Mental Health, Jinn & Ruqiah - Gabriel Al Romaani

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welcome to a special episode today we're talking about mental health and the importance of rookia and again please check out the descriptions and support this work and sponsor these videos mashallah we can teach people more about the deen and about how to connect with allah subhanahu ta'ala and to solve the problems so today we're talking about something interesting that i'm sure you've kind of come across there's a dichotomy in our ummah today that was not there at the time of the prophet saws when it comes to dealing with a medical approach or medical to administer medical help for those who are sick be that they are having a mental sickness or physical sickness you find sometimes through videos and people even counselors panelists you get this a lot with muslim counselors and i'm not trying to say anything wrong not all of them of course but you do get these things happening where a case comes to them and they say you know what i'm not qualified for this you have to go to a professional to a doctor you have to go and see someone from mental health and you have to go see someone you know your your symptoms are physical i cannot help you the person might come to them and say look sheikh i need i think there's a problem of jinn right usually people say yeah man you know the muslims today they blame everything on the shaytan and on the gym you hear this a lot so sometimes some of our brothers imams and so on they kind of pulled their hands back and said look i cannot help you because like okay this is your mental health issue you got problems you know you really have to see a doctor you have to say psychiatrist and especially hear this in muslim in non-muslim countries where people do not want to get involved they kind of look man you got a problem you need to go to the right people i'm not the right person to help you but i need rookia and i think there's gin you guys always blame it on the gym always blame shaytan to the point that has become a joke you hear it in lectures sometimes you know we tell people as soon as right away they blame the shaytan so they have to go and see a doctor guy go see a doctor you got mental health problems you're crazy you gotta you gotta go and see someone okay so i'll tell you what is the problem with that all right so we're sending our muslim brothers and sisters i'm not saying that there's no place for counselors and psychiatrists and all these things these are needed there are a lot of issues that we can discuss there however however you have to understand there's a culture that's accepted now that this is the go-to psychiatrist the problem is a lot of people do not understand that even in psychology there are schools of thought there are schools of thought they have subhan allah and they have like akida and then there they have like madaga staff i'm not trying to compare but that's what they have these so the school of thought that rules psychiatry and psychology today is none other than none other than atheism okay and materialism you are a product of a bunch of chemicals it's a material and you function based on certain chemical balances and when those balances are imbalanced then we need to rebalance them by obviously giving medicine yes is this totally to be disregarded no but it is just the first thing they jump to they do not have any in general now there is a more humanistic school of thought that's coming through existential and so on however however cognitive okay cognitive school of thought but in the end when you look at the core of psychology and psychiatrist psychiatry any kind of mental health practitioner that is licensed in the west in general they will approach things from that school of thought and it is governed by law you cannot you can talk people like have sabbah may allah help you and this and that but you cannot fully take a um approach to say that you know god can heal you or let's do this or let's do that spiritual the spirit is very important now however there well not just now but there has been schools of thought within psychology because at the beginning remember the definition of psychology is actually the study of the psych of the spirit the psychology in its original definition was the attempt to try to understand the human soul because there was a much greater connection and you can say interest in the human soul back then they're not so materialistic but today with materialism everything is technology everything is just material physical most people are pushed into that type of understanding so it is decided by government is governed by laws and then you get license and you can practice this way so you can belong to a behavior behavior school of thought psychoanalytical which is one of the oldest one but it's still grasping most of the psychiatrists and now in the muslim world because they're usually behind when it comes to catching up with these things sadly uh the the psychoanalytical school of thought yeah the sigmund freud school of thought is you know the one of the most prevalent so yes they are competing now however the their main theology and it is a deen if you think about it what is the definition of it is a path away an approach so their deen is based on the spirit is not so important we can fix this by chemical balances and imbalances um focusing on serotonin uh you know ssris update uh the um inhibition or reuptake and so on and so forth so there is a lot of that so antidepressants right if you look into it do a bit of research how into depression works it's basically that okay if you understand how the neurons connect and how you know the the information is passed through the neurons and is basically there's a connection between the two neurons uh there's a synaptic cleft and neurotransmitters okay the chemical or electrical are connect communicating between the two are transferred between the two there's receptors on one side and basically they carry