Jinns & Black Magic Made Me Look Into Islam - My Journey to Islam

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assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu my name is sam i've been Muslim for about two and a half years and this is my story so that can you tell us a little bit about where you came from tell us a little about your background tell us a little bit about your family etc I'm from st. Albans in hartfordshire which is just north of London I'm from a nice middle-class background got a very loving family loving mother loving father brother and sister very standard standard new class family I was always the one that kind of had the family clashed and caused a lot of issues my brother and sister a very academic university students where I was always the one who was getting in trouble from primary school all the way through I was always the one getting in trouble from the teachers getting in trouble from everything so I'll always always felt very very different for my family even though I had a hundred a fantastic upbringing so you felt like you were kind of I always felt lost outcast massively I always always felt that I was very different from my family but hundred of fantastic parents concrete says that but I always felt very different I felt like I was treated slightly different I think it's more just my general attitude and behavior towards my family was was terrible from a young age I was always very very rude to my mother and my father so what do you think made that comrades like way like you were so differently are barabbas apart I don't know I just thought like I I love Anglian me from from a young age I could never really pinpoint where it came from but I just remember at Primary School having a huge amount of anger and I could never really understand where it came from I think I don't know it wasn't jealousy from a borough sister I just felt I felt very different I think for myself I struggled with with being in education and being in that environment so I think rather than wanting to learn and study well at school was constantly just messing around trying to be the the class clown just having a laugh the whole time not really taking it too seriously which obviously at that age affects you massively teachers don't want you in the class it gets to a point when your your students around you don't really want to associate you so much because they want to sort of study so I just felt like as a general sort of out cost you know that when you let primaries but what personally then when we find going to secondary so when I was in year six at the last final year of primary school that's what I really noticed myself being a lot more aggressive a lot more rude and lot more disrespectful to the olders around me I remember an incident that had I attacked a boy and when I went to get in trouble wound up just put my finger up at the at the teacher at the time I remember just having this against this rage in me I could never really pinpoint but it felt strange and then I moved to secondary school and it was just went from not great to really not great at all got in trouble from from day one really messing around being obnoxious fighting just being stupid really but you know like when you were in secondary school did you have like any role models is there anything anyone in particular that you used to look up to a distant I send a cop to people like Eminem I used to really rely Eminem d12 and all these sort of rappers at the time remember I used to dye my hair blond and wear a blue blue bandana and used to that's what I used to look up to but no real role models other than that just just a bit of a just been a bit nauseous enjoyed being a bit naughty John mean not really obeying to the rules and smoking from my own age just doing all the rebellion from a young age well you know let some people that when they get into secondary school they're like hey you know what I'm getting to a stage in my life huh when I be this when I get older I were you were you now over like that just lost just not really thinking about the future at all just taking every day that came and just just being a bit of just a bit lost as the word not really no ambition just just just been a noisy little boy not really thinking too much so tell us a little bit about your life after you left secondary school so when I finally got out of school what for each school year for me seems to got got worse and worse I ended up leaving and moving to another school which things got even worse then and then I've actually asked to leave before before the end of year 11 I was asked to leave and as soon as I left I went on a bit of a rampage and I was doing all sorts of silly stuff lots of drinking all day and just being a general sort of tear away and been a bit of a yeah bit ruthless really and then when I was age of 16 I got offered a job my mom helped me get a job in a hair salon well I got an environment of working for myself working around quite good peers they were very very focused and they were just adults so you know before your mom got you this job never into like I was always had an interest in in in hey I'm gonna watch a program on TV which was about what these guys they were hairdressers and I thought they were cool for what they were doing was good they were very creative they seemed to have all the girls around them they're just in London and in December when I was quite inspired by that Spanish so that's what I was quite inspired by what these guys were just in it like sort of head then rock stars they were just did in there was doing a lot of interesting fun stuff so it's quite inspired by that so when I got into Henderson I wanted to do it I remember thinking that I had no other option I didn't know what qualifications I had nothing else so and it was something I wanted to do but didn't really want to be in the hair salon environment I wanted to be more like men's hairdressing barbering but I had this job so I went for it and to be honest that's when I started feeling a bit of a better feeling in myself because I was actually treated like an adult I was getting up I was getting paid I was had good people around