Thrift With Me at 4 Stores Home Decor Mega Haul! - We Scored Thrifting at Goodwill -

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we were young and we were free and running never bed about what could be [Music] coming good Monday morning we are on our way to the Des Industries she is not really that Jolly it snowed on the mountains it's been raining it's cold it's not that cold you can kind of see it's cloudy and overcast you guys know I do prefer Sunshine but we are headed to the thrift stores which is basically like sunshine because I really enjoy doing it we're going to see what we can Thrift and uh flip for a profit I'm not really I don't really have anything on my agenda today I just want to buy good stuff what about you Ze tell the people same as last week I mean we we found a bunch of like summer Cottage type stuff last week but I I can't guarantee that every time so we'll see what's out there we're changing up we're going to Saratoga Springs uh Desert Industries thrift store then we're going to head into uh Salt Lake area and go to Goodwill probably to another di so we'll see uh what happens and what we find come with us and see what we get this particular thrift store um definitely has more competitive thrifters so we already have somebody in line although it's only 3 minutes early so not too bad I've actually been to somewh there's like 15 people online so it's not that cold so I'll go out there and wait I guess oh look at I have to film this is service they have the carts all ready to go that's the first time I've ever seen that see what we can find that's kind of interesting oh it's all scratched up oh it's Waverly looks like they might more but they're all scratched maybe not the best design so I found a couple of canister sets this one's kind of mid-century modern with butterflies and then there's this set of three hermetic with cottage scenes on them so those are cute definitely coming home with me I don't know if somebody's going to want to set a three or I'll sell these ones individually cuz they're kind of cool as is they always have a really good selection of like pots here and those sell really well for us so I try to find things that we can plon or that are unique I actually need to see what we have at the shop this would be good if it was like not missing half of its stuff it's kind of a nemic looking they've got the music cranking it's been probably two or three weeks since we've been to this thrift store it's kind of a fun couch there clocks do I need clocks these are broken not sure oh look it's got a door I just buy a little Lantern I like $4 though that's a little small for $4 this giant Candlestick down there $8 if it was like ornate I'd buy it but that's pretty simple so I'm not paying $8 for that $5 is kind of top of the mark unless it's really cool for me let's see if there's anything that we want to paint That's wood that one's kind of yucky it's always hard to get on those jewelry boxes to get the Velvet clean so sometimes i' pass because I don't feel like dealing with that I just like the packaging on this but I looked it up and they sell for between $8 to $10 for the set of six and this is only a buck so I'm going to grab it some emergency candles six assorted colors and scents made in Hong Kong so Zeb absolutely hates this kind of lot because it's a pain to put in but when you have antique doors like sometimes you need these and I actually really love the handle on this and the back plat so I'm going to grab this for $3 that's a good deal so they just brought out a new cart but I found this bowl three bucks just kind of a batter bowl and I like the coloring on it probably not old but it's cute someone's already painted this one but it's plastic so I'm going to leave it I'm trying to be more particular about my clock since you know we've we've got an abundance right now look at this giant wooden spoon oh it's foam three bucks do I need that for anything I kind of just like this part here let's walk down this way and then I'll go check the art nothing down here I can't live without except for maybe this planter eight bucks some boots I'm going to do it it's the wrong time of year for roaster although that one's [Music] blue USA I'll get it we'll see what Jamie says we'll see if she votes it off the island I need to remind myself looking for medium frames medium frames to say it in my head like a mantra cuz I see the big frames and I'm like oh look how big it is it's awesome this one's brand new 11 by4 it's wood maybe oh no no can't tell I thought it I think it's wood not foam it's very heavy 10 bucks though for just the frame I really like this one with the oval mat let's see how much I think this one's worth eight oh it's not just a met it does have art in there that's going to have to go I like this Candlestick someone's glued something foam but it's all metal it looks like someone tried to peel that price tag off so Z bought one of these once and he broke the lid I wonder if I should get this one what it looks like some oh something did