My Rewrite of Secret Invasion

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Marvel's secret Invasion one of the few universally disliked Marvel Cinematic Universe things could it have worked could a secret Invasion story centered around Nick Fury told that this time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been a smart political spy Thriller yeah I think it could and I've got a pitch for how in my last video I said that I'm not going to make one small change or rewrite videos anymore it's a whole thing go watch that video if you want to know why but at the end of the video I said as a treat because it took me so long to make that video and because everyone has been so patient I will do one more rewrite one more video where I take a movie or show or something like that and talk about how I would have done that differently so in this video I'm going to rewrite Marvel's secret invention and I just want to say before we start I don't think I'm a better writer than the people who actually wrote secret Invasion or worked on it seems like as a production there was a little bit of trouble I believe I read somewhere that one of the reasons they to do re- shoots was because of the Ukraine Russia war that broke out and how that mirror a plotline and secret Invasion so they wanted to change that so all I'm saying is I don't think the people that wrote the show are bad writers and I don't think I'm smarter than them this is just a fun exercise as a fan of these characters specifically as a fan of War Machine being a scroll I do want to talk about how I think it could have been done differently so if you will indulge me for one last time let's rewrite a Marvel thing and in the very likely event that you've not seen secret Invasion don't worry I'll talk you through all the important stuff and afterwards you can go back and watch the parts that are good and that's sort of the track tragedy of this show because going back and watching it again there's a lot to like mostly the performances like gravic was not a top cheer Marvel villain but Kingsley benadir really showed up I love his speech with Gaia Fury in episode 6 it's very raw you really feel this guy's pain and it's a pain that's been building during the series and hitting this emotional High really works until it turns out not to be Fury we never get this confrontation and you know it's a little bit of a problem that we never see any of the things he's actually describing or get any indication about them before episode 6 but just the performance loved it Sam Jackson is one of the most charismatic actors on the planet I would watch his Nick Fury read a phone book Amelia Clark was doing good work Don cheel was appropriately all over the place Olivia Coleman was a riot Charlene Woodard really brought the energy to match Jackson and Ben Mendelson I love him in this he feels like such a real guy so depressed exhausted performances like this made this show and it's why I wish the rest of the series came together as well as these performances did photography was solid they used plenty of real locations they used practical scroll masks and makeup the action was fine they weren't Reinventing the wheel but it wasn't that high level you expect from Marvel and I think the scroll CGI was very good I also enjoyed the costuming and that theme was kind of cool so many things about this show worked now I will say I've heard people make the case that secret Invasion should have been an entire phase or at least an Avengers level movie and in the abstract I agree in the comics secret invasion was an event that spanned many books and was felt throughout the Marvel Universe and it's especially convenient cuz Hey look we've got a Captain Marvel movie on the horizon this could be a cap 3 is also Civil War type deal sure and timing wise this makes sense as an Avengers thing because we're about to establish a new team let's say the current terrestrial Avengers are Sam Bucky sh Dr Strange Shang Chi Hulk or She-Hulk Clint or Kate Spider-Man Spectrum y Elena Ant-Man and the wasp most of those characters have not met like if the original Avengers were all still alive and they had to do a secret Invasion that would be tricky but at least they know each other they have years of interactions that would help figure out whose behavior isn't quite right and sus out the hidden Scrolls but the current Avengers don't so this would make things extra tough for them and also immediately after Thanos and before Kang ramps up a secret Invasion movie would be a refreshing change of pace The Avengers would not be assembling to stop a single space Tyrant with an Ultimate Weapon you cannot punch your way out of of a secret invasion you need to think your way through it and then some punching at the end but that's not what this rewrite is for these I try to stay within the bounds of the original I may add a few characters as cameos but nothing crazy it certainly seems like this show was pitched as Nick Fury works with his scroll allies to stop a secret Invasion and that's what I'm going to go with but feel free to comment that this should have been an Avengers movie it helps engagement metrics or something like I said I'm not going to add too many characters I do have some cameos that would cost a bit of money but apparently the series got completely re shot and ended up costing somewhere upwards of $200 million so I think we could afford him it'll make sense when you see the pitch also most of the characters will end in roughly the same place they did in the show most of them and while I agreed that a lot of these six episode shows could benefit from being eight or even 10 episodes long I'm going to stay with six for this rewrite I'm not going to fully write out each episode but I'll give you an idea of where each episode begins and ends but before we get to that let's talk about the big problem there is a problem at the heart of a secret Invasion series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe one that we were all aware of all the way back when the series was announced but now that the show is over it is clear that this problem was the series biggest problem it's the reason that very little actually happened it's the reason that Nick Fury did not feel like an active part of the narrative and it's the reason the political thesis of the show was impossibly incoherent that problem is this in the comics that this series is very Loosely based on the scrolls are almost exclusively evil they have kidnapped and taken over the identities of beloved characters in an effort to rule Earth yes there are a few Scrolls that we meet along the way who are not antagonistic and some that eventually switch sides but those are the outliers their behavior is unusual the scroll Empire might as well be a monolith and in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the Scrolls originally seem like the comic Scrolls the cre government characterizes Scrolls as Invaders trying to infiltrate peaceful planets the cre have no other choice but to send teams like StarForce to attack the Scrolls before they can destroy the cre way of life but pretty quickly we learn that the scroll Empire is nothing more than a small community of refugees trying to survive and the cre are actually xenophobic antagonists who will not be satisfied until every last scroll is exterminated Carol leaves the Creed to protect the Scrolls and joins the Scrolls on their quest to find a new home world and that is the last we see of him outside of a few appearances where it is cleared that Taos the squirel leader and his wife saurin are posing as Nick Fury and