Avengers: Infinity War: An Unbridled Praise

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what you thought I hated everything [ __ ] now infinity war opens right after the events of Ragnarok the Asgardians were funneled onto a transport ship and now that same ship has been torn in half and set alight with fan s's warcraft looming over it Heimdall is injured with corpses littered about him Thanos's black order of swept through half of the ship leaving very few alive he then gets to share his perspective he talks about attempting to stop destiny in its arrival in this case referring to himself Loki is asked to provide the tesseract or he will witness the death of Thor but of course Loki doesn't care about Thor he even encourages his death until he starts to hear his brother's screams and Loki breaks begging Thanos to stop Thor admits that the Asgardians don't have the tesseract regardless it was lost when Asgard was destroyed though Loki could not refuse the opportunity for power the temptation of being something more stems back to the earliest moments in his past to prove the father than I and the worthy son you can't kill an entire race and now it gets Thanos exactly what he wants despite the dire situation Loki is optimistic and Thanos tries to comment on how misplaced that is only to hear Loki's reasoning echoing stock from so long ago the hulk then bursts onto the scene and begins to assault Thanos landing several hits and getting him into a corner only for Thanos to turn the fight with just a selection of well-placed counters he knocks the Hulk to the ground beaten bloodied and unconscious a position graver than we've ever seen the Incredible Hulk Thanos is extremely powerful he's extremely dangerous Heimdall then grips his sword and channels dark magic in a last-ditch effort to save banner with the Bifrost and send him back to earth as a result Thanos then executes him much to Thor's dismay Fanus then adds the space stone to his gauntlet alongside the power stone that he acquired from Xander and his Black Order is sent to find the two stones on earth while he finds the two that remain on other planets as of this information Loki offers his services to act as a guide through earth but Thanos claims his experience is failure in response Loki attempts to share his achievements claiming his rightful kingship of Jotunheim his position as Prince of Asgard the god of mischief and his title as Odin's son with a look to his brother remembering who he is Loki lunges at Thanos but the gauntlet prevents him from landing the strike as a result Loki as the life choked out of him by Thanos the camera slowly pans to a broken Thor lying atop Loki's corpse the two had their differences but in the latest iteration they actually managed to find some peace but now he's gone Thor has now lost every family member half of what remained of his people and his best friend only to be abandoned on his ship as it's blown to hell Thanos just beat the Incredible Hulk in one-on-one combat he strangled the main villain of the Avengers he has a gauntlet with the might of space and power and he decimated the Asgardian people the game has changed we then see the Hulk has been transported directly to cama tosh much to the surprise of wong and dr. strange who are now a part of a bigger world i'm doll likely sent banner here because he is of Earth and Kamaraj is a refuge a place with enough power to disrupt even a god I have been falling Bruce then warns the doctor that Thanos is coming we then see Tony telling pepper that he had a dream where they had a kid together and his life with her was moving forward but he woke up to realize that it was all taken away they've planned a date for their marriage but peppers worried about Tony's decision to keep a new unit so close to the chest Tony says it's simply protection not like before the consistent struggle between pepper and Tony is his attachment to being a hero many times he doesn't have to be the one that protects the world it can even be a detriment yet he will always feel that he has to be and he will often choose that over his life with her so Tony says no more surprises and that should be a promise but before he can make it they're interrupted by a portal with dr. strange exiting he wants Tony's help in saving the universe before Tony can make sense of the situation he is reunited with Bruce Banner an old friend that Tony's been without since the events of age of Ultron Wong then explains that when the universe was created 6 elemental stones that each controlled an essential aspect of existence were created with Thanos looking to combine them all Banner explains that Thanos is behind the attack on New York and he is coming here himself only for Tony to say this is it this is the end game for the Avengers this will be their greatest challenge this is what drives them to Tony's nightmare in age of Ultron knowing what is to come for his people after the road he's led them down Tony suggests destroying the time stone and strange says that they have not only taken an oath to defend the stone with their lives but that it might be an effective weapon against Thanos which leads them to butt heads quite significantly [Music] dony stark and Stephen strange are both very much egocentric characters sure of their own perspective and happy is the top protector of Earth so watching them clash is exactly as satisfying as you would imagine they decide to try and find vision as he is the mind stone and Tony says that Steve Rogers might be able to help Bruce is almost confused at the idea that they can't simply contact Steve and Tony shares with him that they've been through a breakup a lot has happened since banner has been gone they fell out hard and it's tough to open a dialogue but as if to reaffirm the idea that logic is forgotten when it to the heart banner reminds Tony that Thor is gone and who Tony is or isn't talking to doesn't matter when the universe is at stake but before Tony can complete a call to Steve with the phone he gave him two years ago something arrives just outside Wang dr. strange banner and Tony make their way through a panicking City and see the arrival of two members of the Black Order meanwhile Peter Parker notices the descending ship and suits up for the coming fight and we get two fantastic lines one way Peter asked Ned to cause a distraction so he can get into the fight and immediately Ned simply does this that's just fantastic on top of that the two members of the Black Order arrived with the telekinetic making an announcement that earth should rejoice only for Tony to cut him off and dr. strange to add a threat that's just fantastic Bruce then attempts to bring up the Hulk but he can't no matter how hard he tries and Tony says something else [Music] that's just a fantastic comedic line on its own but it's another insight into how much Tony wants to perform in