break off of this lid already so maybe I'll pass on it he was really sad when the lid broke if the cookie of like our friends are the chocolate chips that is true for Ze would have to be milk chocolate chips cuz those are his favorite I'm double checking to make sure I didn't miss anything when we were here earlier look at this doll looks like a wedding doll she's $8 I'm going to grab her and then I'll take her home and see what she's worth this is $15 I don't know if Ze didn't see it or maybe it wasn't out it's got the tray and everything definitely scooping that up cute little enamel tray it's three bucks we don't have any enamel trays like this in our stash and with Fourth of July coming up it'll be cute for a display so I found these Crystal Tumblr glasses you can kind of see all the shine and then if you like you can cling them and they have like the right sound if these are what they think they are I found a set of six for 75 so I'm going to grab them and then check them out when I get home okay so these I believe are Avon and they're worth about $12 each each there's six of them and they're a dollar so I'm going to go ahead and grab them this is just a little temperature gauge it's super cute it's definitely from Germany I don't know how old it is but it's only a dollar so I'm going to grab that oh I wish the Lamb's leg wasn't broken do I get this and repaint it I love that it's like on a pedestal you know I have a hard time passing on these pictures this one is made in Italy still has its laid look at this big old guy hiding down here I wonder if Jamie passed it doesn't matter he's coming [Music] home so this Walnut cutting board has the Blake looks like it's lasered in there cnced either way I'm going to sand that out oh you can't even read the sign it says nightly closures begin today uh this is our route from one thrift store to another and it now says instead of like 14 minutes it's going to take 41 minutes it's also our route to Tacos so we're going to have to switch this up we can't be going to Saratoga anymore I don't think if they're going to have road construction we're going straight to Tacos but you know what it was worth it cuz we spent $115 some of that was zeb's axes in case of the apocalypse and he has to chop down I think I even filmed that Casey has to chop down trees and split logs he is set um but other than that we got a lot of really good stuff I'm excited about the doll because I think she's worth somewhere between 70 and 100 also my tumblers were good purchase and then we have some things uh you might have noticed that I picked up a Candlestick said it was too expensive then Zeb picked up a c that same Candlestick and he bought it it's the a law of averages cuz I got another Candlestick that's like 3/4 that size for $150 so they were like you have to $4 you have to pass on the overpriced stuff so you show these thrift stores who the boss is like if you're going to overprice it it's staying on the Shelf you guys see that white stuff what is that Zeb it's snow it's no moisture we're in uh the Riverton area and they definitely got more snow we don't we didn't have any snow on our our rooftop um we're going to head to this thrift store and sometimes they put out carts later so there might be some good stuff to be had no videoing of the mountains because they exist behind that white cloud all right it is packed today well it's 10:30 we hit that traffic and now we're basically an hour later than we are well the serious people should be at home already so who's left like there are a lot of people that were sleeping in and decided to go through thing like look at all that good stuff she's loading up there's even a school bus here that means there's a bunch of teenagers here thrifting they're on a field trip or does that mean that the bus driver has some time in between routes and they're coming to Thrift I would not be surprised cuz teenagers love to Thrift it's funny because Zeb and I have been junking most of our life but now it's trendy and our kids are always like I want to go to the penss with you they just want old t-shirts and baggy jeans so I'm not seeing a lot of teenagers here so maybe Zeb was right so I saw this kind of swirly design flip it over and it is Sheffield bone white USA so I'm going to grab this set looks like they've got some bowls there was one with a big chip these ones are looking good they're only 75 cents each I'm going to pass on the saucers unless I can find the matching cups yard number two let's see if there's any good stuff left they bring stuff out all day but they load it up in the mornings so someone's got these set up like shelves the knob for this one is right here they look like they were mass-produced at some point I don't think they're homemade however the yellow would be a good undercoat see they're made to hang so I think I'm going to get them because I think that would be really cool you could put like some floral or something in there hanging on the wall is that a little topiary hiding over here let's see if it's a good