Finding Herobrine in Minecraft (Full Documentary) - 5 SIGHTINGS

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I remember watching these when i was 8-10 and getting so freaked out... I was kinda retarded

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the stream just waiting for people to start doing streaming level it starts searching again see add the new tunnel [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] we need motion under this isn't natural I'm going to go up back to the baseline [Music] but this sign one if something's going to happen with this sign and we got this sign right here oh [ __ ] I should go now oh we told our pola pola pola cool I'm not sure if I see yeah you guys see this I thought I saw something fall [Music] this doesn't look natural [Music] with the [Music] you have any torches did I think this one is natural this looks like a regular [Music] [Music] [Music] my supposed to jump yet we are going to jump I'm going to fill it up Justin gave this trap maybe that won't be lava then a moment [Music] another hand this is the third hat with dirt head what could this mean [Music] so here it for the new viewers who haven't seen my previous leaves that there was not built by me I've built another nether portal there so here I found three heads so far personally I think if I add a fourth head I think something strange will happen but I'm not sure not sure why I should search for one because so far I just happened to find them by complete luck one of them was in the pyramid one of them was in front of my house and one of them fell from the sky that was real life see this is a CREP and a chest this is a scrap just haven't been able to figure out how to make yet because I have all this obsidian here and I'm good I'm is this what I think it is one moment I'm pretty sure that's the head [Music] okay I guess the trap is sort of the question now that's had number four I'm going to go upload papers [Music] I got one two three four heads I hope this actually does something oh my game whoa it wasn't here before [Music] No no for what [Music] [Music] I'll just get here what I'm gonna make sure five heads though I'm not sure should I should I just go into the nether I'm not sure well maybe I should go back to now the EFT read debug screen share Google wait wait wait I'm going to get these hats because I don't want to lose them [Music] [Music] [Music] it's missing one more thing guys [Music] [Music] you're just gonna you just had here from now oh that sounds okay I'm guessing that's a coincidence the sound of the fire started once I put the head there what I'm going to change this I do really wonder if this will do anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you let's use our disposer or maybe you want to eat this yeah don't like wasting food I'm going to check out all the signs of put out let's see this one said are you there right and see [Music] this sign said the same this one I'm going to keep this shrine off for now turn it on everyone thing [Music] I'm gonna who are you that's maybe kinda [Music] cake holy crap this more thank oh look here guys [Music] actually I'm not sure if I should explore this maybe when I'm more prepared though it doesn't look like it needs anywhere you know maybe this is a good place where the third-base looks really cool here I actually might do that [Music] there we go look how cute this this chicken is really big head okay but we got distracted that's maybe climb that tree over here okay that's fire right there take holy crap it's more okay Gold I should have been able to see this from my base look you can even see the pyramid I'll keep this block up here doesn't seem to be anything directly under the block oh look at this we actually found something not just a matter of getting down wonder if this is just a regular case system so let's head back to the base I'm going to replace the gold look with this one let's remember this plate guys in case we ever want to get back okay show what gold box should I replace the one with the head or just a random one Oh [Music] grep [Music] I did not put this here [Music] just an empty sign Oh unleashed [Music] unleashed to unleash means to cause a strong of violent force to be released or become and restraint let's see I think the base should be on this flat area right here put this foot back because I don't want to lose it so big [Music] [Music] Oh No my house my dog are you serious how did this even happen I'm not even near I'm not even near any lava I went down for 20 seconds and I died I want to respond the house was on fire I only just started making house [Music] I'm going to return here I'm not going to give up on that house [Music] and if you enjoyed stream make sure to subscribe make sure to subscribe let's check this out we got more trees without leaves more crease without leaves but I think our past this area before haven't I or just just something with the world rendering cuz here does some blocks missing in between this one is floating I haven't seen that yet these are just missing the leaves that's strange let's remember this place guys let's remember it see what's the best way to get up here or define the way up for the break [Music] let's go all around here go this way and we'll check the signs we haven't done that in a while these haven't changed either who are you no goodies haven't these haven't changed okay not sure if that's a good thing because those are just effect let's explore oh look at that it looks kind of like a hidden cave behind the