I refused to pay her price...

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I just pulled up to my first yard sale of the day and the lady is actively setting stuff out right now and I think I can see vintage Halloween from the car so let's go check it out and see what she has good morning morning how are you doing good I'm doing very well loving this weather so far I know hopefully it's not going to be too hot yeah I know I'm cool with the staying overcast in 60 yes ma'am got Christmas and Halloween my favorite two things okay think so it's crack than that really good how much for these two they're a dollar each oh wonderful looks like I might be a little bit early all right are you selling your penguin too back there yes oh how much is that guy it's a dollar oh wow is it okay if I go in oh yeah okay great feel free to look through anything okay sure well I have tons of Bo now did you have a sale yesterday too or is this your first day it's my first day going to do it yesterday but I had to work oh yeah oh adult thing see life gets in the way of what you want to do I know that's right General phone you need lights oh I'm good thank you no I at Christmas lights oh I don't think so that is one thing I have an abundance of there's a Christmas train set it does not run okay cute makes for a good decoration still mhm you can tell how old some of this stuff is still got the price on it for Big Lots at 9.99 yeah now would probably be $39.99 I've actually sold this guy before I want to say it was only like $15 but her prices are so [Music] cheap and look at the little St too Christmas feris wheel oh my gosh oh that Ferris wheel is beautiful oh my goodness I definitely love this Ferris wheel Mr Christmas holiday Ferris wheel I've never seen this one before see Mike the caveman May to I don't know I will look at everything you pull out dear activity oh yeah it does light I need a hand that I just don't want to dump it it's probably [Music] smart oh wow oh it's a little globe in there mhm isn't unstuck but yeah it does light I wonder if that comes off so I could rest stick them I don't know I didn't try yeah if you get it balanced just the right way it'll flip back over I've done it a couple of times but it's like one of those little games where you Pop the ball in that is beautiful oh I've seen one of those before they skate around a little bit mhm even open this up since we got it out of the storage bin oh is that what you're doing cleaning out your storage it's not mine it's my mother-in-laws oh okay so it's okay if I peek around in this box here okay great plastic or the things in the bag are ornaments okay this is all Christmas stuff too in this okay great these little vintage garlands Snowman well there you go oh yeah and it's moving oh I can see the little you can see the little magnets through the light so you know where to stick your skaters that is so cool you could almost just set up a whole holiday shop in here oh oh my goodness oh that is really coming along post needs to be glued back here okay I was wondering what went there would you like me to set this stuff on the table or somewhere while I go through the box cuz I could just set it out for you if you want as I go um sure you need a hand prob okay my husband's supposed to be helping me but he's [Laughter] snoring want a big gallon of p no ma'am I don't need [Music] that there we go make sure I knock all that wood over are you getting this other table that's tucked back in there out too okay here let me let me help you I got this out here okay oh at least they're nice and light uh I was thinking it was going to be one of those heavy ones put it up right here I guess all right perfect start with these guys so I don't knock them off well she's beautiful take her actually so these are all empty chocolate boxes it was the 12 days or of Christmas okay I think a couple of them are lost those are cute Little Boxes Christmas tree basket it's going in my oh a box fell over in the garage what a box fell over in the garage see what it was one this G slope also Mr Christmas oh my goodness if this actually works that's going to be a really cool find looks like they go up and around and that has a whole ski slope light fell too this little Santa ski slope is what fell over in there oh yeah I had that out that's all in good shape oh yeah I'm going to add this to my pile this is amazing oh we got nutcrackers those are precious I have no idea if these will sell or not but those are cute little elf y look I think I'll actually take these little angels matching little set oh that is painted beautifully it has one little chippy spot right there but I think I'm going to get it anyways rescue this how cute safety pens and Beads I feel like I have to take these two they're so precious all right dear just whenever you're ready to come tally me up I sort of think that since you what's that this is a fountain oh yeah cute I kind of think since you helped me you could just take it oh no no no way no way I it was benefiting me and you at the same time thank you though that's really sweet of you I appreciate that but no I would love to pay for this stuff it's all nice stuff I didn't even look to see what you have well I've got it all set and out I haven't put anything away so you can take a peek do you want one of these boxes you know what I think I have this huge I bag so I think I'm going to put the big ones in there and see what I can fit in those two thank you very much though I don't want to take one of your good boxes those are good ones all right what do you think dear all this stuff I'm about $5 no that is way too low all right you give me what you think price I'm going to give you 40 bucks cuz that's good stuff there okay thank you very much I really appreciate that though you're very welcome I got some goodies how cute was that lady you guys cannot believe she tried to give me all of those things for free um so I'm going to touch base on a few things from that sale really quick and then I'm going to show you guys $2,000 worth of sales that I have going out for the past two days including like three or four things that sold for over $100 and one that sold for like $400 $35 I think um but anyway so first this sale both of those blow sold almost immediately that ghost $115 with that crack around the bottom the other one the pumpkin jack L was unmarked and it sold for $30 now I will say these two U Mr Christmas Skies right here these are a gamble right so I already tested out the ferris wheel and it unfortunately did not work now I have not tested this one out yet it sells for $100 if it works but um it might not work you know these things have obviously s got around in the boxes for quite some time so I haven't got around to checking that yet but fingers crossed for me you guys and I don't have time to do it right