I hate her

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look who it is Shari stuck in prison the only way out is to the ocean and I know you can't swim so I've done a bit in my Island since last time it's gonna look very different to a lot of you right now and hell it's 259 p.m. on a Saturday there he is then he needs to speak up today isn't it weird that after cake a slider comes to your Island nothing ever happens again there's no new people there's no new stuff oh yeah I'm all the way up here then I look awesome this is a temporary outfit all right so if you can see on the map bottom right I am up here now so book I'm up now on the next area I got some inspiration from Evelyn's Island when I was there she has everything on like two levels but her house is the only thing on the third level and I kind of like that because I do really like being above other people as TAS boy in hell I'm going to build this island okay I deserve a throne picking weeds so I did move my house here and I was gonna leave it here cuz I did this incline and everything as well but now I hate it so some stuff is gonna have to move around a lot that's why we are here today bail of moving am I gonna visit other people's Islands new buddy Rock yes this is what I wanted Easy's no you stupid toss why I don't want to talk about it boss boy what you lack in brains you make up for in tooth I want to be okay I do have grizzly toss which is the cutest thing in the world it looks absolutely adorable but this is for when I'm going to the furry convention I'm not allow wear it right now I want to be silent toss toss my Caesar right so what I want to do is we've moved Vestas house this this house is the one up here I want to move toss up here I want him in this area we're gonna have to take away all of this to have enough room yeah I have to take away all of this stuff this is the type of stuff we're doing on stream today and that's why I saved it for a stream because it's fun okay Red's not here I also kind of want my house near Reds so I can keep an eye on them so this is where I want my house Oh money tree money tree money tree come to me money tree money tree how about Z all right put your away don't bury in hole I'm not gonna bury rocks in the hole but away okay ten thousand bells I do this so slowly now cuz I have messed it up so many times also I am near sherry but I'm more like a warden over the prison of the demon cherries over here on the right I want to keep an eye on her so I'm going to clear out this section and have this just be for toss it's a nice little island II kind of there's not an island but it's a nice thing away from everybody else and then every other part of the island except the museum because I already built it there is going to be on the second level nothing else is gonna be up this high I also found out that you can actually build higher than this you can actually build another layer and I was like Tim can I just build myself on a fourth level but then when you go to climb it it says that I shouldn't climb any higher because it's dangerous so the egg is still here that's a reminder of how [ __ ] that event was we're gonna have to give it its own shrine and maybe surrounded in the worst types of garbage that I can find my own is going there and there's another thing over here that I want to show you which is the the hell space program I have been a bit busy I am building my own portal away from hell this is going to be my endgame it's not done yet as you can see it's it's not the best I have to round it off I've to do a lot more work but this is going to be where the space program begins and then Jesus toss is going to go back to his people that's actually there's disagree just just a great camera opportunity why does the tree disappear when I go into the booth it's Saturday morning KJ is here I forgot Kenny Kenny my dude hey what's buzzin names cake a slider I'm in town for a spell playing tunes before I hit the road again I'm not taking requests right now I just want to do my thing let the music take me where it wants to be I'll start taking song requests around 6 p.m. come catch me then you dig take it you're so cool ok watch this okay you watching that's right cool I am okay watch ok I missed that one kay Kay it's fine I missed that one watch feel cool eh oh you're gonna have this whatever is in this you can have I swear oh oh I got a I got a log still in it you don't want that KK I couldn't need that money hey Kate look I'm in dead not all of us are superhero the super star gets our dog sexy man okay we can't all have it like you have I need the money is sitting listen [ __ ] yeah sorry luckily my house isn't there anymore you think just cuz my house is God that you can stake your claim on this area then that sandwich did you kill someone these are my flowers you can't have them no thinking you can move into this house just cuz I'm not here don't go in here is my new little like Plaza area I want to get some benches around here for people that like sit around like a communal spot because I like the plaza but you're not put anything in it so I decided to make my own like miniature one off of that I have my stone roads going down to my airport here I got a pink electric scooter so that when you arrive to my island you can get on