I Merged Capybaras To Break Reality

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today is all about this weird looking dog is a Cappy bar a dog I don't know I was bad at science basically I've got myself a little farm here and every time this bar fills up the nerd Emoji cppy Bara comes to explain something that's not can you move please every time the bar goes he's back no let me finish my sentence every time the bar goes up an egg drops there it is and then I get another little cppy Bara friend I could just click them for money or something or I can slam them so hard together they're atams few to the Happy bar I don't I I don't like that oh I'm getting twice the amount of money off the clicks for him I love that let's make more of you guys I can turn my happy baras into Inception bar this is concerning on a lot of levels that's fine is that golden poop give me it I think they gave me 20 bucks I like when I click him it just looks like they're doing a freaky dance too oh and I hit the 2x threshold give me my eight coins each thank you and let's combine again I should be able to form yet another the pull-up bar mysterious wizard appeared and strengthened this charming cppy bar oh no he's got back story oh now it's raining the sheer force of this guy is nothing to scoff at you could see like they different heights this guy's 5 m tall bro the Lakers need help right now what are you doing in here I also somehow have the ability to control the weather now it can rain or it can be sunny oh I need to merge these guys too what am I doing I'm slacking on on my job here is the cyar master oh wait I've got two of these guys combine my minions this is cyar man is a cppy bar with human intelligence what a distinguished gentleman he's 7 m tall that's terrifying oh hey and with the money I can buy I can decrease the spawn time of my cppy baras does that say nuclear fusion now I get more cppy baras faster basically and this is 16 per click nay 32 all right well that's giving me like a crap ton of money I think I can just straight up buy it cppy bar is now yeah fuse all of you heed my command I don't even know how many of these things I just made not enough it looks like five more hooray capy bar celebration I think I can combine enough of these freaky looking dudes to then yeah I've got three bouncing ones all right cyara men fuse what do you create cber sarus what the do oh that's good that's so good I hate it oh why is it so freaky why why is it got to be freaky and it's 10 m tall and I have 30,000 little cppy bar coins what is Cap Evolution cap cap Evolution I hit the button to buy it h nothing happened oh no wait I spawn the tier 2 cyara Guys Now by default at least I thought I did I think this tier one guy just spawned in no wait I did spawn a tier two I guess it's random I don't know I barely understand how half this stuff works anyway I do know however that I can buy more tier 2 ones and we should be able to do some big Fusion merge merge all of you mush mush and merge we go from my carbus into Purge oh God it's the one reborn yeah when I get to the times two though he's going to be giving me 128 per click I could probably buy this nuclear fusion upgrade now or maybe I should save up for 100,000 so I get more baby spawns or maybe I start buying all the other freaky ones oh hey also after the next two Evolutions I get to go to someplace else I don't like that it didn't specify where I was going but I'm not exactly in a position of power to be able to deny its request all right time to just do this for a while a few minutes later a while later and I can buy 7 months baby I need a million dollars for the next one oh brother they want to keep me here all day that's fine these disgusting little freaks are actually kind of starting to grow on me and I can make the next form go paliz make fetus bar oh oh I want to like stick it in a box in the closet and hide away oh it's so disgusting and big it gives me a lot of money though when I click it maybe this fetus thing ain't so bad oh and by default I can start to buy these big muscly ones it's nice that every evolution that I go up I'm able to just capitalism my way into getting some more Fusion the only issue is it takes a lot of fusing to even get this little freak now feel like I'm going to be here for a second I think I might have enough to actually combine yeah two fetuses put them together and what do you get vitruvi bar vit bar I I don't know I think I got that right it's just a freak though what am I oh I'm in a city is it because people think I'm one of them for how I look I've still got like all my freaky guys over here but does an egg spawn in the City by chance does that help me out no not at all okay cool cool cool cool cool this guy is 30 m tall he's just twice the size of a human that means these people are like 50 ft tall that's terrifying uh after mindlessly clicking this guy for a while I did save up a million dollars let's go ahead and buy nuclear fusion so these guys start combining faster just automatically should help and spend the rest of the money on some distinguished gentleman's hey I've got the fetus back in the farm that might be the first time that sentence has ever been said everything's so expensive to buy now too maybe I'll just click on this weird little freak and dissociate for the next 5 minutes see you in a second few inches later oh what do you know I've got $4 million fine less spawn time 10 million less Auto fuse and for my final 2.4 million I'll buy two more of the gentleman's a couple of those guys couple of those guys too I think I'm broke again oh I've got like a full pen over here excuse me can everyone just find a partner and merge it'd be a big help if you guys could do this on your own faster please oh hey wait a second great news I think I can make a fetus and get that other one out of here and then I should be able to combine these two guys to get buff bar it's like seeing an old friend is it snowing right now why does he bring snow maybe I shouldn't question it