Maria Hill on Earth while Fury is on a satellite running saber some sort of semi-government organization tasked with monitoring space so in the nearly 30 years between the events of Captain Marvel and secret Invasion nothing changes the scrolls are still peaceful they still work with Fury and they are still presumably trying to find a new home world thec are sort of all over the place in the MCU and that's without even touching any of the stuff that happens in Agents of Shield that may or may not be Cannon but just in the movies leaders of the cre Empire had struck a peace treaty with the xandarians but it's unclear if they were becoming a more peaceful Society generally or just narrowing their focus so they could concentrate on their conflict with the Scrolls you have to assume they aren't focusing heavily on the Scrolls since they know where the Scrolls used to be Earth and they have not returned since 97 you'd figure that's largely because they're afraid of Carol but still as far as we know leading up to secret Invasion the cre have not pursued any aggression towards the Scrolls so how do you adapt a comic series where the scrolls are evil and secretly invading Earth in a Cinematic Universe where they are all peaceful in working with the government of Earth the answer Marvel's secret Invasion chose was to ignore most of that history apparently there are not 20ish Scrolls living on Earth but a million and they've been kidnapping powerful humans and replacing them with scroll agents for some reason and then gravic a scroll intent on taking over Earth is able to force an emergency vote that gives him control over the scroll government the entire terrestrial scroll population minus Taos and a couple of others joins him it is not until the operation begins to fail that they turn on graic but in a world where graic is successful the Scrolls would presumably have continued to follow gravic and played the same role they played in the comics a body snatching Army of Invaders intent on replacing and destabilizing our leadership and taking over Earth and obviously those ideas are in Conflict they cannot both be benevolent refugees working with Fury and also stealing people to create an army of scroll secret agents working against Fury the most important part of this kind of story is very clearly defining what the scrolls are like what do they represent what story are we trying to tell I think Captain Marvel makes this pretty clear they're refugees and specifically the victims of space xenophobia because they look different and have the ability to shape shift they are viewed as Invaders and run out of any Planet they can find so what does this equate to in the real world I mean take your pick this story is not unlike the many Refugee crises currently going on around the world or the many of the past you can pick pretty much any Refugee group and find some aspect of their story in the story of Captain Marvel's scrolls and I only want to relate it to the real world Refugee crisis because it helps to show where we're starting and how bad some of the actual choices the show made are like for the sake of argument let's just describe some scenes from Secret Invasion but instead of saying Scrolls we just say refugees you can map it to any Refugee crisis you want like it would be a wild move to make a show about refugees where the villain of the show was also a refugee leading a secret army of refugees within the United States to do terrorist attacks and it would be wild if the show's protagonist the hero had made a deal with the refugees to find them a new home 30 years ago and just stopped looking and now they work for him and he never gets in trouble for that or needs to apologize and it would be wild if the refugees had snuck into the government and a high-ranking official was a refugee who was trying to start a war that would destroy the Earth at one point our hero gets mad at one of the refugees because there are more of them than he thought and the refugee apologizes and the series ends with the evil refugees being killed by our heroes and because of that the last part of the last episode is the president declaring war on the refugees and don't tell me Nick Fury is not supposed to be the hero maybe comic Nick Fury is completely morally gray but MCU Nick Fury is not he is usually on the good guy side sometimes he makes mistakes but he's always doing the right thing by the end of the movie like the last time he did anything genuinely morally questionable was when he built the hel carriers in Winter Soldier when found out they were secretly controlled by Hydra he helped to destroy them MCU Nick Fury is a good guy I know a big portion of the show is reshot and I don't know this for a fact but I'm willing to bet almost all the finale was part of those re-shoot the speech from mitsen where he designates all aliens living on Earth enemy combatants feels like the kind of thing you'd foreshadow a little bit earlier spend some time with him before this moment where he seems like he'll react badly if he finds out about the Scrolls the moment where Nick Fury knocks out a bunch of guards in the hospital without being on camera or all of this ADR in the conversation between Fury and riten or the ending where Fury casually drops peace talks between the Scrolls and the cre that have not been mentioned in the entire series it just felt like so much of this ending didn't fit into the MCU or into the series we were watching and it's wild when you think about it because if it is reshot what were those reshot accomplishing they are giving the Scrolls a reason to leave Earth and a place to go Scrolls or any of the planets patrolled by the cre Empire might be safe now and Earth is hot stle why do this so we never need to see the Scrolls again and that feels in congruous with the message of the show Taos the moral center of the series believed the Scrolls could be accepted could become a part of society if they did enough Good Deeds they would earn our respect Fury disagreed Gia disagreed and obviously gravic disagreed and yeah maybe Talos wasn't being realistic but look at the X-Men Comics that's Xavier's usual position and the comics maybe don't think he's perfect but they tend to imagine a world where coexistence is Poss possible Senator Kelly doesn't fully win in the end sure mutants are still hated and feared but the comics go out of their way to show that everybody doesn't hate them but this show chose an incredibly pessimistic message about immigration and refugees also could write the Scrolls out of the MCU for good also does anybody else feel like in the original script president riten was actually just president Ross like it's been rumored for a while that thus Ross is set to be the president during the events of Captain America Brave New World and riten seems to share all of cross his beliefs he's xenophobic designates the scroll's enemy combatants even though one of them saved his life he's white his last name starts with r and even though Fury says he's going to be a one-term president it seems like in a post Thanos world where Scrolls have infiltrated our government in media an incumbent who survived an alien attack and runs on an anti-alien platform would be pretty popular throwing in the fact that the original Ross actor died before production started and his replacement was busy with Indiana Jones 5 while secret invasion was filming and it sure feels like Ross's name was changed but everything else stayed the same so for the purposes of this rewrite I'm just going to go with Ross so I think at its core secret Invasion did not know what show it