I Rewrote Game of Thrones Infamous Ending - People Seem to Like it

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this video is sponsored by Ridge Game of Thrones ending was bad instead of million videos here I agree with most of the assessments let's get started in order to set out the ending though we'll have to wind all the way back to the start of season six to change John's Resurrection we're going to plant a seed that will sold John's Pro activity problem I don't want it and give his death actual purpose so according to Melisandre in order to resurrect Ron they need to have a fire near the body the Lord of Light chooses whether or not he's resurrected but before that can happen that a Lord of Light must choose to heal and re-warm the body with his Flames so it can be returned to the call to the body and the deeper the wounds the bigger the fire is necessary you'll notice this actually lines up and explains Beric dondarian's Resurrection because it happens right next to multiple sources of Fire Plus thorus tried to resurrect him immediately so his body was still warm I'll use these rules for another thing later but for now it'll add a bit of intensity to the scene as they're trapped in a craft room and have to bring Jon back to life so they can stomp out the fire before the smoke suffocates them now like the show it doesn't seem to work but Melisandre in her desperation sees ghost reacting to the fire and starts to believe that Jon might actually be a Warg a rare type of magic she's only ever heard of maybe Jon is inside does she tries to call to him but it doesn't seem to work she thinks to herself that maybe the body isn't healed all the way through and that he like needs more fire that Jon won't walk back into his body unless he's properly healed they tell her she's being crazy but then John awakes and they think maybe he was a ghost they asked Jon but he has no idea what they're talking about he says that it would have been smart but no he didn't walk and all he remembers was dying beyond that Nothing Jon really is back from the dead this is a very weird writing move baby because I'm acknowledging and spoiling this clever fan Theory kind of trick without actually using it and I am going to use it in the future so this is weird it does make for a cool little oh [ __ ] moment because you realize there was no trick and magical [ __ ] did actually happen but my hope is that by telling the audience I had a potential way to bring him back that I didn't use it will make his true Resurrection feel less cheap like there was a special reason Beyond plot armor that I did and there is the main reason I bring Jon truly back from the dead is because in a true Song of Ice and Fire fashion I want him to be significantly different when he comes act and give his death actual consequence here's the deal John has seen his death and he is traumatized not only does he have no intention of going back but the circumstances of his death betrayal has him running very low on Fox to give this is a John who still has honor love for his friends and family and a desire to defeat the white walkers but is far more ruthless far less merciful and far less trusting in many ways this is an improvement for Jon in terms of his ability to rule and participate in politics where Rob would have trusted the phrase and Ned through his Mercy gave Cersei a chance to capture him this John would have never because he'd assume the worst in people he'll be honorable and kind and merciful when he can be but he's not taking chances the one thing that held drawn back he is naivety is gone and a fair deal of his kindness too making him a more effective ruler yet no longer the perfect hero something of an anti-hero whose ruthlessness instills enough fear in his followers that they'd never dare backstab him now but it's going to make you question if maybe Dany is a nicer person and more deserving of the throne I think the show kinda went for this at first when he hung like four people including Ollie a child it was like really impactful to me there was a sense of oh [ __ ] John is different now but he more or less reverted after is my queen We're not gonna do that though Jon has two objectives he wants to save his family and defeat the white walkers who he knows are coming which is the same as before but it's his masses that change like okay Jon specifically recruits the wildlings to not only help him take Winterfell so they can beat the night King but also because he doesn't trust most of the Night's Watch anymore but after Sansa arrives and they have their reunion he finds out Theon came with her and he not only doesn't believe bran and rickon Aren't Dead he also tries to beat the [ __ ] out of him and Sansa has to order Jon as heir to Winterfell to stop Jon does but later in the middle of the night he tormented a couple of other wildlings drag him out of bed and to the top of the wall to dangle him over the edge like you step one foot out of line and I'll kill you after this it looks like Theon feels so guilty that he consists foreign but he's too scared for even that only adding to his guilt Tolman comments on how he put the [ __ ] fear of God in him and John's like good better that than trust at any rate Sansa with the help of the veil Jon and houses loyal to the north takes back Winterfell no King of the North scene yet by the way John is a bastard it's Sansa who takes the north with the Council of him and Royce but first Bridge wallet is the best product and brand of any sponsor you'll find on YouTube I'm serious I haven't done a sponsor in five years for a reason nothing has passed my quality assurance except Ridge I just never tried them because they never offered me a sponsor that's right I went to them they make me super efficient super Sleek super tough wads designed around cards and they invented them too they're not knockoffs like a lot of YouTube sponsors rigid inspired the knockoff still coming out today after they pioneered the future of warts all the way back in 2013. like the brand is actually smart ever since we hit the 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started to wage war apart from Theon I'm Not Really Gonna mention Dawn highgarden or the greyjoys in this rewrite I could weave them into the plot but after season five and six these families are really lacking in characters that have audience investment apart from Olenna but her death was really good in the show and I want to keep that in some fashion overall the China payoff ratio just isn't worth it so just assume Yara euron and Dawn are still around but they're mostly aligned with other characters and don't play a big enough role Dimension anyway we'll cover the Danny Cersei war in a bit but once the battle of the bosses is done word of Dany and Her Dragons reaches the north perhaps it's Ramsay who gloats that they're all [ __ ] anyway before he dies to the northmen who just fought for their independence Denny's dragons are terrifying it's also why you don't get a queen in the north scene Sansa doesn't Inspire much morale At first she has no achievements and by the time she does everyone's worried about the dragons because dragons are the whole reason the North lost their independence in the first place King in the North was Torin Stark who bent the knee to my ancestor aegon Targaryen so there's no point having a queen in the north rally the northmen just got their independence back and now they're going to lose it again furthermore Sansa publicly says that she will bend the knee not popular but also are you [ __ ] stupid she has three dragons on the bright side according to the winterfell's record of ravens while the boltons were in charge spies learned that she has a reputation for freeing slaves so Sansa says that might not be so bad Jon also mentions that winter is coming he's seen the army of the dead it's too big for them to fight and the dead have two weaknesses fire and dragon glass Dany has dragons that shoot fire and she sits on a bounty of dragon glass as per Sam's letter to have any hope of defeating the dead they must bend the knee after this bran arrives at Winterfell he's a bit more Lucid in this rewrite he reclaims his title as Lord of Winterfell but he doesn't Inspire much confidence either he spends a lot of time warged to watch the night King and relies on Sansa to manage Winterfell itself bran explains his journey and how he's the new three-eyed Raven now the three-eyed Raven passed his powers to him but he doesn't quite know why or what is ultimate goal was all he knows is that he didn't want him to [ __ ] with the past and after Hodor bran can see why he explains his powers to look into the past but he has rules he will only walk into animals and he refuses to be big actions or travel too far from his starting point additionally bran requires a detailed description of a memory to walk into that point in time bran doesn't experience time all the time all at once all the time anymore but he can view the past all at once as a conscious action but because it's all at once he can't find his place which is why he needs details to home in also to consciously view the past he needs to be near a weirwood at any rate he can't look at the day of Ned's betrayal in King's Landing this is the first thing Sansa asks when she reunites with bran because she knows how Shady Littlefinger is and is suspicious of his role that day but it's long enough ago that she doesn't have any detailed memories with any animals in them that are close enough to the throne room where it all went down this is also where bran tells Jon of his Heritage and while this is emotional moment it changes nothing not like season 8 changes nothing I just mean for now John revealing his Heritage would only stifle a potential Alliance from Dany as it hurts her claim to the throne speaking of Alliance John and Davos set sail for Dragonstone unlike the show Jon is not considered King of the North at this point he's just considered a bastard so Jon going to negotiate with Danny in person is not considered risky killing him or taking him hostage serves no purpose to Danny as Jon heads to Dragonstone Cersei who has already blown up the set and rules King's Landing is doing battle with Dania as in the show but this time it's not Mercy or some half-baked idea of collateral damage and ruling over the ashes that protects Cersei instead Cersei actively preys on Danny's sense of morality to prevent her using dragons in it's not the dragons are such huge nukes that they can't swoop in and Target key areas without killing thousands it's that Cersei Act ively does evil [ __ ] like chain women and children to key areas like the red keep and uses them as human Shields this turns out to be Kryptonite for Dany her whole character at this point was defined by her morality and being the defender of the week she could never bring herself to burn children alive at least not for the throne anyway and Cersei knows this one of Denny's titles is literally Breaker of Chains and she's known for freeing slaves and Cersei is perhaps the one person willing enough to exploit this in her and not care about the potential consequences her whole character at least in the show was defined by her children it was the only thing she cared about and now they're dead she has nothing left to lose and the only thing she wants is to make people suffer as much as she did this is like one of the reasons the season six finale was like so impactful to me not just because of her blowing up set but because the thing that defined her is gone when you see her sitting on the throne after blowing up the set and tomming killing himself it just screamed mad Queen a Cersei with her limiters removed and then they did nothing with her and they [ __ ] made her pregnant again not this Cersei though I'm not gonna give specifics but I'm talking hostages human Shields and red wedding style betrayals she'll probably start by acting like she'll negotiate a surrender but instead she'll betray their trust and take hostages like masande and Tyrion there's a fan theory that Tyrion will lose his tongue which I like and this would be a really good time for it we're Cersei not going all the way and just killing him because every time she's tried to run from prophecy it hasn't made a difference she thinks knowing her luck Tyrion will probably no doubt come back from the dead to kill her it's not like zombies are a foreign concept to her no she's done running from prophecy if Tyrion is destined to kill her then she's gonna make him suffer for the rest of his life and his abilities to speak is arguably what defines him and will give him the most despair so she cuts out his tongue and lets him run back to Danny so he can realize how useless he is without it or maybe she'll keep masande as a hostage and then offer to trade Tyrion for one of her other advisers maybe Dario daru can be here by the way offers to go as he might be able to smuggle in something and break out independently but when they do the trade Denny realizes she's traded one of her best fighters for an advisor who can't speak anymore they only checked to see if he was alive before the trade they didn't think to ask to have the gag taken out of his mouth to check his tongue cersei's not as smart as Tywin but I want to finally live up to him in terms of ruthlessness like the Red Wedding wasn't particularly clever it's just no one really expected Tywin to go that far of course this all has ramifications especially after blowing up the set the people of King's Landing hate her and she must rule with an iron fist to keep control especially when even the city watch and lasterman are starting to feel pretty uncomfortable with the child Shields and whatnot Cersei doesn't care to stop because she's the Mad Queen she doesn't [ __ ] give a [ __ ] anymore but this is going to contribute to a future paranoia and Madness but most importantly these extreme actions are ultimately what's going to turn Jaime against her speaking of Jaime when Tyrion gets captured this would be a great time for them to talk after tywin's death both of them have a ton of bottled up emotions at this point and it all comes exploding out especially after just being caught off guard and captured by a suddenly much more ruthless Cersei the one he had always said he was smarter than reinforcing his insecurities Jaime says he rescued Tyrion and for that he killed his father Tyrion mocks this and says he wasn't worth losing sleepover he was a bad father and they all knew it and James like maybe you didn't but I loved my father and Tyrion blows up because of course he loved his dad don't you dare presume to know how I feel it was him who didn't love me he never loved me do you really think I felt nothing when I put that bolt in his chest nothing no I'm sure you felt hate and he didn't care if your own brother felt differently you only feel that way because he actually liked you maybe I did did that give you the right to take him away from me Jaime goes to walk off but Tyrion is positively seething now that Jamie admits the truth well at least you had Father's Love to lose it at least you had the people's love to lose it at least you had our sister's love I'll bet you lose that too you had all the Lux all the looks all the opportunities all the skills and the right body for it and yet you lost it all if I had everything you had father would have actually loved me and I wouldn't have lost it Jamie says I only lost it because you murdered him no no you lost it long before then when you soiled your reputation and became a kingslayer when you [ __ ] your sister when you let yourself get captured and lost your sword hand you had it all and you lost it and he lied to himself because it was easy to believe you won a miserable failure to them to accept the dwarf monster who killed mother was the closest thing he had to a worthy heir all the ego and self-consciousness finally pours out a Tyrion into the person he loves the most his brother finally knows how he feels and this would be tyrion's final spoken words to his brother Jaime doesn't care what happened to him anymore he leaves and in the next scene Cersei cuts out his tongue and later swaps him back to Danny fedario only for her to find that he doesn't have a tongue anymore and his tactics and advice have to be given through paper doubling his Effectiveness but also his sense of identity whenever he tries to be witty it either takes too long for everyone to hear because he has to write and hand off a piece of paper or the lack of tone just means his jokes don't land or like Varys accidentally sets up an obvious unique joke for him but after Tyrion hurries to scribble something down to hand it to him Mars just throws away the paper without looking at it honestly I think the cutout tongue is an improvement now I can choose if I want to hear your childish Japes tyrants aren't totally useless though he finds he can still help by drawing up designs and battle plans this reignites inside himself when he runs into bran later and is reminded of the saddle he designed for him this leads him to design a dragon saddle for Dany and later he designs the Scorpions but that's much later anyway while Dany struggles on how to beat Cersei Jonah rides on Dragonstone and asks Danny for help but here's the kicker unlike the show this fails Dany is too preoccupied with Cersei to care about some magical [ __ ] apocalypse she's never heard of and has no proof for even with Tyrion speaking to Jon's character and a Red Priest telling her of the prophecy and Jon even showing her his scars and that suggests he's back from the dead Denny doesn't have enough reason to trust him or maybe she just doesn't want to humor something that will tear away from her main objective Jon pleads with her to fly north Scout over the wall for the Army talk to the knights watch anything but to her it's a waste of time at best and a suspicious Ploy at worse Tyrion tries to say something in his defense since he does like Jon but writing I met him years ago and is cool on a piece of paper just doesn't quite feel as convincing when spoken all her other advisors only see this as suspicious too so Dany refuses even if it's just to Mine Dragon class she refuses and Johnny is pissed all these stupid Nobles and their stupid Ambitions playing at The Game of Thrones while the apocalypse approaches to add salt to the wound Dany will not even let him leave until he agrees to make the case a bran to bend the knee this does a Joe here about bran physically not being able to bend the knee John is furious but then Sam arrives on Dragonstone with Jorah and after talking with Dany he reunites with Jon in private and shows him the actual evidence of his Birthright in the books that he took for the Citadel the diary can be like more revealing in the show and maybe Sam can like piece together from multiple sources at any rate Jon starts to form a plan using Sam as a source of Notch also this would be a good time for Jon and Jorah to bond a little and have that same