I Sent My Cat To SPACE in Minecraft Hardcore..

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still on everything working I have some explaining to do hello how's it going I accidentally took a little weeks break it may be a little bit longer from YouTube but hey we're back it feels kids actually to be honest with you if you're watching this on the day uploaded then yeah I just returned back from a week ish a break from YouTube it was unplanned I didn't mean to but it happened and I'm back I'm feeling fresh and I got some sleep which is great so about further ado let's get back in a to Minecraft the hardcore I had a different idea for a video today but I thought instead of doing that we shall do at some point so I'm not gonna tell you what it is I thought I would swell I'm gonna need to go to sleep aren't I definitely let's do that real quick can I remember how to play Minecraft I guess we'll see but instead of doing the first idea I thought I'd load up minecraft and launch a cat into space and I'll go with it to see how high we can launch a flying machine into the air along with a cab because we've tested this before a cat does not die if you push it off for something if you shoot it with an arrow that's not actually let's not talk about it that definitely kills cats but if you push them from like space to the ground they don't die we found that out already well we pushed off the top of here anyway I want to go higher I want to go further I want to go where no minecraft man has gone before on a flying machine I'm gonna try and send myself to space with a cat but I need some preparation oh man I just slept oh I'm an idiot I wasn't meant to sleep I was gonna go get some slime blocks cuz that's what I needs I've already failed it's been what less than two minutes and I've already failed good job everyone clap everyone clap well done so while away pretty nights I'm welcome to the slightly improved sorting system that I started quite a while ago so I did do a little livestream because I needed to catch up on some jobs in Minecraft hardcore and we have started to complete the item sorting machine we have swapped out all of these chests for barrels just because I think it's gonna be better for everyone that I use barrels and it's cheaper that's the main reason it's way cheaper so you all the way up to here with loads of bones in this barrel now the idea is that eventually we'll have a rail system that will go around the entire world that we have including like the wall here not this deftly gonna blow this up at some point because it sucks but beyond it we have the carrot farm and I'm gonna get all of that stuff interlinked together also including the iron farm so that everything ends up here and I can also place whatever I want in here the rail cart with our hopper takes it away and then drops it off or wherever it's been sorted here so I just need to spend quite a long time duplicating this by probably like 200 for every item and then we're gonna make the castle really long and then this will be a spare space which is where I can fit all the stuff that I wanted to do today later does that even make sense I don't know long story short sorting system is coming along but it's taking longer than I thought it would so I'm instead let's send ourselves into space I think we should just do that for the memes and science okay let me put this iron away I need to put all this stuff away why put all this stuff on me this is why I need a sorting system so I don't have to do this myself I can have machines do it for me okay so for this flying machine we're gonna need Pistons we're gonna need sticky pistons and we're going to need slime blocks now I've got one slime block and 30 slime balls so how many slime balls can make out of this I'm guessing three yeah three with three left over that might be enough actually I don't have any Pistons I have probably zero this is definitely the wrong chest I have all two sticky pistons and nine normal Pistons hmm I need to figure out how this is gonna work so I also need to make some observers which require cobblestone redstone and nether quartz that's actually beautiful because I don't need to smell no stone and I recollected all my redstone from the nether as well which is beautiful so observe so apparently they use a key to like the flying machines we're not making one goes sideways we're making one go upwards which should be pretty epic if I say so myself however I do need to figure out how this is gonna work I could just copy your tutorial where's the fun in that just give me at least 10 minutes to try by myself before I look up a tutorial okay I need to think what I want to build it out of as well I think iron could be pretty cool just because we've got an absolute bot ton of it so I think I'm gonna do that let's grab yeah seven more that should be enough we could lose all this by the way I don't know how this is gonna go I'm gonna have my aletheia anyway so I shouldn't die as long as I open it at the right time and then one of these guys means to choose one of these to send into space with us I'm thinking this guy actually you have two different colored eyes I was gonna say this guy is in a white outfit which is like an astronaut outfit however I like your eyes so I think you're gonna come with us anyway you don't need to know about that just yet let's test out a flying machine you having fun there sir this these these guys are still multiplying our ridiculous rate there's just so many of them they keep dying and reappearing and apparently having a party in the penthouse so I'm not complaining do you do you just defend your village if it comes down to it okay right how are we gonna test this out I'm trying to think in my brain how redstone works but this could go horribly wrong so I think observers if I'm thinking correctly observers observe the block