I saw the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in My Dream - Mexican Brother Umar

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Salam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato my name is Omer I am from Mexico and I took much I had a six years ago I was born in Mexico City and I grew up in state called Oaxaca south of Mexico so I come from a family with my mom got divorced to my dad when I was at age of five or four does my mom told me so when she moves to to Oaxaca I grew up there basically there is a maraca is the soft part of Mexico like I say and they speak another language there so I learned that language too and I started my high school there I finished my high school there and when I finished my high school I you know like there is a lot of like the dude they like to go to the US and that was my dream to go to the US - so I went to the US when I was about 19 years old when I went to the USA and I have I stayed with my uncle and you know there is no mother's no one advised you so I was starting going out with the next day like the friends we can say that if they're friends and you know they we start going on the street and hang with a lot of that kind of people so after one year I I got married with my wife hamdullah I still nerd with a with my wife the same woman hamdullah and at that at that time I used to hang with people who used to hang on the street like you know like a gang members and I remember one time I we went out with these guys and he comes out with a problem with another guy I I guess gang members and they have began and they almost there almost killed us there but the hamdullah I think is working from a lava so gentle that they happen class and from that I I want to be a better a better person and I used to go like every Sunday to the church like I can I come from a Christian Christian family and I used to go like every Sunday to the church to heard a what the preacher says but I was i I think I was searching for something else because I can see on the time when I went to the church like Allah Allah stuff like not good but still I love being christened at that time so I I just want to be Christian right so all of a sudden I have a friend who was worse with a man from Middle East and he told me that he is working someone who worked him and I I told him that also in his job so he gave me his cell phone number and told me like okay you call him and tell him that I am your friend and just like go ahead so I did so I call him like every day I used to call him I said like a guy you have a job for me please I need the job you know I have my family I have to support them and after that he told me like okay you're gonna work with me and span Allah what that was the guy from Jordan but he's from Jordan from Circassia so these guys are like top guys mashallah so when I met that guy we used to do a fire safety so we do a lot of physical work and I see this guy like a very tough guy so all the sudden I noted that every time that double does a several times at the day that he goes and he used to tell me like okay maybe five minutes and he goes and he watches his his face and his hand and he goes behind the utility truck we have been used to having it till it to crack and he goes in the back and he used to do some stuff like you know I just go and put my my face like up like oh well what's this guy's doing like you know what is this and he used to come back and say like okay let's go to work and I mechanic I don't want to ask him because he was my boss right like what is this I don't want asking them so anyways he always we always like because we do fire safety we always in road like we we moved from north south and east west and all that stuff so anyways I remember one day we came like a bone before mugger I remember that time and the he always listened the Quran he always this in the Quran but that day especially I heard it so beautiful I heard so beautiful and I told him like who's that singer I thought it was a single right so I told him like Oh mashallah you know these guys I didn't say much a lot but I said like oh you look this guy he has a beautiful voice like what he's singing like he's sinking for for the woman or what because his voice so good and hey look at me like this and she said like are you crazy this is not music this is the Quran so I tell them like the Quran what I mean the Quran this is music he says no no no no no this is Krong this is we are Muslim that's the way we recite the Quran and I say like you're Muslim like you like what you guys like the other terrorists we're gonna blow yourself something like that and he says like no no no listen to that this is not Islam so he started telling me about a little bit of Ozlem telling me like dude did you know this is not Islam dude the Islam's not you go and blow yourself or kill people or do stuff like that and anyways from that day and up I like to listen this disc run and I always asking him like okay can you put that tape and you put the tape can you go every day every day I remember so all the sudden there is a very stupas that I like to hear from this Quran and I asked him like because of course he speak Arabic and can you translate for me what'd he say and he says like ok but this is two special parts and he told me ok to begin this is a surah al-imran highly in front the family of Imran and and I taught myself like oh maybe that's why I like it because comes from family of Maryam and Jesus and because I'm Christian maybe that's why I love to hear this and he says okay I cannot translate for you and he the two places you like so I say ok put the tape and he put the table I was recently seen leagues and J's okay stop there and can you translate for me what he's saying and he's just like okay and this part law was our judge says they're the only religion in his size is the Islam and when he says that I told like man this guy is pulling my leg like he telling me like that and because he's a Muslim and I Kristin no way there is no such a thing I I cannot like exactly this part of the Quran right and he and I told him okay put the Buddha put it back okay he's lucky and we start losing again and again and I said okay okay stop right there can you translate the other part and he says like okay this part that allows a judge says I have been choose from all over the the woman's on the word Miriam and the other part says like I met Issa at the same way I met Adam when he told me this I select no way this guy is joke like how come I would like this to part like there is no way I'm a Christian and he's telling me this part like that mean like there is no way and he told me like no no this is true like I'm telling you the truth and tomorrow I will bring the Opera in Spanish and you would read it yourself alright so sounds good I like that I like the idea so next day he put me a Quran in Spanish and he told me like okay listen from this ayah to this I am you read and you will you will understand and use in your language okay go ahead he put I remember he put the table and storied and okay this disease is okay oh I found out he wasn't like this is it too like oh my god what is this and I go to the second part and oh my god yeah yes he's right he's right he wasn't lying so I said like oh my god and he told me like okay you know go home and read the Quran and just read it and I went home and I read couple pages and then I put like I'm a Christian what I'm doing reading this Quran I don't want to be terrorists so I just put it away so anyways all the sudden because I met these guys and I see him that even though he's a tough guy he has something and his heart that he's very kind he's very kind with the people he always ask me like do you need something are you okay you dissin done and I see something so beautiful this guy so say like but I don't want to be I don't want to