This Overpowered SUMMONING BUILD Is Unstoppable in Grounded 1.4

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so you might remember in the last video of grounded where I infected all of the ant Queens using infected toenail fungus or something strange also it said that it changed an alternative Dimension what that means is that I have to go to new game plus three in order to see what the infected ant Queens look like so that's what we're going to do today we're going to attempt to get there because well I have to kill the infused brood mother wasp queen and whatever mantis uh solo so that's going to be hard also the mant wow um and you guys have been telling me that there is a interesting build or there was a few weeks ago before they patched it if they patched it I don't really know because I'm pre-recording these videos because my wife just had twins and I'm doing this beforehand so happy birthday to two little baby boys but uh yeah it's little surprise anyway we need to make these red strategist masks and let's get all of these going perfect we got all three of them now I need to upgrade those down the Sleek path let's see if I actually have enough things okay we have some brittle plating neat and now we go in the Sleek path cuz that gives summon Thorns wait yeah Sleek all right yep we're going sleeky mode okay and we need some Supreme plating too let's try to get the rest of these going brittle brittle brittle hopefully that's enough okay good excellent all right it is going to be a little bit interesting trying to get the uh Supreme plating though I think we need five each hey there we go upgrade an armor to Sleek another achievement thing let's see how these oh my goodness I hate the eyes I hate the eyes so bad okay it does it does how do I do the picture mode there we go yeah that looks weird I'm not a really big fan of how this looks but rumor is that this is a pretty intense build the entire idea is that we are going to summon an absolute buttload of crazy things to attack all of the bad guys so let's start building some Supreme plating uh I don't have any marble shards which sucks ooh window statue gorgeous statue of a familiar friend that's not gorgeous he's a he's not gorgeous at all but okay I can make nine of the ladybird shells uh and sap or okay we'll just craft one and sneak past a familiar friend oh my goodness please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up please don't wake up didn't wake up and we're going to duplicate that Supreme plating actually 1,500 that's not much let's do this like I don't know 10 times and by saying 10 I made 15 because I hope that's enough hi burgle you put that back in your head right now young man thank you you're a weird fella so let's upgrade these oh no we're going to be like too short I think wait cuz it's 2 + 4 oh balls so I need six but I think I have enough stuff right over here can I just build six more uh eight more craft many five six got it and nailed it I only needed a couple more all right so we have the thing we need this also gives us summon Thorns meaning that if the boss attacks one of our creatures they get summoned even more and the summon Arro is super cool too and I have a science waffle that gives more summon Thorns this could be really really dangerous so we're also supposed to put in like the mom jeans where is that at there it is so we get poison damage and summon spiderlings and the man we need the man sterious stranger those are the only mutations we need so those along with the stabby boy we should be able to do this so we'll get all three of the favorite foods up and ready we also need some moldy hogies the next time around I kind of want to kill the brood mother twice though so I might do that now there are some comments on the threads that I've been looking at saying that this build might not work for New Game Plus too cuz they don't do enough damage but I was thinking since I am in like the game settings mode we can turn this to wo mode which means that damages will be higher cuz right the entire build revolves around summoning Thorns so once they get summoned they'll attack and then the attack will kill the boss back it's like a reflect part of the damage hopefully it'll work I don't know if not this is going to be quite a failure and we're going to have to figure out a better way to do this also I didn't bring any food great I'm being competent so this could either go very poorly or very well for us I'm hoping the very well is what's going to come in oh my goodness the infected BR mother is solo with a summoning build okay got to get you guys spawned in oh my word I that's yikes so I think what happened there was I attacked one of my own creatures I'm just going to save scum this for sure and all right uh-huh all right it spawned in good couple things here oh wow that's actually working pretty well as long as it keeps attacking my summons oh my word whoa so hypothetically speaking I probably need the more Health yeah more max Health there make sure we eat some sort of Sandwich yeah I guess I don't even know I mean we just got one shot whatever let's attempt it again if we can get a good summon I think it'll be okay cuz it was almost halfway dead I just need to get right up in here and then block a whole bunch all right we got some things ooh wow all right that worked kind of good uh-huh all right all right I'm I'm still alive oh that was so close if I can get a better summon would be good so I think this is totally possible if I can get like three things in summoned in all right all right all right we good we good anything summoned oh we got some things summoned there's some ants down there get cut in your butt