Mystery Riddles with Answers To Test Your Brain

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ah oh my god is this J is this riddle I don't know you tell me Cassie what what listen okay this is Julie's ex-boyfriend you know Julie right actually this is you that's that's Julie's ex-boyfriend yeah you you dated Julie I don't know what Julie yeah you did I do ya notice I say did because she's in the past what did she say about me Cassie well her ex is an illusionist that's what she said about you and a little bit crazy a little crazy that's why Julie broke up with him because he would whip out his dirty socks and be like it's an illusion she had already forgotten him completely when he snapped her joint dirt that's not me I don't do that yeah you did I'm not that guy and locked in his house Julie stayed there all day is he ever gonna let me go without any idea but what was happening what are you doing finally her ex slid under the door he's laid under that a little three by three inch piece of baby I you slipped something under there and scissors and an engagement ring oh there was a message on the paper cut such a hole in this paper that your head could go through it if you fail you'll marry me or stay here forever your choice xoxo Jay got Andy like that yeah you know how it goes yeah baby mmm how is this possible how do you get your head through there okay she has a big head right yeah I just got a huge head and you only date big brain he'll only date the big brains the biggest of brain um Cassie and it's been so long oh wait don't lose okay you know what you're the expert you know what you got to do no no okay so you know how sometimes you can like make a snowflake yeah yeah yeah like folded and then cut it yeah so I'd like I'd fold it and I'd cut it and then I'd make it bigger and then I put it over my head yeah but how is that gonna make the paper bigger okay listen I'm gonna show you right now can you wear that no you don't know Cassie yeah okay paper towel ripping okay I'm pretending to cut oops oh okay I ripped that too much one sec let me actually that was kind of hot I heard that I don't know what's happening right now but it sounds cute Cassie Cassie ah okay piece of paper piece of paper too small for my head right yeah yeah well guess what I'm just gonna like rip it in the middle the other way okay and then you rip it down a little you know yeah I'm bout to go up okay this is a disaster this is a disaster okay wait there's gotta be there's gotta be a bit okay what the heck what am i doing okay I did this completely wrong I think we need to take the El Cassie and we just need to figure out what the answer but there is a way there is a way we just need to learn wait what if the answer okay Julie so this is what I wanted to do that's not what you wanted to do did it sound like that this is exactly what I wanted to do this is what I was trying to do you said oh okay all right Sally got lost in the jangle the jingles another jangle bongo bongo who the jungle a local tribe found her and took her to the leader No we'll help you get back to your home oh no I want to be that guy okay be that guy well help you get back to home I don't even say that right if you prove your courage and strength here's a before a stick bamboo thanks Koko now to the place of your battle a cage with an angry tiger Babu you should stay there for 15 minutes a lake with hungry sea cows have you ever seen a hungry sea cow you should stay under water for 20 minutes calm down can see a big pool of venomous snakes when they all gone you should stay there for 30 minutes which place did Sally choose okay alright listen here's what I'm thinking I can only stab one snake unless I make him like snake kabobs thank you for a long time you can only stab one snake what kind of person are you yeah only one that's it should at least be three snakes minimum well it'd just be hard to pile them up you know okay and I got to be in there for 30 minutes see cows I wouldn't be able to just get that I wouldn't be able to get the thrust going yeah like oh no you know just like oh yeah I wouldn't be able just Oh again yeah so unfortunately I'm gonna take that Tiger okay hopefully Peters not watching cuz I'll take that Tiger too are you sure I will take that tiger that bamboo looks sharp yeah what if see cows aren't dangerous never thought about that oh yeah doesn't run leave maybe we have to go like the past miss route Wow Oh a bamboo stick won't help her fight as tiger or a snake I'm embarrassed sea cows are harmless they look harmless they look so friendly I know what are we thinking they won't attack like you can have a drink with them look it's Sally ready to kill though the only problem is to stand her water for 20 minutes you would definitely die oh the hollow tube the bamboo all right hold my breath now you breathe through the bamboo the bamboo Angelina and bread okay bread kind of a weird name bread okay Angelina and bread bread lies in common yeah kids careers hobbies and a big house they do everything together they're gonna get sick of each other once Angelina came home really late where's Brad Pitt let me guess bread she was tired but happy bread God jealous and yelled at her this is how you are definitely Angelina flamed out too I was working out all evening staying fit for you bread piff sorry Angie I don't believe you Oh it looks like you have a lover Angelina gotten