me so that's when I actually actually wholeheartedly said I'm actually starting to enjoy life now I feel like a bit of more of an adult I see at this stage in life was a relationship like with like Yabba Yabba Yabba family members um a bit distant not not too not too bad but distant I'll just I was okay I was young sixteen seventeen year old going out every weekend going out actually going out every night of the week just doing just doing silly stuff but nothing too bad nothing major just just going out a little bit so tell us a little bit more ways by again to do it and then yes I didn't let work there for about a year then I took about two months off which was a bad idea took two months often oh I did a thing myself I took too much because I lost that well I left that job and then I didn't get into another job and I spent that time and mostly at friend's house who just abusing drugs basically and thinking that this was the thing that I wanted to get be involved in because I started really experimenting with drugs for the first time forgive me what the person that you around at that time with you were they taking drugs yeah than that well not really selling so much just taking one experimenting of a lot of dogs yeah so the scared doing stuff like that um first I think even when I when I was young I was always quite interested in drinking alcohol smoking cigarettes smoking weed I was always quite interested in it I always thought not necessary it was cool but it was something that interested me so when I got the opportunity to do more more than just that it was I don't know I actually showed a lot interest in it which is sad looking back by it was something I started doing more drugs to be honest I kind of thought I found I found a home within that I thought this is nice this makes me feel nice so I spent this this few months just really battering myself off really and then feeling in myself that I'm not in a good place and I was like that's my first sort of signs of feeling a little bit depressed a little bit more lost a bit more kind of I need some sort of something to focus on again did anyone notice it like any of your friends now the people around me time when the same one the same mission to these times had I didn't have much money either so it was kind of it was like consider I was from a nice background I didn't really go how much I was kind of like almost in like a squatting environment when I was just battery in drugs and just doing nothing really they've got they've got tiring and then the one opportunity my mind got when I got a haircut in a Salim and I popped in with him and then but asking for a seat and asking for her job I said yeah I dropped my CV and so I put my CD into this shop and I got the job I started getting things on track a little bit again and worked there for about five years and to be honest career-wise it was very beneficial got me to give us like being a bit more a man but along that time as well I was doing a lot of Sydney stuff and what we still hanging around with that same person a yam and worse and just kind of still working I'm still working 9:00 to 5:00 and been responsible but as soon as I would I would disappear for the weekend and go out at the fire a night come back on the Monday morning sort of thing and just partying a lot again just partying was the thing that I worked for really yeah so you were saying you were working the hair salon for five years then what then I left started working for myself which I loved I started running my business for myself beside cutting hair I do my own little thing setup still partying loads and progressively got more into more of the party stuff less less blow with less work more paying was in and around drugs 24/7 so it's kind of like you're going a little bit back little bit back I thought inserted in career-wise couldn't moving for them I'm putting some money aside then I'm building and I'm looking for myself but like socially just just mixed up with with the wrong things really just in and around a lot of drugs drug dealers and taking drugs all the time always chasing the hi waking up early in the morning smoking weed too throughout to the evening and just being just constantly chasing hi basically what was it is taking a toll on your life at that time it was it was just kind of the way things were just constantly just being hi was just the way I generally was even when I'm working I made sure I was high it's kind of okay it got tiring got expensive but for me it's the thing that I thought gave me kind of that peace so I fought if I bun in front and join I'm nice but realistically you're not nice or you're nice for about an hour to the fades off and then you have to find another joint and then before you know it you're chasing high before you know you're drug drug it but it's an illusion it's an illusion so but throughout all this kind of stuff I did get tired but I had them start having some quite surreal experiences with with things like things of the unseen I didn't really have much belief in ghosts or if and I that but I started having these very very real things what I was starting to see things sometimes in front of me sometimes in a deep state of a dream sometimes if I haven't kind of meditated I'm kind of leaving my body and going to other places at the time it wasn't really anything spiritual for me it was just something a bit weird I thought my mind was playing tricks on me but then I had a couple of experiences where I literally had the most intense out-of-body experience where I felt like I left me and myself left the body that I see in the mirror and I went somewhere else and where I went was just as real as what I see day-to-day around me but there was things in this place that weren't you but they were just as real as humans and they were interacting me talking to me I was having full-on conversation with these things and Wow when I came out of this this one particular time three these three things came over to me start talking to me being bit was very it was creepy but I kind of embraced it at the time when I came out of this state came back to this world and i sat there reflected and thought wow I just