it died I don't know how I died but it totally died um that means I need to come back and grab my loot so if that worked that was like 3 minutes of work uh intern and I took 29 attempts to kill that on new game plus one oh that's so busted I love it and I did bring a second one so why not right so it all seems to be dependent on how many things spawn in on that first volley oh we got one we got one ant attack it ant good oh we got a couple spiderlings too okay get some good hits get some good hits oh yes oh that was perfect oh that was absolutely 100% amazing hot dang double infected brood mother kill infused brood mother all right so we should probably finish up the Hedge lab quest all right we got the password to log in open the door and hery Bergie chip number two three all right so I can return those to burgle which should be good grab those things yikes and we'll give burgle all of his brain chips I found a super chip times seven oh this is how to get all the raw science all right yeah biging chip enough science talk surprised me I don't really care right now I've been through this 12 times how many words are there in this dialogue my goodness oh that's just looping isn't it uhhuh uhuh and then continue after encounters the is oh okay never mind uhhuh I think I did it I think I gave him all the burgle chips nice I did hey lab quest complete I hopefully that didn't break everything yep return that one I did that one too terminated the assistant man I'm I'm zooming right now okay if I go to is it this thing the super duper no it's a science shop I really wanted to see what we get here okay we get some other weapons the Blazing Edge oh that's a fire axe pepper flake hold on it's literally the same thing pucker Thumper uh tingle tongue oh wait that's wait what's the difference between the tingle tongue and I guess that's a that's a that thing and this one what is this one that's the same thing it's it's literally the same thing just a different skin but the telepot bundle I'm excited for that oh the fresh Edge oh man okay I'm I'm confused the sizzle Striker why do we have the same thing oh the fresh colana I need that for science pickle mall I could go for some pickles right now I really need to buy all of these and I can totally afford them intern's not here to stop me I really want the telepot too teleports players and creature we're going to make a different video for that one we also have the assistant manager key card so we can open up this door and steal what's ever in this chest cool it's not really that exciting anymore but uh it's all right okie dokie looks like uh man this is up next no idea how many attempts this will take but oh shoot I didn't turn it on to wo mode yeah all right let's see if that changes anything oh yeah here we go here we go stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stabby stab Dodge it okay we got the man in here no stay away come on mant do your job wow why couldn't you have attacked manty boy I kind of want to see if it'll still die uh nope doesn't look like it did man died so as I said with the other fight it really depends on the level of summons we get that's actually quite a few no don't hit me oh yeah yeah Dodge that stay away stay away stay away my goodness I hate you oh what is that why is there another why are there more madnesses oh my goodness um drink some juice all right I'm alive somehow all right and stay away oh I was alive for a second eat that let's uh shove a granola bar in her face hole okay I'm good I'm alive wow all right mant attack summons more that's intense okay we got the dagger ready the wow the Mantis in here this is going to be hard I don't even know I didn't bring why did I not bring any like heavy food again well because I'm hoping all my friends do all the damage ha get cut get cut get cut blocked it and I am on wo mode um nothing spawned okay I got two blocks in how did I block those get in here spawns good oh I just about died how did that happen I didn't even do anything all right my spawns are gone though and what just happened I hear sounds over here there's another mantis what the balls is this all right get cut get cut get spawned on oh that's an infused one wow okay there was an infused one that was that was horrible I got about halfway though okay big ugly it's me and you it's time to dance oh good block already get my friends in oh I think that's a man if it is run away come on hit my man hit the man yes [Laughter] wait it did oh it killed itself on the man oh I love you man you're my bestest pal ever oh my word wow oh we got a science cone delicious first one food generation fresh damage up that's terrible those are the ones wow I'm surprised like it it it got instant killed that's sick I love it so we'll grab the burgle chip out of the pond lab press the buttons open up the thingy still my favorite thing in this game I love this so much okay you know what I'll take take that back I hate the water area but in the Water Area this is my favorite thing I just I hate water areas in games but I do like molers in games I really need to get more of these and I think the water Zone has the highest concentration of them if I look at the map I think I got those two maybe I got them all already also where's the ones in here that's the oak lab oh behind the door probably here's another one in the big pot and if I remember right there's one right outside here yep hanging out out in this I don't know why there's so many milk mullers here but I'm all about it let's do a quick swim see if I find any more until the koi comes to get me my goodness they're terrifying so this one will also be interesting we got to go for the Black Widow it's not