front of these new powerful beings to show that there is a reason that he and his team were the protectors of Earth before strange even began fighting that combined with the idea that he actually doesn't take these enemies that seriously he's convinced that he can just knock them out but the final layer being that it's a tongue-in-cheek reference to the matter of how ridiculous it is that they are grounded comic-book heroes in this realistic will despite their nonsensical abilities and circumstances Rousseau's clearly showing that they are once again fantastic at understanding these characters while injecting some hard-hitting comedy Iron Man then suits up with nanotechnology allowing him to regenerate his suit over time if it's lost and spawn weaponry at hand this gives him a great advantage compared to his past suits he even blasts away whereas essentially the equivalent of evil Hulk with relative ease Doctor Strange realizing the Hulk isn't going to arrive then portals banner out of the fight soon after Ironman Wong and Doctor Strange all engaged the two members of the Black Order Ironman is squared away with evil Hulk while strange fights Squidward by the man then prevents Iron Man from getting smashed into the ground and begins fighting alongside him as a form of update on what's happening Iron Man sums up the situation for Peter as this brilliant Doctor Strange then attempts to use the time stone to win the battle against Squidward but his hands are bound before he can finish the spell yet he is very confident because of the dead man's lock he's got placed on the eye of agamotto this means it'll be locked to anyone attempting to open it especially if they kill Strange he was likely casting that when they began this fight and so Squidward ops to make strange unconscious instead and captures him while spider-man tries to prevent it Ironman then makes his way to the space donut with spider-man has already tried to keep up with Doctor Strange and he's losing his ability to breathe as spider-man falls he's picked up by Iron Man's own upgraded iron spider design we saw back in homecoming then he is promptly sent home Tony doesn't want Peter in danger arriving on the ship and calming down the situation Tony gets a call from Pepper telling him to come back telling him he shouldn't be on the ship Tony apologizes but he has the knowledge the power and the will to act he doesn't have a choice banner then decides to put a call in to Steve with the same phone II saw earlier an rubberband man begins to play leading the scene transition to the entry into the Avengers for the guardians of the galaxy they're getting along as any dysfunctional family can do responding to a distress signal and sharing banter in between quill even comments on potentially stealing the distress ship after Drax suggests it and that motivates rocket for the mission but quill immediately back tracks on that line the moment Gamora acknowledges it showing a great back and forth between all of them including a now teenage group playing defender on a portable console it is unbelievable that the writers have a strong understanding of so many different characters from so many established stories of their own with their own styles taking advantage of every last piece of dialogue it shouldn't be possible yet here we are Peter quill tells them to put on their mean faces as they arrive at the aftermath of the Asgardian massacre the distress signal originated from here soon after Thor slams right into this ship Drax can't help but refer to Thor as what seems to be an angel having made a baby with a pirate and I can't help but appreciate how god damn good the dialogue is join us mightiest heroes not today so are you making your voice deeper mantas then peers into Thor's mind saying he is feeling grief sorrow anxiety anger and guilt once Thor has been provided a blanket and some food he then lets the guardians know what has happened Gamora then provides an explanation Thanos wipes out half the population of any collection of humanity he finds to maintain a balance that can sustain the resources for far longer something he did to Drax his people and many others he now hopes to do it on a universal scale Thor's then convinced that there's only one place he can go to craft a weapon powerful enough to kill the mad Titan therefore he will need the help of the Guardians to go to new devaglia and craft a weapon in the same foundry that Mjolnir was created the Guardians decide to split up Thor takes what he refers to as rabbit and tree while the rest go to nowhere in order to cut off Thanos from collecting another stone we then cut to Scotland and we can see that Scarlet Witch is trying to test living a life with vision after much of what they've both been through it's time for peace to explore what they feel try to make something normal out of the chaos they both sprang from over the two years it would seem that they have grown quite close visions mine stone is causing him great discomfort and he says it's as if he can communicate with it he asks Wanda to interact with the stone and she says all she can feel is him we then see they're making their way to the train station as Wanda wants to leave they have both made promises to other people vision then struggles to say that he once wanted to stay and that they work their relationship works only to be interrupted by a report that Tony Stark is missing and an alien ship invaded New York this prompts vision to leave but both he and Wanda are taken off-guard by the two remaining members of the Black Order one looks like a goblin from Lord the Rings maybe the other looks like an enemy from a ps2 well ps3 ps4 game vision is impaled by the alien sphere and is now unable to phase but Wanda rescues him from the removal of his stone he spends much of the fight protecting him from the adversaries despite his protests and goes to show just how powerful she's become especially when motivated by love vision asks her to leave but she remains resolute in taking on both members of the Black Order though she doesn't have to be alone as the other Avengers enter the scene cap Falcon and Black Widow all assault the two until they flee to their doughnut and we get to see a thankful vision saved by Steve despite the last encounter they had this is once again developing that now is the time for a united front the smaller issues have to be put aside the next scene shows us what it's like to be in a massacre ordered by Thanos in this flashback we see gamora's homeworld being assaulted by an army of Chitauri slaughtering the fleeing civilians tearing apart a planet while the black order act as soldiers and spokesman for the will of Thanos a young Gamora shows ferocity while being pushed to a large group of soon to be executed civilians and Thanos picks her out offering to help her he shows of what looks like a toy and yet conceals