in front of them so if the block in front of them changes state or disappears it activates a redstone signal right I mean I can or my brains already heightened its already hiding I don't know what to do so if this block changes oh wait which one is observe can we I do leave it I need to leave it to test this out here it is okay so if I if I activate I don't know what to do if I actually this oh so if I activate that it reactivates okay that makes no sense what if I do it no not that way actually yeah this way so if I do this and this okay that does nothing beautiful way if this block changes it reactivates it straight away and it does it on all four sides I think that's what we want it to do I'm pretty sure wait wait wait wait what was that what did that just do what did that just do oh why did that change that's interesting I didn't expect it to do that so will that grab this block wait this is where the flying machine works okay so if I put this here yarrr it grabs that blah somehow also pushes it back with sticky piston at what ow oh yeah we're in a Minecraft 1.16 point one now for an official release of Minecraft so all the stuff that I've done I in the most recent snapshots you should now be able to do in Java edition you've got to do it anyway you can now do it in bedrock and Pocket Edition as well which is pretty cool all right let's try this with a slime block shall we so there's a reason they use slime blocks and I'm not actually sure why it still pushes it back so we want it to suck in and then we need this to be pulled backwards don't we okay let me see if I couldn't do that so if I do wait this could be it ah that's not it we were close I've got like I got some kind of machine going on I'm pushing the observer back with the void which I don't think is is what's supposed to happen let's uh let's rethink this shall we ah I just realized why these slime blocks because they stick together right yeah there we go they stick together okay but how do I make the observers move does this work oh yeah and then the block state changes so that could activate another piston oh boy are we getting crazy we're getting real crazy hold up but that there this there okay I'm not sure what that achieved but definitely did something why is so hard everyone makes it look so simple but redstone is not for the faint-hearted and not for me I'm out of here I'm gonna go smack some slimes and take out my anger on them okay let's go I'm out of here to swab all right this is where we need to be slime City hopefully anyway let me change into my big boy armor we want looting three ready to go so apparently we should be able to get like five slime blocks we've done this before let's slice some slimes and get some stuff going as long as it's not waitwhat moon is it there's a certain moon which means that no slimes spawn Carmen board it is but I'm hoping there's some slime spawn today okay that's good this Halfmoon slimes let me see you come 1 slimes I'm seeing a whole lot of golden armor but I'm not hearing many scratches where's all the slimes I don't want to do this for a second night come on show yourself I don't you find actually creepers might be alright I need to get some gunpowder - ah slime slime slime creeper creeper creeper what do i do what do i do come to me my pretty oh yes here we go it's slime city so I need to get as many of these slime balls as possible how many you gonna give me huh how am I gonna give me I got three so far dude looting three is insane look at this yes I've gone from three - 29 - 31 I got 31 from that - three is 28 I hope what is going on here these guys out these guys like fighting each other there was three of them fighting each other which is kind of insane the odds of that happening are pretty low right 62 almost a stack from like four slimes there's another one let's go trust me there's a reason we're doing this there's a reason we are grabbing all of these slimes it's not random I need the blocks the Sun is rising already how is that possible we've got like three slimes from that that's unreal oK we've still got a stack in a little bit so that should be enough for what we need I'm pretty sure so let's get back and start building this thing it's obviously not gone very well so far I would like your comp out of please why you hiding behind a tree and what a stealthy one boys we've got a stealthy one but there we go sweet okay we also got ourselves six gunpowder beautiful I'm out of here let's go wish alright alright alright let's make as much as we can seven is that that was it seven eleven should be fine I'm hoping that's fine if not we're probably gonna be trying this until the next day anyway and I can go and grab some more well look a full moon is best cuz that's when the most slime is born but anyway let's try this so I need I know I need observers I know I need Pistons and I know I need slime blocks but I'm not actually sure what kind of combination they need to go in I'm sure it's very simple okay so I'm trying to figure out how the best place to put this observer is if we do this and this I'm going to just try and build it up ways that is not always okay I think I need it like that and then a piston on top maybe then that is going to be pushing something cuz if you put the way you started I remember if you started by doing that that activates a pulse of redstone which activates that so that's good and because we're using slime blocks it pushes the whole thing up right so if I do this and nope not that this that should push everything up yeah there we go and then back down okay cool that works and then we need observers to pull everything else up this is how my brain I might need more slime blocks for this but if I put an observer here with that work okay let me see what happens oh I pulled that up that's good at least I think that's good it's pulled everything up