Among Us NEW Update Impostor Plays! *wife sus*

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all right is everybody in here i think we're in here i clicked go live yes welcome everybody we got the new among us update it's in beta right now we got a bunch of handsome people in here we're gonna hop into a game let's go are you guys ready hey rob okay so we got a couple of new people don't forget you need a mute hotkey so yeah when the game starts you have to mute rob the only time you can unmute is when a body's been reported or a meeting is called okay wait wonder when our meeting is called you'll would you'll figure it out i'll figure it out i'll figure it out you'll figure it out it'll be great let's hope he doesn't give uh imposter first round we're starting the game everybody meet up get up now yeah meet up now let's go baby oh what's impossible no we got crew member first what's going on stream how's everybody doing today so we've got the new update um anonymous voting is on right now or actually it's anonymous voting um and then we have tasks only at like the task bar is supposed to only be at meetings but it's at the top right now so i messed that up but i know we have anonymous voting on and if we don't i'll fix it for the next game oh this is new the wires did not look like that before how's everybody doing today super excited to be playing some of mangas guys oh my gosh somebody's already dead oh vinny oh [Laughter] so wait where was the body um why do i feel like why do i feel like rob killed and then self-reported caleb can i just explain wait wait wait wait wait that's so unfair right now um i was i was afk at the start for a second and then i went left and then i went down hey rob what was your way did you have a task at the beginning in the spaceship yeah yeah i went like i'm like move the spaceship around okay he's clean on the line he's cleaning up but i already paid for him i mean who said i was an imposter you're the imposter i don't know dude it's chill sucks we don't don't know where the body is where is the body all right so the body was uh left and then down at the bottom of a hallway and then this is the probably the problem is that i saw vinnie down there next to the body kind of moonwalking so you're trying to blame it on my boy benny right now hey yeah i gotta say i was disconnected vinny maybe just like be honest considering you're disconnected were you the and okay maybe don't say anything i don't know there's two well there's two also there's two there's two okay i don't know there are two imposters so if we get down to two crew members rob we lose so right okay okay say we skipped because there's no reason no reason oh yeah obviously vince and he's gone but okay even though we're skipping i'm gonna clear keely and i because we both did the upload task outside of electrical sure sure we got it yeah [Music] so the new update if you guys are curious they updated how wires look there's anonymous votings and then also um oh my gosh what's the other thing you can change the task bar to be like not visible visible only at meetings there's a lot of cool things you can do in the new update actually it's pretty sick also just saw that we had a 10 donation thank you so much new member of the stream you guys rock seriously you guys are the best i'm having a i'm having a blast right now you guys have no idea i'm gonna dig into these wires real quick yeah yeah here we go i'm also gonna record at the same time i love that i can record and stream at the same time this makes me big happy um i feel like i'm gonna die down here bro no no no why did that happen come on come on get the school on there yo when you're down here in specimen you know it's a bad time oh somebody's behind me get out of here who is this who's this oh this is no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no close the door close the door i'm dead i'm dead boy changes don't do it i can't tell if he's innocent or not but he's stalking me and i don't like it [Music] guys okay what's happening what happened gathered you all here today to tell you will timmy oh okay he followed me and followed me and followed me i can't confirm away i can confirm i saw little timmy chasing bree is this uh is this like a battle of the sexes is this male versus female wait um that's not exactly that's me stephen is little timmy by the way it's it's a little timmy i'm already voting him right now that's true [Laughter] oh thank you so much for the 50 super chat you rock thomas thank you for the 50 super chat awesome ninja thank you for the super chat so many great people in here thank you guys so much i voted little timmy because i um felt like it thank you oh bye-bye little tim dude yo the anonymous voting looks sick it looks really good yeah that's really cool i have so many questions and no one's letting me ask them confirms are not on by the way so we don't know if we voted oh we didn't [Laughter] right past my body vince were you the other one hey rob i i was [Laughter] yeah yeah it's still the same one but i wait i want the oh tico wants to come in and play too eh tico your son preston my son yeah yeah tico tico the fortnite sweaty boy i'm a fan i did not know that i had a nephew yeah you got a nephew kiwi are you guys ready yeah i'm ready all right i'm sorry next one ready rob i was just gonna say wait wait i started what yeah wait what's up he kicked me out the second you started ah it's too bad it's too bad too sad man awesome two games in a row steve and frankie all right let's go man let's go oh watch this watch this who's not doing the task at the beginning oh oh little timmy little timmy did not do the task at the beginning and neither did vinnie they both left the starting test did anybody else notice that i got i got a suspicion boys i got a suspicion i'm a little bit oh dude i'm gonna call an emergency meeting i really think it's one of them oh my gosh the stabilizers i can't this is bad stream what do i do okay we got woofles over here he's gonna go to the seismic stabilizer vinnie i'm telling you guys i think it's vinnie and timmy does anybody else feel like i'm correct cause they did not do the starting task bro i'm gonna call this big emergency meeting all right did anybody notice that vinnie and timmy both skipped the spaceship default task at the beginning i was interested in cleaning a dish i think that we could vote for either one of them and we're we're fine okay wait who say again who vinnie and timmy did not do it i have an entertainment for you yeah okay i ran over rob's carcass as i was going back from like where it goes boom and you scan your hand what oh yeah like down the hall from there what does that mean i thought you from that area so wait we need to decide who we're voting on or else it's going to be a tie i'm going to vote i'm going to vote um i'll kill stephen you're going to vote i'm definitely down i told you this was gonna happen why could we not come to one vote guys what the i told you i told you keely and i voted vinnie before anybody else did anything oh man yo beautiful people we have 10 000 people in here right now thomas just dropped a 100 donation you guys are mad legends we got tico coming who's gonna be our 10th player um oh wait somebody's not muted somebody's not muted who's not muted i've yo kelly might be the i i i just joined but i'm gonna mute oh my voice he goes in here guys anybody in here no tico watch his fortnite vids i'm super stoked to have him oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh don't no no no no no no no no i don't like this this this ain't a vibe this i'm not loving this dude can you please leave me alone i don't know who boy chungus is but this is not great no way is he going to kill me right here no way is he going to kill me in the air didn't think so okay i'm going back to the king's cup don't kill me please don't do it yes okay we're looking we're looking beautiful right now ladies and gentlemen we're looking beautiful all right we're heading up all right come on come on come on [Music] um oh my god dead bodies we got a lot okay i'm telling you we need to kill off stephen no you don't you dare then we kill off vinnie oh i i was running with president and he was even listening to me i'm gonna eat your cheerios tonight it was i did i feel like it was you i i feel like it was you bro uh probably all right sorry guys i was telling tico to make sure he updated his whoa whoa whoa whoa why is he standing near that why is he yo he lurking why is he lurking is he doing a task or is he lurking next to the hole because he wants ah dude this is bad no no no no no boy chungus yo boy chungus this ain't looking pretty when you're doing asteroids guys this is how you die at least i got those gamerboy skills you know what i'm saying could pop these asteroids pretty fast um i've got one more task i really don't want to die too i can't believe we haven't seen a dead body this entire time you see guys you guys see that fast tasks um i think we're gonna find a dead body over here stream does anybody know who it is specimen i'm going into where you don't want to go guys because i feel like specimen you can find some dead bodies oh mad piggy any dead bodies in here no way there's no dead bodies i can't believe this there's no chance stream where are the dead bodies everybody's saying it's brianna is it really brianna if it's actually brienne i'm gonna be so mad oh okay there's vinnie again i just haven't seen any dead bodies like we're done with our tasks guys now that we're done with our tasks we can basically stalk