Spider-Man: No Way Home Is Overrated

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Spider-Man no way home is not a very good film regardless it has received overwhelming praise as the breakout film for phase four and while there are many good elements to this film which we will discuss I also would like to point out the many many flaws it has in order to ensure that we do not lower our standards for what makes a good movie likewise Spider-Man is a deep and complex character with a rich history and his adaptations deserve no less than high standards and with that in mind let's begin the film starts with the last one left off but before we can get into the story we need to address something else these subtitles are terrible no way home and Far From Home are so similar and easy to mix up for no good reason and they're not particularly relevant to the films they represent they only exist in their current forms because the creatives behind it want home to always be referenced for some reason homecoming was the only clever one because that film actually ended with a homecoming dance and it's relevant to Spider-Man coming back to Marvel these other two are just unnecessary and confusing can we please just let this be the home Trilogy and stop with this going forwards after a brief recap of uh the one with Mysterio we see Spider-Man in The Heart of the City as he is about to confront the reality that his biggest secret that he has been struggling to hide for years is being revealed to the entire world on top of that he's being framed for the murder of Mysterio a perceived hero on the world stage this is actually a pretty heavy note to start on and it's a good way to get us hooked on some intense drama right out the gate but it's being played for Laughs what could be the groundwork for a dramatic set piece is replaced by Spider-Man and MJ performing Goofs and gaffs as they try to escape a cartoonishly angry mob while sailing music plays in the background I'm so sorry but I can't see anything with your hand I could understand if most people don't find this scene offensive in isolation but in the context of a larger MCU that is drowning in over-the-top tone deafening comedy this scene comes off as a lackluster way to start I wish I could get seriously invested in these films but they just don't want me to be next we see Spider-Man bring MJ to his apartment where apparently happy Hogan and Aunt May are having relationship issues the sight of this makes me long for Uncle Ben while that is happening Peter runs around in his undies as he tries to protect the apartment from the cartoon mob this is an over-the-top scene of chaos being played for Laughs Peter and friends are then taken in by the police for questioning a cop refers to MJ as Miss Jones Watson but she renounces the name Watson and doesn't want to be referred to by it so that begs the question why call this girl MJ if she is not MJ that is just annoying and confusing give her a different name if she's going to be a different character more on this topic later the gang gets sent home and what do you know it's Daredevil back from the dead he's here to share Goofs and gas for laughs but also to warn Peter and happy of impending hardships in their Futures suddenly a brick flies through Peter's window and Matt Murdoch exposes himself by catching the brick midair like dude you know you're sitting next to Spider-Man I'm sure he can handle a brick without you showing off but it's played for Laughs so whatever secret identities are just vessels for more jokes they are only important if the film says so otherwise turn off your brain and laugh the first Iron Man film didn't have this issue Tony Stark was a sarcastic lighthearted character but he was still a character confined to the rules and tones of a larger realistic world he did his goose and gas when in the company of friends or at a party but when a life-threatening situation came up the jokes were non-existent I think most people would agree that Iron Man is one of the best films in the MCU Downey's Iron Man is arguably the most popular character to emerge from those movies however it seems that the higher ups at Disney Marvel took the wrong notes from his success I can only assume that they use this formula for future films based on how they evolved over time Robert Downey Jr funny Iron Man popular therefore more funny equals more popular seriously I cannot stress how draining mean the comedic flood is on these films and I want to drill this point in hard because I want it abolished it kills Tone It Kills Stakes it kills immersion because of the looming mob Peter and may decide to move in with happy this probably would have been a good idea from the start but better late than never later that night Peter facetimes MJ to tell the audience I mean her how great she is happy is also there so we can laugh at him and again this film like most MCU films is just beating us over the head with the comedy it's as if it's insecure about its own ability to tell a good story so it thinks that if we aren't laughing every second then we'll immediately get bored and leave the theater movie just take a breath and calm down can we just have an honest character moment without the clown man dangling the giggle keys in the background happy aside it's actually a decent scene that builds Chemistry Between the two while Peter explains his perspective on everything that just happened this movie would greatly benefit if the tone matched this scene throughout it still has moments of levity but it feels real and relatable then the scene ends and up next we get a cameo from Betty Brandt being portrayed as a high school newscaster where she gives the classic go get em tiger line how hard is it just to make her look like Betty Brandt it's a billion dollar movie Why call her that if you're not going to put the effort in this stuff just comes off as lazy and they do it all the time oh how do we adapt this character from a comic to a film or just get any actress and give her a name tag call it a day some of you might argue well it's a different Universe you can't expect everything to be the same to that I say Multiverse of Madness just gave direct proof that you're wrong and there's a lot to be said about multiverses later on Spidey and Friends attempt a new day at school as public figures and every time I see this version of Flash Thompson on screen I have to fight the urge to not turn this movie off and headbutt a wall the film makes an attempt at some awkward cringe humor it's an honor to serve you sir not Mysterio was right stop and good job movie I definitely cringed at that we see Peter Parker and Friends discuss their college plans on a rooftop and that transitions to a montage of them getting rejected by every school with the identity leak being attributed to the main cause by the way this flash is still the worst Boston and I get that the film wants me to feel that way but just because it's intentional doesn't mean it's a good thing Ned and MJ accept the hand that they were dealt but Peter does not and that causes him to ignite the worst scene in this film so strap in this is going to take a while Peter has to the sanctum sanctorum which was accidentally filled with snow to be funny I guess for the visual it's really not clear why but apparently it's too much for these great Sorcerers to deal with strange and Wong show up to tell jokes and to establish that Wong is the sorcerer Supreme now why did the writers decide to do this I have no idea aside from a few theories by the way speaking of Wong did you know this film portrayal resembles his comic self in almost no way at all traditionally he's a bald martial artist that barely knows sorcery with his main job essentially making him a servant to the sanctum movie Wong resembles the ancient one more than he does himself in fact he resembles the ancient one more than the Ancient One does anyway back to the movie Steven can flick a fireplace on so why can't he get rid of this no it's not a big deal but it's just annoying it's like the writers do this stuff just to be obnoxious and now we get into the thick of it Peter because his friends didn't get into the colleges they wanted asks Doctor Strange to reverse time and prevent him from getting his identity leaked Doctor Strange rejects this for obvious reasons but then proposes a spell of forgetting and after getting permission from Wong they get to it Doctor Strange immediately starts this powerful and high-risk spell without telling Peter the extremely important rules for how it works rules with cataclysmic ramifications if they were to be broken seriously they don't discuss it or plan it out at all beforehand Dr Strange barely even begins Before Peter starts subjecting with second thoughts like dude maybe give this child an instruction manual before you warp his reality based on the decision He Made In the Heat of emotional distress strange even admits that it's difficult to change mid casting so idiot why don't you just ask him what he wants out of the spell but before you start the scene is played out as if Peter is the one making mistakes and the blame for its inevitable malfunction is on his hands but Stephen the kid clearly did not understand what type of sorcery he was getting into and you had full control of the situation your rash actions caused this