This LIVE Auction had me SHAKING...

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so this is an estate sale auction and they have some consignments in the mix is that right yep I see a ton of people back there in a ton of tables okay this is going to be fun so I guess first we need to figure out uh if we need to sign in or something right I don't know look first and then sign in I'm ansy to start looking right away still in the box okay I don't know if they're the best ones but por Pig so this is 210 oh I'm going to get a note you want to make like a list or something yeah I'm going to make a notepad list here that's pretty exciting we're already seeing cool stuff I know and that's have papers behind it even though it's a little Fortune what do we got back there yeah got a couple things I mean this game alone is worth like 30 yeah so Super Mario All Star 2 you never see them in their boxes all right note number one's going in number one auction number 210 210 we like I wonder how they're going to be splitting this out look at these precious Santas oh those are cool these are like paper mâché over cloth oh wow look there's a whole set of four I love those those are really nice okay we need to figure out how how they're doing this how they're doing it okay yeah cuz normally everything has individual numbers yeah okay all these and if he says choice and you're the high bidder you can take one whatever however many you want for that that um price for each okay um or he can sell it times the money which is you know there three are these two we sell them two items times two yeah yeah so you got to kind of listen to how he's selling it because it's it's always and it's kind of a random pull he doesn't really have any specific okay stand in there last question for you yeah if we win something do we have to wait till the end of the day to pick it up or no um anything you buy outside you're on the honor System to take to your car and secure if it's big no one else is going to walk off you don't have to worry okay so as you them you take them yes anything inside you don't just walk out with you got to pay for first okay and then when you have your um but you can start loading and stuff when you're done with your day when you're done you go back turn in your car pay your bill they'll give you an invoice and then you can start you know loading everything El and then is just one auction at a time or is there multiple things going on no just one one okay yeah so it makes for a little bit of a long day but yeah okay that's fun awesome I used to hide there we used to have a hot dog guy who's sick right now so we don't have so you'd have to head over to the bakery if you coffee or something you know all right is he's cool oh yeah that is super cool just says dated 1988 so this person has everything I've seen that's cool so far is this person looking all that gym Shore oh my oh wow there's some good stuff jumbo gym Shores some Big Boys what in the state oh these are so this is going to be each individually okay and those are their numbers but the one yeah we got WIS men oh yeah didn't you just sell that or version I did I sold a one for like 35 bucks I look we got an Le oh yeah I love him we might be here this might be multiple videos they got some stuff what kind of wood crackers do he have here that's why he's as is yeah he's seen better days Hab made in Germany not good when they neck snapping off at least they put as is so you notice yeah look at this Santa guy he's cool too oh he is cool these little Stein back some of those are okay Steinbach yeah I've heard of that I guess it's Steinbach steinach okay got to get the German you got to get the look at him oh wow he is neat he's got a big old red nose oh I can I kind of want him I kind of do too I'm really curious to see what the prices are going to be me too you think we go here uh yeah right at this window right here so it's 50 bucks to register and you get it back okay all right you got your registration card 422 4 22 that's a good number indeed all right so so far I'm thinking everything over here we're not really going to be interested in yeah I mean there's like a Canon camera right here which is pretty cool but that's like a $40 camera yeah um the other things I was thinking were I think there's like a Miller Zippo over there but it looks like someone moved it oh jeez what are those I don't know these are old ators yeah those are cool it has like a marking right there right on the glass or is that just a that's just a smudge I think found a little tile kitty cat that's cool this one's cool though oh wow this one's made in Russia Russia okay that's nice painting yeah it is wow it's like terracotta yeah it's beautiful I like that one it's a weird thing not knowing if it's going to be like the whole box or individual it's going to be interesting yeah we're going to have to get oh is that a trinket box and the bottom part's all enameled over top the flowers that's precious that's cool sayp I need to put this in my purse before I lose my number oh the Tal's cool too oh I thought he was attached to that surface oh that's cool he is cool he's awesome what the heck is that like a metal no I don't think so another questionable questionable question him him little cow's cute too he is he's so fat with a small head is this a dirt Buster no way sucks up like crumbs they definitely loved cats yeah this is a definitely a cat sale oh wow that's a cool Bowl oh my gosh look at this this is a Polish pottery oh wow that does look polish huh it is remember I have this pot belly mug one very similar to this