Black Magic and the Fortress of the Musliim

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I would recommend Shaikh Tim Humble's 8-9 part lecture of Black Magic and how magic in general affects us.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Sho_kododo 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Better Islam than occultism that's for sure.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheologicalZealot 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I could be wrong here, but i think some scholars do permit Quranic 'amulets'. Even if it could be permissible, it still comes with major risks as this video explains, including people disbelieving. People can get the wrong idea and think the power is in the amulet.

Allah has power over everything. And Allah knows best.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/XHF1 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's quite a long story short i started to do business in uh sierra leone right and then this was my friends they used to do sir but they never used to call it sir or magic they actually thought that this was a part of islam so and i know this difference of opinion here and there about amulets and things like that but they used to have amulets and they used to think that there was quran inside these amulets but in reality it wasn't it was it was sir you know i opened one of these amulets once and it's just numbers and uh names of like shayateen and things like this horrible things bro and they used to believe that these things protect them from the police right from the police right because they used to do certain things and they actually gave me one of these things to protect myself from the police right and aoudabila i i carried it for maybe two years bro in my pocket i carried this amulet that was like a wallet or something or a phone to you yeah bro it was constantly in my pocket like a small amulet at the time i didn't know what was inside right but these africans just said look this is going to protect you from this that and the other and i'm like i wasn't i didn't believe in anything right i'm not okay just put it in my pocket but bro you know shaytan he does things to make you believe that that's protecting you so i remember one time i got pulled in sierra leone the policeman pulled me right and he pulled out all the things in my pocket and he pulled this thing out and he went like this right and it's like the thing burnt him bro and he said no no take take your things and he give him all my things back so i'm now starting to get iman in this thing i don't realize that it's not the thing that burned him right shaytan wants me to have iman that this thing is protecting me from police yeah so shaytan came and maybe touched him or pinched him or flicked him or hit him or whispered to him i don't know but the bottom line was that shaytan scared this policeman and i attributed that incident to this thing do you understand and this happened about three or four times bro like another policeman once he pulled me and the same thing happened bro the same thing he's ah so anyone who doesn't have knowledge starts to have a man in these amulets thinking the awesome you know i'm getting power now you know i can just buy one of these amulets i can do what i want i can go and steal i can do any crime i want i can sell drugs whatever it is because they they're starting to have a man they're starting to do shirk and to a certain extent shaytan will assist and allah of course you have to understand that this is always the permission of allah nothing can happen without the permission of allah but allah allows sometimes allows evil things to happen because these wisdoms you are literally misguiding yourself does that make sense so bro i've seen this many many times right there's many stories i don't like to go too much into it because the point's been made but this is how subhanallah i i it was the beginning of kind of starting to have a man and belief in these these false things another time i went to the northern parts of sierra leone in the jungle it's called kabbalah kabbalah right and it's known as a city for sir and it's very evil bro there's literally magicians sat in the jungle and there's people cueing to see these magicians now of course they don't call them the magicians they call them the sheikh and they look like muslims they have birds they they dress like muslims they have the quran they have you know beeds they have the heart they look like a sheikh and maybe they're knowledgeable maybe they know arabic maybe they even memorize quran but somewhere along the line they've learned about sir and they're dealing with the jinn and i've seen this bro you know i seen them uh you know they would say that they're speaking to this gene they're speaking to that gin that this is going to happen that's going to happen and people will come with different problems and try to get the magician to deal with that issue so if you have a court case or if you have an exam or if you have any issue in your life maybe you you're having an issue with you can't have children or maybe you want to marry somebody any of these issues these so-called magicians can fix it for you but it's harambro and it's shirk and it's just fooling people but people don't realize that when they get involved in these things it takes you outside of islam bro that makes sense so this was kind of a very important point to me and then when i came back from sierra leone to to england i spoke to my libyan friend and i said look you muslims you've got power you know i seen this happen this muslim gave me this thing and the policeman ran away and they saw the muslim did this and my friend said no no no this is haram this is sherk what are you doing and i'm like well i'm not a muslim he said no no we believe it's true we believe these things can happen but it's haram in islam so i was like what do you mean so he sat me down and he showed me a video by dr bilal phillips so that same night when i watched this lecture by dr bella phillips my friend gave me a copy of the fortress of a muslim you know the small book of duas some of them are ayah from the quran and some of them are hadith now we know that both are wahi right of course you know you know and you know but of course the quran is a as an extra status right definitely because he's kitabalaria and i was saying to my friend this is different this one is different from this like and and he said yeah that's the quran that's the hadith and then i'll turn the page i'd read that and i'd read and every time the the the ayah from the quran i just felt that it's different bro and i'm reading it in english right so i got onto one ayah you mean the transliteration of the translation translation and the translation it's got the arabic the translation felt like it's different and and and the and the english right but even in the english bowl i was like this is different to that right and subhanallah bro i when i um i got to surah falaq right and it speaks about you know those who are envious they're blowing in knots tying knots you know what the daybreak etc i started crying bro because i'd witnessed this in sierra leone i'd seen them rolling literally these taoiseans with saharan they were naked bro literally sat in the river rowing the ser literally sometimes they would do it like what i now know to be sunset time and sometimes they do have sunrise bro and they're making the syrup and they're blowing bro super has seen it bro and that ayah was the one that really sealed it for me i said this is the protection from this and that's when i started to put my man now in this little book so i moved it from the taoist thing and i started to now this this little book went everywhere with me bro i was just reading the doors all the doors everything you know and that became the protection
Channel: iERA
Views: 964,284
Rating: 4.9001522 out of 5
Keywords: iERA, black magic, jinn, rukya, ruqya, rerooted, podcast
Id: LaEXwcHUg2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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