Trying Satisfying Tik Tok Experiments at Home!

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happy day i'm glad and this is brinky you guys haven't seen brinky in a while so i thought i'd bring him for the intro today today we are trying experiments from tik tok that i have never seen before i'm excited it's gonna be a good one hey are you okay i feel the power of a thousand stars inside me oh this little guy what a mess oh oh oh that's nice that's real noise oh okay i mean i actually have seen this one before but i want to try it anyway i don't think terry knew that i had seen this before but it's a good one melting the crayons and pouring it in water and then having like this this little display like imagine if it looks really cool and you can just like put a crayon thing on your dresser and people can be like she likes the fine art she understands the art unfortunately our crayons aren't kind of like in that cool pattern like that because oh are they just in a stack yeah they're just in a stack we've got the time for that we're gonna mix together anyways you're upsetting the dog he's always upset no he's not i can never make him happy okay let's give it a go this is the most cooking i've done this year gorgeous look at that so many different colors look at that rainbow drip as they say in my home country here comes [Music] that's so cool it looks like an underwater like a coral reef yeah it looks like a coral reef it also looks like a poop put an alka-seltzer tablet in it too oh my goodness should i no it's not gonna do anything it'll look cool dude okay fine like pick it up and then drop this on the bottom and then drop it okay oh this this made the water really hot okay oh okay it's way too hot there's an opening here yeah how does it look looks like an aquarium does it yeah i love when people make especially on tech talk when people make like the terrariums like but the fake ones and this kind of is like giving me that vibe it's kind of got like a weird kind of like sewage terrarium yeah don't pour boiling crayon into water and then reach in with your hand that's very much like something i would do for an experiment and it's just not smart i thought it would have cooled down like much quicker because it looked like it was really cold water but like yeah that kind of burns should we just display this call it like the cursed grapes why does it look kind of good you could do this in water if you're like if you can do it more controlled and you could like make a little figurine ladies and gentlemen the newest addition to my art wall oh oops not very good to me trying to jump without bending my knees trying to jump without bending your knees that sounds easy enough okay let's go [Music] i'm pretty sure you bet them girl i'm pretty sure she bent them okay this is dangerous okay that's too dangerous oh you can see my feet from here okay my knees are locked oh you can just if you don't bend your knees you can jump by just lifting you can just bend your feet easy got em golden why are you just standing there he's just standing there looking at me did you like that i think you did allison okay so this is the girl falling with wall trick are you sure put your left leg against the wall pick your right foot up oh you want to be my wall okay i have to have my leg fully against you i can't i actually can't it's impossible if i'm fully against you unless i go like this a little bit but it has to be against the wall okay i can't i can't it's impossible you learn something new every day there you go well obviously this is called the wine lava lamp oil in a glass water those two don't mix and is this food coloring okay cool wait what's the third thing he put in oh it's alka-seltzer alka-seltzer what's that i think it's supposed to help your stomach okay okay so like tums oh cool i love it oh my god it's getting crazier oil water food coloring alka seltzer look how curious brinkie is you curious brink he's very curious actually we're gonna do the no we're gonna do the oil first water oil oil vegetable oil an oil that i don't normally keep in my house okay this is so oiled up that i can't get it open i need help wait wait wait i don't need help i'm a grown woman i can do it i did it i'm a grown woman i can do whatever i want lots of oil for oil [Music] yeah listen to it it's like asmr we're gonna have some bubbles we're gonna get some water this is gonna love going down my toilet after this after i drink it okay i'm gonna just put like okay now we have to wait for them to like kind of separate do you think we need more wood do you think we need more water what you just look hillary okay that that definitely has to be good wow it looks cool do you remember how much food coloring i put um for our little experiment we're gonna use blue did you guys have lava lamps when you were growing up my lava lamp was like one of my most prized possessions like i loved it so much look at that wow can we do red too it might make it kind of dark kind of murky it might make purple though i think we got to do red too look at the little balls they're like bubble tea yeah it's like boba wow this is the greatest thing i ever done is that enough do you think yeah probably you sure okay i gotta put more okay okay fine now it's time for our alka-seltzer now i'm not that dumb but i didn't know what this was but it's because i do not get acid reflux i just don't i don't know why i'm really lucky all right here we go oh oh cool [Music] okay some of the balls are like joining together and there's like big balls and small balls and like a lot of the red it's mixing into purple [Music] so i feel like i