wanted to be because if it did it feels like they would have made some different decisions and because the show's philosophy was such a mess Fury didn't work he couldn't grow or change in any meaningful way because what could he possibly learn refugees are bad xenophobia is unbeatable or are we going to teach Fury a bunch of stuff he already knows trusting people is dangerous relationships are complicated sure if the protagonist was someone else like a new Shield agent this show could teach them that you can't trust anybody but yourself for something but Fury already knows that he wrote the book on that and fury could not outsmart any characters because nothing anyone was doing made any sense oh could he trick the one secret scroll into revealing himself nah he just bugged his phone and figured it out could he unravel graphic's vast conspiracy nah Gra graic called Fury he didn't really care if Fury found out also Fury has everyone's phones bugged and also guia told him everything and gravic didn't seem to care and Sure graic Shot Gia but then he just left her there like hey gravic remember how you shot her and then left her in the road and then you drove away the next morning using the same road and she was gone that didn't set off any red flags and none of this was a surprise to US gravic starts episode 3 explaining how he's going to do super scroll stuff roie acts like a completely different character so his turn was super obvious like sure he's a little mean sometimes but he's not dumb or at least not this dumb so yeah the philosophy and the logic of the show were holding Fury back from doing anything really interesting so those are the problems what what I've done differently well let's look at my version of secret Invasion although there's one thing I don't really think they could have swung but would have been pretty cool if they pulled it off and these days Marvel has been pretty leaky so I imagine this would have gotten out but in a perfect world this show would have been advertised as something besides secret Invasion maybe just call it Nick Fury have the plot super wrapped up throw out some fake leaks about a personal mission or something that could involve Hydra and the blip stuff we've seen done to death stuff no one would get that excited about and no one would be that upset about missing like the show could still get people interested because Nick Fury Sam Jackson scroll and hey look his friends Taos and sain are in it too it's not even that big of a deal but like we're not pretending to introduce someone important like Dr Doom and then pulling the rug out from under him saying gotcha no Dr Doom it's actually Scrolls we tricked you hey where you going but the show should have been advertised as Nick Fury and then only officially changed after the second episode airs to nickfury colon secret Invasion if you really want to mess with people call it Nick Fury serpent Society if you don't remember that was the joke title of cap 3 before the Civil War reveal and yes the 10 fan of the serpent Society will have their hopes dashed for a second time but they've had it too good for too long they need to be taken down a peg anyway so the actual show the first episode needs to start like a scene from any Avengers movie Civil War did this very well have the new Avengers be fighting some enemy maybe the serpent Society or a version of the lethal Legion and this Avengers can be Sam Wilson Captain America Spectrum OKO She-Hulk War Machine and agent Evert Ross and they're fighting in a government facility let's say the lethal Legion is trying to steal some super weapon so there are normal people around but not very many and this Fight Continues as these usually go until the Avengers stopped the lethal Legion and in the last moment agent Ross is shot by someone and just fully dies clear slow motion movie Death AO rushes to his side Ross tells AO that he's sorry and then curtains and aoy cries over his body until she realizes something all the Avengers come over and look until they see Ross transform AO says what the hell Monica walks up and says it's a scroll title card secret Invasion then we get some chaos after the reveal as the lethal Legion or whoever is rounded up by damage control in the background you're saying Everett Ross is an alien kind of does that mean he was a mole sent to steal wakanda Secrets not necessarily for all we know this scroll has only been Ross for a day so the real Ross is still out there I don't know maybe hold on what the hell is a scroll they're a race of shape-shifting aliens and how do you know about them I met a few of them back in the '90s when Carol came back you mean Captain Marvel sure who else knows about him just me Carol and fury Coulson and my mom were there too but they're both dead and when were you planning on telling us about this I was hoping I'd never need to Carol and fury had been trying to find the squirrel's a new home for the last 30 years they've kicked off every planet they've been on can't imagine why it's not their fault the cre tried to wipe them out because they were different the Scrolls were the victims we couldn't stand by we've got to lock this down the last thing we need is for the president to get wind to this and do something stupid so what do you want to do I can take the body to Bruce no way Ross keeps eyes on Banner he'll find out I can take the body to wakanda sure he will know what to do but how do we know we can trust you or any of you any of us could be one of them okay well you're saying Fury knows about these guys already let's tell him and give him the body do you really trust trust Nick Fury I trust him to keep a secret all right well until I hear from him consider the Avengers suspended last thing I need is one of you guys outed as a scroll on wh so the Avengers go their separate ways no more Avengers for the rest of the show and we have a good reason why or at least a good enough reason so then Monica gets back in touch with Fury Monica Rambo been busy with your new Super Friends your mother would be proud Fury we need to talk let me guess you recently learned a secret about our friend in the CIA is looking a little different how did you hear about that I know you didn't just ask me how I found out a secret we were keeping it locked up did one of the other Scrolls tell you that's the part that scares me no they didn't know anything I got this one myself picked up some chatter about a scroll Nam to morat getting killed in the field I assume that was Everett Ross one other name came up gravic does that mean anything to you no but if you found out that means the rest of the world isn't far behind give me a little credit we need to get in touch with someone can you call Carol she's out of range I haven't heard from her in a while it's for the best she has a hard time being impartial about these things what are you saying the Scrolls didn't do this this has to be a rogue agent maybe maybe not but I've got to find out before there's a picture of our green friend on the front page of every paper underneath the headline secret invasion you have someone we can talk to not we I the smaller the circle the better don't want to Spook him especially if he got word of this you mean I do have you talked to him since the funeral nothing to say one of the reasons we work so well together do you even know if you can find him I'm Nick Fury if I can't find him he's dead so Fury tracks down taow they meet on a train like in the original show do the whole tell me something I don't know monologue and that ends with so what don't I know I know you're going to be mad but you need to