people i think i believe you guys that it's brianna because she's bad at video games and she's barely sabotaged oh there wait i found brie where'd she go where'd she go where'd she go oh oh right here i'm gonna witness a murder on camera i told you preston vote vinnie yeah and you guys just like straight listening to him i got it there's no [Laughter] okay game is being uh remade i'm putting in the new code oh wait hang on i need to leave it there dude i went to probably we're leaving oh i said the codes are like invalid does that mean it's updated or oh just at the out the right side you can click on betas and then change the thing in there to private beta stream you guys are awesome we have 15 000 people in here right now i cannot be more thankful for everybody you guys are awesome thank you so much guys i'm sorry i can't wait to be the imposter i want to be the imposter and make some big plays for everybody who's watching i won't let you guys down when i'm in the imposter we will win i will win for everybody watching right now he literally watched you walk up to you i know steven was just small brain steven's small brain he didn't do anything you didn't do the task at the beginning dude i found it the public base it's not always it doesn't spawn there every time no it does it does it's not a default spawn it it yeah yes it is what oh we got some tryhards i played a couple of games with the disguised toast and you you get to know things you don't need to know about this game like doesn't he like count like who's going to be the imposter next round do you have the new code yeah literally in there you said new code right below the new code dude that's okay she looks great she likes your hat wait are you missing caleb okay we're all good let me make sure everything's all good on the tab side i want to be i want to be an imposter i'm going to add one more task because i finished all mine yeah i finished mine too wait wait is it just one of them two it's two imposters okay let's go boys let's go baby give me the impostor stream i am going to slap slap clap clap come on oh my god why do i never get it man why do i never get it i'm so mad vinny over here dude get the get out of here vinny ain't no way is he gonna kill somebody this close okay i'm gonna spam these got them gamer boy click i think i reported it let me see in front of spawn oh wait i didn't do it do you mean what's my alibi did it pass lights were off i guess i couldn't see anything i walked south and i see a report button so i hit it what do you mean what's my album me and kylian were left in the in the ship and then we all saw him kill him yeah okay so me and me and caleb sound like wait hey you saw me in the ship the lights were off how'd you see me i didn't see you yeah because we walked up on you on the body what do you mean on the body the lights were off i couldn't see anyone i just saw a report button yeah he could have just reported and not known how does it how does it work with lights like when yeah well you can everyone is everyone blind how are you somebody without seeing it well i well i was in storage and i was just walking towards electrical expansion okay hold on but now so someone someone who knows the game can you explain lights how does that work there's a lot of shade going on here guys can turn off the lights and then right technically someone could have killed him but you were like standing right next to the body so randall thank you so much for the super chats guys i appreciate y'all okay because i didn't see anything i don't think it's rob i just i don't think it's wrong yeah who else was there keeley hasn't said a word and she was next to the murdered body no i walked up and rob was there over there me and kelly walked up to it together are you sure wait wait wait wait wait does that mean it's keeley and caleb this might be a keely and caleb brother sister combo and bob i'm voting keeley i really didn't say anything even when she i thought i saw little timmy go straight down but i don't know if he went back up i didn't have a task at the beginning though little timmy sauce oh bye kaylee because i didn't think it was keeley i saw her guys i literally have no idea we might have just killed an innocent sister i don't know boys we've got the lights off too this is not a good sign i'm trying to do my tasks over here very quick though so i can get out of here i'ma eat the wheat boys okay lights come okay what all right yo what is going on this is the dumbest game oh you didn't even report a body all right what happened wait maddie died i'm mad he's dead all right listen rob wow let's listen to rob we have our priests all right here here's the thing here's the thing i'm pissed because i'm new to this game i'm new to this game i see the report button i hit it and then caleb's all like yo minke [Laughter] if oh and i was like okay keely mentally we are going to come both of them and then i killed one of them and then keeley just sprinted the opposite [Laughter] oh you have to leave a like on the stream or i'm not gonna get imposter like it's just not gonna happen i literally been trying to get imposter for so dadgum long this is ridiculous also notice caleb didn't oh caleb didn't go for the default task at the top oh oh who killed them at this point okay i'm just gonna say this like i know preston can clear me because i saw caleb and preston go up as i went down and i literally just finished the key test go down see caleb go back for the key task and then rob votes his dead body and reports his dead body so who did it did nobody didn't see anything we were all stacked there guys really nobody saw nothing you wait i like birds why is the kill cooldown so short it's 30 seconds you can do keys oh it is i was gonna say normally you don't have to be afraid you can just get it and then get out of the stack yeah but remember at the beginning there's no kill cooldown when you first start i don't know man i saw the report button and i hit the report button again i'm just hi we don't have enough evidence so i skip someone someone's sketchy someone yeah was somebody killed somebody in the spaceship that spawned someone dude vinny sounds like he's in a tunnel inside of a tunnel inside of a fishbowl i think it's i think it's all right let's go let's go all right what a nice clean game ladies and gentlemen i need uh assistance oh i don't know who the imposter is i have yet to be the imposter this is actual this is oh no no no no no no no no not with the lights coming down stream what do i do yeah guys banana is breeze if you guys see somebody named banana that's that's that's my cute blonde wife brianna oh i don't like that there's all these people here okay this is dumb this is dumb we got a lot of people in the area right now tico's gonna go into security cameras i respect it mad piggy was really far away though ah this is bad boys [Music] i don't like this what come on task [Music] uh okay somebody's actually doing weapons i can clear this person's name tico is definitely innocent because the weapons you see do you guys see how the weapons are firing right now while he's doing the task that means he is 100 innocent because imposters can't fake tasks like that so we know it's definitely not him that's a good sign yo emperor thanks for becoming a member of the stream you rock i appreciate you oh god emergency meeting okay what's going down okay i'm actually annoyed because i got to the very end of the spin the water barrel thing and you called the button and that one so i know tico's innocent because i saw him doing weapons and you can see the animation of the weapons oh yeah firing so that's some try harder okay i've watched a five minute ticket i didn't know i i didn't know you had visual tasks on oh i can turn that off i think i think you should turn off for the next game because yeah yeah yeah yeah listen yeah i have a question okay okay so i'm trying to don't do the download task but i don't know how you click the button not working click download i've been i've been clicking so much nothing happens all right that's kind of so you're lagging you're lagging is it is it maybe not working because you don't have any tasks no don't i have tasks i swear hang on don't pick on the new guy all right rob wasn't working rob wait nick does it like pull it up the pop-up and then you click download but it doesn't go did you see anything and then i can't well okay wait i'm gonna clear i think like keely and possibly i think a little timmy because i did the node thingy with keeley and then stephen and i both were doing the temperature by the lava for a bit so i would say i was telling myself if preston dies it's a little to me and timmy dies wait i have a 100 i called the meeting and i yeah you won't talk you need to talk right 40 seconds your canadian voice i'm skipping you're on the clock now's your time what i was on the right hand side of the map i did the telescope huh you just said it you said the map weird yeah your voice went up are you feeling a little uncomfortable i think it's free it's us um so what i called the meeting i was to the left of the like that main open room and i saw i think it was preston and nick did you guys see purple run to the right at all like were you with purple at all purple was sketchy because purple was not fixing lights she came to lights after everybody fixed i've seen purple that's because i was doing i was doing the notes down at the very bottom did you see purple at the beginning at the end of the level at the end of the game you see maddie got two votes what the heck you