a knife perhaps an allegory for how fast she lost her childhood to become an assassin under Thanos Thanos tells her that balance is important if there is too much on one side then it fails at the same time gamora's people are executed in the background making a very clear point about how he views his actions Thanos turns her head and so begins their father-daughter relationship this is treated as a memory Gamora is concerned about and she warns quill that they will meet Thanos eventually no matter what and if she's captured by him Peter needs to kill her to stop Thanos from getting information he needs at first Peter doesn't take her seriously but then she begins to shed a tear and asks that he swear on his mother an extremely important detail and so Peter agrees will Drax mantis and Gamora then make it to nowhere in quill commands them all to perform certain moves but is ignored with a neat detail of mantis actually walking along like a praying mantis they overhear Thanos attempting to get the reality stone from the collector and Drax begins to slip into a rage seeing the man responsible for so much death on his home planet and he prepares to attack him just like he did with Ronan Peter explains that they don't see the stone and if they get it first they can stop Thanos and despite that being true Drax cannot contain his heart and ignores quill something that might be very relevant later mantis puts Drax to sleep and the third of his body alerts Thanos to their arrival Gamora then takes point and out maneuvers Thanos until giving him a strike to the neck with a sword and a strike to the heart with a knife from the flashback as Thanos falls to the ground he simply asks why why would his daughter do this and Gamora can only lose herself in pain watching what she knows is a creature she may have actually loved in some way bleed out calling for her Thanos then reveals that he was using the reality stone to manipulate the very world around them revealing that nowhere has been set aflame and that he's not in fact dead Thanos was waiting for Gamora to arrive as he wanted what information she has alongside the fact that he wanted an answer for whether or not she actually cared about him as he does her but that moment Drax charges Thanos only to have the reality manipulated once again and he's turned to rubble alongside mantis being turned to ribbons leaving quill to standoff with a nose and his captured Gamora quill is torn at the prospect of killing the woman he's come to love but she reaffirms that he promised quill is reduced to a threadbare realization that he has to kill her and so he pulls the trigger Thanos reduces Peters blast to bubbles with the reality stone at the moment he pulls the trigger and let school know that he actually really likes him this entire time Fanus was simply curious if he would come through to do what was needed it was a test with that fairness this captive through a portal and the Guardians recover from the reality shift we then see rody discussing the aftermath of civil war with Ross stating that the criminals he once captured are only labeled that way because of Ross placing that label on them road even cites the events of civil war being the reason for visions disappearance his conflict Ross counters with the fact that Rhodes is one of the many who signed the Accords and Rhodes makes it clear that he has paid his dues for that after the accident I doubt he feels like defending the Accords all that much but he has gotten some use of his legs back with the same style of tech we saw in Civil War Ross then says the world is on fire but that doesn't change what happened in Civil War these people are still criminals and they are still under arrest Rhodes then cuts the call with Ross and has chosen to fight outside of the law with cap to defend the world this completes a significant arc for a small character Rose used to force the law on heroes under the jurisdiction of the government a government he believed in now that willed is at stake and the government still wants to imprison the world's heroes when they are trying to save it because they won't work for them Rhodes has now lost his faith and will fight with the heroes instead Bruce Banner then slowly enters the room and it falls silent except for him and NAT saying each other's names the last they saw each other that wasn't easy and I'm sure she holds some form of a grudge as does he falcon then cuts through the tension with a comment on just how awkward it all is but there isn't time to discuss it the team talked about the current situation they talk about ant-man and Hawkeye having to take care of their families after the accords so they struck deals with the government with this information banner has to ask a rather simple question banner wasn't here for either of their introductions so it's a logical statement form to make and it's funny cuz it's true banner then explains that Thanos commands destructive armies and you will assault earth until he gets the stone from vision black widow demands that they protect it but vision counters and says they must destroy it he suggests that scarlet witch's power being that of the stone can overload it if she simply focuses enough breaking it down and thus preventing Thanos from using it Wanda says that vision would die without the stone and they're not going to have that conversation whether or not he's requesting that she be the one to kill him Steve then says that they will not exchange lives ever which is very much in line with his idea of valuing the individual far before anything else but as vision points out caps sacrificed himself to save everyone within a radius and vision suggest he'd die for the universe before cap can answer him banner suggests removing the stone from vision to then destroy it there is one place that is a secret to secretary Ross a place with the technology to pull this off and a place where they would have the knowledge to do it what Conda the film then takes us there and we see that Winter Soldier has entered the game with a brand new vibranium arm to boot back at the donut we see that dr. strange has been tortured by squidward demanding the stone to be released in preparation for the arrival at Titan Iron Man then spots dr. strange Escape is still here hoping to save him and on top of that drops in spider-man much to Tony's dismay they exchanged words on top of each other again and again was spider-man actually blaming Tony for making the suit so good that it allowed spider-man to be here which he immediately takes back and says plainly there is no way that he can defend his home if there is no home to defend finalizing his decision but Tony makes it very clear he didn't want him here because it is likely a one-way ticket Peter then concocts a plan in reference to the film aliens when Ripley blows the xenomorph Queen out of the airlock we see Iron Man