Toss Boy's Had ENOUGH In Animal Crossing New Horizons

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look who it is in screen immediately sherry and her basket of [ __ ] anyway let's play let's see if my little my little nook man has some some nice messages for me hello everyone this is tom nook its 8:17 p.m. hey sure is this happy Monday March 30th 2020 now for today's news Stacey left me what the [ __ ] shut up Siri you're ruining my very clever joke she saw something about Pharrell Williams apparently oh my stars would you believe it there isn't any news cuz no one loves you and everyone's social distancing so what the [ __ ] did you expect by the way Allen friend I'd like to share a little info that might just improve your quality of life here on the island terrific what one far away too I'm not listening to your [ __ ] Tom Nook I got an eye mask on so now I can't see the [ __ ] you're spoke who I have mailed Oh from Daisy mate who's Daisy made dear hell folks I'll be heading your Island every Sunday morning to sell my precious turnips just the way my grandma used to it's Monday Daisy miss turn-up day I loved her nose congratulations this time your home score 10,000 points or more so we're sending along a commemorative gift I see a sherry eye Shari get out of here and stop trying to ruin my moment sure shoe are you trying to steal my underwear off my clothes line don't sniff my shirts sherry bull get hold of fraid she just stole a pair of Underpants she put them in her basket and should have is that what's in her basket Underpants oh my house is a little different now you might see I have a whiteboard now isn't that cool I can I get this stuff off the whiteboard I don't want to [ __ ] on the whiteboard anymore go away okay laughs there you go Can Can somebody Photoshop that for me I need that for the the thumbnail thank you hold on cameras [ __ ] weird cuz it's inverted there you go there you go there you go actually I could just Photoshop that myself I'm pretty good with Photoshop inky stinky ran away from home I came in here one day and he was just gone either he ran away from home or sherry stole him you know how monkeys love calamari I think sherry ate my squid my squid kids inky stinky is gone ladies we have tossed koi still here though he's cool there's my age I anybody could have stolen anything at this point toss boy cats and [ __ ] yo cheeky what's the word word on the street is that you're a panty sniffer let's talk this Islands got a ton of foods I've never heard of I'm trying to come up with meals for as many as I can what that's a threat she did eat my squid oh there's just so many foods I've never heard of here on the island like does this thing in a cage I found he tasted all robbery and like salt you ate inky stinky didn't you wait where's the wheelchair gone sorry it was here where to go oranges we're about to get revenge on well actually we're gonna avenge you trying to steal my tiki torches as well sure get outta here me get outta here stinky stinky blinky where is he what did you do with him I don't think I didn't see that some advice for next time you take a swing at me I swing back cheeky one [ __ ] countin on a cherry oh I'm so mad yeah you're even trying to copy my style but your yellow feet mine are actually boots I didn't just dip my feet and paint he didn't even wait to paint off your hands to show it anyway my museum is gone no Sherry's allowed that nothing against monkeys wrangling monkeys are all day every day allowed in but Cherie I will end you okay here we go good evening toss boy welcome to hell Museum welcome to the hell museum murder and we're just gonna see letting guitars and drum kits how many might be of service can I don't eat anything mavin ooh I have a snail that I can donate that's that's big-time big-time snail times what Richard unless I am obliged to ask would you like to learn more about this specimen I don't think I want to learn a whole lot about snails there bladdy why don't you tell me they're slimy they're gross they sit in shells and they do [ __ ] nothing wish i sat in a shell all day we need fish for this episode cause my fish museum is it's pretty pathetic it's got a lot of like basic [ __ ] fish in it like dace mackerel sea bass no one wants to see those do you think anyone's gonna come to your Museum to look at a [ __ ] mackerel when we got in here eques footsteps Wow the majesty of the great blue beyond where the fish are going no one knows one follows the other follows the other the blind leading the blind as they would say you're never gonna get anywhere what am I so mean to my fish Wow what is awesome guys I'm so much this is the sand exhibit do you like it Wow sweet inky inky stinky what are you doing in here I mean I'm happy for you this is a bigger one that I had you in I didn't do this Shari definitely didn't do this but you didn't run away that's amazing a DAB I forgot that I caught one what are you a seat we love you inky inky stinky [Music] plasia sort Plesiosaurus please donate any missing parts you happen to excavate thank you for helping out our museum grow I didn't read any of that right it's a leopleuradon charlie and magically a pleura done though I have a head of a Brachiosaurus Ari Diplodocus who who cares