started kind of understanding spirituality and understanding that possibly there's a bit more going on in life than I thought was at the time was very very I play the ignorant card happily my ignorance is bliss and like was full I didn't look into any from that I think and you know what there's something else it was a supernatural experience here so for okay cool so I started doing more and more of this because I was very interested in what actually was going on and then I started studying the people who do this and all the kind of different views of what this thing is people call it different things actual projection out-of-body experiences like proper looking looking into it and like I think doing it myself and then looking inside like sperm yeah yeah yeah and doing it and I would I would leave my body and I would go to these things go to these places and have interaction with these things and I had a friend of a friend of mine at the time I explained it to him he said I that thing that you're meeting is something called Jim so what's that no drink sitting on that Jay I mm I said I've never heard of it mate kind of put to one side and then he kind of he started showing me a couple of things on YouTube about what genius and about what this kind of like you know I mean like Ouija boards and didn't learn to kind of showed me show me some supernatural things yeah and I started making sense and a couple mates who kind of claimed they were maybe said they were Muslim necessarily weren't really Undine like were Muslim had knowledge about the answer that you know knew about things what they are seeing all that kind of stuff so I was like cool when I start then I started my like my studying I thought I know there's something out there I didn't think I didn't think it was God I didn't know what it was I knew it was something spiritual when something supernatural I didn't understand so I want a big quest and kind of locked off a lot of people and just started studying like studying all sorts of stuff started with like science just understanding other dimensions is this where I'm going is it somewhere in my mind or is this something else it and what have I got sold have I got a spirit so I start studying all this kind of different loads different loads of different areas of things and the thing that kind of really got my attention was Satanism Freemasonry and what kind of what people certain people music industry and in the Hollywood what they do you know presidents do what papacy the people who have a lot of money the people who one that's always higher power what did they do and there was clear-cut evidence like I see what masonry was I start to learn about what makes me was I started to doubt about what gin was and how all these things interact so you propagate deep deep into it and loving it I loved every minute of it and then there was a there was a friend of a friend who nasty guy he started doing this black magic stuff and I would hear stories from my close friends that this guy is doing these rituals he's giving chickens down these black holes and the chickens coming back with no head and delivered doing some strange don't sometime they know what it was but this guy basically started having a relationship with a spiritual being a jinn so all around my time of studying this thing was happening as well so it was not only as I'm looking at this is close to you yeah it was close to me yeah I met and I knew the guy wasn't associates it was a timer I want to avoid but it could have as I was studying it like I'm looking at the internet it was actually happening in real life at the same time so it's all it was all for me it was all my way bigger being guided through and it was kind of like clear-cut evidence here there and everywhere so yeah just studying all this kind of different different Satanism stuff and spirituality didn't really go too much into into any kind of real religion but I start understanding a little bit more about your spiritual self what not really into the Buddhism thing but kind of understanding what they thought were charity spirituality and looking into that and then one time was at my friend's house was watching this this documentary called shadows emotion which is all about the higher powers who controls who pulls the strings what's really going on in the world and what Freemasonry is and who controls things and at the end of this documentaries about an hours-long it started putting out quotes of quran hadith and islam something I didn't have much knowledge on and it's like putting out about things about the one light the jar end-times all this kind of stuff that I thought wow you can heavily relate this into everything I've been studying about even the American the dollar note it's got a one eye with a triangle all this kind of nonsense all the stuff we'll be learning about for Wow Islam's talking about this it was this and I start looking more into that and to be honest that very evening I was just looking deeply into the Islam and what is Islam I knew about Muslims on the TV with ak-47s in the bombs on this that never and I knew that there is theory type sentence so ignorant like I used to think that that unfortunately the interactions I had with Muslims a younger was not great they would definitely not have did not have a good character they were very violent and light and rude and obnoxious so kind of wrote it off a little bit like they are just this a culture thing ended a little bit and then looking into understanding how how Islam is connecting to Christianity how Christianity is connected to Judaism and so on understanding the prophets peace be upon them because I went to a Christian my primary school was a Christian school so I had the idea about prophet Moses peace upon him Jesus etc so I had an understanding and then I thought wow they it all links but Islam's the only one that focuses on tawheed monotheism oneness the oneness of a creator rather than associating anything with it never come across never come up from that and you know what boom it hit me big time is Allah literally put it in my heart then I thought wow and I had I mean I was aware that there was a God I was aware