Wow, Mojang actually removed that piston sound.

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guys I think I just found the greatest sound in Minecraft history and I'm going to share it with you before I get into this video I hope you guys love it as much as I do this is the 15E anniversary map so I'm going to be on it to showcase the sound cuz it exists here in addition if you guys missed out on getting the twitch cape and the twitch mask don't worry there'll be another chance next week as I stream so I tried to stream as long as I could but it got a little bit too late so there'll be another chance next week now I just got to find the sound and then I'll get into the snapshot cuz I'm going to interconnect them this is quite a good map by by the way I want to point that out despite the few mistakes awaken Redstone just shared one with me here about horse armor horse armor used to be incredibly rare but now it can be crafted from materials ranging from Iron to Diamond not true my man not true so this is the central Hub and you've got a few different areas that you can Traverse into unfortunately there is no Redstone Department sad reality that redstone's been snubbed from this celebration guys check out what Steve's about to do here very safe anyway I found it so what appears to be a villager stuck inside powdered snow you can read this graphic here powdered snow is a chili trap yes here's the guy have a listen is this not the greatest sound they've ever added to the game and to think someone had to put themselves behind a microphone in a room and record themselves making that noise and five different variations of it too I I don't know what it is he's very cold as I said there are five variations of this sound and it was decrypted by someone who sent me an email and I've happily thanked them for it so much so that I've added all the sound events to the game one of the major changes in this snapshot includes the ability to make your own custom music discs because jukeboxes are now data driven so you can include your own songs in your resource pack but there's an existing problem with data packs in this version which I haven't figured out yet so I'm going to have to ask around however I've gone as far as to just add them as play sound events so here we go but I have gone ahead and replaced the Piston sounds with that noise they've decided to revert the Piston sounds back to the old sounds so I'll come to that in a second they fixed an old bug that dates all the way back to 2012 this is mc67 to twood digigit bug fix entities with passengers cannot travel through portals got to summon a horse here to demonstrate this there is a game rule that applies a fix to this issue and it's called entities with passengers can use portals yes this is now the longest game rule that exist this game rule defaults defaults and people don't like it what this does is it allows you to now enter the nether while writing something this previously was not possible you can see that while I do this I am not allowed to go through people kind of expected that to be an intentional feature in the game it really isn't if you're on the back of something or if you're riding a mine cart you should be able to enter another dimension but for some reason you can't and so now if I set this to true I can go through and now I'm inside the Nether and let's go what what oh wait where did the H go did I spawn from how did I reenter the Overworld as if this nether portal is not sufficient to create a link to the other one no no no don't go through don't go through oh my God he's going to go through he went through it's not what I wanted oh what's happening see the issue doesn't lie with the fact that it's been fixed the issue lies with the fact that the game rule defaults to false if you enter a nether portal it doesn't matter what your circum ances are you should still be able to transport over to the other dimension the reason they've made it defaulted to false is because they didn't want to impact existing Redstone machinery and so a lot of people there is some frustration within the community that something that seems like it should be logical to vanilla gameplay just happens to not be true obviously let me know what you think about it so Pistons we love them again don't we okay so no modifications to the game this is what's happened now by the way I'm going to add the whole fishon thing as a resource pack cuz cuz people have asked for it I'll add the Json file to the description Hons used to sound like this and then they sounded like this and now they sound like this they sound the same don't they not exactly so Pistons are now categorically quieter in two ways the volume is softer but they're also attenuated so what I'm going to do is walk away from this piston eight blocks and you will no longer be able to hear it so within this Sandstone Circle you'll be able to hear the Piston again this sounds like it's not much but over here I have another example this is an iron door and as you can see this circle is 16 blocks in radius so if I stand outside this Sandstone Circle you can't hear it but within the circle you can hear it so clearly they've decided to just have the distance which is in every single way a much better choice compared to what they did last week I honestly don't know what they did it seems we cooked a bit too hard with the new piston sounds last week which is why we're reverting back to the old sounds again yeah they cooked a bit too hard anyway I don't think they need to do much honestly I don't think the Cooney would have really said much if they didn't make these changes at all but they did anyway and they've made some improvements so you can't ask for much right
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 108,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack
Id: nfj-QlaFOM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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