now oh sorry can you guys see my ADHD right now is like boom bo okay where was I oh yeah penguin sorry guys um this penguin I've sold him before but the last one I sold was like 75ish I want to say this little guy if you guys can see the red stripes on the scarf he had some little coloring on there so I listed this one for maybe $40 uh obviously due to the condition issue so everything wasn't in perfect condition but like I said we made our money back off of those blow molds so I have 22 orders going out for $1,937 got them all setting out here across the kitchen and we're just going to go through them Turbo FAST all right let's just start here with the low ones this little guy sold for $10 it's a GM Cadillac belt buckle and I paid a couple bucks for that this little vintage Barbie dream kitchen sold for $45 like you guys this like actually rotates out has the dishwasher with the like racks that actually comes out there's silverware and accessories and is it Pepsi colas in here or coca-colas oh Pepsi there you go there's all kinds of other little goodies in there and that is from I believe 1984 yeah and sold for $50 this is a trend Master's um vintage Halloween knocker when you put the battery in and you knock his little eyes Light Up Now Matt and I paid I think 50 cents for this guy and it sold for $15 this little Alabaster watermelon slice was in the last video and it sold for $15 plus shipping uh this was also in the last video too and sold for $115 plus shipping Florida Sunshine State super cool vintage towel from the 60s this little guy is cool too a little scarecrow funnily enough he was made by the International Silver Company and he sold for $19 plus shipping this cool little Santa peanut jar sold sold for $12 plus shipping and he is from Canada that was also in my last video and then we got this cool foam pumpkin that sold for 20 bucks this is another vintage Barbie piece a little poodle I cannot remember his name uh but it's day and night Prince day and night Prince the puppy and he sold for around $30 plus shipping this beautiful little keshi trinket box was also in my last video and I would like to say I paid around a dollar for it but that might be uh that might be too much how cute is that though sold for $19 plus shipping this sold for $15 a little vintage coat rack jewelry hanger Matt picked up this cool tiess head cover and just oh well this is the the Scotty Cameron is what makes it good not the tidalist I mean some Titus is good by itself but you guys know what I'm saying Scotty Cameron is like the topof the line that you want to find anyways this sold for $45 plus shipping for just this little head cover and and Matt paid $5 for that this is a little Moana costume from the Disney Store that sold for $17 this beautiful little tumble up tumbler I paid $3 for this at an estate sale and it sold for $49 plus shipping now those little SPAC makers you guys so this one right here sells better than the other two because of the bright lime green color like there was comps for this uh for like $17 however there are quite a bit of these listed of these other colors and I did not want to sit on these a while so I just listed all three of those for $25 and they have already sold now let's move on down here a little bit so this ridiculously amazing Pyrex Bowl you guys see those like I have never seen this one before and I just thought it was so cool with the hot air balloons and the Sun and the little Moon well this set is really rare and even though this is the smallest one it has condition issues uh throughout it sold for $85 overnight and I think Matt said he paid $5 for it so that was an amazing pickup please ignore the dishes in my sink this cool like Glam shell phone you guys surprisingly this only sold for $30 when I picked this up I thought for sure it was going to be more like in the $50 range but I will take $30 for that I think I paid $2 or $3 for it at a yard sale now this is a sad one to let go of cuz this was actually kinsley's so I bought this for her at a yard sale for $10 but being that it's a really sought after a Patagonia pattern it sold for $50 overnight in a kid's 5 six so I paid $10 for it at a yard sale she wore it for 2 years and then I still profited off of it now you guys this table is the Heavy Hitters might as well pull out my chair here so this Zelda is the last of all of the video games I believe uh that that I have left in there and it sold for $125 I'm going to pop the comp up on this one cuz I can't remember the exact amount but it has all the papers and everything inside and I paid only $4 for this now I believe I also paid $4 for this one too Matt and I found this at a yard sale now unfortunately I think this is Danberry mint yeah it's Danberry mint now if this were not broken in several places and missing the star off the top I have seen these sell for upwards of like $300 this one has several broken in pieces like some little chipped ears and so we just took a chance and listed it for $100 and it has already sold so that's super amazing now this set right here took quite a while to sell I want to say this has been listed for maybe four months but this is a gorgeous vintage salad Master set and this set of just four pans sold for $300 yep 300 bucks you guys I was so ridiculously excited when I found those so I'm really happy to see them go now the best sale of all are you guys ready for this this is let me turn it towards the light actually so we can see it better this is a stunning German Nutcracker made by Albright new with the original tags in its beautiful original box now this one and this one is like super rare it's marked on the bottom let's be careful careful look at that with the wood owl and the antler okay so he is number 78 of a thousand and while all of these don't sell for 400 something dollars this one was a really good one and he sold for $435 in all of his glory and I doubt anybody actually Chomps nuts with him but Chomp Chomp Chomp Chomp all right guys so that's it that's what 22 items for $2,000 looks like for me today this isn't like a typical day I don't often have $400 and $300 items going out but it's really nice on those days that you do uh it's also not normal to have $2,000 worth of sales going out for a Monday and Tuesday but I will gladly take it I guess quarter 4 has officially arrived anyways I really appreciate all of you guys letting me know in the comments of the last video that you do in fact want to see the cool items that we sell So I listened and I hope you guys enjoyed it and yeah that's all I have for you all today I'll I'll catch you guys Monday with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 254,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: kHNLsfRIwQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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