absolutely phenomenal and the only time that you notice them is when something goes wrong because they're doing so much behind the scenes to make it so right give them a hand they're incredible on all of our locations phenomenal what you don't know is they mute and unmute all the time to make sure that things don't feed back and if you unplug a cable from an acoustic guitar it makes a clank clank noise like baptist guy in the back that just woke up he was like it's not pastor jeremy i'm sleeping this one off like so when you unplug the guitar it's super loud i literally stand in my feet i've just trained wrecked i unplugged the guitar it's super loud and everybody's just staring at me and i'm like there's this one guy i could still picture him today like i tried to find him afterwards because he wanted to fight him in the parking lot he was off to the side and he goes wow and then he does the patented trademarked copy written slow clap [Applause] yeah come on everybody let's go and i was like oh and i walked off the stage and i'm putting my guitar in the case and even my own mom who's like my greatest fan in champion other than my wife said and i said it was it that bad she's like it's okay let's go get a snack let's just go looking like your blood sugar's dropping true story i was putting my guitar away true story i felt the voice of god reverberate in my spirit you know you could have included me and i feel like that echoes throughout so many areas of our lives how much of the time are we doing it in our own strength and he's saying you could have included me how many times do we just go through the motions and sing songs and he's like hey you want to invite me because we've made it about us we have to turn and tune our sound into his song i want you also to recognize this weekend that your praise is a weapon when you walk out of here today earlier i read shout for joy all the earth the joy of the lord nehemiah 8 10 is literally your strength god is giving us vip access he's like shout for your strength shout for your marriage shout for your future marriage shout for your freedom shout for that hope that you need shout for that peace shout for that perseverance and that fight and that curse somebody just just shout right now some of y'all are just that's good just one shot of praise await the bible says in psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that's us that has breath praise the lord and then it says it again praise the lord but it's a choice it's a choice to rely on your own strength and put a band-aid where there needs to be stitches from the great position you can rely on your own strength and just survive life and go through the motions and end up in cruise control and 20 years goes by and you're like how did i end up here again the bible says in 1st peter 5 6 to humble yourself therefore under god's mighty hand and he will lift you up in due time i believe that due time is this weekend some of you have walked in these doors you walked into all of our locations you're watching online and you've had that posture i talked about a moment ago as a spectator instead of expectation and we've all agreed and we've seen that we're invited to worship this all belongs to us but again outside of his presence it's in our own strength but when you align yourself in the rhythm of worship i'm about to shut myself down the atmosphere begins to change in your life breakthroughs begin to break out in your life miracles when you begin to align yourself in the rhythm of worship miracles will become your lifestyle so areas you're praying for things you're believing god for contending for fasting and staying how many all jumped into the 21 days of prayer like you were a part of what we were doing continue it on let it continue to be a rhythm of prayer and a rhythm of relationship and a rhythm of worship because as you do that you'll begin to walk out the promises of god and again you'll recognize that your praise is a weapon first peter 5 6 there says humble yourself again under the mighty hand of god how many of y'all believe this weekend is that due time how many of y'all believe that a diagnosis can reverse this weekend now i want to hear somebody believe it how many all believe that a diagnosis can shift how many all believe that the name of jesus is still bigger than the name of covet and respiratory issues and diabetes and diseases and cancer that the name of jesus will always be bigger than broken hearts broken marriages mental instability and emotional distress and i'm telling you i love what pastor jeremy's mom says she said listen he's just one mention of his name away from being right there tune your sound to his song and if the only name you can whisper the only thing you can say because you may be here and say daniel i wouldn't even know what to sing i wouldn't even know what to say the only thing you can whisper is the name of jesus i'm telling you it's enough come on lift your hands all over right now all of our locations uh online right now just and just begin to say his name you can whisper you don't have to shout it but if you want to shout it you can come on that's okay i'm telling you he's just one mention of his name away from everything shifting and changing god i thank you that you're big enough and strong enough to heal fix and restore every situation god i pray that as we redirect our loneliness we redirect our frustrations we redirect the stress concern anxiety fear timidity suicidal thoughts and depression as we reroute and redirect that sound to your song and we call upon your name god i thank you for breakthrough i thank you for areas that felt like they were falling apart to begin to fall into place i think for miracles to break out in marriages and families i thank you god that this week when they go in the doctors will be baffled and say we don't know what happened but you no longer have to worry about this situation your skin was clear god i thank you that nothing is missing i'm prophesying broken or incomplete god i pray today that miracles would break out in families prodigal children who have fallen away and got caught up in the prodigal life that that praying mama that prayers that availeth much dad that when they begin to stand and begin to believe god i pray that they wouldn't stop fighting and believing because exodus 14 14 you are fighting for us we tune our sound to your song and we thank you for deliverance come on somebody shout i felt god on that moment so number three last but not least we have to tune our hearts to his heart jeremiah 29 13 says you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart we have to tune our hearts to his heart because reality is when you tune your heart or connect your heart to someone else or something else or you tune your heart or turn your heart to the things of this world you'll end up feeling empty and hopeless and depleted but when you sync up to the heart of god when you really sync up to his heart you'll recognize with that aligning to his heart there's mercy there's forgiveness there's freedom joy and peace pastor jeremy last week talked about psalms 23 6 that everywhere you go and he navigates goodness and mercy continues to follow after you we have to tune our hearts to his heart i'm not my friend jason jason can you uh we talked about before the service i asked him i