Christian sees Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) in Dream & Converts! Amazing Description of RasulAllah.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/aamir64 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2012 🗫︎ replies

Hah! Explain that one, atheists!

But seriously. Is this a miracle too?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Improvaganza 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2012 🗫︎ replies

Question: How do you know you are having a divine dream/Allah is speaking to you in a dream/rather than just a regular dream?

Do you need to have the same dream 3 times?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/throwawayasdf23fsd 📅︎︎ Aug 26 2012 🗫︎ replies
my friend Anton you've come to our table here this is North London and your name was Anthony and you've become a Muslim and you've changed name to Abdul lies all right yes that's correct really and if surely if you just turn round three my friend okay and you and the reason you became a Muslim is because you knew the Prophet Mohammed was a prophet of Almighty God because you saw this in a dream while you were Christian is all right yes that's correct so what did you see in the dream my friend I saw the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him about thirty to forty years old um he was placing his hand on two white tablets one of which I laid to find out was the Koran and the other which was the Sunnah he had about neck length hair our swept-back hair black hair black eyes are very beautiful face red red his face but but with light in it you know reddish white his face with lights there and he was wearing a normal Arab tunic you know not not the Arab clothes but um you know I car a shot and trousers the way the Arabs were and I looked very very beautiful is very very handsome man so this is what you saw by the Prophet Mohammed peace on him how did you know it was the Prophet Mohammed peace be on because at that point you were a Christian so how do you notice the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him or any other prophet ah there was something telling me was the Prophet Muhammed not not a voice but something telling me there's the Prophet Muhammad I'm something as I saw the Prophet Jesus as well before so there's something telling me that this was Jesus and this was Muhammad peace be upon them and it led me to to respect the Prophet Muhammed as a proper because I wasn't sure about it before I hadn't heard much about Islam I was very new to it new to the religion the idea the ideas the religion of his time and I literally had next nothing about but I understood that this is the Prophet Muhammad the final prophet but I didn't accept I didn't think Jake and that that he was he was to supersede the the religion of isolates lab so used to fill up follow Christianity he used to read the Bible but I found problems with it and so I went to speak his corner and met a preach and then I become Muslim with debate that I had with them under that so you see already seen Jesus peace but when him in a dream is all right yes that's correct and then you saw the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him in a dream and you discovered in the dream that he was a true prophet of Almighty God he's all right ah yes yes I saw I understood the other part numbers was the last prophet no I didn't I didn't think to follow his message because I knew so little about Islam only all I knew was that the Bible existed I did I didn't know much about the Quran Allah what a level I'd hardly heard about the the the Quran at all I almost didn't know I was a book so I didn't think to it to read it and you know accept Islam that way but I became Muslim very shortly afterwards a hamdullah and I'm Ginny say one thing my friend say it's a private sorry sorry show weather sorry you can listen listen you can listen is this white van again sorry Antonia worried about you from Antonia are you from London from England I'm from London I'm English ah Bridge sister I'm born in London I've travelled across Europe a little bit I mean to America one or two to two or three times I've been to a few places in the Middle East not many Egypt I went to Palestine when I was younger before I became Muslim I had she had an experience in Palestine which made me close to God made me think that I had a can I could I could you know connect we've got the way the Muslims do you know with prayer and supplication and reading of the Quran I went to Masjid al the the Dome of the rock mosque the most I'll come I like so much like I know myself cop driving is at the Dome of the rock mosque and I I went inside I kneeled down it was in between president in about Dora NASA oh it went inside i sat down and I felt like I connect with God there whereas when the touches that I visited with my family before the churches and cathedrals I you move around this way a bit please Anthony I I didn't feel that I could connect with God I felt like people holy people and washing their in the past but there was something oppressive in it you know something that the air above was pressive was in and find that in the mosque so I the first mosque I'd ever been to them the ROC mosque and I found it very uplifting I felt that that was something which I reflected upon afterwards which made me want to to research Islam more more once I become Muslim and if we just saw you go back to the dream again what else when you saw the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the dream how did you feel inside do you feel something inside yourself ah yeah I what I mean it kind of it it it made me feel uplifted you know that there was there was um that I could I could see that I could see the program it you know because uh it was something which is like it's something special for me now that I could see him man I could see see the whit you know witness myself what what he looked like this is very handsome man you know his thirties devotees you know it was something it was something a new experience to me and I something which gave me hope with a Prophet Muhammed when I saw him I could tell he wasn't like Jesus May he was follow he was sent in the same line so I could tell that he was a prophet and I could tell that he was um there was something special about him you know um the point is that uh he was I could tell that he wasn't you know a sign of God or whatever have you like like I thought Jesus was I I could tell that is there's something different about what he what he had done I found that quite uplifting did he say anything to you or did he smile or anything no no no smile it was like ah it was like I hit that proper Naaman piece was standing still ah just placing his two hands on the two white white blocks do or two white but it was like two white stones but the I didn't think of anything about the stones I just saw them and when you saw the Prophet Muhammad peace on your dream where were you were you in London or were you in Saudi Arabia where were you I was in London it was actually run 18th birthday um and I was lying down in bed as asleep and Oh Polly asleep and the dream came to me you know almost like like something off of the top of my forehead so I could tell that it was some kind of I thought it was something made me fingers with some kind of inspiration you know that there was something there's something it was some kind of inspiration and it's a dream that I can still recall today that had a very strong impact on me where when you made the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him where were you actually