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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another spooky day in the world of cookiecraft as you guys probably know by now i am backpro vampire in the last episode though we did get four brand new elemental dragons and we're going to be training them in a future episode so don't think that i forgot about that well ladies and gentlemen in uh i think it was about two episodes ago we became a vampire and a lot of you guys were commenting that you want me to try to level up and become a master vampire now in the words of sunday i've been busy i've been busy reading this vampire book because there is so much to learn about leveling up as a vampire look at this look at all this information look at all these structures well ladies and gentlemen i think i am 90 there i have basically all the materials that today we need to get just a couple more and then by the end of today we should be able to level up a bunch as a vampire now you're probably wondering jack why would you even want to level up as a vampire well let me tell ya if i hit p you'll notice that we have a skill tree eventually unlock night vision which is cool regeneration which is a little bit better but eventually we'll get a bat mode where i can morph into a bat and fly around i can also eventually summon an army of bats we can upgrade our bite we can get jump boost we can also disguise ourselves as a normal player and troll anybody we can freeze players we can teleport and so many brand new abilities that i need to get by the end of today's video before i do that ladies and gentlemen i need you guys to go ahead and leave as many likes as you possibly can cookiecraft has been getting so much support so if you guys do want to see more episodes i need you guys to hit over 40 000 likes in two days i think you guys could do it okay but ladies we got a lot to do today so be sure to try to like tune in and listen if you do want to learn how to level up as a vampire first thing we're gonna need to get our hands on is the altar of inspiration this is by far the easiest thing that we are going to craft today we only need glass glass bottles and iron which i believe i have all those things yeah we'll grab the iron and i think in this chest we should have some glass we put the glass around the edges the bottle in the center the iron on the bottom and boom we have the altar of inspiration now this thing should be able to level me up i believe to level five so we should be able to get some of our brand new vampire abilities right at the start what is this what are these llamas doing what are you guys you guys up to out here oh there's a wandering traitor hold on anything good nothing good i'm gonna have to bite you boy where is he where is he where is he where is he i'll bite your llamas i'm biting his llamas ladies dumb and i could use a little snack he's invisible but i can still bite him what a nub well there he goes llamas i guess you're mine let's go over to our dragon barn and we're going to go ahead and place the oh my gosh bro does he not know i'm a vampire that is actually why we need the upgrades ladies and gentlemen if you notice on the right side uh we can be avoided by creepers i'm gonna need that we'll have to fix that later i guess for the time being we'll put the author of inspiration on top of my house now i believe in order to upgrade uh we need to just basically fill this thing to the brim with blood luckily ladies and gentlemen i have been extremely busy collecting as much blood as i possibly can and let me tell ya it has been disgusting i'm sure you guys could imagine that it is not fun stealing what are you doing i thought i was supposed to be avoided by zombies not attacked he's literally dying i forgot i i got brand new armor that makes it pretty much impossible for me to kill i'm sorry young zombie he basically just died he just combusted by trying to kill me did i do it is this thing full no wait did i did i just drink it what just happened oh my gosh i did it we leveled up ladies and gentlemen look i'm level two level two vampire everybody watch out all right so we have one skill point boom night vigina look at that the entire world is now bright and what is that thing no no no no llama attack he's like brah i'm not touching that thing i'm pretty sure we can use this to level up my vampire level to at least level five but in order to do that i'm gonna need to go fill up my blood bottles this is actually a perfect time to show you guys how much blood i've actually collected because it's kind of a little bit scary and i feel like if if anybody saw this they would they'd probably send me to maybe prison that's okay honestly all right so we're gonna go ahead we're just gonna fill up as many bottles as i possibly can there we [Laughter] i think i'm just wasting it back up we go so it actually looked like there's still some blood left over which is definitely super useful i think it's back to the top so we're just gonna right click again and look at that it took more blood this time and look at the particles i get electrocuted with the power of vampires now that we're level three we can unlock regeneration more blood add the blood a little bit more blood i think it's full there we go okay we're about to become level four and then if this works i go into my skills and we now have a bat mode so okay okay sorry so i think in order to activate this i just need to press v no uh the the the how do i do this oh no okay so i need to hit tab in order to activate my abilities now i have regeneration which i don't really need right now and i have bat mode i'm spooky oh gosh i was bad i just realized um look at my health i only have two health but i think i still no okay so i don't have hands anymore can i oh never mind i do i can attack this is amazing i can now fly around ladies and gentlemen and nobody can do anything about it especially if it's a simple land creature like the arachnin i actually think he drops a pretty opie item too the arachnin crystal which i can use for an op hammer we'll have to do that in a future episode ladies and gentlemen all right we're going to marshal back no more top of that mode again there we go and i believe we have one more level to level up but um i'm gonna need more blood i also need to go to sleep because it is daytime daytime does not agree well