I Saw A CRAZY METEOR SHOWER in Animal Crossing New Horizons

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[Applause] ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to animal crossing before I started this video 700 million stars came through my sky and I was wishing on all of them Robin do another playback of all the stars that I just got [Music] [Applause] what is happening ways there's so many stars you see so many stars I didn't know that they came that often they got make three last night and that was it and I'm just sitting here look there's another one how did you see that dust man what are we gonna do first of all welcome welcome to my house I just heard another star what does the Stars do I have no idea I'm so behind on this game my house looks great though I still got all my my screens up here tossed boys watching to us boy sees what you're up to you thought that you could take a poop at 4 a.m. and no one would notice toss boy he notices everybody else is so much cool stuff KK Schneider has come to their islands they all have terraforming their islands look like utopias from the year 4000 and I'm over here living in a hovel not knowing what to do with my moldy ass dress and you know what I even have a room to match hoodie I'm trash this is the jam station the jam room tortellini what's up for me let's kick it teenager lady does pulley on drums [Music] do what time are eternally you madcap little turtle you I'm gonna kick it and balance out that is my trash room it's where all of the best parts of me exist tortellini singing music drums and the inside of my heart which is pure garbage I also have this room which I actually think is really cute you know if you want to come in here I want you a poop you want to take a bath do you want to sew your dis moldy dress back into order please run away some decent video games then you can do whatever you want but be careful because it has a scary sight I told you a little privacy please that's rude a little privacy so not much has actually changed at my island we have a couple of more residents ooh our gallery is open yes I have been keeping up with that oh man I hold on who knows hands up who knows what I forgot yes you do of course you do leave me being type of mourning animal crossing all right now the world can continue what is that in the top right of my map there's a new icon up there what hold on I have to do a heck an explorer right now come on toss I'm also leaving this egg here as a reminder of the horrors that came before to never ever have this happen again it's an affront to creation itself what there's a freaking boat here please take me away you don't know what it's been like men Tom no cuz kept me here for years for years can I get down I want I want to go home please take me away please I shouldn't board without asking what don't ask at home stairs stairs stairs stairs let's the stairs oh there was two of them I'm gonna miss what did the stairs do I've gotten a bunch of them now I might just Oh Oh is it your boat I [Music] know that shining face anywhere how you been tossed boy you made the right choice buying that art from me earlier I've had a lot of folks asking about it ah you know I really gotta be honest I think I'm falling for hell everybody does even I fell for hell it's just cuz it cuz it rhymed I fell for hell and then I was like oh that rains I lived here now I mean you've got quite a setup going here and a lot of art friends so he'll want cert and I got art to sell I got our to sell to hell huh might be something to this but I couldn't sell to just anybody I need someone I could trust completely as if they weren't families and since we're basically cousins and because I know you've got an eye for quality I want it to be you what do you mean were basically cousins you're a fox I'm a human like that I want to look at a few things I've got both art and furniture who you got furniture hell yeah they're gonna come on in here cousin boy were jet Christmas last year get on in here family he vanished huh stairs but there's so many stairs happen I yeah yeah yeah it's nice to talk to you Carlos I give you an Italian accent and then I was thought wait are you actually German and then I never really found out so I just gonna stick with what I know more stairs Oh cousin yes cousin dearest it's me Shh don't tell him don't show him the family tree the fact that his parents were killed by hunters Hey ah that's boy I'm so glad you made it your nose looks like it got exploded oh you got a Mona Lisa in here I'll sell it to you for four thousand nine hundred a yes wait isn't it is it a real one this is the thing we read he sells your real ones or fake ones I'm just gonna buy it and if it's fake I'm just gonna tell people it's real is that why it's a cousin's discount because they're fake it's really hard to resist that twinkle in painting isn't it but so a policy is the one hour purchase per customer per day you can look all you want though no it's fine I will come back with my thousands of bells tomorrow and buy it all from you this thing would