mad at him and went to bed alone bread waited for her to go upstairs and checked her purse dunt dunt don't think he found a nail polish that's not says that's not sauce at all a wallet girls have wallets she has a wallet in her purse yeah a cell phone ma'am nothing interesting about it the generic boy who a pack of goon maybe she was doing a little kissing gotta keep the brush breath away no it's the brush it's a brush Brent Wow I haven't done reading about Cassie with bread piff too much a lipstick ooh some keys every girl has keys in her purse nothing's wrong with any of these items now bread was completely sure she had a lover once how did you know I know two sets of keys the keys yeah see we're in sync now okay you're back in it you're in it to win it I'm back hey you found me like I was gone but now I'm back the keys were definitely not from their place when she had that three friends were riding the boat all morning and then decided to go eat ice cream on the beach yeah they were riding the boat and now they want to do a little lickety licks whoa they immediately headed towards the docks whoa as a lot of crowd the dock was noisy something happened there people told him that a camera was stolen a whole crowd for that yeah whole crowd from one of the yachts a few minutes ago oh you mad oh he's mad mad I was on dick painting the fences okay he's got paint on him I buy it then I went to buy water oh it's his camera when I returned my camera was gone Victor looked around and quickly found the thief I know who stole the camera who is the thief with a lot of cash oh wait is it her I don't know he's answered yeah maybe she saw the crowd and just start dancing dollar bills that are is that me I'd do that look at myself cries he's like shake it what I got it you know okay okay I think it's Dee because she probably put it in the bucket of fish okay or be because she probably put it in that bag why she want that bag huh yeah I don't know I was gonna ask you what was she holding in her hand cuz I can't see there's like a fishing pole in the way yeah it's a big why are you holding bag on the beach girl it's you it's me yes she doesn't have it II wait oh he has a selfie stick yeah okay it's beardy yeah B I'm going with you just to be different oh that's paint that's not water how could you do that to us that looks like wet water wet wet water I guess water doesn't like stick on you blue like that yeah come on Cassie why are these riddles getting so complicated I don't know it's getting harder it's challenging our brains now what did I come back to Cassie it came back to a mess like this a man stole the Dragons egg from his nest the angry dragon began to attack the city what a douche and steal people indeed being the king of that country called his best nights and ordered him to take the egg from the thief yes he's got great hair and returned it to the dragon he's gonna return it to the dragon yeah oh she got it right away then he already has it definitely got the egg and was ready to bring it back though but but obviously something's gonna happen yeah he faced there were three dragons which one's the mom this becomes like a dr. Phil episode there were three dragons living in the city okay which one has kids which one looks motherly one of the Dragons lives far in the mountains the second one lips by the sea and the third one lives in a cave I know who it is oh really who the second dragon because she's laying in a nest right yeah don't oh my goodness that was too easy that was way too easy right right duh-doy no okay if you say dough that means I pretty much got it right right yeah yeah of cause I want to see the answer Cassie please a human can't climb such a mountain all right think it out of here it's eggs in the nest oh it's not that one Oh what oh this egg belongs to the dragon the T people's face is what the skull eater yeah wait why was she the mother because the other like ones already a mom the other lives too high up so it was like process of elimination but even though you even though you eliminated the other two what made the third one qualified to be the mom oh the thing that made it qualify is that the other two don't qualify so there was no defining factor that made it qualify what if none of them were the mother oh I'm making this too deep it was a dog no not a dog night oh it was a dog Patrick was awakened by some strange noise first he gar scared and pulled the blanket over his head and peered out from the blankets a criminal was standing in front of him snatch the boy and took him to an old house oh no you got them up the wrong way - don't even try to escape the house is very dangerous when the kidnapper left Patrick decided to look for a way out good job Patrick yeah you you get there Patrick wandering around the house he found four doors that led to the exit he doesn't look too confident in himself no he's not there was danger behind each of them oh we got this guy see a a vamp vampy he's got a glass of blood be the ghost of a little gal that's the ghost of a little girl yeah see a zombie of an of an older gal ugly girl Purdy a serial killer which doors safe well we're definitely not going too deep no definitely no maybe we'll go to B yeah I choose B cuz I mean what can a ghost of a little girl do to you what you gonna do should be like boo and I'll just be like get out she won't even empathize with us she's like I I died here