the scooter you know just kind of kick it get it you can kind of get around and held pretty quickly if you need to go to the store if you need to get anywhere it stores kind of right up there so if you don't want to walk there that's a bit weird cuz it's really only like ten feet away if you're that lazy then sure you can take the scooter if you want but you can also just browse around the island and just like fly around on lightning sorry I'm interrupting the tour what are we at trouble people think you're gonna try and murder them come up here you have like nook's cranny didn't go in to go to the vending machine all that stuff we've seen this stuff before what's up bones just killing it you can with the able sisters if you want I can come down here you can go into Penelope's how she's doing yoga right now she's pretty cool I like Penelope this is bonzes house you can go in there if you want this part bugs the [ __ ] out of me and I am about to have a panic attack in Animal Crossing over this because I legitimately got pissed off about this coming up here what's up BAM it's not centered or there's like one tiny piece the entrance for the museum is three blocks wide but the inclines are two blocks see if to come down here you know what makes it worse sure this you can kind of like you're getting to look over it I could probably remove all this and try and make it look at semi-decent but when you come down keep in mind and we're the museum's entrances come all the way down I made it go slightly right here because the inclines are off but this is in line with the museum entrance so my ink lines [ __ ] it all up I hate that you can't connect the path to the plaza Nintendo what the [ __ ] is wrong with you why would you allow us to make paths to the plaza I rounded this one off because it just looks weird other way it says this tiny little sliver of grass that sticks between the path and the plaza that you can't cover up and even trade downloading plaza blocks that would try and go together but it doesn't it leaves this tiny little sliver of grass that's right here why I know it's cuz these are different blocks and they're the edge blocks I'm too rounded out but Nintendo combine I change the bridge here it's pretty cool it's premi you come up here the campsite is here everything here is all the same you come over this is a Audis house Vestas house kind of removed the thing that I was doing here so let's put it back in time for Jesus to start changing the world okay there you go put this down I do like that's the wrong one I do like that I can put the path down wrong I can put the path down underneath these steps you can't do it for everything however which again is another gripe I don't know why it picks and chooses what you can put it under or the ones it's like no you have to remove the thing then put the path down and then put the thing back on it I don't know why but I really like this like row of houses that are down here it's really opening up this side of the island I kind of want to start moving more houses down here I've if you look at my map I have a house up here this is a blonde buns house and then up top up more North actually I can just do this up more north I have whose houses yeah book and we have agent s there they're two houses are up there I want to move those down with bonbons and then down in the bottom right where these houses are I want to put three more underneath so where that branches off from the bridge next to the camping site I want to make another line and then put three more houses there or just to have that whole section of the island be looking like a residential area and then opens house as well I need to find a place to put Pam's house even the museum on the map looks off the middle is still gonna be the plaza and the sort of shopping district the bottom left is going to be our sort of nature districts so I want to put in orchards I want to put in I'm gonna move all of my trees and have like six of each again another thing that I'm just completely stealing from Evelyn but her island is really organized and I was really inspired by it I'm walking around her Island she has like all her trees in one area and then you can just go in and just get all of the fruit in one section and I really I really want to do that as well and put up little signs I saw Robin had it as well like downloading little science like cherries and pears and stuff that's really cute I want to do that then my house is gonna be in the top right the museum's top left and then I'm gonna flatten out all of that top middle area where my house is right now and exit that river and the Zen garden and I'm not really sure what to put in there we'll see I might end up moving the museum again afterwards but I want to make sure I have other stuff in place first but it is it's so annoying that oh damn that was a cool book see I want to put another row here and put more houses here and then move all these trees but it is kind of annoying that putting stuff down is like it's kind of clumsy I really wish I mean I get why it's not in it I kind of wish you know when you go into your house and you have builder mode and you can gotta just pick stuff up and move it around I kind of wish you could do that with the houses like pay for it but when you're