I Rewrote Endgame by Giving Thanos 1 Major Twist. People Seem to Like it.

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[Music] i think in game is a good movie with a lot of good moments and i think if it was literally any other marvel movie it would have been one of the best and yet when i came out of movie theaters it felt quite lackluster to me like the moments in it were good but i felt like not a lot of it relies on previous stuff i was invested in i don't mean like in a nostalgia bait way i mean uh this is your last movie in a whole saga most of your stuff should be concluding and working with what's been set up like it felt like a good movie but not a good sequel a lot of these issues centered for me around thanos and how he was handled but there were a lot of issues that lined up with this core problem so without further ado hello and welcome to another rewrite video god this one took a while uh this time avengers end game which is going to be a bit of a challenge because normally i rewrite stuff that's like widely panned i've only done something that's like mildly criticized once before so uh wish me luck if you want to skip to the rewrite go this time um there um but otherwise i'll start by giving you a quick list of things i'm trying to fix so you know what you're getting into uh then we'll go along and i'll explain the reasoning behind why i think these things are problems and how to fix them as we you know get along so here we go this is what i'm gonna fix one thanos didn't feel as compelling to me as he did in infinity war he felt less gray and more like just a typical evil villain two the fight was with thanos felt like anticlimactic the stones weren't utilized thanos wasn't fought at full power thor's axe just kind of became an axe uh four uh professor hulk started the movie as professor hulk and didn't have like a moment dedicated for transformation uh five uh captain marvel didn't feel like she mad as much as she should for a foreshadowing and six uh thor's arc after his failing infinity war didn't feel like it had enough time dedicated to it right uh and finally two disclaimers uh one i'm not doing anything with the whole eternals thing i know an endgame video right now is really late but that doesn't mean it's related to eternals which i haven't watched but if i understand correctly it kind of had like a thanos retcon either way just just disregard the later stuff just pretend endgame's coming out and this is it what am i doing drinking this it's not product placement two two uh if this feels a bit like self-insert torture porn written by thanos uh just remember i'm putting a focus on his dialogue to show how to improve him as it's what this video was primarily built for if this was a false script i'm sure i would add a bit more you know dialogue back and forth between characters instead i'm really just showing the dialogue and moments necessary for specific scenes and moments not what would be naturally included in an actual script okay insecure disclaimer over something i felt kind of conscious about all right begin uh so until we get to the time heist uh there's only three small changes i want to make uh firstly when the avengers go to kill fans for the first time they arrive to the garden or at the garden to find there's something weird about the atmosphere maybe it's a dense meteor field or uh some kind of weird alien parasite that eats away at any ship that goes through it it doesn't really matter maybe it's a weird magical space enchantment but what it means for the story is that once they enter they won't be able to lead through the atmosphere again uh that's it though uh other than that this plant is normal the avengers don't know why this is but they posit it might be like a deterrent from trying to get to thanos not for the avengers though uh thor familiar with the enchantment or whatever says they can bypass it with the bifrost summoning axe so after they kill thanos this is presumably how they leave the second change is that thanos should look more damaged than he did directly after his first nap like something has happened in between movies more on that later the third change i'm making is to keep professor hulk as banner so we can turn him into professor hulk at a later point in the movie don't get me wrong a lot of these scenes were funny but it kind of feels like a waste of a climax i don't think any of these funny moments had to be an end game and could have easily been in a following movie after he'd had the transformation completed i i think that's my issue with endgame actually it's almost like it doesn't seem to understand it's the ultimate climax of a huge saga and a lot of plot threads and characters that the audience is invested in i think the vast majority of the movie is good really entertaining the time heist for instance has a ton of great standalone moments tony's heart to heart with his dad the shenanigans in new york to get the stone cap vs cap if this was a stand-alone marvel movie i think it would have been one of the best but a lot of the big scenes don't have anything to do with what people were excited to see from the last movie the most and so as a climax it feels lackluster like compare the time highs to the first half of the movie which i think does amazingly uh save for professor hulk i think it does an amazing job of following up on the big things the audience is invested in this huge thing has happened the avengers have lost and half the universe including the cast is dead and so everything that follows is a natural extension of what the audience is most excited for you see them grieve wrestle with failure even fight each other as old wounds come to the surface and the second they get the chance to track down thous and continue the major conflict of the last movie they do only to find there's nothing they can do except get petty revenge all the scenes are to play into this hawkeye and thor's depression tony's reluctance to risk his daughter on a new plan natasha trying to get a sense of control there's also scott coming back to the chaos to reunite with his own grown now his own now grown daughter and bring hope with him to the avengers and this directly follows into the challenges of getting the group back together but a lot of the time heist feels like a fair bit less connected with the conflict and build up and a lot more like arbitrary obstacles that the audience like isn't as invested in and i think the problem only gets worse as you get out of the time highs as a lot of time is spent on being trapped on the ground and finding the gauntlet and then after spending a large section of the fight to not give the conflict with thanos like a lot of weight but bring the gauntlet through enemy lines to a van to send it back in time can this time have been better used to like flesh out the conflict with thanos and made it more intimate and personal this character is the cause of all these amazing scenes of the star that should mean something to these characters and should be interwoven into the climax as much as their reactions to it were interwoven into the beginning even what i felt was addressed like thor's depression from his massive guilt and failure and infinity war was dealt with with like a five minute mom pep talk rather than be like a bigger moment with more build-up and weight i mean he's been on this whole arc from being an arrogant prince for like four movies now and now for the first time his arrogance is responsible for irreparable damage that he's had to live with for four years like i love how he became a shell of his former self so the path from that shell should have had just as much weight to it i guess it technically did what about captain marvel she was supposed to be like a game changer since she had the after credit scene and a movie right before end game but she like she destroys a ship i guess rocket had this whole thing in the guardians movie about learning to not push away the people he loved and then he lost his whole family the only follow-up we saw to this was him holding hands with nebula it's it's disappointing to know i've seen the reunion moment with him and the guardians and then you have thanos who was not only like didn't have much screen time between him and the avengers outside the first part of the movie but it wouldn't have been the same anyway because it was a different thanos so all the conflict of emotions opinions history it was all just like lost for the finale so professor hulk despite making for some good scenes by himself is kind of just one example in a whole host of similar problems that made endgame feel like it glossed over a lot of the payoff to a ton of build up hulk had a whole big identity crisis and fight with banner in ragnarok and when he was beaten by thalos he refused to come out uh that's a big conflict conflict that's a big conflict with a big potential payoff and rather than pay off hulk's return in one big awesome moment it's it's just kind of already there all right that was kind of a large tangent but i think it's important to outline why uh this is the only thing i'm changing in the first half of the movie and why i'm gonna go pretty wild as we go on so in this new endgame hulk has been silent in banner for years banner says that at first he tried everything to make a connection but then he remembered that since he originally wanted to cure himself of the hulk this was the next best thing even when he gets stressed or angry the hulk doesn't come out anymore this has actually made him a lot more confident he's happy and comfortable interacting with others and society so he's basically the same character in endgame just without the hulk part this helps us maintain the energy of the jokes if not the visual component actually maybe you could have been a become a bodybuilder as part of his like self-help journey it's not as good at irony as like smart hulk but you know yeah it's there anyway let's move on to the time heist so i don't really think i need to pay attention to run time since this is a rewrite but for what it's worth i'd simplify a lot of the time heist because i'm probably gonna blow out the run time with everything else uh that said i want to keep cat vs cap and his hail hydra moment intact and i want to streamline tony through to his father with little hold up after all uh tony and cap aren't gonna be in future movies so if anything should be a priority it should be those scenes uh but other than that i'd severely cut down the time heist in fact i'd really want to make a point of how easy the time heist actually is with the characters even commenting on it seemingly being more knowledgeable than they used to be and making the time house go very cleanly like for instance uh let's just cut the whole convincing time lady and just have a go yep here you go like she's seen the same thing doctor strange has already and ben is like well that was weirdly easy oh also i should make note of this i know past end game and even technically in endgame there was a whole idea of one true timeline and then like branching timelines that needed to be controlled that was kind of cool but for this to work i'm gonna go more along the lines of a multiverse thing straight away uh where each choice is its own universe and each time is its own universe going back in time is going to a new universe which is i suppose the same as what it is already actually no it's the exact same i'm not actually going to make use of the fact that each universe has slight differences and endgame already works on the whole changing the past doesn't change the presence thing so yeah it's it's basically the exact same yeah so as long as there are billions of universes happening at once in different times it's fine so long as they're following the same choices so we can keep everything multiverse wise intact anyway uh i'd also cut uh thor's pet talk with his mom and have him just simply chicken out and later try to summon the hammer while alone i don't hate this scene i think it's fine but i'd much rather he confront his problems with thanos as he is the source of the problems it's it's just kind of like a little anticlimactic i guess anyway wondering if he's still worthy he summons the hammer it works but instead of being happy he just asks himself how am i still worthy rocket comes back just as he's saying that and he quickly covers her like oh of