Asking Celebrities If They Remember Me (using fake photos)

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howdy today i'm asking celebrities if they remember me only catch is the photos are picked except for this one this one's real i'm just kidding you should have seen the look at her face that didn't that did not fool me i spent 15 on that anime wig i hope you liked it so i'm in a new place for a bit i actually built my dad a house which was my biggest dream ever and it came true and i know youtubers say this all the time [Music] you guys i am so excited to mess with famous people so we're going to start off slow with champagne pop aka drake looks like i damned him over two years ago and did not get a response so maybe things will change looks like i'm looking at him with some murderous intent i promise i'm not i'm not even there that's the crazy thing this photo is not real looks pretty legit to me i'm gonna be like my guy you remember me next we're gonna dm obama uh barack oh yep looks like we dm'd him two years ago and did not get a response also so this is the photo i'm sending him now looks pretty legit am i allowed to do this i actually put my face over joe biden i'm not sure if that's even legal uh fbi open up but hey i think the photo's cool my tenants and my friends tell them that uh this that it's real hey mister why why don't what do i just call him mister is that is that wrong is that disrespectful i feel the need to send a winky face after that i don't i don't know what's getting into me right now oh that's so cringe president of the united states we're talking about here thanks for the attention i have i don't know what else to say i'm just i can't believe i just hey mister hey i hate that i ate that okay taylor swift has 166 million instagram followers that seems too powerful okay yeah i guess this is gonna be a trend most celebrities i have probably deemed them most of them probably not respond well let's just get this one out of the way this is by far probably the worst photoshop job we've got for some reason i can't quite explain nor rationalize i feel like taylor swift is low-key like mother nature dude like like this picture right here like i feel like she can grow trees using her mind i mean have we asked her if she if she can or not but that's not my business at all coolest night ever do you remember me that's the most desperate i've ever sounded uh zac efron so this is actually a real photo um i do know zach i mean this was like the best day of my life and he was the best man at my wedding and i lied it's another fake photo you should have seen the look unfortunately i don't think he's gonna respond because this just feels psychotic perhaps crazy sending this to mr beast that unfortunately is a real photo of me as a child bro how did i not know he went to school together today i'm going to be lying for 24 hours straight okay so the only real photo only real celebrity i've ever met actually happened recently and it was john cena craziest day of my life and it's 100 real i promise i even got a video it was so cool he like we like chest bumps he even like put me on his shoulder spun me around a little bit like his special move and stuff next up we got miley cyrus uh or hannah montana you know call her what you want but you can't call her broke can you can't do it something about this just looks extremely unsettling not sure if it's the sheer size of my skull or perhaps the atrocious surfboard themed jar either way i don't feel good about this you know what i'm not even gonna i'm gonna send a caption not not even gonna send a caption on my site i yeah honestly hope she doesn't see this this one's going out to ryan reynolds aka deadpool you know great guy cool guy this one looks pretty pretty real i mean unreal knight ryan gang or die sending this over to hugh jackman hugh jackman aka wolverine sending this to him this looks legit this is a real photo i'm convinced and i know it's not real i am a walking logical fallacy i don't even know what that means okay unreal knight ryan gang or die let's just send the same message same message again doesn't make any sense i also decided to make this photo which [Music] makes me very uncomfortable chris pratt i mean we'll send it over to him or is that a threat is it a promise we'll see ariana grande yeah uh definitely not ever gonna get a response from her ever again not that i ever did i never got one in the first place but 249 million follow okay here's the photo i'm sending i i did photoshop myself onto an 80 possibly 90 year old man that is bernie sanders so the odds of her being like did i meet this guy where where did i meet i did i did meet that guy but he was like really old so two years ago i told her i saw you uh i'm sorry about that but now i really have no choice but to commit so i'm just gonna say i told you so if you thought this couldn't get any more uncomfortable i'm actually sending this to bernie next bernie more like bernie kearney ronnie cerny kearney two years ago i asked tom holland if he thinks we look alike and didn't get a response but he did end up becoming spider-man so maybe he had already been spider-man at that point regardless he's winning in life which is why i was so excited when i met him at freaking lowe's or whatever such an honor meeting you my man tells zendaya hi for me oh shoot dang i haven't left the house today possibly two days actually zendayas and arnold since the day of this photo i'm gonna be like uh such a blast