information and then gets pushed down the axon and so on it gets carried to the rest of the body and that's how your body is basically interpreting and taking information from the central nervous system which in in in in return takes information from the sensor neurons which take information from the environment so any kind of trigger or stimuli will be translated processed and so on and this is what causes in many cases fear anxiety all these things okay it's a complicated process but quite uh understandable inshaallah just to keep it very simple so this is the way they approach this is the way they approach treatment for a person who might have mental health issues not feeling good anxiety depression panic attacks you name it problem is you go to the and i'm not generalizing again allah bless our iman's our imams and our scholars but you do see it happening more and more and i'm making this because i see a lot more clients coming in and saying look like i've gone and the imam tells me look you need to go and see a psychiatrist you got a man you got a mental problem look i cannot treat you uh right the only time that they'll think it's a gin or and what is a gin by the way let's go back to the finish a jin is a spirit and it is in many cases a shaytan right um so they they basically say that only if you're gonna like talk in weird voices and jump around and do weird stuff oh now it's a gym let's do okay right and you see these videos the rockies and screaming and exorcism and they're taking this from kai like the you know the access emily laurels or something like that from the catholics and the movies that have been around there that's the only time we're going to do when a person is possessed and starts flipping back or something and talking in languages no that is not how it is but sad so the people will say look i cannot help you go go to the uh mr john down the street there i can even refer you go to john and john is going to look at you not even touch you many cases not even talk to you because it's got about 15 clients the same day and then he might basically most likely give you a prescription that you're going to have to take for god knows what there's no even exit strategy right away they say look we'll talk to you later come back right so they build their clientele and that's the way it is and law protects them and that's the way you practice if you come kind of come up with another system you can get fined you need to have certain qualifications you go to a bachelor's a master's a phd clinical psychology and you get into it okay and then you basically specialize and you take your permission to be a psychiatrist and someone or someone who can prescribe medicine and then you have your practice there's also yes counselors and therapists and they work together but you'll find that in many cases these therapy approaches are not from an islamic perspective so we are basically now looking at muslims this is what muslims have access to in the west so our brothers are saying go to john john will take care of you john says okay you got to take these pills twice a day and this you know these many milligrams go to the prescription pharmacy get it and you take it and then you feel like a vegetable yeah yeah alhamdulillah the anxiety has gone down most people come to us they're like man i feel like a vegetable i feel better like i'm not having you know the anxiety but it takes me four hours to get up to move around to start doing things and so on and when i ask my my doctor hey when am i gonna get off this oh well we'll see all right and you know what most people do they get so frustrated with the side effects which sometimes include suicidal thoughts that they get off the medicine and that's the worst thing you right they do a lot of times that they just interrupt the medicine after they have taken it they take it back they take it two days they don't take another day they feel good one day they don't take it they take another day and they don't understand how these antidepressants work they don't work like that actually what you're doing is you're messing up with your nervous system you're tricking it and now it doesn't know what to do anymore so now you don't react you need to go back get more higher doses and this and that and it can lead to addiction can lead to so many problems as i said again disclaimer imagine just me talking right now could get me in trouble with the law if i don't give these disclaimers i'm not trying to say that there's no um sometimes need for medicine there is i'm not saying okay everyone's gonna go off medicine now because brother gabriel said that no there is but you have to understand how it works and you have to understand first and foremost as a muslim what you can do why are you feeling this way is it just chemical imbalances is it just hormonal issues what is it well actually and even some psychologists agree is this existential vacuum the spirit is not well fed and you're not able to make sense of the world around you and the problems that you're faced with cannot and that's why they say like psychosis and all these mental health issues some um some psycho psychology scholars have said that it's like the it's the way your brain is trying to make sense of the environment the things that are happening too it's reacting to it right and a lot of them made the argument they said subhanallah i mean they didn't say subhana but they said if we are to look at and diagnose based on behavior why are we targeting the chemicals the chemical imbalances because you're looking at behavior and you're saying that the chemical imbalances are our default but many people arguing against it you have to understand even with sex people say but there's research well there's research against it as well people take these things like they are wahi revelation it's from god that's it we have to believe it well because there's a research i saw a paper if you know anything about research you'll find that there's reviews there's a