course of course i'm still worthy yes yes i'm going to keep thor very much in denial for now at least outwardly now the one-time heist i'm going to edit big time uh is going to be rhodium nebula and by small extension hawkeye and black widow i'm gonna have the characters suggest that because thanos is such a dominant force in space and because they have to take a journey through space after they drop off hawkeye and black widow that they should go 300 years prior to avoid running into his forces on the way to their destination 300 years specifically because it's when the seas of morag descend and reveal the power stone that's the thing by the way i don't really expect anyone to remember this i've read a lot of wiki articles for this they think about going further to completely dodge thanos but rocket and nebula warn against this because they risk running into the previous space dictator who was in his prime 600 years ago until thanos knocked him out uh they also just generally have a lot less information about this time and space now when we actually get into the time heist we get a new scene rather than be told space 2014 or even space 1714 we get space 1710 four years before the seas of morag descend and reveal the power stone and here we get our first new thanos scene a scene with a much younger thanos in the earlier stages of his climb to dominance we see a younger version of the house not too young he's apparently like a thousand years old but he has uh here like a thinner build and looks more like he's in his late 20s or 30s in human years he's also thinner and smaller enough that if he were to make a gauntlet for himself it would coincidentally be small enough to fit one of the avengers as convenient as the iron man gauntlet is i think it takes a lot away from the mystique of the the star forge and as a result the idea that the gauntlet and the axe are like big deals in the universe you know i think the star forge was really just meant as something for thought to do uh in infinity war but they did like a great job of it like too great even by linking into thanos and giving it amazing spectacle it just becomes a shame to just throw it away to be like a magical space forge built around the star oh yeah tony could do that in his garage like like if you kept the emphasis on the axe and the gauntlet your audience is going to be super invested in anything that has the name never delir in future anyway he has significantly smaller forces and is currently inhabiting a moderate sized village on an unnamed planet as he walks through the village you can tell he has ingratiated himself with a townsfolk he talks to and greets each one by name and helps them out as they make last-minute preparations for some kind of festival he lifts and helps them carry heavy things plays little games and jokes with the children and offers guidance for decorating and other odd jobs eventually he arrives at a large stone square where townsfolk are starting to gather around him he can see some of his own forces mingling with the townsguard it seems that they have some kind of partnership with or even like friendship with their forces they seem to be about equal in number with each other as well some of the townsguard expressed a sadness in not being able to participate in the festival's ants as it seems to be of some kind of cultural significance but thanos and his men put them at ease saying that they've already significantly weakened their enemies together as and there's nothing to fear they should join the festival altogether like they did before the war and leave defense to thanos and his forces most of them having clearly grown a sense of trust oblige and join the crowd after a large crowd has gathered a village elder calls and makes a motion for to split the crowd into two lines and says that the one on the opposite side of them is their partner for the dance as the two lines slowly step towards each other a new character steps up to thanos by his clothes you can tell he's like thanos is second in command i'm just gonna call him i don't know talvax that sounds kind of spacey actually you could just make this a young corvus glaive that kind of works i don't know if his species lives that long but i don't think anything in the mcu currently contradicts it so yeah anyway thanos stares at the two lines with the intensity you're not used to with thanos he doesn't seem quite as calm and collected in fact he grits his teeth and says begin corvus speaks something into a receiver and a spaceship flies into the space above the square the lions come to a sudden stop as they're buffeted by the wind thanos's men drop down point their guns at the line and get them to freeze and after a brief moment of worried confusion one line is slaughtered as thanos stares with the same frosty he keeps his eyes afixed on it for some time the murder the corpses and the horrified tormented expressions of the people still alive corvus looks at thanos still focusing and says really so can in the moment aren't you you're even more sadistic than i thought and anger flashes in thanos eyes and he grabs him by the collar culvers looks terrified and it looks like thanos is about to hurt him but after a second he swallows some of his anger and says i don't watch because i want to i watch because i should he swallows the rest of his anger sets him down and begins to walk towards the crowd alright so this is my first attempt at replicating the thanos character from infinity war well minus the angle that is that's something new i'm doing which funny enough i'm gonna use to retcon why the thanos you see in previous movies is a much angry character but to me what made thanos so compelling in infinity war is that his he has this like really interesting unique opinion and not only does he act based on that opinion everything he does and says indicates he truly believes it he can explain his philosophy with some level of depth he can make personal sacrifices for his philosophy indicating he truly is doing it for selfless reasons he never revels in the murder of innocence and even sometimes shows some level of respect to the people trying to stop him infinity war created a character with a philosophy and then every part of his characterization reinforces the belief in that philosophy this is why i really love thanos at the start of endgame the fact that he destroyed the stones because they served no purpose for him outside of temptation is like peak thanos like of course he would do that he's not a maniacal villain who wants to rule the world he just wanted to in his mind save it he doesn't need these stupid [ __ ] trinkets nothing is more important to him than securing the new world he's created so he destroys them without question sacrificing any chance he has to be selfish and that selflessness is one of the traits that really in reinforces his character and something i've tried to replicate here this is a younger less experienced thanos fresh off the death of his people who has not yet found a way to accept what he must do but is compelled to do it anyway and by forcing himself to watch the life he's taking he is trying to cope with that guilt i think the new thanos in in game really only hit this note once and that was when he sees his own death and smiles as saying destiny fulfilled seemingly with no care for his own life but other than that i really don't feel the same modesty and genuine desire to make the universe better from him especially when we get into his main goal but we'll get to that when we get to it now you might say to me sure this thanos has the modesty but he's also significantly more [ __ ] ass and he doesn't have the same intimidation factor as an infinity war and to that i say don't worry i know thanos is young and angry for three reasons one to make a lesser thanos uh to build up to the real one two to keep this thanos and the one we know more distinctive from each other and three to add some more depth to thanos a lot of my rewrites are actually very plot twisty but i'm actively avoiding doing that this time and that's not to say there aren't twists uh in this but i'm trying to avoid radically re-contextualizing thanos's character the big struggle with this rewrite is like thanos is already a completed character a lot of my rewrites deal with characters that are already broken and no one's going to complain if i inject them with something really big but thanos is already perfect in infinity war so there was a struggle of where do i go with him if this was uh like a different kind of story maybe i'd have the snap changes belief somehow and maybe he'd go on like a character journey of regret or denial or something but thanos is a big bad so most of the big changes i can do with him and his character will ruin the satisfying climax that is beating him so instead i'm resisting that urge i'm just going to use this younger different version of thanos to give context to some of the smaller characterizations in the present that weren't explained particularly i'm going to explain thanos's fixation on destiny destiny arrives all the same and now it's here or should i say i am i want to explain this and show exactly how he gained this mentality for being inevitable as well as how that was what he needed to transition from this angrier version of himself to the terrifyingly collected calm and almost omniscient villain we have in the present anyway after a minute or so the two move into the square most of the people are quietly sobbing as any attempt they make to try and call out or ask why to thanos have been silenced not killed just like they had a gun pointed at them thanos calls to his men to make preparations to leave as the ship lands in the square maybe he explains a bit of his usual stick to the townsfolk i don't know but they're cut short by something appearing in the center of the square a familiar black and blue portal like the ones made from with the space stone but outlined with a bit of green as well but we don't see who comes out of it thanos and his men just stare into it with caution before we cut to black and sea four years later rhodey nebula clint and natasha appear via time travel in the same universe rocket and nebula's plan seemingly has worked after dropping clinton natasha off roadie and nebula make it all the way to morag without running into a single enemy but what they don't expect is despite not having run into any of thanos forces on the way to morag when they grab the power stone and they turn around they find thanos himself is right there or at least the younger version of him not just that but somehow he's already gotten a much smaller slimmer infinity gauntlet on his hand no stones though he says i don't know who you are or what you plan to do with that but i guarantee you it serves a greater purpose with me they try to leave with the time travel but a younger ebony more can i do that is he say species whatever [ __ ] it a younger enemy more uses his psychic powers to snatch the stone you can have a quick fight here but i'm just gonna gloss over it because thaus doesn't really know who they are yet so i don't have a lot of particularly good moments or dialogue to interject i would like to take a moment in this fight to characterize younger thanos as angrier and more ferocious he doesn't move with clean calm efficiency he carelessly drags his balance blade along the ground when he closes the distance he swings hard and recklessly yelling throwing himself at his opponent throwing them off balance with fear and sheer strength he overpowers his opponents at the expense of his own body he fights scrappy and comes out with a couple of wounds but ultimately young thanos captures them and ebony moore grabs the pin particles before they can use them wanting to know what they are thanos torches them for information when this doesn't work he realizes similar to the movie that he can take nebula apart for information and it's here that he finds that all of her parts their programming how they're put together are all very recognizable to thanos as his own work between this and the time stamp of 2023 he says no i made you who are you fine you really want to know who i am she spits the pain of being taken apart stricken across her face i'm your greatest failure and thanos pauses for a moment and says nebula in realization and nebula's eyes go wide like how the hell does he know my