BESIEGE Gets WATER LEVELS, So I Built a Pirate Ship and an Animatronic Fish!

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welcome back to the channel and did you know that besiege is getting an expansion that is water-based this is besiege the splintered C and the besiege devs have been kind enough to give me early access this comes out on the 24th which should be the day after this video gets published and we're going to be diving into the expansion and seeing what it's all about it's been years since I've played besiege so uh I'm probably going to need a bit of a refresher on how to even build in this game you know what we have a new environment to build in with some new parts anyway so I'd have some learning to do even if I was familiar so the Seas of otois occupied by the off Landers so looks like we have a bunch of different zones here to get through so let's start at Zone 56 g rock Shack hopefully it's going to give me a nice introduction to some of the new parts that I can use destroy the house okay so this is interesting let oh here we go well we have all a water category here curved wooden block oh probably for ships hulls things like that small bar with adjustable buoyancy okay it has inputs where you can adjust the buoyancy so they're basically uh buoyancy control devices we have Rudders aquatic screw paddle a sail panel furl and unfurl the sail and a harpoon launcher should I try wait does is a harpoon launcher destructive on land things it should be all right I'm going to try my best to build using mostly these blocks and I want to see if I can can take this thing out destroy the house using the Harpoon launcher so I'm assuming because most things are wooden in besiege that uh they're all buoyant in some way but let's start with a curved wooden block here man I am definitely in need of a little bit of refresher on building in this but uh I'm going to do my best here oh so satisfying all right let's just see uh does this thing float so far all right look at that it does float just as suspected all right I'm not sure if there's any easy way to fill in this side of the hle here I feel like for the sake of uh not being too topheavy I'm going to need some type of Weights underneath isn't there like a ballast block or something if I remember correctly oh here we go ballast adjustable weight now when I say adjustable weight does that mean I can adjust it somehow or there settings ah here we go all right let's see how this is feeling so far balance-wise okay I may have put too much weight on this thing maybe some small barrels will actually uh help out here H okay I'm learning I'm learning a little bit more about how the game is uh how the game is working getting my memory refreshed here or my memory might not even be getting refreshed this might just be stuff that didn't exist before in this game last time I played it so I now know how to rotate blocks there we go that's looking much better here I can even do that with these here all right now let's see how this thing feels feels it's feeling better I use these things for buoyancy now all right let's add a saale to the oh can I not add a sail on top of that intersection H why do I feel like this should oh am I intersecting with the Box okay hold on move my machine down oh wow the build box is actually super small I didn't realize that we had uh such a small build box but now now we should be able to put a sail on top of this thing there we go is that too much do these even work let's see how these things feel oh I wasn't even ready yet okay I mean I guess step one build a ship that can go I didn't I didn't know the sails were going to immediately make me I mean I guess it makes sense but uh maybe the Harpoon will come in to the next level destroy two boats okay here is where all right I I kind of want can I just set the sails to like default be off fold speed inverted no holds to hoist is there a starting position size oh oh there we go let's change the settings to zero on these so a copy can I just like paste oh I got to click on them to paste them okay there we go so now if I spawn in do I go all right I do not go what was it in k uh it wasn't ink was it ink I thought it was ink it's not working right now okay K unfurl oh is this the permanent size so this is only the maximum it can go now let's go I and K okay that does change it so this isn't the starting position this is the maximum position so if I do inverted uh it doesn't seem to work all right well for the sake of uh the Aesthetics I'm going to keep them on here and I'm going to have the option to unfurl them so I have no control right now but let's see what I can do here all right there's one boat done so I'm going to need I I don't want to actually do melee for this I want to see if I can use the Harpoon so let's bring the Harpoon in this thing doesn't seem like it has aiming by default how would I build aiming into it though probably under mechanical all right we got a swivel joint hinges ball joint axle spinning block suspension decoupler Grabber contractable spring is interesting a simple rope ooh can I like attach this somewhere for aesthetic like this and this I feel like I don't know I feel like that kind of makes it look cool I don't actually know what I'm doing I'm just adding rope just because it's a ship and ships have rope this combined with a harpoon Harpoon is C what is the the controls what are the controls of this thing swivel cannot be customized oh is this