but now it's ruined everything go back down there this this middle bit moved up but nothing else why did that move up and not the other bits I need to do this if so I'm definitely gonna needs oh geez I'm definitely need some more slime blocks that seems overkill though but it could work if I do observer this way this way this thing about logically this will push that up which will activate oh I don't even know oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh it's going guys how do I stop it how do I stop it I've done it by accident and I don't know how I've done it stop it I need to land on it there we go okay we're quick already go into the moon this works so we've got observer piston two blocks to block okay this is actually really simple yeah let's go look at it I've actually made a monster I don't quite know how to stop it though um stop did that work cuz I kind of need these things back I'm just gonna put that out there um I don't know how I stopped that but hey we did it so we didn't need it to be that big um let's get rid of all this stuff I'm just gonna let it fall all the way to the ground cuz I need it I forgot that if it actually worked I wouldn't be able to get the stuff back it would just go unlimited amounts right this should be fine right there we go okay make sure we do this that's not die let's chill okay that could have gone way worse do we get all our stuff back I think we did that was dumb but great a great don't even make sense we made science stand it worked as well so that would infinitely go higher right I'm pretty sure I'm gonna try this again but with a roof if I try it with a roof that means it will stop okay I want to try and replicate what I just did even though I don't quite know what I just did and do that again lucky enough we didn't up my creeper machine is also working randomly that's beautiful maybe we'll work when I go to space okay let's try to replicate something we just did so I told you it works I told you these things are like oh this is beautiful it's it's so beautiful oh the creeper farm is working I don't know how I get it to work I'm not quite sure but it is do you see all them creepers just fall down I told you it was working I told you I'm not sure why and how I think I need to light up all the stuff down here because if I go far away enough from the ground this works kind of like a but actually I don't think I should say too much about that the creepers are falling out although we just make that into a creeper but for sure anyway that's another project for another day let's do this so it was shoes slime blocks on one side wanna make sure this actually gets caught two slime blocks observe it this way piston like that okay yeah that works so that's like that and then I just need to do the other bit I think the other way so this goes down like this I think this one will work so observer this way no piston listen to me piston come on welcome you here down I think that's it and then you can stand on top it doesn't look like a rocket we could make it look like a rocket but if I launch this it should now go upwards I'm pretty sure god yes all the blocks with it oh my oh jeez okay let's let's figure this out what how do I get this to stop now I don't actually know how he got it to stop last time I'm just gonna take it apart take it apart stop stop stop stop oh gosh so everything that's stuck to the slime block goes with it that's kind of cool unexpected but very very cool okay I know how it works now now you can build it let's build it I probably need like a launch as well all good space programs have a nice Launchpad so we should probably make one of those and then launch this thing I'm gonna I think I'm gonna launch it near the creeper farm just so that I know that I can go on the creeper farm if it didn't work properly so let's go and get some more slime balls and I'll be back in a moment this is working this is gonna be beautiful and then I want to see what happens because obviously the build heights like two five something isn't it maybe a bit higher I can't actually remember but I want to see what happens if we just leave it just leave the launch and leave the rocket I feel like it'll be an interesting experiment I might die by half the totem the cat may die but cats have died in this let's play before so yeah first though slimes got to die that is the tiniest slime I've ever seen I'm still gonna kill it though thanks for the three slime balls okay that's all the slimes we're gonna get tonight oh jeez I've been used like a pincushion I look great it's a sign of a warrior it's a sign of strength well fifty four slime balls and a bonus of twenty eight two gunpowder which is pretty good let's go I'm back I'm back out of here okay I've just realized as well all of the slime blocks they use are gonna be lost as well so this is gonna be fun I'm assuming they're gonna get lost they might actually not that was done did you see that I took my liter off while I was playing anyway let's construct the rocket I feel like this is a momentous occasion so this is gonna be the activator block because this is where the observer is gonna go so I need I think it's this it was observer like this wasn't it take that away and then sticky piston like this and then the other one was the other way around so a slime block bap bap okay so if you do want to make this a home you need an observer with the red dot facing downwards where the arrow is then a sticky piston then two slime blocks and then you just need to mirror it and do it the other way up so you aren't the sticky piston like like this do you want the sticky piston facing God go the right way up sticky piston oh geez ready sticky piston this way up so yeah perfectly mirrored and then the observer I think this way I'm gonna see if it works that way if it doesn't hey it's okay it won't launch the launch