Mystery Box From Goodwill, Can I Make 100$ From It

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I'm Chris and this is Buck Mountain Barn today we're going to go over I got a tote from Goodwill I paid $9.99 for it right here $9.99 for this whole toad looks it's got a bunch of dolls in it some Barbie and some Disney dolls and stuff like that so what we're going to do is is we're going to cut this bad boy open and we're going to go through it and we're going to see how much profit we make that how much profit potential profit we can get on this one 9.99 buy it's big old tote too guys look at that big old tote so let's uh let's get right to it if we got the camera in the right position there we go let's see we're going to take my trusty knife right here and we just going to start coming around good thing is hey I got a tote for $9 10 99 all right got a tote for $10 that's about right no lid tape getting the hair stuck to the tape already thing let's get this I hope this hope yall getting a good view on this the last time I did an unboxing video I lost the footage and did not get to do it did not get to make the video which really really sucked so but this time we hope open this time will turn out better just get this tape off his tote because I will be using a tote I guess you could say I guess you could say hey I bought a tote for $10 at Goodwill and got a bunch of free toys I guess you can say that right it's not new it's not a new tote so but as a reseller guys you guys know totes are just awesome they just like put the smackdown with this tape I mean good Lord they did not want nobody stealing this [Music] I mean they got $10 worth of tape on this thing right all right let's see what we got Let's Get Down trash right there I got trash in the floor already all right so we got the box open and uh so we got this girl from Brave marada so she's all rubbery look at that naked marada she's a naked Mara rubbery so my wife's behind me she's telling me who all these people are I have no idea so she don't want to be on camera you guys can leave comments below and boo are there you know and then this chick here it looks like the thing is tore right there I don't know if that's going to matter or not we don't know who that is do you know who that is we don't know who this is find out we're going to find out like I said um we're going to find out though I put screenshots up as we go we'll see what kind of profit we're going to get this is a Barbie I'm sure yeah in 2015 made in Indonesia so this is not a vintage Barbie but it's a Barbie uh let's see who this one is that's B uh wife says this is Bell from Beauty and the Beast man they got some Nappy Heads here what's up with that bed head they've been laying in there Bed Head all right oh we got a squirt gun that will go to the church yard Cale squirt you every time you walk through the door yeah see there she's talking about squirting me so we'll put that in that box upst go to church all right we go this thing is and she's wet oh bet have water in her oh p and Baby Alive p and baby alive and she is heavy is all get out water in her so why say she's got watering it's a 2019 it looks like so I don't know here can you take and empty her no no well just set her out away so she don't get who is this chick that is her feets are backwards Mulan Mulan Mulan or Mulan Mulan Mulan it's pretty cool doll there it's kind of hard plastic pretty neat I like that mo mo L all right all right oh what we got right here we got a naked uh rubber legs this has got to be Barbie now it says Disney that is that's either Gustaf Gustaf gustan Gaston Gaston who's Gaston um the villain from Beauty and the Beast villain from beauty the Beast Gaston he don't have clothes he don't have clothes we'll see what he's wor right oh we got a bunch of naked Barbies in here oh po naked Barbie yeah looks like we going to be lighting all these up this is a 2015 there's another one from 2015 bunch of nappy head Barbies they got rubberry heads you squeeze your heads maybe somebody will want a bunch of Barbies what is that snout down there look guys there's a snout right there look look at that snout right there oh what is that that fell out this just fell out that's a necklace probably come off of the line you think so I think so all right we'll throw that up there here's another looks like a dog got a hold of her man look at that um 2010 we might not do nothing with that one that one might go off to the ways side and then this is kind of look she can do all kinds of stuff gymnastic Barbie yeah gymnastic Barbie 19 .99 hey it's [Laughter] vintage guys I'm going to tell you something when people say anything's 20 years older but it's got a 2013 head on it so how do you got a 1999 and a 2013 head comment below and let me know about that I don't understand that cuz I've seen that before don't get it so but she's got some Dancy legs all right let's see nappy head Barbies uh another 2019 2015 head man I don't know if the brush will take care of that or not oh she got her somebody tied her legs together uh this is a 2009 with a 2013 head someone explain to me in the chat below hello someone explain to me what the deal is with the hats now I don't is this Elsa no that is the girl Mara that's a different that's a different marada version uh so it's it's it's it's wait a minute it's uh Brave yes wonder why they don't have years