waterfall never ever seen this one before [Music] lava lava [Music] this isn't lava whoa I legit Odessa Slava holy crap there's nothing here there's nothing here look please look at this hallway redstone but there's nothing else just a room but I'm going to mine out everything in this room going to make sure [Music] because with us I'm taking it I don't care you always need to be careful when you think our brain might be visiting your Minecraft world but how can you know if he is in this video we will take a look at ten of the biggest signs that will let you know for sure number 10 there are trees in your world that don't have any leaves on number nine there are no mobs in your world even though you aren't playing on peaceful difficulty number eight you find pyramids in your world that you didn't build yourself number seven there are tunnels in your world that are lit up by redstone torches number six you find partially built herobrine shrines in your world number five signs that you put up with a question actually get answered number four we hear the doors in your base get open and closed by someone else number three you find the heads of other player characters number two you get blocked by someone while you're mining number one you're exploring your world when you see a figure with white eyes looking at you these were some of the signs that you need to pay attention to if you want to know heroin is really in your game what other signs do you think I missed let me know in the comment section and once again thank you guys for watching oh oh look at all these whoa so many spiders uh-oh I think I'm gonna keep running as Korea says oh I'm about to die let's go hide and WA little place oh I know what your place the way going [Music] go away anyone else you too look at that XP [Music] this is one of those houses pretty much really just it's literally it's literally just a tower with a the bed on it it's my house that's my old base that's an Enderman there's a chest I put weight up you whoa excuse me oh no dude rewind the stream what somebody does nobody looks why you should I rewind the stream let's check okay so all the people abuse joint I'm showing off the last side and we just had one okay so I check the Sun here yeah okay so I check the Sun see what time it is look up here might not be able to see it very clearly I'm gonna try to zoom it in and see a redhead probably hair I can see slightly blue something you guys see it [Music] this is the only time we see we actually see it a little bit later when I'm exploring during the night the fire is obscuring a a we can see a little bit of blue that's definitely like there's two pixels but I'm so sure their eyes and look that's blue blue isn't in the fire the fire isn't supposed to be blue what else can it be guys tersely look here [Music] see I think it might be quicker if we check the tree house first so let's head to the trio's we'll go back to regular base Oh actually um there's something oh boy wait I'm actually going to show you guys something look quick just had this was found a while ago but we did find something interesting the junk I'm just gonna show it real quick if you look at one of these trees yeah over there look at how this tree looks restraint check this out and this three doesn't even have these like weight it does it has one leaf so one of the theories we got was that this is the these trees were burned I didn't burn them so whoever burned them I don't know why when we did the test we found a tree that was sitting by itself we burned it and it did not look this way this tree is kind of strange it was let's head back check the sign at the tree house quickly as we can right next to it it has changed nope still same so that's not why we're not going to go to sleep yet wait oh oh boy maybe you should have gone to sleep or just going to check the regular case voice I'm not going crazy [Music] you [Music] he's around here somewhere he's here guys [Music] here you guys saw them digit out in the window guys rerun the stream in the window I saw wave guys I'm going to rewind the screen I'm going to rewind the screen wait a minute I gotta see this again guys whoever just joined we just got the sighting look look at the window okay you guys just saw that you guys just saw that what is up everyone welcome to dark corners I'm your host dark and as you might have already noticed we are returning to my heroine world for the first time in a long time I'll say it's been months probably has been this video is going to be a bit different because I found out about the little myth about heroine I'm going to go outside to show you as you can see here I'm playing on your regular minecraft normal settings everything don't even have Optifine installed yet and what this myth says this rumor if you go to your options your video settings put your render distance all the way down to the minimum you can see we're surrounded by fog now and according to this rumor ever been high in this fog so I haven't tried this yet I only recently found out about it and I thought that was the perfect reason to return to this world to connect check out gay feels completely different and all the fun I mean if I just move a couple of meters away I can't even see my base anymore this fog would be first place for something evil something sinister to hide imagine what it will look like at night what we're going to be doing we're going to go through every base that we have I hope I can still find them it's been a while since I it's as I've been on here