will fail as if there was bad weather you know all right so now we need to make the top I don't actually know how this is gonna work because wait if I build on that is that gonna activate - I just want to build a platform for this to actually launch I've only got 13 slime blocks let's do this this and this oh yeah this is gonna be perfect yeah okay I'm gonna do it like this I don't know oh no this is gonna work um am I gonna activate to back soon I'm not okay good there you go that looks like that kind of looks like a rocket I don't know if all the pieces are gonna come with us but at least it looks like a rocket right so that's gonna work hopefully that's gonna come with I'm not sure though I might have to link up these two bits as well just to make sure that they're all stuck together I think that works and then our final slime blocks I can't put one on top of there I don't think because that will observe it I think as long as that's there actually this should just be fine like that this is this is our beautiful rocket guys don't laugh don't laugh why are you laughing if I add something will that push all of it or well that does not work this could be a complete fail I feel like you're only allowed one block on top I don't know if that's gonna work actually we can test it so I put that there and then that and that there will that take it with it it's gonna go and get a sticky piston look at this we got more gunpowder oh this is working perfectly obviously the way I catch it doesn't work but hey at least we got something working Hey okay sticky piston has been created so this should emulate this quite nicely so if I do that how is this one sup I can't even see it now this needs to be there and then if I put a block down here it doesn't work oh I thought you put the observer up the wrong way around nice this is why we do tests there every good astronaut place for two tests yes okay that works but I didn't get to test what I wanted okay right if I this should now work this should definitely works if I do that and that okay does push it up it just doesn't bring it back down oh that might be an issue I think we're just gonna have to share the block on top and I'm not sure how I'm gonna do that but at least I'm gonna be able to send the cat to space that is the main thing that I want to get out of today it has been quite the lesson but I think we might be ready for takeoff I just need to get this cat up here by them chosen one the one without double eyes you you even chosen to go to space it's gonna be a great time come this way sir please thank you look at this rocket grade-a four great a of effort okay I'm gonna need you to sit right up here please please come and sit up here you know you want to I'm just gonna keep going up until your teleport teleport teleport come on it's getting late I don't want any of my iron golems to die teleport teleport yes now sit and don't die just go with it go with it it's gonna be okay we're gonna get you down nice and slow okay and I'm not gonna hit you don't listen to what evil cat said no no no no no that didn't happen that didn't happen everything's fine oh geez ah save myself beautiful and I'm gonna go to sleep real quick ah I've always got the ass you know what we're doing what am i doing first video back I've already lost my mind that didn't take long jeez okay so I add she needs to break that and then the rest of it slowly does it this is gonna be fine don't look at me like that it's gonna be okay don't worry don't worry your little paws about it okay break that and then yes it's better work this better work so I was gonna make a launch platform turns I'm just gonna put some iron there instead because I'm lazy if this works though I might try it again and make an actually cool rocket I might even make like an elevator that's powered by this that can go up and then down I think that might be too extreme for me so I can get to the top of the creeper farm but I think ah look it worked again let's go steadily getting some gunpowder but this is my rocket don't hate appreciate look at this it's beautiful I think we're ready for liftoff you know how I'm gonna get on this I might have to land here and then and just hope it works cuz I want to knock the cap off that's the problem anyway I think we're ready for liftoff I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right now guys I'm scared but I'm gonna launch it with this in three got this wrong way around haven't I um now what have I done wrong why are you coming to inspect this what were done if I remove this if I made this too complicated is this too complicated if I messed it up face needs to be facing downwards I think the face needs to go how have I done this wrong face is facing downwards okay launch I made this thing twice by accident and now I can't even make it on purpose once someone's fishy's going on here I'm gonna have to build it again all right mister observer you're going to face down I'm gonna get rid of this right here and then I'm gonna do this I feel like that's ready to launch it might just be the other gubbins that I've added so I might just have to you know get rid of him let's see why would that work it won't even activate this one there's got to be something wrong with this I think it's the legs isn't it if I take these legs off it's gonna work I'm pretty sure it's the legs I might just have to get rid of him and see what happens because if this works then it works you know I'm saying what if I attach them to this hold up this might be where it's going wrong do that I don't know why I changed but I changed it hi it's going it's left some of the legs behind but it's going ah yeah okay let me uh let me change this I didn't think that was actually gonna work but now I need to land on this and then do we're just gonna stand on it and see what happens okay I don't know what's