conversation for the show having them be slightly hostile to each other and former rivalry is also a valid option same with Darryl you'll see why at any rate the next day John Benzene so he can leave with Sam and dabbos and when Davos asked on the ship why they're bending the knee John's like yeah we're not bending the knee instead when he returns to Winterfell he arranges a meeting he tells Sansa what he's going to do first and Sansa who doesn't trust Littlefinger asks them to go on a Fool's errand just to get him out of Winterfell I'll go over the details of that in a second but at any rate during this meeting with the north John tells everyone Danny refused that All These Foolish Nobles are too wrapped up in their power struggle to care about the apocalypse so he proposes an idea he is going to bait Dany to come nor to deal with him Dany will inevitably occupy Winterfell because she has dragons but Jon will take the wildlings and disappear into the snow coming out only to strike key locations and supply lines and quickly disappear into the snow before the dragons come out he intends to make occupying Winterfell absolute hell according to Sam the dawnish beat dragons like this and the harsh winter cold and snow of the north should work exact same as the harsh desert heat and Sands of dawn and of course they ask how are you gonna beat Danny here why waste the time and this is where Jon Reveals His identity and the evidence for it he is aegon Targaryen true heir to the Iron Throne ahead of Daenerys and he says he intends to claim that Birthright for the first time Jon plays The Game of Thrones not to claim the iron story when he tells the north but to force these fools playing the game to come to the negotiation table and deal with a real issue and this this is the point where the northern houses declare John King in the north and you get that scene from the show foreign there you go there you go it's not just the possibility of a political marriage and a stock on the Iron Throne when the northmen discuss it it's brought up that as a Targaryen it may be possible for Jon to take one of her dragons this gives the north genuine hope for Independence just for a Stark on the Iron Throne rather than true Independence but this Stark isn't just a stark he has equal power to the Dragon Rider that intends to conquer them because he has a dragon too or at least that's what they hope for from this point bran is still considered Lord of Winterfell but Jon is considered king of all of Westeros just called King in the north because he's quite literally a king but in the north John says that Sansa and bran need to leave Winterfell to avoid becoming hostages bran agrees and will join Jon and the wildlings and use his warging to get Intel on places to attack where the dragons are but Sansa refuses to leave Winterville she just got home and has no intention of leaving besides someone should stay behind to negotiate a political marriage with Danny and Jon John is worried that she'll be used as a hostage to bring Jon out but Sansa doesn't think so it seems like this Dany does seem to be a good person on some level and also Tyrion is hand the queen and will advise her against it since he likes Sansa Sansa can also avoid being used as a hostage because she'll disassociate with Jon as he's just her bastard brother and that she doesn't believe the theory about his Heritage this will make lid seem like using her as a hostage won't help so Sansa will stay in Winterfell bend the knee to Danny like the stocks did for aegon stay in Denny's good graces but subtly push the idea of a political marriage even if she's tortured she tells Jon not to give in she's suffered worse before before all of this I said Sansa gives Littlefinger a Fool's errand just to get rid of him Sansa is something of a fatal weak point for Littlefinger as the spinning image of cat and this has made Sansa very suspicious about his intentions even if I eventually rewrite season 5 and the whole soul to the Bolton's plot Sansa still watching Littlefinger murder two people no one else can say they've watched Littlefinger murder two people as a result of this and season 6 Bolton plot she doesn't trust him to not betray them or tell Dany about her plan to get her to marry Jon so she wants him gone as quickly as possible John is torn at first because Peter has only ever being sus not directly aggressive and they need every man they can get but again this John is less trusting and after hearing about how he manipulated and backstabbed Lysa the risk of the veil Knights churning on them and selling them out for Dany is too great but if they have the door with Rocky who are good in an open field and Dragons maybe they don't need him so she tells Littlefinger to take the veil Knights South to King's Landing and persuade Cersei to come help defeat the white walkers by bringing more men and supplies to them if Littlefinger can't persuade her then try to take the city from her instead Peter protests but Sansa brings up Liza insinuating that she's blackmailing him with his murder Littlefinger swears his Allegiance but Sansa still doesn't trust him especially because he might still have spies in winter though so she secretly asked for volunteers to follow behind and keep watch dalvo steps forward he's good at stealth and wanted to go to King's Landing anyway to potentially pick up Gendry also Before Peter leaves Sansa talks to him suspicious as ever she eyes what he's taking in his Caravan while talking to him among these supplies are a few Ravens we'll come back to this later at any rate Peter leaves and the northern houses declare aegon King aegon sends word of this to Dany challenging her and Dany takes the bait Sansa bends the knee but aegon and the wildling start striking his supply lines and key targets that mean Danny can't hold the north they're starving they're cold and whenever Danny goes to mount her Dragon they disappear the Dothraki and unsullied fail to chase them down as their inexperienced and unused to the snow by the way if you still want the whole dream team thing from season 7 when they want to go [ __ ] capture the white it's not unreasonable to think Hound Gendry dondarian and thorus could all go north for the long night and end up joining Jon side note when sandal reaches Winterfell he finds a Bolton soldier who bled out in the forest near Winterfell after trying to Desert he buries him this will come back later the only except option to this dream team is draw a Mormont who's still with Danny which could make for a great moment where during a raid Jon might have to fight draw with his father's sword no less and these are serious fight remember I said John is more ruthless after coming back from the dead he's prepared to kill Danny's men to achieve a greater good that is forcing her to join him against the night King in fact I'm gonna say that Jon in one of these raids ends up killing Jorah I'd want to write the specifics of this to make his death more meaningful and wrap up his art because he's close to a main character and we're nearing the end of the story but I don't really have time for it maybe in another video later but for now John killing drawer is going to make for a hell of a mid-season plot twist and is specifically going to play into how I'm setting up the ending that being to isolate Dany and cement her hate and distrust of Jon as my rewrite continues it's going to become clear that Jon and Denny's Dynamic is of two good people who might have otherwise been allies but due to circumstance and previous experience with people who betrayed them find themselves tragically unable to trust each other also adding to that mix Danny has a bit of a complex about wanting to not just be the ruler of Westeros but be perceived as and loved as the ruler of Westeros which John as someone with a better claim rubs up against this is because initially all she wanted was to go home so do I but they took it from us so tell me sweet sister how do we go home we go home with an army so in this I'm going to canonize that over time that desire has morphed into becoming a love ruler as it's both her method of going home as well as a replacement for what actually made restaurants her home people who loved her friends and family she just doesn't quite realize this yet if people perceive Jon as the true ruler she feels like the love that was meant for her is being stolen once they're married this won't be enough of a reason to make her want to kill Jon but she has the right excuse she will because she can tell herself that excuse by the way varys's role in this rewrite from this point is to not backstab Danny and make a [ __ ] mess because he thinks John is the better ruler nevarez's role is to try and get Jon and Danny to make up because he knows both of them are good people and worthy rules and thinks that if they just married combine their claims fell in love and at least trusted each other enough to not like preemptively stab each other then the realm would actually be saved like he always wanted he actually has quite a number of obstacles in his way though his little birds in King's Landing went dark after qyburn took them the Starks are rightly suspicious of him for his role in King's Landing the day of Ned's betrayal the red priests are inadvertently working against the union between Dany and John by filling their heads up with prophecy about forging a blade in the heart of the other and finally Littlefinger is still working against him even now sometime during this Winterfell receives a raven which Danny reads since she controls it the letter is addressed to Sansa as the lady of winneville presumably it was sent before she they knew bran was back the letter is anonymous it claims to be from a member a loyal to the Night's Watch and fond of the Starks it cautions her against trusting Jon Snow citing that during his time in the Night's Watch he helped an allied with an enemy Army outside the wall that became loyal to only him and that he won the vote for Lord commander of the lights watch against two others in a tiebreaker and then executed both soon after which is all true and the letter even encourages her to look at winterfell's correspondence records with the watch for proof the letter says that like many bastards he may have a penchant for power and has he abandoned the knight's watch that seems to be the case he should really be executed as the deserter and not welcomed as he worries Sansa might do this only reinforces Danny's suspicions of Jon she has her advisors fact check it against winterfell's correspondence with a watch and then questions answer on the documents because it seems to contradict the impression Sansa gave her of Jon someone who only cares about defeating the white Walkers and will give up their supposed claim to the throne if Dany agrees to help them Sansa gets blindsided by this and she fails to defend Jon after all she was the one who said he was just her bastard brother and how she didn't believe the rumor it's easily possible that he could just want power and so the conversation ends but why didn't this member of the Night's Watch say it at the war when she was there a possibility Dawns on her she goes the tower The Raven returns to and looks around she asks about the raven that came in yesterday and the man managing the tower directs it to it he's like a weird Rave and obsessed man who's familiar with each one Sansa looks at it and swears she recognizes it as one of the Raven's little finger toe in conversation she mentions it's carried a letter from the Night's Watch and the man is like Night's Watch but that Raven came from the south Sansa was right it is the same raven like she thought Peter must have still had spies somewhere in rinterville for some reason Littlefinger is trying to so distrust and sabotage the alliance between Jon and Dany her hatred towards Jon because of Jorah and her distrust because of littlefinger's letter completely destroys Danny's trust in John's word but this actually ends up working out in the alliance's favor Denny has to concede that she's losing she hasn't managed to kill Jon and she's losing control of the north they're going to stop she goes to a council looking for new ideas Tyrion suggests just leaving John's probably not interested in this throne but Danny says he might be lying about the dead and regardless isn't comfortable allowing someone with a better claim to the throne to parade around that he beat her he'll only draw more power and unless she wants to be the ruler of six kingdoms he'll need to be dealt with eventually the marriage pack comes up in conversations Sansa has successfully planted the idea in Denny's head but Danny correctly guesses that it's probably her plan but because of her hate and distrust from jorah's death and the letter assumes aegon's identity is a trick to get the north independence without having to fight dragons and then Tyrion has a smart idea only true targaryens can ride dragons so why not agree to the marriage pack but only a John bonds with and flies one of her dragons first if he is lying he'll back out and the problem is solved of course this is going to create a great oh [ __ ] moment as Dany accidentally legitimizes Jon in the eyes of the people as a true Targaryen [ __ ] whoops this forces Danny to concede and agree to The Pact but she still has one more condition the name is Jon Snow and aegon Targaryen are dead any mention of those names will be considered treason and Jon must pick a new name probably benjen Stark to make the cover-up more believable and because Jon wants to honor the man who never came back who he can now feel like did actually come back from the wall in some sense John of course has no problem accepting this proposal he only uses Heritage to bring Dane to the table there is a staunch Agonist faction that cares more about Northern Independence and the white walkers and isn't comfortable with aegon's name being a raise but it's not going to lead them to do anything crazy so Danny and John are finally unite against the dead and begin making preparations although again this Alliance is tenuous at best John always remains close to Danny so that he can't have him killed without him killing her first and Danny knows this and while as they prepare for the night King Denny slowly begins to trust John is telling the truth about the dead and John trust her not to not spend every waking moment with her she has no idea about what he will do after and he's proven he's willing to lie to her and betray her although she did kind of force him to there's also the sense that Jon kill Jorah and if Dany admits Jon is good then she would be feel responsible for getting drawer killed for no reason while all this is happening Littlefinger travels South and Aya arrives back in Westeros like the show Aya goes to kill the queen and changes her mind when she talks to hotpie and finds out it's possible for her to return home but pot pie doesn't tell her about Jon Jon was just a boss to that point the north was retaken in sansa's name nonetheless Aya decided to start heading north along the King's Road as she goes she starts Gathering info on the others on a list and you start to see her get annoyed as she watches her list quickly shrink Tywin killed by Tyrion ill and Payne killed off screen the mountain killed by oberyn's poison note that Robert strong is considered a different person entirely in season 6 he is called Gregor but that's okay I can erase and change anything I want post season five at any rate with her list getting so small you can see it pulling on her torn between returning home or going back to King's Landing to kill the queen she heads far enough North that she encounters nymeria and we get the scene from the show because honestly it's a good scene I'm not going to use nightmare otherwise and I think having it here is uh going to improve arya's ending next she finds the veil Knights on their way to King's Landing continuing on her Intel Gathering she uses a new skills to infiltrate them and when she enters the flag tent she discovers the veil Knights are led by Littlefinger and she's hit with a wave of emotions in anger and impatience she rips off the face of the god and holds Peter at swordpoint to interrogate him about the day that last has took King's Landing since he was there Littlefinger of course weasels his way out of this and follows up with I wouldn't kill me anyway if I were you I'm helping the Stark's after all I assume you want Cersei dead too right Peter explains about the army of the dead and how he was requested to persuade Cersei to help and if that fails then to kill her and take the city Peter says that with a faceless assassin that would be easy Peter has seen her powers and now he wants to get her to help determined to get her on board Littlefinger asks if it's wise to come back empty-handed he talked with Sam King's Landing even helped her Escape she said she was angry that Aya quote abandoned her family she'd be furious to know you left the continent this gets to Aya but she defends herself since she had her reasons but then she says she wasn't coming back for Sansa anyway she's coming back for bran rickon and maybe Jon if they let her into Castle black and Peter says they're dead Aya doesn't believe him but he thumbs through some papers and digs out reports of both the Mutiny at the Night's Watch and theon's burning of Recon and bran Arya of course is gutted but the first thing she asks for is information on who she has to kill to get revenge but Peter says Alistair Thorne was executed after the wildlings rebelled and he hasn't heard from Theon since he's been captured by the boltons so he's presumably dead all of these things are lies of course but I will only find out Peter intentionally lied if she talks to Sansa who knew Peter knew John and bran were still alive either that or Royce but Aya doesn't know Royce even most of the veil Knights aren't very familiar with Jon since it was Sansa who took the north not him the only thing Jon is known for is Lord commander who died in their Mutiny which only further adds to confusion like there might be some rumors he's back from the dead but most realistic people are gonna assume the wildlings followed Sansa and aren't quite sure who the guy next to Sansa is maybe just an advisor as we go on we might hear something about someone North claiming to be aegon Targaryen and maybe even a rumor that he used to be a stark bastard or even Jon maybe she also hears it's not a bastard that it's Bran or rickon which doesn't make sense either but the mix of rumors means Aya doesn't know what to make of any of them and without actual confirmation of Jon Snow she won't give up her Chase on Cersei and because of the King of the North [ __ ] it's even more confusing about who the [ __ ] like is Lord of Winterfell like it was Sansa who took Winterfell and mostly rules it and that's what she's known for but brand technically did become Lord of Winterfell after that but it's not what he's known for and then you have [ __ ] aegon Targaryen which is a much more shareable story which is like [ __ ] spreading around like crazy so it's all just a confusing mess of rumors and this is only said to get more confusing when Jon agrees to be benjen and the name Jon Snow and aegon become treason at any rate Arya in grief and anger loses it seven Hells is everyone in this Kingdom [ __ ] dead I've only cleaned one name off my list since I got here you're telling me Cersei is all that's left what about Barrack thorus and the red woman Littlefinger doesn't know oh yeah clearly homesick Bargains with herself saying that maybe she'll find them North Peter wishes her luck but he reinforces that if she's out for a Revenge his job might result in cersei's death before she can kill her a frustrated Arya gives in and agrees to help Cersei is a guaranteed name she can clear off her list and it'll win that favor with the only family she has left I use grief and guilt is channeled yet again in two vengeance you know when people talk about character assassinations in Game of Thrones everyone talks about Danny and Jon because one does a total 180 and the other becomes a sponge but Aya Still Remains like cool and badass or whatever but like the main thing that defined Arya her quest for Revenge got thrown out the window rather than becoming no one she became nothing what was the point of her character are you doing here it was also like a plot assassination when she got to Westeros she was such a wild card every other character sort of had this main goal and were conflicting with each other because of it but then there was this one [ __ ] wrench thrown into the works with motives totally separate to any other characters I wanted to see how that would play into everything but instead she just allies with the north so they can simplify the plot do something more interesting it's a waste so instead for now we have Arya Ally with Littlefinger but it's done based on a lie so there's tension and expectation that this Dynamic will eventually change again at any rate with this Alliance formed rather than try to persuade Cersei Peter skips that step and goes right to pretending to offer the veil Army to her Danny in the north are fighting the dead whoever wins will be considerably a weaker enemy so he's betting on Cersei and making an alliance between the veil and the lasters only Aya Peter and waymar Royce know the plan but wayma Roy's doesn't know about Aya only that Peter is plotting to take over once in the city Peter meets with Aya in secret to give her info on Cersei but here's the issue Robert strong stays in this does he every hour of the day if first attempt fails because of this and puts Cersei on a lot her second attempt is to kill him first but because he's a zombie needle does nothing and she has no clue why after the first two attempts the guards in the red keep triple and the heat of this past the frustration of failure gets to her she takes a break and walks through King's Landing during this walk Arya finds Gendry in his shop and is hit with a mix of emotions she pretends to be happy but deep down part of the horror is mad because the last three names just got wiped off her list because Gendry didn't die Cersei is now the only one left this causes her to blow up a Gendry for something completely irrelevant because she doesn't want to admit why she's angry and the conversation ends she goes to kill Cersei again fails and in sadness and regret comes back to apologize to Gendry but he's gone after his falling out with Aya Davos who's been looking for Gendry finally finds him and Gendry already mad that her friend reunited with her only to get mad is raring to get out of King's Landing he was already annoyed making Army for the lasters anyway so when Aya comes back to apologize he's gone Aya starts to lose it before now IO has only killed Lannister soldiers when she has to because she's humanized to them but this causes her to just start killing them on mass to thin out cersei's guard so it's easier to move around her morals are slipping as she starts to feel desperate to be the one to clear the last name on her list meanwhile a member of the iron bank arrives to talk to Cersei similar to the show but Cersei fails to convince him why she should pump yet more money into the lasters a dragon Queen Looms in the north and Tywin the reliable man who could be trusted to pay his interest is dead replaced by an emotional liability who blew up the set and most importantly now has the common people threatening to overthrow her the Lannisters will be wiped out giving the money is not a good bet Littlefinger hears of this conversation and before the iron Banker leaves King's Landing he talks to him and tries to convince him to help them buy the golden company but rather than put it in cersei's name have them be loyal to Littlefinger he wants the iron bank to back him in his final play the eye in the throne why because Littlefinger has history with the iron bank before the iron bank lost money on Cersei Stannis etc for eight seasons Peter was the master of coin and he was good at it despite how much Robert spent he always met interest payments with his brothels and various other assets in fact Peter is so confident in his ability to make money as king that he even offers to inherit the last as debt after they're gone the iron bank knows Littlefinger would be reliable as king but he isn't in the line of secession but neither was aegon and he'll had the will of the people so long as he can bring back stability but how will he do that the Lannister's stocks and targaryens all oppose him the safer bet would be to bet on the one with [ __ ] dragons but they don't need the iron bank's debt and are threatening to wipe out the ones who do but how will he defeat the last as stocks and targaryens Littlefinger says he has a plan but we don't get to hear it Arya and Cersei continue to do battle and while Aya can't kill Cersei Cersei can't kill Aya either she can be anyone and move through the red keep like the cat she used to chase the constant threat and presence of Ayah along with a common folk Rebellion makes Cersei a schizophrenic wreck Aya starts to notice this and after a falling out with Gendry she doesn't mind exploiting it her hope is that if she can drive Cersei crazy enough she might make a mistake and separate from Robert strong allowing Aya to kill her but this drags on and it takes a toll on both of them Arya starts putting Lannister heads on spikes around the keep she starts changing the faces Cersei her children Jamie she shows up in the middle of the night wearing the faces of her children to freak her out Aya doesn't let Cersei get any sleep but Aya doesn't get much herself and when she runs out of Lancer soldiers she starts searching among the common people for those who agreed with Ned Stark's execution or the Red Wedding she looks for any excuse to keep putting heads on spikes and keep driving her insane when Cersei starts running out of guards she goes to Littlefinger instead and littlefing is like yeah I have all the power now I'm the only one with an army I'm not giving you [ __ ] finally Cersei cries into Jaime's arms but she looks over to see Jamie in the doorway it's actually Aya wearing his face but with that moment she completely snaps she runs away from Jamie and Robert throwing anything and everything in her way to stop her from being forward is slow and way too big and he ends up getting stuck and not being able to follow her through a crawl space and Jaime and Arya are the only ones left separately trying to track her down Jaime finds a manic Cersei in some kind of underground bunker in the sewers and makes a horrifying Discovery after the first attempt on her life Cersei had a qyburn set up a mechanism to blow up all the Wildfire under King's Landing Jaime pleads Cersei to let him in so he can talk Jaime reminisces about their good times together only things he would know and Cersei lets him in but she's still determined to set the wildfire girls she asked Jamie to do it she doesn't care anymore burn them burn them all it's the only Surefire way to kill the Assassin Jaime holds her back horrified he tries to convince her to change her mind but then I arrives making her even more panicked Arya starts trying to break in and when she succeeds Jaime gets distracted and Cersei pulls her out from his grasp grabs a lit torch and runs to light the Wildfire both Aya and Jaime give Chase and Aya screams no as Jaime reaches for his sword he only has one way to reach her in time Jaime stabs Cersei in the back and Aya has lost her chance I can't take full credit for this Jaime killing Cersei and preventing her from setting off the Wildfire thus mirroring the Mad King it's like a popular fan Theory but the specifics of how it plays into Aya's story is online hey you want to see how fast I can do this ha ha honestly putting the cards back together and making all the cards flush it's honestly super satisfying I uh screams in Anger at him Jaime asks who she is and why she's so angry IR is offended don't you recognize me I'm higher stock of Winterfell the camera pulls back through the lifeless Halls the corpses the heads of guards on spikes the faces of cersei's children on spikes and Jaime says are you really Aya and something inside her just cracks she's no longer herself maybe she's become no one after all Jaime's not mad at her he should have killed Cersei back when she was chaining children to Towers he says he's going north he asks Aya to come with him but she refuses and screams and threatens him when he tries to get close she feels like a monster and she didn't even get to kill Cersei she can't show her face to her family Jaime buries the body and Robert strong sees this so he leaves the city because the duty he was resurrected with is now over he's off to find sandal Jaime is going to leave as well but before he does he goes to Littlefinger because at some point during all of this he saw his cat's poor blade he goes to the Littlefinger and says give it back the dagger was Jaime's he ordered Bran's assassination if you want to keep the slightly more book book accurate you could say he manipulated Joffrey into doing it but same death also Braun actually chooses to leave with Jaime as his bodyguard Jamie's surprise he'd want to join him and fight the dead but Braun the realist who's yet to interact with magic outside of Danny's dragons is skeptical of a dead army let alone if it's even the Apocalypse this is true to some extent but the real reason Brawn is going north is because Littlefinger using the money from the iron bank has given him a job meanwhile at last for what to do Arya goes to Peter who tells her to kill kyburn Dawn the face of Cersei and make Peter handle the queen so he can handle the kingdom and correspond with the north he will send a raven to Sansa explaining how she helped kill the queen Aya tired and vulnerable leans on his support Peter however actually has no intention of leaving especially when he goes through kaiban stuff and learns Robert strong as the mountain who she knows is on Aya's list from some of their heart to heart he keeps this in his back pocket and when Aya starts to suspect Littlefinger is stalling and isn't actually going to leave for the North or maybe she's just Longs for home he gives her this information and she takes the bait leaving the city to go find the mountain back in the north they prepare to fight the night King since the war still exists I actually need to do a few battles with the night King which is a little clunky but oh well bran decides to stay at Winterfell he needs to be close to a weird wood to change the past so he'll be there as a precaution in case they get wiped out but they shouldn't rely on it because also it seems that time is a closed loop while there bran asks Sam for help on working out the mystery of bloodraven and the white walkers they work out the symbols they keep drawing and depicting the Isle of faces the birthplace of the night King and they work out the blood Raven is Brandon Rivers a Targaryen spymaster who is good at manipulation and obsessed with prophecy dreams about the white walkers he tried to prepare the Seven Kingdoms for them but he is at any cost mentality got him sent to the wall where he became Lord commander and then went missing the battle for the war begins I'm not gonna go too far into tactics too much because like but like The crucial points of this the dead army is enormous but similar to the show and especially with the night and snowstorms that follow the white walkers you only get glimpses of it with dragon fire they know the whites are near the wall but you can't tell until Danny randomly Flames an area and it's packed with whites like turning on a flashlight and only seeing spy Fighters implying that they're covering the whole floor at any rate because they're so dense and clumped the dragons can fly along the wall and are incredibly effective at torching them before they can start climbing as a result the night King splits his army up very thin and has them attack multiple points along the wall the smaller number and the Knight and snow storm covering them means that they can start attacking in small groups from the other side of the wall after sneaking past furthermore on the ocean side of the wall the sea freezes allowing the whites to walk across so a dragon must continually break a line through the ice with dragons to prevent them getting through by the way the fact that it's coldest and darkest the closer they get to the giant mass of Walkers helps Stan confirm a theory the strange seasons in Westeros are caused by White Walker activity as the army of the Dead marched across the lands of always winter digging up corpses and doing who knows what else they stirred up the atmosphere sending these Darkness infused cold fronts into Westeros chilling the atmosphere and dulling the brightness of the day especially if they were closer to the wall or clumped together for any specific period of time also given that the land of always winter was once inhabited by the children of the forest and wasn't always cold probably means it will return if the white walkers are defeated anyway as the whites don't eat or sleep they play the long game and keep the living moving John has a less experienced Dragon Rider puts lines in the sea and keeps them at Bay because if you shot down the Dothraki horde on the ice behind him can back him up viserion and trogon fly along the wall since two dragons can cover the distance during this fight Denny finds a night King and like in the show he can't be killed by dragon fire I'm sure there's a time where you can do this battle but for simplicity's sake let's say that the dragons start to wear out and fly a bit close to the ground and a zombie giant obscured by the snowstorm takes a bow and aims at the source of the fire that he can see through the snowstorm and shoots rhaegar through the throat forcing him to the ground where he bleeds out the Dothraki like their swords manually because I can't do that with nassandra this time and Rush onto the ice to fight the whites on an open field to defend Jon and rhaegar's body and this is where we get the scene from the show where all the lights go out because you've only seen the dead within day it's fine you can't get a sense for their numbers only that it's ominously large because random Fire Hits its targets so when they charge across the ice just like the show you don't know how many are out there and just like the show the lights are swallowed by Darkness this is such an amazing visual for the show and I knew I had to include it it just needed to be a bit more um make a bit more sense so the Dothraki aren't there as an opening battle strategy they only charge as part of a contingency plan which also does keycases as well by the way like if you're trying to open a door with one hand you can just flick it open and you key splay out and you pick the one you want and yeah boom you can also just get [ __ ] like look look at this you can get matching you can get matching colors look at that yeah at any rate suddenly John is alone with a dead dragon on an expansive bed of ice can't see 10 feet ahead and the sound of whites running across the ice gets louder and louder before Danny comes back just in time to help burning another line in the ice Jon gets a glimpse of the night King lit by the fire and then he just stops and stares at Jon and rhaegar gears turning it ahead she's tempted to abandon him but she doesn't she picks him up and they continue burning lines in the ice but the zombie giant might still be out there and now they're down one dragon with one less Dragon this will allow more whites to start getting over the wall they want to defend rhaegar's body so the dead can't claim it but they realize they'll eventually get flanked by the whites getting over the wall so they opt to break the ice and drop rhaegar into the sea and Retreat to Winterfell rather than risk adding too many to then Army of the dead thankfully humans one advantage over the dead is that they move faster especially with horses also during this battle Theon isn't one of the Night's Watch keeps cowering one of the Dead sneaks in and attacks someone and he saves them a total stranger thanks him and he there's a little hope put back in Theon but he quickly Stomps it out he doesn't want to feel good about himself he doesn't want to be forgiven when you take the black all your crimes are forgiven I don't want to be forgiven Theon says not to thank him he's not a good person but the stranger looks at the white corpse and says you're better than them and Theon doesn't have an argument it stirs in him he goes out he kills a few more whites it's a rush it feels good he can't help it but across the course of the battle you see Theon chase that Rush doing more and more heroic but also dangerous things until it's clear what Theon wants he's going to solve his guilt by dying in combat he's about to jump into sudden death but the retreat is signaled he missed his chance next time back at Winterfell Danny insists on lighting papaya for rhaegar and the one half of the Dothraki who died John notices that she weeps for them but it seems she seems to be okay after afterwards though she lets herself be angry she's obviously furious with Jon and this further adds to their bad blood but there should also be a good moment of realistic humanization for Jon since I do intend to make him a bit of a badass after his death reality is he's inexperienced with dragons and he didn't read the signs of exhaustion and Pace the dragon to compensate the death of his dragon is understandable but ultimately he is failing John's in a bad mood not only did he lose a dragon and his only connection to his real father but losing his dragon has destroyed a lot of what gave the Northerners hope for Independence tensions arising especially in The Agonist faction surprisingly the data taking their time following the reason the night King is freezing the area