with vampires yes we have more blood i never thought i'd be so excited to get my hands on more bottles of blood this is definitely going to be a monumental day in the world of cookie crap ladies and gentlemen it's gonna be a weird one but monumental nonetheless all right is that is that enough okay no no no we need to do a little bit more few more blood battles okay looks like it's filled to the brim now if i right click again i can't use the alter at this level wait a second so i need to upgrade i thought i could at least get to level five but it looks like we are locked in at level four so am i able to like i take the blood back or is my blood just stuck in there can i at least suck it out are you kidding me what if i what if i break it does it oh my gosh did it really just it got rid of all my blood i just wasted about like nine cows worth of blood that's okay ladies and gentlemen i prepared for this so now that we no longer need our altar of inspiration we are going to need to upgrade using these altar tips and also the altar pillars and then in the center of all of that we need the altar of infusion so i should have everything in order to get the altered tibs which i believe i only need four of we're going to need a lot of iron ladies and gentlemen so we're going to put the iron in there and then we're just going to surround this i think i just need one two three four of these i actually think eventually i'll need six so i might as well craft those now and then around the edges we are going to need i believe six alter pillars or maybe even 12. i don't really know but we're gonna craft as many as we possibly can luckily i had the mining gadget so i was able to collect tons and tons of stone super quickly we're gonna put the stone in there in order to create the stone bricks and then i think we can just make them like this so that's 32 alter pillars i think that might be just a tad bit too much but that's fine and then last but not least we need the altar of infusion uh for that you need four pieces of obsidian and two gold ingots i only need one of these which is super super lucky because i barely had any obsidian to start all right we're gonna go like that and now we have the altar of infusion now ladies and gentlemen the only thing left to do is to go find a spot to build this now just in case adam or alec ever decide to come back on i really don't want them to find this because they could use it to their advantage so i'm thinking if i go all the way up here we can build the altar and they would never know what am i saying i mean i haven't seen them on here in so long but still we might as well play it safe so we're gonna need to create the border first this is what the first structure looks like or no this this is the first structure with the stone pillars so the all-term infusion needs to go in the center and then we just place them around the four corners they only need to be three high and then at the top we can put the tips one two three and then one two three and then i think i could use bat mode in order to just place the tips on tap what just i just wasted three tips bro where'd my tips go wait i might be dumb i might need to fill them up with stone bricks first we are back with the stone brick so if i just right click on the bottom there we go and then eventually we can upgrade these using iron and gold in order to reach higher levels of vampirism vamp vampirism okay now okay wait i got the tips back so can i put the tips on that what is happening to my tips maybe i'm not able to place them when i'm in bat mode there we go okay so we place down the one tip there the other tip like that one more tip there and then this is the last altar tip and then now if i open this you'll see we need um we're missing five of human hearts so yeah we're gonna need to get i believe pure blood human hearts and vampire books if we want to level up as a vampire now this is where i run into a slight issue ladies and gentlemen i don't have pure blood or vampire hearts or not even vampires i need human hearts there is a pretty easy way to get human hearts uh the way to do that is to kill vampire hunters so i need to find the people that are directly hunting me because i'm a vampire and i need to defeat them which i'm honestly not super worried about because i am practically invincible so right here i believe this is a vampire hunter camp hella standby hum does anybody want to get vampired does anybody want to let me suck their blood and maybe steal a heart or two no takers okay all vampire hunters perfect all right back up back up back up don't you dare do it don't you do it there you go now you're dead where's your heart yes we got one human heart we need five in order to do the first ritual okay that might have to wait because it's daytime and i'm gonna slowly die during daytime that is the one problem with being a vampire is you basically die as soon as the sun comes out it also extre gets it gets a lot worse it gets extremely bad the higher level of a vampire you become we gotta move we gotta move we gotta go go go go go go go go go go go go go run around don't die don't die don't die come on come on we're close we're close close we're at the boathouse hey what's up emmy how are you doing don't really have time to talk me to die excuse me mr weird actor man and we're back home we made it ah there we go back in my coffin oh we have a little double encampment over here don't mind defend you excuse me sir oh paul the hunter why hello there paul maybe he'll drop two hearts i don't actually probably not because i don't know if like a human being can have more than one heart so i don't know why i even said that my brain is dumb thank you paw you're doing absolutely fantastic you're trying your hardest he's probably really confused i'm just a bat shooting out rat skulls i'm a bat with a rat and thank you for your contribution whoa wait a second what would he just drop i might need that actually hold on am i able to touch the water can i can i okay good i'm gonna get right next to the water so i can pick up all the items oh we have some salt as well i don't know how to touch that but i'm gonna do it anyway what do we get we got vampire blood does this do okay so he has a ranged weapon i need to be careful about these guys and i guess not really that careful i have tons of armor too so i decided to speed up the process