name at this point he discovers the data archive similar to the film and pieces together that they're from the future unfortunately i do have to remove the destiny fulfilled line which i just got done complimenting i can't make it as badass but i am going to replace it with this when young thanos sees himself acknowledge that the snap has worked and his head gets chopped off he begins to cry silent tears of disbelief so it really is true it really is possible but when nebula speaks to mock him he's reminded that she's in the room and he grabs her by the throat his expression changes to fury and you try to take it all away so despite the scene focusing nebula you'll notice the one big difference i've made here is that thanos captures both roadie and nebula this means that he has one infinity stone which means the avengers can't snap after the time heist is finished this was honestly the weirdest [ __ ] choice to me the whole point of the film reversing the snap was achieved in the warm comfy walls of stark hq surrounded by friends with like one enemy in another room that they don't even know about doing something else it just seems like it has no tension or any dramatic flair to it which is funny because you can tell that's what they were going for because they build up the snap with like uh we're gonna go on a bundle protocol snaps very dangerous shut all the doors i'm iron man let me put the shield up oh i'm thor watch out rabbit stand behind me it's like [ __ ] leave go outside you don't need to be in the room it just feels so artificial but like i get the idea the snap should be something with build up something the characters struggle for but it's best achieved when they have to claw it back from the jaws of defeat in the darkest hour not something they gain without even encountering thanos anyway from here thanos gets information about how to time travel using the pin particles rody and nebula have left and puts on a skin tight suit actually no let's make a couple of changes there no one wants to see that so we don't see him put on the suit and also let's change the time gate to have them leave and return in separate rooms that connect to a big center room via hallways that way thanos has a chance to remove the skin tight suit and get back into his usual attire before he sees the avengers so when the characters meet in the center room hawkeye goes to mention natasha is dead but is interrupted by the avengers realizing no one has come through the hallway to rodya nebula's room and then you hear the sound of a blade dragging across the floor and a terrifyingly familiar voice echoes from the hallways did it comfort you when you found a way to reverse your problems without even having to face the cause i hope it did the sooner you realize there are no easy answers the sooner you'll realize i'm right says the younger thanos stepping into the room immediately thor jumps across the room acts at the ready straight for his neck lightning and anger in his eyes but thanos shouts if i don't get back neither do they will you kill your friends again thor and thor stops dead blade at thanos's necks fuming with anger but also shock written on his face rocket says he's from 300 years in the future how does he know who we are thanos gets closer to thor and says did you enjoy it when you cut off the head of an unarmed man and thor growls oh yes very much so in fact i was just about to start a collection earth's heroes he called you you're not heroes every enemy i cut through leaves a bit of taste in my mouth you parade around like peacocks he seems kind of angry says rocket i should be the avoidable death of my people is still fresh in my mind perhaps the thanos you knew wouldn't concern himself with something so petty but the thought that you tried with zero sacrifice to reverse a hundred years of dedication it angers me good it'll make it all the more satisfying than the last you i killed he didn't even see it coming you should give him more respect he calls you strong though i disagree he says looking at thor's body oh yeah what else did papa thanos tell you says tony and thanos says i thought i already told you there won't be any easy answers well it doesn't matter you're not taking a single stone from us no you'll be giving them to me rocket laughs wow he used to be funny and thou says not all of them just two the space stone and the time stone i'll even give you this one back he says flashing the power stone two for one that's a terrible trade thanos says the time stone only works if you have a target but the space stone doesn't need one you're free to travel to any moment within space and time once i use both stones to bring my ship and forces through along with your friends then we can have a fair fight he says looking at thor tony connects the dots that's how he knows about us the old thanos must have used the stones to time travel before he died this was one of my smaller criticisms i do not understand why you need these precious pin particles to time travel one individual but nebula comes in hacker modes the computer and now they can bring through an entire [ __ ] army it's like directly contradictory to the rules that set up but you have the space stone and time stone laying around and like it's not utilized by the story at all there was a guy called morgan his army he was a great wizard the house was a brilliant genius as well those two easily reverse engineered and mass-produced pin particles this is for a whole army and a ship in a day all right whatever i still feel like they should have mentioned that because that was confusing anyway after tony works out the original thanos must have time travel to this young thanos before he died lang says yeah but what for someone says that maybe he expected them to go back in time but young thaus denies it saying no one could have predicted the avengers would use such a cheap trick after a back and forth captain america suggests accepting the deal he confirms with nebula that he's not a liar like she said before the avengers believe that they can take on him and his army and it's the only way to save rodeo nebula without risking thanos's men executing their hostage the second the avengers tried to time travel to them i think the logic for this is strong enough as is but if you want to ensure thanos fills his end of the bargain you can have one of the avengers go with thanos with like a blade to his throat or whatever to ensure his end of the deal and only take the blade away once rody and nebula have been confirmed to be on the ship and a portal has been opened that's big enough to fit the whole ship through thor steps aside keeping his axe at the ready and lets captain america trade the space and time stone for the power stone in the brief lulling conversation as cap walks to thanos banner asks hawkeye where's natasha and when he says i'm sorry and explains banner begins to hyperventilate and for the first time in years the hulk stirs thanos trades the stones as this begins and disappears thor resumes his position ready to decapitate him the second he reappears but then they begin to notice banner they try to calm him down as hawkeye explains what happened thor however keeps his position dead focus but then outside the window a portal appears and through it emerges thousands ship oh by the way i imagine the time room overlooking the lake with a big [ __ ] off window the ship hovers in front a giant laser cannon at the front charges up as the hulk finishes his transformation and looks up to see thanos through the window on the bridge of the ship your fault your fault hulk smash before he charges and tries to leap through the building window but the laser fires it hits hulk for stopping him in his tracks but coincidentally protecting those behind him by deflecting the laser all around them they huddle up behind hulk dangerously close to the laser cone now around them they try to wait out but the laser doesn't stop and hulk is left desperately trying to force his way through he turns and tries to take it on his shoulder as he continues to try and push against it cap uses his shield to deflect the stray laser beams while thor tries to throw his axe and hit the ship through the laser but is deflected back from the strength of it thor is confused why he can and rocket says you uh think you got time in here for a quick walk out we cut to inside hulk's mind some kind of void world for the sake of their internal dialogue we see hulk struggling against a laser that doesn't quite seem there and banner sits on the ground in front of him he takes a moment to comprehend what he's heard about natasha but he turns his frustrations to hulk what are you doing he says you're not gonna overpower it are you just gonna stand there forever he's probably using the stones to loop the laser infinitely but hulk ignores him you dumb angry idiot we can't just sit here ramming our head into a brick wall we need another way to disable it listen just get thor to throw his axe over you're not listening are you his fault his fault says hulk yeah i know i'm angry too which is why you need to listen to me no hulk smash benner yells and pulls his hair out in frustration this is exactly your problem you don't think you don't listen you're nothing but angry and stupid and it's why you lose everyone and everything you have no he struggles his fault no it's your fault if you were smarter and didn't just throw punches you would have beaten him before natasha even had to risk her life but then hulk turns on him no not hulk's fault banner's fault if fight need big brain then you fight hulk had to do it banner not strong enough banner's fault and banner stares at him for a second as if processing before clenching his teeth and beginning to tear up realizing they're equally right about each other he turns away and after a moment more solemnly says maybe i am too hard on you he sits down and starts to mumble to himself but what do you expect both of us have been a walking disaster since we got to new york i mean how could we possibly work i'm smart you're strong i'm calm you're angry you're reckless i'm cautious i like nuclear physics you like smashing we have nothing in common i hate you and you hate me but then hulk says na tasha for the first time hulk says her name and something dawns on banner oh he says he turns around and starts walking back towards him hey hey he walks up to hulk trying to get his attention but when it doesn't work he grabs his head and he looks into his eyes yeah you know what you're just a blockhead and i'm just a weakling we both hate each other but you know what and he pulls him closer despite everything we have one single thing in common we both loved her for the first time hulk looks into the eyes you're in pain aren't you if you let me in i'll share it with you and for the first time hulk's eyes soften he looks at banner and finally sees himself we'll mourn her together we come back to reality banner has the side of his face in the laser he turns around instinctively taking the laser on his back before looking at his body and realizing he's become professor hulk with not a moment to lose he snaps into action he tells thor to throw in the axe and cap to throw in the ball that contains the power stone he captures both and asks tony what material the roof is made out of he then takes a second to eyeball the trajectory and distance before he chucks the axe upwards at an angle sending it through the roof and over the ship he counts in his head one two three four before he shouts to thor pull it back now thor does so and the axe rips through the body of the ship from behind taking out the laser cannon on its way the laser itself now reduced to just a beam of light that spotlights professor holt as he leaps into the air and through the bridge of the ship professor hulk dramatically lands in front of thanos who looks at him in defiance thanos's top soldiers surround him he says as i've heard you're the type to jump into the middle of the enemy lines with the exact thing your enemy is looking for that was stupid he says and hulk says not stupid and crushes the orb balling a fist and letting the dangerous energy of the power stone course through him calculated risk he says before firing a devastating punch that sends thanos through and out of the ship falling to the ground hulk follows him to the ground but can only grab the time stone