She warned me, but I didn't listen 😭

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all right guys here we go fresh yard sale of the day Pocus craft cookies thank you good morning doing well how are you doing how much on your Lantern 10 bucks well hello again hey how's it going good how are you doing very good you already been out and about today me too me I don't know about this for 10 bucks but I think we might just chance it learn a little something new I'll do it I'll make the coffee good morning good morning how are you doing well how are you doing all right good that's the worst thing I always set my tea down tonight it takes me enough time to find it that it gets cold already oh please can you go 20 on your jacket let's check out this purse real quick Mark there foreign how much on your Michael Kors bag uh five okay sorry I almost got too close to you there [Music] hello how much are your canisters seven dollars okay guys I appreciate it right down puppy bowls or Kitty balls get these canisters for myself here is it okay if I just put my little polymers chair right here okay right there thank you I'll put the Lantern on top so it doesn't get anything dirty thank you oh thank you very much I appreciate that how much are the Carhartt jeans they're 10. [Music] looks like Patagonia here it is hot sauce or is that men's that might be a men's small maybe it's a women's either way that'll be good if I want it or if I don't want it my son absolutely wore that thing out did he I love it yeah that's a nice Patagonia I was wondering if it was men's or women's now you answered my question okay people come as soon as you first start oh here it is 25 cents okay put your ad together how much was this uh I don't know let me ask the boss okay sure how much on the the girl that the boss is not here yeah he said he's going to ask for me on this I said she's the boss on the clothes for me sounds good I think they're one to know how much the clothes are as well um okay I'm gonna pay you I'm gonna see what I got here [Music] so for a little bit more and now I won't have to keep it and then my amazing canisters these are just from World Market but I love them so 5 10 20 26 . I believe I owe you 27 I've Got 5 10 20 and then seven for your canisters thank you so much I appreciate it okay thank you all right all righty first off of the day quick little success I'm very curious about this Lantern I have absolutely no idea about railroad lanterns but that one was in the best shape of all the ones I've seen before is Michael Kors purse it doesn't it looks like it just has this little spot here and that which will clean right off the bottom this will all clean off except for that little ink Mark but I think I should still be able to get 40 back so five bucks for that is a good deal had to guarantee it really depends on the pattern now this is a good pattern it's on the older probably during the tag so I would guess this would be at least forty dollars if it were like a men's large probably closer to 50 but it's not there's canisters again they're just World Market and they're for myself I think I'm gonna put this in my bathroom like I really just needed one for Q-tips but now I'm like yeah I can use one for makeup one for something else I'm trying to put these in here appropriately so they don't break what was the brand on this n and w St Louis I don't know just incredible condition we'll see about that silence on to the next one guy oh it looks like there's another sound right there all right we just pulled up the next one that was just right down the road and it looks like this one sold for 166.50 and I believe that's it Norfolk and Western railroad hand Lantern and then there's some others that have sold that's auction actually both of those are auction but 137 178 82 bucks it looks like my gut today is pretty solid on that one I just put just put any of the lanterns I've seen so let's go see if we can find anything with this one good morning guys looks like they have listings for each one 25 bucks I thought I'd been here before I thought this was the garage with the cool frying pans still super cool thanks good luck with yourself guys thank you all obviously you guys probably saw that they had eBay prices for everything it was listed prices not sold prices but like I'm very understanding and realize that most people don't even know that you can go to eBay and filter to the solds because everybody can ask whatever price they want to when they list something but the real value is determined by what the item actually sold for so unfortunately none of those prices were realistic but how cool were those Looney Tune those little plastic mugs very interesting but um not worth picking up for resale let's head on to the next one good morning hello foreign what does it do uh okay this little thing yeah it is cool I'm very curious yeah so I don't know if this little guy has all the whatever it needs to work but I just looked it up it definitely doesn't have the cord but that looks like just a generic little spot it looked like it was called a battlebot or something a sphera battlebot has a model number right there to look at that but I did just see one that sold for like 45 dollars but I think it said Remote