gonna happen nope nope can you get no I don't want to push kitty cut off there's some more creepers go in beautiful yes kitty cat we're going we're going place his body we're going places that's right we're going to the moon I think I needed to connect the legs differently and I'm not sure how I messed it up but you know what for our first spaceflight this ain't too bad I'm just gonna put that out there this ain't too bad hopefully would I hit the creeper part but the creeper [ __ ] is working it seems to be if I'm just off the ground it works it's those against the nighttime the kitty cat this is working me and you me and you on our way to space now I how this is gonna go but if you look on the X Y Z it says to ten to eleven to twelve to thirteen I don't know what happens when we get to the top but I guess we're gonna find out I need to be ready to jump off as soon as possible so I think I'm gonna go into first person mode I'm scared oh it's really high up I've got ya got one of these I got two of these actually just in case I'm gonna hold both I'm jewel wielding the totems justing that happens I'm so upset that's all that happens kitty cat we're in space welcome welcome everyone to Minecraft space I don't believe it I don't believe it I'm not quite sure what's going on here but hey welcome to space always did all that time all that time to create this I thought it was going to be epic this was the opposite of epic this sucked can I make it look even cooler I feel like if I do eight songs I just want to see the stars ah yeah now that is space you can still see our beacons up here well mr. kitty we have made it but now our time together has passed yeah we're not that high up at all are we it's kind of embarrassing um I'm just gonna I might meet you at the bottom I might just do that so uh oh my voice did it bar first space mission went perfectly I think I'm gonna make one of these to go up to the creeper farm I kind of wish I made the creeper farmer build height because that would be really really cool however mr. kitty cat I will meet you at the bottom see you later they go the cat shouldn't die so don't don't call me out for that ah I might die though I might die though I just left some stuff up there oh geez cat you okay oh there's a creeper right here oh no come here come here come here it's not how this goes this is not how this goes bye-bye look all this sweet gunpowder let's go he's fine the cat is fine I need to get out of here desperately because all my goblins are gonna die quick quick quick quick ouch let's go to the top oh I'm on some weird setting right now it's maker white craft seems so weird okay okay okay so how did this go can't be honest how did this go that's right golem it went okay um and you landed straight where that spot is beautiful I'll no look that's the block that I kind of need up there um I don't know why I left up there I think it was one slime block which is so space how is space kitty cat I don't believe I've just wasted with that time so mad well that time to figure out how to make a flying machine I'll I did you know what the positives should outweigh the negatives we made a flying machine our creeper farm works but now I have a random speck up in the sky ooh I should be able to fly to wait next experiment should be add she kind of fly past the Hat wait a second can I fly past the block if I can what happens tell me there's the block oh you're I'm going higher I'm way up there oh geez okay this is not a good idea at all why am I doing this keep going keep going I don't even know which way is up anymore to the Sun let's go to the Sun I got two rockets left I'm 600 blocks in the air Oh 673 okay guys I'm actually kind of scared I don't know I can't see I can't see I'm gonna hit something I'm deftly gonna hit something where am i I'm going so fast where on earth am I um why did I do that hello we watch the compass as she coming in quartz right now okay I wasted all my rockets but I feel like that might even worth it so how high can you go can you just go as high as you want if so hey that's kind of cool I'm now lost though which isn't great so if I can get my creeper farm working perfectly I can I can try just going up and seeing what happens if my elite rrah I don't know how high up you can go that was like double and a half of build high okay I recognize where we are now we're not completely lost it's fine but the speed that we came out of that was insane that's how we traveled so far look there's the beacons we traveled so far because just going directly down from 600 blocks is just ridiculous Oh what even was today what was today it took me an hour and 15 minutes to lose my mind again I'm back baby let's go guys as I run backwards to it's my it's what's my house I'm gonna say thank you big thank you for watching thanks for bearing with me on my little break I hope you are I hope you enjoyed the video back it didn't go as well as I thought it would I didn't think we just stopped because it was all movement yeah anything that would happen anyway now you know what happens when you try and send the cat to space you don't go to space but anyway guys thank you so much for watching another minecraft hardcore series episode I hope you enjoyed if you did leave a like the be greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new as well to join the channel and also hit that Bell as well to be the first to be notified when new videos go live thank you again so much for watching and I see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,207,375
Rating: 4.9490066 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, minecraft, dantdm minecraft, yt:quality=high, minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, minecraft 1.16
Id: bo5Osnn_RUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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