blow Squidward out into space just as well with spider-man rescuing strange and the whole sealed the mission is complete and mere seconds later we find that Doctor Strange is not thankful for being saved and neither is Tony forthcoming about being right about his lack of definitive protection of the stone above all else the two characters clash heavily almost coming to blows because of how utterly narcissistic both of them are they are the smartest guy in the room and they both have the power to act on it strange wants to return home at the very least getting the stone as far away from Thanos as possible while Stark wants to take the fight to Thanos considering the destruction it brings to fight him on their own turf and they won't be expected they both exchange their perspectives about the other failing to understand the situation and it ends with strange making it very clear that he will absolutely allow Peter and Tony to die before allowing the stone to fall to Thanos Tony then provides Peter with an arbitrary knighting telling him he is now an Avenger despite it being so comical in nature with Tony finding it to be a chore Tom Hollands sells Peters appreciation for joining the team you can tell it's a dream come true for spider-man back on his ship Thanos has broken more of food sharing that he knows she hates the room the thrown and her life with him yet he wanted her to secede him he wanted her to feel like family he saved her from death to become something important the fiercest woman in the galaxy Gamora she is that her people were happy before he arrived as a counter Thanos tells her about her planet now compared to back then it was filled with starvation and misery but now it is reborn with happiness and the planet is thriving the deaths of half the population was a worthy price to pay for salvation resources of finite in the universe and thus reducing life before it completely spills over is the only way to create a lasting paradise for the living to which she is cut off by Gamora speaking for the audience by saying that Thanos cannot know that that is the definitive solution to the universal planet-wide misery and that ultimately he is insane he looks genuinely frustrated with her as if he knows why she feels like that but he can't explain the logic well enough so Fennell shrugs it off and says not only he's he the only one who knows that it's true he also is the only one who has the power and will to act on it sothe anis gets to his point and asks Gamora for the soul stone she initially refuses to provide Thanos any information lying about her lack of knowledge but once she hears the desperate screams of pain from her sister at the hand of Thanos she caves in and tells him what planet the soul stone is on and Thanos demands that she show him it doesn't matter what's at stake when your family is threatened you'll do everything to protect them and that's who these people are because I wanted to you were the one who wanted to win and I just wanted a sister we then cut to Thor explaining the plan to the rabbit but he'll go to the birthplace of Mjolnir and create a new weapon with the Forge powered by a neutron star but he goes quiet once the hammer is mentioned likely bringing up a past that Thor has yet to really deal with so rocket wrestles with the idea of talking him through it after establishing that every member of Thor's family has now been killed alongside his friends and home he begins to break but resolves to declare that he is strongly motivated to find vengeance he is certain that fate will deliver Thanos his death to him and he is asked what he will do if he's wrong I can't get over how much Thor's become a genuinely human character after one rather large retcon the writing done to make him not only grounded but strong and sympathetic echoes right on through this film with Chris Hemsworth doing a fantastic job bringing it to life the scene then moves on to the rabbit explaining an eye he stole after winning a bet which leads him to providing Thor with a replacement as much as it's a great moment to show that rocket is bonding with Thor it's more of a strong call back to the kleptomania that rocket engages in as well as this fascination with body parts [Music] athough thanks the sweet rabbit and they make their way to the foundry only to meet Tyrion who apparently works there 300 dwarves were wiped out by Thanos after Tyrion had created his gauntlet under threat Tyrion was spared for his creation but his hands were sealed shut though with help from Thor rabbit and tree he is certain they can create a weapon that will stop the nose we see that Iron Man Doctor Strange and spider-man have arrived at Titan meanwhile nebula has escaped and begins to head to Titan as well after being repaired by a Chitauri iron man then thanks strange for helping landing the craft and spider-man warns that there's something coming quill Drax and mantis then begin an assault in the characters clash and what is extremely satisfying combat countering strong heroes with weaker ones because of reasonable technology they then end up in a standoff and quill threatens to kill Peter at the thought alone Tony then threatens to blow off Drax his head if he even tries once they're able to calm down quill demands to know where is Gamora confused Iron Man says he can do one better who is Gamora and then and the entire cinema myself included lost the collective [ __ ] of that line Drax never [ __ ] changed me they eventually work out the confusion lay down their arms and begin to plan their attack on Thanos this scene has a massive amount of conflict between two very much alpha characters trying to figure out how they can communicate rather than what their plan is as Plan ears I think it's good except it sucks so let me do the plan and that way it might be really good Wow these references to classic films that both Peters would share for different reasons Tony getting utterly frustrated by the fact that some of them don't even know the definition of words he is using and all of it is shunted by dr. strange revealing that he's been peering into the future and there is only one outcome of over 14 million that results in their victory we then see that US has made it to the planet that houses the undiscovered stone which simultaneously acts as the home of Red Skull a man consumed by the search for power is now cursed to guide others to a power he can no longer possess Red Skull explains that the soul stone is not to be passed around like the others there is a certain requirement to it you must understand the gravity of the situation and sacrifice something dear in exchange for it a soul for a soul in order to understand just what you're trying to achieve this amuses Gamora because she knows that that us loves nothing his killing torture and conquest is halted by the universe itself Thanos cannot win she then realizes