mess and now you're making a jackass of yourself trying to pass the blame onto this kid do the Marvel higher-ups just hate doctor strange and want us to hate him too Peter isn't completely blameless though because he won't shut up even though strange is making it very clear that his talking is messing up the spell however strange maybe mentioned that before you start he even has the gall to say I told you not to do that you changed my spell you don't do that I told you and that is why my man are you for real your lack of telling is what got us into this mess strange warns that if he didn't stop the spell then something catastrophic might have happened this line will only add to his incompetence later on after some berating strange tries to teach Peter to just accept his circumstances in life which he definitely really should have done beforehand especially since this all started because Peter and friends got rejected from their colleges you know that one problem that most American Youth deal with every year and of course this is only made worse because apparently Peter didn't even try to call his colleges and attempt to make them reconsider this scene is played for laughs but that doesn't stop it from being dumb grass chewing cows would have an easier time relating to these intelligence levels strange gets mad at Peter for quote not even trying to plead your case before you asked me to brainwash the entire world why didn't you ask him this beforehand you dense bag of ass wipe that would have been a much more reasonable thing to do man Doctor Strange is a loser Peter gets kicked out of the sanctum and he calls flash for help with getting into his preferred College they waste our time with more jokes then Peter searches for this important College woman in the middle of a highway because apparently that's easier than leaving a call or an email Peter still wears his iron spider costume and I have to say these nanobot costume removals they've been doing lately are just terrible they very clearly look like CGI and kill immersion not a huge problem but it adds up when it's used constantly Peter miraculously finds the woman he's looking for on a busy New York Highway near an airport even with spider senses that seems unlikely not really sure how spider senses would help here anyway they talk and Peter does his awkward humor stick that Tom Holland loves so much but it gets interrupted by his extremely plot convenient spider senses I'll elaborate on that more later civilians all flee in Terror but College woman is conveniently trapped in her own car suddenly Sam Remy's Auto Octavius appears looking almost exactly the same as when we last saw him Doc Ock rants about his precious tritium machine thinking that this Peter is the same as the one from his world a fight begins and man I just can't help but the smile here this is nice however the movie makes an attempt to ruin my fun by getting the conveniently trapped College woman conveniently wrapped up in the danger they even show her finally getting out of her door only to be further trapped by a concrete barrier just in case anyone thought that they were trying to be subtle regardless this fight scene is enjoyable the film pays reverence to the classic Doc Ock reminding us just how formidable he used to be he even uses a similar fighting style as he did in his first appearance good job movie it really feels like Sam Remy's dock was plucked straight from one movie and dropped into another Peter struggles to fight Otto while protecting the college woman and is brought to his limits Otto restrains him and he is defeated thankfully Iron Man saves Peter from the grave with his nanobot technology it protects Peter from a fatal blow and somehow hacks into Otto's arms gaining full control over them silly music plays while Peter has fun with Otto's arms saving both himself and the college woman thank you Iron Man we would be helpless without Heroes like you College woman calls Peter a hero and vows to speak to the administration on his behalf but instead of just accepting it Peter says this not about him for some reason the implication is that he only wants to help his friends but they were already included anyway so he's just creating Problems by virtue signaling let's recap the college woman Peter personally knows someone that he can contact for getting in touch with her Peter somehow finds her on this busy highway danger suddenly appears she can't escape it Peter is given the perfect opportunity to flex his heroism before her eyes then the college woman emasculates Doc Ock to his face before living happily ever after her entire involvement in this story is so contrived that his conniption-inducing Peter tries to question Doc Ock before his Spidey senses go off again those senses would have been nice to have when that concrete pipe hit him earlier but oh well suddenly Sam raimi's Green Goblin appears but just before another fight begins Doctor Strange teleports Peter and Otto back to his quarters dock suddenly gets imprisoned alongside the lizard from the first Amazing Spider-Man film he is a lot less exciting to see than the other villains but thankfully this film understands that and essentially reduces his role to a glorified Cameo and then he enjoy man I had from that last scene is immediately squashed by the wildly irritating return of Doctor Strange Peter's Spider Sense his clock out and let him get scared by the doctor because a silly scream is more important than consistency strange continues to pass the blame of his failures onto Peter and then confirms that the Multiverse is real Multiverse is real side note strange looks pretty beat up in the scene as he states that he found fought and captured the lizard doesn't strange typically deal with world ending threats shouldn't the lizard be a cakewalk for someone like him fruit for Thought strange also states that the spell mishap from earlier has caused all people who know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man in the infinite Multiverse to get sucked into this current universe and this is what we call a reach not only is this plot Point silly but it's not entirely consistent because there should be a lot more people showing up if it's pulling them from every Universe in an infinite Multiverse there is no Multiverse we're just pulling characters from past films why aren't any Gwen Stacy's or MJS getting pulled into this world or James Franco's for that matter it seems to conveniently just be villains and to not from every universe but just two in particular in order for this film to be enjoyed there needs to be a few unspoken rules between the writers and the audience let's be honest we all just want to see Toby Andrew and Tom team up to beat their past villains because that sounds awesome so we're just going to overlook this this nonsense for the sake of fan service most people will generally be okay with the unspoken rules and that's why this film was so successful and while I can understand that and go along with it to a degree that does not protect this film from criticism and it should still be called out when it has flaws if we want Dr Strange the Multiverse and the MCU as a whole to be respected and narratively satisfying then more reverence needs to be paid to these radically world-changing rules Dr Strange as a character suffers greatly from this movie and will continue to suffer in future films the Multiverse will continue to spiral into silly illogical nonsense and it will drag the MCU down with it as fun as this movie is it is still a major contributor to that Downfall with that all said let's continue Peter reiterates the phrase every Universe just to remind us that the writers can lie and get away with it from every Universe they talk for a bit more and strange tasks Peter with finding these new crossover friends while he finds a way to get them sent back to their respected worlds with the risk of the fabric of reality tearing apart or Wong finding out being our Tech King clock Peter complains that more spiderwork might get him in trouble with MIT my friends and I just got a second chance to get into MIT and if the school sees me fighting these crazy monsters they watch your mouth and dude you were just told that the fabric of reality is at risk are you really this stupid strange builds Peter a bounty hunting web shooter and we transitioned to the next scene with Peter recruiting MJ and Ned for help the sanctum is still covered in snow for some reason strange keeps blaming Peter for his own failure and Ned foreshadows having wizard Powers strange tells them to quote Scooby-Doo this so get on your phones scour the internet and Scooby-Doo this MJ asks him to say please and I feel like I'm watching children in daycare however MJ thankfully also acts as a voice of reason and calls out Doctor Strange for his own stupidity you're telling us what to do even though it was your spell that got screwed up meaning that all this is kind of your mess it's not much but it's something thank you MJ the gang then gets set up for their mission MJ and Ned say that they are fine with the spell mishap but MJ wants Peter to tell them about his plans beforehand next time Doc Ock chimes in and asks Peter who his friends are why does he suddenly care don't know Peter answers him and then asks what doc Ox name is he answers with Dr Otto