criticism of many of the research i don't think there's any research that is not criticized was there sometimes opposing opinion on many different levels but a lot of people just take it at face value and they say well it's research science it's like subhanallah people think science is more than revelation so let us understand just for a little bit how a muslim should do can you do for mental health for physical health issues uh psychosomatic meaning your brain can affect the way your body feels because of mental health many many problems and conditions can be fixed with quran and with rokia meaning we do not reveal anything from the quran except that it is shifa and that's exactly people say yeah it's shifa's and like it you know it just clears your heart no no the sahaba used to take these ayat and shifa as medicine you have to understand but you have to believe in it they believed it and that's why it worked it worked even on non-muslims all right it worked even on non-muslims and we're going to see the evidence but before i do that you need to understand one thing and one thing that is very important and that is the issue of the shaitaan right people come to you i'm not feeling good i think i need rookie i think shaytan is hurting me he's doing something no bro you need to go to john wait a second shaitaan actually can be at fault for any little health problem that you have i'm not saying you don't have to take vitamin or aspirin or this or that people do jump to those things very fast sometimes i think maybe you need to slow down a bit and not the first thing headache you get right away panadol and so on maybe you need to make some rookie on yourself and ruka was part of the sahaba's daily thing and so on quran but today we don't really do it why is and when i get sick he is the one who heals me okay it was clear they understood the quranic verses are very clear if i get sick allah heals me well allah gave us the ability to invent this medicine and so on if allah doesn't want you panadol is not going to work for many people people take panadol it doesn't work it does not work but let us look at this very very interesting hadith here of the prophet saw sallam and this is a hadith there is sahih uh as graded by sheikh al-bani but basically it is where the brazos was one of his wives and he said this is my wife so and so but then he says something amazing then he says something amazing um basically says shaytan he flows okay adam he flows into his blood okay the shaytan flows through the sun of adam like blood flows interesting why majira dam why like like blood the process like blood like flows in him why blood why not something else well blood is obviously part of the of the circulatory system right if you look at the circulatory system sorry where is it yeah so part of the circulatory system okay the circulatory system uh the transport system of the body is everything goes through blood it's oxygen you know hormones and here you have to understand hormones it is is so important hormone transport hormones influence mental health hormones influence the way your body reacts hormones are signals that are sent to every single part of your body body and they're carried through blood so imagine if shaytan okay if shaytan flows through you solid al fauzon says in the explanation of this hadith he says shaitan can enter you and he'll cause problems and he has power he says he has power he has ability to do things how well shaytan you have to understand the first place right we're talking about jinn right the same jinn that you came to the imam or whatever the imam says no no no you just go to john he is flowing through you how what be like we don't know because it's from the unseen we don't know how start understanding how but we do know how hormones are flowing through our blood so the shaytan is there and he can influence allah but the process is specifically flowing like blood blood flows through everything you feel sick you feel pain here you feel anxious your heart a lot of times people feel heart and chest palpitations anxiety in the stomach lower abdomen in the thoracic cavity they feel this pressure right blood circulates there the lungs are located there which is a heavily circulated blood uh the heart of course which is the pump and blood and it pumps through the brain it comes down to the limbs oxygen and the oxygen it's a full intricated and very you know um complicated system but it is related to blood so if the shaytan flows through us like blood flows imagine what it can do everything that hurts us every small issue that we have yes there is a physical expression for it but do not outrule the the unseen the shaitaan he shaytan is your enemy he is an enemy due him to you so take him as an enemy he's not gonna like take a break he gets locked up only in ramadan and even then the small chatting's around they don't take break they're after you what happens when you are physically hurt or you feel sick or you feel low and you feel this anxiety depression subhanallah your mind goes down your iman goes down why do most people feel anxious they question iman they want to commit suicide some people what does shaitan want from you kuffer if he cannot get kuffer he wants to get you at least to lose hope which is kufur and to commit suicide and to end and and and to get you to be in jahannam right subhanallah so why do we rule out the possibility that shaitaan is there flowing through us as the hadith of the prophet sallallahu alaihi sallam that we can see here okay and this is the hadith of i think it is narrative anas okay there's a sahih authentic hadith so let us understand this is from adam let us understand that shaytan is there shaytan is there and he flows all right another thing now let's look at shifa people say no you need to go to a doctor but i have this thing i have a problem a cup i'm not saying don't put something on it or don't but while you do it you can do rookia you can do it okay on yourself if you have a headache you