My first time playing Animal Crossing (New Horizons) [1]

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I'll show them off later deserted island I almost read that as desert island good evening oh those sounds are digging into my skull let's be the first to congratulate you on your wise decision to sign up for this adventure we're matching we both have leaf shirts on welcome to check encounter for your deserted island getaway maybe I'm gonna call it desert island there's so much to look forward to donut island first let us introduce ourselves I'm Timmy with nook Inc Timmy and Tommy will be flying to the island with you to help you get settled think of us as your partners we're in it for the long haul let's get started you'll need to look up your application name and birthday okay [Music] I'll go with my real birthday Oh cuz I know there's like nine yeah because I know there's timed events and stuff right goobers goobers wise choice I'm happier with the goobers hi yes here you are our next step will be to take a picture of you oh don't worry take as much time as you need to get yourself looking just the way you want um we'll be ready when you are okay Oh God okay this is gonna take a while yep I'm a pasty white [ __ ] what should I go with wait are these all the hairstyles oh that's kind of cute hmm I think this this is probably the closest that we're gonna get I wish I could do gradient I want scary eyes yes I could see everything what kind of nose do I have what do you think maybe this one what do you guys think triangle around a button nose the guys are great triangle okay oh [Music] god I like that oh wait Oh cute oh it's a little bit weird though that does not look like me what do i do what should i do differently none of these colors match me I guess we'll go with this hair oh my god nope oh that's kinda cute [Music] haha oh that's kind of cute I like this so oh hey look at that maybe you get a chance to unlock more hairstyles oh that's good thank you this kind of fits can lock new noses as well is there plastic surgery on the island I like the triangle nose I think this is better all set at the picture to your records let's start talking about your new home so exciting out of the work we've done to help you feel comfortable in your new life in fact if you want could even experience the seasons the same way you're used to them we have islands in both the northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere I recommend choosing an island that has the same seasonal pattern as your current home kubarz April thanks searched for the sub thank you number lovely and uninhabited islands okay can't go wrong okay sure show you some maps choose the best one for your new home oh hey I feel like all of them are fine this one has a little a little land thingy on the site there this one has a mm-hmm this one can't wait to show it off to you for before we depart just one final questions bring one thing with you to deserted island what would it be sleeping bag a lamp some food something to kill time [Music] I guess a sleeping bag I would want to sleep comfortably interesting okay [Music] service announcements no kinks deserted island getaway packages ready for boarding okay perfect timing come on I'm ready to relax this is gonna be nice this is like what I need I just need a chill game thank you for taking this chartered flight as part of no kinks deserted island getaway package please sit back relax and enjoy a complimentary video presentation where's my theme I'm ready I'll see you guys in five minutes take a nap [Music] that's cute [Music] hahahaha that's so cute hey stupid quick collect the seashells on a star do foraging or doesn't have foraging I was allowed oh yeah I haven't turned the volume down at all should I turn the flame down a bit I had to we was summoned I just saw you do you can collect them I'll see if I can turn it down in the settings and if not I'll turn it down and OBS it's me you must be incredibly excited to explore your new islands but I have one small request please join us for a short orientation in the plaza ok presentation from our fearless leader okay how do I open the menu I don't know what that's for okay can't do it yet but I guess I need to get through the presentation everyone here can't hear I want that shirt can we buy those shirts somewhere IRL gurus I'm a goofy goober yeah we're all goofy goobers yeah very good how should I begin welcome everyone welcome to your new islands I'm Tom Nook founder refres founder and president of nuke Inc is a nuke from tanuki today so first day of your new life on this pristine lovely island so congratulations oh wait I didn't change my game from just chatting there you go Soul Stealer thanks start with the 31 months thank you no King staff will always be here to support you and ensure your comfort and safety but first things first yes yes I like each of you to choose a spot of your own first step to putting down some real roots dream big I do have certain connections and construction of real estate let's go started with a simple tent collector ten from Timmy or Tommy and choose a spot to place it I am a tenth please thank you Oh inventories X ok thanks ok so now we can find a spot ok start is still no option can't save I do not know how to my hey I'll turn the volume down in here a little bit is that better where's my Mac now Jade today minimize my map utter it is oh it comes back on you what's a good spot maybe just in the corner oh there's a bit of water this way can I go over this I have to start in the middle here so I want a place by the ocean was this Oh good berries yeah thanks cat remembering my name pretty pretty big decision yeah okay oh look at it can I pick it up no I kind of want it to do it here but it's not that much space peaches thank you so much for the sub you why to pick up you can't do it yet but it'll be white oh yeah I can't pick up anything what's this tank nice to meet you corporal hmm train my body and soil think I'll just go into this corner yeah oh it's a big tent hmm Wow oh yeah that's fine ha ha I did it Wow I feel so accomplished check it out later ok that says guys we beat the game we build a tent we're done Xavier thank you so much with 11 months thank you I'm Tier three thank you so much I did remember to drink stuff suppose the others must still be searching for just the right location to help the others while cat was over here every spa feels like the best spot Oh Xavier thank you so much thank you I grabbed a stick and threw it and here's where it landed this is my spot looks good to me I like cat cat looks cool back to my tent here oh that's cute looks great this makes me want to go camping Oh Balian thank you so sure the Sun yeah