Octavius and the three kids laugh at him because they think he's joking there's a lot of silly in this world so I don't know why this name in particular stands out but whatever wait no seriously what's your actual name dude you call yourself Spider-Man calm down a quick Montage goes by until Ned tracks down the Green Goblin Doc Ock offers a brief summary of who Norman Osborne is but states that he died years ago this is actually a neat breakdown of one mad scientist from the perspective of another Peter then sets off on his mission in a fancy black and gold suit Sandman is creeping around when suddenly a wild Electro appears Peter wastes a great ball trying to catch him but collects some foliage instead there's a DubStep cameo [Music] and then the fight begins Electro zaps the phone that was duct taped to Peter's chest and it ends the zoom call with MJ and Ned not sure why we really needed that in the first place so whatever then Sandman steps in to give Peter an assist Peter tries to explain that he's different from the Spider-Man that Sandman knows but they agree to finish talking after the fight this is a fun scenario it makes me wonder what happened to Sandman after the events of Spider-Man 3 maybe after changing his ways he started using his powers for good becoming a hero in his own right and teaming up with Spider-Man again in later Adventures let's see how this plays out it's a short but interesting fight but once it's over Peter immediately takes his mask off my dude have you learned nothing I get that these guys already know their own Peters but you could at least try to keep some secrets in this film Sandman is always in his sand form and never reverts to his normal human State this is likely because Thomas Hayden Church was either too old or unavailable either way it's pretty distracting and odd if they can de-age the Terminator then surely your Disney money should have no problem here a lecture on the other hand gets a brand new human form and my goodness it is a glow up in lore they state that Crossing universes changed him a bit but we all know this is just damage control from the awful mess that was amazing Spider-Man 2. this is a welcome change for the better why don't they explain sandman's changes because he's less important Peter gives Electro some clothes and sends him off to prison after witnessing this Sandman gets weirdly aggressive and tries to fight Peter before getting imprisoned himself he maintains his aggressive antagonistic personality for the rest of the film that is a sad waste of potential there was a lot of room for him to explore and develop his character especially when bouncing him off the other great Personalities in this movie instead they did nothing only using him and the lizard as background noise why did they even bother to have him in this movie at all oh wait the jangling keys it's also kind of odd that the Bounty web didn't work on Electro's altered form but it does with sandmans are the bits that flew off still alive the villains then I'll share some stories some of the dialogue is very blunt Exposition but it's still fun seeing all our villains interacting kinda sad that Doc Ock didn't recognize the name Kurt Connors we then get a brief cut to Norman Osborne as he is trying to flee from the control of the Green Goblin he hides his glider destroys his mask and runs off we cut back to Peter when he learns that Aunt May has encountered one of the men that he is looking for Peter then runs through anime's workplace in his Spidey suit but completely masculus Peter if you don't want people to know that you're Spider-Man then maybe you should practice not exposing yourself at every given opportunity Spider-Man used to be good at the stealth thing I missed those days wouldn't it also be easier to face danger with your hands-free oh the mess just disintegrated between shots so it's fine once Peter rushes into the room he finds Norman Osborne sitting in front of him alongside Aunt May as it turns out Norman was seeking the help of Spider-Man Willem Dafoe gives a great performance as Norman Osborne describing how lost and helpless he is being trapped in this new universe while fighting off the Green Goblin's Temptation and may insist that Peter should help cure him but but Peter argues that the best way to help him is to send him back to his own Universe this scene does a good job of developing our characters setting up our themes and foreshadowing the future in the next scene we find J.J Jameson doing his thing when a reporter calls to report that he has eyes on Spider-Man's location May drops off Peter and Norman at the sanctum Peter's costume is seriously changes color here and Norman goes around to meet everyone this leads to an interesting conversation between the Remy villains where they discuss how Norman and Otto died and I have to say Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe are absolutely brilliant in their roles they truly feel like their comic book selves come to life and it's great that we get to see them on screen together like this they both died fighting Spider-Man was all over the news okay this is a nitpick but how did the details of normie's death end up on the news shouldn't Spider-Man be the only one who knows and sandman's body is still distracting another very important detail pops up doc Ox states that the moment he crossed over to this universe was just after he was battling Spider-Man and grabbed him by the throat we will come back to this the rest of the villains all discuss each other's deaths before Doctor Strange returns and imprisons Norman strange introduces the MacGuffin that will send everyone back home but Peter protests that they need to help these villains first otherwise they'll be sent to their deaths if they return hmm strange says Nah and quotes Ivan Drago if they die they die Doctor Strange's demeanor here is remarkably unheroic for seemingly no good reason why is it so much trouble to just tickle the idea of helping these guys if Doctor Strange would just cooperate and contribute they would probably resolve this issue in little to no time at all but more conflict equals better movie right doesn't matter how logical it is just as long as it's present he starts up the McGuffin and this incites Peter to start a battle but before we get into the action I just have one question shouldn't the villains obtaining the knowledge of their own deaths be enough to change their Fates fruit for thought anyway Peter steals the McGuffin and escapes and Doctor Strange pursues it appears to be a hopeless battle as we've all seen that doctor strange greatly outclasses Peter in terms of power Doctor Strange performs the fancy trailer attack but Peter's spider senses automatically protect the McGuffin by themselves it's maddening how inconsistent they are with this power it's a very creative defense mechanism that the writers completely ignore until they write themselves into a corner we can even vaguely see the classic spider sense lines around his head that's a fun Easter egg guess strange traps Peter in the mirror Dimension then Peter tries to talk things out okay let's let's tell you something strange insists that they cannot change the villain's fate why does he think this way because who knows there is also apparently a ticking clock as strange states that if they don't fix things soon enough then everyone in the infinite Multiverse who knows Peter Parker's Spider-Man will come to this reality eventually this might matter more to me if it would make sense why do only a couple people cross over early why is there a break period until the rest arrive how long will it take for the rest to arrive and why will it take that long it would really jack up Peter's plan if people would arrive at a consistent Pace wouldn't it oh am I just supposed to turn my brain off and have fun okay let's continue strange gets the McGuffin and is about to leave but Peter is able to defeat him with the power of math I'm not kidding hey strange math let's break that down really quick what does this mean well Peter webs up a bunch of rocks in a circle then the camera Cuts in very tight so we can't see what's happening then for some reason the Rocks spiral around doctor strange and webs randomly just appear on Dr Strange's body while he sits there and does nothing to stop it Peter then steals Doctor Strange's sling ring and escapes through a portal that was conveniently left open just long enough for him to jump through and to hand out a one-liner I have to try this scene is very dumb not only should Doctor Strange have won this fight easily but the film itself cheats so that Peter can win not only that but this fight shouldn't have happened in the first place because there's no reason why Doctor Strange can't just chill for a minute and hear Peter out they just needed an excuse to remove Doctor Strange from the film because this is supposed to be a Spider-Man movie if Doctor Strange would have just been calm and reasonable and just listened to Peter's plan he could have prevented a lot of problems that happened later on in the film Doctor Strange may have survived this fight but this movie thoroughly assassinated his character when has Peter ever used the power of math to win a fight before or after this situation the writers just boxed themselves into a corner and cheated to get out