one or a bad one it is not a good one I was hoping it was boxwood so this is kind of bent up but I think I can fix it it's only [Music] $150 I think there's a serving Bowl buried under here let's see oh it is it's got a little chip it's only a dollar GNA grab that too and looks like there's some more plates buried under here so I'll grab those as well oh those are Gibson those are not the same I saw a trifle dish down here that's really pretty I like the fluted sides and it's nice thick glass for $3 I'm going to grab this and take it home I think it's really pretty I kind of just want to buy this for the shop it's $150 and it's a bunny Garden steak like how cute is that I haven't found a cookie mold in a while Super Stone sassa frass I don't know that Browns I think I'm going to leave that hopefully that's not a mistake but there's just a few Browns of cookie molds that I really like sa enjoy is this Ray done for $3 it is and it's the whole shebang that's definitely worth saving for fall no price on this one it's got like a heavy metal base [Music] kind of like this wall pocket is pottery clay I like the glaze on it all right clocks it looks like they might have some offerings I want over here today $5 for that one yep look at this sweet little vintage box looks like some of the gold is worn off but I think I could dry brush that with a little golden ticket it's definitely vintage it's only $150 I'm going to definitely grab this that so pretty so full size looks like grandfather clock and it was one too much for him 150 fun though this is kind of a fun find SAS FR Stone wear looks like I think it's from the 9s looks brand new like it's never been used prime example of why you stock up when the stock in's good cuz this was $28 we spent $15 at the last three store who knows what we're going to find at the next couple everything was really well priced here I feel like the other store there were a few items that Ze paid a little much for no it'll be fine it'll all average out yep so 1111 make a wish Ze what do you wish for at Goodwill I wish that all the stuff wasn't sold because it's half off day and we forgot yeah we were supposed to be here at 10:00 we'll see you could tell that it's uh busy like all the parking lot has tons of people in here hopefully none of them are wanting the same stuff as us what is the likelihood of that SL you think Goodwill bins are half off too probably not I don't think they ever do that I don't think so either they're already pretty inexpensive I need to look up the coupon it's from Instagram I think some Goodwills have like colors of the day that are half off ours never does that Jamie is waiting for a cart cuz they're so busy they're out of carts but I am going to go hunt I like this aluminum pitcher $3.99 even if it wasn't half off I'd be getting it so I had to be patient but I got a cart Ze went off without a cart so hopefully he doesn't find too many big things every time I think I can do it without a cart I realize that I cannot there's anything I need up here it's a cute little pot for succulent you know I wish this didn't have this plaque on here I wish it was just all gal they've punched it to put that on there so I think this is a towel holder I like it whatever it was meant to hold I like it a lot $1.99 check out these dishes super old those are interesting little pots I don't know what it is but everything being half off just makes it so much more exciting oh Blu-ray D mugs I'm not seen those I'm going to grab these looks like they're summer mugs paradise and sandals season little Pyrex Bowl it's a little dishwasher dried 2.99 that's pretty bad otherwise I'd take it these plates are pretty casual home recognize the brand I have to be kind of picky with plates because I buy them a lot I buy a lot of plates what's this Japan should I get that I don't know that one has Birds on it it's kind of pretty I'm going to think about that oh and a little brass easel little desk [Music] easel I hear Jamie shopping over there you can hear her talking to her camera that means she found a cart I like this little divided tote someone's already base coated it yellow for me so this is McCoy it's got a bad break in it and not a great glue job I don't know if I can fix that is it worth $150 to try it out what do you think I'm going to grab it I'll ask Ze if he thinks he can heat gun that clean it off and do a better job Zeb literally just left this pig in Boots here it's like I don't even know who you are anymore Ze put that in the car I didn't leave it I knew you were going to grab it oh okay all right so all that was 2150 how you feel about that that's pretty good we half off day half off day works a Goodwill all right across the street we go one more thrift store for the day this makes four thrift stores yep desert industry Thrift stor is coming up next it is conveniently located across the street and this particular thrift store brings out cards all day long so for whatever reason they're like constantly restocking here and I feel like they are always really