that it was other I will wear that other was not a foreign cultural God it just means God in Arabic and it hit me that night I know it just literally felt like it hit me and I was just I was astonished bonus and I sat there and went outside had a cigarette and he looked up and at this guy and for how could I've ever not realize there was a God everything suddenly I had some sort of HD glasses given to me I'm looking around looking at the trees looking at the clouds I'm thinking how could I have ever refuted there being a God or creator how else would we be here how how would this be here if I didn't and it was just from that night and it was a bit of a shock to me because being on set about Muslims is you know I mean they're kind of stereotyped is a lot of terrorism and a lot of negative stuff so I thinking wow this is the correct this is correct how am I going to go back to the people that are not only that I associate with someone myself with and my family and say look I'm Muslim it was something that I'm ended up meeting a few brothers who kind of come from a bit of a background like me very kind of lost into kind of very you know materialistic stuff women drugs all that kind of stuff that I used but you know I used to thought was the best thing in life and then they're sitting there telling me their story I thinking wow why why did not more people know about this it's obvious it's clear this message is very very clear so from then kind of worked towards studying a bit more about it because it was such an alien thing to me I was the only I didn't know any white guys that were Muslim I knew people who knew a little bit about Islam who were white but no one was really I'm thinking for me I'm I go out I party I've got reputation for being doing happy-go-lucky all this kind of stuff like for me to come back and be I'm I'm Muslim how am I going to tell how am I gonna tell people this so what I did was I just studied Islam just the basic stuff and you know what the more you look at it the more evidence there is everywhere there is no contradiction the actual the Quran itself is full of factual proof and evidence that is the word of a Supreme Being so so either side reading while reading watching videos just watching like little documentaries but it's kind of more I watched more like my belief grew and the more thinking I was thinking I just couldn't understand how I did not know about this and how I could have not believed in God and why are not more people Muslim why are they only Muslims that are see Pakistani or Bengali we were old what that's that's that's all I really everybody saw people who proper musical thinking why is there such a small minority of this world or that the water I knew at the time that I know about this this is the truth of life flow why didn't we know so I went out on a bit of a rampage right let everyone know I thought I thought I had a secret that no one else knew and that I soon learned that it's not quite as easy as relaying the message it took a long time for me to kind of to get it but when you understand that when I love guide someone when God guide someone knowing me knowing you can't be misguided and guidance is simply from God but at first she's like you I'm first I was my mum I was like look it's all sides but how did you take it harder so after about a week and a half just children the news I had a couple common brothers around me who trying to encourage me to look brother you know it's the truth you need to just take a shower though because when you take your Shahada that is your ticket to heaven without that you're not going to heaven I thought okay it's easier said than done because when I said that means I have to be an hour now I have to be I have to be a Muslim and it was about even the word at the time I didn't like left it was this it was strange it was something that wasn't like you see I used to mean that exactly it was so I ended up I went to I went to I went to a drummer a Friday drummer with two brothers and first time this listen didn t understand me think the Imam was Pakistani was speaking mostly loulou and then I look with Arabic and their tiny English didn't benefit from it at all most people in there I knew from a bad for a bad reason anyway I thought wow is this is this is this is the Muslims around me like a cool anyway so far I'm surprised that she else are surprised to what I was seeing in the Masjid and then as I left the month at brothels we have said went up to somewhere style ruffles texture harder this brother actually said I have to come back another time this is this is this is the reaction he said you have to come back another time and then as I was walking off another brother who are new from way back heard rushed over to me and said let's do the Shahada now and then he said okay repeat after me a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah a shadow and more Hammond and I were the hood Russell and I became Muslim on the road with someone that I used to really heavily dislike and now is one of my dearest friends and it was just it was it was written for me and it was just the a was incredible so after that I became Muslim and I started working up started working towards understanding what being a Muslim was and it was it was it was a once a slow process its kind of understanding that okay I would pray five times a day at first I said that that's impossible I'm busy how am I supposed to how am I supposed to do five the present dates impossible yeah so I start with my Fujio prayer and it's the press played to a youtube video with Fajr prayer understanding when I'm getting up at that time strange hour and standing in my room Duhamel would do and I was standing there thinking well like the peace the peace I felt and the feeling that I was at wow this is this is something quite special so slowly slowly worked doing more and more and I had a girlfriend at the time that kind of had to let her know that look I've become Muslim her first reaction was what kind of become a wrestler Farion and so you know I had to I had to let her go which was heartbreaking but the thing about that was she we were apart for eight months I didn't see her once