of it Peter then rubs it in by telling his friends that he totally beat Doctor Strange there are other ways of removing Doctor Strange from the film without degrading his character like this just have some interdimensional villain appear for strange to deal with for a while causing him to entrust the success of this current mission to Spider-Man alone a clever writer could even tie this new villain in with Multiverse of Madness since that film was right around the corner and it could serve as a moment of growth for Peter and Strange's relationship since strange would be forced to trust Peter despite their earlier drama and it would give Peter even more pressure to succeed as to not let strange down but no instead the writers make him look like a literal and metaphorical donut Peter then tells the villains that he thinks he can save them by fixing what happened to them so they don't die fighting Spider-Man while Norman chimes in to do a meme and there is a pause so that the audience can laugh what do you mean fixes look our technology is Advanced I can help you you know I'm something of a scientist myself and then we go back to the story the idea of Peter wanting to fix the villains in order to save them is an interesting but flawed premise it's actually pretty random most of these villains don't know how they die if they even do die at all but more so than that they don't know that getting fixed will save them it's just an arbitrary change that may or may not make a difference in Doc Ox case we the audience already know that this change will not work Doc Ock already fixes himself seconds after he chokes Peter in that last scene listen to me now to be fair the film acknowledges The uncertainty of this but why is this the plan that Peter sets out to accomplish is there no other way to more securely guarantee their safety if anything stripping their powers will just make them more defenseless and susceptible to Danger a simple fix is insufficient you would definitely want to get their minds right like in Doc Ox case but wouldn't you also want to help him bolster his power to help him survive what would normally be a self-sacrifice but it's also not all-encompassing because what works for Doc Ock will not work for the other villains take Sandman for example his mind is decent enough he's pretty much just a normal slightly angry man with sand Powers it's not even really clear if he dies at any point if he did it wouldn't be in a fight with Spider-Man since they made peace it's still unclear why Sandman is being difficult in this movie to begin with based on what he becomes in Spider-Man 3. it's actually safe to say that he doesn't really need any fixing he's better off as he is now obviously the characters in this movie don't have access to this information but most people don't have that anyway and what I mean when I say that is aside from Goblin and Doc Ock the fates of the others are as uncertain as any normal person it's odd to assume that they would all die just because two did so if you just focus your attention on just those two then why must Doctor Strange be so heartless as to Doom them to their Fates without hesitation Peter was able to cure docok in no time at all if strange would have just been chill and easy to work with he probably could have just given Norman some sort of mystical therapy spell and just sent those guys on their way within the hour but if people act rationally here we would have no movie something else to consider is that these three don't necessarily know that they're from the same universe they just assume that they are because they look similar to their alternate selves the fact that they're alive and talking to each other when two should be dead could be considered evidence that they're not actually from the same world point being that the characters in this movie jump to Wild conclusions when they are hopelessly lacking in their understanding of the situation so much so that it makes this cure plan seem completely arbitrary and pointless stop thinking so much turn your brain off and enjoy the movie fine whatever let's get back on track after some discussion the villains decide to go along with his plan the lizard argues against getting help for no substantial reason and Peter responds by saying I didn't know you could talk which I actually thought was pretty funny especially since it feels like all the lizard scenes were made in post-production the first phase of Peter's plan is to free all the villains from their prisons and sneak them into Happy's apartment gee what could go wrong here seriously those guys are verifiably untrustworthy and villainous Peter what the hell are you doing is it too much trouble to treat them one at a time or just conduct your work within the sanctum surely it'd be easier just to bring the fabricator there no bringing all these guys to the apartment is incred incredibly irresponsible and dangerous and Peter is directly to blame for anything that goes wrong because he should know better Electro even threatens his life just after agreeing to his plan like do you even need any more red flags than that Peter even just leaves the lizard in a truck outside completely unsupervised but this just serves as further evidence that the lizard was tacked onto the story last minute there's even a very obvious ADR line to remind us that he exists [Music] come on people is that your best ADR or not that's still a very dumb thing to do for all you know he could escape and go on a wild Rampage the second you leave his side inside the apartment Sandman gets sand all over the couch my dude stop being sand you don't have to be sand the tool Peter uses to conduct his cures for the villains is this fabricator which he describes as a device that can make pretty much anything the fact that he has this just lying around further nails down the idea that he is not Spider-Man instead he is Iron Boy Electro devises a plot to escape and stay in this universe because duh he is a super villain that's why you keep him locked up he devises his plot with Sandman which is odd because Sandman of all people should want to go home the most to be with his daughter he even says as much but then he says he doesn't trust anyone so I guess that's good enough to justify him escaping and severely hurting his chances of going home just turn your brain off right Mr straw man you realize that argument says a lot about you right Peter builds a cure for Dr octopus's tentacle Madness and he makes it look pretty easy not to beat a dead horse but this makes Dr Strange look even more foolish for being so difficult one stock is cured he offers to help the others and that is fun to see it is nice when characters act rationally for a change now I'm going to stop complaining for a while because this next scene is actually very good Peter's spider senses trigger seemingly out of nowhere and there seems to be no explanation as to why perhaps a lecture was up to no good maybe lizard or even JJ Jameson but no Peter webs up Norman Osborne or rather the Green Goblin this scene is extremely effective and builds up the Green Goblin to be the menacing threat that he rightfully should be just the mere presence of the goblin Persona alone is enough to send Peter into a full-scale panic Willem Dafoe also continues to perfectly nail his acting performance he makes Norman and Goblin feel like two entirely different people it's especially satisfying because it is subtle Green Goblin is not as flashy as some of Spider-Man's other villains but he is more of a threat because he knows how to get results as a lifelong fan of these characters it is incredibly satisfying to see both both him and the spotlights that they rightfully deserve especially with all the other recent MCU projects being absolute dumpster fires but I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here let's reel it back into the scene Green Goblin gives a chilling speech so that radicalizes the other villains into making their escape all except dakak it's unclear as to why Sandman would also go along with this which is disappointing the writers invested all of their time into perfecting Dock and Green Goblin and they just shafted Sandman hard he is a villain just because in this movie why not just scrap Sandman and introduce a completely new character from a universe we haven't seen that way less effort has to be put in to maintain consistency one other thing that could make this scene better would be if the writers are more consistent with how spider's senses work if the rules for spider senses were laid out clearly and consistently with them giving us clear examples of what does and does not trigger spider senses than having a moment like this where they get triggered seemingly out of nowhere could be a huge payoff but credit where credit is due this is still a good moment just a reminder an escape attempt was very predictable here and Peter is an idiot for bringing all these villains to have his apartment Electro shoots stock out of the window and he vanishes until the end of the film this is also a shame because he's so enjoyable to watch on screen where does he go don't know why does he leave don't know the plot just needs him gone so he doesn't interfere with the Spider-Man team up later four is a crowd I guess Electro and Sandman make their escape the lizard just