you think dinosaurs looked at monkeys and humans and then went oh sorry that's an A but that's a monkey that's a human no they just called us all stupid this is my pride and joy no not you you're the brachiosaur I've just got a head on an ass some might argue that those are only the parts you need spinosaurus hell yeah got the head of that copper light I got my pile of [ __ ] ah there it is my t-rex hold on I got any I got to get a picture with my kid what's up you want to come down to my museum and see my great big pile of fossilized [ __ ] here it is trust mine we need some better outfits for you Iguanodon perish a lava hepatis Wow doesn't my steak am ominous he cool they start printing him after the head it's just a hard court line wow I love it it's TECA mom and I he is my favorite dinosaur was this 102 rubadoux's the meteor that destroyed the earth and all the dinosaurs that's hardcore for Animal Crossing hell yeah burn it all or maybe no I guess that's how hell was formed I see it now that's hell because it's all fire and misery and pain got it alright what else in my museum oh mama babe hey talk to us pull that thing they're saying yeah yeah it would be awesome through it top know what's going on I don't know it looks like it's a big responsibility to invite folks him up and the dinosaurs my might Oliveira three sorts are not gonna evaporate toss their fossils they've been in the ground for millions a hundreds of days all right just pull the thing I don't know gee mister I think I'm just gonna have to think about it come on man Ice Arena hell already how did you get into hell if you have a conscience I evolved from the great triceps of my granddaddy put your right foot out you put your right foot a bunch right below that and you shake it all about and you do the Hokey Pokey and you turn around that's what it's all about how many times am I gonna bump into you today hang on am I being pranked is there a hidden camera she knows she knows she knows we're watching she knows there's a camera we do she has to go she has to go I know how to catch bugs you stupid ugly [ __ ] up toss beat the [ __ ] out of her did you forget some last time crap she turn around see you cheeky you see me oh okay we're already in hell oh what's wrong with you I'm not in the mood for this today you know what's good for you you guys stop right now still made sorry sorry I was trying to catch a little [ __ ] money tree mine oh hell yeah eighty-seven thousand Oh playing playing [ __ ] we in the money they are tiny asses and money growing off trees I'm like a little animal crossing for him wait a fossil look I don't have a fossil good for you toss and he can't even see where he's going what's it gonna be what is that a sea butterfly try not to confuse it for a say Bob you know it's weird it's so weird wait its head opened up a second ago did it yeah it's a weird [ __ ] Cthulhu creature money tree [ __ ] Oh God God I'll convert my hand never hit something hard with a shovel there's no shock absorption in it yes but Tom wait didn't Tom just do that this is why I think it's a scheme okay Tom can easily just go out and plant money trees there's plenty of opportunity to do it but does he know he sits around any waits for everybody else to do it he's a [ __ ] crook and a sham Cowboys head there are a bunch of cowboys ah cool what do you got accept disappointment Oh shop nooks cranny shop yo oh look at these will do is you get a little luchador hello hello welcome to nook's cranny thank you oh you dog you're gonna be like that come on guys I hate that just browse in my own Oh nice plants yep guys come on I hate when people in stores do that you know you go into a tiny store and then they're like hi can I help you with anything it's like no I'm going that's fine I'm just I'm just looking around like okay cool just feel free to holler at me if you need anything okay okay I just be over here at the register I'm like yeah I know the shop is smaller my bedroom it's it's I can okay like okay I just be there okay so you know anything and then you start looking at it often to think oh okay and it suddenly you say those are half off by the way here where did you just take one of our pamphlets here just have this and then you can see all the prices but if there's anything you're looking for though like whatever leave me alone let me look around at my own pace making this robach wrestling figure I just I'm just looking at it I don't some intervening let's see that's 1,400 else what do you think actually our past I was just looking at it I understood hey let me know if you need anything else oh okay I know you're trying to do your job but the social anxiety in me is like no I don't want it no stay away from me i I can't no stop stop like you're in a revolving spike I'm just looking ah toss boy hello hello what would you like to talk to me about I'm all ears you sure um about my home I would like to pay off the debt that I owe you mr. Tom hmm I hate to disappoint but I can't take expansion requests while you have an outstanding loan balance remember you can make all the notes stop I can't just give it to you see he pretends like if I gave him the money then it goes through his hands and then he has to actually accommodate for it but if I