call me oh no oh no i sent that to tom holland do i unsend it next up we got logan paul sitting in this photo which i mean it looks great i think i think i actually did a good job on this you know don't think i forgot about this bro i want next the next up we got ellen i've also had people tell me i look like neil patrick harris so i thought what would happen if i just didn't even photoshop my face on would i have a better chance of getting reply if they thought i was at a person that they actually met but forgot their name omg ellen congrats on the comeback you gotta have me on soon wait wait did her show get cancelled oh my gosh i got canceled oh that's that's a will smith everybody loves them everybody hates them that's not true they got us bro the paparazzi always on my back too love you man always taking pictures of me imagine a guy like always walks behind celebrities just so he can be like paparazzi you know paparazzi is always following me around like like always just photos like photo op i literally wasn't even ready for it like i got my i got my bad blazer on you know so next we got bella porch we're not the best fake photo uh you know kind of hard to work with dead lighting this ain't build a dude you don't get to pick and shoes shout out to this guy love that guy paul sprouse so nice meeting you wait i have an idea i have an idea reach out to dylan sprouse okay i'm sending dylan sprouse photo of his legitimate twin brother while it is risky i think it might just pose the fate the recognition that we need people say i look like your brother okay that doesn't even make any sense you know shawn mendes was big on vine first right he was a mad con boy good old days bro miss you why do i feel like he could actually believe that i was there i i doubt he's close with any anyone in this photo anymore threw myself right there in the back yeah i'm looking good right there i'm looking real good sending this to kylie jenner uh two most famous people of 2021 and why ryan is hotter bruh these people doing the most for clicks nowadays this is that's pretty funny um let's move on brad pitt doesn't have an instagram account but i'm just going to send this to a fan page because i spent time making it and i i think my hat looks cool so just found this photo online can't believe i drove right by you if the fan page responds it's gonna be pretty cool like i guess uh lebron james why does this look so real i i what am i gonna say um good luck in the finals lebron oh wait you got eliminated because i wasn't on the court did he get eliminated what team is he on i need to go to a bar i don't know what's happening in the sports world right now a lot of people also tell me i look like gordon ramsay or at least his son as you can see two years ago i did ask him are you my dad no response uh you are my biological father please i don't know i don't know why i just got desperate actually next up we got jimmy fallon uh funny guy just realized that i actually replaced his face on accident that's not that's not good i'm not sure how he's gonna respond to this uh gonna hit him with a good old nice meeting you man jimbo oh i said jumbo next up we got the jonas brothers uh this is what we're working with brothers i don't know why this photo looks so squooshed but maybe that'll help my case he's not gonna respond to that that doesn't there's no information there there's no information to even address so i have this photo of neil patrick harris which again people who said i don't even know who said that maybe i said that to myself that i look like him i don't know who this girl is but i'm just gonna send it to claro i can't think of anyone else who looks similar she responded last time idm celebrities nice meeting you is that offensive i don't know olivia rodrigo uh pretty sure i photoshopped my face onto the guy that all these songs are about that she makes which now that i'm thinking like filming videos like this has felt increasingly more freaky like uh i'm a freak like that uh i just i don't know sending pictures like this to a real person uh makes me feel like i'm an absolute weirdo which you know i'm going to unsend this i just i don't want to do that um sending mr robert downey jr good old days do the thing with your pecs can't believe you sometimes man miss you sent this to ed sheeran sending this to machine gun kelly who was dating megan fox yo megan it's been a minute oh shoot wrong person literally same message i said oh shoot wrong person thought i got a reply but it's uh it's just my phone reminding me to drink water next time you see me hopefully we got a bunch load of celebrity responses hey guys so we did get a couple celebrity responses um logan paul said ha ha ha and mr beast i just liked my message and we all know what that means that means you probably believed it right
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 7,866,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, CELEBRITIES, ASKING CELEBRITIES, dm, dming celebrities, I fooled, ryan trahan, 100 celebrities, instagram, I hid instagram, photoshop, billie eilish, dming 100 celebrities, ryan trahan reaction, asking celebrities who are you, asking celebrities questions, photoshop for beginners, photoshop fails, photoshop photo editing, dming celebrities to see if they reply, i hid myself in celebrity instagram photos, dming celebrities on instagram
Id: 7aeQ941TUjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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