so I'll show you out yeah she's like I couldn't get to the right exit so I'll help you ghosts aren't dangerous they're just scary yeah they just spooky guys Laura lived in a dorm with three neighbors Hey ladies Danna Kylie and Boni hey girls one day Laura's mother visited her her mom disgusting she's disgusting oh never mind gave her some money we like her Laura put the money under a book and left uh-oh someone's money's about to get stolen why would you do that put it in your wallet yeah or take it with you when Laura came back guess what went missing fake friends fake friends fake there was no money under the book why didn't my money go she asked all her neighbors about it come on it was like 20 bucks I was like fifty I entered the room once to change my clothes was me I didn't see any money there and plus my dress is so tiny I wouldn't be able to fit any money in I borrowed your book to read for a while the bill fell on the floor then why don't you pick it back up I put it in the middle drawer okay okay so there's the money so there it is problem solved well I spent the night at my boyfriend's place and I've just come back so it definitely wasn't me oh it was Kylie why there's no middle drawer there's a top and a bottom yeah I sold a Cassie what no girl listen Jay listen I'm listening this is intense four friends are running from zombies through the forest oh geez they ran into a wooden barn Wow the animation on here is crispy and barricaded the door where did you come from where did you go they have some time before the zombies person to that barn the friends are looking for any kind of weapon in the barn Lenny is a pitchfork I got pitchfork yeah you got it I want to be Lenny yeah you are Jennifer double-barrelled boink ur Pete's just noticed a small window at the opposite under the barn well you're a loser grab a weapon and Lila made a torch she's ready to set some people on fire who can survive this zombie attack pitchfork guy why cuz shotgun person is gonna run out of bullets torch person's gonna run out of fire and the other guy lookin out the window is gonna die instantly like zombie just gonna bust through there and eat his guts okay no listen though what if the zombies break into the barn because it's only a matter of time before they do he sneaks out the window and lets his other friends fight to the death that's messed up yeah so I'm window man I feel like that's something you would do to me I would you wouldn't even warn me like hey let's get out through here okay no but I'm gonna be honest so if there was a third friend I'd be like Jay there's a window over here let's just leave just leave Katy here a pitchfork is useless against zombies absolutely useless the gun only has two bullets the torch might help but the wooden barn can catch on fire obviously window I don't believe the pitchfork thing man I don't believe it either and we played enough zombie games to know that the pitchfork would be the best weapon in 2057 earth got totally overcrowded so some people decided to leave the rich left me and you still there and settled on another planet called z8u 55 the best scientists and technologists were that went there dang it to start a new civilization it was a highly developed to plan it with lots of scientific labs oh yes being a true utopia uh but one day zombies ran away from one of the labs and you know how it goes started to bite people so rude Wow they can never mind their own business turning them at his Ami's - it was proliferating spreading zombie apocalypse number two and they were really good hunters forcing their beliefs on us forcing their beliefs on us the worst part about these zombies is that they run really fast okay that's actually scary yeah so the infection was spreading quickly I hate zombies that can run terrifying each month the number of zombies doubled don't tell me there's a map problem in 12 months the whole population of z8u 55 became zombies how many months did it take the zombies to infect half of the population Cassie we cannot take the lead on that one oh I guess I gotta be polite all right you know what eleven months 11 months I came up with that yeah I carried that got it I came up with that answer guys in the 12th month their number doubles yeah see I told you Jake came up with it I helped and reach to friends took a dog for the walk and morning suddenly oh whoa you hear do you hear that Jay tell me you hear that yeah snow is calling for help oh the guys rushed to a neighboring house oh we gotta go and saw a pale woman in one of the windows I feel bad please call an ambulance she sounds very like yeah the third floor we have to figure out her apartment no don't do that just call an ambulance Victoria and John's started knocking on all doors these two people are wise guys yeah but no one open these wise guys are knocking on every single door the guys decided to look through the keyholes oh we're peeping toms now now they're just being creepy who looks good in there oh I could steal that oh yeah I could get in there what what is this Oh someone changing in that way Hey look this apartment call 9-1-1 which apartment do they need I think it's middle one I think it's the I think it's this one I just remember it I remember her hair flowing out that window oh you remember it opening like that well not really I didn't really pay attention because I didn't know what this question was gonna be but I