that's on me so all I have to do is click this guy 150 times and if I do I can buy one of these freaks so now I have to click that guy 230 times this started fast with how often I was able to merge now it feels like I might be here for a couple flowers fine I've got an idea I'm going to put the auto clicker on his head and then go Ponder the string theory Paradox or something see you in a second three weeks later all right $65 million later I can oh wait hang on this spot's full I got to start combining everything together there we go that's better now I can start buying these guys that lets me make two more fetuses which made another man I guess I could buy this cap Evolution still not entirely sure what that does but then I bought two more combined to make another fetus and now I should have three citizens over here they're kind of in like a little subo match right now oh they're leaving all right see you later no fuse I want to see what comes next mercenary bar Cy bar with the gun man that's really not what I expected but I'll take it that's sick all right more of these things I've got nine eldrich hores over here combine those up start to make some more people all right now it feels pretty clear to me that if I really want to get into upgrading all of these things I need to just leave my auto clicker on like this and go watch like one more episode of X-Men 97 I'll check in with you in a bit many months later well I'm back with nearly half a billion dollars and a ton of these little freaks oh what I wouldn't give for a merge all button at least like two bucks I think all I need though is two more of these little car burus I think was the name cuz I should be able to yeah fuse those fuses together lets me come over here and make person to person buff to buff mercenary to mercenary that's oh oh that's ugly oh I I don't I don't like that at all I I feel like I've made a grave error I can buy a bunch of fetuses though now that's a sentence I shouldn't say out loud ever again God it's so freaky in here now okay just combine all these things together this is an half an hour of Auto clicking work going in right now a half hour of Auto clicking work that doesn't even let me upgrade to a second version of this dude he's just so freaky kind of bouncy though that's fun maybe I should have invested in decreasing the auto fusing thing I mean it still like fuses these guys but if it takes a minute to do that it's just going to take me like 7 days I think to actually even make it worth it oh great news this thing's 70 M tall also we're getting to like Kaiju Level Threats great although after getting $86 million again I think I might be able to make another human being which should then let me get the next capibara fusion what do I have have any muscly guys no okay fusing more of these freaks just keep combining I need another musly guy oh wait that's carb barus muscle muscle that's a normal gentleman I think I just need like two more normal capy baras that doesn't work okay I need one more of these little Freaks and oh the game gifted me one yes go down the fusion line perfect hand to hand buff to buff gun to gun something that should be killed with a bat to something that should be killed with a bat the wasowski bar it just keeps getting worse and worse man why do I play games like these I mean I guess the good news is is now that if I auto click enough I can actually buy people wait I keep buying people and the price doesn't go up oh I'm about to let this run for half an hour to exploit the crap out of that hang on 400 million seems reasonable as long as I buy one and then close this menu I'm fine why is this happening I don't know I'm just going to abuse it am I going to be able to get a full 32 man group out of this thing yes all right let's see what monstrosities appear so two of the weird little mics together makes the homunculus bar which is something I don't want to look at with my eyes whatsoever but now it's like raining Stars what does that weird glitch thing work with this no ah yes it still works with the regular ones how tall is the homunculus bar 90 M I'm assuming whatever this next one is is definitely going to be over 100 then and all I need is three more Evolutions to figure out what the next little zone is oh I'll have that in no time prer no for some reason my beautiful glitch stopped working maybe I won't be having that in no time at least with all these guys I can see what the next one is the FY Kar I don't know it's like a weird Herby fully loaded thing if the game loves me it'll make the glitch work with the newest cppy bar it actually I think is working I have three billion it's a shame it takes 157 million to buy one of these guys I think I might have enough yeah we can see what the next little fat bar that just seems a little mean to call him that he is pretty fat though a whole 133 M of fat also it now takes 600 million to just buy one of these guys and considering it took me half an hour of the auto clicker doing this last time I think he's perfect and is the end goal as far as I'm concerned a few moments later never mind the completionist enemy is actually dying I need to know what comes after him I'm sorry sure nearly 2.5 billion is enough for me to do this glitch until I get everything I need right we can only hope I've got so many buff guys and they all turn into weird freaks man the great news is I think I might be about to do it that goes into big guy you go into gun you go into freak which then makes the lady lady then makes the car car makes the fat goopy guy and we've got kibara he's a fourwh capibara and I'm on top of the planet ah I really conquered at the Earth huh also the cheapest purchase is 1.6 billion now yeah I don't want to play this game for the next 50 years so I'm calling it here thanks so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 7,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: xqQ9Lnefuik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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