said man you know i played play guitar and i said man i'd love to can you just bring a guitar and plus we're matching we're like the khaki cousins it's kind of it's fall i mean you know what i mean it's a brave color when you're wearing it in a onesie it's from the back of the room they think i'm a floating head and jordan's six [Laughter] but i remember when i first started playing like i just loved it whether it was around a campfire at a moment to lead worship i would just i take the guitar and i just enjoy i enjoyed playing and and it was just another extension of of my expression of worship and from that first chord like from the first chord that the team plays when the countdown starts how many of y'all can just feel the presence of god shift and so from the first chord i just i love playing the guitar and so what's happening is this on is it i don't i don't know if it's on jason is it this is beautiful so everybody here in all the other locations and online i don't care if you have no musical abilities you know that that doesn't sound right it doesn't sound in in tune jason i'm gonna hand this back to you and i would strongly appreciate you tuning the guitar give jason a hand real quick for taking the moment so watch this so there are different things in our lives that can knock our life out of tune if i take that same guitar and just leave it in the trunk the weather patterns and the weather changes in houston the humidity one day not the next day most days is uh but if i just leave it in the car or i drive up to michigan let's say up north and i'm up in the upper peninsula area where it snows all the time and it's beautiful which is terrible uh sorry pastor roland but if i take that same guitar and just leave it in the trunk though the cold weather conditions will mess with the because conditions and atmospheres matter the condition and atmosphere in your life will mess with your tune that condition in that atmosphere of that toxic relationship or that condition that atmosphere that toxic thinking that situation that you're in that you can't seem to break free from your condition in that situation and that atmosphere can mess with your tune his reality it might be a person and subconsciously you don't even realize that they're constantly knocking you out of tune with their negativity on this seventh grade trip i picked up a guitar and i was about to lead worship in this setting and i was all excited to lead and uh i said to all the kids none of you touched this guitar pepper spray i can't pepper spray in though because they're not my not my kids i can't pepper spray so i was like none of you touched this guitar and they're like no problem mr groves were good and i was like i knew you're going to touch it and so i walk over to the side and sure enough this dude walks over picks up the guitar and starts playing it when he puts it down it slides down the wall hits the ground and goes out of goes out of tune i didn't even know it sometimes there's old wounds and old paths and old hurts and old unforgiveness issues and old struggles that you're holding on to and you're dragging it along like an ill-fitting jacket and all along it's messing with and knocking your life out of tune and i picked up the guitar and didn't know it and the moment i picked it up and begin to play it it sounded just like i started here and i remember thinking what because the reality is there are situations that knock us out of tune and what ends up happening is when you're not in tune with the heart of god you're not in tune with his voice you can't hear the voice of god when you're not syncopated and in tune with his heart i'm going to take the guitar back did you tune it jason awesome give jason another hand that was amazing okay okay that's better that's better there's an old song that goes i'm coming back to the heart of worship where it's all about you it's all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i've made it cause it's all about you song about you jesus i'm coming back to heart of worship where it's all about you it's all about you jesus i'm sorry lord for the thing i made cause it's all about you [Music] it's all about [Music] cause it's all about [Music] all is [Music] [Music] it's all about [Music] [Applause] my life only for your glory only for your glory oh [Music] [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my oh [Music] my heartbeat [Music] come on can somebody give god praise today god today we'll redirect our adoration we'll tune ourselves to your song and we'll tune our hearts to your heart with every eye closed maybe you're here today and you say daniel the truth is i needed this today man the truth is i've not experienced or walked in a rhythm of rest the truth is i haven't been redirecting my adoration there's so many other things that are stealing my attention maybe you're hearing me say daniel here's the truth i i have been broken the sound i've been carrying feels hopeless but today i'm going to redirect and tune my sound to his song and i'm going to align my heart to his heart jesus today i thank you for your presence i thank you for your goodness i thank you for your faithfulness that the answer always begins with and ends with you forgive us god for ever making worship about us we're sorry lord for what we've made it it's all about you if you're here today at cinco woodlands west houston watching online said daniel i don't know jesus is my savior but i want to today's my day that i want to surrender everything i want to live out a life that looks like a rhythm of worship to the one true god or maybe you're hearing me say daniel i got caught up in the prodigal life and i fell away but today's the day i want to rededicate my life it's god's job to change you but we want to walk with you our hosts are going to come out in a moment and give you a next step so that you can be discipled and walk out your next step in your journey with jesus but i'm going to count to three and i want you with boldness when i hit three if you want to give your life to jesus or rededicate your life today when i hit three i want you to lift up your hand one daniel today's my day two i want to surrender and rededicate my life three if that's you lift up your hand come on hands are going up all over west houston hand hand hand hand hand i know they're going up a cinco at woodlands you can type in our moderators will help you on our online campus say yes to jesus i want everybody to pray this prayer today say jesus it's me i've been living for me and it hasn't worked but from today on i choose to live for you i lay every sin every struggle all my weaknesses at your feet and i ask for forgiveness from this moment on i choose to live for you you're my father you are my savior and you are my lord in jesus name amen come on hope city can we give god praise today for all that he's done let's go
Channel: Hope City
Views: 16,900
Rating: 4.5684648 out of 5
Keywords: Jeremy Foster, Hope City, pastor jeremy, jermy foster, jeramy foster, hope city church, houston church, hope city jeremy, daniel groves, the rhtym of owrship, the rhythm of worship, rhythm, rhythms, inspirational, inspiring, sermon, pastor daniel groves, pastor jeremy foster, pastor groves
Id: NwI4gJJ_Cx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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