be like them so I kinda go to my church right because I'm a Christian so I just go more more even more often to the church like that I don't wanna be Muslim so I went a couple times and I see like I remember one day I went to midnight at they celebrate like the Christian and I wasn't there the us at this time and the Mexica they have this virgin goal called what a loop so they silver their birthday her birthday at 12 a.m. so I remember I went to this church and that was a mariachi music you know Mexicans know this stuff and I saw a guy drunk beside me like I did wrong and you know this is a lady who showed sure then you know it's almost not in there and perfume like very strong perfume like and I was thinking like man this is this is not right I start thinking like this is not right like this this is the Christianity so after that he I remember that one time that was a summer I remember a summer he invited me to go to the for the first time to go to the Med and that was a sovereign time so he told me like because I used to wait on the truck inside the crowd like for the 45 minutes until the hot was over and he told me like this time he told me like okay do you like to go inside and I asked him like they do you guys have a see inside I said yes oh okay of course I like because the AC on the truck was rocked so we don't have a seat so that was the reason that that that I went the first time to Thomas so I said I went inside and I said and I see like everywhere like okay what is what is the church I told me like we don't have chairs you sit on the floor ok wait sit on the floor and when I start there I see on the men's coming inside inside and I told myself ok so the ladies were the ladies the church we mix like man and woman sitting beside Chavez no problem Raven wish I can say I don't either so that day I didn't put attention of the hood I just sit and enjoy the AC right because I need AC and next next Friday and Thursday he told me like you wanna come Friday because yeah you better dress good to go and I said yeah they see why not and then I went there several times and I start paying attention to the hood wah and I went to this guy to my friend and I asked him like ok what is this guy what did you guys do before the print guy I saw that you guys watch your face in your hand and your feet what is that and he told me like this is like the purification so before you you pray and I remember he told me like you wanna pray and I say yeah yeah well I told myself like he's my boss like I don't want to be fired so yes I want to pray so he told me like am I gonna show you he said ok you do three times you watch your module knowledge and all that the - stop right there purification and after that I asked him like okay yeah what is Islam I want to know about Islam and what is report so you what is the meaning behind and he started telling me okay you know who's these who use these waiters the reason what is that and I used to have like high questions in to me like I cannot answer you go to to the share and you ask so he introduced me to the share and he told me the shell okay this is a Mexican I work for me and he wants to know about these and these and these and these questions and the share he used to answer me right so I asked almost two years two years asking about Islam and after I became Muslim I have a dream and I saw someone beside me so I saw myself like in a street like small street in a village and someone's coming from from the front and someone comes from the back so that was a mat inside the beside on the road and we hide on the mud inside the mud no and then the guy after the soldiers they deposits and they the guide the other guy who was beside me he told me like ok let's go let's go see Muhammad so ok this goes in Muhammad okay let's go see Muhammad okay and I remember that in my dream I we were walking and he told me like stop right there and I saw like back a guy with dressing on white with two moments decided to dress white - and you know distant like this audience the white teen I don't know how you call it they were the white teen they use this odious they he used to having he used to having shoulder and the guy he told to the woman's like cover Muhammad and they put it in his head like this and then he told me like okay come over and then I come and then and he looked at me and I just look at that him and after that did the guy told me okay now let's go it so I remember we said and like in a circle and they brought like silver plate silver plates with apples red apples and we start eating then I woke up after three weeks I told my friend this dream I told me oh you know remember the other day I was dreaming these and these and these and these and then he almost stopped on the freeway he was driving the room like what what sale again he said you know I have this dream but I saw this guy and he took me with with another guy he dress all white and his name is Mohammad in West performance and with some output and this is level where you know that there is no way that must be the Prophet hands lower lip son he told me you know why because there is no way he there is a hadith narrated from her fans love Solomon says that the shaitaan toes and take his his form of his body when he told me this and there's these two years ago where I was studying like Islam I said like you know this is it like and he told me like you know there is people like they took him away they wake up they cry to see the Prophet and you just like not even Muslim and you saw him and for me this was a shock like believe me like I was like oh you know this is it this is it if I don't become Muslim like I'm crazy guy so there was a reason that I became Muslim and I told him that you know what I want to take much I have I know enough two years of questioning I know enough to to see that Islam is a true religion and I took my Shahada hamdullah now I am a Muslim my life habits change and also my wife he took her jacket her Shahada and I hamdullah you know my family so my change and they like they like it like you know first my when I call my mom and I told her like mom listen I am Muslim she got scared she told me like oh my god you know watch it what you gonna do and I told her like don't worry I'm not gonna go blow myself and he's like okay don't do it and I just like they change I change and they they see the change you know even I I call like my mom and I told him about Islam and she's like well she she she always like oh I'm so glad that you became a Muslim you know I when I talked to my mom I told him like about Islam and she's like you know I really like this religion and you shall I hope they Mela was a gel-like item to Islam and all the people to ensure okay so alhamdulillah I just wanna advice to the people who would like to sit above Islam you know you know if you want to go and build a wood chair you go to the carpenters you don't go to the electricity guy so that's the way to go your your information you know you don't go your information from the TV you go to the books with the Quran there is a lot of good books about top of Islam and I had advice to all the people to really want to know about Islam type II don't don't even listen to TV you know go there's a lot of libraries and you can go and search there's a lot of messages to go and Austin and the Sokolow here to broadside to Islam and Baraka logic
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 323,362
Rating: 4.8603067 out of 5
Keywords: Mexican brother Umar, Quran, Islam (Religion), revert, Koran, Christian, Prophet, Christianity (Religion), trinity, jews, jew, Judaism (Religion), christianity, Prophet Muhammad, roadside2islam, Islam, Allah, Muhammad, Ahmad, church, cross, I saw Muhammad (ﷺ) in My Dream
Id: vG8SPH7q5oc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2013
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