I'm going to see if this myth has any truth to it this myth does make sense if you guys ever read the original story of Harry Brin and you saw the original proof and all that stuff for example in the four tempos and the story itself it was said that every brand was seen or at least someone that looked like Aaron was seen in the distance hiding in the fog so I really should have tried this way way earlier but hey better late than never maybe we'll get a new breakthrough finally if I remember correctly my old base is this way I have two bases around here and I have one that I have to get that I have to go through another portal gasps do you have to change your entire strategy in Minecraft if you play with the draw this is like this I mean if towers a diamond a stack of 64 diamonds like right here I wouldn't even see it I wonder if the snap you'd imagine this underground I have a cave near this other base that I'm going to go into I have no clue what time of the theater normally I'd look at the Sun or the moon to see how much time I have left until the day/night cycle is true there we go I found my base get in here okay so the people that have been following this series for a while remember the shrine over here is going to go to it you can see the signs change before these ones haven't walls are still here I guess this is a really creepy see this sign build the same let's head over to my cave I can't even see the end of this staircase yes oh that's creepy that's really creepy - 360 me dude and call duty bro I win here on one complete darkness I'm going to check it out should keep looking behind me as I usually do [Music] imagine if we could put the settings even lower than this you wouldn't be able to see anything in front of you just follow this trail of torches I put down can't remember what I found here but hey just gonna refresh in our memory I go after these torches alright I know for a fact if I keep going that's when I'm gonna get lost but hey you've got nothing to lose Oh scary in Rwanda in a circle didn't we kind of looks that way and if it's not true that means we're already lost there we go let's make our way back let's check out the other base have to cross the water over here let's I hope I got some boats awesome I got two votes left then even the ocean is creepy it looks like there's no end to the water luckily I know for a fact that there's an end over there but if I didn't know it there we go this is the grave of my old dog died in 2016 that's a while ago dude it's already 2017 go ahead take this redstone Tama going to go into our first little gate on the first few episodes of finding heroin if you're interested in seeing a recap you can find the videos in the description the entire first season I guess of finding heroin here on dark corners finder the series that blew my channel a not like creeper I mean in terms of viewers fans and almost supporters there we go so far I haven't seen anything that resembles her brain then again maybe I just missed it let's see this like riding a bike I won't forget the way for sure if I go this way I should find us the strange cavern or we had the first Harry sighting down here this way yep if you've seen the episode where first encountered herobrine you might recognize this place this is where you're standing looks unchanged not noticing anything new interesting I'm not sure if I explore this part of the cave yet oh no not mine I don't need you just go ahead and do that now I don't see any torches interesting hmm yeah I've noticed this before on a different world of mine mature of that the video on that world is already out but if it's out you might notice it's not getting dark in the game maybe just just something wrong with my game but it's kind of strange never had that before since before recent like if we go this way there's there aren't any torches here look even if I destroyed this one it doesn't get any darker mildly peculiar if I may say so myself we're going to keep looking but I'm not sure that might affect what happens the fact that it doesn't get dark in the case I mean that's crazy that's all that ruins minecraft you need darkness in the case otherwise whereas the mobs are going to come from I mean we still have mobs I mean I hope you guys know what I mean it's just strange let's head back we're going to go break to the nether portal if we can find the way back there we go oh snap I already killed your friends you won't be a problem let's get the hell out of here that's too many mobs then look at this darkness we're gonna keep going oh my god how many friends did that zombie have wasn't it wait what just happened did I just do that creeper just blow up myself why does creeper blow up don't you guys that was the creeper right it wasn't done or anything dump that creeper blew up for a reason I'm not sure why right now I'm just trying to find my way back that's what I was talking about you can see that's not one single torch here but it's not dark so I'm guessing mobs still spawn here since the game thinks it's dark yeah but I can actually just see everything just fine let's see did we just find our way back just follow these torches yes finally we found at all so this is where we came from this is the cavern which means the way outside is this way hey so if it doesn't get dark in its caves I wonder what it looks like at night let's check it out I'm going to add up to the opposite impairment while this looks creepy okay this looks really creepy I should probably wait until day time I'm not ready to explore