WORST Illegal Minecraft Items

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sometimes i get some ideas from you guys from reddit slash phoenix sc but because the idea is so small sometimes they don't actually make it into a full length video which is about three to four minutes on my channel so i've decided to do something a little bit different i want to make a series where i showcase a bunch of them and i want you guys to vote for your favorite one and as usual if you have any cursed minecraft ideas or illegal minecraft ideas like these let me know on our slash phoenix sc the first one i want to show you is an idea that i actually saw a long time ago and i made a video about it too so this one is the golden apple if you have eight gold ingots of course you can still eat your golden apple you can still consume it like this and get your effects the regeneration too and the two minutes of absorption but let's say you don't have enough you can do this now put the apple in the middle and cover only half of it and you have your half golden apple and now you can eat it a half golden apple and you only get a minute absorption with a little bit of regeneration as you saw but very minimal only half of the effects that you would have gotten with a full golden apple so that is number one there is actually a lot of food related posts that i want to showcase here this one is oh my god the meat block and that's not even the best part of it so that is a single meat block that you can eat you just need to put it down here it's like it's reassembled the pig and its face oh my god it's face but yeah that is the meat block you can have a lot of them if you like and you can actually eat it so um how am i gonna do this there we go and we can consume him slowly oh no we're cutting him in half oh more than that very easy oh my god very big pig that we can place down his face but there we go thank you for the meat block uh that's been posted a lot on our slash phoenix lc that exists now easily craftable just a lot of pork chops in a block perfect decoration item for your house the next one is actually fairly recent from min 35ville on reddit and it is as simple as this a line and it's a double-sided sword that you can use to fight things with and that's what it looks like it's like it's just a diamond stick but it's a sword it looks like a sword from your hand except you'll realize that there is no handle and you're actually clutching the blade of the sword so i can summon a pig like that oh yeah look at your friends and now i'm gonna hit it but it'll also damage myself and you know um can i hit you yeah and i'm dead phoenix sc accidentally stabbed himself can't kill it successfully without killing yourself at the same time so that's the problem there oh no you want to meet you don't want to look at you don't want to look at that but yeah okay so you have to kill it with your own hands and then after you kill the pig you eat the pig to heal yourself i do need to eat again um and i just ate his eyeball okay number four is my favorite personally um so what you guys would know from the thumbnail if you were privileged enough to look at the thumbnail of this video when you clicked it congratulations because that's exactly what i'm about to do and for those of you who clicked on the notification because you have notifications turned on for my channel you're in for a surprise a treat if you've actually eaten rabbit stew in minecraft this is exactly the same recipe for that uh the problem is we don't have the rabbit so we need a replacement we have steve and i don't know why but in the actual image on reddit we had four steve heads instead of one so i'm gonna go with that but uh that's not the end of the concept because i actually have to make this functional somehow so instead of actually just eating this just like i've done with everything here oh my god that's him i've decided to just show you what a steve stew might look like if it was 3d ified and here it is that's the steve's dude we have four heads just like this one gonna be loyal to the subject matter here and we can eat him so um just we need the fork oh so to eat it you just grab the fork it's a comb it's a combat weapon and you can see here we've got no okay i'm not gonna do it we're not gonna do anything with it guys by the way that is not blood um i promise that's just the object model that i found by ahg models um there's a link in the description but that is not blood that's just part of the source for the food anyway vote for your favorite one in the comments and if you have your own ideas let me know in the comments or the best place to do it is on our slash phoenix see post your ideas on there and maybe if you guys like this kind of content i will continue as a series where i will showcase the most disgusting things like that thingy right there thank you all for watching leave a like subscribe for more creative content or this one poor pig block meat block of meat take care [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Phoenix SC
Views: 1,585,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Command, Blocks, Redstone, Phnixhamsta, phoenix, sc, tutorial, vanilla, mod, know, you, can, see, these, tags, datapack, cursed minecraft, blocks, meat, block, diamond sword, golden apple, rabbit, stew
Id: 4dTkq1rEiPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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