blindly follows them because there was no time to write him his own motivation I'm sure he was close enough to hear the evil speech from outside also he apparently just sat in the back of that box truck doing nothing for hours like dude you could have just left at any time nobody would have noticed and to the writers next time just don't even bother touching these characters if this is how you're going to use them the lizard and Sandman are just distracting and only hurt your film without them you actually have a very impressive villain roster Peter and Green Goblin have an epic gritty fight scene made more impressive when you learn that Willem Dafoe does all his own stunts with his performance in this movie it's easy to see why so many people enjoy it the MCU is filled to the brim with forgettable trash villains it is so refreshing to see one that genuinely feels dangerous for a change this is a real villain worthy of being a part of the Marvel Brand and he doesn't need to be a world-ending universe crushing Powerhouse to pull it off he dominates Peter in this fight and is seemingly going to kill him until May intervenes with Goblin's supposed cure however it is a dud and has no effect as a result holy crap and may gets taken out and Green Goblin leaves as the Victor oh wait no May is fine she just gets up to tell some jokes then she hijacks the great power of great responsibility line so screw Uncle Ben I guess before this Scene It was generally assumed that the Uncle Ben's chick already happened off screen since they skipped past Spider-Man's origin story in the MCU but I guess he's just irrelevant now the MCU is a different Universe from the comics get over it no it is not a different Universe it is an adaptation they explicitly state that the MCU is the 616 Universe the same as the comics they set the terms and didn't deliver if that's not meant to be the case then we have a contradiction on our hands and the MCU has an identity crisis that is dividing the fan base either way the alternate universe excuse is just what people say to justify low effort adaptations that have little to no resemblance of the source to be a bit more optimistic it's at least better to have someone say the famous line than to not have it at all with great power comes great responsibility is a powerful phrase and serves as a great life lesson that defines Spider-Man's motivation suddenly plot twist may actually isn't fine at all she collapses to the ground and dies wow movie that was pretty ballsy I didn't think you added in you this scene was a little awkward though I don't know why they had her be fine and get up for a few seconds she could have just said her lines while lying down on her metaphorical deathbed there's also some distractingly cheap CGI here and there but regardless this death was a major shock that I'm sure most people didn't see coming it's a heartbreaking real moment that the MCU desperately needs more of nowadays no jokes no Shenanigans just genuine tragedy this whole sequence makes the film suddenly feel less like an iron boy movie and more like a Spider-Man movie May's death is perfectly followed up by Peter watching JJ Jameson spew slander and hatred towards it's classic JJ material but it hits a little harder this time because this disaster actually was all Spider-Man's fault since he freed all the villains from their cages I criticized this film because Spider-Man should definitely know better by now but at the same time it is still compelling to have him face his own horrific failure this way this is what separates no way home from the other phase four projects in which other heroes are constantly making stupid and immoral decisions but unlike Spider-Man here they all seemingly get away with it consequence free something else worth noting here is the tremendous amount of potential that was wasted by doing the great power great responsibility line in this way since this movie loves Nostalgia so much I'll compare this to the Ramey film to explain what I mean May says this line to Peter because he's conflicted since his attempts to help these villains have backfired and now he's thinking that strange was right for wanting to just send them away all along thus May tells him that since he has the power to save them then he also has the responsibility to if we look back at the Ramey film Peter has hardly even become Spider-Man at this point he is just an ignorant teen who was suddenly blessed with Incredible abilities he is short-sighted though and only consider considers how to use his powers to get ahead in life he beats up his bully and he tries to make money by wrestling to impress his Crush all the while trying to keep his actions secret from his aunt and uncle they notice his change in behavior and are aware of the bully incident so Ben tries to speak to him man-to-man in an attempt to relate to Peter and helps steer him on a better path up to this point in the film we know that man Ben are honest hard-working people who want the best repeater despite not having much to offer however Peter dismisses Ben's approach because he doesn't think that Ben truly understands what he's going through later Peter gets stiffed on his wrestling money so when the manager gets robbed Peter allows this to happen as a form of Revenge that same robber later ends up shooting Uncle Ben and steals his car Uncle Ben dies as a direct result of Peter's irresponsibility making Ben's final conversation with Peter carry far more weight because if Peter would have listened to Ben the first time then none of this would have happened this was a deep lesson that Peter had to learn the hard way and as a result this lesson shaped the foundation for how he behaves as Spider-Man for the rest of his life the way that story plays out makes this current one feel somewhat arbitrary by comparison Peter wasn't necessarily doing anything wrong or immoral by helping these villains he was just conducting his plans by making wildly dumb decisions it doesn't matter if he listens to me or not because he was still trying to be responsible here he just acted moronically had he and strange just acted more reasonably than everything Peter did would have been Justified it would have been more compelling if Peter were the one to want to send the villains back without helping them he would act this way because he's still scarred by the Damage Done to him by Mysterio and now he just wants to shove as much trouble out of his life as possible regardless of how irresponsible that might be doctor strange would then be the one to protest against him because he is supposed to be a wise figure however their debate frightens the villains since they obviously don't want to die and they lash out in desperation in the process they actually managed to free themselves a fight ensues but the main threats like Green Goblin dhak and Electro Escape you could also tie Doctor Strange down here where instead of fighting Peter he is occupied by the Lesser villains like Sandman and lizard or you could also task him with trying to prevent other villains from crossing over as well maybe there's a physical portal that he needs to constantly keep shut and that's why he's not present from most of the film that would also cover why no other villains are appearing except the ones that are already here that leaves Peter to catch and detain the other villains on his own and because Norman encountered anime earlier in the film he goes out to find her wanting to kill her as revenge for Peter trying to send him to his death Peter would catch on to his plan and their fight would play out in a similar way that it does in the actual film but this time May's death is tied much more closely to Peter's irresponsibility making the great power great responsibility line that much more meaningful though there still lies another problem in that this ant May was not really built up to be this moral foundation in Peter's life sure she would help him make tough decisions but no more than MJ or Ned wood she comes off as more the fun ant even when she knows that Peter is Spider-Man she's more so used in these films for jokes and Exposition than being a mentor this is likely because they weren't planning to give her this line until this most recent film and it feels like they only gave her the line because she was going to die soon not because Peter needed to hear it as a result may say in this line here is a lot less meaningful especially since Peter didn't really take it to heart anyway needing further mentoring from the other their Spider-Man the benefit of having a stretched out intertwining story like the MCU is that you can take advantage of long-term storytelling like this and construct massive setups and payoffs that reward people for sticking around and paying attention when you just write these stories on the fly with very little concern for connective tissue then your film's potential gets a massive deflation after that we cut to Ned and MJ who are concerned for Peter's safety Ned's desire to see Peter causes him to unintentionally spark a portal one that he's eventually able to open since he took Doctor Strange's stolen sling ring from Peter I thought this ability required extensive training but whatever Ned opens a portal that brings them Andrew Garfield Spider-Man since evidently he's also been brought to this world and