of the sea that rhaegar died all the way down to the bottom and then digging all the way down and so the night King gains a dragon because let's be real that was a cool idea while the data busy with us the living room back at Winterfell Sansa bran and John meet in the godswood at some point to talk and who arrives but Jaime Lannister he gets down his knees offers a cat poor dagger to bran and apologizes for trying to have him murdered bran accepts this and takes the dagger Sans is like hold on if you're apologizing for this what about John Aaron but Jamie didn't do it and he doesn't think Cersei did either then Tyrion arise they're still bitter with each other but he joins in on the conversation and after he's caught up he writes that Catelyn told him Peter told her it was his dagger until he lost it in a vegetarian technically she didn't but I I don't think it's such a jump to think that she would have off screen Tyrion just assumed Peter was covering his own connection but now that doesn't make sense so him and also Sansa focus on this for a second why did he lie if it wasn't his to begin with if he was covering for his own connection to the evidence then why would and then it hit Sansa Peter wants them to fight each other that's what he was doing with a raven and that's what he was doing back then Sansa ones as if turning people against each other would always being Peter's tactic which leads her to suspect the same thing with Jon Aaron how would Peter kill Jon Aaron he wouldn't but she knows he had a massive influence on someone who could what happens to people who stand between Peter and me and she knows how to find out Sansa tells bran to check Lysa Aaron and Peter Baelish the first time they were in private together the day they reunited because if they were to talk about it that's when they would and Sansa was there in fact she was leaving the room bran asked for an animal to walk into and she remembers right before she left Peter and Liza she remembered a bird called just past the window they identify the species by its core and this allows bran to go from her memory into the bird he flies a short distance to find a crack in the window and listens in on Lysa confessing to Peter they have their confirmation and so Jon will execute him once they reach King's Landing after beating the night King bran Scouts with Ravens the dead are on the move again they'll be here in 48 hours by the way the dead are moving in a straight line towards Winterfell they don't go to surrounding towns to add to the Army unless they're super close bran posits that the Army is going to prioritize them from preventing to regroup unless it's really worth taking a detour to a big town it's kind makes sense because the night and snowstorm is so big and foreboding at this point that people further up the road have more time to evacuate if they take detours at any rate the dead arrive in two days but that night Bron talks with the agonists as a tropical conversation he says before he left he raided kaiben's lab after he was assassinated to see what he could loot before he left he has an assortment of potions though he pretends he doesn't know what a lot of them do but he figured he'd sell them on the way one of the agonists recognizes an obscure poison amongst the vials and offers to buy it Ron accepts The Agonist believing Jon has lost his influence without a dragon then uses it that night to try and poison Dany but little does he know the poison was actually watered down and only makes her sick enough to think someone tried to poison her this creates a massive Rift in the alliance worse than yesterday after Jon's Dragon died and Dany lost to Dothraki the only way to settle it is to bring the specific man to justice so Dany makes a call for anyone who knows anything and bronze steps forward explaining the bottles he was selling and pinning it on that Agonist others back that up having seen them near Danny's cup and when searched they even find the vial on him Denny is angry that her life was under threat from the people she thought she made an alliance with and wants Jon to execute him for treason as he's his man but Jon is stuck in an impossible choice if he already seemed weak after losing his Dragon he will seem like Denny's lap dog if he executes his own subject for at the same time The Agonist is obviously lying and defending him will be taken just as badly by dany's forces not only that but lyncentavize more assassination attempts and further the rift that threatens the alliance Jon resorts to an action and so The Agonist demands a trial but there's no time for a bloody trial the dead attack in 48 hours they need to plan sleep and eat but The Agonist says he's entitled to it and if his King won't offer him a fair trial then maybe he was never a worthy King the anger boils up in Jon first his dragon and now this [ __ ] his own men are just as bad as everyone else having these Petty disputes while the apocalypse approaches so he stands and says enough I will not entertain this waste of time let's be done with it Clary trial by combat and I will be your Champion The Agonist accepts Dany also agrees to this because it's an opportunity to kill Jon without making an enemy of the North in fact Dany asked Jon and Jon even agrees that if he dies he wants his forces to bend the knee to Danny so long as she helps them beat the dead this causes an uproar and John's like yeah [ __ ] maybe you should think about that next time you conspire to assassinate my wife Dario more than happily offers to be Denny's Champion he can solve Denny's John problem and make her single again but it was not meant to be Jon kills Dario Dario's tricky but John now a more cautious and calculated man doesn't fall for his tricks and it's clear he's done his research on Danny's top soldiers there might be some room prior to this for Jon to like use the threat of treason to Ally with Vara so he can use the spies at any rate Jon wins but then he turns around to The Agonist and out of nowhere cuts his [ __ ] head off he turns to the shock crowd you fought for me and for that I fight for you but if you disobey my command I will fight for the right to take your head myself it was a risky move but this satiates both parties Jon risked everything for his side rather than Denny's and doesn't look weak despite losing rhaegar but he still bought Justice for Dany and dissuaded future attempts this does however cause Varys to start having doubts Johnny is incredibly ruthless can't trust other people blackmail him for his spice and while he clearly cares about the undead what will he do after meanwhile Danny didn't care about the dead and had to be forced here and while he does think Dany is good is a union between the two at all realistic Jon simply seems to be incapable of trust but he can't remove Jon from the equation either then he doesn't have the support of the people varus decides to wait but he begins to think of contingencies coincidentally that night his little birds in King's Landing reconnect with him why I'll explain later and anyway after this John and Danny uh they start hate [ __ ] John feels the need to consummate the marriage now since he's lost his dragon and a lot of his leverage and Dany who's just lost Dario wants to assert her dominance over him and the fact he needs him in Revenge like Danny won't just accept a quick one and done she wants him to be romantic and make himself vulnerable to get it but but deep down she knows John seeming strong is standing in the way of a future assassination attempts and they both need the alliance to go well especially since Dany has just lost most of her Dothraki seeing the terror of the Night's King Army and realizes they need a strong Alliance if they want to live but make no mistake they both hate each other barely trust each other and all bets are off once the Armory of the Dead stops looking like a threat So eventually it devolves into hate [ __ ] as they both sort of know what's going on and just agree to hate each other and get on with it but also in a way open up to each other about each other's Grievances and weirdly Bond over it deep down they know each other are good people but neither of them really want to admit it Jon has a hard time explicitly trusting people and Danny doesn't want to admit all the people Jon got killed inadvertently or otherwise aren't really his fault more hers for not trusting Jon and alliancing in the first place not to mention making him forsake his name [ __ ] you with your egot [ __ ] bastard steal my Throne you stupid pressy [ __ ] the apocalypse here at all you want with your goddamn chair should be a fairly Twisted interesting relationship that we'll play into the finale a lot better honestly Danny and John's relationship in the show is so [ __ ] boring and generic and literally whatever unexpected like you had Aya kill the night King but you did this why don't you support this one it's also just not very Game of Thrones like it didn't really play into the politics at all like remember marjorie's relationship or yigra and John's where there was some like something more going on than just love at least Rob and tyrion's relationship had like direct consequences before their end can you please not stick your two main characters in a barn and just say that's why they [ __ ] one last note at some point they have a small conversation where Dany tells Jon that originally it was her brother who wanted to conquer Westeros she just wanted to go home just a small offhand mention to remind the old audience and set up this concept for Jon anyway round two before the battle Theon says he wants to help the Sansa organizes a bow for him as that's what he was good at but Theon instead grabs two dragon glass daggers the riskiest possible weapon just before the battle Tyrion and Jamie talk well Jamie talks he tries to chastise him for his insecurities and taking it out on him after their last conversation but Tyrion science speaks volumes he's not trying to defend himself Jamie says it's no fun when you can't talk back the conversation softens both brothers have lost something that defines them and when Jaime sees the army of the Dead for the first time he realizes what's important they still haven't lost each other their Arc isn't done but both restore some of their bond who's sticking around for one more job by Littlefinger sees the dead remember he was the realist in all this and is basically like I gotta get the [ __ ] out of here he panics and quickly hurries to do his next mission so he can bounce on to the battle Having learned not to Clump the white surround Winterfell and start splitting into small groups the constant attacks keep them on edge and they seem willing to keep up the siege forever but the number of the Dead is much less now also the undead dragon is here but as Denny still has two they use it very sparingly it waits for Danny's dragons to move first before coming out of the snowstorm to distract her before going back into hiding day's dragons are still very effective but still not enough as the living begin to lose four important things happen firstly the last of the Dothraki go around the rules to flank the dead as the gate Falls and the dead pile inside this ends the Dothraki but kills significantly more dead secondly a single white sneaks into where varus is hiding but is luckily killed and Varys notices a Bolton sigil on the White's clothes thirdly in the chaos Bronn finds Gendry and murders him his job from Littlefinger wasn't just only to incite violence between the North and Dany it was to kill the Baratheon bastard remember Littlefinger still has spies in Winterfell and this whole concept of uh Gendry being the breath in it could probably be brought up in some uh capacity within Winterfell in this Arc back in King's Landing we see a shot of Aya she has no idea but she wasted her last conversation with him through the battle Brienne falls back and finds the body a single Stab Wound no whites around suspicious later Brienne will bring this up to Dany and Jon which further put suspicion on Jon as he is the only heir to the throne to not have an assassination attempt and fourthly a small Skirmish breaks out in the godswood remember the night King is avoiding clumping because the dragon support air is spreading his forces to spread the dragon support thin they start to lose the Skirmish and Sansa begs bran to change the past as the night King approaches him panicked he uses the weirwood to view all past at once and uses the first scene in the past he finds that he thinks will help he finds heiress Targaryen bran says the dead are coming he's building an army you have to and he Trails off as he realizes something he pulls out and returns to the present the night King approaches burn them all he says he looks up at the night King and says bloodraven drove you mad and the night King slows and stops his expression hard to read he compelled you and drove you insane after forcing an order on you from the past just like Hodor and the Mad King he was trying to prevent the long night but he ended up creating it bran says this whole time I think you've been trying to tell everyone what you really want you've been trying to appeal to bloodraven he would have seen the marks in the sky while walking into Ravens you just want to go home back to where you were created but you're compelled to kill us all the night King raises his sword at bran the night King is such like a tricky thing to write for he's not really a character he's a force of Nature and making him talk or have a deep motive or character takes away from that but also Game of Thrones is all about the [ __ ] politics characters and tightly woven plot so rather than give him depth I thought I better make him a consequence of other characters and their politics and use the current loose ends in the plot to like solve a mystery and hopefully give him a satisfying answer without changing what he is meanwhile I used the pressure of the night King to bring out the scheming in the characters so we don't lose that important element of Game of Thrones either at any rate Bran's monologue holds off the night King for long enough that John arrives with his Valyrian steel sword but just like Danny's Dragonfire he finds out his Valyrian steel can't seem to hurt the night King either he just can't slice through Jon orders The Retreat while he holds them off with a couple of others continuing with their strategy of doing a tar damage to the dead and then giving up ground so they don't have to add back to their army they decide they will fall all the way back to King's Landing and force Littlefinger and Cersei to help them with their own armies Jaime goes to fight but Brienne pushes him away go save people you are always better at it so Jaime helps the woman and children Mount horses and get away Theon during this battle has continued to try and get himself killed but in a cruel twist of fate he is the one [ __ ] with plot armor he constantly locks out and gets away with so much [ __ ] so kind of like the long night in the show but like replace every character with Theon his constant bravery even inspires his fellow ironborn and he restores his reputation with them while leading them into where the fighting is thickest but in his head it's just like [ __ ] I just want to die in the end he makes it out alive to hear the retreat signal again and he joins Jaime and the women and children because the stranger he rescued before needs someone to ride the horses they don't know how the Hound is also with the retreat effort he says to take the women and children to the quiet Isle instead of the cramped King's Landing and helps Jaime and Theon by directing them as the dead have been moving in a straight line the quiet Isle should be safe Dany rescues the rest of the important fight is with the dragon and bounces so normally I don't kill characters for shock value especially at the end of the story but there's a bunch of minor characters I don't have a lot of time for so I might as well just like wrap them up by sacrificing them to the apocalypse to give it more weight maybe I'll come back and give the more satisfying deaths or wrap ups uh wrap up their characters differently in another video but for now uh Barrick dondarian Podrick Tom and Ed Samuel tarly lyanna Mormont you're all out the other major casualty is the rest of the Dothraki they're sent out to flank as the Dead starts flooding in since they're clumping the undead dragon plays an important role in holding off Danny's dragons but the Dothraki are free to rip them into shreds but they're ultimately wiped out after doing massive damage on the way back bran talks about his night King Theory but on reflection it doesn't make sense if the man king was driven insane by bloodraven trying to prevent the long night why did he try risking changing the past again with the white walkers and what order did he give the night King that accidentally made him hell-bent on killing Humanity Tyrion posits that maybe it was intentional Maybe he wanted to destroy Humanity they ask why and varus posits that maybe bloodraven didn't just aspire to stop the white walkers maybe he wanted to fix the realm bloodraven was a spymaster just like him but after being sent to the Night's Watch Jasper trying to help the realm Maybe bloodraven started to think the realm was too far gone when he gained the abilities of a God maybe he thought he could fix Society by changing the past he told heiress to burn them all but when that caused the Mad King and he realized that time was a closed loop he realized it was actually his Destiny to create the white walkers to wipe the Slate clean so he could guide the realm to a better realm from the very beginning the man who wanted to prevent the long night ended up deciding to cause it instead but where does this new Society come from bran says that just like Hodor and the man king they won't be free until they complete their order the night King can't return home until he's destroyed Humanity once he does he will be able to return home to his birthplace and bring back his own Humanity bloodraven probably wanted to walk into him when he did and live in his place and using his abilities would find surviving children to raise as he saw a fit to Make a Better World from the ground up bran was probably intended to take over this goal after he died but bloodraven was killed before he could be indoctrinated so now bran has the choice to forsake Humanity as too far gone and let the dead win or bet on the living but his experience with bloodraven has given him a particular outlook on life he looks to Danny and John and says I think the more we try to fix our problems with Force the worse it gets I won't fix the Realm by controlling it I believe all we need to fix it is you John doesn't respond immediately and Dany looks off depressed Jon hyper fix it on the night King he agrees with bran if he can just kill the night King they can finally have peace and bran looks to both of them and says no peace