from the gauntlet before thanos uses the space stone to teleport a short distance away and regain his composure so in general i love the whole concept of the soul stone and how it requires a sacrifice specifically for thanos because it did so much for his character that it was worth killing gamora but when it comes to the time heist while it makes sense why one of the avengers would need to die it still doesn't feel like it's worth it from a story standpoint i saw this problem as well as the fact that professor hulk didn't have a moment and i'm like bruce canonically has a thing for natasha hulk canonically has a thing for natasha i can fix both these problems at once from here half of the avengers join the fight on the ground against young thanos while half the fight to take control of thousands ship which is providing air support half a thousand men also joined the fight on the ground too with only the space stone at his disposal thanos plays evasively but thor does not finally he's got his chance to take out all his anger on thanos but instead thanos uses this to bait thor into attacking him to create a portal in front of him and teleporting him away thanos then disappears with the stone himself thor finds himself in some dramatic location befitting of a duel as thanos appears ahead of him thor of course revels in this opportunity to get revenge personally and tells dance he's smart to fear him to fight him alone but thanos says he doesn't fear him he's just wary of the axe as he was told it was specifically made to beat him to thor's surprise he finds he actually lacks the strength to beat him and thanos mocks him for it a weapon designed to beat a version of me 300 years more experience and yet you still fail a dumb founder thor says no no i could i could be you i just i just i just like the strengths right now you lack resolve that's how you lost the strength let's say thanos had grabbed the mind stone at this point and after he beats up thor he uses it on thor to read his mind and see if he knows how to time travel after a very short fight a portal opens up on the main battlefield and a bloody unbeaten thor is kicked through it thanos walks in after you're fortunate this universe is already balanced the only ones that need to die here are the ones who know how to time travel without the stones be grateful he spits few live to be thankful of their own stupidity this covers the character moments for this scene i'll just gloss over how i'd plan out this fight but there's a lot you can do in the heat of combat stones keep switching hands and this changes how the fight plays out as well as give our heroes a secondary objective to give it a lot of franticness he could gain most of the stones at the start by using the divide and conquer strat with the space stone to drive the tension but then the tables turn once they find a counter strategy and grab a few back like maybe we can get the introduction of the iron man infinity gauntlet and professor hulk and iron man use it with the reality stone to trick thanos into thinking he's divided and conquered hulk only for it to be an illusion with the reality stone and hulk has taken the space stone right from under it i know i said not to take away from the mystique of nivadalier and i still stand by that you can have tony take one stone uh in the heat of battle and start trying to tinker with the with a gauntlet design using the nanotech trying to find a way to stabilize the power of the stone when he gets it working he chucks it to hulk because he's most able to use it but he also warns him specifically to only ever use it with one stone otherwise it'll kill him this will set up our final moment and tell us ahead of time what him using his own gauntlet with all the stones means for him despite getting a bunch of stones at the start i never want this fight to feel like the avengers have been pushed their limit just a good strategy that forces them to use account strategy because this this is just a warm-up fight but i feel like this among other things fixes an issue i had with endgame one of the things i liked about infinity war was how all the different stones played into fights with thanos and the moments with him he gets the power stone and he [ __ ] up the hulk he gets the space stone he starts traveling all over the place he gets the reality stone and everything gets like tricky and also like fun in endgame they're more treated like like a matched set of macguffins with no purpose but to snap anyway this fight ends when the avengers land a heavy wound on young thanos but in the process young thanos manages to grab the soul stone and the space stone without them noticing tony says give it up you are never going to stop us and thanos says you're arrogant stark but am i wrong no you're right it's 300 years too early for me to try and take all the stones from you but that's okay because i know who can he says before flashing the stones i only ever needed two using the space stone thanos disappears leaving them to wonder where he went and why but hawkeye can only come up with one theory from his experience getting the soul stone the soul stone clearly doesn't have the power to restore life but maybe it can trade it a soul for a soul it may be possible for young thanos to trade his life for the original with the soul stone we changed scene to see a bleeding thanos limp his way to a mound of dirt in the garden where the plants seem less grown he sits down in front of it and activates the soul stone as he speaks i promised myself i'd not return to this place until the work was done i suppose i failed but you you actually did it you deserve this garden more than anyone and yet you accepted your death as if it were nothing but death was not your destiny it was mine he raises the gauntlet preparing to snap the soul stone shines you are inevitable snap and suddenly we're in the red realm of the soul stone he walks up to the pedestal a young gamora stands there where is he she nods and begins to walk off he follows as she walks people begin to appear out of thin air but their faces are obscured by like an impossible shadow they murmur things menial things how are you are you free later i'll have a cappuccino thanks just random moments from life but they repeat them over and over sometimes like they're not quite sure what's going on i'll have a cappuccino thanks i'll have a cappuccino thanks i'll have a cappuccino thanks and then the number of people starts to grow exponentially and the lions start to change where'd he go what's happening dust they lost oh god they lost they're practically swimming in people by the time they reach a clearing with something at its center the silhouette of thanos sitting with his back to them he doesn't seem to be immune either he says gamora my gamora gamora my gamora gamora walks over and sits in his lap he seems to instinctively hold her lightly but he doesn't seem to be aware of her younger thanos tells him about time traveling and the avengers and the plan to reverse the snap but he just keeps saying gamora my gamora when he gets frustrated with this he moves around to the front and asks gamora to wake him up the work isn't done but there's no response his soul wants to say says gamora and what of his mind he says getting angry and grabbing her by the arm to pull her up she yelps in pain and suddenly the older thaus grabs him by the arm he pulls closer wraps his hands around his throat and chokes the life from him as the life drains from his face shadows start to envelop him and shadows the edge of the older thousands face begin to recede when the younger thanos sees this he starts to smile knowing he's brought him back even though the shadows have receded let's say for the sake of build up that we don't see a camera angle that shows a snazzy's face yet just to line up the avengers in the audience so that they see him again at the same time anyway a silent thanos goes to gamora and holds her hand he tries to walk away with her but she holds back i can't go with you she says i'll find a way i'll come back for you and if you lose thanos looks at all the people around him shadows obscuring their face a lost shell of what they once were and he pats gamora on the head then i'll come back for you all the same this was another one of those scenes that felt like it should have been built on an end game the world after the snap is weird and mysterious this new scene also tells you about how the people who were snapped aren't quite dead as much as they're in the soul stone the same with people who have used or are involved with the soul stone like thanos and gamora this this is what i said to myself before i realized a soul stone with gamora in it it was destroyed this is a new soul stone so instead i'm gonna say the soul stone creates a portal to the dead gamora as the one who is used to make the soul stone is the only one anywhere near conscious albeit she is in a childlike form i like this because it gives you a more satisfying route to bring gamora back potentially rather than bring back a lesser version of herself without any of the experiences you can say she's still inside the soul stone and it's possible to get her back but you have to trade life that's equally important the soul stone is like an engine that you fill with life in order to use to get someone out you have to trade something of equal importance this could mean sacrificing yourself or a single friend or possibly thousands of strangers or millions of enemies i like gamora's death only for what it does for thanos so to me it doesn't take away from the story for the avengers to eventually bring her back but we can also add consequence to it in the house so that it doesn't feel cheap either anyway we flash back to the grave young thanos disappears into dust a slimmer infinity gauntlet drops onto the ground for a few seconds everything is silent a storm begins to stir in the sky you hear one burst of thunder two bursts of thunder and on the third the original infinity gauntlet bursts from the ground so this was one of the big ones despite the killing of thaus being really plot twisty and good characterization for him i don't think killing him to bring back a past self was a good idea it's easy to use a clone or a past variant of a character and think you've gotten away with a character death without having to actually sacrifice a character but unfortunately how we interact with characters doesn't seem to work that way it's true in a technical sense it is that character but investment is about association in not technical canon accuracy this character by proxy is associated with the moments that made us invested in yes but you know what we're more invested in the character that's actually been the one who's done those things in this new thanos's case the fight just doesn't seem quite as personal you know that they don't have the same interactions or moments in the past which to be fair is utilized for jokes but as a climax for a saga it just feels lackluster all this history all this investment it only half applies to this character i honestly felt a lot more excited for the interactions with thanos at the start of the film than the one at the end gamora i think is even worse because now it feels like we have to backtrack her character progression and even then the genuineness of those original moments is going to be lost i know there's a stigma around bringing back characters from the dead but also i think you've got to weigh up the cost of doing things realistically as well and when it's a villain and not the end of the movie and you've got a good underutilized thing like the soul stone [ __ ] it bring him back i want to fight with real thanos not [ __ ] counterfeit thanos anyway in the desperate hope that young thanos will be unable to find the body they rush to the garden but they're too late and when they enter the atmosphere a portal rushes up to meet the ship unable to dodge the ship goes through it and they come out near the ground where the portal opens back up forcing them to crash land oh quick note i should mention cap says the avengers to keep the stones on them uh they consider hiding the stones but because thanos has the space stone and presumably half of his army and his ship somewhere in the universe they don't want to give thanos a reason to use a space stone to send his forces to earth to look for the