trust me how many scrolls are there on Earth nobody knows a lot a lot for a cookout or a lot for Disney World a lot tens of thousands maybe hundreds of thousands we don't know how the hell don't you know we don't exactly have a sign in sheet with everyone's names on it we're trying to remain hidden best way to do that is make sure nobody knows where everyone is I can't believe you would do this to me to you yes we were friends I saved your life sure you're my friend but they're my people and when word got out through the Galaxy that Scrolls finally found a place that they could call home where we wouldn't be hunted what do you think I'm going to do sorry my friend said you couldn't come good luck with the genocide though I'm sure you understand and I'm sure sure you understand why I'm still pissed off price protected my people so what are we supposed to do I want you to meet with a couple of us to show you that we don't mean you any harm to get your trust back I never trusted you what that's my superpower I don't trust anybody I'll meet your friends and I'll do whatever I can to keep this peaceful but that's it fair enough so have you reached out to no are you sure she might be able to I said no all right jeez so how's your daughter Gia she's at that age where she's making a lot of mistakes but she's smart hopefully smart enough to stay out of trouble I hope one thing I do really want to keep from the first episode of secret invasion is all the Gaia stuff that was good she's working on helping the Scrolls get on their feet this is incredibly useful for a few reasons shows us that she cares about this stuff shows how some of it happens and most importantly gives us a look at the Scrolls being sympathetic refugees it's a great tone Setter we we hear characters like The Avengers talk about how this might be some sort of invasion and by the end of the episode we see that the girls don't have an army or anything like that they're just people happy to find a home this is also where we can first show graic give us a sense for his whole deal doesn't need to be much maybe even just him watching all of this the scroll society and he can tell he's uncomfortable but perhaps guia comes up to him and talks to him very vaguely about whether he wants to quote do this or not and he tells her that he doesn't have a choice thing I think might be fun to do during this episode is check in with Sonia she's the head of MI6 Olivia Coleman was a lot of fun in this show so we'll keep the cheeky Vibe but very important she is laser focused on fury it's clear that this is personal although we don't know why yet the last thing I would need in the first episode is a meeting between Fury and Maria Hill they could do the sit down at the bar like in the original series but this one is very different he'll finds Fury waiting for her in a bar in whatever City Fury and Taos went to says I heard the news what's your plan going dark fully dark why because once this starts it won't stop of course it will Fury what are you saying saying this mission is the end my end I'm going to lie to a lot of people burn every bridge and it's necessary but shield and saber need a face they can trust and you're ready consider this my resignation effective at the end of the week Fury reaches into his pocket and hands Maria Hill to Captain Marvel beeper he slides it over to Hill there are more official ways to reach her but when she gets a call from this she's going to come extra fast but wait how how do I know you're not a scroll yeah that's the thing they can perfectly replicate every detail down to the molecule they can read your mind Rel live your memories learn your secrets hell I know a guy who could tell everything about you by your scent and they fooled him so how do you know I don't aren't you worried that I'm a scroll I'm going to take this and toss it in the trash not really why not cuz I know something no one else seems to which is they're just people they're not Invaders they're not monsters most scrolls are just people normal good people and if they're impersonating you that means they have your memories they'll see everything you and I went through and I think they'll do exactly what you would do that's risking an awful lot yeah well I've made risky bets before and they paid off like one I made a long time ago on a marine who managed to piss off every member of her Squad because she did the right thing paid off Big Time Fury checks his watch realizes he has to go Fury this planet owes you so much I know that's why when this is done if I make it out I want to spend a little more time seeing it oh and I got you one more thing Fury hands Hill small box it goes with everything then they can hug or shake hands or whatever Maria Hill and Nick Fury do and that's it this is the goodbye this character deserved not getting essentially fridged to make Nick Fury sad Maria Hill should succeed Nick Fury after this is all over and that is the end of episode one so episode two Fury and Taos go to a secret scroll Hideout and in walks roie who turns back into a scroll get the hell out of here sorry Fury you're a scroll that's right where's the real roie he's dead created sitting on my mantle you killed him no Lieutenant Colonel James rhods died in 2016 during your stupid superhero Civil War I think it was Vision who did it funny thing about it is it's the best day of my life I finally got a home and when I think about it I still get mad at Vision some residual memories I guess how did you take his place it's complicated uncomplicated okay Scrolls just don't exist there are teams of us working behind the scenes to keep everything going relocating new Scrolls protecting the ones that are here and making sure none of our people find themselves on the cover of The Daily Bugle one team is the gatherers a group of Scrolls who find identities for new arrivals and where did they do that where do you think the mor they work in hospitals as nurse nurses doctors administrators and they're good some of the best doctors on the planet but when a person comes in who they can't save and they try as hard as they can they contact one of us without an identity and we take their place become that person and if that person happens to be say an influential member of the Armed Forces and a part-time superhero it's our job to use that position and make the earth a better place for Scrolls protect Scrolls Keep Us hidden advocate for scroll rights when the time comes and that's what you've been doing flying around with the Avengers hell yeah if Thanos snaps half of all life out of existence that includes Scrolls so what's your end game if everything goes well and we get enough Scrolls and positions of public trust acceptance maybe we can come out of the shadows in a way that doesn't get us all exterminated but for now we'll settle for survival so what does that mean for us nothing you keep doing your thing we're not trying to replace humans says the person who literally replaced a human we're not trying to replace living humans we want a world where Scrolls live alongside people in our own skin you think they're going to go for that not everyone but enough hell they let the asgardians in and they're way more dangerous than us yeah but they have a big leg up they don't look like a bunch of little green men from outer space it'll take time but we're willing to work on it and this Ross thing is a problem because we're not ready yet and you're not ready for us not right after another alien just showed up and wiped out half of all life in the universe and you're worried about the backlash Ross got into office on an