go very well in my bathroom I would like this tell you what and this is just cuz it's my favorite spring weather out there yours from 4950 bells you got yourself a deal cousin want to go bowling Oh Anna get nook miles yeah yeah okay boy cousin see you at the family reunion you won't regret it that's very nice I got a little boat in my eyeline Oh does he stay here forever Z come and go I don't know I hope he stays here forever I would like to buy all the stuff from him I'm sure of it I get to the top of this put away my ladder there's gonna be a star watch damn stack no stir stir no sir sir sir Sir sir what is it the stupid pole oh damn it oh hi are you blazes his hot girlfriend who do you who don't and a very good evening to you are you a resident of this island ah you must be the famous Hoss point oh it's nothing to meet you I'm Celeste Brad you've met my brother blathers sexy sister Oh toss boy is going to date your sisters my sister matters and then we're gonna have weird babies you'd know if you had gladion I mean my brother likes to go on and on about everything Celeste you're cute and all but I missing stars the stairs above falling all the way to earth just to hear I wishes is that a lovely romantic idea fast car right in front of the museum your brothers in there God's just hitting on me Oh seems there's a magic one that make a wish and give it a wave that you become a whole new you I jotted down the recipe but the intention of trying it out later but yes Oh can't make a wand I've always wanted that the one where you go woosh woosh and then you can change your outfit please I learned the DIY recipe for star wall let's go see what we need to actually make it it could be all sorts of equipment oh that's what I need the stair fragments for how do I get him I need him also but I just don't you see huffin and puffin coming out of the tree behind me the tree back there had Huff's and puffs coming out of it like someone was mad all right al now God don't show me his ass you guys want to see something cool wait it won't fit poor baby yes oh man I'm gonna have all my friends over for pool parties all the time except Shari she's not invited not now not ever not how odd that's dope I've my own pool pass boys living the life happy yeah dolla bill y'all I also got a thing from Evelyn a school door-plate oh that's awesome before it was like hi welcome come on in now it's like [Music] we have cake and biscuits and there's tea in the corner I gotta put on my Sikh a little boo boo nice okay can i push you guys closer no I didn't even do anything I didn't even poops man I want them to be like right next to each other why can't I do that that's so annoying it looks stupid you want me to look stupid sheron's what a lad stairs stairs also stairs stairs so many stars how do we do it let me get the star fragments cut there's so many things happening I've always done 30 stars right now holy God more more stars this whole episode it's just stairs oh yeah nooks crannies got upgraded as well it's even bigger than before let me show you everybody seen it already everybody's much further an animal crossing than I am everyone's way further but look I have it now damn it welcome to next cranny wow you guys got all the hold on settle guys I'm just looking around guys give me a moment who should I get a new food bowl for tortellini what do you guys think should I yeah I should shouldn't I yeah seems like you're interested in a food pet food food but at football I am interested in your candle let's say we pay two bells for it or yes 600 that's a good price too yeah why not golden lantern 19,000 bells shove it up your raccoon arses who a colorful shovel cute all right later dorks huh why are you wearing dipper pines hat all right dig dig dig don't mind if I do bells for me but none for you stinky okay we got put 10k in here yep I'll then bury in the hole it's good practice for one you want to put a body in the ground start are you in there Shari hello Shari come out if your suck she in here I'm coming in don't knock she doesn't deserve a knock just walk in and take out your shotgun she drinks coffee though don't look at her don't look at her looking at her gives her power no no just cuz she drinks coffee does not mean that she's nice never Sherri's never nice she's one who tried to end us toss she's like huh I wonder why he came in uh-huh to see how many exits you have in your house so I can barricade you in a count way until I get terraforming and I can trap her inside don't forget we have Godzilla down here yeah oh sorry stairs Godzilla protects the land he protects the gates of hell that's right don't let anybody in to hell unless they have a proper reason to be here although you've let in quite a bit cherry still here maybe we should get rid of it oh my god so many stars three in a row baby a triple loo tiny asses don't mind if I yes more stars goddamnit and pointing the camera God [ __ ] it sometimes this game could test anybody's patience I just want to tilt the camera up but it's so delayed tilt there you go the stars are gone now