eat this way it just goes through a third party and he doesn't have to do anything with it oh do I put it in here ah okay Tom that's fine you know it's the future it's easy loan payment don't mind if I yes pay from pockets oh god I don't even have any savings oh so I was wondering cuz I I saw that you could only have 100k in your pocket and I was like wait how are you supposed to pay if anything's above that full amount baby I feel good it's like when you when you're finally able to pay off your college debt maybe or over here it's not that much so when I went in it was like 5,000 euro and I was like boo full amount do it oh I feel so good if you're using this service yes I no longer indeed I can actually buy stuff for myself now I'm gonna get a flat-screen TV and I'm gonna get a jumping gym and I'm gonna get a little a little putt-putt Golf Course outside my house maybe even buy my swim pool see that Tom I paid off my house give me a thousand of miles he actually did nice hello there as always I must offer my hearty congratulations you paid off your loan in full I don't know how you did that maybe I'll have to start charging you interest from now on I expected nothing less of course but occasions like these are cause for celebration hmm I suppose they're also a good time to take stock and reflect yes yes actually Tom these times are actually really good for a self isolation and social distancing I'm sure your home is quite comfy in its current configuration but what if it could be bigger Tom you are speaking to the capitalist in me are you saying my house can be even bigger I assure you that it can indeed be bigger maybe a home means more space for furniture more storage too and now that I have introduced some possibilities and we'll leave it at that oh you tantalizing tank tickler he's just dangling the bait in front of me being like your home could be bigger I know you just paid off the $100,000 that you just told me sorry 100,000 hels belles boy whoo no the peer pressure and the social pressure to get a bigger house is sherry getting a bigger house if Sheree's getting a bigger house and I'm getting a bigger house maybe we should get the bigger house just to be ahead okay let's hold a ceremony Oh God we're gonna have a ritual Satan's gonna conduct a ritual again now then welcome to our dedication ceremony honoring hell's brand-new people all we need for this is to sacrifice a goat and kill a virgin titty craps all round thank you hail truly started out as a deserted island there simply wasn't much here but now it's slowly beginning to develop thanks to the tireless efforts of well everyone really sacrifice sherry she could be a goat we don't know and now I think we need to hear a few words from our sponsors wait shadow legends it's one of the best games of the mobile America right now if you want a game to really crank your titties residence up hell once again I must ask for your financial support blather Sanders oh please tell me other must be Animal Crossing memes like that anything to add he's the best of us I didn't hurt anyone gives such a speech I see you sherry don't come down here the fish nose the smell of a dumb ass when it has one in the nose come on toss live up to your name already dead he turned away cuz you know Sherry's there come on there you go it's lasagna nice let me get warm again what do you have to think big days same thing again I can't believe it I mean suspected but the think goes so really really real no talk boy oh hey what's up what's going on wanna grab beer please do not start me like that my gardener he stopped hey hey don't have one haha and dad what's on the board today what's your back the enemy strikes at midnight anonymous they're still trying to claim that it's me there's trying to make it seem like it's or maybe it's to me that makes sense let's toss boy at the bottom anonymous we all know who it is so this one's also covered in blood the [ __ ] sherry he threat he keeps threatening me but doing nothing about it you want to catch these tiny little mittens [ __ ] you up afraid of you Wow come on I caught the water pop hey so the whispers no but I did scare away a nice butterfly I started the episode we're doing anything ding-ding-ding papa morning Ireland welcome back you guys see that the wheelchair is back it moved that's so ominous whose house is this Sherry's house [ __ ] knew it I knew what she was up to I was on to her from the very beginning that's creepy as [ __ ] can he sit lit oh my god you can't let him go sitting there just out of the wheelchair money rock yes oh I almost got it all wait dad give me that oh no it's the end of the lab for my trusty shovel my dad's won't beat my damn look at Bam's house dude that's epic coming in are you decent do you have clothes on well toss boy can't see anyway okay you do oh here you are make yourself at home cat Lang yes hey Pam have you noticed something about Shari no no just me you know sometimes it's not easy to tell when someone is ripped I mean not a glance someone really some really build folks don't look that built so I think every rip part needs a muscles shirt coupling saying my place your modesty muscles well you could be flexing those biceps are you calling me out are you saying that this is