I'll go check it check in on tanked see if I can help him this is so cute hey tank still trying to find the perfect spot yeah it is fine it's balanced with me to the back end and there at them here yeah looks good to me never look back kapow hey sages glutes [Music] okay we did it oh yeah it's a little deep on the back yeah okay you can move on to more serious business throwing an island warming party okay Jodi thank you so much we'll just need a few supplies to get started this will be a good test of our teamwork Tammy Katz's Tommy and tink wait oh yeah Timmy and Tommy Kat and tank okay trying to remember the names I don't know why but gurus and I will work on gathering firewood let's do it so now they're gonna teach me how to collect stuff ten tree branches okay first way to pick one up real cherries cherries would be nice this is so nice I'm so relaxed right now this is great maybe animal crossing is exactly what we all need right now and be stressful sick times seven can you imagine to change playing sekito and then playing this after it right I want cherries I like oh hey I got cherries can I eat them drop or grab oh okay I'm flipping between doom and Animal Crossing hahaha on all the cherries give everything to me oh sorry camera put them all in your pocket do I still need a one more branch can I take this rock I can oh I can take that too oh I can take everything holy [ __ ] I have big pockets these are not lady pants I did got your branches that is so cute that I'll be sharing this desolate I live in such a hard worker Oh next task is to round up something to snack on oh wait yeah so my Island has cherries genuine cherries six I got you yeah I got you fam sure ego I'm pro now I'm a pro at this game cherry ID XR yeah I believe it is good start it with the festivities [ __ ] is lit laughs allow me to properly welcome you to your new islands this may be the most exciting endeavor a new community entirely from scratch perhaps my skills as an outdoorsman haha you may not have the kind of numbers that I originally envisioned that just means we'll have to rise to the challenge so cute you can't call this a deserted island anymore what should we call it oh we should be the ones to name it okay oh [ __ ] Shaco with desert island like I want it I do like deserts oh that's it desert island desert island suck it on boat yeah suck go down boat cherry fruit I think I'm gonna go with that I like that that's a good idea thank you that go tumble how's this oh I can actually oh I can't do Japanese sucker down bolt cherry island now everyone learns a Japanese word should have called a sucker down doll it's like a play of words on some cherry but it's also done doll for land cherry land missed opportunity yeah it's a nice name nice word I like the pink as well can I have a pink tint can I have a pink house [Music] president representative of Sakura Dumbo oh [ __ ] don't make me nervous now say word or two a word or two that's such a me joke so the name for Island and we selected the representative the rep let's have a toast do we all have cherry drinks [Music] yeah that looks so nice I want that can I have a cherry smoothie please come by ie cute so cute I like it can I go to bed now I'll sleep call me bro you got it bro never settles in I learned before sucker dumbbells uh-huh little heart I like it hey Tommy for free to rest in your tend to start to feel tired something we need to give you lease talk to mr. nuke okay how googors feel like taking a short nap by all means go ahead we'll keep the fire burning not tired yet work hard play hard hell yeah that's why I'm here I want to talk to you okay oh what's that like a little weak I think Kasich fuel packages in my tent sweet dreams okay bye oh I haven't talked to you nice campfire yeah cherries I'm cherries cherry sucker down bolt second uncle oh no I got grass oh that's not my dance this is me and I go what is it oh that's a pink radio Oh cute it's creepy okay now how do i ah okay um I'll put that radio by my bed there you go rest there you go Oh cosmetic thanks for the 27 months thank you Oh Oh what's happening culture interact button and move here joystick to push items or rotate them oh oh thank you oh it's Sadako I know people like him explore new frontiers it's all the way right daddy oh you don't need to live by anyone's rules but your own living free being out there great feeling take it from a cat okay are you a cat being by your lonesome can grind on the soul got to make friends along the way hey five friends right now friends are where it's at speaking of rambling doing a bit of that myself my bad maybe it's about time for you to wake up to your new life but listen up rap I just gave you about friends pretty key good thing cuz I don't life a whole lot more if you share it with some friends if that's your scene island paradise with your best pal sounds pretty groovy to me sometimes I feel like I can hear them speak English it's like good when you wake up but I guess it's just by imagination Slanket yeah I assume so hey Tom here you go watch turn off my radio [Music] don't want to waste batteries not those matters but oh it's still night time it's a brand new day oh it's not that long it's left an iPhone next I got some nookie I want to make sure it's working right try turning it on for me oh that's cute okay have you ever used a smartphone before sure have Luke phones are rather easy easier to operate than ordinary phones and remove most of the features and one more thing paper itemized bill airfare accommodations labor attacks and Nick fun oh no what our bills those are the currency that can be exchanged for goods or services that's not Shady no need to worry I was prepared for exactly this type of tricky situation pay your fees with miles instead of the standard bills Nick mileage program how's that quite extraordinary Vilas program lets you earn miles by simply living your life on socketable the more you enjoy your island life the more nuk miles you can earn use them to pay back you moving fees and much more I need almost 50k bills 5000 miles okay so we're gonna earn miles I gotcha well my new life is underway I can do whatever I want wahoo awesome island time will match the flow of time in the real words holy [ __ ] wait so it's nighttime now because it's 10:00 p.m. for me do not touch the fire I mean okay save and quit your game after pressing - oh oh there's a present oh what's that how do I get that huh I guess I can't yet take pictures using filters and effects save your elbow okay oh that's cute look miles/hour nope miles for completing island activities trade those miles for various perks and goods make the most out of island life okay time is synced to real life holy [ __ ] I didn't