that he is shedding a tear because there is something in the world that he loves fairness has already realized that to achieve his goal he has to kill Gamora his daughter he finally had it back by his side but even now the thing that he values so much can't get in the way of his new goal Thanos remarks that he ignored his destiny once but never again Gamora even tries to kill herself but his reality stone won't allow it Gamora is then thrown from the precipice and in exchange for her death Thanos receives the soul stone we then see cap in his side of the Avengers have made it to Wakanda Bucky joins them and they get vision to Q she says that it is possible to remove vision stone but it'll take time then immediately following that Thanos his army begin to invade Thor and rabbit then start up the foundry in order to melt the materials required for the weapon but the main door allowing the light through needs to be held open by someone Thor decides to do it himself taking the full brunt of the star he manages to barely survive and once the hammer has been given its handle the magical weapon Stormbreaker is created we then see fan s's army launched upon Wakanda and everyone begins to shape a banner operating Veronica and blasting with both arms Falcon sweeping the battlefield alongside Rhodey cap Black Panther Michonne and natural preparing for the assault with an army of wakandans using the spears to fire bolts of energy almost as if the Russo brothers watched my Black Panther rage and retcon the spears into rifles because that makes sense whose primitive now Michonne the grunt start to circle the dome and out of worry for them being able to break in behind Black Panther opens the gate at the front so they have a way in and begin to flood instead of going around the sides the armies engage and we see a full charge led by both the American and wakandans super soldiers as they progress the swarm begins to overrun them all and writers hope seems lost Thor enters the battlefield and smashes down a huge blow of lightning with his hammer bringing him both rabbit and tree to turn the tide of the war we then cut back to tighten and Thanos has arrived he discusses the history of the planet with Doctor Strange remarking upon how this was his homeworld it was once beautiful but like all planets had had too many mouths to feed losing its resources to a detrimental level Thanos offered a solution a culling of 50% of the population at random dispassionate fair no difference between the rich and poor alike he was labeled a madman yet what he predicted came to pass dr. strange assesses that perspective as the desire to commit genocide with a wanton need for ending trillions of people's lives but Thanos counters with the simple fact that once he has the six stones he can end those lives in an instant with a snap of his fingers that would be mercy after that he can look out onto a sunset rest and appreciate that he was the only one that could have done this and he did it well the hardest choices require the hardest wills to which Doctor Strange engages a battle we see Iron Man drop a massive ton of rock on top of Fanus while launching a constant barrage Spider Man firing web with a collection of kicks and punches tracks getting slashes on Thanos his legs and quill firing shots throughout the fight with Doctor Strange supporting them all with shields portals and platforms before Thanos can make a full sense of the situation nebula bursts onto the scene ramming him into the ground with an escape pod immediately demanding to know where Gamora is and he is caught off guard each of the team begin to subdue him in their own way Peter stunning him spider-man webbing him Drax holding his legs down mantis attempting to make him sleep Doctor Strange bringing everything he's got around and on top of him and Thanos is neutralized but resisting the entanglement quill then takes the opportunity to get close and demand Gamora - which Thanos immediately responds my Gamora quill angered by the thought of her imprisonment again asks where she is gone a nebula quickly figures it out Thanos went to retrieve the stone with her and she didn't return before quill even realizes what nebula is saying Tony begins to beg him to stop and think to not react this is the most important moment of his life and he has to think clearly Tony recognizes the same fury that's about to take Peter that took him so long ago the Vengeance that might be righteous but it's a spiral of suffering the kind that doesn't allow logic to come into question quill demands to know if it's true and Thanos says he had to [Music] lost helpless and enraged for killing her quill attacks Thanos causing mantas to lose control resulting in each of the heroes losing their holds on him Thanos then quickly knocks out quill Drax and nebula with spider-man attempting to collect them all up before they hit the ground Thanos reveals dr. strange to be carrying an eye of agamotto with nothing inside he knocks him clean out leaving Iron Man as the last hero to stand in his way then Tony opens with the displeasure of having a moon thrown at him only to hear that owes call his name which is a fantastic piece of dialogue and we'll get to it Iron Man gives out everything missiles blast shields lasers clamps stuns rams and punches only to be beaten again and again until his armor begins to shed all over losing more and more pieces to drop more and more blood on the battlefield Tony moves a large portion of the Nano metal to create a spear and misses Thanos resulting in it being broken off reversed and used to impale him through the chest as Tony whimpers his lasting breaths Thanos says he respects him and hopes that he will be remembered by what remains of humanity once he is done but before he can deliver a killing blow to Iron Man Doctor Strange bargains for his life in exchange for the time stone Thanos agrees and leaves with the stone before anyone else can stop him all that's left is for Tony to are strange why he would do something like that thanassis army then engaged a huge set of underground grinders to assault our heroes and Scarlet Witch comes in to protect them leaving vision to be attacked by the Goblin banner then brings in Veronica to defend him and almost dies as the Hulk still refuses to help out but with quick thinking he attaches the removed arm to evil Hulk and sends him right into the wakandan dome to be obliterated vision is then impaled again leaving him weaker than ever and he's told that he is no formidable machine he's dying just like any other man only for Steve to come in and prevent the killing blow meanwhile Scarlet Witch Scarlett Johansson and Scarlett michonne all converge on the ps3 boss and toss her into one of the diggers splattering her for good cut back to cap who is losing the fight with the Goblin but while being strangled vision saves him cap says he told him