has just been wandering around this whole time this brings up some interesting questions if Andrew and Toby Spider-Man were running around unaccounted for who else is here that we don't know about and why isn't Tom Spider-Man concerned about finding them Venom pops up in a post-credits scene shouldn't we want to find and cure him though to be honest euthanasia is this guy's Only Hope and what about the other Spider-Man themselves how do we know they don't also need curing sure they aren't villains but how do we know they won't also die when they return to their worlds fruit for thought now to avoid confusion I'll refer to the various incoming Spider-Man by different names we'll have Tom Andrew and Spider-Man oh come on it's just a joke Andrew spider runs through Ned's portal and immediately removes his mask with no hesitation because this movie is so flip-floppy on if it actually cares about secret identities they do some jokes together to get to know each other they then decide to keep using the portal until it lands on Tom Spider-Man but they only end up doing this one more time because it's really just a very on the nose way to introduce the other two Spider-Man into the film speaking of look who it is Toby Maguire and it is genuinely nice to see him back again in this role I wish I could say the same for Andrew but his movies were terrible at least they make good use of him in this film but disappointingly Toby also immediately exposes his identity come on man I expect that from the other two gibrones but you're better than that Toby explains that he's conveniently already up to speed on the situation and his senses are telling him to seek out Tom Spider-Man and yeah spider senses just work however the writers wanted to at any given moment they locate him and pretty much recreate an exact scene from into the spider-verse just with different spider people I got some understanding what it is please don't tell me that you know what I'm going through you wouldn't understand miles were probably the only ones who do understand man there are too many Spider-Man these days there's a little more depth to the this one though since we're more familiar with these live action ones well I got counters I've already cured him once so no big deal well it's no big deal great yeah that's great why is this scene so awkward what's he doing now that the three Spider-Man are together they team up to develop cures for the villains a lot of their dialogue is spent on making references and callbacks to the other films it's very much on the nose but it's still charming and fun though it's a little disappointing because we don't get any real decisive answers as to what the other Spider-Man were up to after their last films ended we only get these vague nothing Burger responses when they're asked about it that's a little complicated one might speculate that they held off on the answers to these questions to save them for some possible future sequels they set up some traps at the Statue of Liberty then wait for the villains to arrive in the meantime they fit in more references callbacks and even some more memes are you okay oh my back it's tough to criticize scenes like this because they're just pure fan service and not much more it all really depends on how much you enjoy that kind of thing but at the end of the day this is what most people showed up to see and they definitely deliver Andrew spider admits that he's the worst of the three which I appreciate and he needs validation from the others in which they call him amazing get it after that exchange Electro Sandman and the lizard appear making it a 3v3 Electro starfish mask makes some brief appearances which is always appreciated Sandman apparently wants the box so he can go home which begs the question why is he helping Electro who doesn't want to go home and who knows what the lizard wants well it's because we need a fight scene don't get me wrong fight scenes are great just put a bit more effort into justifying them please the Spider-Man fumble around each other and struggle to keep tabs on their cures not sure why they didn't just hold on to them instead of scattering them around with the reasoning being that they're not used to teamwork which is a bit odd since theoretically they can just all go on their own and fight one enemy each the Spider-Man need to huddle up to tell more jokes I mean uh to get a better game plan Tom spider takes charge since he's the only experienced team player makes sense and they decide to focus on cure in one Villain at a time the fight itself is enjoyable the CGI is not the best but it at least gets the job done the focus seems to more so be on the fun of the Spider-Man working together than the action itself Sandman gets defeated first and they use recycled footage from Spider-Man 3 to finally make him human again it looks a bit janky but it works the lizard notices MJ and Ned and chooses to go after them to either use or destroy the box it's not really clear what he wants to do but it is nice to see him actually do something instead of being this film's DLC Doc Ock appears and pretends to be evil for some reason but it's just a prank and he cures Electro lizard gets cured shortly after also having recycled footage to show his human form then Doctor Strange suddenly appears and apparently he's able to telekinetically pull the McGuffin box and sling ring to his hands that power would have been pretty useful earlier he is then flabbergasted to see that Peter's cure plan is working as if that were so unbelievable and Andrew spider apologizes to Electro for being white do with that information what you will Otto and Toby spider have a reunion of their own where he still gives non-answers as to what he's been up to lately how are you trying to do better Dr Strange and Tom spider then argue some more about using the MacGuffin box apparently Doctor Strange still relentlessly wants to use it despite the fact that the Green Goblin is the only one left to cure but at the same time if Goblin is all that's left why does Tom spider care anyway he makes it very clear that he wants Green Goblin dead so surely activating the box now is in his best interests this scene could have made for another interesting role reversal where strange goes along with the plan now that he sees its results but now Tom's spider is over it it would still be the same scene just with opposing motivations speaking of goblin he finally makes his appearance which is a questionable decision considering he's alone against three Spider-Man now along with doctors octopus and strange not sure what he's expecting to do against those odds earlier in the film Norman destroys his Green Goblin helmet to try and escape from that Persona from a Metapod point of view it seemed like they were doing a clever setup to give Green Goblin a more classic looking rubber mask since its absence was a major criticism of the 2001 Remy film however that was false speculation since Goblin shows up just wearing generic goggles instead so close yet so far away I wouldn't say this design is better or worse than Remy's it's just different one of the Goblins bombs destroys the McGuffin box and causes the Statue of Liberty to drop her Captain America shield wait what that forces MJ to fall off the scaffolding Tom spider is unable to save her but this gives Andrew spider a chance to redeem himself after his failure to save guen this was a nice moment and a clever use of his character after everything blows up Tom spider and Green Goblin have an intense final battle this fight scene is much better than the PlayStation 2 CGI Fest we had earlier it's mostly practical gritty and very emotional with no jokes to distract or get in the way there's nothing wrong with relying on CGI of course especially in superhero films where it's usually necessary but the MCU has been steadily declining in the special effects Department with recent films looking very cheap and cartoony this film is no exception I mentioned earlier that the CGI got the job done but with how much money they make on these films we should expect more than just good enough especially since they delivered much better results in the past that said this Goblin fight is refreshing and exciting I assume we have Willem Dafoe to thank for that I mentioned before that he did his own stunts but apparently that was one of his conditions to even be a part of this film it was certainly well worth it and Marvel needs much more of this going forward Tom spider Cuts loose wailing on Goblin and bringing him to his knees then he gives into his dark side and actually tries to kill Goblin with his own glider but Toby spider steps in last minute to stop him even then Tom still tries to force the glider down as hard as he can he was fully committed to killing the Green Goblin no questions asked this is yet another very powerful and ballsy Scene It shows how mature Toby Spider-Man is using all of his strength to save his first major villain who caused him so much trouble in the past and it also shows that Tom Spider-Man still has a lot to learn despite being with the Avengers and getting all these handouts he hasn't yet learned what it means to really be a hero and he's failed yet again this moment is powerful but this scene gets undercut by Toby getting unnecessarily stabbed by the Green Goblin Andrew spider