haven't seen purple at all okay i did a task with keely and with stephen okay guys i don't know who it is i i definitely have some eerie i'm definitely a little bit i'm not you won't catch me alone with brianna that's her shirt rob don't leave me bro don't leave me bro i'm kind of sketched out right now i'm kind of sketched out because bree is like i gotta refuel without dying oh man this task i don't like this task guys because you know you gotta go in for more it's so tough look at this i gotta refill the whole gas can again oh tico's coming in hey what's up tico i think t goes honestly my escort oh we got calm sabotage we should fix these i'm gonna fill this up real quick first though all right all right rob is hanging out with me got my homies hanging let's fix the cons there we go comes fixed ah look at that dude breeze dude i think it's free i think it's free guys look at how she's running i mean we need to finish our tasks but she's not dumb enough to kill us in front of everybody is she look she's pretending to do this she's totally pretending to do this right now oh no no no where'd she go gee i don't even want to follow her so if i go into specimen room there's a good chance we're going to die i just want to let everybody know we got 22 000 witnesses in the stream by the way thank you guys so much for watching if you guys are new to the channel if you want to hit that red subscribe button you can make it great if you want to stick around uh appreciate you guys but i think it's brief somebody's saying it's bree and mad piggy and i would not be shocked like seriously i would not be shocked oh my gosh why am i so slow on this one right now i would not be shocked i just don't want to be in specimen room for too long because this place is a danger zone if i see mad piggy up here i'm going to literally dead sprint oh please don't be up here in med bay don't be in the laboratory don't be in the laboratory oh we're good all right we have completed all of our tasks yet again oh look at this though look at this i'm sorry dude i'm on you mad piggy i'm on to you she's gonna close the door she's gonna sabotage the door and kill me i'm pretty sure boy chungus which is my brother caleb i think he's innocent oh no no no okay wait okay the body before i say where the body is i want to know where everyone is i'm on cams yeah okay okay i just left laptop i just left so i just left laboratory and it's not rihanna and mad piggy were there because she was walking around i am walking around because i already finished all my tasks [Laughter] no way she's like or yeah so we can we can win by beating all the tasks or voting off the two imposters i'm pretty sure by the way thank you so much for the 20 super chat bro wrestling on the right side much love guys like basically so many people in here you guys have been avoiding something so but unless they're in groups of two but i want to take a stab at i'm sorry the two females brianna and mad piggy you guys are mad sauce i voted for matt piggy last round i'm gonna do it again all right here's the thing each other i wasn't going to vote maddie but i'll i'll speed run it just i think thank you guys guess what yo you know they're both imposters you know they both voted for me you know it you literally know that's what they just did it's both of them hundred percent it's great because no listen if if one of them was innocent or whatever then they would have just voted yo tiffany thank you for becoming a member of the stream look there she is there's brianna follower follower oh she's trying to use the hole you trying to use the whole brianna guys don't leave me it's definitely brie it's definitely bree i'm going to keep following her she's going to kill me she's going to kill me why is nobody here now i'm running away there thank you thank you i have a witness i need witnesses it's 100 brianna where are you going ladies and gentlemen if it's not brianna i will give away a cactus jones plushie to everybody watching no i actually can't afford that but i i want to but i faked ash it's brief it's it's she fake just take her out just take her out no listen she walked up to it stood there for five seconds then walked away and the taskboard didn't update and preston has visual task on so we would have been doesn't update that's part of the update yeah part of the update the taskbar won't update meetings oh but it's still breeze [Laughter] yeah you still have you're still a visual task on so i'll do yeah i'll turn that off can people keep killing caleb every round round wait can we talk about my op kill [Music] both maddie and i did a very good job yeah it wasn't we've talked about how president has been delight like every round so far i've literally been a crew member every time guys i'm just i told you i'm the sheriff i've been dead every time i literally killed caleb in front of like 10 people and no i know once and i was like oh wow this is the easiest and you know however she actually failed so hard and then i was like i don't know i didn't see this in the beginning i can't believe that they're both yeah hi guys please give me the imposter give me imposter please please guys please leave a like on the stream so my chances of being an imposter will grow i am so mad we've played like six games and i literally haven't been an imposter the entire time this just ain't right man this just ain't right i literally never get the imposter i'm gonna cry i can't believe olympia is we almost have 30 000 beautiful people in the stream you guys are the best seriously thank you guys so much for tuning in i think we got a new member oh no tiffany i already shouted you out just making sure i didn't miss anybody i do have a little bit of a suspicion about where i is right now though i don't like when i'm isolated from everybody oh mad piggy i'm not going to chance it guys what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go i'm gonna go upload the files while they're hopefully doing lights and i hopefully don't die we can't guarantee it we can't guarantee it but we could try how does cactus jones look in the green screen i bet he looks weird does he look weird he's a cactus plushie that probably just looks like a floating green thing [Music] okay i was on i was in the laboratory side um and i was doing my telescope task checking out uh different space figures and and vincent was there and for some reason he just did he like did a task for like a second and then sprinted away and i was like okay and so i finished my task i went to find him and found his body in half in his neck torn now is that interesting wait wait i have something to announce who has necks i don't got a neck that's just yeah none of us have a chance now i have an announcement okay healing with sketch following me around then she hesitated because she saw other people by me and then crept away in the dark i'll tell you right now not enough not enough to vote but uh does anybody see any people right outside the ship in the last 20 seconds um yeah well the lights lights were all good i mean like because he i don't know if he died during the lights i was gonna clear wolf list because he's the only one that likes when i went up and so i don't think i was like i don't know i was like wait i gotta go fix these items you're still at the door yeah they were out for so long yeah we have nothing we have nothing yeah that's right who's wait before we're too dead dude do we know where the other person oh by the way big shout out we just had a generation i didn't even see sharon brown yeah yeah uh i like how dude i mean literally the two production employees were killed first for me real quick i'm gonna clear i'm just gonna clear tico because tico and i were doing tasks you guys killed my cameraman stream said tico so i just followed all right that's it that's it we still got oh my gosh stream we still got to fix lights rob please don't kill me this by the way guys if you guys hear me say rob that's i woofles even see that lock down there oh this is sketch boys this is a little sketchy magechi come on oh my gosh stop flicking it stop it stop it thank you i think i was actually flicking them the wrong way yo uzier thank you so much for becoming a member i i think i botched your name and i i i deeply apologize look at the new wires they look so cool oh what fools why is wuffles following me dude all right i'm doing o2 come on we got to go fast boys come on come on come on come on yo emmanuel thank you for the 5 super chat bro so i was doing my task i was getting a little i'm a little bit nervous that we got rob over here all right come on come on come on um we should be good we should be good yo milo don thank you for becoming a member of the stream sorry i i think i mispronounced her name again i'm a little good at mispronouncing things apologies right seismic gravity i can't every seismic activity has been reset why is rob stalking me so tough bro like i haven't done anything suspicious i'm just a good honest man trying to fix some wires you know what i'm saying trying to fix wires come up oh my fudging gosh you got to be kidding me that was so dumb can you go into the wire oh oh dude i thought i died so i'm sorry i have to report two bodies i know that looks nice okay okay actually wait let him talk let him talk where where was it what like what's top right side i was with tico he saw me and then i like lily just went up to the right to finish my last task or second to last task and then keely's body was on the floor oh wait is it wait it's in laboratory oh yeah i think it's mad well actually no it's