a free swivel I need a mechanical thing steering block perhaps or a spinning block does a spinning block have controls in it what do it just constantly oh it just spins okay so it probably is the steering block then that is the best for what I'm looking for all right let's see how this feels so Q ah yeah ah yeah that's what I was looking for no why am I I think I'm a little bit too top heavy again I'm going to add a little bit more buoyancy around the edges here and I lowered the Keel a little bit let's see how this feels oh those are not attached what how are these ones not attached okay they had a different attachment point so they were falling off the whole time oh here we go okay uh wait no I didn't want to Zone conquer I don't want to conquer the Zone yet I keep accidentally winning just because of my sails my sails are like overpowered surely the next challenge I'm going to have to have a weapon of some sort I can't just melee way through the oh wait what is this destroy that ship okay well let's spawn in let's just see what I have no steering on this thing I have no controls all right what does the Harpoon look like you ready ooh so I don't even know if that does damage or if it just attaches um this thing the ship doesn't have any steering on it so now we're definitely going to need that also I want to be able to aim this thing up and down too so I will probably need a steering hinge this looks this looks kind of dumb though let me attach this actually down here and we're going to move with the Harpoon to there yeah all right so does this work we go up oh I don't want it to return back to zero and we can turn it's a little cidy right now but cidy scopy but uh I think that is going to be good all right sails up sails up there we go all right now let's aim and fire oh that actually worked okay this is fun oh I missed come on oh oh I can destroy that too oh I've got you I've got you I'm pulling myself through the thing oh my goodness okay I think I'm going to need a little bit more than a harpoon how do you let go with the Harpoon yeah the Harpoon power speed hold the re oh detach V okay I am going to need you know what I'm going to put a ramming we're going to put a ramming weapon on this thing let's delete this part and replace that with an actual Ram I don't even have any steering or like oh I guess I have uh I have throttle with throttle with sails I don't have any steering or anything but I don't need it yet okay weapons what's good a drill ooh cannons would make sense for a ship like this but we're not there yet we're going to use the drill all right there we go oh hold on hold on hold on wait why am I turning like that ah no worries I can just aim my Harpoon over there shoot it break aim up shoot oh hold on oh why am I flipping over don't flip over don't flip over don't flip over okay shoot all right there we go shoot all right I got you all right I'm reeling myself in oh no oh it came back I took some part whoa I took a bone off of it all right detach all right this actually kind of fun shoot all right I got you now I got you now I'm going to drill ra Ram myself in with a drill now it's not working why isn't it working all right this isn't what I was expecting apparently you got to be a little bit more uh I don't know quick with the melee attacks oh I'm doing it wait I'm doing it I'm taking them down with me Solomon and Walter fluid aspirated respiratory failure ooh I'm sorry guys it tells you the cause of death all right I don't think I can destroy any more of it so I think we're going to have to have some explosive Weaponry I wanted to do this like Melee style but it doesn't seem effective unless I'm like Fast maybe but this is a ship so I guess it stands to reason that uh we could have cannons on this thing I really feel like this is going to make us really heavy all right what are the natural Cannon controls C to shoot we're going to have to change that change it to space no space does not work that's that the that resets the build all right we're going to change it to one wait do they only shoot once do the Cannons actually only shoot once I press on the button and it looks like I have limited ammo with the Cannons okay I really have to relearn like everything about this all right now let's actually add some Rudders are the rudder oh you do control them uh I didn't know if they had built-in controls or if we had to attach them to like a thing okay so I am going to probably have to delete this and this so that I can add these in for Rudder attachments there we go all right so now I should have steering let's see how this feels oo it's not great uh I'm a little bit front heavy right now I should I should move my Keel to the back for sure okay look how fast I am though yeah I need to be a little bit more back heavy that's fine let's go ahead and move this back here you know what I think I've got too many sails let's see if I can Center it like this and can I add a brace right there does that hold the sail up all right I'm reducing the sail amount it felt a little bit too extreme um but we're still having some weight and buoyancy issues let me goad and line I'm just going to put a big old Barrel in the back here and I feel like I should also have a big old Barrel on the front all right here I come uh what was it number one oh was that my one shot I just ruined my one shot I should probably have them each on a different button one for left and two for right and obviously let's increase