anti-alien platform he's not just going to change face because we're green instead of purple and if he declares war four on Scrolls that's where things get really bad this is gravic that's right he's a fringe figure in the scroll Council always wanted to conquer Earth but the scrolls are peaceful so we just ignore them but if we're threatened he'll get more support it's only a matter of time before before what well scrolls are immune to most kinds of radiation so so he'd be willing to destroy Earth rather than see our species die yeah I think he would that's why we can't let it come to that and how do you suggest we stop them well first we need to stop Ross convince him that this war is going to end in destruction and you think he'll listen last time I checked he had a special distaste for green guys that's why we need to get in front of it if he finds out about Everett before we get to him he's going to cook up all kinds of bad ideas and I need to talk to the rest of the council make sure things don't get worse if Ross reacts badly so that is our biggest change here scroll roie is a good guy and while gravic is still an antagonist he's not the only one a big part of this threat comes from president Ross and here the scroll practice of replacing important people doesn't go against their otherwise peaceful nature instead of kidnapping and swapping people they're taking the place of dead people and some of them end up being strategically valuable this is one of my biggest gripes with secret Invasion they've been kidnapping living Avengers like war machines since 2016 and they haven't been doing anything with them and as a group they have no specific agenda like they don't seem to have been preparing for an attack graphic might have been but the council wasn't on his side until the series started so why do it why go through all the trouble of kidnapping and replacing one of the most famous people on Earth if you don't plan to take over this is closer to the backstory we get from Fury's wife Vera she befriends someone on their deathbed and takes their place after they die in this case it wouldn't be with their permission but it is painless it lets the Scrolls be as close to blameless as possible and that mechanism could be abused by gravic to create chaos and take control of the government but it is not created with that purpose let we get the scroll meeting Taos gravic and a couple of other seemingly important Scrolls meet gravic gives a big speech then Taos is going to actively try to argue against it seeing them talk will help set up this philosophical conflict and turn it into something more nuanced than Pro secret Invasion anti- secet Invasion you've all heard the rumors one of ours died in the field morat a brave man a hero and a fool you shut your mouth I've kept my mouth shut for too long you and morat and so many that let us truly believe that eventually we would find home amongst the terrs a real home or we didn't need to hide behind faces that weren't our own we've been here for around 30 years pick any border look at how they treat each other razor wire guns drones and those are other Terran in our time here nothing has convinced me that a better world is possible if we need to share it with them they're are good people gravic and yes right now they're not the majority but you forget Earth is Young humanity is barely 200,000 years old they're like a child compared to the cre or sh or any of the empires that rejected us we can change their minds we can show them a better way we just need to help those good people get into power and things will change I'm sure there are good people some of them but the Tern have gotten to a point where all it takes is one bad person and the whole thing burns down we tried your way and it's gotten us far I don't deny that and I respect you Taos but I'm not ready to risk the survival of my species and the kindness of Teran what would you have us do for starters we need to take our fate into our own hands no more waiting until someone dies to take their place we need to pick a handful of key figures and replace them and use them to protect our kind and weaken the terrens and once we can guarantee the safety of this planet we strike claim part of the planet is new scroll they'll never stop fighting if I do my job right it won't matter we'll have so many moles in their ranks that they won't be able to tie their shoes without us knowing and when they figure that out it's over they'll never trust each other never fully never enough to fight back what about the Avengers Captain Marvel Doctor Strange they're like three hulks now what happens when they fight back we got a plan for them too Dr velx and I are in the final stages of testing our new weapon project titanius that's foolish you're going to make us the enemy mark my words they will decide that before we fire a shot and at the same time Fury and roie travel to Washington to meet with President Ross I know what they are and I heard about ever fine man killed by those things how do you know about the Scrolls the government got some in the '90s then we found another body in the 2000s we always knew they might come back sir we know you want to retaliate but it's the wrong play why is that because there is division within their ranks and a scroll is gaining power who wants to start a war attacking the Scrolls will give them exactly what he wants it will unite the Scrolls against us well I've got something something for him what's that tras Industries is working on a scroll detector once we find them all then we get rid of him we're not making a move until we know where they are last thing you want to do when you're looking ferocious is turn on the light that's a stupid idea excuse me once the Scrolls figure out what you're doing it's game over even if you never managed to build the damn thing just a mention of it is enough to start a war well then we just have to hope I can get it built before they find out president you've got to listen no you've got to listen Fury I know this is personal I've been close with them even use some of them as your spies things have changed I'm an old man I remember growing up hearing stories about Captain America and thinking wow World sure is different but we kept up fast forward it's 2026 Norway is being taken over by as Guardians and the Avengers are working with a goddamn talking raccoon this is not a world people recognize not one where normal people feel safe that's why they elected me to protect them from these aliens to bring order nothing is more of a threat to order than an army of body snatching aliens even if they're not all bad but they need our help they aren't voters not legally anyway can't believe you can't believe what being awfully defensive Colonel rhs I didn't know any better I think you're one of them you would question my loyalty that's exactly what one of them would say all right guys let's hold on you know I hear here they bleed green Ross pulls out a knife never seen it for myself Fury gets in the middle between Ross and roie this isn't helping we need to diffuse this conflict before it turns into allout war you're right just stay out of my way Fury and roie I've got my eye on you then as they're leaving Fury can lament that that's his line in this episode we can also have the Sonia picks up Fury scene and Sonia warns Fury that she's also been tracking the squirrels and they should work together Fury doesn't trust her for the usual reasons but also remarks that there's something extra strange about her and he can't put his finger on it she lets him go leaving him with the transcript of Ross's