working I'm not cutting anything oh my goodness and St stab stabby stabby stabby stabby stab bring my friends in O that was a good block all right you're not helping wow all right we're good ate some sandwiches get dead you little monster hey there's Ross s over here please no am I not summoning properly oh my word that thing didn't take any damage okay second time maybe I could maybe I could egro one of the little spiderlings first would that be a smart idea maybe instead of just yellowing in and yeah okay why why is there a thing in here though all right they're not really that big of a problem and all right all right [Laughter] okay so I'm going to do a different strategy this time yep I am it's called the zoomi strategy that's the exit right over there I'm just going to go like this H and then we're going to grab this nopa aha aha you know what take one of those oh wait I might be able to do that manually ow ow ow ow ow ow run away I'm running I love running running is my favorite hobby oh my goodness it does so much damage okay take out this thing good good good good good wow I did it the Black Widow healed oh there's a buttload of spiderlings I shouldn't need to kill it I don't think all I need to do is just run to the undersedation [Music] cave after I just JK the Dingus I'm going to be so mad all right I did it black Widow is still irritated hey I made it all right we're in a d just go away we're in a good space my head's clear sort of all right oh I hear the mant let's press the button all right we got some bad spiders these aren't even spiders Noe oh shoot I'm going to summon things again sort of no just the spiderlings in the mant it is ridiculous how much hit points these things have this this guy singlehandedly could take down a like a single game brood mother I bet uh-huh couldn't you couldn't you just want to dance is that how we're doing are we're dancing oh my word you shuck like lightning oh would you not I'm just going to hide back here you can't you can't see you can attack me through the wall huh here we go set respawn point now I'm in here with you Dingus Get Wrecked get him spiderling poison his liver off aha now you've messed with the wrong Dingus ow shoot how was one one soldier Ran So Hard to Kill there wow this is going to suck this is going to be so hard oh another one how convenient what's happening in there my goodness oh what is this mess is this where I spawned at okay I can take you down wait I need to get out my other sword you're allergic to fiery stuff how did you get over here go away all right you're not so bad you're not so bad there it is my boy is here to smash good wow I hate this dungeon already okay there's the man himself he's infused again as one might imagine this could be interesting I have an idea no promises if this idea is going to work make sure our mutations are correct but I'm wondering if I hit it with an arrow oh I can't start the fight all right so that just means we'll have to jump in and cross our fingers ready get spaghetti all right that worked really well that did too there is zero summons wait there's this there's an ant whoa so uh can I have that Arrow back is kind of expensive um and then oh man I'm just going to have to jump in and start slabbing stabbing get a block oh he didn't spawn anything no no no no block block okay did I get nothing else spawn why is nothing spawning no okay I got a spawn oh it's an infused one hey hey no no no no no take that one yes an in you just he fell for the Trap look at my hit points he fell for the Trap he hit the infused Dingus in the face and he blew up oh that build's so broken now we'll just press this button which will open up the door is that what I was supposed to do in here or was there another key I just know I don't want to face the Black Widow oh yeah it's in here the first time I spawn an infused one and it just wrecks them ah raisin brain hey friend how are you we'll grab the grilled science which is the last piece oh I forgot all the foods in here too yeah I don't really have inventory space hopefully it'll stay cold I can come back in here if I want not going to lie the was Queen is the one I've been most looking not forward to because well frankly it never touches the ground so I have to oh yeah it's crashing does the barrel roll flies in I also have to dodge the poison attacks like that one right there okay I actually dodged that one come down here fight like a man yeah no no no no no not like that no no I'm stuck I'm stuck okay okay I'm all right I'm all right let's pregame with a bandage here come on in oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get cut oh yes I got a cut summon a in summon a in or just one shot me that's cool too so let's try it again also wondering oh yeah there's the custom game settings uh also wondering how bad the um the the Java Matic fight's going to be all right come in here uh I got this i got this oh I dodged it come on down come on down hey big ugly it's you no no no no no all right if I stand under you that's fine nothing happens bad let us all right get one shot again really all right so as we've learned we have to dodge the first attack which is that one shouldn't be too bad I'll eat the bandage now come on down come on down you're going to hit me with a poison blast as long as you don't have like Nuke Powers there it is I knew it I knew it all right I got a hit but that doesn't do much for me did it did it anything spawn nothing spawned all right that's not too bad hey I'm not too bad I'm a little slowed oh you how did you spawn something already just get cut up and stuff both of you die oh she's stunned she's stunned she's down ho hey ho hey ho hey ho I