because this is taking forever that i would just um get a couple more fireplaces which i think is where the vampire hunters spawn near i could put down a couple more tents and make like basically just campsites for them so hopefully this will increase the spawn rate finally it's about time okay i like went away for a little bit came back and a bunch started spawning in which is exactly what i wanted except at the same time it's a little bit scary because there's kind of surrounding me a little bit stop stop what you doing what you doing stop hitting me stop it please okay let's use our regeneration ability oh that's working like a charm let's go ladies and gentlemen i better get so many hearts from this let's go we're up to 13 which should be enough to level up at least one or two more times looks like there's another vampire hunter here and is that it okay okay i'll come back later and a lot more should spawn in nevermind there's still one more straggler no survivors how do they not all drop a heart some of these dudes are literally heartless okay so let's go fly back up to our altar of inspiration and see if it works okay so let's make sure i'm also uh i'm full on blood there we go now all i should have to do is put one two three four five and then if i right click again did it work or do i need other things oh i still need the vampire book and i guess pure blood so i know for a fact i have the vampire books you can get them in dungeon chests loot bags and also i believe from trading with other vampire villagers so if i go down to my vampire lair i think i should still have one of them let's go see okay wait i actually have a few so let's grab i guess just one book for now and the only thing we're missing is pure blood in order to get that which i don't know if i need yet we're going to have to travel back to the vampire forest and we are going to need to kill a vampire boss actually i think we're probably going to need it eventually anyway so we might as well go back to i guess the vampire village and we can see if any spawn in here i don't think the vampire baron bosses spawn in the vampire villages so we might have to wait what's up my fellow vampire how are you doing today very nice to meet you hello vampires oh no you guys are still villagers what are you doing i think they're eventually going to become vampires though it looks like they have the vampirism virus let's fly around his beck bro bat and see if maybe we can locate some vampire biomes i found one ladies and gentlemen the only issue is i think it's about to turn night time or maybe daytime i'm not sure if it's about to turn nighttime that is perfect because the vampire bosses only spawn at night time yo look at this there's vampire pigs vampire cows it's a vampire bessie bro that is a little bit disturbing i mean they they look about as good as i do i guess and obviously ladies and gentlemen i look extremely handsome as a vampire but okay we have to focus up ladies and gentlemen the the vampire barons can come in i believe one of five different levels the higher the level the higher level of purity blood that it will drop so right here we just have a normal vampire that's not a vampire baron i mean we could try to kill him for maybe some blood but i don't think it'll work let's just we're going to go for it hello i'm so oh my all right well that happened i guess that was karma because the vampire dropped nothing so it wasn't even worth it that's alright though i will sniff out the vampire barons and i will steal all of their pure blood so i can upgrade myself and then i will become master and lord of all vampires there ever were and ever will be i found one ladies and gentlemen look at it look at it okay okay look at its wings okay we're gonna have to morph back because this thing is going to pack a punch it's it's it has 140 hell so it's the hardest thing that i fought today but if i can keep it in the water it should remain weak i have this looting three swords so we should be able to collect a lot more pure blood than normal is it spitting blood at me is that actually happening right now okay i actually might need to get out my black death scythe just to okay okay there we go about to say if that doesn't hit then we are probably gonna die that is okay though i am beck bro master of all vampires not yet but slowly and steadily i will be you will not stop me in my quest mr red baron man all right you're dead you're dead you're stop hitting me stop it stop fighting it we did it ladies and gentlemen we got the achievement regicide and look at that we got pure blood purity one out of five so that was the easiest level vampire baron there are four levels that are harder we have another one ladies and gentlemen okay it's only level one this one is a i think that's a girl actually oh what just happened cool ladies and gentlemen i guess i probably should have saw that one coming okay but while we're back though we might as well go ahead and see if we have all of the different ingredients to upgrade to level five please work all right we're gonna put in the last of the ingredients pure blood and the vampire book now if i right click is it working is something happening did i did i get it i got i got resistance did it take everything the ritual is still running oh my gosh wait it's happening it's happening yes my body is being filled with vampire power oh my gosh this is sick this is so epic let's go wasting my entire screen is turning red the blood cult perform a ritual at the altar of infusion uh let's go ladies gentlemen we did it excuse me sir did you not just see me become a master vampire all right so no no no no no now if i go into my skills and we scroll down we can start selecting our skill tree we can gain vampire rage where we do more damage and we're faster but we consume more blood we can summon bats that will swarm around any player that touches me or we can get sunscreen i'm going for the bats so if i if i summon bats right does it does it only work if if stuff like surrounds me or touches me let's go test it out we got we got a little weird-headed uh cow person excuse me cow person touch me i dare you okay he just knocked me out trying to activate some of bats is someone bats working i would like to sum in my bats now i changed my mind i don't want the bats never mind i have to stick with the bats because if i reset i will