stones or even just go there himself and circumvent the avengers completely earth isn't safe if thanos has any reason to leave with the space stone we see thanos back as he sits close to the crash wreckage waiting he's already wielding the armor we see in the movie and we see him open up a portal put his hand inside and pull out his own balance blade a much larger version of the one that his younger self was using the avengers exit the wreckage and make their way to thous and we get our classic scene from the movie as we finally see our original thanos's face you could not live with your own failure where did that bring you back to me the only difference is that it's on the garden and it's all the current avengers minus captain marvel vs thanos rather than just these three yeah i'm going to make it 1v6 which is a great way of demonstrating how dominating a character is rather than put half avengers under a pile of rubble but god damn i nearing cringey self-inserted fanfiction written by thanos but whatever bear with me it'll make sense honestly i keep thinking the lines i'm writing a cringe because like i'm like trying to make it badass but then i'm like i mean it can't be that hard i remember thanos said this and it's like it's like without the voice and the context this is literally an r slash atheist lied it goes to show there's no like inherently cringey line it's all context or context and performance i guess actually because like the voice acting is like a big thing and anyway anyway after the back to me line here's where the changes come back so i don't like this thanos as i said before what i felt makes thanos so compelling is that he seems to genuinely believe he's doing the right thing but what he says in this scene really makes it hard to like believe that thanos says that since the survivors of the snap have gone back in time to reverse it it means taking away half of all life will always be meaningless because it'll always get reversed which is fair logic but then he says instead i'm gonna wipe out all of life and then make a new universe i'm sorry it's hard to think you're acting in the interest of like like the greater good if your solution to help people is to kill all of them and then make some new life instead isn't the snap technically only a temporary measure anyway like in a couple of millennia you're gonna have to come back and kill a hundred percent of all life again and make another universe it's it's just kind of unbelievable i think it's quite telling that like when infinity war came out there was a group of people who unironically were semi unironically agreed with thanos and made communities for it i also remember seeing a ton of debate in general even like amongst my friends but but no one did this with this plan in end game it wasn't even like a question that this new plan was in the wrong it just felt like it crossed a line from ethically grey to what the [ __ ] is the point of this from a moral standpoint like thanos from the what if series who changes his mind completely on the snap just because he's convinced of a better alternative feels so much more in character to me than the official canon does he went from what was characterized as this very interesting compelling ethically grey antagonist who genuinely seemed to want to improve lives to like the delusional villain who really wanted to really want an excuse to snap his fingers i get the intention they were going to try and like raise stakes from the last movie and so thanos needed to become even more of a threat than before this has merit but i think it's just the wrong way to do it so here's my take on what thanos new plan should have been and what i've been building up to with a lot of the mysteries so far that i've set up so when thanos says where did that bring you back to me tony says that we know you went to the past the first thing we do after we beat you is go back and check what you did so you might as well tell us why now thanos exhales contemplating it and then he looks up the wizard he says he could have destroyed the stone well before i got to it and yet he gave it up for a single life that made me suspicious so before i destroyed the stones i investigated it experimented in the end i never found out why but i found something else it must be overwhelming to learn that infinite universes exist beyond ours it makes you feel insignificant doesn't it just a drop in the bucket how could one hope to make an impact in the grand infinity of the cosmos but when i found out my mind was overwhelmed by an entirely different thought and what was that the work wasn't done this to me feels much more in line with thanos if he found out infinite universes existed beyond ours his only thought would be there are still more people suffering and i have to save them all i have to snap every single universe at first the avengers are horrified but the smarter ones pipe up they saw how damaged he was after one snap so he can't have done it multiple times furthermore he says he can't possibly have done that to infinite universes that's impossible they say he says it had challenges like any other problem but impossible i found two universes where i failed and i snapped them but you're right that was my limit so then i went to three other universes and shared with the versions of me there who had not yet succeeded all the intel i had and then i told them to do the same after they fulfilled their destiny you started a chain one that would expand infinitely until every universe was balanced it's regrettable you worked out how to time travel but once i'm finished here i'll go back and tell them to deal with you before you can become a problem that's insane they say and thanos says it's consistent i gave one universe salvation why would i stop while i know people still suffer that's your problem too much too far you concern yourself with arbitrary numbers on what is too much to lose rather than measuring it against what is to gain we draw the line at gaining it through blood says cap and thanos shakes his head you lie to yourself we must all make sacrifices and it's time for you to make yours fight begin at first glance the battle seems dire for thanos it's one v6 but the avengers are weak from their last fight thor especially is only back on his feet and not only that but thanos has the space stone intel on their weaknesses and most of all they're rusty even among the ones who stayed heroes they have gone years without a real threat the only exception is ant-man whom no years have passed for and is just as strong but he's slow and thanos evades him and the hulk with the space stone until he can take the others out like for instance he disables hawkeye roadie and rocket by opening portals and making them accidentally shoot their team these are just going to be some sort of vague ideas for a fight i don't want to script a whole fight because it i don't think it's like the difficult part of writing thanos but it is an action movie so i want to give some direction for some spectacle so it's not just they punch each other but generally the point is to demonstrate how the avengers have been weakened by their four-year break also very early on in the fight thanos gets a hold of thoughts axe he tries to destroy with a power stone but he realizes that he can as it was built to beat the gauntlet so instead he just drops it through a portal as far away as possible like the other side of the universe you might notice the main reason i'm doing this is to make sure thor has only one weapon so that cap had never has an excuse to use more near i'm saving that moment for when it can really matter you can also assume that whenever thor is down cap is down too so this save isn't possible yet it's difficult at first but one by one thanos snatches back each stone and each time he gets stronger and stronger until he recollects the space stone after losing it and he finally has them all they make a mad dash to stop him but they're too late thanos activates the space stone and time stone together and leaves to tell the younger version of himself to lock down the time travelers cap rile's everyone up saying it's not over yet thanos must come back otherwise nothing stops the avengers from just time traveling again to get more stones and he does but with six infinity stones he's too strong the last moment of the fight is when he waits for thor to charge up his lightning before he uses the space stone to open a giant portal to the ocean and flood the battlefield causing thor's lightning to hit everyone perhaps we get a shot where they're all in knee-high water trying to recover from the shock with the exception of iron man because he built a counter for that in like a previous movie so instead thanos opens a portal reaches his hand in and pulls out the electromagnet similar to the one that quill used on both tony and thanos in infinity war he uses it and locks up tony just before he can reach him i took note of that contraption four years ago when it was used on me you had four years to build a counter-measure to it yourself and yet here you are no different to them he picks up iron man by the throat as captain america and thor recover first and close the gap saying they haven't lost yet but they're quickly repelled you lost four years ago when you gave up he retorts he presses down on the metal around iron man's neck and it begins to crumple as he says i had respect for you but for someone that calls himself iron man you bend like gold well we can't all be maniacs with a gold complex he struggles to say i'm no god stark he manages to break free and pushes himself back a few feet stark says oh please anyone who says they're destined for anything has a god complex he sighs i was like you once you know angry guilty hesitant that's why i failed back then to save my people and why you fail now do you know why i believe in destiny because when you do you shed that which stops you the attachments the guilt the anger the hesitation so you chose to believe in destiny yeah you're delusional well i didn't believe it at first but when you've conquered as many plants as i have you see the same problem and the same suffering again and again but because of that it's inevitable you run into the same profit proposing the exact same solution i eventually did and i realized that it didn't matter if i hesitated or felt guilty if i failed another would arise and destiny would arrive all the same and when you believe in destiny you shed that which stops you when you believe in destiny you become destiny thanos takes the space stone out of the gauntlet and pinches it between his fingers that's why i'm willing to do the things you never could it's just a pity it's not a very balanced number is it five infinity stones the power stone glows as he presses down and smashes the space stone into dust then he throws the dust into the air charges the reality stone and turns that dust into nothing the avengers are devastated with no more pin particles to time travel no way back to earth and no way to snap half the universe back they are truly [ __ ] after a moment he walks up to iron man who gets ready to fight for his life but then he walks past him the water drains away as he walks past each nervous avenger in turn the garden is revealed and thanos sheds his armor to pick up a pitchfork stabbed into the ground he walks past thor who says so that's it you're not gonna kill us just gonna run back off to your ridiculous gardening needless violence the work is done and your solution is dust he says you will stay with me until the snap has begun to spread exponentially through the other universes and then even you won't be able to control it even if you time travel again and bring your people back another thanos will inevitably arrive to snap this universe again until then you will stay here with me thor gets angry and angry until he reaches up to some of the acts he stares at thousand defiance and thanos looks back at him but if you hold that axe again or do anything to betray my trust i will turn your blood and bone into fertilizer thor stares back maintains his position waiting for the axe but then he sees iron man looking at him he puts a single finger up mirroring doctor strange as if to say i've got one shot frustratedly thor grits his teeth stops himself and screams into the sky lightning pours down and sets the garden on fire he