and then we found a small one this all this right here that is so cool you called it too Poland right on the bottom yeah oh my gosh I haven't seen a whole set like this these are really nice and unat that's the one right there I love to have that okay we'll add that to the list for sure this would be nice if it was a art s oh no I don't even know what this is love EST Lancome Lancome okay never heard of it you've heard of Lancome though I think I have have my stuff is LOM okay expensive this is a cool dish with all little fish in there it is I picked that same one up did you really yes nice oh that's nice I like that what would you do with that like a little napk napkin holder or you can do envelop question envelopes you know napkin holder there you go napkins or envelopes like some stuff in there and then it looks like there's a little Trio oh yeah of wood carved kitties too those guys are cute I like those too so much cool stuff and we have a carved froggy oh yeah we're definitely filling the T10 Vibes I know oh look this one's a little mini like blond glass rampin that's cool man I really do wish this was yours oh my goodness what's that the Road Runner oh the Road Runner you you were just saying you want one of those I got to get around to you I'm coming yeah those are cool ready to check them out yes I feel like I want one of them already so we saw a couple of these in a store but they did didn't have the rust like these do these are cool no they weren't the best these are the ways that uh you want them right there rusted oh yeah we could put that in a box and ship it man but do you think it's going to be both of them I don't know I think we'll have a better idea once this thing gets started yeah a lot of people are getting here though and umbrellas that was a smart call oh yeah smarty pants oh gosh Salam and something stoneware of 1996 over somewhere it is cool yeah I like that little kitty cat too oh yeah that looks like the other little kitty cat on that Japanese oh look there's another one okay let's look in here better there's some cool guys in here oh man this whole thing is cool this is cool what are these paper for they're probably all the maybe all the figures in there a 24 piece collection jeez oh here's the is this their original receipt 319 $47 for what it says two Santa something maybe it's these like this Santa they're gorgeous all of these pieces like these little ones that are painted like this yeah some good stuff right there I like those kitty cats too look at that guy mm these are gorgeous I like those guys the sc's painted on the back yeah I want this one too you want that box yeah hopefully a lot of these guys are just here for like the tools and stuff let's see see what else we can see we got a little bit more time what time do we got I think it's just now like 8:30 8:30 okay hang on oh we got 30 more minutes let me check let me check 8:35 oh perfect we got plenty of time hang on I'm going to look at this church we're going to want to go look inside too right yeah the thing about the inside is it's nice cuz it's after lunch so we know we're going to have plenty of time to look at it yeah we'll have a nice lunch and then we'll come back yeah they said there's a bakery right next door okay I might want to take you somewhere fancy today that's an interesting Nativity setup oh wow that's beautiful that's crazy wonder what it does it lights up oh wow that's beautiful it is Department 56 oh wow so it's probably got a little bit of a value then yeah Department 56 Nativity right yeah okay we'll put that on the list for sure these old fiber optics trees are fun yeah Kinley wants a little one for her room yeah wait look at that big cat dish oh wow where do you think they put him at probably like apples and oh just like a decorative bow maybe but it looks like it was outside so it like I was picturing like Kitty water or something in there maybe like a bird bath oh these this is the one I was digging in so that looks like one of those Billa kits right it kind of does yeah that's nice but there's another one of those oh that guy there right there okay yeah this one's not signed that one has Sylvester but it's also Sun by The Artist on the outside so that one over there is probably a little bit better but they're still very neat they are very cool all right so I just looked up this one this uh po shot and this one sells for like here I'll tell you over here I'll tell you in a second don't want to say it too loud but 180 okay okay so might be a pickup right there these salt and pepper shakers are cool too they are is that a mushroom it looks like it oh it's a salt and pepper combo wow how do you switch it that is interesting a FY oh you dump at the top for the salt and you grind for the pepper oh dumping grind okay and it comes with salt and pepper already loaded perfect probably vintage so let's add this on the list though okay that's a cool one now your style going right for the cool mhm and that one where they Mark uh it's hard to read oh those are good oh those are good actually all right so right down there m but we need to see prob bucks worth of uh but that's only two so far oh okay it's only the two okay yeah well if they do Choice then yeah these are not good I just bought these like a week ago myself for like 16 so we just want those to we just want those to yeah so choice at a dollar a piece all right so here's another one right here hold on let's wait for the people to go by be careful you gota watch what you're saying yeah but yeah this Porsche uh battery maintainer sells for 100 bucks these would be worth like 40 