like they just have a lot of good stuff Z grabbed the cart that was already out but I don't like to grab the cart that's already out because that usually is the one with the bum wheel you know like somebody puts it back oh it does have a bum wheel the one on the right we'll see if he notices all right so not a lot of carts out here hopefully they'll bring out some more soon I'm g go check out the this aisle usually has some fun stuff and then I'll go down dishes it's always really well stocked so I have to like dig deep to see what's in here so I use this French salt and I was like oh that Jar's cute there's like an unopened bag of salt in there so guess who's going to buy this and use the salt $2 is a good price all right so this side I usually have to dig a little too because have good stuff that's a made in England it's missing the top but we can put a succul in that for sure this interesting m means best that's cute copper plated cookie cutters Eagle flag star they're kind of small so I'm going to put them back these are interesting they're silver silverplated salt and pepper shakers $3 for eight these all these are cute also really like that picture I don't know why oh it's used to be something that plugged in I can't Mo this back I got to buy it let's see if I can get lucky again last week I found two pretty great pieces of art I don't know that I will have the same success this week it's a print not all prints are bad sometimes I'll grab a print but but some of them are really pixelated so you got to pick and choose what you want to [Music] get that's a fun little guy hiding up here for two bucks it's a recipe box like my mom had when I was grown up it's made out of Oak for three bucks though was hoping it'd be like a dollar do I don't know what the manufacturer is on this but I love that bread with the butter melting on the top just found this sitting out here on the shelf three bucks so I really like these goblets they've got etching on them they do need some lemon oil to kind of get rid of the Cloudy they're even etched on the bottom and there's 1 two three four five six I'm going to grab these for sure so there's actually 10 so I think that's a good deal cuz if somebody wants a large set these are really pretty hopefully they make at home they are definitely fragile so they just brought out a new cart and they had these on there they're $2 each but Pier One um they don't make this anymore and these are from Italy and I seeing them anywhere from $10 to $15 a plate so I'm going to snag these then I got this cute little Bavarian plate and I love this picture frame but it's missing the thing on the back so it can like stand up so I'm going to see if I can find one similar and I can swap out the back I'm also going to pick up these I love the matting on them and they're only a dollar each I might use them at home or I might sell them that one's got a little rust but it's cute I don't think I really need to do anything to it though I kind of like it this was still on the cart for three bucks I'm wondering if Jamie passed it she's been doing that all day just leaving stuff and I've been coming back around and getting it I also wonder if Jamie missed these or put these back a couple of maass Crystal uh candle holders some little tapers there all right so a car just came out and in the frenzy I got this rainbow dance party series um Jamie picked up this big spoon and the silver the silver Santa is pretty cool it's very heavy plate it on something else so $220 thrifting so far today we've got pretty much the back filled build up Jamie says that I haven't been being picky and she has so we balance out all right so fourth thift stores so we spent 220 all total we have separated this out by my side zeb's side I think you will be able to tell for plus watch plus you watch the video but you'll be able to tell like whose side was who zap has a lot of things he needs to paint yeah I do actually I actually don't I don't think I bought anything that needed to be painted right bring this thing home all right guys if you guys want to shop any of these items they get listed at 8:30 Mountain Time on Saturdays for our Saturday Thrift Hall we go live but we'll drop the link below for the collection for everything we have available currently if you guys like this video be sure to give us a thumbs up and subscribe to jam Raven to turn more DIY we'll see you on the next [Music] episode payment on my own cuz you're here to stay every night I [Music] you time is up nothing to do you are G that makes me blue but here he comes to take me to oh [Music]
Channel: Jami Ray Vintage
Views: 39,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jrv, Jami Ray vintage, farmhouse, farmhouse decor, farm house, paint, painted furniture, painting furniture, DIY, how To, home decor, chippy paint, furniture, furniture painting, upcycle, goodwill, thrift with me, goodwill thrifting, home decor thrifting
Id: lc4n_47aOAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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