doesn't start when your enemies die it starts when you sheath your blade Varys recommends that bran should be dropped off of the Isle of faces after the night and snowstorms roll in they won't be able to contact him but in the worst case scenario the night King succeeds he will return there in which case bran can use the rearward tree to make a last-ditch attempt to change the past assuming it's not a closed loop like they think but in the worst worst case scenario at least bran will be there to use his abilities to find the night King a Survivor who he can restart with Humanity with unlike bloodraven if the night King wins he won't walk into him to take his freedom again after they get a significant ways away from the night King they set up camp Denny insists on holding a fire for the Dothraki who are now all gone as well as half the unsullied this time she doesn't weep she cries for them Jon finds this a bit odd and talks to her about it she says they were the closest thing I had to family just like rhaegal and Jorah and Dario you're taking everything away from me Jon Snow later at Camp Jon lets him Biz Health be a little bit vulnerable and tries to cheer up he says I made a vow and I intend to keep it you're still my queen she gives a slight smile but looks over the camp it's 90 Northman and she says it doesn't feel like it meanwhile the Hound Theon and Jaime dropped the women and children off of the choir aisle Jaime intends to head to King's Landing but the Hound intends to say and defend the Isle against Bandits and looters taking advantage of the chaos or even just more able-bodied people running from the dead who fry in Refuge only to steal and kill but also the Hound doesn't want to fight anymore and would rather help by guarding the people of Winterfell hoping to resurrect the massacred home that gave him a second chance at life the Hound finally puts down his sword interestingly Theon is going to join Jaime but then he finds okay you know the random woman Theon [ __ ] in season two well she's here and she has theon's bastard child and she's more than happy to welcome Theon back as she's a single mother and needs the help he spends a bit of time with her and where she was just some [ __ ] to him before now this little small family welcoming him back makes him too happy he feels guilt he doesn't want to be happy he leaves back to King's Landing to die to the army of the Dead Jamie sandal and Theon are kind of like three different takes on Redemption you have Jaime who doesn't forgive himself and dedicates his life to earn that forgiveness in himself you have Santa who does forgive himself and helps the people just because that's what who he wants to be and what he wants to do and then you have Theon who doesn't forgive himself and doesn't want to be able to forgive himself and can only cope with that by throwing himself into certain death at any rate Dany and Jon's forces arrive in King's Landing and find Littlefinger on the Iron Throne as the hand of the queen the public doesn't know cersei's dead Danny and John are pissed at him for not helping with the dead and Jon declares he stand trial for killing John Aaron and starting the war Littlefinger is caught off guard by this but he denies it makes an excuse for why he took so long and then willingly gives up control but he advises against killing him because he has the veil Knights the city watch and the golden company in his name which is now the largest army there so they can't kill him because they need his army to beat the dead in this final battle to add insult he's been ingratiating himself for the common people at hand of the queen so not only does he have the largest army he also has the will of the people also before the battle Arya returns she was unable to find the mountain and the approaching Army of the Dead convinced her along with the fact that apparently benjen Stark is back in Winterfell which means he'll be retreating back to King's Landing if he's still alive uh convinces her to come back but when she gets there she's hit with a mix of emotions to find it's not her uncle it's John she's Overjoyed but racked with guilt she's murdered innocence she's finally reunited with Jon and she can't look him in the eye she finds out from Sansa that Peter lied and knew about Jon and when she accuses him of manipulating her Littlefinger tells everyone the truth about what she did to cope Arya blames Littlefinger for their deaths because he manipulated her in her denial Arya decides to add him to her list and goes to kill him but Jon stops her a guilt-ridden eye tries to justify herself to Jon they were sympathetic to the lasters to the red winning but it's not good enough Danny leaves the decision up to Jon and Jon again on a bound and much more cold knows he can't give her a free pass and they can't look bad to the common people when Littlefinger knows the truth and already looks good to the people so Jon sends her to the Night's Watch of course the Night's Watch is gone because the dead now passed the wall and when they question that he gives her a light warm smile and says the Night's Watch is here so you'll stay with with me and fight the Dead but after that Aya must leave she's banished I about her head in angry regret and out of the corner of her eye she gives Littlefinger a death stare it's his fault Brienne later talks to Aya and tells her Gendry died under suspicious circumstances Gendry would have mentioned seeing Aya before the Battle of Winterfell so you know she would know Gendry is a friend Arya is gutted and Brienne gets to experience Aya's Obsession first hand as she immediately abuses brienne's oath to ask her to investigate his murder and find out who did it so she can add them to her list at any rate they begin preparing for the dead they make estimates on how big the army of the Dead will be when it gets here the night King will want to rush them before they can regroup and recruit more armies but he also grows his army by wiping out towns so they will assume he'll only take towns that are close to the King's Road by the way in the Battle of Winterfell the Crips won an issue because whites are relatively weak and can't bust out generally no one thinks the night King can resurrect people from Six Feet Under unless they dig them up from the surface that's how the night Army got so big in the first place by digging up ancient dead people north of the wall for over a thousand years but they won't have time for that as they storm King's Landing so they set up a typical defense and Tyrion inspired by the giant who shot down Regal presents a blueprint for a scorpion as a countermeasure to the ice dragon they begin work building it varus suggests setting up contingencies if the estimates are far higher than they expect and this is the point where Tyrion says if there's too many they could always intentionally let them flood into the City and then they'll be a clumped in one place and so they can set off the Wildfire under the city sacrificing the people in the city but ultimately killing more whites and turning the tides in their favor but he has trouble expressing this without a tongue he's made a rudimentary sign language for communication but it's not perfect and they especially can't understand that there's Wildfire all over the city but Jaime already knows so he puts two and two together and so it's he explains tyrion's plan while at the same time for the sake of context explain to everyone why he knows to an audience for the first time Jaime said what he said to Brienne at his most vulnerable moment Jaime is no longer scared of being judged but Jaime had someone disconnect all the wildfire parts from each other before he left and it would be way too dangerous to have them all connected during a Siege they need a manual trigger a dragon but Jon's dragon is dead the only dragon rider left is Dany and she absolutely refuses to do this the Dothraki are dead the unsullied a heart the north dislikes Danny for censoring the real air rumors are spreading to everyone else and now they want her to Nuke the city ensuring that anyone who survives will hate her Jon pushes her to stop thinking about herself he knows at this point that they'll need to make sacrifices to beat the dead but she thinks he's full of [ __ ] because he benefits from the people hating her or at least it's easier for her to believe that so instead Tyrion comes up with a different plan reinforce various houses so that they did have a hard time getting in if the wall Falls half the forces will fall back while the other hide in the reinforced houses and let the Dead sweep over them then open the doors and flank from behind where the night King probably is you kill him you end the long night this scares a lot of the men to be stuck in reinforced housing hoping to God they don't break as the dead swarm over them it's seen as a suicide's mission especially after they've been had the fear of the Dead struck into them after losing two consecutive battles to them so as a compromise the men are all given sealed notes with either a ink stamp to fall back or a blank piece of paper to hide in the houses they won't open it until the first bell rings and they won't act on it until the second bell rings after the meeting Tyrion hugs Jaime he never knew also Tyrion gives him a haircut and a shave both as a bonding moment but also because Tyrion tends to communicate through Jaime now as he demands more respect and attention he thinks it's important for him to stand out especially once they're on a chaotic Battlefield and he may want to get the attention of an actual commander like John or Dany before the battle Brienne is torn between protecting Sansa and the red keep or protecting ire on the battlefield but Sansa tells her to protect Aya as they talk Sansa has a pair of knitting needles and his pick backs up some of her old loves with all the politics and planning done there isn't much for her to do but hide in the red keep but tragically she finds she can enjoy it anymore pretty dresses dancing knitting singing she used to love all those things but after everything she's been through it all just seems childish and pointless Brienne is basically like yeah it is the only purpose she's found is with a sword in her hand but Sans a size and says but that's not me either this is kind of a minor point but they kind of kind of girl boss Sans are like way too hard like make her more mature in a schema sure but did she have to like lose what may her Sansa was always like the quintessential lady not just because her Society pressured it on her but because she like actually liked those things too she was like the perfect mirror for Aya something I try to allude to with her worrying about her sister while knitting with two needles but I felt like the show ditched her feminine traits in the end rather than letting her keep them but with a new spin on it which is what I'm building to now let's skip to the battle the Dead start gathering in small groups as they prepare for combat by the looks of it the estimates were on point this battle should be winnable as before the Dead starts sieging and attacking in small skirmishes to keep them on their toes looking for weak points and avoid being clumped and toasted the larger Army is clumped but it's far enough away that they can scatter if Dany takes to the sky Dany is on standby with her dragons as is the ice dragon both unwilling to put their dragons at risk without some sort of guaranteed return John meanwhile patrols the walls and streets with the northmen looking for signs of whites or signs they've found ways inside or rushed the walls in a small Skirmish where the guards have become weak as the battle and Siege may take a while and they're not people with battle experience Littlefinger invites Varys on a walk around and near the throne room yeah just like old times varus expresses his loss of confidence in Dany and Jon he did what he could but those blasted red priests and their Reckless prophecy have destroyed that hope and Littlefinger is like perhaps I can offer you a better candidate me Vara says he couldn't think of a worse idea he has neither the character nor the means and Peter disagrees he has the means and so as they walk Littlefinger explains his final play as we cut to see it actually playing out in real time Peter ordered a small group of people from the golden company to dress like the unsullied and go kill Jon it must be out in the open where witnesses can see but should they succeed a ship of gold awaits them in a secret cave Harbor for them to leave on it's a Brazen move Jon will instantly know they're not unsullied and sent by Peta but that is of no concern these assailants lack experience with unsullied weapons [ __ ] I didn't realize until editing the outside [ __ ] to have the same goddamn weapons as the golden company I'm just just pretend the golden company does not use [ __ ] Spears change that that's fine it's fine it's like they have they haven't been shown on screen yet [ __ ] me and since they must kill him in the open they won't be able to sneak up on him they won't succeed but Littlefinger is counting on it with the chaos of a Siege and multiple Witnesses many from afar word will spread like fire fast and without control until the simplest most lethal version Finds Its way to its Target Jon will know the implications he'll try to spread the truth try to get word to Danny before it's too late but in the chaos of a Siege it will be unsuccessful we see some of the northern Messengers heading to Dany get stopped for questioning by Denny's forces who still entrust them and some get attacked by whites meanwhile the people who watch from afar quickly spread it to other Northerners and the message only has to jump a few people before it gets the agonists who were previously quelled by the trial by combat but are now in Rage because the word has changed as it went from person to person apparently Jon didn't just get attacked apparently he was killed the aegon has pushed their way through the streets cutting through anyone who gets in their way they bust into the keep where Dany is on standby and charger screaming traitor they very nearly kill her with a surprise but she has dragons so of course she ultimately wins as Littlefinger says this varus watches dragon fire appear behind him from one of the towers the assassination is unsuccessful but this attempt is enough to make her genuinely fear for her life this has left her Furious Denny may be good like Vara says but she also wants the throne hates Jon and doesn't trust him whether or not she thinks Jon sent them personally doesn't matter John's very existence has proven to be dangerous to her and with it she now has the perfect excuse to act on everything she's wanted she gets on drogon and takes to the sky Jon knows this too and he also sees the same fire from one of the towers so fearing the worst he hatches a plan of his own he tells Arya and Brienne to stay and help defend he wants them to trust that he can convince Dany so he can be alone with her because this is actually a lie he knows he can convince her Jon then runs around by himself to open areas with no Witnesses trying to bait Daddy to come this works drogon Bears down on Dron and viserion patrols and scans the surrounding area at first John tries anyway to convince her to not kill him and that it's applied by Littlefinger to turn them against each other but Danny doesn't care the fact that people she's allied with can be manipulated like that is asking for trouble as long as Jon is alive Danny isn't safe there's too much of a rift between the two factions your men are so easily manipulated because they want to be manipulated they don't want a dragon Queen they just want you even when you threaten to cut their head off you couldn't control them it'll never work out it's me or you John grits his teeth is that what you tell yourself so you can secure your throne I was right to never trust you you were power hungry all along I don't care what you think I won't let you take everything from me John says wait at this point John moves on to plan B he says that if he's gonna die anyway he tells Dane to take his sword and kill him without Witnesses Danny can probably take charge of the two factions and unite everyone against the White Walkers even if someone finds the body his own sword would make it look like a suicide not Danny this is how Jon thinks he can beat Littlefinger give up his own life rather than feed the chaos Peter relies on but unique I thought you said Jon was colder and traumatized by death after what happened last time you're right he is the Catch-22 Jon has no intention of actually dying give me a second here Danny accepts this proposal but this Final Act of Charity from Jon cuts her deep he is a good person she knows that but it's not enough to stop her she tears up and pierces John's heart with long claw but when Dany stabs him he walks into ghost he wakes up and goes body far from his own somewhere else in King's Landing but plot twist again after the likely is John's body Arya comes around the corner she didn't trust him she was worried about losing while the last people she had left so she followed him and got held up long enough sneaking around viserion that she only arrived to see Jon get stabbed she wants to go to him but drogon turns his head and she's forced to hide again Danny removes the sword halfway no flames the prophecy the Red Priest told her was [ __ ] apparently she pushes the sword back in and lowers him to the ground in a kneeling position Denny leaves on drogon smashing a brick structure on the way up and covering Jon's body in broken Stone Arya rushes up but Jon is gone Littlefinger explains Tavares that when Aya finds out she will add Dany to her list note Peter didn't predict Jon would try to be alone he thought he'd be killed in a pretty high he way meanwhile Dany rallies the armies and takes charge since Jonah has disappeared there are some people who are still spreading the story that Jonah was killed by Daenerys but there's also a CounterPoint in Brienne who says that she survived and Jon is just missing most of the Army in general doesn't even really know this was happening it's all something that's just happened in the background of the chaos of a Siege it seems like she'll be able to unite everyone she stands in front of them as she speaks but unbeknownst to her Arya sneaks through the crowd using her faces even when guards get suspicious they can't keep track of her suddenly she's in Danny's range posing as an unsullied with a message but drogon sniffs her out once she's close she doesn't smell like an unsullied but she's too close today to use Dragonfire drogon goes to bite her just as Aya goes for the kill causing everyone to react drogon misses the bite but Aya misses the vitals Danny gets a deep long cut that starts to bleed profusely and Arya tries to disappear into the crowd using her faces this confuses drogon so he just sprays Flames wildly in direct consequence for dany's