on these huh gol this thing's full of barers okay this I know this is this the mermaid chick Disney still know we may be loting up bunch of stuff now this is a Barbie yes that's a Barbie finally one with some clothes yeah she got clothes on her head says that she is from 2013 so I'm going to say 2008 maybe how do you let's move our hands let's see here 2015 I was wrong wait a minute what did her head say 13 13 see I don't get that maybe they just make a bunch of heads every year and a bunch of bodies every year and throw them in a bin and just grab a head and a body that's a pretty cool looking Barber with the got some neat looking shoes and this is a either a Barbie this is 2010 Mattel so yes this is a Barbie I'm not even going to look at the heads anymore we just look at the back some kind of yeah it's a Barbie then we got a pasty white this pasty white person who's this Elsa NOA from Frozen elssa from Frozen Hasbro 2015 so what would be a good idea guys leave in a chat below would you just lot all the Disney ones up together and sell them or would you just lot all the Barbies up and sell them um Elsa 22 Elsa man has frozen been around that long mm [Music] golly let it go let it go yeah let it go this is a uh 2013 Mattel so I'm thinking it's a Barbie some type of Barbie could be or those actually could be from some of the Disney show this ain't a monster hi is it no no no okay ah this is another Barbie so she is from 2015 with her popsicle dress on oh this is a I'm assuming a Disney character man I need to watch some new movies why so maybe they are I don't even know how this thing works I guess it works like that it's weird that's just okay I don't know who is that well we're going to see here in a minute and you guys will have a screenshot you guys already know who it is something just fell off a shoe it was a shoe so there's a shoe missing her shoe fell off and then we got a what in the world this is a pamsies palmsy Palms how does that oh and it's battery operate what is do not sure never seen anything like that I did see something like that one time but we caught it in a trap yeah well we'll just let's see what it say sky rocket Skyrocket so we'll we'll uh we'll investigate this see what that is uh this looks like a perfectly cute oh that's a it's a baby white that's yeah Jack specific oh we even got baby wipes in this probably goes with the Baby Alive possibly yeah yeah good yeah no okay what we got here who is this girl maybe Jasmine Jasmine Jasmine we'll find out she got shoes on too I wonder if I would take the clothes off and sell the clothes and just sell a bunch of naked Disney and Barbie figures like in a lot oh to investigate that and see what's better do this is Frozen No no that is still marada or I thought the girl name was Brave no that's the movie her name's marada that's Ariel after she gets her legs oh okay Ariel after she get your legs and this is a Barbie I'm pretty sure that looks like the um 2016 what you call it outdoor B Bar Eddie bow I'm just saying that because we're [Music] close oh we got a dog Barbie dog that's [Music] good we got another dog right here look at that dog right there wants a to he wants she wants a toy who is this guy oh man hey hey guys if nobody knows see all these markings and stuff on here I'm pretty sure somebody drove that on there colored that but uh we can get that off with alcohol get you some alcohol pads and just rub it and they'll come off I'm not sure who he is but I know he's Disney he's Disney for sure we don't know who naked man Barbie that's another Barbie God nappy hair and then I do people buy nappy hair Barbies or do you got to brush them can um conditioner wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner well all them them horses I just did uh I used that brush over there and I brushed their hair on them horses all right Weck bubbles bubble stick churchard sale or east we'll go churchard well East Easton all right I'm going give that to Easton oh is this a wrestler no who is this this is Thor I'm pretty sure this is Thor yeah I'm pretty sure this is Thor this is Hasbro yep that's Thor what's wrong with this ey I he he's he's hurt he can't see out of it I'm pretty sure that's Thor I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure cuz he's got a keep know it's probably dog all right this is a fidget sometime fidgets sometimes fidgets sell but they don't sell for a whole lot and they do sit around for a little while so I don't know Char s yeah I think I'll throw chch Char sale oh and here we we got some doll we got a doll yeah got a dollhous uh this is a um Epoch eoch company Epoch company I don't know if that's a Barbie or I think so just a regular Little Dollhouse we'll figure it out we will figure it out and then we got this chair here uh made in Mexico I guess it's a dollhouse chair I don't know what this is that's a chair to hold the oh high chair for a baby I don't think it goes with that though you got a dresser down there is this the dresser for that dollhous okay missing something back here but there's nothing well we put that and we got a Chester drawers that's pretty neat missing some things in there this might be pretty old I don't know oh we got a guys I don't know if you remember this I don't what year oh these are 2015 these ain't the old ones so when I was a kid which was a million years 100 years ago uh you had like