continues to prove why he's number three by just standing there and watching that unfold and all three of them decided to turn off their spider senses in that moment Goblin gets one last little roast in before getting stabbed with his cure this last segment here felt unneeded the fight was already over Toby's stab had no real serious effect and it takes away from the moment we just saw before that it probably would have been better if Andrew Spider-Man just cured Green Goblin right away so we could just let that last moment breathe a bit more suddenly the Skies open up as the Multiverse ripples apart now that the McGuffin box was destroyed strange tries to hold it together and throws undeserved shade at Tom Spider-Man one last time they're here because of you this gives Tom Spider-Man the idea for a new spell to make everyone forget who Peter Parker was and everyone forgetting who he was will somehow restore the Multiverse uh just don't think about it I guess surely if a spell that obscure would work then there must also be be other options right who knows apparently not these Multiverse rules change in every movie anyway Tom's Peter Parker has a brief moment to say his goodbyes to MJ and Ned before they forget who he ever was although this scenario is very bizarre it is still somewhat compelling and tragic moment their relationships with him will essentially be dead and Peter will have to face even more brutal losses in his life though he promises to come back and find them again in The Future Doctor Strange performs the spell and all is made right in the Multiverse Peter then tracks down MJ and Ned to restore their relationships with him and for some reason he waits several months before doing this however after seeing that they're both happy living their lives without him he decides not to keep his promise to come back to them it's a sad harsh ending which is rare to find in the MCU these days Peter loses his aunt his best friend and his girlfriend along with his ties to The Avengers or anyone else in his life his identity is more secret than it ever has been this is all very compelling but it's so tragic that I find myself being skeptical it's very common for modern shows and movies to undo tragic moments from the past for the sake of fan service Captain America goes back to the 40s baby Yoda reunites with the Mandalorian 11 survives her self-sacrifice and so on I wouldn't be surprised if in the next Spider-Man film Peter walks back on his decision and rejoins MJ and Ed after all though it would be preferable that the writers stick to this current ending because heavy losses are interesting and navigating heavy losses makes for good stories if Peter returns to MJ Ned later on it would just cheapen the sad ending of this current film tragedy isn't tragic if it's temporary plus this would be a great opportunity to bring other classic Spider-Man characters into the fold Peter then visits Aunt May's grave and encounters happy Hogan there for seemingly one last time though I find this scene more confusing than sad Peter was directly tied to anime's death she died trying to protect him and he held her corpse with his maskless face in front of happy also happy only got to know may through meeting Peter so I ask how does happy think that he knows May and how does he think that she died I'm sure these are questions without answers though these rules are such a tangled mess that this film is is barely cohesive Peter then goes off to live on his own finding a small crumpy apartment before making a homemade very classic looking Spider-Man suit and heading out to do hero work while this ending is a very dreary sad one it's also actually pretty exciting Spider-Man's MCU run up to this point has been very questionable to say the least many Hefty Liberties have been taken with this story so much so that he came off more so as Iron Man's sidekick than the most popular superhero in the modern world however with this great memory reset he's almost gotten a soft reboot where he has a chance to reconnect with the roots of his character and if that's where this story is going then this barely functioning MCU still has a little hope left we then get a post-credits scene showing that Tom Hardy's venom has also been lurking around in this universe I guess Spider-Man and friends didn't care enough to find him and it makes you wonder how many other people were out there that really needed curing and saving but got left out because Spider-Man arbitrarily decided to stop looking for them after he found those random five for some reason however it's for the best yes that Tom Hardy's Venom got left out because this short little scene is just as horrifically cringy and embarrassing as his solo films thankfully he gets poofed away but unthankfully he leaves a little bit of his goo behind to Annoy Us at some future date later there's a trailer for Multiverse of Madness just a basic normal trailer I would guess that they didn't make any special scene to tie into this movie because it ironically has next to nothing to do with his current film despite them both being largely about the Multiverse this is the sorry state of the current MCU creatives and that's the end is this the worst movie ever made certainly not but it is also very far from a masterpiece most of the issues with this film can be focused in on Doctor Strange along with the rules of the Multiverse and the magic that goes with it it is utter nonsense the rules are so broken that you have no choice but to ignore them in order to enjoy the story if you want to ignore it that is perfectly fine you just have to understand that this is no small criticism as these rules directly affect the plot in many ways how the memory spells work how the side effects of a broken spell Works how the Multiverse works and how it decides who crosses over and when how the broken spells get fixed all these rules and other previously mentioned ones need to be considered and called out if we want to be objective with our criticism a better movie would reward you for critical thinking as for Doctor Strange himself he spends the whole movie acting like a swarmy idiotic douchebag with no redeemable qualities from start to finish he has no Arc and no reasonable explanation for his behavior his character has been thoroughly assassinated becoming far removed from the powerful cunning and selfless sorcerer that he was presented as in the past films he plays second fiddle to Wong he makes a reckless spell with Peter without explaining how it works then constantly and relentlessly blames Peter for it even though it was completely his own fault even if it was Peter's fault it's still immature and childish to hold a grudge the way he does he sentences strangers to die when he knows there's a reasonable chance to save them he allows Spider-Man to humiliate and defeat him while also needing Peter to come up with better solutions for their problems since he's too stubborn and dumb to think for himself Benedict Cumberbatch is also not giving its best performance here but I don't blame him considering the writers keep Force feeding him terrible dialogue Scooby-Doo this I understand that this is Spider-Man's film and we want to keep the focus on him but that doesn't give you the right to just use and abuse your side characters like this it's hard to enjoy good moments in this film when this guy keeps popping up to kill the mood it's a challenge to think of better ways to use him considering the messy state of magic in this film but a better route to go with strange would be to tie the initial spells glitches to villainous interference that is neither the fault of Spider-Man or Doctor Strange then Tai said villain into Multiverse of Madness which shouldn't be too difficult since both films largely deal with the Multiverse then you could also use said villain to remove strange from the movie as he would have to go off and fight in some other dimension going for this approach would allow strange to preserve his power and intelligence while also giving him room to behave more heroically it would also make the MCU more cohesive with itself since all these films are expected to take place in the same world the next major issue is the comedy constant over-the-top goofy humor has been an increasingly growing plague within the MCU and this film is definitely no exception it is overwhelming and exhaust especially when compiled with all the other movies it is also cheap and unnecessary the writers clearly have the chops to write a compelling story so it's sad when they resort to beating us over the head with shallow jokes instead when the film finally decides to embrace its more serious moments it feels like taking a breath of fresh air after struggling not to drown for the past hour now just to be clear I'm not suggesting that we remove humor entirely Spider-Man in particular is known for being a funny character so jokes very much do have a place in these stories but what's the point of giving your character comedic quality when your entire world is made up of clowns everyone has to quip and make fools of themselves at one point or another and with the constant rate at which these jokes are forced out the guaranteed result is quantity over quality something else that's an abundance in this movie is Nostalgia typically nostalgia in movies is used as