not my picking nevermind i was gonna say well also i don't think it's a self-report because i was on vitals and the body died and i started going down to admin to see if there was a yeah you can see when bodies die and he didn't report the body to like 10 to 12 seconds after it died so i don't the only thing that's i think a little bit weird just a little bit weird because i need to say two things is preston total total like clear because i saw him go to reactor i went up to the left because i know he was like on the left side he went to the left reactor cleared i went to go check to see if there was a body yeah but i went to go check so that's cool but when reactor went off like caleb you went to the like bottom right i went to the top okay i came in middle right next to tico much love 28 000 people you guys are amazing no because thank you guys so much that's not true that's not true at all because i saw you at the bottom of the map when the reactors went off and i went straight towards so i was on vitals and caleb came like up from like the bottom left entrance so and this is when reactors were going off yes yes i thought you were like okay let's chill chill i don't know dude i tico your alibi don't add up bro no uh and he's been doing tasks you've been watching like first round what have you been doing yeah i know brianna can clear me brienne can clear me yeah she just told me to do this not everybody could be clear did anyone else vouch for you guys yeah just youtube vouch for each other yeah everyone wait wait wait what about boys we're not vouching for each other i vote for tico i think it's teego we have to vote someone off we have to caleb i think no thanks for the lego boost yeah i don't like where i am right now this could be a double kill for them [Music] i don't like getting stalked boys i think i'm dead i i i'm definitely dead i am 100 dead ready i feel it what's in this i do need to go to specimen for my last task i'm gonna die though i'm gonna die don't kill me i think caleb's doing wires right now i can't tell oh my gosh somebody's doing seismic come on bro i'm trying to go in specimen and do this box task please let me do it before i die all right dope so caleb's innocent i think caleb's definitely gonna said not a murderer i think it's tico and nick tico and nick are very suspicious right now stream what do you guys think i just don't know if it's brie cause like she's if it's breeze she's doing too well because normally brianna doesn't play this one i don't know i got i just don't think it's i don't think it's brief i feel like it's tico i'm gonna see if i can stalk him okay nobody's up here at the top caleb's stalking me though that's fine where's tikko at though haven't seen tico in a hot moment all right we got mad piggy over here she hasn't said a whole lot in this video the bad thing about being on cameras too is that you can die really easy oh my god and lights are off aren't they oh what's that sound what's that sound okay we gotta go for lights oh i don't like this caleb's inside fix lights okay caleb's definitely innocent 100 no [Music] came up to me and murdered me i'm like oh maddie's going to call it out man he's going to call it out i know what rob rob chased me to prove my innocence to have an alibi and i was like there's a chance very small that rob is doing this to prove his innocence i was following president and he wasn't and then i was really trying to bait this one of you to kill me and it worked it was the last thing here's how you know it's maddening because i was like i was on admin there was someone in storage then immediately it when it went away in storage it popped up an ad and i was like oh and i was like i can't i can't handle those guys we have 30 000 people watching and i still cannot become the imposter oh man so for everybody's watching um there was a public like there's a public beta version of among us right now on steam it's only on pc but you've got uh tasks bars you can change how they update the wires look a little bit different it's just like a couple you got anonymous voting so it's pretty cool so if you guys are new to the channel you guys can totally hit that subscribe button if you want to i would appreciate that but it's totally up to you i will however ask people to leave a like on the stream so i can become the imposter because we're like seven games deep and your boy has become the imposter yet it's starting to get a little depressing it's really sad i just want to be the imposter one game man like what are the chances here i also really don't want to die i don't think i've died yet i will say that there is no um and i saw blue die and then i when i walked out of vitals on the right side timmy's walking down not not like he came from the left side but from he ca like there's a vent or like a hole basically right outside oh by the way and i walk in the laboratory and the body is like basically the room right outside the vent and timmy coming from there like there's no way it's not to me that's a very good explanation pretty convincing kind of doubt about chico to be honest hello wait who are we going for it what do you have to say man i was going down into specimen what happened no tell me what happened you went down to specimen you saw bree no no no i was up north going down toy specimen walked depressed breathe yo cool chicken toys thanks for the twenty five dollar don't know yeah that's love okay blue had been dead then okay so what are we voting for a little timmy or chico wait breathe that you saw me did you see timmy walks out i did not that he's the imposter get him out of here because jimmy walked down from there ah okay okay he didn't have anonymous time we could see who else voted me dude anonymous voting's lit okay it's part of the new update we got to flex it it's good it's good yeah i kind of like it i didn't think i was an anonymous voting type all right i'm not looking for so guys we do have this i have yet to die it's been six games in a row i have yet to be the imposter but i've also yet to die can we please get a fire emoji in the chat for preston living like larry i've been living like wait am i is this it hello spaceship there it is all right telescope test done you know i'm going to die here in the med bay you know i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead dang 92 pounds my morning eating some sandwiches how am i 92 pounds i'm like a little lightweight god i want to be the imposter so bad guys if i'm the imposter please do not tell people that i'm the imposter do you guys trust me bendy thanks for the five pound bro you legend also illidan thank you for the five pound or five dollars not pounds my bad if i do become the imposter don't and if you guys are watching anybody else's streams don't don't spoil it okay i want it to be a surprise i mean i could also stream snipe brief i wanted to which would be really funny i'm not going to stream sniper this time but i might if i become the crew member again because i've been it so many times i might stream snipe brianna because i know that brianna is streaming at real time latency which means like when you watch her oh my gosh that was the creepiest thing i've ever seen my wife was waiting for me to come out of the doors i did not like that sam i am now i didn't like that one chief all right let's fix these lights who's over here at the lights okay rob is at the lights [Music] oh we got a dead sister do you all know how hard asteroids is with a track pad 2020 who's playing with the trackpad okay who recorded the body rob voted okay so rob what'd you see bro who said it to me i said what'd you see no no you reported it we're saying you recorded it oh you're not you're not saying that i was the killer no i want to see what you see yeah why why what kind of questioning everything now this is getting weird lights were off so defensive lights were off first of all i saw vitals i saw brown was dead so that is confirmed um lights are off what the who's voting what you vote for you you're suss yes we got 90 seconds listen listen guys guys guys please matty uh lights were off i turned them back on by the way imposter lull um imposters can do that because i saw okay whatever um i saw uh preston come out of uh cameras i said no i came to the right bro came through the double doors and then and then i saw rob i don't know rob that's enough for me dude that's i i've literally been farming likes and subscriptions because i should be imposter yet i watched preston run into electrical wait where were you because you were the you were right next to the body when i reported it right outside of cameras were you not on cameras me no i came from the right side no nick what nick wait i'm confused where were you man where were you at the end where was i i was i was towards electrical but i think where was i right as the thing went off oh dude if we don't vote okay shucks dude i don't know what happened it's definitely nick we have to vote him off like we have to otherwise we're gonna lose right like we're literally gonna lose if we don't vote him off it's definitely nick nick is definitely one of the imposters he was tasting he was chasing me caleb we have to i've been done with my task 100 why are you so vehement about killing me dude because you're from idaho now get out of here why do you hate the idaho and struggle preston is i don't recommend stream sniping but if you do it go ahead i'm innocent i wish i wasn't i've been asking to be at the entire time vinnie why haven't you voted oh sorry i was distracted by that i was heading towards