to run and vision replies brilliant callback thought begins to mappable the ships as they flee the area with the remaining heroes being called in to protect vision from Thanos as if with ease Thanos slides through the Avengers sealing them in the environment or simply blasting them away wander then listens to vision beg her to kill him to save the world he says she's the only one who can it's not fair but she can't hurt him he will only feel her calling back to the earliest scene in the film and so Wanda begins to overload the stone losing any sense of composure she watches all of the Avengers fail to even slow down Thanos ending with Steve the first and last Avenger being knocked to the ground vision then says I love you as he is broken into pieces the stone along with him though Thanos isn't remotely concerned as he can now reverse time just as Doctor Strange did reforming vision along with his mind stone batting away wander Thanos on reaches into visions skull and pulls the stone from him killing him again Thanos is then at the point of achieving all six the might of mind soul reality time space and power together after a surge of light he's ready to click his finger Thor then arrives and his weapon manages to resist the power of the completed gauntlet throwing his axe to embed it deep into Thanos his chest despite that achievement and the revenge served by a long awaiting Asgardian Thanos still performs his task and thus begins the end for half of the world he then escapes into a portal of his making once he's left our remaining heroes begin to realize what has happened Captain Steve Rogers watches his 100 year old friend he defended to the death shatter into Ash right in front of him T'Challa finds his personal bodyguard a Koi a telling her that she needs to get up this is no place to die only to fade right in front of her to ash Groot is taken in front of rocket soldiers surrounding the battlefield are almost swallowed by this plague one that watches herself fall apart just before Falcon sees the same back on Titan Tony watches as mantis begins to fall away followed by Drax and quill confused he turns to dr. strange only for him to say there was no other way moments before turning to ash along with them and then he confused scared and desperate Peter Parker begs for help from Tony he feels unwell Tony tells him he's going to be okay he says he's sorry and falls away from Tony's arms Tony is left to realize that his worst nightmare has come true all of the work he committed to has fallen to ruin the film ends with a limping Thanos reaching the sunset he wanted once his task was complete a fulfilled man looking out satisfied over a job well done and that was Avengers infinity war and what an incredible [ __ ] film it was this is the first part of what commemorates ten years since Iron Man hit the theaters and such an insane amount of work has been completed since then this film is packed with so much care for a franchise of characters and storytelling that it's unbelievable we're in a time line that we got to see it we have fallout from Civil War direct continuity with Ragnarok a glorious suitable introduction for the Guardians as they joined the Avengers spider-man strange and black panther all serving character-driven roles protecting the people they've sworn to serve and our core team from back in joss whedon spectacle kicking just as much ass details like doctor strangest surgery scars are still visible rody is still injured ant-man and Hawkeye actually have reasons to not show up Thor arrived late to Thanos because he didn't have a transceiver the film makes an effort to show each of the heroes using them except him rocket comedic ilish airing that he still has a lot to lose compared to Thor and he loses all of it by the end Tony keeps the phone that Steve gave him on him at all times he is desperate to speak to his friend but he knows he can't not to mention that once Ironman is reported missing Steve says that Earth is in trouble as its lost its greatest hero the details of these two are fantastic and they don't even share a [ __ ] scene strange actively providing the stone despite the strict assessment that it's the last thing he would do telling the audience that this is a part of the plan especially considering that his last line was that it's the only way the world was set the characters arrived and suffered to a new villain only to blast expectations to smithereens so why does it work Thor since Ragnarok has been dealing with a set of heavy losses and now that he's at his wits end watching his people his best friend and his brother die at the hands of a horrifying cruel monster he's given his target as well as his opportunity to hunt them down with all of his might after acknowledging it all trying to accept it all he almost dies to craft a weapon that can give him an opportunity to take his vengeance and he gets it we got to see him crack down a battlefield with all the might of Asgard behind him he got to plow that axe deep into Thanos his chest and listen to the mad Titan wince in pain he may not have killed Thanos but Thor received power control and retribution for so many losses that he suffered over the series speaking of Thanos what a way to say [ __ ] you to the detractors claiming that Thanos will be a letdown of a villain you put the [ __ ] work in didn't you phallus is opening killing the god of mischief and beating the Hulk in one-on-one combat sets the stakes strong from the get-go you don't want to [ __ ] around with this guy but the little details of what make him so much more human than many of the characters in superhero films these days Thanos is absolutely consistent on his ideology killing only by what he defines as his design or when people stand in its way he actively explores other characters pursuing weaknesses in quill testing logic in Doctor Strange respecting the ingenuity and perseverance of Tony and discovering if Gamora still loved him you need to note that Thanos never lays a hand on Gamora he tries to feed her comfort her explain why he's doing what he is doing and after she said she hated to see the throne he takes a seat on the steps instead he even has nebula reassembled he doesn't need to do any of these things but he does them anyway it shows that Thanos loved Gamora he cared about her almost as much as his entire life's purpose there is something of a tragedy for Gamora to gloat that her father will suffer because he is nothing more than a monster only for her to realize that she now has to die because someone loves her once Thanos has achieved his goal he admits he had to lose everything but he couldn't allow history to repeat itself his planet was destroyed by overpopulation and the idea of killing 50% of the living creatures is not a button anyone can push no matter how right so he identifies himself as the one with the will to do it through