need lots of things where's that man at you get out of here you're not allowed to live you I need to spawn some things all right we got a bunch of ants on the ground this could be good you're fighting the ants the ants are fighting you that's going to hurt she died wait she died she died but I did too thankfully my respawn is in the field station and I could get in there oh my goodness all my stuff just broke good timing stay away stay away that was stupid I love it that took like all of a minute oh no no n you know what you don't have your queen to protect you anymore you don't ha Get Wrecked I'm still going to die cuz my equipment is oh yeah you want to leave now huh huh is that taunting yeah have one of these in your abdomen get destroyed you dir ah another one oh that's my spider I did it I killed the queen what else did I get red ant damage Max stamina I guess we got the wings in the head and some more wasp goo awesome and now the last thing to do is to defend the Java mtic which I am I'm terrified of this is going to be so so difficult but I'm glad that was Queen just decided to end herself on all of those I think it was dropped one bomb in the middle of like six things and it all reflected the damage back to her you know this works we break open the cracked glass we install the igging cell we entirely forget all of the resources that we need to put it in so good news I brought the junk this time to put it in the trunk we're making the igging juice oh bling and then we just press the button down here after I Gooma Stomp The Ground probably should eat some snacks do I have any snacks I do also I need to drink some juice because I need juice in my liver and start it such a beautiful cut scene me and my gear and stuffff I don't even I don't even know I just did this yesterday with inter turn that's how far out we pre-recorded right now if you're wondering oh and I forgot a repair thing I'm going to have to repair now hey you knocked that off quit how do I how do I get to you stop it that thing's expensive what are you doing bad all right note to self there's a gap here here that they can get in we'll just plug it up yeah was some weed stems that'll be fine also I need to get back in there to repair it but I need to reu build a repairing thing first I guess we'll just build the black Act One repair yeah yeah we'll build that one since we have everything for it I don't even know what it does exceptional tool capable repairing buildings in a radius around the player oh that's better neat so let's see how this goofy Contraption Works did that do it hello would you like to be repaired all right repair oh all right it kind of does the same thing it's not even repairing oh it is repairing look at that it's working yay go repair thing you did it I'm proud of you it's not working like I hoped it would work though okay I think after I talked to this oh continue and let's get started for science right I hate this I hate this so bad do I have to press anything oh yeah do all right let's do this we're going to start it up we're going to brew now we have to defend from the orc insects going to be about 5 minutes of my life hopefully a little bit longer and we don't have to respawn at all where are they uh-huh uh-huh all right here's the deal Wendell you take this side I'll take this side which means I'm going to do all the work and you're going to fly around doing nothing oh are they already attacking over here I'm pretty sure this was a brand new structure nope we're good so far so good I don't mind this at all I hear damage I heard a splash here you are down here a look at little guy get wrecked couple more die die die so far so good four down oh wait hold on I just ran over a fella good oh boy all right they're coming in over there you do not need to be here sir I really should have changed my mutations oh my goodness how did you guys get here already not joking I have no idea how they got in we good it's so hard knowing okay that should be fine you're coming on the side I hear something attacking over here yep you're dead fireflies in the sky I can go twice as high take a look oh that's an infected one all right let's take out these ones in first oh my goodness I just got pooped on like literally that was that was straight up dooky all right uh-huh get dead mosquitoes have rushed in not good these are the ones I was most afraid of cuz I forgot about the others all right one of them where did the other mosquito go down here okay hello everyone hello hello nice to see you you guys just broke in without being invited didn't you get out of here orc Firefly I have no stamina oh oh great Infuse Ox speedle okay he's not so bad but this one over here's wow he is bad he hurts really hard okay you're not allowed sir okay that was fine I'll take one of those for the team oh I don't know if I can do this solo might have to hire an intern so all I have to do is press the button and start the Java Matic if only I had an intern here to help me' be so nice somebody call for an intern now you do all the things cool and just stand around and supervise like you oh sure uhhuh actually this is pretty difficult so I do really need help uhhuh I might have tried a few times and oh it sounds like mosquitoes are already here oh boy oh wow uh oh all right they're yep okay you got two of them down I'm going to stay over here cuz this is the problem I had trying it by myself it's like I'm in a horror movie but I'm the bad guy yeah and they're the good guys wait they're not oh shoot Dingus fish just made it what where he just on fella what are you doing what sort of defenses are these there was some good ones over here I thought I made oh wow that keyword