just a suit and I am NOT absolutely jacked and ripped underneath it this is actually just spandex my calves are massive my calves are so big they call them cows bye Pam Flavie time it's Navy time for Tosh boy he go he go goes lead he got his little he got his little I've asked old and he's just sleeping man he's asleeping oh now time Dave you stare at ice boy - for too long you see your future now that's too much responsibility for me if I see my future I'm gonna be scared and then myself a [ __ ] ghost so anyway watch that when you watch the YouTube video of this that's gonna be epic cuz Robins gonna add like a bunch of like shaking and reverb and distortion it's gonna [ __ ] awesome sorry you want to go I'm ready to take out this [ __ ] Invisalign and beat your ass seola perch nah I don't care about the yellow perch now if I find a [ __ ] orphan you can talk my tiny little toss ears off about it all day bird I feel like everybody that I know has an oarfish now except me well everyone's also everyone else that I know in my friend group except for Felix is playing the absolute [ __ ] out of this game it's all they're doing and I feel so far behind and a lot of them aren't even like time skipping either at my goddamn eye I need I need to catch up I need [ __ ] people have our fish and [ __ ] sharks and heard why am I here right why did I come in here I don't know why [ __ ] come on toss cuz you're the [ __ ] thing across your eyes you can't see [ __ ] should we take it off should be okay big reveal big reveal for toss evidence haha look at there's the face we all know and love myself everybody a pass boy I'm here to just be tossed sorry he's choking on his own to do stuff hey guys butterfly up there come on they see the fall length am i underway ten points if you get that reference I'll put some stuff in my house I got a cute floor lamp and a throwback hat table apparently I don't even know what that is I'm gonna go put it it come out house it's time to go buzz it up in your head who's the real cool all right have rate nose like a campfire lantern and if I knock that over it's game over lads the house is burning down and I'm not getting the insurance money back so if I put this one down oh it's sexy and red too nice also get rid of the radio we actually you know what i'ma do it like this you guys can hang out and see each other Enki Stinky's back you like him back everybody no no let's just do this yes you guys can look at each other now it's not a nut misery and being on top of each other nice toss hoi an inky stinky back together the [ __ ] lads put your radio back up on top of that with the mirror on top of you nice who needs furniture when you have fish tanks [Music] what the [ __ ] what is that thing that's the worst that is [ __ ] hideous it's just a giant hat and that's a table what the [ __ ] that's gross oh I kind of love it though all right here we go this is this is the table equivalent of having a racecar bed no I get that what is it is it an oarfish give me give me give me surfing shorts hey looking good toss man nice class good as a muscle suit though when we wear it for a little bit wait maybe we should go talk to Tom about expanding my house he said I could do it but he never told me how much more in debt I was gonna be hi Thomas toss boy Lowell oh I'm all ears what do you want to talk about talk about me home well for your home I think I'd recommend making the room larger that would require taking out a loan for a hundred and ninety eight thousand Belle's interested this is [ __ ] robbery yeah let's do it wonderful I'm so happy for you I'm gonna make sure construction begins right away oh it occurs to me this might be a good time to consider a new color for your roof don't you think so that was I was just thinking that I was just thinking my god what color should my me after you said hey you only be $200,000 and dead I was immediately thinking goddamn the roof puller of my house is very important what color do I want my roof you know I was making fun of it but now that I have actually now that I'm actually seeing the colors in front of me I realized that this is a very big decision I'll have to go a pink okay you'll have a pink rule instruction on your home should be finished up by tomorrow I'll bet you're even more excited than I am can't wait it's crazy how little waiting I want to do for my pink roof it's actually going to look [ __ ] awesome well Sheree where are you is around here somewhere it's fine Shari don't even worry about it Shari it's nothing I'm not doing anything thank building a [ __ ] prison can't she just jump the holes put two holes [ __ ] I don't think this is gonna work we need a strong prison to contain sure that's symmetric though and it's pissing me off watch this would be the time she gets over nice she's like what are you what are you doing to us nothing Shari it's fine just go back to your fish in there diri you're going nowhere [ __ ] Shari smile for the camera oh yes I got my wish Shari over here Shari now look [Laughter] that's amazing oh well she'll never escape again I have defeated the evil oh I forgot to make an emote I'm so happy about there we go enjoy prison sherry there the evil has been vanquished we never have to worry about her again