call with tras informing him that they're going ahead with the testing and the specimen is on its way I'd also love for Fury to recognize a specific bottle of whiskey on her bar and mention that she used to hate this stuff in Sonia remarks people change so those are the obstacles Our Heroes need to navigate to avert scroll human War Fury needs to sabotage the scroll detector and Taos needs to derail project titanus which in the comics is the name of the first Super scroll I don't think they can call it the super scroll program in the MCU it needs a more fancy name episode three so the third episode would be a double Heist on one side Fury and scroll Ro break into trk HQ to steal the scroll bodies they figure if tras does not have them he won't be able to finish his detector and for a good measure they're going to upload a virus onto tras systems and then Taos is going to reach out to Gia to convince her to help him infiltrate Dr vel's lab and figure out what graic is working on both heists go well until they don't Ro gets captured by tras who's been expecting the Scrolls to try and infiltrate their facility Fury escapes maybe this was even an elaborate trap set up by President Ross who knew tras needed a live subject to finish the device and then Gaia betrays Taos she's angry at Taos about what happened to her mom we'll learn more about this peacekeeping mission that killed saurin so then gravic is able to imprison Taos which gives us a better look at gravic plan so Fury is out of allies Taos and r are gone everyone else might be a scroll so with nowhere left to turn Fury needs to get help from the one person he knows he cannot trust by now I bet you're wondering hey wasn't there another character in secret Invasion there was who could forget OT F Ben Lay's character of Mason from Black Widow he can be in here too he can give someone a plane but now of course I'm talking about the character of Vara also known as Priscilla Davis Nick Fury's secret wife in the original secret Invasion she gets introduced at the end of episode too we never had any indication before she existed sure Fury mentions a wife in Winter Soldier but at the time that seemed like more of a line he was using with Captain America that was supposed to act as a code but no apparently Fury has been married to a squirrel posing as a human woman this entire time and like all great world building it wasn't clear Fury originally knew she was a scroll until the director told us on Twitter her role in this series was pretty confusing honestly like she existed to act as a medium between Fury and roie by reaching out to roie she inadvertently LED Fury to roie but besides that I can't figure out why she's on the show don't get me wrong I enjoyed Charlanne woodard's performance and in theory Fury's scroll wife is a fun idea but I just do not think it was utilized incredibly well so I'm going to change how she works a little bit here's her new backstory with Fury that we will cover in this episode perhaps with flashbacks VAR was one of the Scrolls who Carol saved during the events of Captain Marvel she was raised during the cre scroll war and served in the scroll Army as a spy she followed the remaining Scrolls to Earth and kept them safe until they met marll and eventually Carol but instead of going with the rest of the Scrolls on their trip through the Galaxy to find a new planet V was separated from the group somehow and she got stuck on Earth and she was completely alone her only link to her people was Nick Fury but she didn't really even know if he could be trusted so VAR used her shape-shifting abilities to get close to Nick Fury took on the appearance of Priscilla a doctor with a terminal illness like in the show and joined Shield as a medic she worked a way up the ranks and befriended Fury in an attempt to tease out his true nature but as they got closer they fell in love Fury and Priscilla dated and eventually got married and they work together in the field we can see flashback Adventures where they do cool spy stuff like I remember a rumor that the Black Widow movie was going to be about her stopping Y2K which was going to be a real disaster in universe that Shield averted I don't know if that rumor was true but that seemed like a fun premise for a movie so we should see a flashback of them doing that I realize now that kids don't know what Y2K is it was the dumbest thing basically because the year numbers were going from 1 1999 to 2000 people thought that when when the Clock Struck midnight the computers would reset and send nukes I don't know people's entire jobs were to get computers ready for Y2K it's what office space was about anyway on that mission Priscilla was shot and fury learned that she was a scroll Priscilla explained that she was not spying on Fury for the Scrolls she told Fury the whole story and he believed her but that didn't change the fact that she lied to him so she left Fury Let Her Go filed a report that she died in the field and this is his new origin story Nick Fury fell in love with someone he let himself trust her and that trust was betrayed Fury would never trust again but now Fury's desperate and anybody who knows Fury knows Vara is the last person he would want to see so gravic would not prioritize her as a Target VAR also knows about the Scrolls how they work physically and strategically she's been keeping tabs on some of them remember VAR is also a skilled spy who worked with Fury maybe Fury even learned some of his super spy skills from her and even though she's not connected to them anymore Vara still keeps an eye on things Mak sure the Scrolls stay out of trouble so when she heard about every Ross VAR put out the chatter that she knew Fury would find and fury knows where to find Vara when Vara left she told him where she would go home they looked at a long time ago in London so he travels to London and the two team back up and this is his personal Journey for the back half of the Season working with his ex-wife and forgiving her and trusting her again cuz I think those parts of secret Invasion were strong and we need more of them here I just think a change in their Dynamic would make the whole relationship more meaningful and it turns out Farah does have some information about gravic plan and clues Fury into Dr Fel Max's deal he's a scroll mad scientist intent on creating a super scroll Fury asks how are you getting all this information I have friends just like you you mean Sonia something like that you know what's funny I've known Sonia for decades but I haven't seen her in years one thing I can't forget she's very picky about her liquor and one bottle she absolutely hated found its way onto her bar Fury picks up the same bottle bottle from var's bar she has good taste what are you doing what do you think I think when you took her place you needed something that reminded you of home but since you did not have time to fully Sim her you didn't realize how much she hated it sometimes you got to make quick decisions she was killed in the field botched raid she shouldn't have been anywhere near it but you know Sonia and the man who would have succeeded her was an idiot so I took her place with her blessing VAR transforms into Sonia I've been running MI6 ever since I guess people can change what about her family didn't have one anyone else only one other you've met far transforms into OT Fang B's character Mason captured and killed in the line of duty right around 2010 also no family you'd be surprised how common that is in our line of work so what do you know gravic and Dr Vmax are currently in route to buy some superpowers for project