being were yeah okay what's that SP sound all right we're good the sparking sound is me cleaving their skulls I need to re oh I can't build in combat ah I get dead all right that worked pretty well that wow this is a lot of bodies yeah it gets pretty difficult oh wait there's more hey this is a good defense it should be why are you a bad defense oh these two are down here all right you I just moving forward on The Wire getting through the bugs yeah get that you're dead and you're dead oh there's an ant all right ax throw Haya oh nailed it beautiful job all right being attacked over by what is this one a I think oh two bombers well there's oh great I'm out of stamina oh great time to be oh beautiful time to be a to St okay two shots and they're dead though there are so many fire ants over here uhuh hey were actually there were a lot of fire ant right we got we've got uh birds that fly in the air birds birds oh I got three there was an infused dite but he's no more uhoh I totally missed that but I'll take this Orchid ladybug out oh mosquitoes are going right for a yeah I got to kill the birds birds are dead and two infused dance my goodness I am stuck on I can't go up anymore cuz Band-Aid ran on me ladyb bird hardly knew her oh that was the wrong thing all right the second axxe okay I think oh no throw one and switch to the other something just took on a wall over here oh lovely give me this not sure what it was oh we got a soldier fire ant on the wall he's dead I'm going to try to rebuild ah I will just continue murdering bugs as I do okay oh they're infused dust smites throwing in mortars oh lovely oh actually I'm almost dead that's a problem yeah right okay two infused dmes down okay it seems like it's gone quiet how is C doing I don't know one of these is having oh Firefly is breaking his way out Firefly Dead all right what do you oh my word uh yeah that guy's up there oh no I hit the wall four five six of them give me these they're expensive okay he's going to a different wall oh great now my axe is stuck there it is I need stamina back so badly what are you doing here go away inter over here we got flashes that's an ox Beetle oh you can kill them by yourself I have faith in you oh I appreciate it oh they just broke through our big wall whoa okay all right hey I got them all by myself oh good job so where are they now uh they're all on me oh this is taking way longer than I there's a lot of bugs here no and would you not be alive anymore at least they attack the things that are here rather than just like bum rushing the thingy myob yeah all right I got to try to rebuild I can't build in combat why am I in combat where's the rest of combat I don't know I just accidentally threw my sword way far away oh great you can go get it I'll keep a lookout I got it he dead and again there's not much looking out to keep oh I hear things I see things he's attacking our house the spa dangus I got to be so dumb like that oh there's some more coming down the way the way do you know the way do way I was just over here is there anything there can I just rush my way to their spawn and just h out their thing can't spawn Camp them oh got many huh there's like 16 bajillion mosquitoes here oh there's also a firefly stuck on a weed oh my goodness I can see the things that are happening down there got them it doesn't look so bad no it's not really too bad except there's like eight dust mes now oh I just saw that wall disappear oh there's one more dust mate I'll get them where are they let me add them I hear one this is It's Like on the opposite side of a where you can't aim I'm taking out the Bomer Beetle baders baders get out of here hiya oh I love doing that okay we're Brewing really well why couldn't I do this on my own this is actually pretty easy with two people yeah it's cuz I'm here if it was anybody else you wouldn't be able to do it oh yeah for sure all right okay those Boulders hurt a little bit I got them I'll shoot them I H more actually a lot drop those drop these by my feet uh I got them I got them I got him oh there all right are you winning son not really tur kind of dumb get out of here you have made fun of inter turn Okay that was that whole mess oh one of these was infused I didn't even notice I tell you what it's these dust bites that are oh my come to me dustmites are are doing all of the damage I need drink badly do I have drink drink drink consume drink is it purple drink no no purple drink I'm am out of food too do you want a basa no I'm good okay oh great they're breaking down the wall by C you're right about the dust mites yep all of you guys are just the worst what do I eat um one of these and then you have oh my word how many where is this fire an going attacking the house hi hi no hi I don't don't have stamina anymore oh they broke down the wall to the thing oh no not the wall of the thing my goodness intern you've been busy over there busy little fell oh no now B I don't know which one I'm at but I just took some down we're okay hi how are you ow I shooted him in the head with my my sword and he died uh-oh what was that noise I hate getting shot by his sword okay just pick up these bricks run away hopefully not get in combat and then should be able to rebuild the wall there defense is restored good job ooh a party hat oh neat inventory is full what do I not care about these give me the party hat also why is nothing attacking you know what I there is something attacking that ladybird is oh he's actually lost and confused ow oh there's a bunch of Mer skers too oh those darn skers spray that one and throw an x on that one oh got him on the flippy dude big ouch oh I went down took me rer get out get out get