know that that's crazy wait so you need to play in the daytime if I want them to be daytime hmm okay so we're gonna play a night lot I guess except when we play on Sundays do early streams trout a long way just to move to island get miles Oh five miles ah cute angling for perfection learning how to fish is an essential skill I want a fish I love fishing in stardew valley one of the goals of nook ink is resonance together nose greetings and shames chatting miles for chatting with residents okay her and miles for catching creepy crawlies planting flowers makes our island more beautiful get nook miles based on the amount of fruit you've sold based on a number of seashells you sell cut they're so much a number of indoor furniture take your photo okay I can do that password has some information you can edit if you customize your profile you get miles getting nook miles the first time you write something on the islands bulletin board God just keeps going doesn't it okay it's not okay so these are the ones I I know of right now okay we can take a picture let's do that let's take a picture of our tent can I do a pose No Oh mana crow Wow I know wait how die I can't move up further that's weird take photo okay is that it yeah I gotta thank for that [Laughter] they're nice well that was easy custom designs wait ah uh-huh oh that's cute okay this is our map okay this is my passport well that's fine for now when there's emerge situation on the island when your path is blocked and you're stuck huh okay No okay that was that got there's a lot to look at oh bloody night and thanks for 229 22 months and John thank you starts for the sub thank you sorry I was really into it for a second there dear goobers thank you for downloading the update like to give you a present char appreciation please keep an eye out for future updates as well from Nintendo Oh congratulations on your big move we hope that you enjoy your new island life what did I get oh I got a Nintendo switch and a workbench I put that in here let's see oh it's a recipe hahaha okay I have a switch now okay let's have a look around get some cherries sell that [ __ ] [Music] accidently he picked up some stuff hi Gerber's thanks a ton for earlier come I tend to all up and running thanks to the pep talks I was all ready to go solo thinking about how to thank you came up with a recipe for a leaf umbrella oh look at the cute little basket first thing I thought when I got here was no that's a lot of weeds if you've heard enough if you've never done a DIY project before talk to Tom Nook to help you up I should do that okay is he in here so what if you play in the middle of the night is everyone sleeping then my goobers welcome welcome hi cozy in here okay one more important thing offering your free workshops yes [Music] shop receive a set of recipes quite useful for island life yes please oh we're good let's do it [Music] [Music] yeah maybe I'll change my switch time set it to set like set it to like noon here's 6 a.m. because I say my day starts at noon 5 tree branches ok let's go get it enjoying it so far yes this is very chill this is very nice I really needed something to relax you oh isn't it how'd you get that it's good to have buddies thanks again finding a place for my plate oh yeah I want to wear it can I wear it backwards thanks dude oh it's not red can I change the color huh I might be able to change the color haha that's pretty cute I got a plane cap you got a really dumb hat oh [ __ ] I didn't know it was randomized I got a bucket head how many wrench this was I supposed to collect already who got five five okay thanks whenever people say call the games new horizons I keep thinking it's they're mentioning new horizon zero dawn oh that's really cute I have three Oh bingo give me all your cherries this is nice this is very nice been so stressed lately can you check the game settings for turning sync off what sync do let's get started on crafting a fishing rod oh yes I want to go fishing that'll be nice time sink oh you can turn that off maybe Oh let's do it holy [ __ ] Wow that does not look like your fishing rod Hugh common recipe so I come to this workbench to make it air drop air drop it to me oh my God he's actually air dropping it perhaps they can give you good chips aim in front of the shadow of a fish when you cast your line okay let me try that this is exciting let me check the app to register frequently crafted items as favorites ah yes I want this so I can just make it here if I have the materials right so I need four more tree branches don't see tree branches oh fish how do I equip it hello fish I don't know how to fish a oh can I move it hmm going down a little bit Oh oh yeah grab it what do I do huh what'd I do what do we do oh that's a real looking fish kind of black bass holy [ __ ] put it in your pocket I got a fish I got a fish I need it a fish fish fish was it is it just like one you just press a once or is it press a like multiple times what I do with the fish can I sell it I'm not seeing any branches anymore can I just oh that works what's that oh [ __ ] oh god no Fleet to your tent Oh God am i okay Oh God my eye what but I want the things how am I gonna get branches that's my life now yeah is it gonna take a while to get better oh it looks so painful alright two more get the height [Music] I got it [Music] hmm perfect haha grab it grab it go for it hell yeah I'm a pro now I hope my eye heals up soon so do branches just like fall out of trees periodically do I just wait hey Carl good to see you just having a sting effects anything yeah I don't know [Music] so how do I make it now do I need to go to the workbench talk to a villager they'll tell you what to do okay but first welcome welcome still setting up before start as we tend to offer a small selection of goods I'll try to have some fresh stock each and every day I'll take a look so those are coins oh this is notice it's not my stuff pansy bag Lily hi hi I don't know how you say that hyacinth this is stuff I can buy right looks like shot recipe I don't have any coins I be caught my eye actually so how do I sell stuff I want to sell so I just sell stuff that I found like the weeds the fish the wasp nests the cherries can I just sell all of that or should I keep that for something sell just about anything to sell it eco grass sure wow that's more than I thought but you can only sell one item I wish I could just select wait maybe I can uh there we go how about we sell all of that yeah when you eat food like fruit do you find yourself energized more power than you might imagine break open rocks or maybe even dig up a whole tree oh my god huh now it's fine for you to sell me your fruit but we should try eating it once in a while