lose what level and i cannot go through all of that again what what just happened to my eardrums something just talked to me was it you did you said something to me or was it was it the was it the bats i actually just what is that you what just happened uh i feel like uh i wanna call my mom and that tell her i'm scared hello is that you okay i'm good i think it was the enderman but that just that just freaked me the heck out i was just reading the book again and it seems like the way to level up to level six and seven is to upgrade now to iron i think i have enough iron blocks to do that i have 64. so we're gonna go ahead and try to upgrade it off we go to upgrade vampires vampires are fun vampires are nice i hope vampires don't have lice we're gonna act like that didn't happen all right uh oh nope nope nope that's not right okay so if i right click down it seems like i'm able to collect the blocks inside i do not want to place them back down now we can place them all with iron one two three one two three three two one and wait a second it looks like the pure blood is still in there so the only thing we need is more human hearts one two three four five and then i just need to go back and get another vampire bug we got it ladies and gentlemen this better work okay okay so we go back in here right and we place the vampire book down right click again it's working look i have resistance for whatever reason i need resistance in order to do the vampire mastery ritual come on yes yes give it to me yes my entire screen is about to light up pure red and then finally i can upgrade and get rid of the stupid bats at work ladies and gentlemen and i just realized too i got an extra heart so i'm slowly and steadily getting stronger and stronger as a vampire let's go upgrade into vampire rage now if i activate vampire rage look at that okay so i'm faster and i'm definitely stronger but at the same time i'm consuming a lot more blood and it looks like that was the first ritual that actually used up the pure blood i found another vampire baron hello baron okay okay get those wings out of here he's not even fighting me okay never mind he kind of is but i'm way more powerful than him now that was so easy and look at that we got more pure blood now if we go back in here we can grab another vampire book and i have five more human hearts left so we should be able to upgrade to level seven we're doing amazing today ladies and gentlemen backpro vampire is well on his way to becoming beck bro dracula and i love it here we go we made it back to the ritual site let's open this sucker up put the human hearts in there the vampire book and the pureblood now if i right-click again no wait what missing five of the oh wait do i need 10 human hearts what does it say missing dude i need literally five more human hearts we have to go back to the vampire hunter camps i'm thinking i should probably move the camps back over here just so it is easy access to human hearts if the fbi is watching this this is it's just for minecraft okay i swear i'm not actually i'm not i'm not going out after human hearts hello there thank you very much for spawning in i just want one heart from your body he couldn't even give me that oh my gosh this camp is overrun we're gonna try out okay summon bats doesn't do anything but vampire rage willa oh my gosh let's go ladies they don't even try to fight back now i guess i'm just that scary okay you're dead oh terry the brave you are indeed very brave but you are also going to be very dead very shortly oh what did i get i got another vampire blood what did you just do to me back absent a lot just bonded we gotta go full vampire rage mode yes yes it's working give me your hearts i just need one more please give me one more one more part there we go i got the last one that he's done we can level up again i'm addicted to this okay we're gonna turn off that we're gonna go back into bat mode we have six hearts it's honestly super easy to get them now i feel like an absolute maniac saying that but at the same time my goal is to become a max level vampire and i think after this level we'll be halfway there look at all the birthday presents outside my house i forgot that every time i sleep birthday presents are gifted to me one day we'll have to go through and open them all honestly at this point i probably got a lot of coal coming for me all right but we are going to put in one two three four five hearts and we're just gonna right click again you cannot perform this ritual at night oh okay it's it's morning time we gotta wait till night time all right we are back it is night time we're gonna do this in three two one perform the ritual give me vampire power yes do it do it you won't you won't do it do your worst yo wait this looks sick let's go ladies and gentlemen i honestly think today i got a lot farther than i thought i would oh my gosh we got even more hearts and we're just saying i got strength regeneration saturation i really hope i keep that but that also means we unlocked another skill point and i think i want to go for advanced biter that'll increase my damage so i think i'm going to do it i think that's a good spot to wrap up today's spooky episode of cookiecraft we are about halfway to becoming a master vampire it is a lot of work don't worry though uh in between episodes i will try to get a ton more human hearts vampire books and uh and and also just blood i'm just gonna need a lot more blood if you guys did enjoy and do want to see another episode in the future be sure to just go ahead and tap the like button with your tooth good luck that is gonna wrap it up though thank you guys so much for the bottom of my heart if you stuck until the end of the video please go ahead and leave a comment down below i will do my best to heart it just put a hashtag cookie in the comment section my name is bec pro vampire i'll see you guys next time peace out dudes
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 1,133,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, vampire, minecraft vampire, vampire minecraft, vampire minecraft mod, vampire mod, minecraft werewolf, werewolf minecraft, minecraft as a vampire, infecting my friends as a vampire, playing minecraft as a vampire, dracula, beckbrojack
Id: KTuzlGU7SPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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