a cheap bait to get easy praise because people associate the current product with the thing that they liked back in the day though to this film's credit they actually use their Nostalgia debate in a reverent and effective manner rarely feeling cheap for most of the film this should be considered high praise since it's so rare for this to happen the the old characters are treated with respect proving to the new characters why they're special while reminding the audience why we fell in love with them in the first place they're even allowed to evolve and grow in some ways instead of the more traditional Trope we get nowadays where old characters are placed beneath the new characters in a lame attempt to make the new characters look even better however with that in mind there is still some cause for concern this movie relies very heavily on its Nostalgia for Success even at the expense of its World building and storytelling it's as if there were an invisible handshake between the writers and the audience that says we want to see all these characters together so we don't care how it's Justified just get them there it's a bit divisive but for most people it works though the concern Rises for this film's longevity will future Generations still appreciate this film if they haven't grown up with the past works that fuel The Nostalgia will this movie be considered a classic once all the initial hype dies down who's to say for sure but time will tell another concern Rises for future storylines this film tells us that ozcorp doesn't exist within the MCU that severely limits the storytelling potential of this character going forwards if Peter encounters Gwen Stacy in his Universe their relationship won't be natural because he knows that his alternate self already dated her and he knows that she dies there's a good chance that a lot of Peter's frame of reference for upcoming events will largely be based on things that other Spider-Man did I wonder if it would have been better if Molina and a foe were just recast as new versions of their same characters just within the MCU this time and the whole Multiverse plot line just got scrapped I get that people want to see all the Spider-Man team up but is that worth the damage that it'll deal to the story's World building I'm predicting that the problems that this film creates will have messy long-term consequences in terms of Storytelling the point of Spider-Man's story is to tell us that being Spider-Man sucks his school home and social life suffer because he is always getting caught up in fighting crime he struggles to have a serious relationship with anyone because his life is too dangerous to let anyone get close he has friends and mentors in his superhero and personal worlds but he can never truly open up and get help from them without exposing his identity his secret identity is supposed to be very very important because when it got leaked Gwen Stacy died that's nothing to snark at either she was his lowest Lane she appeared in Spider-Man comics for nearly a decade before getting killed off and unlike most comic book deaths she stayed gone Peter had to just cope with that major loss and move on so his mask is in some obscure fashion statement or punchline it's supposed to matter he faces wave after wave of seemingly endless super villains day in and day out risk in his life every time for the sake of peace and safety for those around him and what thanks does he get for all this trouble everyone hates him for it because the media accuses him of being just as vile as the Cycles he takes down he suffers constant pain he doesn't get any pay or reward and anyone close to him becomes distant being Spider-Man is an incredibly thankless job so why does he do it why does he go on fighting if it's so terrible because of the powerful lesson that Uncle Ben taught him before he died that lesson was instilled in him in such a powerful way that it serves as the foundation for his moral compass he continues this thankless job because his great power makes it his responsibility had he never received such a lesson he would have likely become the person that everyone thinks he is so that's why fans get so upset when they see him get all these free toys and when we see him act so flippantly with his identity and when he overreacts to a problem that really isn't a big deal this isn't Spider-Man to suggests such a thing as tantamount to line but with that said this film seems to put a lot of work into acknowledging and addressing those criticisms throughout this film Spider-Man faces constant failure time and time again his easy path as a hero has made him naive albeit a little too naive and that has caused him to make several grave mistakes as a result he's lost pretty much everything he once loved and more he's being put on a new much harder path that will likely result in a much more compelling Story one that will feel much more familiar to who he's really supposed to be though the full results of this journey will depend on the success of future films so here's hoping that those are good either way Spider-Man's story in this film ends on a very tragic and compelling note which is ironically very appreciated his character was in a rough position for a while but now it seems like he might be in a good place moving forward and while we're on the subject of characters in good places Dr Octopus and Green Goblin Standing Ovation for these two they nail their performance is being just as good if not better than they were the first time around Alfred Molina's feels like he jumped straight out of the pages with his performance my only complaint here is that we don't see more of him after his opening battle he gets restrained then when he gets his cure he vanishes only to have a minimal impact on the finale it wouldn't be so bad if the film cut loose on some of its other villains so he could have more time it's pretty clear that Sandman and especially lizard were afterthoughts anyway very little time was spent developing these two with a much heavier Focus being put on the other three this film is made worse for it as they are distracting The Unfinished characters who feel more like dead weight or background noise than actual parts of the story Electro was given much better treatment he was absolutely terrible and Amazing Spider-Man 2 so it's impressive that this film was able to salvage his wreckage and transform him into a much more interesting and threatening foe one that resembles his comic self much more closely but across this larger roster the award for best villain without a doubt has to go to the Green Goblin this movie does a masterful job at reminding us exactly why he is the premier your Spider-Man villain Willem Dafoe acts his heart out in this role going from the helpless sympathetic Norman Osborne to being the scary ruthless dominating Green Goblin not only does he come off as pure evil but he shows it in his actions as well getting a lot of results in the short time that he's around if I had to find complaints I would say the lack of mask is disappointing and the climax is a little underwhelming since he showed up alone and had very little chance of winning though with how much good he offers I'd say those Faults Are forgivable and there you have it a full dissection of Spider-Man no way home it's certainly understandable why many people praise this film but the faults are too great to go unnoticed there is a lot that should have been done to improve this film and while I'd rather not rain on this parade My Hope Is that we continue to maintain a high standard for the entertainment that we consume the people who make these films earn a lot of money doing so so we should expect no less than Perfection from them especially considering how wildly successful its source material has been there's the bar and the MCU is more than capable of reaching it in fact it already has in the past so there's no no good reason why it can't now I hope you enjoyed this video and thanks for watching even if you didn't enjoy I hope you at least learned something today this video was a massive undertaking since there is so much to discuss so I apologize for being so slow with my uploads lately but I hope it was worth the wait now that it's done why don't we cover an even longer film that's far more problematic and far more overrated we're in the obviously that'll take some time to put together but I'll still scatter some smaller videos between then and now that will still be worthwhile that's all for now go out and touch grass and keep those standards High foreign [Music]
Channel: Braeden Alberti
Views: 204,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no way home scene, spider-man, overrated, no way home clip, spiderverse, no way home, spider-man no way home, spiderman, behind the scenes, video essay, sony pictures entertainment, far from home, peter parker, the amazing spiderman, spider-man no way home - special features preview, willem defoe, doctor strange, marvel studios, zendaya, tobey maguire, home, andrew, marvel, trailer, holland, electro, melotime, tom holland, film criticism, way, tom, movie, green, tobey, goblin, maguire, garfield
Id: 6JNmwB9UtJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 2sec (3722 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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