okay thanks now I want to buy keep the stone oh [ __ ] canister in a toolbox what a toolbox is good for I think the slingshot is nice to have medicine Oh medicine maybe for my eye Oh a slingshot recipe so I can make one in the future sure what is this digital recipe book don't I already have that hmm okay for now I think this is fine I do need that Oh what did I do chatting with residents oh okay what's that it oh I have new things number refresh a piece so 10 recipes 5 tools 50 wheats I can I'm starting to see why people get addicted to this it's like the whole game is just a collectathon you're always working towards collecting a certain amount of something aren't you so it never ends [Music] [Music] spending your bells on the island helps revitalize oh so if spent 5,000 you can always do some stuff anytime yeah I can imagine okay collecting things to unlock new things yeah so I do want that DIY for beginners gives you six recipes okay I'll get that there we go to learn your recipes from inventory let me see no that's it for now thanks okay let me see check my inventory ah so you read the card and then you learn it oh I got you oh the workbench yeah so on my own workbench so if I check here oh so many things simple workbench hardwood I don't iron nugget I don't know nugget I don't know how to get those soft wood I can make it leaf umbrella a hay bed clumps a weed hmm three stones for a stone stool I want a campfire okay have a nice DIY yay do a thousand miles already got there somewhere nice still more look for place Thanks okay now we got it I got stung by the wasps like twelve times today oh no need an X yes oh that's how I get the wood I see mmm Oh spider get I can't get it oh ah hi Scott oh I used the net for that oh of course he scared me too much that's a tiny fish eh you want this come back to me ah there he comes oh he doing it we do it hacking nibble all hit again wait did my fishing thing broke break oh there's the other way don't know what to do with my eye yeah I did kind of too late to be careful no no what I mean medicine I'll show you how to make it oh [ __ ] Thanks thank you you're a good friend learn it huh okay sweet so how do we make it oh we need the wasp nests I sold it [ __ ] okay I'm ready I'm ready to find some bugs how do I use it ah can I be sneaky about it or is it just always like that smack give me all the weed hold it down to sneak thank you and then was am oops can you quickly unequip it or do I have to go in the menu each time use d-pad to click change Jules Thank You K that's exactly what I was wondering but I can't unequip maybe up cow get down oh what's that Oh what was that [Music] [Laughter] hate it again what are you do I need money oh I got it what did they get a bag worm okay gonna rock I got a rock everyone there's a shadow of a feather how do I shoot it oh I did it a tricycle oh my god I got a tricycle should I put it just out here can I write it ah so I have to be in my tents I wanna pick this up Oh has the sound effects and everything can I pick it up there we go ha ha it's pink can I write it I don't know mm-hmm you can place things outside - hmm I got a tricycle this is a very relaxing game this is very nice got this one this is a big boy so are we gonna get stung again to find the medicine because we need the thing oh whoops [Music] what's that a mini-fridge there was a mini-fridge in the thing huh raining treasure huh for the balloons shady shakedown okay so you have to shake the trees we got a mini-fridge is there any way not to get stung when it happens how'd they get that up the tree yeah I don't know that's magic animal crossing magic if the wasps protect go into tent and then get them this I'll try that [Music] is there any way to sprint can I go faster than this catch them in the net if you're fast whoo that is cool I'm gonna try that B to go fast oh [ __ ] I can't go super fast okay good to know no big fish come to me okay probably where these are from another boat Oh got a recipe holy [ __ ] yeah that's recycled boots I need to find another one though trash Fisher okay now I want peace to come out and like challenge me I will catch you found money nope yeah there you go so this relaxing right these little guys oh I got a tiny fish ha ha ha a bitterling it's mad at me this is nice kind of stress right now this is perfect wizard I was stressed as well everyone was stressed right now but this this is a nice game to relax you come to me I'm ready to fight can I change to the camera angle because something fell I get it combined medicine yeah that's true I'm just collecting [ __ ] right now so even if I go to sleep it'll still be nighttime right because it syncs to the actual time Oh hmm I guess there's nothing here there you go there you go I really thought I saw something fell but okay anything else we can make right now I want an ex recipe clay huh I can make that one go make a campfire ten hours of work with no brake hoof Adventure Time heart worker yes let's graft what's the other yeah the rest I have on this is craftable yeah we should just make it get the experience I don't know if it like can you level up like can you gain skill as if you make enough so you can start making more complex stuff made a hay bed and I'll make it leaf umbrella Oh cute all done for now I like how they all clap for me like yeah you did the thing Congrats I think you just buy find get inspired to get recipes the colors are so nice ok I want my campfire here although get here oh it's trees in the way it's not on either how do I turn it on there now we can see it don't know how to turn it on though smack give creatures to Tom before you start selling them is they hay bit for me or for animals oh [ __ ] I didn't want to do that can i push it oh what what was the game to push it that was like a you said hold a button right hmmm hey there we go thanks Nelson corner I don't know why it would hit one a hay bed over actual stuff but I made this I made this see that I made that so I'm gonna use it because I made it I want tables and [ __ ] I made this so how do we light a campfire light it with a oh that's cozy I did it what else did I make oh that's cute oh the mini-fridge just put in the tent see you later Samuel I don't know how big it is oh that's so ugly [Music] mini-fridge what why are your clothes in the fridge I'm nothing [Music] that's confusing can I put my switch on the fridge hell yeah the woman cave is is finished got my games I got my drinks I'm all set why'd I do crafts your own furniture huh horrid reward huh Thanks okay I got my clothes in the fridge yeah we haven't seen our friend tank or bro is he in here I hope their tent doesn't look a lot better than mine uh okay oh I'm Way ahead of the game