a task vinny i was heading towards a task there's got to be one more there has to be because two people voted for rob all right so that means there's uh i'm so stressed out everybody gamers dude keeley's big dumb boys sorry guys my sister smooth brain i apologize for her why are you stressed i'm so confused all right then uh oh okay okay i i think i know who it is who is it who is it okay so i want to say that while everybody was still in the conference room she stood still the longest guys i know it's brianna but let's start moving i want my wife to win i think she's filming this for a youtube video so i want her to win i am going to turn everybody on maddie ran into a bookshelf because my map was over by the way mason thanks for coming to a member of the stream we're going down a specimen i'm going doors were locked i'm gonna turn when the lights went off i was i'm gonna let everyone you know like how it decons let's get a letter stuck in there it's me no it's not preston it's me i voted myself no it's you didn't vote anyone it says you haven't bree if you would have voted for vinnie you do realize [Music] why did you not say that you left me and bri alone in a group and then i died a few seconds literally oh my god dude okay dude that looks so sus because timmy walked down like right from the vent and then i walk in the laboratory with that the vent leads to and there's a body right outside of it i can't believe that i didn't breathe together in a room and then i definitely killed him and went through the laboratory oh i don't know where he went i legitimately didn't see the body if anyone wants to propose i'm down but um but you all have fun i hope uh preston gets imposter and wins bye maddie liking like a cup g alright are we missing okay i'm with someone can you do a double kill with me yes i love double kills double kills are great thank you who are we missing that was sick i tried i saw a very good double kill from from bree who is not playing right now vinnie arrived oh lord have mercy thank you sorry i can't wait to kill y'all i don't like the sound killed me and i was like i was like oh brother whatever bro whatever it's not meant to be stream it's not meant to be i'm never supposed to be the imposter that's fine you know what that's what god has given me the hand i've been dealt i got a hot wife i've got amazing viewers but i can't be the imposter that's fine that's fine you know i drive a tesla what else do i need i got jesus apparently i don't need to be the imposter all right it's fine it's fine it's fun it's all good it's all good it's all good just mad guys just mad i wonder if it's my sister keeley i i bet you it's keeley no it's not keeley i'm going to specimen ah dude i literally want to go punch a rock i'm going to go punch a rock like a big massive rock you know what i'm saying oh man dude i'm mad never get oh come on dude why is this happening to me why is this happening look at this somebody's going to come into specimen and they're going to rip the flesh off of my head oh no all right we got purple dead what's up we got to rob dad who was in admin i saw someone in admit i sprinted up to is edmonds in the middle right i was in specimen oh shoot wait i mean actually i don't know if it's the double kill but either way i went up to the laboratory um and then i came down out of admin or i went down to the left to admin and there i saw someone sprint to the left i could not see the color because i pressed the report too fast because of my reflexes um i found i found rob in admin on right side i don't know bro okay wait i'm not question it wasn't it wasn't boy chungus and i don't think it wait do you know if it's a recent kill or what i have no idea it probably was because i saw someone in the left-hand screen i slipped i saw someone's like little tiny little did you come from from top or bottom of electrical i was heading towards the top oh okay so you came from the bottom who was in admin last because vinnie would have came from that area brie and then at the bottom and then when the lights went off i was heading to electrical i need to remember the room names yeah so i can vouch for for bree because she she had a chance to kill me if she was the imposter and she didn't well but they can't kill you if you're both imposters uh i do i got i got nothing i got and then i saw that person on the left has been very quiet kid you have a set like uh something to say here i don't know man she's just muted oh the only reason you would forget to unmute is if you're the imposter you got my vote you got my vote in this presidential election i was gonna i was gonna guess uh brie and vinnie because i know bri was in o2 so she definitely wasn't with vinnie the whole time yeah i went straight tonight i think it's vinnie and right i don't know i'm lost i can just go i don't know i'm looking i'm looking for i was quiet because i accidentally left my thing all new i think it's keeley guys i'm pretty sure it's the old kaylee she got red hair she my sister you know what they say about redheaded sisters okay they're the imposter oh what's that this guy's like i said eating pasta no shane eating pasta but what is this one uh have i never done this one before i think i've done this one once i let anything i've done this one oh no no no no tico hello tico all right it's not i don't think it's tigo he ju maybe it is tigo maybe it's vinnie i don't know dude i'm getting stalked right now getting stalked right now refilling the water jug all right hold on i got a shout out over here jerome andrew thank you so much for the super chat kwe thank you so much says can you say hi charlie what's up charlie so many beautiful viewers in here can we reach 40 000 viewers that would be okay so the max viewers i think i've ever had in the live stream guys is 38 000 38 500. it's crazy like we're about to break that it's insane you guys are awesome oh somebody was killed in here maybe not oh i might be killed in here i still haven't died yet isn't that crazy i have yet to die in a game i i've literally played eight games as crew members haven't died so insane man oh laboratory oh god it's my last task is it wires it is it's the third and a third wire top five gaming bro thank you so much for becoming a member you absolute legend all right let's get this task done lickety-split come on no no oh my god i hate that stop it i keep clicking off i gotta stop doing that you boy creed thank you for the hundred dollar super chat thank you so much keely keeley wait is she got med base scan has she got med base can i've also not reported one dead body this entire game yo this is sus this is yo it's keeley it's keeley she totally just killed the lights to kill me i'm like 95 percent sure that's key it's k it's dude it's keely right it's gotta be i'm pretty sure oh my god okay caleb is innocent so i'm not too worried then he's coming in here it's keith i'm making an emergency meeting we're calling the emergency meeting and we are killing my sister it's definitely keeley it's keeley one million percent it's definitely keeley so i voted first of all i noticed that tico was near her when tico was killed i didn't see the body but keeley hid in the corner near the third wire set where the hole is and then the lights magically started to go off and then she started coming out and running no but i don't think it's impressive it's gotta be who did wait who voted somebody else okay finish your task boys if we can get people to finish their tasks this will be the first game we win by tasks being finished thank you emily all right come on come on come on come on come on all right hello let me get a new super chat yo cool chicken toys thanks for the 10 bucks bro mucho levo all right we got lights coming in i'm gonna go hit those lights somebody might already be there at the lights hello all right take care of those why was i so slow on that i don't know i'm going to cams bro i think it's time to go to cans it was caleb that's the first game i've died in eight games oh i literally haven't died once this stream that is my first death that's my first death we might have lost the game somebody finished their tasks bro yes let's go let's go baby let's go that is the first game i have died in eight games the first time i've ever died oh my gosh oh these boys dude i was so and girls that was good you'd might if my coconut was one i would have won if i literally i was literally next to vincent was it kitty wait who was the other blaster was he kidding me i found out it's pretty easy if you just suss keely and let her die [Applause] poker voice not smoker voice smoke a voice yeah he was remembered i gotta run i gotta edit the video it was it was real hi by nick thank you man hey hey kaley mute your mic for those you gotta mute your bike for him no no listen listen goodbye from mason it says you're due to impression is way cooler and better than you but it's five dollars to me [Laughter] spending the money wisely we ban this person yeah like [Laughter] yo rob what's his name a discord so when he joins i can his name and this score is sorry okay that's that's not helpful though yeah we need one more um i i have a i could probably we might be able to get josh josh might be able to join you want me to go run into his room and grimsby um it's just play-doh it's just play-doh i didn't see no play-doh joining the difficult number though i don't need that i'm watching i'm watching people i'm watching new joins in the discord so i can rank them and move them um everybody's saying is this just like a like a openness yeah it's like a