looks at it and laughs oh look your precious garden up in flames i guess now you know what it's like to lose everything you love too god only knows this is all you've ever cared about but thanos just walks away carrying his pitchfork a frustrated thor storms off towards the forest you see where i wanted to cut down the time heist with the gravity of the whole climax i really wanted to have a darkest hour smashing the space stone was like the best way to do that to me and maybe you can predict how i'm gonna pull out the wind from this uh with what i've set up also no it's not you use the time stone to reverse it in fact i'd like to have the avengers minus tony who's keeping his plan secret float this possibility at some point just to clear it off the table notably the thing was crushed into dust and then into nothing with the reality stone so you wouldn't really have anywhere to point the time stone which is consistent with how it's already been used and also according to young thanos is a rule that specifically applies to it the time stone needs a target the other reason i wanted to do this is i wanted to have some down time to actually have a proper conversation with us look i know it's an action movie but i feel like with such a gray villain it was a waste not to have these characters fight thousands on an ethical level as much as a physical level i'd love to see banner and tony debate the ethics and feasibility of the snap over a campfire i doubt they'd actually voluntarily hang out with him while staying at the garden but maybe thanos makes alcohol in this month gets drunk and it's like i'm gonna dress this [ __ ] down an actual debate on the snap at first glance seems hard to write because realistically the snap is [ __ ] stupid at least from an economic perspective which would be my angle there are some videos on that but just because something stupid in real life doesn't mean it has to be in the story despite how banner and tony may argue it thanos can point to the planets he's balanced as pretty absolute proof that it improves life and he can even ask them to question if life was actually getting better on earth which they'll deny at first but thanos will talk it out of them i think the whole concept of the snap works a lot better if it actually works thanos is written in such a way where he has no reason to create conflict if it doesn't and this idea of killing half the population so that the other can live creates this fantastic trolley problem type question that makes him feel like a horrifyingly grey but ultimately understandable villain but end game gets kind of scared with the ethics they're willing to have thanos say that this work for other plants but the avengers themselves never even talk about if the snap made life better for them on earth outside of wales in the hudson i guess which feels like a shame because even if you accept that the snap works there are ways you can still argue against it and i think both steve and tony could even have like a rare agreement on the idea that humanity should have had the freedom to face the problem themselves in fact this would be a great way for them to get fully over their beef with each other and meet each other on a common ground steve believes in the freedom of humanity to choose their fate when overpopulation becomes a problem and tony would no doubt believe in humanity's infinite potential for innovation and technological growth that he thinks would have solved the problem of overpopulation early so they would never have even needed a snap maybe titan was just full of idiots that didn't know how to problem solve they don't know in this scene i want tony to say to thous you really like to congratulate yourself don't you cursed with knowledge you said look at me you are nothing like me you call killing half of all life a solution that's not a solution it's an admittance of failure you're the guy in the project team who wants to go back to the drawing board or tell the client it's too hard i've met loads of people like you of course not as many as you though if killing half the population was the best your plant could come up with then it must be nothing but dime a dozen idiots like you thanos will obviously say something like how iron man doesn't want to admit there isn't a better solution and believe me i've tried to think of one i'm just the only one willing to accept that there isn't and then to act on it etc regardless remember this line by tony i'd give it like a lot of emphasis in the movie anyway all of this allows us to leave the ethics of the snap as an open question to keep the characters intact but also allows you to have the characters have this conflict on a philosophical level as well as at the same time allowing our characters to bond over it i wanted to feel for the early part of the movie that the avengers say for a few characters are a broken unit they're rusty some feel guilty some have bad blood with each other their teamwork has gone to [ __ ] but as we gear up for the final fight in this month-long downtime they find their flow rekindle their friendships and remember their teamwork steve and tony have this little moment maybe rocket and nebula talk about their experience with gomorrah and how it differs between them maybe ant-man one of the newest avengers can start to strategize on how to use his abilities to work as a team with the others and the avengers as a whole take time to mourn tasha with a funeral pyre and promised to stay strong for her professor hulk encourages them on this by saying that even in those four years she never stopped trying to help people so we shouldn't either it was also important to replace the scene since it's been too hectic since the time heist to more natasha she's not coming back neither is whoever that bench hits there's also thor who we'll get to in a bit uh there was actually one thing i wanted to include in this but i felt like it was a bit it was getting a bit gratuitous so i'm not sure anymore i'd like to come up with a conversation with thanos about why he chose this planet seeing as it's impossible to leave and he says with destiny fulfilled i fear i may become weak if the me from the past comes back the guilt the attachments i fear i may try to find a way to reverse my choice the garden is basically a prison he put himself in by choice just in case not that it's against what he wants of course he still enjoys the simple life and hopes that with the notoriety his name is brought that maybe one day a survivor of titan will find him and he can restore his people to his former glory but he's content staying here the only reason he'd want to leave is if he changed his mind is that weird i it just kind of got squeezed out of the script over time until it became an afterthought but but maybe it does a bit to humanize him i don't know tell me in the comments oh but this is also the reason that thanos smashes the space stone specifically he doesn't want the option to leave the planet meanwhile between the despair and fireside conversations tony has a plan but he needs to get the message out he starts sneaking away little bits of scrap from the wrecked ship and working on them in secret to make a transmitter it's also kind of tempting to have him also make an iron man suit in secret we could say he lost a ton of nanobots in the fight and he can only use them in conjunction with the suit rather than just as a whole suit this could be a great throwback to the origins of his character that's well suited for a final fight you could also show how much smarter or at least more experience he's gotten with a suit because despite it being in much the same position he was in iron man he can make a much more advanced suit much more quickly anyway tony finishes what he was trying to do and sends a message into deep space it's then he tells rocket and nebula to find thor he's been missing a whole month now and they need him back if thanos finds out he sent a message they're going to need backup nebula and rocket search the forest outside the garden and eventually track him down and he is ripped back to normal when did you last take a break says rocket i didn't replies thor still doing push-ups this was one of the more interesting criticism event game a lot of people myself included didn't like fat thor or at least him fighting in the final battle as fat thor i actually love seeing what his [ __ ] up in infinity war led to and how he spiraled but to not get out of that before the final battle it's easy to pass off this criticism as like you just don't like fat people but it's more about spectacle humans like extremes we come to sports to see peak physical performance why would we not still want it in our action movies everyone being [ __ ] jacked makes it more extreme and therefore cooler and i think that's really all there is to it i understand some people like this aspect because it shows he's like not yet over his trauma but i think there's a better way of showing it that doesn't sacrifice the spectacle mainly this when thor says he hasn't taken a break nebula says you're punishing yourself thought denies this but nebula pushes every time i lost a fight with my sister i'd lock myself in the training quarters for days you're doing the same thing thor softens at this nebula actually understands what he's going through he stops working out i wasn't ready i had four years and i wasn't ready because i didn't believe because i was too busy feeling sorry for myself and now the opportunity is gone forever his voice quivers and it's clear he's racked with guilt as his tough exterior starts to break down i'm sorry i got everyone killed four years ago and when the opportunity came up to save them they stayed dead because of me thor finally admits i failed as a single tear falls from his real eye rocket tries to comfort him hey no i i look i i lost my whole the point is i don't blame you we all failed there may still be a chance says nebula stark has a plan but if thanos finds out we're going to need everyone and a completely defeated thor even back to his original strength says i'm sorry i can't beat him but nebula goes right through him no you don't know that you're just scared of failing what says though you're an entitled prince who's never had to pick himself back up in his life more defensively he's like i've gotten back up plenty of times thanos is just and she's like no i don't believe you it proved to me you fail before thor thinks for a second and then pops out his eye i lost to my sister he says pick myself back up after that and nebula just scoffs at this that's it she says she sits down and then one by one she starts disconnecting parts of her body explaining each one as she goes most are parts that were replaced after fighting with gamora but sprinkled in a bunch of different fights on different planets against different opponents where she lost human parts in the fight itself and then they had to be replaced a finger there an arm a leg eye a bunch of nerves here muscles bones she keeps going until what sits before thor is a smorgasbord of different robotic parts and nebula is just this amputated mess with the owner metal on her being the foundational connectors that her metal parts plug into she says you're a prideful person that's why you're scared of losing but i've been doing it for years there's pride in failure too thor stares for a second thinks and then takes a deep breath a king without scars is no true king he says to himself and nebula smiles meanwhile the garden has grown to a point where it started to encroach on the crashed ship and thanos says that he's going to start salvaging and organizing parts tony realizing he might notice the parts he's salvaged says he'll help just so he can throw him off the case maybe he's been some [ __ ] about like starting to get thanos point of view just for fun that could be that would that be good actually because you could like see thanos having a friendly conversation with someone for once a bit like the the what if series actually you know that scene in metal gear rising revengeance when armstrong thinks ryden has like come around to his side and then he like picks him up and dusts him off and is all like chummy with him yeah like that as they grab stuff from the ship tony sneaks away to where the receiver he took used to be located in the ship and he collects some dust and spreads in the gap