actions she gets both gray worm and masande killed by her own dragon Aya miraculously survives but gets a nasty burn from her chest to her face and one side of her head that she manages to put out by rolling into a hiding place she's in extreme pain but she's conscious enough to peek out a distraught Dany gets control of drogon quickly uses a red hot sword to cauterize harune before she bleeds out and then faints from the pain leading drogon to to pick her up and fly off with her to get her to safety Aya curses yet again Aya feels like she may have missed out on Revenge she sets her eyes on the red keep at least Jon won't stop her from killing Littlefinger anymore but when she starts to move the pain takes her and she starts to faint Brienne who's been looking for her catches her and drags her into a nearby house in the chaos around where Dany was we see Braun is scanning the crowd looking for Aya he puts his hand on his dagger as Littlefinger explains that Braun is actually the true intended recipient of this ship of gold all he has to do is kill Aya after she assassinates Dany Peta explains all of this as he reaches the throne room with both Targaryen and Baratheon heirs Dead all dragons without Riders and the people with the biggest army loyal to him Littlefinger has won the Game of Thrones and so he finally takes his seat varus Riley congratulates him but retorts he still has to deal with the dead Peter does hope that Aya will kill Danny after defeating the Dead but the army of the dead has been worn down and looks to be fairly small anyway he's fairly confident someone else will take charge and they'll win at any rate varus and Peter agreed to continue their walk as they need to get to the safest part of the red keep speaking of with Danny and John gone someone has to take charge a small power struggle ensues between the forces of Fire and Ice but Tyrion encourages Jaime to put forward his own pitch the connection between them allows him to understand enough of his rudimentary sign language to see where he's going Jaime pitches himself as an impartial third party and also with Tyrion the most battle experienced tactician he also pleads for the North's forgiveness acknowledging how terrible of a person he was and for the first time in decades swears an oath with total sincerity to seek no power and take no lands or titles if they will let him unite them against the dead meanwhile the night King Watches drogon carrying Dany well out of range there is now only one dragon on either side it's time to attack the ice dragon makes a call and the whites begin to start crawling out from forests and caves and from deep in in the snowstorm in effort to avoid being clumped from the stage the night King hid a ton of his forces and had them wait for an opportunity to attack meanwhile varus and Peter talk as they climb the red keep they reminisce but the tone is very much Victorious for Peter and ominous favarus until they move outside onto the balcony and Peter sees the true size of the army a chill runs down his spine and Vara says it seems like the estimates were off and Peter says but how could they possibly be off by this much and Lara says that it's because they thought corpses didn't have enough strength to dig out of the ground by themselves but if the corpses are fresh enough and the ground is shallow enough they can and Peter's like why do you know that why didn't you tell anyone varus explains he worked it out when he saw the white wearing a Bolton sigil at Winterfell clearly from the Battle of just a few months back he looks at Peter and says it shouldn't be a problem though unless of course the grounds of Westeros are littered with thousands of shallow Graves with fresh corpses and soft dirt Peter says of course there is the whole continent has been at War for years varus looks him in the eyes an ominous smile on his face and says oh and who did that Peter looks over the dead genuine fear on his face chaos is a ladder right tell me in all that time did you ever think about where you'd run next Once you reached the top and so the battle starts for real viserion hangs around but is ultimately uncontrollable and doesn't interact with things unless it interacts with him first Tyrion builds a defense around this and channels a lot of the Dead towards him while they use the Scorpions to ward off the ice dragon Theon wants to throw himself into the front line to die but as he's an accomplished Archer Tyrion gets him on the Scorpions and as a result scores an injury on the ice dragon causing it to be more cautious installing out the battle Tyrion also uses his wits to locate the giant that killed rhaegar and has Theon scorpion bolt him so he can't kill the dragon Davos is also there and working together with him it sort of mirrors the Battle of Blackwater but the two of them are on the same side this time meanwhile Jaime fights in the choke points with Tyrion nearby but there's a problem Jaime after his journey and humility can't rally the troops he doesn't have his confidence or Charisma anymore Tyrion pulls him aside and indicates with his sign language that even if it's just for now old Jaime needs to come back but Jaime lacks the confidence or at least the delusion that he was confident he says Tyrion was right about him that he is a failure Tyrion says in sign if you were a failure I never would have been jealous of you I was jealous of you because I always knew what you were capable of go be a hero I need to do a video on this but like one of the issues with character flaws is that when they dictate character's personality they logically have to lose that personality if their character develops past that floor which is a problem because then the character you're left with is often just a good person and nowhere near as interesting but not here I want Jamie to come full circle at the start of Game of Thrones he seemed like Prince Charming this Suave charismatic hero when in actual fact he's like a really bad guy but now now he becomes that hero he fights where it's thickest with a smile on his face gloating to his troops that he can keep up with them despite not being left-handed he doesn't do it because he believes it but because that's who he needs to be and the longer he does it the more he gets into it and Revels it and Jaime Lannister becomes the knight in shining armor the hero of King's Landing that he was always meant to be to make a like a Lord of the Rings analogy John is kind of like Gandalf in the Battle of Helm's Deep Well Jaime is close to agaron our it's a Pokemon that [ __ ] John's going to come back in last minute to save the day but Jaime is the hero who held back the siege for John to save the day they wipe out a significant amount of the Dead holding off the attack but soon exhaustion begins to take them and it looks dire rather than full here and add to the dead Tyrion makes the call to ring the bell and Signal everyone to open up their sealed notes that decides whether or not they're hiding in houses or falling back to the red keep to lure the Army further into the City and hopefully have the soldiers in the houses come out to flank and hopefully kill the night King from behind also sometime during all this they lure the ice dragon into viserion so for the next portion of their story these two are kind of like locked in combat and they cancel each other out while all this is happening Jon has been surveying the battlefield but when he sees Aya try to kill Dany and his plan failing he as ghost searches for Melisandre to get her to heal his body so he can walk back into it next we see drogon carrying Dany he takes a high above and over the snowstorm searching for somewhere that looks safe a peaceful place to land he gets out of range of the snowstorm and sees an Island covered in nature and surrounded by water the Isle of faces where bran Waits For The Night King in King's Landing the Bell Rings again those with blank notes fall back and those with Mark notes hide in the reinforced houses but what's weird is there seems to be far less soldiers falling back than going into the houses dead very quickly begin to spread from the main Force attacking different areas but the bulk marches its way to the red keep the living who are falling back are very quickly doing so as their lack of numbers is forcing them to give up ground Theon is one of many soldiers in the houses at first he's grateful because he wants to die but when there isn't many whites as he hoped trying to get in it looks like they'll be fine he gets frustrated opens the door kills the whites outside and makes his way to the biggest mass of whites heading towards the red keep Tyrion is confused by the extra people in the reinforced houses something has gone wrong and it's disastrous if their forces aren't split properly they won't be able to flank they'll just get slaughtered by the sheer mass of Walkers if they try to engage the main Force Tyrion chooses to sacrifice those soon to die in the red keep their one shot is to kill the night King so they wait hoping one of the reinforced houses will get a visual on him as he will probably enter the city last this does in fact happen but the forces that see him try to attack and fail with no way of knowing that the night King has already marched into the city past them the soldiers are left in the Lurch some come out thinking they're flanking While others stay inside knowing its certain death and wait for some kind of sign or order also Arya wakes up and much to brienne's annoyance she wants to charge into certain death to kill Littlefinger she starts moving down the streets as Brienne tries to convince her but this attracts Braun who saw Brienne and Aya go into one of the houses and has been waiting for his opportunity and this is it he puts a sword through the door as she walks past but Brienne sees this just in time and and pushes her out of the way this begins a duel between Brienne and Braun and allows Aya to slip away from Brienne while they do Bron tries to convince her to give up protecting her so he can kill her a ship full of gold and capable Sailors awaits him in a secret port in King's Landing and the ticket to take it out of here and away from the apocalypse is her head of course Brienne swore an oath to protect her but Bron retards that her honorable nightly oath is to protect a murderer even now Brienne is literally helping her go off and kill a man who is technically innocent all Peter did was lie to her but she blames him for her murders I'm gonna say that brienne's nighting where she swore to defend the Innocence from the show happens in this version too and probably also Braun was there for it this not only gives Brawn logic to exploit this but it also means as soon as Brienne becomes a knight she's tested in the same way Jaime was this argument slash fight goes on for a bit before he hits her with a what's your plan huh you gonna follow her for the rest of your life helping her with whatever crime she does on a whim this stops her she looks at oath Braun thinks he might have gotten through he starts to back off and leave for Aya but Brienne thinks of something why are you trying to leave King's Landing anyway Braun says he doesn't want to die obviously but Brienne asks then why did you come north why go that far if you're only self-interested bronze says he saw the dead and got scared but that's not convincing enough why come back to King's Landing Brienne knows he works on Littlefinger that's why he's targeting Aya what if he was also working for him when he came North too and then it clicks he was paid to kill Gendry the Baratheon Heir she raises her sword again Brienne wins this duel by disarming him and putting bronos back he remains calm he's unarmed and an honorable Knight would arrest him and have him stand trial but Brienne says he won't stand trial she's to be banished but if bronstan's trial she'll return to Westeros to kill him even if it's certain death if she doesn't warn anyone she may kill any guards that get in her way but if she does Aya will surely die Brienne says he had a point like Jaime she too has reached a point where she must choose between OS and what is right and wrong she's made him realize that honor has no absolute where there is conflict she must decide for herself on a case-by-case basis she is going to kill him without trial so he doesn't feed into Aya's Obsession and Braun indignantly says how can you justify killing me I'm unarmed you don't fight with honor and bran replies no you don't and so ends Brawn of the Black Water bronze lack of Honor ultimately gets him killed by a true Knight who chose between O's and ultimately decide to sacrifice a dishonorable man if it means at least life's wrist meanwhile Aya runs towards the red keep she still has a chance to kill Littlefinger but she curses as she runs where the [ __ ] are all the soldiers who are supposed to be falling back they should be holding back the dead long enough to allow her to kill Littlefinger she gets to the entrance the dead are already swarming the gate but they can't hold them off she realizes she's not gonna make it in time she has to try she moves forward to certain death but someone grabs her and drags her away it's Dion he wants to die but his guilt means he can't abandon a stock oh yeah editor's note upon getting the King's Landing Sansa would have told Aya Theon didn't actually kill rickon and brand and forbade her from killing him which is probably enough reason for him to be removed from her list Aya's mouth is covered but she screams and yells trying to break free it's no use she watches as the red keep God collapses and the dead flood in she yells bloody murder Fury and frustration will welling up in her eyes she'll never kill Littlefinger now Theon drags her to a nearby house and throws her in he tries to convince Aya to leave but when it's obvious she can be convinced he throws a deeper into the room and blocks the door from the outside knowing she's trapped Arya settles enough for her to remember a [ __ ] priorities for once oh God Sansa is up there and Theon says he will go up there and save her I is like but what about you and he's like what is dead men of a die [ __ ] probably a slightly more depressed version that I don't know why I wrote that back of the red keep the dead are beginning to push in Varys and Peter are quickly making their way to the save as part of a red keep a panic Peter gets to the door and tries to open it but it's locked he orders it to be open for him and someone answers hello Peter says Sansa Sansa of course refuses to open the door for him Peter thinks he has time to persuade her but they start to hear the sounds of battle and the sound of dead rumbles through the holes Peter doesn't understand how the guard fell that quickly and varus explains that a significant number of the seal notes were pickpocketed by his little buzz and replaced with the sealed notes with symbols in them to indicate to hide in the houses why why would you do that Varys explains after qybone was killed Peter who already had spies suddenly had to keep track of far too many spies unlike qyburn he failed to take control of all his little Buds and some flew the coop allowing Varys to reconnect to King's Landing so vara's knew Littlefinger was playing to take the throne even back then as said before during the Battle of Winterfell varus got attacked by a single white that snuck in after it was dead he noticed there was a Bolton sigil probably from the battle against the boltons just outside Winterfell implying the whites can rise and pull themselves out of the ground if their Barrel was recent enough as the ground is turned and soft and their grave is shallow enough so he encouraged bran to stay on the Isle of faces so they wouldn't be able to scout the dead so they dramatically underestimate the size of the army after all normal scouting doesn't work due to the night and so storm then he pushed the battle planners to make contingencies for when the defenses fell resulting in the sealed notes which he could then manipulate like he did to engulf the red keep all to kill littlefingo without having to rely on Dany or Jon or do dramatic damage to their own Army Peter says this is insane without a proper flank there's no hope of killing the army of the Dead Varys says he doesn't know for sure that living might pull out a miracle but even if they don't he's at peace with it he'd sooner see Humanity start from scratch with bran as its guide then he would see Littlefinger on the Iron Throne the rumbling sounds of the Dead get louder Peter desperately begs Sansa he loves her please cat I've always loved you but Sansa ignores him charges him with all his crimes and sentences him to die he turns tavarus he sees the Dead coming up the stairs behind him protect me serve your king I don't serve Kings I protect the realm the dead engulfs the Varys Littlefinger screams as the dead crash into him meanwhile Dany wakes up on the Isle of faces with bran she asks how long she was out brance is about half an hour her heart sinks she argues with bran as she tries to grasp her feelings not gonna write this out but for the general gist of it it's what has she done missande and gray worm are dead and King's Landing is probably overrun by Whites by now their loss is certain and it's all her fault and for what for safety now everything's [ __ ] anyway she sees that for the lie it is what did she really do it for so she could gain the love of the people so she could be seen as the true ruler why did that matter so much to her bran is angry at first but accepts it quickly and in a way is at peace he says that at any rate that it's a good thing he remained here he will be here for when the night King returns home and upon hearing that Dany begins to Mellow in her Panic as she seems to realize something Danny says he's not going to return home it was never even possible for him to return home the last time he was here was Generations ago his family and friends are dead the cultures and traditions he grew up on are gone everyone who knew him or heard of him knows nothing of him now as a tear Falls from her eye as she says he can't return home his home is gone after a moment she mounts drogon bran asks what she's gonna do Daenerys says she's going to defeat the army of the dead at any cost even if it means becoming the Mad Queen back at King's Landing enough time has passed the Tyrion accepts that no one could assassinate the night King from the back he's out of clever plans and the only thing they can do is get everyone out of the houses and carefully move through the streets killing whites without drawing others and hoping to find the night King they get the nearby soldiers out of the house and stare down the massive Army ahead suicide mission meanwhile Jon as ghost finds Melisandre and thorus and gets them to follow him until they work out what's happened they fight slash sneak their way through some of the Dead who have been spread out all over the city and get to John's body but here's the