titanius from a figure known known as the power broker you know him I know her she's an old Shield agent who got left behind by the system after the sovia cords took over running crime in M report she deals in all kinds of enhanced Contraband bootleg versions of the super soldier serum alien Tech whatever she can find if you know who she is why don't you do something about it wasn't worried about the super soldiers that trusted Wilson and Barnes could take care of the flag Smashers which they did besides that she's been pretty good at keeping order over over there if I get rid of her some new clown would take her place and I have a feeling they would be way more dangerous than little Sharon Carter but if she steps out of line like selling weapons of mass destruction to alien Psychopaths that's a different story do you think she knows I don't she might be a weapons dealer but she's a weapons dealer from Earth so you don't think she's a scroll now then why wouldn't she be working with them more directly this is a last minute play which means they're only involving her because they need to she's human so what do we do we intercept the transfer stop graic from getting his hands on whatever he's after and if we're lucky catch him can't warn her without risking her secret getting out besides if she calls it off graic can find other dealers she's our best shot so hey how about the scrolls are working with the power broker let's tie into tatz and have Sharon be the supplier of their powers that's who she was talking to on the phone Dr Vmax she's been acquiring the different biological samples that exist in damage control storage very important Sharon is not a scroll she's just a wheer and dealer she does not care who wants what for why she's just in it for the money and the power and Dr Vmax is pretending to be human to Sharon not that she really cares what he's using it for but Vmax knows that Sharon might have second thoughts if she knew this deal might end up leading to the extermination of the human race Fury and Vara traveled to madrepore on one of Mason's Plains they talk about the old days and we can see the part of their relationship that worked understand why this couple made sense and why it was good for Fury everyone gets to madore Fury and VAR watch from a distance Sharon holds another meeting on the docks by the shipping containers from tatas we see everything the scrolls are getting cull obsidian's arm Groot Vines an extremist Soldier Frost Beast Parts an outrider corpse a piece of garanto Asgardian blood and Carly Morgan thou's Body gravic Vmax and a bunch of Scrolls show up disguised as people to make the exchange they're offering a ton of money Sharon sends out one of her wounds to act as the power broker he can look a lot more like Curtis Jackson usually does in the comics this power broker authorizes the exchange takes the money and his goons deliver the superpowers to gravic one of the goons trips and as they're getting up stabs a squirrel through the leg the squirrel bleeds purple the Goon whips her hood off to reveal that they're Sharon Carter she says I knew it flood lights go on the scrolls are surrounded gravic asks what the hell is this first I hear the news of about Everett and then this request comes through girls got to be a little suspicious you knew government's known about Scrolls for a while it's a tight secret but if you know where to look you can find anything so what now call your little Avenger friends and exterminate us and spoil all this no I've been trying to pick up shape shifting forever can you imagine what governments and companies will pay to get the Ultimate Spy all I need is to open one of you up and figure out what makes you tick and I will be able to reverse engineer the perfect camouflage now that doesn't mean I'm not going to take all of you we can't be too careful and a fight breaks out between the Scrolls and the power Brokers goons power Brokers goons are way more prepared but Scrolls have powers they're super strong and durable and maybe they even got a handful of fancy weapons like scroll stuff I'd love to see gravic get into it during this fight basically of a Nightcrawler from X2 scene where he takes apart most of Sharon's goons one by one by beating them up quickly transforming into the person he just beat up and then running to the other goons repeating the process until they're all down and Sharon watches thrilled that she's going to eventually be able to sell this power Sharon fights gravic one-on-one and nearly wins she's got all kinds of fancy weapons like the widows bite and that oneoff prop pulser glove from Civil War gravic gets the bed with Sharon nearly kills her but Fury shoots gravic through the shoulder with the sniper round gravic sees Fury he's a little angry but also excited he's been waiting for a face to face with Nick Fury for a long time graic realizes This Is the End for the srels here so they take what they can carry to their Jet and detonate a bomb that they planted during the fight which lets them get away Sharon's team finds the body of a scroll they killed but Fury also manages to shoot that with a rocket launcher or something destroying it Sharon's pissed so the Scrolls got away with the first four things on the list call obsidian's arm groot's Vines an extremist Soldier and part of the frost Beast enough to make a super scroll with some of the powers it'll be tough to beat but not say the mcu's version of combo man and in the meantime president Ross is ramping up his scroll detector program tras can finish designing the scroll detector maybe with help from Riri or maybe amadas Cho if you want to introduce that character riry makes the most sense to me since she invented the vibranium detector why wouldn't she work on this and if she did this time Riri could have built in a fail safe in case her technology got into the wrong hands episode 6 so the finale would be split into two teams the first would be VAR working with Riri to save roie and shut the scroll detector program down Riri would be especially receptive to the squirrel plight after her tal Canal encounter and now we have Riri and roie who in this universe is just going to be the Roadie we're going with in the same plot so these two can work together and establish a dynamic that will be further explored in armor Wars and on the other side Fury and Taos need to work together to stop gravic who is using the superpowers he was able to steal to turn into the Super scroll and this should come at the usual cost if you give a squirrel superpowers they lose their ability to shape shift so now it presents sense a very clear choice for the Scrolls to make you can become Warriors or you can continue to live among the people but not both and the scrs really don't want to give up their shape shifting but if scroll detectors become mainstream what's the point president Ross is giving them no choice gravic plan is to attack the president using his superpowers to provoke a response from the government gravic also plans to kill Taos and leave his body at the scene so whoever comes and cleans up finds him and the news of the Scrolls gets out which means Fury needs to free Taos and they need to stop graic and protect the president this all takes place at tras Industries Ross is coming in to see the new scroll detector in action that way all of our main characters are near each other for the finale and like in the original taow sacrifices himself to save president Ross because that beat is great and totally worked in the original show but they didn't do anything with it here it needs to inspire Fury and Gaia so