out window cover me he's doing the work hopefully I pick you up before I die from Poison yeah that was my problem it got poison and junk there we go this should help oh thank you did we do it is a mission successful I hear some more fireflies over here they really get lost on this wall they do oh nice jump did you see that I missed entirely you got one oh there's something launching sour bits over here really there's something launching dust might garbage yeah wow oh you know what the infused ones steal poison now uh it depends there some modifiers yep I need help over here I'm going to go down again maybe why uh maybe not my inventory my health is full so many fire hands look how many infused bugs are on the ground here die die hey we did it oh by [Music] myself I'm just a silent protector wa that that that's a thing I needed to go to new oh get dead you jerk whoa that's a lot of noises this uh I I actually ran out of inventory I can't pick up this waffle oh hey I also got a party hat neat then all the mosquitoes over here mhm so much raw science we started with about 100,000 55,000 raw science in a crinkle neat wow there's only one boss remaining I told you I'd do them all oh balls do I I think I have the right thing right yep moldi wonderful oh window's with me so I guess we'll eat the sandwich I got to get my mutations right again and let's try it I just have to spamy spam spam hope the Oh wrong armor wrong armor equip equip equip and here we go buddy [Laughter] right wow oh man man this thing is so ugly and so terrifying if I could get it to work it'd be awesome but I mean this build is super cheese anyway so who knows all right all right I didn't even I didn't even do anything all right dingus come on down this thing is so so ugly all right let get a couple hits aha I blocked something nope block something again I survived two hits oh I'm stunned and eat one of these all right there it is it's attacking one of my friends ha get some more friends nope okay kill it kill it kill it you guys can do it you can do it little friends no it maybe you can't there's two spiderlings yet oh oh that had have been so close all right big ugly it's time to dance it's time to dance aha you like that block huh attack spiderling how about it all right little bit easier than the the um oh yeah wasp queen I don't even know what it did oh oh I forgot it comes back to life oh balls okay we got two phases here oh really oh I forgot about the second phase that was hilarious though I don't like this aha another good block good little spiderling attack excellent we just need a few more things in here all right phase one is complete I don't even know what to do let's eat a bandage cuz it's going to start crinkling up isn't it uhuh and there it comes back to life and stabby stab stab stab stab stab if I can oh we got a man we got a man we got a man come on attack the man not me attack the man good I don't even know what's happening where's the where is it attack the man good it worked it didn't worked is there a third phase there is dang all right we'll start off with a little bandage hopefully that'll help me survive a little bit and then I'm just going to start stabbing like five times 1 2 3 4 okay this is how it's going to work I'm going to pregame with a bandage it'll give me some slow residual healing throughout the fight and then I'm going to stab you in the face about three times in back way good block good block did we spawn anything nothing is spawned let's try it again block block block that didn't that hurt that hurt me more than hurt you okay this will hurt you more yes yes good job Little Ant I'm proud of you okay I need to drink another one of these I'm slowed I don't know what it did that caused that but do it again do it again NOP really all right friends here's the problem I've been at this for about three more hours after that I've only gotten to phase two like twice so this is going to be my last attempt it's just super hard to spawn anything good and not get one shot so we're going to have a bandage to begin with and then I'm going to do the best I can uh-huh okay we got an ant in that should help out we got two ants nice you see that sick jump all right so here's the other problem it comes back to life two more times yeah all right crinkle up your your loins I'm also slowed okay that spot yeah see that's the problem that there there is no way to defend against that nuke you know what this build works really well on the singlephase bosses but I cannot do it against The Brood mother I cannot oh all our equipment is broken now too and W it's back to the world anyway my friends that is the summoning build it might be patched I really don't know because I'm recording this on the 24th of April yeah it's almost a month so uh thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed our fun today if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including autod da Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino Keegan H leou C zarof maxer Ral BC Engineers carms whiskey YH gun Jam Doug rules red d c scander d Payton plays fussy badge rip the warrior link hu Kyler J Nitro Nitro w k Grim Reaper kitu Rob rug tanel and Abram Jeep
Channel: Blitz
Views: 88,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, GROUNDED, grounded, grounded gameplay, grounded yoked, grounded yoked update, grounded 1.4, grounded remixer, grounded remix.r, grounded infused, infused bugs, grounded infused broodmother, grounded infused mantis, grounded mantis, grounded wasp, grounded summoning, grounded summons, grounded ants
Id: J4mRLBszpvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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