issue Jon died on his knees and the rocks that fell on him are completely trapping his body the rocks are too big to remove and they also only have access to his face and his back so they can't even pull the sword out to add an insult they don't have any access to a fire big enough to heal him and all the while they're trying not to draw attention from the dead they're [ __ ] but then Daenerys on drogon comes into view she sees a dead filling the streets with the largest amount clumped in the center Tyrion works out what's about to happen he gets Jaime to order everyone to take cover back in the houses now Danny knows what she's about to do will be all the people and even her own soldiers remember her for she shouts dracarus in anger and sadness as Tears For All from her eyes she screams in Anger as she reluctantly Mourns the place and the people she hoped to make her home citizens hiding in their houses and those who had their houses broken into and were forced to lead flee into the streets and are burned in fire or killed by rubble from explosions of wildfire even the reinforced houses with soldiers in them are not safe although they are safer she tries to avoid the core of the Reiki but the parts of the keep as a whole still go down by direct fire where she can see white swarming or by Wildfire explosions as collateral ultimately Dany sacrifices Innocent Lies but because the dead have far greater numbers are clumped near the center and are out in the open for every innocent burn a hundred whites are slain also the chaos Danny creates is actually what allows Theon to climb the red keep which is nothing short of a miracle crumbling Rubble Forks to save him from large groups and create shortcuts and reveals pet secret passages also most of the Dead are facing opposite of him giving him the element a surprise and the number have spread out to different rooms so he doesn't have to deal with all of them as he climbs meanwhile thorus and Melisandre watched drogon arrive to start burning King's Landing and melisandra puts the pieces together she understands the prophecy they will use Dragon Fire to melt the Rock and heal Jon's body with a sword still inside him Jon will have to walk back in and remove the sword himself while pulling himself from the melting malleable Rock a dragon-born from Stone a burning sword forged in the heart of a lover Blood Of The Dragon running through his veins Azora High Thor asked why wouldn't that just burn Jon's body and she recalls a conversation with Daenerys about her Miracle rebuff fire cannot kill a dragon but how will they get Danny to burn this area specifically thorus takes a swig of wine lights his sword and charges with a Battle Cry towards one of the Dead this starts drawing them to him until he has a big enough group that he falls back to Jon's body Melisandre tells John as ghost to run back and walk when he sees the Flames she gets up high and calls to another group of whites baiting them in thoros climbs up to Melisandre and defends her from the climbing dead as long as he can while she draws more until there is a big enough group that Dany can see it drogon approaches and the two red priests exchange a final goodbye knowing that their purpose is complete Dragon Flames engulf them and ghost looks on his eyes return to their original color the fire burns the stone melts aegon targaryen's clothes burn away as his hair turns ashy white from the fire the color burned out his heart beats and tries to regenerate despite the swords still inside it blood pours from his chest and he screams in pain and fury as he pulls himself from the stone and fire and draws a lightbringer from his own chest so take me Danny isn't truly fireproof it was apparently like a one-off miracle which is what I'm going with but honestly the show kind of makes it seem like it isn't but then viserys killed by molten gold to the head and also Jon gets bought one so it's kind of a confusing mix it would be good to confirm Danny's fireproofness as a miracle at some point but the other option would be to see a layer of skin as well as the Black in his hair burnt Away by the fire so he can technically still be burnt but it's his non-targaryen half that burns explaining how he was burnt once before likewise more materials are different from firing can still hurt targaryens which explains viserys but the molten rock doesn't kill Jon because it's not directly to his head and he's surrounded by fire which is healing him this also explains why danic and cauterize our wounds with a hot blade both of these options work but I think the first one is better because it doesn't [ __ ] with Targaryen lures I think a number of them die in fire at any rate Jon finds some kind of nearby cloak or something hanging nearby and puts it on so he doesn't have to fight the night King naked and he climbs to a high point to survey the area King's Landing is a rune but the number of dead is now manageable he shouts at romantic speech calls to any fighter still alive to come out and finish the battle with him he has been resurrected and now called on his followers to do the same to fight the army of the dead he resurrects his own Army from the ruins he empowers them brings out their last bit of strength even if you're scared even if you're injured rise from the ruins your premature tombs your king will lead you to victory the first one to pull himself out the hero Jaime Lannister he re-swares his allegiance to his King just as he swore in his oath and encourages the men who followed him to pull themselves out from the rubble too slowly but surely an army bloody and beaten but determined drag themselves from the ruins each one joining the cheer following John's word and raising the morale enough for the next group of soldiers to come out of hiding among them Tyrion pulls himself out and picks up a weapon too when Jon's Army gathers they begin their final March up to the highest point in King's Landing where most of the Dead seem to be gathered protecting the night King now that Dany is cleared most of the Dead the whites are spread out and evenly numbered allowing for an intense but triumphant March up the hill Denny plays a role in the March where she can like if the dead ever clumped too hard and when they reach the top of the hill Dany makes him scatter with Dragonfire and draws lines between the groups of dead after scattering to help the living not get swarmed at once the night king with a group of soldiers moves into the red keep for cover and Jon with his own group charges in meanwhile Jaime stays outside the red keep with another group of soldiers and holds off the dead and prevents them from flanking while Jon's group tries to chase down the night King where up on a dramatic balcony in a crumbling Tower John Jules the night King now with a Valerian steel blade coated in dragon fire lightbringer it's also around this time rhaegar manages to significantly injure viserion and so he flies off to give the night King support against rogon while this was all happening Theon at last reaches Sansa as the whites are starting to break down the door Sansa watches through a hole in the door as tion throws himself into the group guards on the inside start killing whites from the other side and they ultimately come out Victorious but a collapsed floor or roof from within the room starts to have whites flood through and it forces them to leave out onto a larger open-air balcony where they make their final stand meanwhile Danny and drogon fight rhaegar in the air above the red keep this results in the bow gang similar wing-related injuries drogon and Dany had to make a controlled landing at the bar bottom of the hill while viserion makes a controlled landing on the red keep where Theon defends Sansa and the others instinctively the dragon rears up to attack but Theon as suicidal as ever charges the dragon distracting it enough to focus on him he again miraculously survives this but gets severely injured he loses his Dragon glass daggers breaks his rib and a leg and can't move sensor is about to yell to distract the dragon to sacrifice himself for him but Theon yells over her he screams at the dragon a ferocious Battle Cry the dragon rears its head the deadly ice breath building up in its throat finally Theon is going to get what he wants but right at that moment Jon slays the night king and the ice dragon shatters into glistening bits of harmless ice raining down on Theon who has yet again missed his chance to die he slams The Ground tears pouring from his eyes come back come back come back and kill me he flails and punches the ground his broken leg contorting uncomfortably as he screams and wails Sansa walks up and tries to hold him but he pushes her away and continue Mr yell he's inconsolable Sansa stops but after a moment she looks at him and begins to sing slowly his wailing and flailing calms and Sansa pulls him into a hug this time he doesn't push her away he cries into her arms just saying I'm sorry I'm sorry and Sansa says I forgive you and he begins to softly weep into her arms down on the ground Jaime leads the soldiers he slays one of the white walkers just before John kills a night King all the whites shatter the soldiers cheer the battle is won they crowd around Jaime their smiles all around they cheer for him lift him up Jaime gives a victory cry and they all replicate it but Tyrion the technician behind all his words looks on an accepting smile on his face after a moment Jaime walks over to Tyrion all alone Jaime says maybe you're right maybe they'll never love you like me but I love you like me Jamie picks Tyrion up puts him on his shoulders and Wades back into the crowd they still cheer some of them laugh but Tyrion doesn't even care he just looks down at his brother and smiles next Jon returns from the Reiki followed by all the others who were inside Jon takes charge he doesn't lie about Danny trying to kill him and everyone especially the common folks seem to want him as king most people are confused by dany's actions or outright hater most think she abandoned the battle and came back to burn them all indiscriminately some see this as a necessary sacrifice but most think it was to put the balance of power in her favor as she still has her Dragon most also feel a hatred towards her after the horror they saw because of it this speculation sets the expectation for when Dany walks up the hill with drogon at her side her expression cold a part of her wants to see if the people will still take her as Queen a part of her still wants a throne wants to know if she will have to be a tyrant to do it and if she's willing to actually go that far the atmosphere is tense it looks like a challenge to Jon like Dany is saying I have a dragon and you don't I can rule as a tyrant if I want to now I have a couple of options for this part choose which one you like the first is that Jon plants his sword on the ground walks into viserion this time and has him land beside him making her think viserion doesn't want her to kill Jon the only other Targaryen after all Danny doesn't know what warging is and can't even see his eyes from that distance the other option is that over the course of this battle through his interactions with tactics with and possibly even being saved by a viserion we hint that Tyrion is actually Targaryen too and that viserion has bonded with him over the course of the battle then in this moment viserion of his own free will lands next to John and Tyrion which to Dany in the audience will look like viserion is taking John's side but in actuality he's defending Tyrion his bonded writer Tyrion being a Targaryen is a popular fan Theory with a fair amount of evidence for it even in the show but it's quite controversial because it cheapens Jon and makes his character feel less special so I posit the best way to deal with it is to never outright state it or have characters think there's another secret Targaryen just that huh that dragon is weirdly friendly with Tyrion after having a few interactions the other advantage of this is that it will nicely imply a conclusion for what's happening with a spare dragon as well as not make John 2 op as he [ __ ] first try wargs into a [ __ ] Dragon like he's the main character but I don't want to [ __ ] jerk him off too hard at any rate Jon and Danny had their standoff drogen's more intimidating and isn't injured but after a moment Dany backs down her expression hard to read instead she leaves the confrontation and instead for now hangs around King's Landing in one of the keeps with drogon by her side bran is organized to be brought back from the Isle of faces an Aya who miraculously didn't die in that house is arrested as promised but on the first night Brienne arrives at herself she asks her if she's finally calmed down but Aya says she can't the mountain might still be out there he has to be Aya doesn't know what she'll do if he isn't Brienne tries to convince her to give it up but she refuses I then asked to be let out Brienne swore an oath after all bran says she's banished not sentenced to death and she's like am I what if I bite my tongue Brienne gives up and opens the door she tells her about the gold ship in the secret Port somewhere if she finds it she can wear a bronze face and put her own face on a decapitated head they'll let us sail right out of there Aya walks out and starts to walk away Brienne watches gritzer teeth in frustration before calming down as she settles on a decision I know who killed Gendry she says Aya asked her who and she says it was Brawn but Brienne killed him intentionally so as not to feed into her Obsession which pisses her off Aya gets up in her face but Brienne slaps her maybe if you weren't so obsessed with the Revenge he wouldn't need to be Avenged maybe you if you went to Winterfell and gandry would still be alive the guilt clearly Cuts Ayah deep her tears well up but she grits her teeth in Anger Brienne says this obsession is taking everyone away from you and no oath in the world is going to get me to help you follow this path into Insanity you took an oath to [ __ ] the oath your mother would have never wanted this that's what matters I'm giving you one more chance to live a better life don't waste it Aya storms off but brienne's words clearly eat at her nonetheless by utilizing all the hidden paths she used to sneak around through when Syria was training her she finds and takes the ship and uses the gold to hire people to locate the mountain as she travels the coast Jon as king appoints Brian as hand of King and they begin the slow process of cleanup and restoration all the while Danny Looms in the keep her intentions are known and the strongest dragon by her side not to mention she's the only dragon rider it's worth noting at this point in the ending despite defeating the night King things feel far from Happy John is Chained she's cold and ruthless and has trust issues he no longer seems to be the perfect King meanwhile Dany seems just as bad she's unstable and unpredictable but holds immense power all around them lives have been destroyed crime and looting a rampant and the people are full of hate Dany is considered the Mad Queen and her existence as well as any dragons in the city alone Riles people up in fact as her husband it's already starting to hurt Jon's reputation too especially as it seems like her mental state makes her a ticking time bomb that he's not doing anything about meanwhile I gets word of Robert strong he's been spotted on the River Road she travels there and finds a Tavern that's been recently ransacked there she finds hot pie dead an injured in keep says hot pie was originally from the crossroad Inn he and others fled the main road when the dead came through but then Robert strong came looking for people from the crossroad in because apparently someone he was looking for must have went through the crossroad in before everyone fled the main road also yes the mountain can talk please your grace he has taken the holy vow of silence apparently the innkeep told him hot pie came from the crossroad Inn and might have seen But hot pie didn't seem to like Robert strong so he lied perhaps without the knowledge of rather strong or how the mountain died perhaps hot pie correctly assumed he was the mountain but because he said he knew nothing the mountain tortured him to get the info he later died from his injuries Arya feels guilty Brienne was right but also has no reason to still not go after the mountain now either at any rate apparently hot pie talked to the man Gregor was looking for a big Gruff man with a burn on his face who had a bunch of women and children with him he said that he was going to the quiet aisle and anyone who wants safety from the dead should come with him with no spare time I gets a fast horse and rides back to the ship to go along the river to the quiet Isle back at King's Landing Jon brings up the Danny problem in the first small Council and simply assassinating her is suggested Danny has a few loyal unsullied but her only real Ally anymore is drogon who reliably leaves at a certain time of day to find food so if they organized a meeting around them they can kill her without the dragon knowing who to seek revenge on Jon reluctantly agrees it's dirty and dishonorable but he knows not killing her is [ __ ] stupid she's mentally unstable once the throne end with drogon the strongest dragon it's very possible she could take it if she tries someone suggests to find and pardon Arya in return for her doing it but Jon says no he'll do it he can't let her live but the very least he can swing the sword despite it all Jon tries to be as honorable as he feels he can get away with bran opposes this completely there's still hope for Dany she came back and helped and the kingdom Will Never Mend until we learn to trust Jon thinks it's idealistic he does want to trust her but he just can't unless he has good reason to Jon wants to be honorable but he also knows the importance of wisdom killing Dany has a vastly less risk attached to it one dragon that doesn't even know who killed his rider is manageable but a dragon with a competent Rider could destroy the peace they've worked so hard for besides Danny stabbed him anyway so profess fail bran says this isn't peace blades are still drawn bran is still against it but he's the only one Jon prepares to leave but before he leaves Brands his weight and gives him the cat's poor dagger John says Valerian steel and bran says if you're gonna do it do it right John says the unsullied will probably take it off him but bran says to take it anyway of course the implication from bran is hold the dagger that started this whole conflict and consider if you really want to try to solve this with violence much to John's surprise when he gets to the keep the guard seems to have been ordered to not search him it's like Dany wants to die Dany looks like a mess it seems like she's lost all purpose they discuss many things menial things then drogon leaves to find food Denny stares out the window and Jon puts his hand