about to put it down like hold a and then you're just able to like move it around wherever you want and then place it so you know exactly where it's gonna go because right now it's like okay I'll move a step forward put it there no that's not right I'll move a step left and slightly back no that's not right either I'll move slightly right it's so frustrating and I don't know why that's not a thing I completely get why you can't just move everything around instantly because you need to keep playing the game and that's fine it kind of drip feeds you and that's cool but I really wished it was some sort of like a builder mode for when you have you know when you put down the blueprint and it gives you that box if you just hold a button and you're able to like slightly move it around in a certain area and within the frame let me do that and then if it's over on a house then say like no there's there's [ __ ] in the way you can't do that if it's over trees it gets rid of the trees anyway why is that not a thing I did catch some I'll say my fish I did catch a cool fish recently or fish forepaugh fish and that one koala can't soil I can't [ __ ] do you pronounce the coca-cola the coca-cola fish the cola can yeah that's our Cola can I get out of the ocean let's see what other stamps we can do the pond feel like these guys are a little aquatic athletes go team oh oh okay then the coral reef I don't know where that is Oh a colorful vibrant warmth hey I don't want to swim here I don't really have a whole lot do we toss no I collected all the fish dams I'm pretty cool oh I finally got my t-rex head I got my t-rex head last night yay aw jeez here that's a body throw these boys have so many of them finished okay Audie you wanted the cooler looking designs but you have the worst music the Quincy llama blah blah is a great name Audie wears a blue little boo I might just change my name oh please don't I'll see I never have you always been wearing that pineapple dress look at that bad boy what's up well is there big or beard assailing how's your it's van no it's death and destruction coming to kill everybody wanna be cool if I could make the outside of the museum look like this you could actually make your Island look as diverse is this [ __ ] awesome I mean you probably can it just takes a lot of work have you seen some people's islands it makes you just not want to play Wow look at them all what if legs kind of freaked me out in real life but in here the preeto dating on a beach at this fountain is about as classy as it gets Oh toss boy you need higher standards but anyway like I was saying Animal Crossing is one of the most stressful experiences a gamer can have supposed to be a nice peaceful relaxing game but no I did see an article recently where some people were saying they were starting over their Islands because they couldn't get their island to look as cool as other peoples died and I mean I get that because you see other people's and you're it's serious like oh man I'll never accomplish what they're accomplishing and it kind of it kind of demotivates some people to not build their islands as cool because they think they're not gonna get it that cool but then they were saying that they like the kind of like so stressed out that they started crying because of it because one thing in there Island would not just go in the place that they wanted to go I think that that's more of a case of social media that's the thing I'm like you need a break from social media more than you need to restart your animal crossing' Island doesn't [ __ ] matter what anybody else is doing in their island if they're doing that that's fine some people are just more creative than others but if you're genuinely getting upset because you can't make your island look like somebody else's and you can't make it look as cool as other peoples who [ __ ] cares get off social media stop looking at other things and comparing your life so everybody else's live your life do whatever you want make your island look the way you want it to whatever you make it look like it's gonna be unique in your own way and I mean don't I'm not trying to discredit their feelings or anything or D devalue their feelings it's just that that's that's not an animal crossing problem that that's deeper rooted than animal crossing it's not animal Crossing's fault but and there's definitely that like FOMO aspect to it or maybe not FOMO but you know that comparison because I do it to I went to like PJs Island and I was like man I want mine to look that cool I don't know if I have the energy to make mine look that good but if it's genuinely upsetting you that's that's digging into mental health and that's where you need you need some sort of like break from things you need you need to step away from like the internet for a small bit and just kind of appreciate yourself more and sit down and like meditate and reevaluate and reflect and just know that what you're doing is good enough that you don't need to constantly keep comparing yourself to everybody else all the same anyway I need to charge I shall now present you with the competition stamp yeah you look for takes marvelous photos and the fish rooms make an elegant backdrop to be sure okay I'm gonna be like a plaque or something all right what you give me [ __ ] blacks who gives a [ __ ] oh yeah look at my new school carpet me [ __ ] awesome I absolutely love it also check out this room this is like my bedroom study area I got a giant bear I know I'm pretty much cooler than the rest of you but it's whatever you're playing to no one who's the saddest [ __ ] sight in my bank right now I have 1.3 million bells what up I am basically haha rich once he started getting so many turnips weed was saying that he spent three million bells on turnips and then just sold them all for make 600 bells each at that point it's just [ __ ] obnoxious at that point you're not really playing the game I like I get making a lot of bills off the turnips but if I'm making if you're making like 10 million bells off of them at that point it's like well now you can just do whatever the [ __ ] you want and there's no like there's no like grind to see what you can do I'm not I'm not doing the next expansion yet I'm not getting my next room yet I want to relocate my house come back here yeah beautiful [ __ ] oh come on go grab them no ego Queen Alexandra's bird wing I did but you you're gonna [ __ ] sell a lot in the black market some people like to crush up the wings and snort them for virility all right let's start diggin and we also talked about how obnoxious some of the terraforming tools are as well the hair here there's your crucifix like this this is fine what I hate when I have to take off a corner on something that it it just does this get me wrong I like rounding things but why look at me [ __ ] start okay okay I can dig this out seed that is let me demolish like am I the only one that this bothers no God how it digs off at a corner like that and then you have to do it again - just get the square it should be just a separate button for that right put it on why to do a corner because why right now in this does nothing just have it be something or have ye be have ye be create this the block and a to demolish the block you have you've buttons on your controller for a reason is it not allowed go right next to this rocks I don't I don't know what I'm messing up here should I be closer to the cliff uh-oh it's kind of cool right well yeah that's it that's the one help me help I'm stuck an air circulator wait what's that look oh you mean a fan excuse me Amazon do you have any of those air circulators I would like one an air circulate or the [ __ ] is he talkin oh you mean a fan how much are these worth four thousand boom baby as much as possible sweetie if I wanna put my house down I want to kind of leave enough so I kinda want it centered I want to leave enough space that I can put like walls around it stuff like that it's a big decision yes so I can't move any other houses and inclines and stuff for today which is sad let's see what fencing we have today [Music] oh man I have these I don't want these so these change every day whoo stupid stinky any of the stuff that I can buy or get inspiration from oh yeah there's playground stuff oh yeah I could just abuse my position as a youtuber with a large audience and just start having people come over and send me stuff and everything but I don't you want to do that I want to try and get as many stuff as I can myself first yeah no I have this whole area to do for god oh god what I want to put here that's the thing as I would go to like PJ's or Evelyn's Island and be like who's your Island so big and then I realized that when you flatten out a bunch of stuff that it really starts to open up I hate that this is not aligned it bothers me way more than it should it's so stupid i-i'll move them all over eventually it's just right now it's not top of my priorities it's on top of my morning but maybe we should actually take it out and then just have it like that it still looks stupid either way but a little better why am I here nice nice nice a [ __ ] nice also a Nintendo on the list of things that I am being annoying about and talking about can you just have an eat option and then select quantity I don't know why it has to be one by one just have a quantity counter and then have it be like one to ten absolutely not what the [ __ ] is this what are you making to us that's so stupid don't do that again Wow please be something epic like a new baby brother I think that's gonna do it though I think that's all that we're gonna do for the island today I'll plant some of these flowers down here and then move them again later wait my house took up this entire area I'm so greedy but yeah I think we'll leave Animal Crossing here for today up up for now sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pom pom pom pom pom pom pom
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,641,715
Rating: 4.9681396 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing switch, animal crossing gameplay, new animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons gameplay, animal crossing: new horizons, new horizons, animal crossing jacksepticeye, animal crossing nintendo switch, tom nook, new horizons gameplay, ac new horizons, animal crossing switch gameplay, nintendo switch animal crossing, shari, jacksepticeye shari, star, kk slider event, kk slider songs new horizons
Id: WOYiyp_YjWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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