well this one's a private channel obviously but yeah it's the public it's the public discipline dude what's wrong with you it's a file rob what are we going to be doing imposters oh man when the when the game was gonna you guys are epic so i mean you're chilling um probably a fake wildcat i mean i could dm he's too good though dude he's too good i think that's enough people all right dude there's so many says he's tried joining but it's like loading yeah stop joining the discord can i just give him preston just give me a link i can send him that just automatically yeah i got you i got you because we got that boost [Music] all right okay yeah yeah yeah yeah i forgot don't start the anthem in a in a in a channel with a bunch of uh you got a bunch of americans and texans okay canadian to be fair though like straight up do you like sing that that anthem is just secure thank you i think it's i think there might be a difference no because we have the beautiful discord quality in this one it's got the 384 kilobytes beautiful okay well i thought group chats were higher quality no like because it's server three boosted it's verified and partnered america just throw that out there yeah i'm flexing just here what you want from me they still decline or they didn't decline my partnership but they just haven't responded yet dang it it took me 30 seconds just kidding just kidding just kidding rip i am only getting it i love wired headphones all right we got we got tango in here yo he's rocking the same thing tango's one of my homies he was one of my first my 750th subscriber on this channel oh i know tango yeah yeah yeah yeah dude yeah we met him in the uk bro we met him we met him in the uk bro long time ago all right whatever is your guy come we'll play one game until your guy comes rob look he's trying he's can't even join the discord apparently dude like it's not working well give him the code at the very least i mean oh yeah i guess no no no no no no no no no he can still type he could still type nah that's not exactly and that's us that's us that's game play right there um i don't know how to get him in here dude what do you want me to get us i don't know it's throttled it's throttled we got too many amazing people trying to join guys people watching the stream stop joining oh my god okay listen we're just gonna start it up we'll play it nobody did and why did he say yo david c thank you so much for becoming a member hey kristen what's up okay now i'll ask you after this okay but okay no i'm actually curious though what what what is t go on about hey we got a lot of people doing the basic task over here at the beginning homies um i'm a little bit suspicious about this rahur so i literally have yet again not not the imposter guys again can we just can we talk about this how preston never gets imposter everybody's pulse is fine the old sim song nobody's been killed yet huh we'll see how long that lasts [Music] oh oh brown was just killed brown was just killed all right who was who was near brown i was watching on the heart rate monitors brown was just ko'd two people um me vinnie and rob were all at top right wait tico you want to ask your question right now or what oh okay yeah no my question was uh okay well i can't see it now but preston when i went on your stream your webcam like when you lean back all the way since this green screen doesn't show the code uh i don't know but it don't matter because we got everybody in here is everybody in here you know what i'm saying bro yeah my friend my friend joined so if you want to look for him in the desk who was it who's the imposter where are you he called preston called president so i saw boy timmy just got rko'd out of nowhere i was literally so i called the emergency meeting i don't know i called the emergency meeting because i was on the heart rate monitor and so i was watching it and i was like is anybody near timmy i literally pressed the emergency meeting 20 seconds after this wait is there [Music] no listen okay so wait bri is there anyone with you right now i'm alone i was in the o2 room and i just finished filling the canisters somebody was a little sketched because they ran in there and ran out but i didn't see who i'm skipping we don't know where the body is rob what's his name play like p-l-a-d-o okay i'm going to tell you look president preston whenever there's a body on vitals check admin because sometimes if there's a room with one person alone that could be it and then you can check and then report it just don't waste a meeting on it though oh no all right yeah and like preston when you're leaning back into the green screen can you see if you're imposter what yeah i know that's a strange question it's a strange question yo by the way thank you so much for the membership bro william t spears pamela palandalo five dollar super chat from rae thank you so much ray oh my gosh what kind of a hat is this vinnie's got a sword in his head i never seen one of those before yeah i'm kind of obsessed with the old tango though kind of sass with the old tango i'm gonna get i'm gonna get the other people in here all right let me see oh what is this i think i can keep streaming for a while guys oh i did i didn't see i didn't see i didn't see i was paying attention ah i don't like this one this one takes a long time oh my god when i do that what i'm so dumb i was rushing guys because i gotta pee i'm dead i'm dead it's all over come on come on there we go there we go i didn't die we didn't die we did the longest task in specimen and we didn't die shannon thank you for becoming a member of the stream you rock becoming a member malachi does cost money but don't feel obligated it's totally up to you guys if you want to support or not you guys are already supporting by watching okay you don't got to donate you don't got to become a member it's appreciated but not needed so i don't want you guys to feel pressured ain't no pressure baby ain't no chick playing all right so we're going to go until o2 any dead corpses over here uh i don't know why i don't like this one a whole lot hmm yo barca kelso thank you so much for becoming a member elmi appreciate you somebody in the stream goes i'm rich oh oh losing through these tasks let's go yeah dude we killed the task skip this who cares i got one pass left i'm trying to find rob i'm trying to find your boy plata plata i'm trying to find him okay i'm a killer queen when did he join what time where's the body tango oh no man it's joining the next last like 10 minutes dude is tango in the call no he's not he's in the chat i'm trying to get him oh my god tango dude this is so man this is so difficult oh wait tangos not in the call doesn't matter you know like who's got tasks left just win the game where the body is oh yeah right right all right or no it's six oh he's in public room one dude who is in public room one there he is he's in public room one bring him down plato red kill caleb all right i'm moving i'm moving i'm moving you said he's oh wait i think he's joking nevermind because he's because caleb is ready he said he's sorry that's all right guys i killed myself that's my bad dude dang that stuff my chat just told me who the imposter is so now i can't say anything yo who cares just keep yo breathe breathe breathe breathe listen to me follow me okay protect me okay i think it's left i'll let you be my bodyguard do we don't have any idea wait vinnie were you on vitals who cares is the body older it's a noob it's tango he doesn't know what he's doing yeah no i think it's tango yeah tango is playing with the conference room dude somebody just joined the discord of the name glizzy i love this i just i just reading off their names are just reading off their names yeah it was a glitzy i would name my son glizzy yo you better [Laughter] oh why am i laughing like this guys ah dude don't do it rob rob a dob flop ain't got no job please don't murder me so we're done riley we've big done vinnie vinnie vinny any of anybody vinny vinny looking sass over here chief i honestly want to go to cameras chico just came from top left anybody dead okay nobody's dead in cameras this is this is where you go to die though unfortunately a lot of people over here woofles banana and tico all right they just entered the laboratory it's good to know okay we got lights though hold on maybe i can fix these lights real fast i'm going in mad quick y'all all right big light fix ooh ooh okay who's in the stadium it is tangled it is tango only other people in the stack okay it was me bri vinnie and tinkle wait person where are you oh wait dang i moved here to the voice channel just so you can die gg is tango gg's mr tango did somebody finish their tasks yeah you can do tasks as a ghost in case you didn't know please all right guys [Music] [Applause] do you need the code i'm sorry i got i'll send it time i'll send you oh i got i was waiting for you to come first i didn't did you even no no bro dude look look when there's six people and there's two imposters left if you double kill you win and i was like in that group for so long i turned off lights everyone was running i killed the body no one even went back to report it and then you still killed him i was like oh no wait we missed it we got somebody to click play next you know plato i got you homie oh there he's in here all right all right i got one more game left in me oh my god i got more than one that's what you guys are i got the energy for 15 year old my freaking gosh dude i'm actually so mad at this game i'm so mad i literally never i just i just it's okay it's okay