that he has camaraderie with Stark the curse of knowledge the power to act on it in the will to commit it consumes you you become a pawn to your own ambition Thanos had to do it it will create the most salvation throughout the universe more so than anything else would he felt desperately that he was right and nothing was going to make him fail this time for the greater good he would even sacrifice his own beloved daughter despite these humanizing qualities these weaknesses and motivations he is still to be feared cosmically this creature kills if he needs to Ironman with his greatest technology was nothing more than a pinprick from his perspective Thanos is the protagonist the hero he will save the universe no matter what these beings do to him no matter how they attempt to lead this world to destruction you can argue against him as much as you want with whatever logic you think applies but Thanos will always look at you as a child who lacks the life experience necessary to understand why this is the only logical course of action for the benefit of the living Thanos has loved and lost like everyone else but now he has found a way to create the most mercy in the universe people won't understand it people won't like it nevertheless he will make the decision for them instead of waiting for them to reach the point of no-return only to realize he was right all along Thanos is one of the best realized villains across the MCU if not the best being gomorrah's father allowed the writers to inject him into an emotionally important role at the same time as making him definitive in his motivation and that connection he has to Gamora is only rivaled by quill from the moment he met Gamora he has been enamored with her in his own way after protecting her and subsequently almost dying for her he spends moments breaking her walls down dancing with her completely falling in love all of it leading to her being what is not only a partner but something to live for when quill has been faced with losing both of his parents and the man who raised him quill is an inherently emotional irrational man oftentimes jumping to an outlandish choice down to a singular piece of information it broke my heart to put that tumor and despite everything he's been through he still had her they were close enough for her to ask him to swear on his mother that he would end her life to protect her from Thanos that is a heavy request made out of love and when he gets the first chance of being able to rescue her from Thanos it's all torn away she's already dead she can't be dead the fury takes over costing him more than he will ever know Stark was lucky that Steve was able to stop him from crossing the line but nobody could stop Peter not when it was here we were finally given time to see vision and wander get their brief moments of peace together cheering a connection from being the outsiders of the Avengers from the day he saved her to his admittance of attraction vision has spent his time trying to be a hero like those who created him trying to come to a conclusion about his own life his purpose he wants to fight to preserve life he wants to help his friends and he wants to do it with Wanda the woman he loves they begin softly sharing their connection and restrained only for vision to suffer for every scene thereafter becoming weaker and weaker being impaled blasted and driven into the ground getting himself in more and more trouble by trying to defend others he decides to do the most mortal thing there is die to prevent the most suffering to ever threaten the universe like a hero and the only person who has the power to do it is the one that he loves Elizabeth Olsen has what I can only describe as an incredible performance selling the idea that she is killing the only person who made her feel normal again while he tells her he loves her and to watch the horror on both of them as its reversed to have visions very soul torn from his body what makes him so close to human what brought him to the gods that created him is pulled out leaving behind a cold shell sapped of its color all that's left is the machine it's horrific the powerful intelligent and heroic vision dies as a man but perhaps the most impactful moment goes to a particularly powerful road being drawn to its closed Tony Stark has been through a lot in his series of films finding that he must balance his urge to protect earth while living the life of a man leading him to protect his power nuke his power automate his power submit his power and finally to keep it as insurance to maintain a safety net if ever he or his loved ones were attacked but never in pursuit once he knows that this coming attack is what he's been waiting for for six years what sent him into anxiety attacks what has consumed him since he saw his vision he fights it to the point of leaving Earth's solar system and to the realization that Pepper the person he loves the most will never come between him and his we'll to prevent the suffering on a universal scale this is very much the reflection of Thanos himself with all that happening it's tough to realize that Tony is also dealt with the fact that his dad didn't love him as much as his work his mother or himself he'll he loved cat more Tony then sees the tape in Iron Man 2 that tells him his dad considered him his greatest achievement and his work was all intended to be left to him his dad absolutely loved him Tony couldn't share any real moments of closure or love with his father despite his desperation because they were killed by Hydra and attempt to steal his formula this destroyed what made Tony so callous as a man in the first place he needed to reevaluate the man he'd become moving on to civil war he treats Peter as a surrogate son brings him in only to tell him to leave the second he is visibly hurt Tony is looking to ignite that lost flame to get that relationship he's pined for his whole life taking a positive step in that direction in homecoming he keeps him in what is essentially a box despite spider-man's raw strength he only wants him fighting lowlife criminals because it's safe and he's a child mr. Parker nice work in DC my dad never really gave me a lot of support and I'm just trying to break the cycle when I'm complimenting you great things are about to happen what is that I'm at band practice that's odd he told me you quit band six weeks ago when Peter succeeds he congratulate sim shares with him that he always wanted this kind of relationship with his father that he's proud of what he's doing but then to subvert Tony's security he lies while trying to get involved in something Tony told him to stay away from Peter wanted to go behind Tony's back and avoid what was essentially his protection his care from this dad you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do those weapons were out there and I try to tell you about it but you didn't listen none