where the component used to be when thanos notices it's gone and gets suspicious tony makes an excuse well this was a salvage wreck to begin with it never had that component see if it was removed recently it wouldn't be dusty thanos contemplates this but then says if you've got nothing to hide then let me use the mind stone to see what you actually think tony gets frantic with his excuses as he tries to back up until thanos launches at him quickly stark uses the new he's been working on carefully is skewered by his clothes and blast back first out of the ship to get away you took it but why says thanos we switch back to thor all of a sudden an explosion can be heard and birds fly from the canopy as you hear the telltale signs of the infinity gauntlet a fight has begun thanos has found out thor raises his hand to the sky and summons the axe by the time thor gets there mostly avengers are down but not dead thanos is about to finish off captain america who's been protecting everyone from a fatal bow but thor arrives in the nick of time to say cap tony is still up he says he can't let thanos read his mind in fact the others have been holding him off just so he can thor tells nebula rock and tony to help the injured he will handle thanos he's no longer cocky in fact he's nervous his hand shakes but he's determined and so begins a duel where thor finally back to his original strength can now extract the full power from the axe again this was a really surprising choice to me the axe was built up the whole movie as the thanos killer it was made to beat the gauntlet it was made by the same guy as the gauntlet and at the end of the movie it cut through a full blast from the gauntlet fully charged this all creates build up for like a battle of titans a true climax of spectacle but in endgame it's just kind of an axe so here you go propagal dual to put that on par with the infinity gauntlet i think this should be able to cut through things like the space portals and the false realities which could make for some cool moments as he cuts off portals by throwing the axe preventing thanos from moving about or like getting items i could imagine a scene where thor jumps at him and opens a portal to like a derelict spaceships that like fly up at him like giant projectiles he dodges and runs down them to thanos before throwing the axe to cut the portals off and cut the projectile spaceships off thanos can use the reality stone to try and trick him but when he catches on he runs the fabric of space-time with like a giant swing this would work similarly for the mine stone maybe the time stone works on thor and he can hold him in place or reverse time uh on him if he's not holding the axe but all he needs to do is hold the axe or summon it to return the flow of time this all results in him closing the distance and having an all-out brawl with thanos with the power stone being the only thing that really works but in this he starts to lose as strong as the axe is he can land a hit and he begins to take punch after punch until he's knocked back and admits solemnly to everyone i'm sorry everyone i can't beat him and tony says you don't have to you just had to stall him and thor chuckles in relief and says i think i can do that thought proceeds to get his ass beat for like five minutes but he doesn't give up he finally gets thrown onto his back and pushed into a sword lock with thanos and he's about to be overpowered before out of nowhere thanos is hit hard by something it's captain marvel together marvel and thor power into him putting him on the defensive and before he realizes it all five stones are gone from the gauntlet when he looks up he sees captain marvel is wearing the gauntlet not his but the younger thanos is gauntlet you think this changes anything he says you still can't snap your friends back without the space stone and captain marvel laughs where do you think i got my powers from snap honestly the fact that you can just exploit the space stone and get free powers from it is super [ __ ] but i saw the fake out potential of destroying the space stone i was like oh [ __ ] i know how to make captain marvel interesting i was also does anyone want like a captain marvel rewrite by the way that could be fun of course this snap isn't that easy she puts considerable force and tension into it and her powers have to gather into the glove and like it sparks and glitches before she finally snaps and sends out a wave of energy pushing the others back except for thousands making a mad dash for the gauntlet is now just being held in place by the energy it's clear that something about the snap worked new birds fly out from the canopy uh around them and perhaps like animals and insects and dust themselves around captain marvel but marvel herself looks rough you get the feeling that the gauntlet was not supposed to be used that way quickly thanos closes the gap while she's stunned he adds the stone back to his own gauntlet and crushes the small gauntlet as the others pick themselves up from the blast then he uses the mind stone to take control of captain marvel her power flows into the gauntlet thanos looks a bit shaken now but he says using your body as a stone was a mistake you've only weakened yourself and even if that snap worked there's no guarantee it was powerful enough to reach your planet he raises the gauntlet and tries to snap but thor slams into him breaking his control of marvel so he can't re-snap the universe this was the big thing that bothered me about the snap in end game there was no tension they get all the stones back everything is fired and then they snap in the comfort of a warm stock building and that's not to say there would be any like tension per se in my version no the audience no the snap has obviously worked what i mean is there's no tension for the characters where's the drama where's the spectacle if the characters don't know if it worked or not it makes the eventual reveal so much more emotional uh for the characters because they've gone from the darkest hour to like holy [ __ ] it actually worked but first we need to push that tension and also get our classic 1v3 from endgame while the others have been knocked out or helping those knocked out cap thor and iron man pick themselves up as thanos speaks but perhaps i was wrong about something even now you still had a sliver of hope you were clinging on to between time travel and this you've taught me something earth is different your heroes your technology your minds your powers they give you options potential ways to think you can change your fate you're unlike the other plants i've balanced you have enough power to hope but not enough to change anything so all it does is prevent you from accepting what you've lost and moving into the future i've created but that was my mistake today your planet grieves fight begin this fight plays out how it does in the movies thor iron man and cap are trying to either kill thanos or hold him out for long enough for the help that they can only hope is coming captain marvel is [ __ ] up as she is tries to join but they stop her as thanos may use the mind stone to control her and then undo the snap with a much more powerful thought they managed to grab some of the stones back which captain america holds on his person eventually though they get beaten down with thor getting beaten first so the cap has an excuse to use malnear and hold out a little bit extra this was obviously one of the highlights of the movie and i wanted to keep this intact cap stalls by himself for a while but as in the movie he's eventually knocked down but in this version thanos grabs the stones from him and then grabs marvel he uses the mind stone on her to charge the gauntlet and gets ready to snap but he notices the soul stone is missing nebula the assassin snuck in and took it and she chucks it into the forest i take it back i didn't treat you harshly enough i just can't stop failing you can i father she says triumphantly four cheers of this you know going into this uh i wasn't expecting to write like a thor nebula ship but i i kind of into it anyway now that he's unable to re-snap the universe thanos instead opens a portal the sanctuary too thanos ship appears through it and an army begins to gather he sends a small force to look for the stone but he will finish the avengers himself a bloodied cap readies malnear but with his shield and pieces thor down and five stones in thousands possession they're out of time until on your left obviously i've kept the scene that's a big moment i ain't taking credit obviously but hopefully what i've done gives the scene much stronger setup all right this scene basically marks the end of the big scene changes except for the very end so i'm going to give a general guide for this battle so first i i really don't like this stupid subplot about tracking the gauntlet through the enemy lines past hours to get to the stupid [ __ ] time travel there can hold just snap again with the other hand was that too hard what then the nanotech couldn't change form to the other hand it it did it on the fly with iron man get rid of this part the main conflict for this battle is this they need to put enough pressure on thanos until he's forced to bring the two younger thanos's through to the present after all even if they stop thanos the other two are working towards their own snap and when they achieve it they're going to continue their chain throughout the multiverse and here's where we get our explanation on why dr strange said there was only one way in 14 million to defeat thanos now that he's back on the battlefield he explains to stark that they always lose to thanos because even when they beat him another thanos from another universe will always come to snap them anyway because they're not the universe that creates fights or even knows about thanos prime the thanos that starts the chain the only way to not eventually get snapped by the chain is to be the universe that creates the chain or creates thanos prime and then beats him to stop the chain to even know about the chain in order to stop it you must be the one universe that gives up the time stone loses creates thous prime as a result lets him start the chain find out about the chain and then beat him stopping the chain before it can spread does that make sense for everyone i i boggled my mind trying to think of this and then continued to boggle my mind trying to wrap my head around what i had just thought of much like the axe creation at nivelier i think doctor strange's 1 in 14 million gambit was sort of a throwaway scene just to hype things up but i felt like it could have been like like had a more real and tangible reason behind it and so this is what i ended up with so yeah so we have this glorious moment as the avengers assemble and start decimating thousands forces and this is what forces him to once he gets a hold of marvel again open up a portal and bring one of the two younger thanos in this is the main reason i've kept these two thousands young i don't want the thanos we all know to feel like part of a match set and take away from his impact so i've decided to keep both the extra thousands young the logic being that thanos prime opted to go for universes 300 years prior to avoid the avengers while collecting a lot of the stones when they were easier when they were in these easier locations and they had a lot of intel about them it also means those thousands have a significant head start to carefully build their forces and secure places like nivedalia you could also say that 300 years ago was before nivelia was under asgard protection but that's i'm getting a bit too heavy it's also worth knowing that thanos didn't even know about time traveling being a possibility when he did this so he thought he had time to do it when thanos forces become overwhelmed and he decides to bring in the younger ones he also tells them not to bring any stones they've collected with them because he doesn't want them falling into enemy hands after all these phalluses have 300 years less experience but this means arthas stays as the sole dominating force on the battlefield before we get to our final moment i want to have a bunch of little moments you could have uh firstly i'd love to have a fight on top of one of the praetorians uh that just sounds fun i mean come on secondly to avoid uh things feeling too samey in hindsight i probably