toss there's one and I can't wish on them but if I have something in my hand oh my god animal crossing why are you like this surely I must be close to paying off my debt this time surely I must be very close I have so much money oh good lord so you're saying to get another room in my house it's gonna cost me half a million bells but to build a house itself costs an absolute fraction of that Tom we're gonna tomfoolery is this Oh I'll wager you're here to grab a maid a ticket task boy yes I'm not here to complain about everything else that you do I'm handing them out as part of our May Day celebration speaking of which it's time for a little pop quiz do you know what we're celebrating on May Day the month of May I am a well that doesn't surprise me you are a wise one toss boy don't butter me up Tom how much money do you want yes yes May Day is a day when we express our gratitude to those who work hard although I suppose my May Day event is more about play than work yeah because you've never known a day of work in your life Tom you just make everybody else do it forced labour my getaway package ideas started as a way for folks to escape and enjoy carefree lives and deserted islands my getaway package you know when people say to you oh honey let's do it let's do it get away open the Alps for a little bit they don't move to the Alps I'm sure you've been enjoying a leisurely island life here as well yeah between all the digging and building and chopping and spending and not actually hanging out with anybody that's lovely however I can't help but think about all of the support I've gotten from our wonderful Island residents me you've gotten support from me all the people haven't done [ __ ] it's all me Tom you see these hands they used to be soft supple they could touch a baby's head without crying now I've hands of stone as a thank-you no gang has created a special tour for Alan yes yes I call it the made a tour I'm sure everyone will enjoy the recreational activities I have planned the best in the business so take this opportunity to hop on a plane take a trip and unwind after all your hard work and left a mayday ticket for you at the airport counter may 17 I say Tom hi Isabel how's it going I would like to lodge a complaint Oh calling you trouble yes my president has been troubling you someone named Tom Nook but don't say anything out loud he's right there wait I can't see anything about Tom this is this is tyrannical I thought this is a democracy all right I want to know what rank my island is four stars four and a half stars it's somewhere between four and five I know then the better balance of natural beauty develop in a deck or four stairs the island receives I've seen like 3040 stars in the sky already do we get a 40 star rating out of five that means we need more residents and buildings proper infrastructure in a well decorated natural and easy enough right but if we can achieve that perfect balance of welcoming environment our ranking is bound to rise I'm sorry one star this is an uber Isabel folks a Fanny like me saw some room for improvement who which folks tell me tell me which folks need a talking to I'm gonna go out it's it's sherry sherry is trying to track me down I told you this is why we hate sherry this is why I have to murder her Nintendo where's the murder update where's the sniper rifle apne do some sort of like integration McCaul of Duty or battlefield or something add weapons make it Animal Crossing Battle Royale me versus 100 cherries I'll take them all on it's like that thing it's like would you rather fight a hundred duck-sized horses or 100 gee sighs children I punch sorry in the face that's what I do all right I'm off guys ha ha have you ever tasted monkey meat before boom camel umbrella perfect she'll never see me come thanks so much but god damn it Tommy I got some stuff for my house didn't I the flower print wall no I want the we're got a can they see it wait our track pants move us look at you go oh you're so cute all right time to spruce up my room just a tiny bit we have some stuff going on in here I put something on this candle of it no I want to put it on the come on you need a candle in here though because let's face it we've all been there what else did I get I got a gas range yeah highs so now you can cook and you can whoo that's great I like that let's turn you over here actually and put you right there this is going to be like a bathroom slash kitchen you know changing the game changing it all up I saw it in that game dead inside and I was like stupid the worst idea I've ever seen and then I was like unless and there's fire on this and toss boy sure loves a good open flame so my house isn't what you'd call furnished so my house isn't what you'd call normal but do any of us care I certainly don't or tortellini he's still jamming he never ends that's not coming from the radio either that's coming from him he's playing all the instruments himself totally okay don't be sad don't cry no honey hush I got you a brand new one it's not awesome do you like it or do you love it you love