what's everybody wasp yeah yeah I should get some medicine my [ __ ] eye I have tank oh is it different for everyone wait do people get other people on their Island I have a goat and an anteater oh [ __ ] I didn't know that is random ice oh I want medicine no I'm good thanks take the medicine just starting in my island has apples ah yay I like apples oh no don't drop it take you ah two eyes yay the owl is back use this board to post important notices okay feel free to use the Baltimore to communicate with other with each other I can create a post I'm fee goober yeah done is it just on there now I did it nice important message we're all goofy goobers okay what else should I do how do I get an X I want to like chop down trees do they just start selling different items after a while the miles are to pay off my debt I spent way too long picking all the weeds haha talk to big nuke okay I can sell the cop do you think it'll bring me a lot of money till the bugs or should I keep them keep the bugs show them some Tom okay don't sell the fish okay so animals insects life creatures need to be given - okay what what was that reaction hmm [Music] yeah goobers found a creature it's a fish oh it's an old uh-huh I do believe this is a bit early who knows what other fantastic creatures you might find living here I have an idea old friend of mine runs a museum I'd love to scent it it to him for a closer look sure so is there like a collection okay aquarium Oh critter pedia okay do you hope you'll continue to fill it up with your discoveries let's check it out the black bass is here too hahaha Oh different act of ours Oh God so I'll have to play this game at different hours of the day to catch different types of fish oh and there's seasonal too so there's certain fish you can only get a certain month of the year oh my god oh I couldn't have gotten this one next month anymore Jesus okay and I have none of the goes to the right back worm looks so weird that's a lot of fish okay bye so even though I sold the fish I didn't give it to him the big one it still showed up at my critter pedia I bought a fly oh hey yeah hey yeah I want it how do I get it I want you there you go I'm off so what do I do with a moth this is gonna be interesting to play this on Sunday because I will do it early stream so it'll be daytime okay 10 things in my career pedia 10 bugs that's it hmm you have to show Tom Nook 5 creatures to get a museum for collection ok I mean let me talk to him again see if we can get more information on how to get better tools there's another month think I can sell down I did it I had a ball doing it gonna make some food have a good dinner puffy it's a dinner time I do it as a diverse habitats for many interesting creatures catch all kind of insects and fish and if you practice with your net a fishing rod okay I did find a creature it is a little container a bathroom sure you can get recipes for better tools eventually okay [Music] yes come to think of it I have seen you tinkering around a bit uh-huh keep up the good work there we go yeah we're recipes today thanks for the six months thank you axe yes I want to free up the space throughout my tent I do have a mouth as well though so just give him one loss and sell the other one so just give them both of the mas mas tougher reward what's up red pansy bag a little sampling of a product themselves do some planting okay okay sell the dupes okay I am selling a moth one keep the boot I think that's fine I think I'll keep the rest can I get a wardrobe to start my clothing I don't want to sell my clothing that might be something for a way later huh I triggered Siri hahaha yeah I didn't try your mind luckily wait so I can always catch this one and sell it there's always a moth here oh yeah the rest please sure I check here nope that's not where my thing is anymore next one more tree branch oh oh we're so close get that bridge branch I need a branch branch branch branch branch branch I want a branch you know what living life on the edge yeah oops what did I need to make my own work branch again Oh hardwoods okay so I need to get the X first oh yeah yeah my pockets are vast fruits just get in just smacking the tent was he drinking you drinking soda you think a green leaf soda flimsy X let's do it I don't think I can make anything else right now we can start collecting wood hardwood I'll get him eventually I'm a moths dealer now not a mess dealer Amasa dealer okay I'm gonna clear out these trees because they annoy me [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off disappear from my sight can I not chop them down can I not make trees disappear do I need a better axe for that can't break a tree with the flimsy axe well [ __ ] me resume and think searching the sub thank you welcome okay what do we need oh you can craft these things wash tub look toys ooh bonfire I need a normal campfire and ten wood Oh torches tree branches and wood we're gonna do that that's gonna be fun okay two more heartwood I don't know how to get an iron nugget though can i okay so once it's the trees done the trees done I should fish that I'm so busy always stuff to do hi-yah oh that's far away maybe he'll turn around there you go can't miss it come to May June thank you search for the seven months and zombie thanks for the four months thank you welcome come on bite me no don't go that way no that's way too far can't miss it ah too early oh no it's gone [ __ ] [Music] well you got two of those there you go gonna get all the woods only two from this one do I fish in real life I have actually as a kid we used to go fishing it broke I guess has limited durability [Music] as a kid I used to go fishing and I've also been fishing in Norway actually with my parents I'm a clown there you go so I guess I can make a new axe [Music] if I find tree branches again that makes sense ah I'm missing one wood okay I should probably get another axe first so we can try and find ten tree branches to get my net with already too many things excuse me I'm looking for branches thanks fish take it it's right there [ __ ] eat it get it tire I'm tired of that cookie Reapers oh maybe we can make a swing a tire toy we can craft it already [Music] tigerfish yeah and I wish I could chop down trees yeah there we go ah this is nice this is even nicer than I thought it would be that's like yeah I know it's a chill game I know I'm gonna enjoy myself but it's really really nice our branches come to me can you get new eye colors I don't know I don't know anything about animal crossing so gotta get rich on the weed you can you need a mirror hmm and ranches are hard to come by [Music] is it one of those things where like refreshes after a while there's just new branches from trees