would have made the garden uh more of an interesting alien planet with some weird like giant fauna and flora that could interact with the fights more you could also have the fights take place around these things as one party from the avengers goes to follow the chase for the soul stone in the forest there's also a bunch of dramatic locations like waterfalls and mountains to make use of with the battle in part taking place inside these ships or on praetorians brought through the portal it'd be a great excuse to have people fall off or be dragged out to these locations thirdly i'd love to have a moment dedicated to rocket reuniting with the guardians as i said he's had a whole movie where he's learned to not push away the people he loves and now he's lost his whole family so i'd love to have a moment where he temporarily regresses on this he sees the guardians and gets mad he goes down the line talking about how he heard how each of them screwed up quill is a big hard emotional idiot who that threw away everything because he got angry groot's a teenager who thinks he's above everyone and could have easily done more if he'd at the start if he got off his game drax is a thick-headed screw-up who keeps recklessly risking his life to avenge his old family and mantis i didn't know what she did but she probably screwed up somewhere but after he's done with his angry rant quill just says we missed you too bud and rocket just breaks into uncontrollable tears all while trying to deny it i'd also love to have a scene uh where drax sees the younger thanos and goes you took everything for me i don't even know who you are i had to keep that line somehow but i also want drax to get closer to him only to realize he looks like a much younger version than the one he knows and goes no you are not thanos you are much too young and he smiles and laughs and says this is perfect thanos took my wife and daughter from me now he too will know what it is like to lose his son this was a thing in the guardians of the galaxy movie he tried to do this with gamora and i figured this would be the perfect time to do a call back to it the last thing drax knew was being on titan and then rocking up to this battlefield to continue the fight time travel would not have been his first conclusion upon seeing a younger thanos it would be funny to see thanos try to convince him that he's a time travel thanos and and drax thinks he's trying to trick him but it would also give him a hilarious but satisfying one-on-one conclusion to his revenge story it'd also be funny to see him join the fight on uh joining on fighting like the real thanos and be like i killed your son and thanos is just incredibly confused one important thing i should add is that captain marvel gets free from the mind stone's influence at some point this happens specifically because thanos gets injured thor specifically should notice this this is important setup i think after this captain marvel should get three and probably like beat one of the other phalluses if anything just to show how strong she is even in this weakened state i haven't done much with her because she's functioning as a space stone so before she goes back to that her like her role in the narrative it'd be good to have her like get free and do something the only thing i'd add here is like one last climax of spectacle before thanos is forced to bring the second young thanos in he's in a face-off with thor and all he has at his disposal is a space stone and power stone as he looks around and sees his forces beginning to falter and he says god only knows this garden is the only thing you've ever loved that's what you said to me but you are wrong it's not that i don't love anything it's that i was always prepared to lose everything he closes his fist and deep purple cracks appear below him that stretch further and deeper destroying the plants the garden everything the entire planet begins to come apart threatening to strand and suffocate everyone in deep space yeah let's have a fight on like floating chunks of planet as they begin to crumble into space we'll resolve it of course maybe dr strange can reclaim the time stone and reverse it maybe give him more to do than just hold back hold back water seriously what the [ __ ] was that anyway after this the power stone is taken from him uh but he gets back the space and time stone leaving him only one option to bring in the second and last young thanos and his men but now they've successfully drawn out all the thanos's they quickly find that they can't keep up in this battle of endurance this is now far too many enemies to fight the avengers forces start to get overwhelmed meanwhile a battle rages with thanos prime to gain control of the stones and snap the enemy the stones have been going back and forth constantly trading with thous neither are ever managing to get all five and get control of captain marvel at the same time but finally thanos does and just like in infinity war thor rejoins the fight from the sky at the last minute throwing the axe instinctively thanos raises his gauntlet once again firing the beam that gets cut through but knowing what's about to happen he cuts the beam off and raises the gauntlet to his neck to block the axe but finds that thor has done the exact same thing implanting the axe in his body they look at each other for a moment before thanos says you've learned nothing and thor says are you sure about that a slight nervousness in his voice he reads him for a second and then says i am i am inevitable and snaps his finger but nothing happens he turns the gauntlet and sees that the stones are gone and that captain marvel has limped all the way towards tony stark she tosses the stones to him and puts his hand on his shoulder her power flows through him as the stones become the makeshift gauntlet and i am iron man after the snap happens the avengers out there fighting who were just before getting overwhelmed start to have the pressure lifted off them as the army turns to dust thanos looks to thor and thor says my friends were being overwhelmed out there and all i needed to do to help them was break your control over her i'm not gonna risk aiming for the smallest target just so that i can say i beat you in fact i lost our fight i admit it you won i don't care about it anymore but we win the war and then he just walks off he doesn't revel in it he doesn't look back he goes to help the other avengers thanos doesn't say a word he just pulls himself up and looks at tony who looks really bad like death walking but even so he looks back at thanos and pulls himself up too so in the movie thanos just dies silent and i don't think this is out of character he's a very somber person and this seems like you know how he take defeat but it's just like a little bit i don't know underwhelming additionally iron man also kind of just goes out like a [ __ ] no final words or quips so like i love you why do marvel movies decide now to be realistic so after the snap i want thought to remove the axe step back and walk off but i want thanos to get up and limp towards tony and tony with his last bit of strength does the same as thanos limps towards him he says this isn't over do you remember what i said whether i'm dead or not the same problem will ravage the universe and the same profits will rise up with the same solution and while that snap did reach your planet there must have been thousands of others it did not he takes the gauntlet off and he crumples it in his hands so that it can't be used again and tosses it aside when they prosper and grow far beyond your planet they'll realize i was right and they will seek balance the two meet each other halfway tony still hasn't said anything you can kill me stark he says as he starts to turn to dust but you can't kill an idea tony looks up at him and puts his palm on his chest speaking as a billionaire genius ideas are cheap he says before he primes the laser on his palm it's about how you execute them and he fires a blast through thanos just as he's starting to turn to dust so it looks like he's literally just been blasted into dust how's that for a one-liner should i have kept the execute part or is it just snappy as just ideas are cheap i felt like it worked too well to not include execute has a double meaning it's a callback to the ideological war between them about humanity being able to find a solution to any problem through innovation rather than have a solution forced on them by thanos anyway i think it's important to give thanos something so he feels as if he had more of an impact you know the snap was good but since we reversed it it kind of makes him feel meaningless this is why i actually love the concept of the blip even in future marvel movies it feels like thanos happened you know but this is like an extra layer you can add to it without having to kill any beloved characters since the locations of the planet aren't specified you can say that all plants with name characters on them exist between the garden and earth which is the proximity of captain marvel snap but it leaves you the option in future to introduce characters who are a direct result of thousands ideology maybe they wouldn't be the main villains unless that you know they were only just inspired by thousand had like a different like opinions but they could be really interesting side characters thrown into future movies that will make everything feel connected and that thanos had some level of lasting impact technically speaking they could like snap again to get the rest of the universe back but that's like a whole other question you'd have to go to multiple places you probably have to sacrifice marvel because this is [ __ ] up each time you'd also have to sacrifice someone for each snap remember i mentioned earlier that even if hulk uses uh more than one stone it'll kill him with the iron man gauntlet since it doesn't stabilize the energy as well as the infinity gauntlet does there's also the fact that tony stark is dead and they don't even know how to replicate his gauntlet speaking of with this uh tony stark collapses and his body two begins to disappear into dust not quite in the same way it seems like this is more of effect of the gauntlet rather than like he snapped himself or something if you're looking for some final lines for tony i'd probably go with this uh roadie peppa potts and peter parker are all around tony in his final minutes peter desperately tells him not to go the world needs iron man after all and he says the wall will be fine iron man's right here and he points to pepper and here and he points to roadie and here and he points to peter uh so that's not a mr stock but i don't think um he says i'm talking about the suit i designed keep up kid stark says chuckling we're funny creatures aren't we humans i mean we're fleshy brews easy that never changes but with every life we build on each other our knowledge our creations man i had some great creations didn't i but he smiles and says but i'm just a guy in a suit in your hands they'll be amazing peppa says he can rest easy now and he drifts away well there we go how do they do i like data so feel free to hit me with brutal criticism if you want uh help share me with your friends make it a gangbang just give me data share me on your discord or something and if you really like this rewrite check out some of my others or check out my webcomics web novel airlock bound it's a totally public domain franchise i've created to prove to people that we don't need copyright or at least that's the idea check it out and support me and the artist on studio ic goodbye my throat hurts i've been how i start at 10 2 i've been recording for four hours [ __ ] my life [Music]
Channel: Uniquenameosaurus
Views: 724,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thanos, avengers infinity war, infinity war, Rewrite, avengers endgame, Professor Hulk, Hulk, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Iron Man, thor love and thunder, Thor, captain america, captain marvel, Marvel, Star Wars Rewrite, star wars rewrite, Studio High Sea, Uniquenameosaurus, MauLer, Video Essay, an unbridled Praise, An Unbridled Rage, marvel, avengers, Anti-trilogy, Spider-man
Id: 7-IsSzq0sQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 36sec (5376 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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