spoke to her regularly on whatsapp but after eight months she went on a spiritual quest and she became Muslim and then I married her al hamdulillah do I mean so I never said ever since it's just I kind of had about three months into being with him I would invite from rubber that I got close to him saying that I'm doing a special trip I'm gonna go to Saudi Arabia I want to go to Jerusalem do wanna come I said am I gonna tell my mom and firstly that she wasn't that impressed that was a muslima how long I tell her I'm going to mock her I'm going to medina I'm going to go to Jerusalem and I didn't have much knowledge on these places either so they kind of I knew there were special places but without knowledge it was kind of just a very you know alien concept about going over there so I said yeah cool so we did it it caused a lot of issues and worried my mom I think she thought I was actually going to go and do a jihad mission or she will show me papers of reverb young white river brothers who are going to Syria and this that me of us and this is that you'll being brainwashed you are going to they're tricking you I said lo I my brain has been washed literally I'm clean but this is honestly the truth and I try to show evidence after evidence and you know what wasn't wasn't too interested in this thing to it so I did this trip and it was it was life-changing I went to I went to Jerusalem went to Bethlehem words out could Alexa and from there went to Makkah did home run and then from there went to Medina and it was just as a museum it was just mind-blowing it was incredible it's just emotional and just strange that I'd been a few months before that I was in the brave I was in the festival and I am and then I'm standing in front of the Kaaba others house and again without much knowledge I didn't understand much about the car we'd understand the history of it but being in Jerusalem when I Luxor and the feeling and understanding Solomon and learning it's just incredible it was just really really incredible when I got to share it with some close friends of mine and it was it was just it was special in every single Dewar that I did in Makkah was answered incredible so yeah so ever since I took much harder I started working towards becoming a Muslim I had to understand that but being a Muslim you're striving to be the best person the best person you can be to the people around you to your family to your neighbor to everyone so this is the ultimate goal we have to we have to better ourselves so from being very arrogant and obnoxious to then totally throw my ego out the window finding my real self making a huge effort to get close to my mum huge effort to be friendly to everyone to smile everyone to understand that just by smiling at someone is charity and there's a reward in just smiling so Islam has taught me how to be a real man it's taught me how to be a decent human being how that you should do something for someone and not expect anything in return and how the more you do for your brothers in humanity with their Muslim or non-muslim the better you feel because you're doing it sincerely for the sake of God to please God to get reward and when you start learning how to find peace in this world the only way you can find true peace true happiness is through God and when you understand that that's it you're nice you are nice because if you're feeling down you will do do you pay some Salah you're going to do some charity you utter a good word suddenly you'll start feeling better so this is the beauty of Islam there's the more you do for other people the better you feel so by being selfish is actually about being selfless because they've been selfish because you want to feel good and you want you want good for you but by doing that you better do better things around you so it's sort of my relationship out with my family I feel that I want to go and buy our mom some flowers I want to go around make it effort to talk to her I want to go around give her a compliment I want to sincerely get closer to her I want it closer to my father I want to get coaches to everyone before I could really take it or leave it I didn't really understand you understand the values of having a family that loved you and all the things they did for you as a child didn't even cross my mind to be honest just was just too lost in obnoxious so feeling that I have to be a man and have to take responsibility for myself I got my own business my own place to live a wife now a child so it is obviously Lamas time into into a man a proper man I'm good enough but what advice have you got to Muslims as well and also non-muslims regarding Islam why my sincere advice to you is ask yourself are you happy ask yourself what are you doing in life ask yourself is there a meaning to your life and ask yourself are you going to die because we all know as human beings that our life is a short-lived thing and we are guaranteed that we will meet death wherever we go where if we try and hide we will death will meet us definitely find us and understand this life is full of tricks and illusions but there is something that we have to deal with after this life now you will be accountable for every single thing you have done from when you are from after puberty - you die you'll be have to stand in front of your Lord the one who created you and answer for everything you've done so quite ask yourself are you ready are you ready to die are you ready to meet your Lord are you ready to face Eva Janna Jahannam heaven or hell fire are you ready have you done enough have you done enough goodness or you're too busy chasing money chasing women chasing the worldly life because well like this life is a trick and illusion and when it's up you'll know about it when you die that's when you really wake up just like a locker broadsides Islam Salaam alaikum you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 120,763
Rating: 4.9058423 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Jinns & Black Magic Made Me Look Into Islam, Jinns, Black Magic, Magic, roadside2islam
Id: tIgDPvb9Ebw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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