Control operating so I have no stinking idea how this works it goes right there oh the top comes off okay oh yeah you can see the little wheels so it goes like that like that and like that okay so here we go it looks like this one sold for 58 dollars now this one's all for 75. is there something missing looks like theirs just has those pieces maybe ours is just missing the cord oh it's an app so you use an app to control this little guy there's another one that sold for 50 bucks so yeah it seems like it's all about pickup for a dollar all right guys so nothing at that one but I did just see a sign at the end of this road that said there was a another sale I think this way I'm all turned around there's like five sales in this neighborhood and it's one of those big confusing neighborhoods anyways ten dollar Build-A-Bears oh he's cool which one is going on guys transmasters in 1993. you should be good for a quarter wow those brats clothes yep rats shoes and clothes 50 cents yes please how many times I've come across us with no feet and there's some bonus feet and um I actually have a lot of these at home that I haven't listed yet so I can add those to it adds the shipping set of three chair covers Frankenstein chair covers oh and his head's like wires that sticks up this is all right puppies I've only ever sold kitties thank you [Music] excuse me four six you're right six seven seven and this is that's okay I'm just gonna make a little pile that's fine thank you my hands back real quick [Music] and Frankenstein the antique section huh oh my goodness a little match thing oh is this just coasters glued on well I do oh that's a cool vintage yard hanging circle on that side there but it's super cool it's not worth on this side oh yeah the rip is kind of shown through drops this girls how gorgeous is that wow it was good too yes all right I'm ready to go dear all right I got three dollars for the chair covers okay did you get the one that was laying out I did okay I tucked him in so what was it three dollars okay yeah then these jars are 25 cents each okay 575 [Music] 625 okay hello are you in the truck you can just do seven for easy math well thank you sure it's a good deal anyways I've never seen a Laura Birch puppy dog bag I've only seen the kitty ones before Oh really this one's super cute it is super cute but I don't need that many pockets right we have a way of accumulating too many of those so it's just not big enough yeah oh it ripped right when I went to readjust it's okay it's okay I think one of them's fine oh no they both broke it's okay right when I went to readjust oh no one of them's good yay just trying to readjust without a broken darn it that's two weekends in a row that I have broke something right after I bought it darn it and I had a feeling they're gonna be really good watch those be like twice like 50 bucks or something just because of stinking broke one let's hope that glass isn't gonna week out oh my gosh maybe I should take the other one okay this one is in fact good to go now let's look this up Carlton 1988. I want to put this guy here I was gonna set that down on there all right I guess I'm just gonna go ahead and look them up right now Carlton 1988 Halloween jar before I click search I'm gonna guess those are worth like 30 to 40 dollars a piece let's see let us see let's go to souls make sure what they're actually selling for even though it's not Halloween does so year round all right the first one there that sold on bid sold for 35 No 30 plus 12 shipping let's keep on scrolling see if we see any more darn it there's a small one that sold for twenty dollars yeah so it looks like I just broke at least 30 bucks walking down the driveway at least I got some other cool stuff there it's all good it's all good oi what can I say this oy so this is where I'm gonna cut in today I've actually just been like processing and listening all of my purchases from last night ironically enough let's see if I can reverse over here ironically enough this little jar is the first thing that sold sold within just a couple hours of me listing it as you guys saw I only paid a quarter and I broke one this one I listed for a little bit less because it had a little bit of sticker residue on the side so instead of listening for 40 I listed it for 30. and yeah sold pretty quickly everything else let's see what do I oh I still have left the lantern to this I think that's probably our best find of the day the Michael Kors purse had a little bit more ink like I saw a little Ink Spot on the front so I only listed it for 40 bucks um but yeah I also listen to those amazing Frankenstein how cool are these so I could not find a single comp for these guys anywhere so I just did a little educated guess and listed those at forty dollars for the set but all in all it wasn't too busy of a day but it still ended up being pretty profitable and this was only like half the day and this one video as always thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you guys next Thursday with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 238,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: M0GzkbmuKQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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