of this would have happened if you would just listen to me do you know that I'm still only one who believed in you everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a fourteen-year-old kid he was furious and he took the gear back Peter didn't deserve to have it if he wanted to thrill seek but Peter saves the day and Iron Man's actual equipment from vulture without a suit and reasserting that he only wants to do good lying was the way that he saw an opportunity for it and that's why he did it Peter is reinstated and their relationship is strong once again in infinity war he decides to help because he can despite Iron Man's attempt to stop him he even goes on what can be assumed as a one-way trip because he wants to help people what if somebody had died tonight different story right because that's how you if you died Tony wants him gone because the last thing he can bear is watching the kid get hurt and so echoing the dream he has in the opening about a child with the woman he loves called Morgan taken away in a moment Tony has to watch as Peter has slowly turned to ash in his arms begging to stay with him all in a handful of seconds Tony loses one of his Avengers he sees an innocent boy trying to save lives perish but most importantly he has that new and loving fatherly connection severed again and there was nothing he could do to stop it but it falls on him everything falls on Tony Stark's conscience as he was alive to stop it and he couldn't Tony now loses the son he never had the team he built to protect the world and the universe itself nothing he could build or prepare could prevent it after six years of it festering in his head his nightmare is broken through Tony is frozen unable to emot-- he couldn't accept it before and now it's real everything has fallen apart this is it pair all of this with Tom Hollands heart-wrenching performance selling a Peter Parker that has begun to feel death coming after watching all the people he just saved - into ash he begs Tony not to let him go again and again while failing to stand fading away in his arms the scene was incredible the film itself is a culmination of many running stories and characters dealing with very human grief and disturbing events reaching conclusions simultaneously that could rival any kind of television series finale covering strong patterns of family love sacrifice and death characters giving in to the destruction of the universe to save the suffering of their brothers or sisters families coming to save the day only to be torn to shreds many characters having to sacrifice what they have come to love for the greater good and the death the rampant cold death of so many beloved characters the credits of this film play like an obituary the audience was dead silent a respectful end to a defeating story that still has more to come this began with Ironman but the original Avengers revealed the potential of this series those Avengers are a large portion of what remains for the heroes each dealing with their own issues are being set up to save the day to pass over the Marvel mantle to the new heroes that have been lost this isn't just a celebration of one film and its achievement to bring together so many of the properties with weight behind them this is a celebration of what has been accomplished with ten years of character writing ten years of trying to create something that people could become enamored with this spans completely different personality types completely different plots completely different settings completely different worlds directors having their style blasted through with writing having space and quality to shine incredible performances combined with special effects to support this comic book world's realism all of this took Talent time effort and passion Marvel should be [ __ ] proud of themselves drama and comedy are tough balance but throughout Marvel's series they've shown they're gonna shift it in one way or the other with infinity war being no exception this is not an entirely morbid affair and it does benefit from that I'm Peter by the way Doctor Strange Oh using your made-up names then I am spider-man they said we were going to open what conduct to the rest of the world this is not what I imagined or give you imagine the Olympics maybe even at Starbucks so cool we have rabbit trees Squidward blanket of death kick names and take ass I am Steve Rogers the baby of a pirate and an angel what was she doing up there the whole time I'm gonna blow that nutsack of a chin right off and who could forget this film was an event a triumph each of the crew and cast involved deserve a pat on the back for bringing a 10-year path to an incredible peak I can't even tell you about all of the amazing details this film has aside from what I've already discussed nor will I share any flaws I don't know if you noticed but this assessment is extremely biased in one specific direction to compliment my other recent work infinity war was a [ __ ] fantastic film and the Russo brothers proved once again that they know how to write a villain they know how to juggle extremely large important and controversial elements this is a man they understand the characters they are tasked to write for but most importantly they respect them giving the MCU fans the explosions powers and escapism we all look for with an added sense of reality to hit us right in the heart to make us feel for the fiction because in a dreary world beacons of hope and justice can offer some real comfort beings with absolute power choosing to help others is endearing and inspiring Marvel Studios have achieved something incredible unprecedented setting a record in more ways than one as a fan I couldn't be more impressed with the task they had and the product they created thank you for making something so [ __ ] awesome and thank you all for watching my video I can't wait to cover the sequel normally I do videos where I simply talk about the negatives of a film in a quick rant I decided to try and do the reverse with this one let me know if you liked it and if you'd like to see more I know a lot of people prefer the vitriolic hatred - let's say appreciation so again thank you for checking on my content folks and I will see you next time
Channel: MauLer
Views: 2,269,255
Rating: 4.8693204 out of 5
Keywords: marvel, disney, avengers, infinity, war, comics, nerd, superhero, heroes, infinity war, captain, america, black, pather, iron, man, hulk, widow, wakanda, new, york, city, winter, soldier, analysis, review, positive, film, MCU, Thanos, Vision, stones, gauntlet, obert, downey, jnr, chris, evans, hemsworth, pratt, josh, brolin, elizabeth, olsen, tom, holland, doctor, strange, commentary, breakdown
Id: exdrZa-k0GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 17sec (3137 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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