crossing player ever I'm the [ __ ] suck it bees [ __ ] you come to sting me I sting back a toss boy oh my god I'm late headed holy [ __ ] eat [ __ ] bees I've had a bust that's gotta sting no it doesn't it doesn't sting coz how I got it look yeah that was amazing it's the biggest thrill ride I've ever had playing a video game that's all my pieces oh is this like a sex thing oh my goodness thank you I feel wonderful alright I need to give you a reward I promise it's gonna be oh yeah last time I chose something new this time I'm choosing something expensive okay you got it so looking for something a little on the expensive side huh rich tastes I see you just want to have a penthouse at home I get it I'm not judging you just know that there's some people in the world who don't have stuff as privileged as you do you're the one giving it to me I'm not that great at judging the value of items so I'm not totally sure if this item is worth a lot but or is it an oarfish a pro tape recorder I put this item in your pocket okay don't touch my pockets hey [ __ ] weirdo okay let's go put it in my house good job toss man ah that's cool I love that house look this music oh it's closed all right Tommy I'll talk to you instead this time I swear I I guess some of you have families that you go home to oh and it just told me immediately I never have to go in and sell to you [ __ ] again now this is how you make money in a social to socially distance culture ha ha ha she didn't escape she's stuck in this prison forever you know what just in case I'm gonna make it even bigger all right let's open up the gates of hell oh you have cherries on two trees you should sell those they'll sell for double you gave me cherries oh yeah yeah anything that's not native on your island sells for double partially obscured friend oh yeah I have an internet clown still hello hi oh my god you're so scary Jason worries welcome to hell everybody there's a lot less lame do you think it's greener than I expected also you should you guys should come over here to the right come on goobers coming come down here you're letting me the night that I think she got out I had Shari trapped in prison yeah they can tell the court [ __ ] they get out yeah they get out if you can trap them on islands but they can teleport out apparently Oh stupid stupid I could be cuter though I feel like you guys are actually cute and I'm just scary because I thought well I'm going to hell I can be this one okay I feel like I need to dress up now for the Elliot this outfit on me there we go I need to make ready whew I could also be this is when I go to bed oh my god I need some of this [ __ ] for toss boy character sucks it's very useful ain't supposed to be scary yeah I do have a topical one as well my muscle oh oh that's what I'm waiting for yeah I'm waiting to be self isolated in hell this is my house oh yeah Shari came by and stole my underwear am I allowed to use this yeah taking liberties now you know you're that now your honorary Irish person okay it's like a like a like an indoctrination kind of thing yeah you need to ring it [Music] ring the bill oh my house stuff has happened here since last what what is this what we wait till Evelyn's in here so we can actually decide is it a hat it's a giant hat table of course of course it's yeah it's a giant hat - I said it was hideous I said it's the table version of a racecar bed - you're right yeah boy can you flap than go laughs yeah figured you guys have a wheelchair on your island I do actually Oh fine whatever I get it everyone plays Animal Crossing more than I do [Laughter] I got a fossil give it the blathers how did you get a fossil yeah well knows there was a hole in the ground oh yeah we're back okay oh yeah message in a bottle is it christina aguillera wife wouldn't it be no way she's a genie in a bottle message is ball that's what she does okay I got a Gong Wu oh [ __ ] hell yeah the upgrade of the Bell I can hang your fish I saw I saw you picking fish Teddy claps okay thank you let me let me slap my babson celebrate I caught I caught a wasp earlier did you guys already do that it was not a thing you already did yeah I was really excited about it it's good it's a good you're doing it well done you're playing the video game thanks guys I mean to be fair we played I think Robin also plays it daily right yeah yeah we played or almost everybody yeah and you always like every couple days I guess I just care about my audience and only show it to them yeah that must be it I don't I have other games to be playing a half it's also a disservice because by the time I start streaming I've done everything for the day so I think that's my thing as well as that if I do everything because I want to play it off stream but I'll have nothing to do on street chats knocking your wheat situation okay there's bigger fish to fry I'm trying to give work to the people who live here something for them to do you're trying to kill them I've seen it I've edited the videos yeah I would never kill them that's always a good boy don't show your fish at me okay so now you guys can tell me this cuz chat I don't believe can you toss more bait to get bigger fish it's so it's random yeah it just depends on where you toss it like ocean or river whatever