think I remember this one you know what actually I think it's the first one okay it might be but wait how could they see that through the keyhole cuz I don't even know I don't even know whatever we'll just believe it yeah we're gonna believe it yeah this is the magic of show business oh you're right yeah oh my brain just like building the gaps whatever John woke up and found himself in the open sea holding on to a door yep he's holding on to the only door left he was surrounded with the wreckage from the ship he had been on what would you do if you're in that situation I'd keep holding that door he looked around to find anything you so this is what I would do ooh a small box what's in there he grabbed it and looked inside ooh what's in there there were three pills with small stickers oh yeah right get out of here attached to each one no no this actually happened to her story so the blue one it'll make you read people in animals minds yeah that's useful in the sea but yellow one will make you run twice as fast it's like wondering what a shark's thinking right now the red one will make everything around you turn twice as small even the water ooh there's shark fins in the water yeah even the water so what would you do what would I do let me see well I was making fun of the fact that he could read animals minds uh-huh but that doesn't sound that bad right about now okay so you can read the Sharks mind he goes I'm hungry and then what do you do I knew it before I died at least I had that oh we got some meat on those bones over there okay so which one are you taking are you taking this one I don't know like the running one that doesn't make sense because you're floating you can't run yes indeed but then if you make everything around you twice as small what does that mean like does the oceans shrink too you can pick up a shark and just eat it you eat the shark yeah and it just turns into a salmon at that point well then it feels like piranhas are biting you cuz they're gonna try to get you anyway alright you know what I'm not trying to be funny okay okay I would choose the first one just so I know where their heads at alright alright just so you know what's gonna happen free diet that's smooth I mean I'm gonna know what to think you but I can't do anything about it alright what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna run twice as fast but why because I'm gonna hold on to the edge of the door and then I'm gonna kick my feet so fast and I'm gonna swim I mean out some of those sharks yeah pretty much alright you know what that is so crazy that I think that might be the answer just take it like I could just imagine you kick it really fast the one that I chose is so dumb there's little point in reading sharks thoughts like come on Jay that is the dumbest thing ever oh it's not mine the Sharks will still be faster oh come on pill will turn sharks into salmon oh wow we should have went with that one we should have it sounded good in my head but I was like you know what why don't you come because that would be so good yeah that's what I would do yeah just like kicking your feet and just like whiskers was a cute and fun can't he lived in scare Ville for many years no scare of living a scare ville yeah a little cutie that town was located in an abnormal area or strange creatures lived together with ordinary humans it was eternal winter and there was barely enough food oh we're gonna eat the cat I can tell so all citizens were always cold and hungry once whiskers disappeared right from his house oh poor guy oh geez his friends were looking for him for a few days and finally I did defied three suspects sorry I prefer human blood but I can go and help you look for him at night he seems like you're overcompensating mr. vampire poor whiskers I knew him since he was a tiny tiny kitten sorry I can't join the search right now I'm full I mean I have to knit up a mitten for my grandkid oh I hate cats but mr. whiskers was a nice one sorry I'm busy with my kids Stewart little Cassie I hope I'm not thinking what I think's happening with the old lady what is that whisker she's knitting right now like he's oh my goodness I hope it oh my goodness it looks like with mr. whiskers firm oh please no oh [Music] her grandson was okay mr. whiskers just got shade okay alright okay we can okay we can we can be happy oh yeah that was about to get a yes Cassie alright Jay thanks so much for coming again and doing some riddles yeah always back yeah we needed to just get it a little bit you know we did some riddles over on Jays channel as well so make sure you go and check it out yeah right now right now right now hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see on the next one right now oh yeah right now
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,942,157
Rating: 4.8911538 out of 5
Keywords: 7 second riddles, what would you do, seven second riddles, romantic riddles, would you rather, riddles, brain teasers, visual puzzles, riddles with answers, kassie, gloom, jay, brain teasers with answers, kubzscouts, test your brain, puzzles, tricky riddles, personality test, challenge your brain, puzzles with answers, test your attention, tricky riddle with answer, mystery riddle, brain games, riddles and brain teasers with answers, boost your logic, collab
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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