the power why wouldn't we have max power on these things here we go look at this we're driving around ow all right uh sail's down let's get some stability here let's really aim ourselves [Laughter] no okay we're good ready and oh that wasn't great uhoh we're flipping over why I'm so bad at this granted it's been years all right I'm going to have to add some more buoyancy I think to the bottom of this thing and then lower our keill oh you can change the buoyancy of these things okay I should have just been doing that instead is there a select all of a single part button all right I'm feeling way way way way way more buoyant now that's great all right uh can I turn myself away from here though and and get these shots off all right sails up or down I guess all right there we go now sails back up all right I'm just going to pull up as close as I can to this thing actually come on turn here we go all right sails up ready number two that is not a lot that is not a lot of damage all right now I got to turn around to get my other cannon at it turn I need to do a complete 180 and all I have is a Rudder I really need to get those Hydro those Aqua propellers Aqua screws or whatever they're called oh look at a shark or something fish all right I'm desperately trying to turn these Rudders are not doing very well for me come on oh there we go that was a good turn yes yes this might actually work this might actually work good good good now I got my left Cannon facing that way now I don't I don't have aiming up or down so this is going to be a very difficult thing to accomplish here but ready uh that's not enough wait is it going to is it going to sink though okay here it now I'm going to turn my thing I did it oh that was barely enough that like I am surprised I did that with two shots okay this thing's starting to take shape like look at this thing it's actually kind of starting to take shape all right next Zone webi pass reach area what just that oh oh there's mines okay no problem no problem I got so much control over this thing that was cool that actually didn't damage me too much what's going on hold on hold on saes up sails up oh it took oh oh oh it didn't oh I spoke too soon look at that I'm so damaged I am so damaged I'm a little bit confused though as why I'm tilting over cuz it seems like all of my weight is still pretty much the same why am I tilting so much all right well anyway let's go and put our sails up this isn't working that may have been too much all right I think it's time what is it time for is it time for the the aqua screws what are they called aquatic screw how does it hatch like that all right let's do a lot of speed forward backwards now hold on hold on hold on Sals up no no no no no no okay that's a little awkward but I have control now this actually makes a huge difference Aqua screw better than uh better than better than sails okay Aqua screw is for like like uh taxiing with control Sails are for higher speed less Precision all right look at this look at this control I have look at that that actually not too bad I'm surprised at how much control ability using an aqua screw gives me without any other changes just ruds and aqua screw that was actually pretty cool all right what I'm underwater pass through the areas hold on I got spawn in [Music] woo yeah this isn't going to happen with this vehicle I actually have to build a submarine now all right calling this thing the scrap ship all right I guess I guess we got to destroy it I got to create a submarine now this is different this is so much different than I'm than I've I've I've gotten so accustomed to like scrap mechanic and Trail makers I'm like where do I put my seat all right I guess I can create like a fishy shark type thing so I'm going to use a steering hinge in this orientation oh I'm going to need weights to keep myself like underwater actually now that I think about it I want it in uh in this orientation there we go all right so we got that and then I'm going to use some of the new parts here like that and that's not what I wanted oh wait I actually kind of wanted so paddles do I want paddle are these going to do what I think they're going to do I don't know if paddles do have a Rudder effect or not is this going to have the effect I want I don't know they might they both seem not like they're going to work but uh I think I just need to start going so here we can put that there I'm going to replace these back with the paddles and assume that they're just going to work I hope that the paddles do what I want them to do here all right so then for so this is my um yah left and right so then for pitch I'm going to use these as like fins oh yeah that works all right but hold on does uh does turning work here let's dive down H I don't have any uh any roll control right now all right now turn left oh that does work too okay all right so now I'm going to use a combination of buoyancy and ballast to make make it so I don't need to deal with roll and the way I'm going to do that is I'm going to put ballast at the bottom to lower my center of mass and then buoyancy at the top to make it so that that my top is going to be oriented upwards so they're going to be constantly fighting each other to keep myself in an upwards orientation at least that's the plan all right so there is our buoyancy at the top and then our ballast at the bottom the trick is uh getting something neutral so we're still pretty positive we are definitely a lot more