I tend to throw another bait if I don't want a small one yeah when I when I do garden work I go wow what happened when firming how did you get a bandage notes about my fashion senses tingle give me your bait I need or fish I'm out of bait right now where's your workbench my house oh yes I got the perfect outfit for toss boy where are you just imagine someone dragged me through a thorn bush backwards and that is very accurate thrown out wait wait you got yeah you got to get in for a picture it's really great oh you've got the axes good perfect thanks thank you for indulging me oh yeah wait I got this one which is not fun at all six feet let me near you you should put on your mask oh oh oh that's true I should actually dirty you're a dirty boy do you want to fish at the pier or at the chocolate the clip wait I have a funny thing to do [Laughter] thank you you get the string fish yet yeah I just what I'm lacking right Shawn it's the one I'm lacking yeah but going for years trying to trying to catch the string fish but wait goes away tomorrow's class day oh really yeah don't catch it now you have to wait until like September or something yeah that's like Pokemon Pokemon on steroids chaeri I need her to leave that's true where is she probably being a dumbass somewhere there's a big fish here did people are saying that you can just harass a villager into leaving yeah pretty much if you if you hit them so they get mad and then you don't talk to them they get lonely and sad and go away [Laughter] you jumped in your hole yeah they got trapped in it hey don't clap that there's a big fish here on the East Coast it was a Team Rocket traditional pitfall okay here we are so how you been and I catch this beetle thing got him what is it a tiger beetle I found a man faced stinkbug it looks like my uncle yeah why my economy in my entire island is like built upon the income from man faced stink bugs and monarch butterflies like I'm selling I found a stupid [ __ ] it looks like my mom if you add me to the best friend list I can dig up clams as well stand back watch this stand behind my mold I hate sea bass yeah no you scatter wow I didn't expect that did you get a sea bass no I got a double shark you don't want to fish any of these you want to get out of my sweet bitterlings I already have everything for March oh I worked very hard yes go string fish got a double door I got a wing galangal yesterday it's whatever all that is it the ocean damn it oh she was a better way of aiming like let me hold eight yeah it's weird you could like modified after you threw it yeah like nudge it a little bit in one direction there you go have some fun my own restaurant with all the sea baths yeah man the black bass and the dace was it those are fun and they stirred days do you have enough space yeah cut black it's the most vital of all fake yep I'm gonna have my hel museum full of them yeah I wish you could donate more than one to the museum and just have like a tag for ya come on baby come on baby here here that was the one laughs that's why he disappeared fast could be in what if I get making a shark now and you're like well how'd you even do that not like a toss boy got a deal with the devil but what if that's how it works there's three sharks you can get so you know this is my penance Oh for over dabbing as the mean I just get too many dabs now then that's true your eternal damnation of dad eternal damnation defamation like your stuffy nose God that's also what happens you get a cold are we all ready are we all ready clam bait bye-bye Wow those plane contrails those are chem tracks they're poisoning the sky yeah that's true it's turning us all homosexual and dogs that's especially the project if that's something that shows up when someone flies home oh that would be cool actually yeah I never thought about that because I don't think they're always there me Torino okay I'll be here totally not disturbing the fishes you could do it well it was a valiant effort you have deserved my respect Wow he's so fancy yeah now I got joy oh not I'm fishing again apparently what no don't don't you hate it when you mean to be happy and you're excellent we start fishing well thanks for visiting hell thank you for having me in hell I'll go home now next time I should come visit your I should come visit family oh yeah and also now that we have met I can actually send you mail I'm gonna send you a coffee maker mmm her problem is Wow yeah boss boy needs his caffeine so farewell clam man okay thank you bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was clam man look at him go majestic what a beautiful head
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,315,149
Rating: 4.968503 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, new animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, nintendo switch, animal crossing: new horizons, new horizons, animal crossing jacksepticeye, animal crossing nintendo switch, tom nook, new horizons gameplay, new horizons switch, ac new horizons, animal crossing switch gameplay, nintendo switch animal crossing
Id: OodRfLShN_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 43sec (2983 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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