how do they beat gravic well here's my version of the final fight Fury is defending the president gravic is ripping up everything standing between him and the president which means tanks helicopters all of it and then roie Riri and Vara escaped the facility roie suit is on the way but it's far enough that he can't save everyone yet they see footage on the security cameras of gravic attack and radio Fury what the hell is that that's another scroll who's able to give himself superpowers which ones gravic picks up and tosses a tank a lot Fury what's going on down there Taos is dead gravic is trying to kill the president and start a war we need to stop him at all costs can you call in The Avengers I'll put out the call but I don't think any of them will get here in time so you're just going to go down there and punch him leave the strategy to the adults Fury what powers does he have C obsidian strength groots elasticity extremist fire and frost Beast ice breath got any bright ideas extremists I remember that one old Ro fought those guys do you know if it was from the original Mandarin attack why because if it's the original recipe they had a short shell flight if you worked him up enough they'd explode so if you do enough damage we can overload him that means yeah I'm going to go down there and punch him Fury you need to give me some time my suit's on the way but it's not here yet we need a distraction Fury thinks all right get here as quickly as you can I'm going to try something new Fury walks onto the battlefield gravic gravic stops the destruction listens to Fury Nick Fury this better be good gravic before you start a war that will destroy the human race I want to say something what's that I'm sorry graic pauses I told you i' would find you a home but I was scared to face the truth you were home I've seen aliens cause Wars level cities Earth was almost destroyed by the cre Empire all because you were here and I was playing the C's game CU I thought getting you off the world was the best way to protect our people and sure that may be the safe way to play it that's not what we do because you are our people just didn't see that until now taow died proving that you deserve a home here just as much as we do if you back down and let Ross live we could figure something out Taos was weak srels cannot coexist with humans The Only Way Forward is with your destruction gravit calls the scroll forces behind him but Gaia their new leader orders him to stand down and they listen it's over gravic this won't be over until every last human is in the ground and I will kill you all myself starting with Ross where did he go gravic looks around then we hear behind gravic you looking for this Roy throws the tank onto gravic gravic bursts out the tank and fights Roi Fury tells all the soldiers to concentrate their fire on gravic Gia does the same for the Scrolls gravic keeps fighting and heats up Roi throws everything at gravic as gravic turns bright red Ro picks up gravic and flies into the air a second later gravic explodes then Ro comes falling down to earth now three ways about this next part either we have Jen show up and catch roie as a little throwback to Avengers 1 or we have Sam show up and catch roie just like he tried to do in Civil War or before roie hits the ground a parachute deploys because of course he would have one of those by now either way he survives you can wrap some of these things up Ro goes back to being roie Gia becomes the scroll's new leader and I think this series needs to end with a confrontation with Ross Fury can call Ross right before Ross gives a speech about the attack Nick Fury president you're lucky you're not behind bars always have been what do you want I know you're about to declare war against the Scrolls call it off they tried to kill me one of them tried to kill you that doesn't mean all of them are going to do the same thing I'm not going to just sit by while these aliens invade Earth there need to be consequences you're right amnesty are you out of your damn mind amnesty for the Scrolls on Earth we give them IR radiated land to live on Russia has some to spare and then we pledge to help protect them and why the hell would I do that because it's the right thing to do and also I have footage of one of them saving your life and dying because of it if it comes out that the president who declared war on Scrolls was saved by one or maybe even working with them I don't know that sounds like some one-term Behavior if I ever find you don't worry you won't you're hangs up we can see a news report that the Scrolls have been offered amnesty Fury and V leave possibly never to be seen again in the MCU so long-term consequences roie is a scroll forever the old roie is dead but the scroll roie is now a good guy also Evert Ross is just forever dead I think that's fine the character served a purpose but besides eating up some wakanda forever runtime I don't know what he's there for now so we can go Gia is the new leader of the squirrels who are able to remain on Earth and fury is is going to travel the world and shift his efforts from finding the Scrolls a new home to getting this planet to finally accept them because I think that's the big mistake he makes in this series nobody wants the Scrolls and they're here and fury is a master manipulator but for whatever reason Fury doesn't try to get the Scrolls accepted on Earth after all this is an Earth where asgardians and light elves are just running around aliens are not that unusual and there has to be some reason why Fury didn't try maybe he does Harbor A little weirdness after all the squirrel were the first truly strange thing Fury encountered so maybe he just does not think they can fit on Earth but ta Lo's sacrifice proves that it's worth trying so Fury sticks it out that's his Arc Fury starts the series unsuccessfully trying to get rid of the Scrolls and ends the series accepting that they're here and helping them become accepted as part of our society also little bonus president Ross was attacked regardless of how much of this actually gets out to the public they know he was defenseless so maybe this is the moment he decides to go full Red Hulk gets some Hulk blood from the She-Hulk nerds and we can deal with the Fallout of that in Brave New World so yeah that's my secret Invasion pitch what am I doing right now you ask oh I'm on the set of my next video where I cast Booster Gold the greatest hero you've never heard of and yeah that video will be on YouTube eventually maybe like a month or something like that but if you want to watch it right now you can find it on this video sponsor nebula that's right nebula is a fantastic subscription streaming service that I help to create every single one of my videos goes up there early and AD free you can watch them before anyone else you can know who to get angry at me for not picking as Booster Gold right now it's fantastic way to support creators so many creators you already watch are already on nebula we working on so many cool nebula original stuff I'm sure you've heard about stuff you probably haven't and I'm very excited for all of you to see all of that a nebula on its own is $5 a month it's a great deal but if you use the code Nando you can get it for just under $2.50 a month so go to 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Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 148,140
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Id: -XWOo6xm-Kk
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Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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