on the dagger then Dany says I'm sorry I think I just wanted to come home John keeps his hand on the dagger but he doesn't move says he doesn't understand I thought I wanted to kill you even with your army and viserion I could have won I could have ruled as a tyrant but I realized if I did it there was no point in me doing any of this my brother perhaps but not me when we were children we were told valyria was our home but that was destroyed I think my brother took pride in his Heritage but to me home was home when we were smuggled away all I wanted was to go back but we were told we weren't welcome they were right of course Robert wrathian would have killed us if we wanted to go home it had to be as conquerors I think that's when I got it in my head that it had to be this way there were times that wavered I thought I'd found a family in the Dothraki but they only listened to strength fighting was their culture and when I tried to change that that's how I lost my husband and my son after that most of them abandoned me then in my despair I thought it was cough but I was rejected at the gates and left to starve there was no kindness or generosity only selfishness and the only person who helped me only did it to portray me later I thought I could be better than that I thought I'd find Family among the enslaved as I had once been I freed thousands and I thought I'd married Marine my home but by conquering a city I'd inherited not just freed slaves but they're Old Masters and things became messy even among the freed slaves their cultures and traditions were too different to my own especially because of my dragons they're the closest thing I had to family but they are beasts if I truly considered them family I'd have to consider them murderers too the people of marine couldn't agree to that so I set my eyes back on restaurants with all Valerie gone it was the only place that had known dragons it was the only place that had known me but my home was gone no one here loved me or even knew me or my culture not anymore deep down I thought maybe if I just showed them I'd be a good Queen then I'd have my home back and then you showed up and without even trying you showed them you'd be better because you weren't being good to get something you were just good and I couldn't accept that I needed you to be bad I'm sorry I should have agreed to help you right from the beginning now everyone hates me and I have nowhere to go but that's why you're here isn't it cause I'm a threat John closes his eyes and grits his teeth it hurts him to do this but he steals himself he takes a dagger out slowly she keeps her vision fixed on the window not wanting to look John takes a step forward Danny can't help herself but cling to the conversation to stall out time Jon Snow what would you do if you didn't have a home and Jon stops and thinks he takes his hand off the dagger he's surprised by how obvious the answer was now that she puts it this way you build one he says she finally looks at him curious the white walkers brought the winter now they're gone the land Beyond the Wall will Thor there's boundless empty planes out there perfect for building on you wouldn't have to conquer or fight anyone Jon kneels down and grabs her hand you could go north go north and build your own kingdom exactly the way you want it Danny starts to lighten up she's lost masanda in Gray worms so she's not joyous but there's hope in her eyes you couldn't see before her Outlook is brighter if she builds a kingdom from the ground up she can find a way to Keep Her Dragons peacefully and the citizens will be volunteers who accept whatever is needed for that piece she could decide the values and traditions and culture and the only people who live there will be the ones who choose to because they like those values she doesn't have to be politically forced into having fighting pits she doesn't have to deal with slave masters in fact if she really wants she can travel the world freeing slaves and giving them the option to come back to her kingdom with her she couldn't break the wheel but she could build something totally new and better something that becomes the model for centuries to come and Jon likes the sound of that too he's King because he feels it's his duty but if Danny finds a better system he'd happily give up his power to make a better realm John can see the fire back in her John now understands her better and feels like he's solved the underlying instability in the situation for the first time since his death Jon decides to trust someone again Jon takes the dagger off his belt and puts it down he pulls Danny up onto her feet they exchange light smiles and promise to help each other with their respective goals while Dany plans our kingdom she will help restore Westeros travel supplies to King's Landing with her dragons and heal the anger created by them in return Jon will help Danny with resources once she begins building her new kingdom and for the first time the mood starts to brighten there's a bit of hope we see a bit of a montage a few interactions between the cast and King's Landing for one we see the characters Dany in particular helping with a restoration carrying wood and stone in he people give her sour looks but she gets on with it we see Davos talking to Jon as he sits on the throne he wants to build an orphanage for the victims of the burning of King's Landing Jon says I know how much he meant to you I'm sorry I couldn't give you justice back then but I can give you this Jamie comes before bran he asked if bran will accept him as a member of his kingsguard again and bran says you've changed so much why limit Yourself by doing exactly what you did before he thinks to himself and walks off John asked Brian if he's got any idea for a master coin and bran says no I'm working on it bran and John share a moment he doesn't like ruling but he likes spending time with his brother bran agrees but after traveling the world as a [ __ ] he honestly longed for the days where he was Warden of the north just solving simple problems he's happy he can take some of the burden off Jon Brienne turns up next she confesses her crime letting Aya free John is impressed by her honesty and warned by her reasoning he believes Catelyn would have wanted her to do the same Brienne has proven her honor she's followed her oath to the best of her ability and confessed to the one she broke as compromise her punishment is to take new vow join John's kingsguard and continue to serve the Starks after this Jon says he needs to speak with bran in private he obliges meanwhile Tyrion Drinks Alone Danny arrives they talk for a bit and Tyrion confesses he's not sure what to do the loss of his tongue has made him disenfranchises with courtwork Denny admits his quick wit and negotiation skills was much more effective when he had a tongue but his schematics and battle crying didn't drop off Tyrion is like are you planning on having another battle but Danny's like battle plans weren't all you did you designed Saddles too and Engineering for the blister was really good too maybe you won't make another battle plan but what about a city plan Tyrion looks curious as she begins to talk and we Fade Out meanwhile bran and John talk John wants to talk about the possibility of having to go to war against Danny's new kingdom and Brands like ah for [ __ ] sake and John's like chill it's just a contingency just in case things go wrong especially if dang's new system is a failure and the dragons fall back into the wrong hands we need a plan bran is skeptical at first for how John will do this but then John's like I want you to offer your Intel and abilities as a three-eyed Raven to Dany and those who follow her the two kingdoms are going to do their best to help each other and rely on each other but if they ever stop they lose you as a valuable asset and it'll be hard for them to plan an attack if you're always interacting with bran accepts this he's relieved John is still a smart King but he's kindling this piece with dependency and intermingling he's not using fear or deception that could potentially ruin it secondly Jon is going to decree that the hand of the king will always select the next hand of King and when he does he will pass the power of the three-eyed Raven onto them a fusion King can't go against this because they can't decide when or who the three-eyed Ravens power passes to if they kill them those powers are gone and if they torture them those powers can be passed on to someone else maybe even to someone in westeros's sister city as an extra deterrent finally Jon wants a three-eyed Raven to always choose to pass the power to someone as peaceful as bran someone who chooses War as an absolute Last Resort if the day comes when dragons attack bran can always walk into Dragon Riders at will to make an invasion an absolute nightmare by turning the dragon forces against each other Brent finds this all reasonable and Jon's like good I feel a lot more comfortable now with that settled let's get back to making peace meanwhile Tyrion works on a plan with Dany Jaime enters like Tyrion he's unsure of what to do but Jaime has some idea inspired by his brother's negotiation and diplomacy skills before he lost his tongue Jaime wants to take after him Tyrion posits that he's always had a similar wit he just needs to direct that towards talking people up rather than antagonizing them he grabs a few relevant books off the shelf for him to read Tyrion and Dany explain that they're planning a city and Jaime decides that's how he should help with business and investing he should invest money into the creation of Danny's City and build establishments and business both there and in Westeros thus cementing a relationship across the two kingdoms helping their peace and learning a new skill at the same time tyrion's like that's not gonna happen we're in debt to the iron bank unless you can think of a way to negotiate your way out of that much debt Jamie thanks for bitten says what if we sold castly Rock tyrion's eyes go wide but he's right Jaime says he swore on Earth to not hold lands anyway might as well sell it Tyrion Chuckles to himself and he writes on a piece of paper but what about our Legacy it says Terry and Jaime look at each other before chuckling Dany is just confused Jaime says to hell with castly rock we'll build something better at any rate Jaime gathers up the books he'll learn what he can and then safely I am back to try and get the best deal he can I think technically with feudal stuff Jaime wouldn't be able to sell castly Rock without permission to the king but that's just another that's just another negotiation I suppose Danny and Tyrion continue work she asks you the most important essential thing should be spaced close together than they are in turian's plan Tyrion asked why and she says well wouldn't your legs get sore walking that far Tyrion looks at her in Surprise Danny says no I've traveled so far and found Knowledge from so many places and people I feel like I could make the perfect City but I've never heard about what it's like for dwarfs tyrion's still stunned what I want to make a city where you'll be appreciated too Tyrion Smiles maybe he's found his purpose too the scene Fades out and then we go back to Aya Aya gets off of The Quiet Isle it's clear at this point she's a wreck dot on her face notice sleep has a mess the guilt has torn her to Pieces she looks around and asks her a few questions people speak highly about the man with the bun and then someone says his name sandor Clegane something pulls at her is it the taste for Revenge she asks where he is and goes to find him and when she does they both look at each other unsure what to say but when the Hound finally speaks he's cut off a scream rings out he tells Arya to hold on and he runs off but Arya runs after she stares at his neck while she runs hand hovering over the blade debating it they get to the source and find the mountain on an appropriately dramatic Hill trying to hurt a young woman presumably getting information out of her there's a mad grin on Aya's face she's finally gonna get her revenge but the Hound is helping her team up against him what if she gets a kill she tells him to back off but contains like are you [ __ ] stupid she settles for competing with sand or to get the kill although sandor is just trying to protect her and his home however in fighting the mountain it begins to fully Dawn on her that he's not just tough he's a [ __ ] zombie and need needle does nothing then the mountain catches her it looks like she's going to die but sand or tackles the mountain saving her but sending her rolling down the hill sandal Rises to the ground faster than the mountain and fights aggressively not giving him a chance to recover the mountain is on the defense Aya gets up quickly she knows what's gonna happen she finds needle and runs back up the hill screaming no but it's too late sandal beheads his brother Aya screams in Rage and rushes sandor wildly stabbing at him sandal doesn't want to hurt her and is fighting defensively he tries to talk to her but he's not getting through but she keeps opening up small glancing cuts on him and keeps pushing him back he eventually trips on the root of a tree and he falls to the ground with his back against it Arya goes through his neck and sandal catches it in his hands painfully resisting it as Aya push they stare into each other's eyes the burn on the side of each of their faces mirroring the other why why me why you have to kill me he growls cause you're the last one left she shouts but the second she hears her words out loud she realizes something and tears well up in her eyes you're the last one I have left Aya begins to cry uncontrollably she lets go of the sword and are confused but caring Hound reaches up and pulls her into a hug from this point on we get a Montage as we move forward in time our device for showing the move forward is the path past the main gate of Castle black going into the lands of always winter first it's just snow and a gate then you see Jaime with Brienne talking to the iron bank and then you see steon with his kid watching a dragon Go overhead on the quiet Isles the dragon is carrying supplies then you see a few footsteps on the path you see working men talking in a bar once clearly from essos but but his clothes and accessories have a hint of Valyrian influence he's describing a story with a dragon then a dirt path and some of the snow is starting to melt you see King's Landing well on its way to repair people point to the dragon on the right keep and Dany is talking with Jon at a small council meeting then you see a sapling coming through the snow and there's a few Merchants set up with stalls and a number of people traveling through then you see more people who have clearly settled in Danny's Kingdom interacting with and feasting with the Northerners Sansa as Warden of the north is trading gifts with some essos originated Merchant or Lord their clothing accessories again have that touch of Valyrian origin then you see a real road with buildings on the side the road is bustling with Travelers and horses and carts there's only patches of snow and the wall is starting to melt we go back to King's Landing bran comes out of walking he looks at John and says I found uncle John is ecstatic he wants to go but his duty is here but bran encourages him to go he served the realm admirably he deserves a break he will handle things just fine as hand for a while John decides he will go but there's a couple of diplomatic missions he's been thinking of doing while he's up there he wants to travel to Danny's Kingdom himself but also one other thing they send a raven to Danny at last we see the same road in front of the wall we saw last time but now it seems like some kind of Festival is going on we see sander arriving a young stranger with him as they walk through the Festival they talk about how much things have changed in such a short time goes to show what you can do when you're not a bloody war all the time a dragon flies overhead children look up in awe The Stranger seems to be a little mellow but at peace they come to a large stand in front of the wall where a crowd gathers they see Jon Snow about to give a speech on what they're there for sandor turns to the stranger before they get closer now remember who Are You The Stranger size I know I know she puts down a hood and smiles seeing Jon I'm no one then drogon lands above Jon and Dany looks down she asks if they're ready to start and Jon says yes after which Jon will head to the north to visit Danny's Kingdom but he'll be taking a Cena root because he has to reunite with benjen Stark first Dane says good I'll see you there Jon Snow and John says I could have you hanged for that a second of Silence they both laugh it's clear that they've come to trust each other he turns the crowd and says the show is starting everyone stand back from the wall soldiers Usher the crowd to a safe distance and John with some friends wildling and knights Watchmen alike pass through the gate one last time when they're far enough away they look back and then he takes the skies on drogon drakaris she says the wall begins to crumble and melt as a Bard sings a song a sweet song A triumphant song not a song of War Of Glorious battles heroes and villains no a song of Union of breaking down barriers of the fire that melted the ice wall separating two people song of ice and Fire hey thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed uh tell me what you think in the comments even if it's brutal the hell [ __ ] share it with your friends and get them to dog pal me too it's all just like data to me as always everything I make is public domain so feel free to do whatever you want for this uh if you want to buy a fantastic Ridge wallet uh check the link in the description and if you want to check out my original I hold the upside down there okay and if you want to check out my original writing I write for this comic too uh it was on Hiatus for a while I was very busy but now I am back to work and I have sponsors this time so I'm gonna start ramping up chapter production very hard also if you like the rewrites but not my ramshackled Photoshop editing you can become a member of the channel which I decided I will take 20 of the profits from and the rest will go into making art for specific scenes from rewrites which I will upload as shorts as promotional material and then when I eventually remaster some of these rewrites I'll use said art I'll also use it for art for new scenes within said remastered remotes all right that's everything ow my voice hurts bye
Channel: Uniquenameosaurus
Views: 221,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game of thrones, game of thrones ending, game of thrones season 8, House of dragon, daemon, targaryen, daenerys, Jon snow
Id: MbSd3hsUDdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 27sec (8127 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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