buoyant in the back so that's easy I'll just increase this one a lot all right we're getting there I don't know why I should be doing this later but we're pretty neutral right now honestly I can probably do the challenge with what I have here let's drive around real quick uh how do I go oh yeah there we go whoa it actually works pretty well I'm actually kind of impressed with myself on this one this thing isn't bad this thing is not bad at all we have a submarine the balancing was actually pretty simple and uh fun all right uh can I make it look better though probably not a whole lot better all right I've added a bunch of stuff for Aesthetics we have a bit of a uh a bit of a face here I use some wheels and there's like just a an Iron Jaw thing so that's pretty cool so let's see where our buoyancy is now all right we're definitely a lot more buoyant and why does this seem to open by itself uh Auto retract release yeah let's just limit the angle a lot more all right so we're a little bit too buoyant so let's start increasing some ballast weight all right I've got it pretty dialed in look at this we aren't moving at all I think this actually looks pretty good all right let's uh let's see how it goes oh that's the wrong button all right and go oh my goodness it's going this feels kind of n what that was quick I think this thing broke can I brace that from like here to there oh that's all right or we could just not crash how about that all right ready go something something's not right that's not right okay I got to limit the angle of this one 14 that looks better the tail I want a little bit more response out of so we're going to do rotation speed to X yeah that's pretty good all right let's go oh okay there we go not bad now we go down yeah I've got a fish oh I didn't give it a dorsal fin I was like I knew something looked off about this we got to give this thing a dorsal fin please give me an underwater level again no extinguish Beacon so we need water all right well I want to finish this with a dorsal fin oh whoa look at the I didn't know about this experimental build surface click to add Corners to form a surface so I could do like does it have to be four that is how you finish the hull oh I could have made my ship look so much better here let me uh let me do a little bit of this then I wish you could do triangles 1 2 3 4 all right that's pretty good there oh or click the first Point again as the last for you can do triangles so I could do 1 2 3 and then back to the beginning oh yeah look at that all right so if I'm going to add a dorsal fin I feel like the dorsal fin would be right in my intersection but I kind of want to put it at the top can I do like ooh all right I'm going to try to build this out of like two sections yeah you could pretty much design whatever you wanted with this there we go we got a bit of a dorsal fin now all right uh what are the chances I can like have a water shooter and actually get up and go and uh extinguish this flame with this thing water cannon press y to shoot what if I just attach it right there uh maximum power oh you can do left click to shoot that's good all right let's see let me see what the uh range is on this thing that's not good that is really really not good well is this destructible if it's destructible we just take it down here let's put a cannon on top of this thing all right now I just got to aim myself up all right come on Pitch up Pitch up Pitch up Pitch up Pitch and it worked I thought I was going to have to do like Firefighter Style and extend up like a hose but no I totally did it with my fish I lost my head in the process oh look at that but uh it totally worked I wasn't expecting that all right the are oh my goodness kill 90% of sailors are they going to be attacking me they're going to try oh oh oh they actually they have harpoons look at that that's cool it doesn't do much damage does it and I see some cracks here they're really not that great do they reload it looks like it looks like they do reload some of them aren't maybe they don't they kind of seem to have stopped huh well I need I need to save this thing as a scrap fish I built a fish and a ship now how many levels have we actually gone through here so there are 1 2 3 4 5 six that I've done and 7 8 9 10 so I'm a little bit more than halfway through these last ones are probably going to get more and more complicated so they take longer so if you guys are enjoying this so far uh let me know if you want to see me finish out the expansion if the video does well I'll definitely finish it out it's been a long time since I've been back in besiege but it's I feel like it's coming together with uh some of the stuff I built I'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out did better than I even expected so if you want to see more let me know down in the comments below if you guys enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 32,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, Besiege, besiege highlights, besiege creations, besiege game, besiege sandbox, besiege funny moments, besiege best creations, besiege modding, besiege gameplay, besiege funny, besiege best designs, besiege mods, best besiege creations, besiege multiverse, besiege the splintered sea, the splintered sea, besiege water, besiege ship, besiege expansion, besiege dlc, besiege submarine, besiege fish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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