and life time yet it's just good wait how did you get here that's crazy how the hell did that zombie get here don't think I've ever seen a mob get into space hmm it was that the only mob okay that's the only model can go to bed good next go ahead climb this mountain go through the nether portal this mountain needs to be my biggest enemy back when I was still screaming on this world regularly but we actually had a record I was able to get on this mountain with then at least 30 seconds when I started to get good at it you guys can count see if I beat my record let's see my old record I say my old record was like 36 seconds we're going to see if I'm going to beat it so right now we're heading up to the Obsidian pyramid that's why I had a another portal built and that meta portal leads to a small village a desert village why I have another base look around I can't even see the ground from here that's how foggy it is don't know sign of Harry bring all dude how bad is another going to be with all this fog oh my god this is creepy as hell I'm not lying I know this is minecraft and everything but I still got goose bumps you look you can see you can kind of see the structures in a distance what oh no that's laughs that's lava you see the fire up here the gas attacks me right now I can't do anything I can't even see what will be coming from and I already hear a mob somewhere there we go hey what's up everybody oh no not running boy it should be stayed here oh I almost hit the juice out of reflex look at this we can't even see the end of this tunnel now we can't even see like ten feet into this gonna fast forward this part don't think we'll see don't think we'll see anything here it kind of feels like a void is chasing you right here go back to the regular world even a little fluff here that appeared at some point is all do normally when I get out of this portal I can see the village I'm I think it's this way I'm hoping I'm remembering correctly but I'm like 60% certain we're going to find out or there we go though Silent Hill vibra got here now even a village you're scaring me now hey what's up everybody how you doing missed you guys let's find one of our little basis I think it was around my estimations are correct I should be going the right way now it's for the people that are fairly new to the channel that didn't follow my old hair burn streams let me show you something that we found up here just for context reasons so on top of this mountain I found this little shrine and we dug under it and we found a little wrestling tunnel under that mountain and that's not all that we found we found something that's potentially even creepier where does it lead to this is the redstone tunnel I did some building here so we're ignore this stuff this was put down by me when I first found it it existed out of this prison these were individual prisons I removed the walls between every cell that's pretty crazy okay you guys just saw that you guys just saw that okay I'm not crazy oh my god okay so when I was dreaming in this world all kinds of creepy stuff or strange stuff happened on there I remember one of the things that happened is when I was checking out the shrine and I built a skeleton beard here you see this torch is everywhere a skeleton appeared this doors closed so I thought maybe maybe somehow skeleton God in but maybe I was just crazy you actually got it on camera now I'm not even sure what happened the creeper just appeared here I'm not crazy right right under the door so we can't say maybe it was too dark there it was right next to the torch even if we check the subtitles you can we're pretty deep underground you can see blocks getting broken they're not getting broken by me we've tried following the subtitles we haven't been able to find what's causing it you might think maybe Tara brain but we honestly can't say anything for certain one that was pretty I wasn't expecting that to happen to be completely honest I'm not sure if the fog thing even does anything like as I said it just amid rumor that I found out about not I thought would be interesting to investigate we've done most of the exploring during the day maybe we're going to do some exploring in a separate video at night if anything different happens once again everybody thanks so much hold on the video is not over yet so while I was working on this video and editing it I noticed something that might potentially be even scarier than the creeper let's rewind so you guys can see it for yourself so what do you guys think this could be could this just be a zombie let me know in the comments section below and make sure you like the video if you enjoyed it and if you aren't subscribed yet make sure you do so if you want to see more videos thank you all so much for watching dark signing out
Channel: Dark Corners
Views: 4,004,580
Rating: 4.7662473 out of 5
Keywords: finding herobrine, finding herobrine in minecraft, minecraft at 3 am, do not search for herobrine in minecraft, minecraft herobrine sighting, minecraft creepypasta, scary minecraft video, herobrine, herobrine sighting, minecraft, dark corners, minecraft null, minecraft herobrine, minecraft herobrine story, minecraft at 3am, minecraft legend, herobrine in minecraft, herobrine encounters, herobrine signs, herobrine guide, is herobrine in minecraft, do not play minecraft at 3 am
Id: Qr3cE6OGuec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 3sec (4623 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2017
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