little rub uh slingshot they had these guys on it and you take the slingshot and you shoot them in the air and the parachute will come down uh we'll take a look at that but that might go to churchyard so we got a crown from Nintendo 2014 Princess Peach is that Mario yes that's the Princess Peach CR okay so we got Nintendo princess prin princess yeah Peach yeah there you go she said it right she said it right that's 2014 so that could be something there and then we got a oh it's a imass for sleeping imass for sleeping that's Church yard sale pretty sure then we got a unicorn Church yard s Church yard sale then we got a kitty C ear kitty cat ear Church yard sale got another unicorn Church yard sale guys if you watch this video and you see anything that I'm throwing in church yard sale Church yard sale is in 2 weeks uh please comment below and say hey you need to keep that so let me know now what is this it's um Frozen it probably lit up and play music at one point oh it's turning up there the top it don't have batteries in it will hang on to that that might be worth something and this has got a shoe box in the dollhouse probably or with with a dollhous we'll put it over here on this one oh my goodness look at this big table and this goes with a dollhous I'm sure that's the high chair right yeah the chair so we'll sit there yeah and then we got look at that what is this this is Disney this is Disney maybe it's baby somebody I don't know she kind of tiny H we're going to have a lot of screenshots I'm going be looking up stuff for day oh here we go we got some clothes oh that's Ariel's Ariel's clothing yeah that goes on probably it's kind of ripped up there though we'll see we'll investigate it is this thing right here so this is a puppy dog Pals C and that's probably the Ricky will you fit in it will you fit in it that puppy dog not check that and see if that's be old pal watch yourself Ricky this is Disney just play so it's not is puppy dog P Disney oh goodness so this is Maddie this is Maddie this is it's not Disney puppy dog pal proper but wouldn't it be Disney I'm not sure but your mirror for your dresser is in the bottom down there you're getting ahead of me I'm always ahead of you so this is not Disney here this is Gung G Edison it's Maddie whoever it is well we'll check that out all right we got some more things we got a helmet Barbie helmet oh that goes on the little doll the little baby one you sure yeah she probably was a rer this one yeah that does not fit on her it fits on she's got a big head look she's like a Funko Pop big head little body maybe it goes on Ed B Barbie possibly goes on a Barbie so then we got more Barbie oh wait whoever wears that wears this so that's a set maybe maybe and then what is this thing this is a oh here we go 2017 MGA China oh that's the LOL doll who the little lol they come in the little balls and you don't know which doll you're getting what's WR arm is it not I'm a breaker do that huh I don't know oh here's your little little bean thingy right here no that's something that's probably it's Disney whatever it is maybe that's her little pet maybe let's see what else we got here all right so we got a I don't know I'm not sure not sure what that is I'll put that oh this is Ariel I mean not Ariel uh the fish girl yeah Ariel all right and then this is another oh look she's got a this is Matel Indonesia I don't know what kind of doll this is thing is from Google yeah Google ens is about to tell us all kinds of stuff look at that her hands I move that thing y oh look look it's j Uso guys if you don't know what I'm talking about I watch wrestling so you know juso he does the Yeet thing with the hands one hand huh he does one hand no he does the two hands most time it's one hand no that's J USU all right I think that's it let's see what else we got down here got papers got some LOL stickers it looks like L probably yeah yeah you're right look at that look at me be right about something look at you be right about something this is Jet Set QT jet said cutie oh cutie okay so we'll just uh put these with that and see what we can get for it maybe maybe five bucks maybe not plus shipping I don't know maybe $2 plus shipping I don't know $9.99 free shipping hey that way I will pay for the that ain't going to pay for it but I think we got enough there to pay for it oh goodness what does this go to oh this goes to that thing so we got to figure out how to put that back in there back in yeah all right let's see here oh it'll just snap right in look but then you have to no you tape it that's how that was put there yeah I would rather glue it okay well box is empty all right so we went through that whole box right there there's everything piled up right there so everything piled up so hey guys we're going to uh go ahead and take some screenshots of what this stuff is worth and if there's any value to it you would have seen it in the video but thanks for joining me for this unboxing I we had a lot of fun with that guys have a great day and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Buck Mountain Barn
Views: 1,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #yardsales, #thriftstores, #estatesales, #thrifting, #flipping, #profit, #ebay, #resale, #picker, #goodwill, #whatnot
Id: EgBaa-na_Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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