were you standing or were you in a shopping area were you at home where were where but were you aware was the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I was at home I was lying down on my bed he walked up to you know I was half asleep it was something coming off my forehead you know Allah means when you met him where was he and where we use time ding no I didn't meet him it was he was standing he was standing like above me as if he was in the heaven um and he was coming off my forehead you know um what what he was are uh what he what he was standing upon it was like it was from the heaven um I was coming off my forehead though I thought that I could see the Prophet Mohammed and did he see do you see you Antony sorry did you see you Antony no no it was it was as if it was something taken from the past and shown to me as a present so is something you were seeing from the part a vision like a vision who seemed like a vision okay wait and did he look towards you or you was looking away he was looking into the horizon or whatever well where was the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him looking ah I was he was he was he was stay he was staring as if I'm he was staring are down downwards or that he was his eyes were open but it it was like he wasn't staring it was like it was just he was walking and then stopped and I could see him doing that so I didn't meet him I didn't express words with him but he was something which inspired me to say so feel that he was a prophet and that he was there was that he was legitimate before God it was a he was legitimate before God as a prophet and someone sent by God and at that point when you saw the Prophet Muhammad join him in a dream you weren't a Muslim and you were a Christian were you a Catholic or a Protestant what denomination of Christianity were you are now as Posten I was I was in charge of England because I thought you know that that there little bit kind of funny with their interpretation most them believe that Jesus is God or Jesus is in a Trinity and I came to those that I came to that understanding first when I was 16 I I understood that people people say that when I was 16 I come to understanding that people say that Jesus is our God and when I was 17 I came to understanding that people thought that he was the third of the third God of three gods as one well third of three is one to make that clear what the Christians thing and I I didn't want to follow that because I was I felt I felt convinced that mankind is mankind and God is God there's a separation between us in him the he's the Almighty and we're the creation and Jesus was creation he was the Christ Messiah the Missy peace be upon him and uh he he was he was a prophet sent sent to us and that we should follow his religion so I was Protestant are I only only started believing in Protestant in Christianity fully but I was about fifteen or sixteen and I started to read the Bible when I was about 16 17 but I found problems with it and when I saw I saw Jesus Christ be upon him in a dream also before that he had kind of brown light medium medium medium darkness brown hair down to his shoulder ah he was wearing like a white tunic with a with a with a belt like a belt not you know unique is like a long shirt yes like a belt like a like a lot across belt and and and tunic down to his legs that his ankles and he was he was um uh he was he was uh he was is a handsome man like the Prophet Mohammed a loud slam May unlike the program that it's lasted I mean even he didn't seem to have he's the problem who seemed more mature you know as if he he had more more maturity in what he was he had done but I certainly made me revere that both of them more I handle a lemma so Angela and did the Prophet Jesus is Alice around did he say anything did you see you do you smile or anything no it's the same thing as the program ravana ah but it was um it was it was something I had I had a dream just before about Jesus about half year or something similar to that before I saw the pond mammoth and then I thought of Muhammad peace be upon him is it like a dream or like inspirational dream and I could tell the Hama dad something not more wisdom they were equal on wisdom but there the problem and something had something which are you know sorry he had something more about him that that could be witnessed too by mankind you know this is if there's something he had that was he had been that the two men were equal but that he had something greater which he'd been sent with and he looked slightly stronger they were about the same age but my heart program look slightly older but the problem looks something like like he'd been given something more weighty but that the two equal he had his two hands one hand do a to Y tablet he said by the Prophet Mohammed peace be on him sorry coming back to the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him there were two why tablets yeah to write up with his two hands on the mall with his tandem and was he pointing to anything with his other hand no I was by his side but he he he looked as if he looked like it was something he'd been he brought with him and I found out later that was the Quran Sunnah what do you think in the dream when you saw it what do you think the tablets were I didn't know I thought there was something some kind of explanation of what he was but by the end of the dream you decided you realize you were being informed that the Prophet Muhammad peace be on him is indeed a prophet of Almighty God in his be sent by God there right ah yes but you didn't become a Muslim in the dream or soon afterwards you had to do a bit more research all right yes yes I started to read in the Bible um I found problems with it ah and so I went to speaker corner to discuss it with the Christians there I I met a Muslim preacher and I found it difficult to not accept what he was saying you know it was as if something had hit home that you believe that probably basically he said he asked me uh do you believe in God I said yes do you believe I would you wish God's you believe in I said well God because I was always kind of Monk theist I wasn't I didn't believe that there was anything other than God that should be watching ah and he said okay well do you believe the Prophet is a prophet I said well yes because I've seen this dream and so he said well this is them but what the Muslims believe this is what the Muslims believe so why didn't you become Muslim and something hit home that this was that despite how short the conversation was this was something which was had struck me as being so such an argument the like if I rejected it it would be it would be a witness against myself you know be something against me so I you know it was something that I would regret it would it was something I would just I linger on for a few more months and then say oh well I have to do anyway so I I said okay I'll become Muslim I raised my hand and said a shadow a ladder harsh and on mohammed rasoolullah and became Muslim ever alone ever
Channel: DawahIsEasy
Views: 944,205
Rating: 4.7719817 out of 5
Keywords: Dream, British, Islam, Convert, English, Muhammad, Muslim, Moslem, Jesus, Dawah, Easy, God, Atheist, Kilburn, London, England, Revert, Qur'an, Quran, Koran, Kuran, Kur'an, Allah, Believe, Belief, Truth, Paradise, Conversion, Hadith, Prophet, Messenger, Christ, Christian, Agnostic, Trinity, Love, Peace, Mohammed, Salvation, Heaven, Unity, Rasool-Allah, Rasul-Allah
Id: 0wuFFX3M0oY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2012
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