it right I also got us a bed beautiful should I toss something yes I'm toss boy that's what I do let's toss what do I want to toss in there let's toss the other pet food ball in there you ready tortellini I thought I would have an animation or something all right tortellini stay kicking it aah blathers how's it going there's a door up there now oh is this the art gallery let's go see I have bought many paintings as you will see no doubt no doubt modern art everybody see some of you wouldn't get it it's to you it probably just looks like a bunch of marble stones around I know we get that a lot but what you see here in front of you is modern art exquisitely placed to your scummy dumb brains it probably just looks normal playing Placid but no stinky it's beautiful all of you art of fishing out is out there you see it right you get it oh I bet I bet you see flowers in this one I laugh in your own cultured face flowery painting it's written like that so you don't feel dumb no you see an empty glass cabinet yes I just really loved the colors that they brought out here Caravaggio used skyros guro to really emphasize the light and shadows and how they interact with each other but I guess you wouldn't know anything about that see you like you I'm cultured I have class I have glasses therefore I know what I'm talking about glasses are filthy with the grease of my own but you'll turn up prices hundred thirty-nine bills not great but not the worst I've had I've had it for like thirty bells at one time all right I know everyone's gonna judge me I have never bought a single turn up in this game I live in a turnip 'less world not not a dill ch0 double zeros infinity that's how little I have I want turnips but I never wake up before midday on Sundays I know what a vibe but then II won't spare turnips please everyone keeps talking about how they have turnips everyone keeps talking about how they have all this cool stuff and they're progressing so fast I'm too busy and I'm trying to play this game and I feel so sad everybody has such cool stuff when I'm sitting here with my trash pandas please please spare some turnip please oh yes Daddy yes please daddy oh I would so love some turnips daddy pretty please with sugar and cherries on top daddy you guys want to see something cool just a regular old toss boy a regular all down to I need to be an edge I need to be in a more secretive place for this yes yes this will do nicely just us the moonlight stop - stammers damn it I miss one another's day three all right no one's here right we're in a very secretive place behold super toss fire of Fryman killer oh sure you will get rid of the evil the evil that is in hell the even that is on this island for he is super toss I know it did and on his chest stands for I think it sense for no bad but I'm not fighting crime I like to just lie down on the beach and enjoy myself and this lovely piece and Carlos can you get out of here please I'm having a moment Carlos don't make me kill you as well are you sitting down next to me hi Carlos a super to us survey is the land seeing the bright vast universe and how many planets out there don't have Sherry's on them he wills himself for his mission to eradicate this islands sherry problem join us next time an animal crossing we're super toss we'll get to work but thank you guys for watching this episode it's good to be back in Animal Crossing I'm really enjoying it again I kind of fell out of love with the game for a little bit because it just got a little too repetitive to me all day I'm not the type of person who's really into customization and really into just like carrot on a stick kind of gameplay but there is a nice sort of calming quality to this game that you just get in you tend to your island for the day I know it's nice and I really want to get all the stuff that everybody else has I want to get like the able sisters in so we can get custom design so I can start using you guys's designs in the game and all of that kind of stuff is gonna be really fun going forward so leave me some tips and some suggestions in the comments for what to do in the next episode or what I can do or what I should be doing to progress things even faster and also please even like on the video if you enjoyed the Animal Crossing series it really lets me know what you guys are into and if this video gets enough likes then we can do more episodes on it and keep the story going for toss man but until then super toss [Music] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,466,626
Rating: 4.976758 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, new animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing: new horizons, new horizons, animal crossing jacksepticeye, animal crossing nintendo switch, tom nook, new horizons gameplay, ac new horizons, animal crossing switch gameplay, nintendo switch animal crossing, shari, jacksepticeye shari, star, wish on a star, animal crossing stars, metoer shower
Id: 0UbDcU5pJfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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