daily shake a tree more than once for more branches oh really [Music] it's daily now yeah I think I'm out of branches wait so unless a oh maybe if I take a nap maybe then the stuff will refresh [Music] okay I have enough to make an axe at least we can collect some more wood if you shake the tree repeatedly drops like a poor tree in the old game the new game now I could actually drop so h shakes a tree [Music] done for now although wait what I get can I make oh yeah one more would to more tree branches I kinda want two of those though now two torches one on either side of my tent [ __ ] mouth I will get you there yeah so many moss one two three four five six seven eight nothing one two three four five six seven eight [Music] one two three four five six seven eight oh my god I found the jackpot holy [ __ ] so much yes okay go crafts boys wait I didn't want to any one more one more four five six seven eight yes yes yes yes okay go go go go let's do it let's make torches yes let's craft Oh sell things I want to sell too many moths on me yeah that's good clean up the weeds on there dotrice otherwise of branches won't fall really that's weird that's a weird logic that's craft I want Tom looks shirt make some cute torches there make another one oh and you want more wood [ __ ] okay let's go use that X that axe though come here free money where is it there it is oh you're right it doesn't fall out on my way wheats or is it no I thought maybe I couldn't see it be gone [Music] there you go I think I have enough now nope wait yeah yep doesn't fall because the block is blocked by weeds yeah I got you don't know which color would I need think I got the one I needed just now yeah now we can make another torch god damn it hey do I also have everything I need for [ __ ] my net no cut too many bugs I can't I think I can make a new one though I think you have enough branches on me okay now I'm gonna make another torturous Freema Haas yeah to have enough space three spaces yes I may not have enough for the net now see ya three more branches you can upgrade your inventory space for 3,000 miles ah that's definitely something worth doing Jodi thank you so much can I put one like here too close to the 10 where can I put it hey that evenly-spaced this one needs to look low go a little bit I know I need to move it I need to move it does that look evenly spaced I think that looks good gonna put my thingy here oh no wait I need it because I'm gonna make the better one I'm gonna make this one I need eight more wood I also need branches one two three four five six seven eight [Music] why is it eight times there's a like a rule to it one two three okay now can make a new net that's good I should do that before I get attacked by bees there's a fish yes did I have a new net a fishing fishing net pushing her out oh yeah you have fun yes yes thanks need the shovel to get rid of trees all done for now yes Ella thank you sir in two months thank you how we doing Oh actually realize I haven't thought of it on the screen we have a thousand 55 no remember which branches I've shaken I've shook this tree you shook sabra good to see you thanks so much for the eight months oh oh [Music] [Music] well that sucks what happens if you sit gets stung twice are you blind you faint and you wake up at home oh [ __ ] it's serious what do you guys think is better by medicine or craft your own if you buy the medicine cost you money but then there you go crafting it yeah I was wondering if the the thing you get is like worth more money or something okay so I'll craft medicine do I have enough for oh no I don't have the Nugget I keep forgetting you ate more wood for that so you get stung and then you you have to make the medicine for the one thing that you got oh yeah we can make this why not three stones how's this lock stakes you're gonna make a fence or something okay I want to go for this next we need eight more wood what is it furniture because I made the tire I want to sell its a fence okay I kind of want to keep the wood nice I have 4k on me pretty happy with that can't pay off your debt now okay nice Oh cuz I have the miles let's see my moving fees ah ready to pay back to zero free and clear debt living on the thriving scenic island who could be better how is that tent treating you could be better I want a house hmm I like how I like his determined face yes yes extremely Lex repayment plan anything is possible miles redemption service okay okay every fees paid oh I got miles if back hey thanks cool want his shirt girl I want his shirt same ah forget that muff okay next thing fireplace this one softwoods what what nice whoo the dark one hardwood I want the normal wood though don't break still need more soft wood bed sculling seal a daddy and my throat is a little bit sore don't know if I can go much longer I have him streaming too long I kind of want to make it like two hours I think that's enough seven eight nine almost there what there it is that's ten so it's gonna be a big one like this I wonder first day yeah hi this one I [Music] wish it would show like a little square on the floor of how big that the thing is that you're trying to place by crafting so much [ __ ] yeah paid off my debt in the first day I'm proud of myself I squeak okay where should we put it maybe just here and between the trees well it's a big boy no I don't want to move it there [Music] haha got my own fireplace yes it's big wish I do what's my next objective fish I saw fish bonfire ships should be big brief explanation about that terminal our next stop okay can use this terminal for catalog shopping or as an abd what redeem look miles welcome to next op multimedia terminal from Nook Inc once per day excess accessing the Nook stop will award you bonus daily miles o just by checking in it's pink please select from the following services duct shopping oh I kind of want those it's party skirt that's cute water shoes I am gonna get this and yes let's get the skirt her shoes you want those all your stuff is much cooler oh [ __ ] got crappy shirts and chinos deposit oh why would I want to make a deposit if my wallet is full can your wallet get full nook miles ticket take this ticket to the airport to participate in a special tour huh custom design editor professional design features to the customer custom design app pretty good tool recipes oh that's a good one to get only Nook miles plus members can order this customers with home contracts I can get it I can get the t-shirt oh these socks so cute oh carpets and stuff nice that's cool sign off got miles again we're up shop Thanks let me try all my stuff how do I do that my fridge sleep mask so you walk around blind yeah how's it get delivered to my house need to wait a day