have some problem you can do because rokya can heal you i wanna look at in sahih bukhari this is narrated by abu saeed radhiallahu volume 3 book 36 number 476 it says some of the companions of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam they went on a journey till they reached some arab tribes they asked the uh the actually the arya to treat them as their guests but they refused the chief of the tribe was bitten by a snake or stung by a scorpion and they tried their best to cure him but in no vein okay they used whatever they knew of medical treatment they couldn't do it so some of them said to the others nothing has benefited would you go to these people who are resident here at night it may be that some of them might possess something as a treatment so they went and a group of the companions they said our chief has been bitten by snake and we tried everything you got anything useful so one of them says yes by allah i can recite rookia he says by allah i can recite rookia quran but as you refuse to accept us for guests i will not recite rookia for you unless you fix some wages you pay me ah look at that subhanallah so they agreed to pay him a flock of sheep do you understand what a flock of ship means a flock of sheep so the sahaba went okay so he recited what one of them went and recited look at the iman of the sahaba they learned from who from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam so he recited and he puffed and puffed over the chief who became all right as he had just like released from a chain and got up and started walking showing no signs of sickness showing no signs of sickness but remember the sahada the sahaba the sahaba he had iman he knew that this would work some people say oh alhamdulillah i mean but they don't believe in it so it doesn't work these people had iman they believed so they paid them as they agreed to pay so some of them suggested to divide the earnings among themselves but the one who performed and recited said do not divide him till we go to the prophet sallam and narrate the whole story to him and wait for his order so the went to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and told in the story we did this and we took money for it so the prophet sallam asked how did you come to know surah al-fatiha was recited as rookia right then he said you have done right divide what you've earned and look what he said and a sign from me a share as well allahu akbar the process and then smiled subhanallah the prophet and then smiled the prophet said you've done well how did you know that al-fatiha is rookia because we heard you rasulullah we read behind the quran allahu akbar allahu akbar so the prophet will say good divide and insha allah give me some as well okay this is in hadith look at that this is how people of iman approach why our counselors our psychologists our muslims are ex are insisting on following ways that are against not necessarily sorry let me take that back there are not necessarily many of them against the quran sunnah no doubt because they're based on atheism materialism always about the material never about the spirit never about god you know it's always like material-centric it's always material-centric never god-centric revelation-centric see that's the difference between us and them that's the difference between them and us they believed in the quran they lived by the quran they died for the quran they treated themselves with the quran everything was the quran now i'm not saying because a lot of people but funny enough maybe in your mind you say man this is silly why are you telling us not to go to the doctor now well i'm not saying they say don't go to doctor because we see from the muslims there's you know like for example there's a tibetan there's medicine in the process so the process of the nation just say just recite rookia but we see that is one of the main ways to treat and treatment but you have to believe and don't forget the chaitan is running through your bloodstream hormones are being transported to your bloodstream so many chemicals so many things that influence the way your body acts the way it reacts so many signals are being sent from the brain to every part of the body and that's what you see is only the outcome of those things how you feel your mental health and so on only the outcomes of those things so keep in mind these two things shaytan does run through your blood do not rule out that this is from the unseen and do not do not rush to go to the non-muslim way the materialistic way the secular non-wahi based on signs that's ever changing and always debated as opposed to [Music] right this is what it is it is for those who truly believe in it not someone yeah i'll just do rookia bismillah nothing oh i didn't go okay let me go and pop some pills no you have to believe it man you got to believe it in your heart so don't rush to john but stay with muhammad insha allah and make some rukya and for my dear imams and scholars may allah bless you don't push your clients or your people your brothers sisters away make rookie for them with full iman and conviction that this can heal them and at the same time get the medicine get the help of doctor but do not always rush and if we remember if we ever think if the last thing we're about to die okay let me read some quran now or only when they jump up and down and do flips and talk in different languages okay i think now there's a jinn problem remember the jinn in the end is what shaytaan okay the one especially that is evil and is afflicting you is shaytaan and as the prophet he flows okay in the blood of the son of adam may allah protect us to help us understand barack a
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 2,889
Rating: 4.9770117 out of 5
Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Gabriel Al Romaani, Ruqiah, Mental Health, jinn, black magic, white magic
Id: qI9qM_MQfDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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