never get to be impossible first it's okay oh that's fake he faked it this is so dumb man just like why do i never get to be the imposter i'm the imposter please kill me i'm so mad i just i don't understand guys i think preston left his mic off me he said he was the imposter i just don't why do i never get to be the impossible is this uh among us on needed version or what are we doing here i don't know dude i just want to be a version i want a dude i want to be the imposter i want to be the applauser so bad stream what have i done have i sinned have i sinned i must have done something bad all right we got vinnie and all these guys over here banana and tango vinnie's stalking me a little bit too close i'm back on cameras no action on cameras y'all um okay we got fred woofles and vinnie over here tico and banana are kind of close timmy's over there as well interesting i think they know i'm on cameras i'm gonna back up i just don't get it i just don't get it i can't ever be the imposter it's literally impossible for me i think it's rob i don't even care i just left lights oh oh rob we just walked over the dead body at the same time who who ran out who was that who just ran out was that keely keeley yeah i think i think i saw keeley no it's not me i was doing the spin the wheel task who is this laboratory i think i'm pretty sure it was i think i saw richard gerard i was in i don't know what the name of it because i was just talking about wait was that who was that who was it was it fred or was it keeley it wasn't me hello my name is fred and i was doing the the time and you walked over and you walked over the dead you walked over the dead body yeah you didn't report it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you're in the telescope top right that's it i'm killing fred okay okay wait wait wait wait before you vote anyone off where did you see keely guys i'm telling you i was doing the little what's it called the ship wheel the where is that at where is that at i don't know i don't know the name of it i don't know this map i think it's fred boyce it's a different task earlier i think it's keeley because i saw herself and now it's you know i don't know she was near the o2 tank at first oh that's where it was oh two i was in o2 doing the the piper now it was o2 because i looked at the map and i was like i think it i think it's a fred i think it's ready hey caleb you want to uh oh i'm lying i totally forgot i can play the video game holy freak i forgot oh my god okay let's go i don't know man that's saying this ain't looking good for us boys keep an eye on fred nobody killed fred wait wait why did nobody why did you guys not vote for me bro yeah they keep saying it's quiet can't believe nobody voted fred off can't believe it can't not believe it totally fred too it's literally fred you guys threw fred ran i can't believe this janice thank you for your motivation i appreciate you janice goes win this win this i've actually only died one game so i'm i'm impressed hello hello thing uh what am i looking for this thing nope i love that tango mute before i kill you i'm going to i'm literally i'm i'm literally going to go i i okay that's it stream i'm going to use the bathroom because i never get the imposter and then i get and then i get murdered so i'm going i'm going to pee i'm sorry i have to it's a rage p i have the rage p tango what are you doing tango all right okay i had to alt tap to mute and then like i just found the body and i couldn't click on it i was like clicking my button so hard it just wasn't like reporting it is it is that the way you're trying to click room and there was preston on the ground and tico and i was about to support button button so does it wait so does it have to be uh robert robert tango because rob would you be willing to do a 50 50 here no are you sure uh 50 50 50 is what is this 50 50. is this like deal or no deal are you shorts tango like you saw him do it so i can kill him and then if not him then no i just saw him literally dancing on the body like that's all like he was like dancing he was like i was just paying respect it was just hold on caleb because honestly honestly the whole i thought it was good you're i'm voting you out i'm literally right now i think it i think she's red and it's tango and fred because preston was sussing fred fred probably killed wait who was next who found preston's buddy did you find president's body or i haven't so stream who is it anyone i think it's wrong it's rob it's robin i wouldn't do that it has to be rob it has to be robin robin fred then because i think it's i think it's robin i just i don't call it the only reason i think you're such is because you did this whole like oh i didn't even know i was alive xd then i mean i i i ride every round at the beginning yeah but you know thank you so much for the five dollars yeah but then you can still loosen the 2v2 but oh no see it see it i think we lost guys i think we're losing okay i think i think we lost i think we lost come on man how's this happening to us we used to be one of the beautiful people okay i still got to do my task and i'm dead so many beautiful people here in the stream guys thank you guys so much for watching seriously you guys are the best i see everybody who's saying win i mean i'm dead we can't win technically we could win but i'm dead i really want to get oh mike i knew it i knew i told you hey by the way don't vote fred don't vote for fred don't vote fred don't vote fred yeah guys president he's still afraid and killing yourself like well it definitely wasn't me there so you know it's fred we saw tango kids literally saw fred tango and i said oh preston sucked fred and then fred literally just killed him and so i was like it's fred and tango and then rob turned his sus 360 down the street to me out of nowhere and then i got to pull it up i would just like to mention preston and i were double killed together and it's kind of romantic i don't yeah it's so romantic honestly just why do you guys never listen to preston he's never trying to have our first child president lily never the importer and he outed fred and then preston died thank you i don't know who you are but well done dude don't talk don't talk to tango that way you're supposed to be yeah yo i got a question to make it easier if you if there's two impossible at least so like last time when there were six people left and two of them are imposted and like lights are off no one can push a button if you're in boston you'll have to unmute and just yell at them to do a double kill because like there's nothing that other people can do because double kill and win nah you're not allowed to death right there click play again let's play again come on lobby they were just on you into i play two hours don't get the impostor once everybody else gets it leaves sounds good i'm ending my stream thank you all so much for watching i appreciate it and thank you yeah come to my stream because keith quits or mine here i'll join you for one more game is it still the same code yeah it's still the same code same code one more game all right let's see if we got any other beautiful people on all right we still have eight nine dude i'm still i'm so it's just so mad dude dude nobody listens to you you're never the imposter and you always out people sorry guys that's how it works the first time i ever played for six hours this game sucks this game sucks i'm so mad what's the point what's the point guys don't do my tasks again i love doing my tasks here you go stream guys i love you guys i love you stream so much but i'm just going to be doing my tasks over and over and over again never going to get to impost people i'm never going to get to kill anybody i'm just going to sit here i'm just going to sit here megs and just fill up tasks every time what did i just see vinnie kill somebody where's the body did i just say it was preston at the seismic reactor vince kills caleb yes because he did it because he's the imposter okay well that was so funny then it totally sounds like something you would say to cover you can even hear it in your inflection of your voice fence you have zero poker face because you're too nice you're not like me and i know it's you yeah vince well even that i have a loud voice earlier so yo vince hey man how you doing vince good how are you i'm doing really good i have a question for you you have to answer it correctly uh what was the first task two questions two part what was the first task that you did i did the key thing at the very top which slot was the key and the right one oh wait so it's dude it's ben if you guys it's been to go do something afterwards yeah actually yeah i'm tango see you later okay wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no hey it's not me it's not me all right where were you then he is the doctor he i went down towards like uh the oxygen in the tree area yeah and then you start to come down yeah and then you came back up and the other person i saw go to the bottom left was blue and they're unaccounted for so unless someone else can see blue left didn't she at the start of the game wait what side did blue go down on because uh and go went through electrical are we talking about yeah [Applause] preston might be a crazy actor if he's actually all right here we go boys it was vince wasn't it so did i miss vince megs did i literally miss vince killing caleb i was literally so depressed about not being the imposter that i missed vince killing caleb in cold blood that's a little funny if you think about it i was literally blind i was blind i was