comes in the mail hmm do you think I can go to sleep change in your fridge I can try just mine my bit is 11:30 I [ __ ] it is you can't actually how do you like so you just have to like you can't skip a night yeah you have to literally wait a full day in the real world to get your new stuff then my god that's agonizing seikar thanks for to two months all my new stuff [Music] well not a full day just overnight yeah but it needs to literally be past midnight ah he attacked me oh I didn't know despite a good well that was that do you think he's still there did I get miles for passing out faint of heart yeah thanks good job you fainted I think he's still there do I need to sneak up on him I'll get him someday [Music] yeah he's gone so do I also have to wait certain things to get like new recipes gets freaked out when he sees the net hi yeah what should I do I've been doing that I've talked to you about my house yes Oh ninety-eight thousand bills yeah construction is starting I'm gonna get a house think it's a no-brainer homeowners get an automatic nuk mileage program upgrade Thanks there we go updated your program membership details now when you use nuk miles app you have access to all the newark miles benefits okay please give it a look when you can quite exciting Thanks I'll have a house tomorrow so we'll the game punish me as well if I don't log in for like a week and I come back everyone's gonna be like where the [ __ ] have you been [Music] they are oh god the pressure well I'll have a house tomorrow that's exciting what else should I do then your mailbox will overflow I have a lot of things going on I'm doing well haha collect more critters for Tom oh yeah that's something we can do let's check if we can fish you think we can fish in the sea as well come to me do it come to me hell yeah sea bass c+ oh hey that's new get the thinking get the thing yeah I got him a hermit crab I got him got two new creatures can I change my inventory so that oh they are next to each other so okay left for bugs can i fish from here I can just left for bugs right for fishing come to me you little one no come the other way for 700 knock Mouse you can get a tool wheel okay you're right on it your [ __ ] there come grab it oh I noticed what is it up see butterfly tiny grab all the things oh so quick oh hey barrelling yeah Goong well better Nader thanks search for the eight months good to see you thank you oh here's another one oh [ __ ] too early do you think he'll come back [Music] it's too far perfect don't do it not yet not yet back another one of these well at least I can sell him laughs [ __ ] thank you for your service faithful rod any B's that I can okay sell the fish can we buy tree branches or something we can't right that would be nice okay let's first give the creatures I found a creature got sea bass okay oh oh yeah the flowers they'll spring up even if you plant them and forget them oh if you water them each day that's where the magic happens I should I should plant them I forgot what is he doing can't see the watering can yeah I should get that so cute another creature kind of creature let's give him this one I've so many you get access to buy new recipes with nook miles for better tools I see hold the phone someone's calling I can't see him blathers do you remember the venture we discuss come to fruition currently stationed on an island that we've decided to call sucker Dumbo local fauna are as abundant as expected just as I told you how many precise you asked well there's no way of knowing just yet but I have received five outstanding specimens so far seriously that's very exciting oh but you'll have to excuse me and with a customer right now oh it's ha I started to keep you waiting blathers is from the museum okay because you've done so much scouting collecting already would you be able to find a spot for blathers oh the museum's gonna be on the island mr. Nguyen thanks for the ten months thank you exciting I still have more creatures I can't give him anything stuff like a crab and everything let's see can't wait to visit other people's Islands yeah that'll be fun tent marker I'm gonna put him up here somewhere this is probably good a little bit up yeah I think that's good Oh cute yeah that is a cute tent [Music] I feel so hey what's the word I was gonna say achieved but that that's not the right word god what's the word accomplished that's ture thank you Andy my brain stopped working yep I did you can count on me Tom I'm your best buddy who is in your debt literally pour myself some tea the strawberry tea is my favorite I've tried out strawberry mango and no passion fruit and Rose lemonade so far they're all nice but the strawberry one is the nice list hey Leanne thank you so much for the bids now can I give you my creature so what if I move my switch a day forward now he doesn't take any more after 5:00 Oh in that day do I need to wait a day sand dollars what when did I get those PJ thank you so much with the sub thank you only 17 minutes until tomorrow oh [ __ ] yes oh that's a lot of money there's little eggs little stumps it's cute yeah let's plant the flowers I also need to make that watering can plate it when it was midnight and nothing changed does it [ __ ] it advances at 6:00 a.m. okay so I mean we need to do 5 a.m. streams I'll see how what we need for that watering can soft wood I hate how everything is called flimsy like give me good [ __ ] I want to make good [ __ ] okay which I plant my flowers hey I want to plant it here but I have a feeling I can't plant anything in front of my tents yeah wish I plant them [Music] the trees are blocking the view maybe I'll plant them along the water here it's cute so it's a little cute patch [Music] yeah does that count is it water yeah is it sparkly did it just Sparkle yeah it's sparkling so that maybe means that I have watered it I'm take good care of my babies there you go is that enough sparkles means it's watered okay cool maybe you could put one here maybe it'll let me get away with that oh wait it puts it right under me right then I want to be here oh no it isn't in front of me no I don't want it there can I pick it up I don't know I can't see that one [ __ ] that one I can see here you go here you go I can't see you but I still love you there you go okay they're all watered and plant it's good don't walk on them too much oh really doesn't ruin them because then I shouldn't have put them there oh it does not [ __ ] let me see if I can move my campfire in that case yeah let's do that cuz then I can get to my tent weather oh how do I shoot it haha present I got it I got a present nuggets I can make my own bench ah [ __ ] the excitement is real its craftable now yeah let's go ah I can make me a