but I'm not even messing with just a beautiful set of midcentury like canisters for the kitchen okay so it's like a $40 bill right there yeah okay well we'll add this Porsche to the list mhm you already got it on there y oh cool music box but look at the painting on the bottom too oh wow and it's Hollow that is really cool GB Tuttle that's beautiful it is [Applause] beautiful it's crazy how it's like not broken at all the Flying Circus second issue of four oh it's aesco made in maau in 1987 wow 160 original crazy and the spirit of Aviation from the Roaring 20s it's gorgeous I love that this is a cool piece you imagine shipping that home no I'm not going to look into it because Noe no I'll throw a comp on okay yeah let's go check it out thank you all right that was a subscriber that gave us some Intel that people be hiding Stu in boxes I'll go so we're going to go see what he's talking about supposed be some vintage Halloween he said it's in this box right here let's see what we're talking about they are hiding stuff oh wow tablecloths that's cool it's getting a little crowded in here it is it looks like uh like party supplies mostly huh okay here let me get in there and help you out we'll see if there's anything cool in there oh there's D cuts on the bot I see 1986 Hong Kong oh really oh yeah all the good stuff's on the bottom they're hiding for sure well that's cool something with the what's it called this material tissue paperish tissue paper material something good yeah you know one the fold outs yeah oh yeah one of the I can't think of the word uh paper CRP paper okay the other cool thing I saw in here was this single stitch this is a vintage single stitch t-shirt so o okay we got a little glimpse of it oh man all right hang on oh those are cool what the heck oh my God it's funny how all like the nuke bad looking stuff was on top huh D it right okay let's just leave it there and we'll be surprised all right you just said you found a $30 Bill oh yeah these Norwegian peeter like serving utensils yeah those are cool and they actually sell for about $30 separately used so I didn't see one doing the box but like this one I saw for 15 and this one I saw for 15 also plus okay cool almost time not bad yeah so just to note it's nice and small yeah these are say it again once we sell it to you you're responsible for it so go and grab it don't just leave it lay there cuz if you come back in 10 minutes chances are it could be gone now with that being said I'll say if you didn't buy it don't bother it just because something is left laying there does not mean it's free game to take a lot of times they may take something to the car and they're coming back to get that so if you didn't buy it don't bother it anything uh there's 10% buyer premium 6.3% tax you're going to get added to your purchase unless you pay with a credit card it'll be in additional 3% premium so keep that in mind I think that's it we appreciate you coming let's go Daniel so this perco Marine Lantern and breast yeah it's got a label on the bottom marine and give 30 for the lantern 30 get 30 get 30 get 30 give 10 bucks to start the bid I got 10 15 for the old Marine Lantern 10 and 15 and 15 and 15 now 20 20 now five five five 25 now 30 30 get 30 get 30 get 30 get 30 get 30 get 30 I sold at 25 to buyer number 395 25 25 25 I got 20 here do you want to get 25 the box and all the content so Z is coming up thinking it sells for like 50 to 80 I think we should like 20 bucks do you think so it's going to be coming up we'll be ready 172 172 so they never did that lighter so we're thinking someone probably stole it yeah it's missing from the whole entire table over there there's a bunch of Miller stuff and that's the only thing that's missing so we'll uh somebody swiped it yeah so we just look through that whole aisle that they're going through and we're not really interested in any of that stuff no tools so we're going to take a little break maybe just walk around can we show off this yeah I kind of wanted to go in the back of that camper too which one oh back inside just no it's outside but the door's open on that little popup camper I want Le stick my head in there we should go check it out okay we could always just uh buy one of these trucks and drive it home so is this the one people were coming for today yeah so this is a Suburban it's really cool so they're not going to be selling it today but man I would rock this thing yeah this one has some style maybe next time they're not selling it today but next time if they're selling it if we're in town we're going to buy that thing oh okay I think so cool got yard on the that real gas saber right do you want to go check out your little Camp real I got it what do you think this thing's going to sell for I don't know all right let's see what it says Scamper truck bed popup sell probably around noon this one says noon o'cl okay yeah it awesome thank you I'm looking that b baby looks like a little Barbie camper this is cool it's awesome I could see us in that oh you're totally fit back there I would have to be hunched over the whole time but You' stretched out if it fits it chips all right we found some cool ephemera yeah all these letters and it looks like the person like hand painted a decoration on everyone that they sent look at these that's so cool how precious and I just started opening one when you hit record and it looks like she starts in with a joke this one is what happens when you cross a boa constrictor and a mink what a coat that eats goats that's really funny I just can't get over the that she or he drew the or did the little