did something wrong because it's not joining into like big lavas you know what i mean and i don't want to do it again because i don't want to waste oil i've done enough should i put my alka-seltzer and just see what happens probably okay here we go okay let's go one two three oh boy uh-oh do we make a mistake i think it's good i was like if it's gonna rise more then i gotta run but it looks like it's just gonna make a mess within the tube it's so funny because it's like an experiment for kids and like it's funny how even i could mess up an experiment for kids that said it's really cool so if you add too much it just becomes some kind of witches brew yeah it's very halloweeny the weird thing about this is that it's like edible like you could drink this that's true but i won't probably wouldn't be very good no it'd be horrendous i'm sorry guys i got greedy and i want it to work i feel like the oil that i originally saw was like canola because i don't remember being at this yellow i'm using a wine glass because it's easier for me to like eyeball yeah okay this is a conservative run [Music] it worked it actually worked this time still really messy yes but i think that the part at the bottom where everything meets makes it a lot more like centralized and allows the food coloring to get into bigger chunks it also makes it go up through the middle yeah very cool maybe last time there was too much water [Music] you know what this is terry chemical reaction oh wait is it i mean alka seltzer is but it's not creating heat that's a thermal reaction okay i'm out girl push-ups those aren't girl push-ups that's how okay no okay no terry are you out of your mind i'm gonna get hurt i can spot you no if i don't land it i'm gonna be so winded but what i can do is i can do a back bridge and then try to do push-ups in the back bridge you ready yep okay oh god i haven't done one of these in years oh she can do it my hands on my hair [Music] it's hard you're alive it's like not that hard though it would have been if i did the the actual okay i did the flip okay so like a lot of these are like water this is like water tick tocks so you put balloons in a cup and then oh that is cool too oh oh we're gonna have to get our slo-mo on wow oh i can do that i don't really have like a pointy syringe thing though do we have a needle probably not in this house okay so the blender is the biggest thing that we had left and i'm afraid that the blades at the bottom are going to pop the balloon so i'm going to do it very very slowly and by the way i'm poking with a dart taped to a chopstick we're getting a little uh creative here oh i didn't know that would float yeah there's a little bit of air in the balloons okay cool i'm gonna go for the blue one first whoops i think that it needs to be like a more fine tip than what i have oh my oh whoa oh it's gonna spill oh okay we got this oh no oh no why is this going so wrong oh it's the black we're gonna have to watch that in slow mo and see what happened hopefully it's good what do we got here please work out let's go she's pressing it in she's wondering why it hasn't popped yet oh so cool how do i work so hard and mess up everything i do so unlucky but you know what you can't mess up things being vacuumed i don't know why i just find this okay i would never do this to my vacuum that's a lot of stuff going in your vacuum a banana no a flower okay that's an easy that's an easy and safe choice but probably the worst for your backing to be honest really but is it doesn't dust go in there okay what are we room buying paper shreds we've shed a lot of paper in our lives danky is this gonna damage the roomba i don't think so see if we can make a clean line yes clean line [Music] come on little buddy i believe in you oh my satisfying no this is horrendous look at all that stuck paper and there's hair too well he's gonna have to work for a while now because i'm not cleaning that up yeah i'm not cleaning this either okay here we go i think that it like it should have been like spread really thin yeah we were giving him a hard job he's running away you can't run there's a chair oh he's coming back for more this actually hurts to watch i can't we should have got the 4x4 i actually feel bad for the roomba it's like so much garbage look at his little body this is more than he can take we're gonna have to clean this ourselves dang it all right cassie thinks this is gonna be more manageable yeah and we actually can't get this so we're screwed this yeah nope this isn't it we're gonna have to get a new rug yeah we're gonna have to get a new house i didn't know this was a vacuuming video shouldn't have been well that was uh you know gloom trying to do satisfying experiments i mean some of them went well some of them did not none of them turned out the way that the tick tocks did is it false advertising or am i just an idiot i think i'm just an idiot i hope you guys enjoyed this video though if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 4,542,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, diy, trying life hacks, testing life hacks, gloom, kassie, howto, craft, crafts, challenge, challenges, fun, funny, friends, friendly, tutorial, how to, gloomgames, 2020, gloomykassie, do it yourself, 5-minute crafts, awful, bad, amazon, tiktok, tik tok, tik tok 2020, tiktok memes, reacting to tiktok memes, best tiktok memes, tiktok compilation, tik tok mashup, best tiktok, best tik tok, tiktok challenge, trend, trends, trending, oddly satisfying, satisfying
Id: iYE0Vwj_TTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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