so sad i saw it all right i just can't believe i missed that that's right now i need to do this all right hold on i'm gonna go over here all right we got everybody doing this i got a lot of tasks left guys and it's not good and brittany's gonna kill me over here isn't she i do think it's brie i see a lot of people in the chat saying it's brie she's always the imposter too so wouldn't be wouldn't be surprised honestly would not be surprised [Music] tico oh look a little tico checking on me right there listen i'm the sheriff i protect people i protect and serve all right that's what i do now look at these gamerboy skills guys did you get x pro call of duty player boys can't believe i did i cannot believe i didn't get killed by doing that usually oh guys rob yes yes yes no yes down here down down down down down how was it clickbait somebody in the chat said it's clickbait the title of the video is a manga's update why the sus there's an update today that just came out and my wife just killed me in cold blood how am i getting called a clickbait no but seriously if everybody doesn't know there's a taskbar update the wires had an update and also there's anonymous voting which we're playing with right now ah dude dude dude just sad you know just sad voice all right first thing is first three it's red is 100 cleared it's brilliant yeah it is 100 good yeah yeah preston didn't turn off visual tasks uh so wait it wasn't preston i actually thought it was him i just felt bad voting didn't get imposter i was like wait okay look click click i think it's brie bree's the only person i didn't see when reactor was going off and it's in bottom left everyone else was in the top i don't know how old it is though wait bri where are you yeah i haven't seen three in a while i did the reactor hand print thingy with you actually yeah she she did she was she's doing the right one she was doing the right one yeah but that took so long i was i came out of the laboratory with fred and tango stood at the bottom of theirs for like 10 seconds because i thought someone was on the other one i was making sure one of them didn't try to kill also woofless was uh there too and so then i went to the left side because i was like well they're all here so if i die they'll just know it's whoever it is i can't believe it and then i went over there and i watched it okay honestly i didn't see bree but i could have just not been looking but i do that pretty well where was the body where was the body but i haven't seen this whole game and i've been with i've been with okay fred and tango fred's 100 percent clear tango's been with me and fred and i don't know and considering that they're all together all right where is the body it's literally at the very bottom left like as you walk into admin i'm honestly going to call self-report tico did the left [Music] uh [Music] at the start here and so she could have been imposter so it could be a solo imposter which is tough but i actually no i think i don't know i saw tico i saw you do the reactor on the left like i don't know i didn't get to see if there was i don't know why because we were all in the top right together i think we're almost done our task let's skip i'm done no i it's fair [Music] no it's bro we we all saw each other agree with staying away from everyone if there's two imposters left yo dylan thanks for the five bucks bro i'm just sad guys i'm just sad just sad i just like you know disappointment guys it's filling up in my veins i can feel it can i help with the size of me act no i can't when you're dead oh i can't do anything i'm literally just sitting here on a chicken wing this makes me so sad how am i doing this pandemic i am doing good thank you so much for asking preston has bad luck desmond i agree i have very bad luck i've literally been dying actually i haven't even been dying a lot i've just not been imposter you actually took 10 years to find my body dude dude he self-reported it i was loathing because i never get imposter i was self-loathing guys i can't believe they're not even done with the tasks yo geos happy birthday bro dude somebody said i might have to cheat no what do you mean what's am i saying i know it feels bad dude it feels so bad not getting the imposter somebody goes bro she betrayed you i know big big betrayal right there guys i don't know what bree's going to do that oh brie just killed chico bree just 100 killed tico look 100 free kill t go he's i think bree's gonna kill tango next i can't believe brienne is getting away with this i literally can't believe this break a woofles go for woofles i have summoned you here because i saw pink and tico walking together in the bottom right and now our friend tico is dead i don't know he was rip yes you say that brianna i do he was pushing some hard allegations against you yes he was so where did you go after you entered those doors towards the right what is this called you open the box then you put the leaf in the crystal and the skull and the other thingy in the box and then i think after that i had to go up and do my handprint no no chance is she really gonna get away with this that makes sense is she gonna get away with this makes sense she better not get away rob where were you because tico was bottom right like he was going through those doors i think tango can attest to the fact that i was on the left side doing ot stuff and i hit the seismic both times on the left side yeah i did see rob over on the left most of the map i didn't see brie at all i got like one or two more tasks let's let bree sweat it out a little bit and see if she can kill two of us somehow um the only problem is going to be if she calls seismic i think bree likes the seismic thing too like she keeps on just spamming seismic like it's going to save her or like like rob going rob going on right now i think we skip because if we're wrong and it's actually fred because he's cheeky then we lose but yeah i say we just skip and then just finish tasks dude this is hilarious who has who hasn't spread yeah if she calls seismic just one day guys someone always stay like two with her and then one other person off i can't believe this i feel brutally betrayed right now so what's gonna happen i don't think brie's gonna clutch this up people are really suspicious of brianna right now like she's faking this task she's faking this task right here smart but tango fred and rob are all rolling together she's got to kill the lights she's gonna the only way she's gonna be able to pull this off she has to kill the lights is she gonna kill the lights i don't think she's gonna kill the lights bri you need to kill the lights where's briet is she gone where did she dude briana's literally disappeared how what is happening captain what's going on here i don't know what's happening oh like they want like look they're trying to call an emergency emergency meeting crystal reefs thank you for the thank you for the 2 super chat where did bree go where did bree go i literally don't know how dude paris this is so funny dude look at this they're playing they're just playing games they know it's brief they know it's brief bree what are you doing you gotta kill uh no no if she if she left then autofill it finishes her test oh okay i got worried for a second preston are you not doing your tasks you're trying to let brief oh my god okay skip let bree kill us we have no choice here all right just skip it up agree we will we will not report we'll just you could kill us preston wants you to win he's willed it he paid for it i think fred's gonna kill us dead but fred fred's definitely well you know what you know let's go to the spaceship because we'll pretend we're escaping and then you can kill us and wait can we not have voted out there we'll see at the space ship my chat keeps saying fred is the imposter guys what are they doing i feel like they're just playing with brianna they've got to be just playing with bree right now like look at this what are they doing oh she killed the lights can she get a kill there's no way they're just playing with her man oh my gosh kill one of them you gotta kill one bree isn't doing anything she's still playing the game why wait no i finished all my tasks wait they think i didn't finish dude i literally finished all my tasks why am i getting out it over here [Laughter] just [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] i gave it to you guys on a silver platter with chicken wings hot sauce and a salad at least said it's 100 brie you thought i self-reported but then i died and woofless you knew it wasn't you and then you even sussed fred and i was obviously innocent and i literally said i saw him do the scan like all right stream i love you guys so much i hate to do this i know i clickbaited you guys didn't get to be the imposter once but there is a new update out but it's only on pc i do have to end the stream i got to get going to dinner i'm so sad we played for two hours never became the imposter but i hope you guys stick around if you guys are new make sure you hit that subscribe button if you want to hit that like button all that good stuff and i'll see you guys in our next manga stream thank you so much for watching this was so much fun
Channel: TBNRFrags
Views: 4,582,496
Rating: 4.9229989 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, challenge, funny, comedy, family, family friendly, among us, impostor, IQ, sus
Id: pw-3hZvBr5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 29sec (6089 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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