workbench let's go hey I don't mind me yes does the workbench break after making a certain amount of things [Music] No okay thank God because I would hate that where should I put it I put it here maybe maybe I'll put my thing here and then put my workbench here nice like that was my anybody doing their three stones oh I can make this now a pin should make a frying pan can I cook the fish I can make a block toy a wash tub has to be in sight in order to use it right what did I ask I already forgot I said I saw don't block the river that's a good point so this is good so I'll put it here then I don't really have space for it now I like my torches should I give it to someone else maybe tank wants it here you go tank a nice bonfire I hope I don't burn your tent down okay this look good what is this the toy why should I put it oh I'll get it eventually all did I break it I broke it and your new fishing net I can make it I got tanked yeah I did everyone likes him for some reason I mean I don't know him so he's drinking Fanta Oh Eve my own workbench what am I doing here well now that I'm here anyway I well at least say clap for me he's clapping on his chest did you see that force of habit yeah keep doing the saving it's hard not to [Music] see if he's still there I'm running over my flowers ah he's gone oh there's one there Oh no I miss [ __ ] i overshot i'll get it someday Oh big fish I can't see okay come on dude it's right there yeah you're seeing it right oh wait my thing is all the way here is it goes the current is strong I see okay we wait for him to turn around [Music] if he does hey hero good to see you thanks for the 17 months he's not going to turn around I can't reach him shape up the tire here can i play with it knuck miles with the plus your rank has increased in your eye can you look my A+ yes so now we can craft better things right please take advantage of this amazing opportunity I will oh what's that up there so I almost have a new thingy with how much I fished flower tender five more miles exterior decorator yeah he I want my glasses to arrive and my pink skirt what did they get oh my little guy hermit crab see butterfly and my sea bass nice Oh Cleo church baby thank you so much thank you [Music] it's hurting I think I might have to call it a date mmm my throat is at its limit trying to think if there was anything I wanted to do was there anything we were working towards oh yeah what is this what are sand dollars oh yeah and think he starts with the sub thank you the spider will stand on his hind legs when he's ready to attack it who stopped walking and wait for him to chill out you could scoot forward until he stands up again hmm those are just shells okay so three shells oh I can just sell them okay good to know Oh more these so now I have five and this one any fish get him oh yes got a new one I got it I caught a dab not bad [Laughter] oh you see it yeah you want it take it take it yes hell yeah black bass I already got that one so he can sell that one it's making my round it's a quickie yes a new on dace Diana Diana Diana yes Thank You Sarge for the 11 months thank you that's too far away hey another one loach look at of you with reproach I can't carry a swap it I'll swap with with the shell because those I think I can find pretty easily I need to store stuff category see you later he still doesn't want any right I need you to take my creatures at least I can sell one of them you can just play stuff run your camp it just stays there it doesn't go away okay I could sell these the black bass I think I already had before and the cherries I can sell the weeds I guess I can sell I saw my shirt who cares but creatures in your tent so if I play tomorrow I could give him all the creatures so he only takes five a day five creatures a day [Music] - filled with stuff already Tom doesn't take them anymore oh so when the other guy comes I can give him all the items what was it I forgot his name oh this is my room how do I save with - oh wait I still have some things to check do I have to click on it to make the new go away this one's so cute the little icon I love it get miles I got 11 fish of a hundred I have some fishing to do I can claim something up there Oh catch fish this game is addicting isn't it I'm starting to see it starting to believe this button save and end I think I'll do that but I'll let the music go for a little bit I think that's a good not a good place to call the date James thanks so much for the sub now you see the terrible mistake you've made it's very relaxing it's very nice to just be like you know that guy's chill day let's just run around an island collect some [ __ ] really fun it was really nice let's rip some credit old I won't stream tomorrow I think tomorrow's Saturday right yeah let's do an early Sunday stream we'll play more Animal Crossing and we'll see what it's like during the day during daytime yeah see that I think that's a good plan see there we go nothing tomorrow tomorrow I'll just record finish up Silent Hill I think thank you everyone for the bits thank you so much thank you everyone who followed I'm so glad you liked Animal Crossing so we'll do more Sunday but it's an early stream I'll probably start somewhere between 2 and 3 p.m. I think so is this the weekend that the the time gets switched no that's next weekend isn't it our clocks don't change until next weekend yeah the 29th so this Sunday if I say to 3 p.m. I think is that I think that's 10 11 a.m. east coast I think that's what it is right now hi I can't thank you social gifting that stuff by the way thank you so I think 10 11 a.m. east coast to 3 p.m. UK I'll stream on Sunday somewhere there click on the notification if you want to like get a notification on your phone or get an email when I go life or if you're on this Court my Ma's always let you know there as well when I'm life thank you everyone as well for subbing resolving and gifting sub-state thank you so much for getting me 2056 subs thank you so much you guys are the best this was really really enjoyable thank you but that's it I'm gonna call the night go get my gift my throat's some well-needed wrists and chill and see you Sunday thank you so much guys see you later bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 340,079
Rating: 4.9452558 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, survival horror, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, animal crossing, animal crossing switch, nintendo switch, new horizons, animal crossing new horizons, tank, cherry island, katt
Id: 6UNAOgbgmzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 31sec (9271 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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