paintings yeah real creative look at that those are just prous Scottish little thing oh do you think they did a flag from their locations oh maybe yeah where little theme of the Minnesota Minnesota okay that's neat it's really cool I'm digging it I think I see the creepy Santa you might have saw you saw the creepy one maybe in that thing hang on let's look at these kitty cats first Okay so we've actually been looking for these we saw these on the preview and this one right here sells for2 200 yeah pre climbing up the little mailbox yeah pretty cool do you remember who the maker was uh no comic and curious cats comic and curious okay and this is the mailbox muggies limited edition of 1500 out of 1500 yeah wow it's a nice one yeah these little trinket boxes are precious too yeah those are cool too three little kittens lost their mittens a that's really nice it's very nicely made wow oh there we go oh London HH of London this is only like a $15 trinket box 15 bucks on that one okay all right which would be great if we were to yard sale for a dollar but I don't know gosh they have so much cat stuff look at those guys aren't those neat little tiles or little coaster they're coasters that is cool oh there's the whole thing of coasters damn oh those are tiles W oh are these stamps I think oh letter press so maybe this is like uh like the newspaper St oh they have them they have them in for for looks displays okay wonder if they're all like that wow I haven't seen any like this yeah there's a I thought I saw a Halloween one here is there any I'm going to look and see if I can find the maker of these there's Christmas all these Halloween ones are the little tree is cool oh you see Halloween ones I mean there's a couple ones in here right there are these copper plated cuz that's what it feels like these are nice oh there is a signature actually oh there is yeah look what does that say though it's going to whatever it is it's going to be reversed cuz Okay so I'm just going to have to take a Google image and see if I can find one we don't want to say it too loud but we're seeing comps like 25 to 40 yeah some of them there was a few that sold for $50 but yeah for these little there's a ton and I think ours are far more interesting because well I saw one of those turkeys which is comparable size to these chickens that sold for 40 then we have all these yeah that's kind of comparable to the turkey okay but then we have all the Halloween I don't know this is a cool set we saw that one witch that sold for 50 and kind of similar to that so there's some good stuff in here yeah all right so that's going to be on our list yes sir all right cool if we're brave enough to stay past 130 I this guy's cast iron Boston Terrier yeah he's a cool guy oh man oh my gosh that's like how much does that weigh oh those things are at least like I'm guessing 12 lb 12 okay cuz if it was 15 lb my arm would be shaking that's the point he a big boy though we just found that German Shepherd yeah and he sells for like 80 so that's probably a good one yeah where you at I don't know I'm all over the place right now make sure we're not missing our stuff okay she wants to make sure we're there even though we don't need anything until Row three it's always fun to check in on them right okay they're at the end of the first row it looks like right oh yeah yeah we're making progress yeah that was a good call let me check my list I want to just make sure cuz I think everything else was in row five or later one thing in row three we got the Halloween in row three mhm and then row four five we start getting into some Christmas stuff right well we have row five has that Cannon Power Shot oh those two pieces of flatware and the Porsche charger is also oh okay cool so we start row five and then one thing out of row six okay and then the Christmas we don't have noted on here but we're just going to see how they do okay well let's go see where they're at there's a cool motorcycle getting bided on right now that I really wanted he want it it's only 60 bucks 80 up to 80 oh i' paid wow 130 didn't say she you hoping I'll try to show like a photo of it but uh yeah I don't even think I saw it it's a little tiny like baby yellow Suzuki like what you've been wanting I wouldn't it would break if I sat on it it wouldn't be for me okay it' be like a good size for you all right I think the motorcycle's coming by so I can show you guys I want to see this oh the it coming got the bike huh nice that's a cool one yeah I got bit by the bug a long time ago for little old tures yeah that's awesome I like the old old little ones I really wish we were home for this oh wow that is CRA that thing looks like it was never used it's like a turkey roaster it doesn't look used so I already looked this up and they sld for between like $90 and $100 for this set but that was used this one really does look like it's unused so if we were home we would uh it better not sell too cheap or I'll be tempted anyways yeah we could always get a box big enough right well yeah because look you could just put in the bottom of the box and then put the things in it but this probably weighs like 8 lbs so heavy yeah I think it's probably worth more than what you said it does look new beautiful I really like this lamp also oh that's nice it is really nice what's that say Frasier 78 yeah so I did I looked this up really quickly too and I only saw one lamp and it was listed for like $350 but it was the only one on eBay Helo 350 yeah it was just listed though there wasn't any sold okay but the only one oh man that has a chip right there oh dang okay I'm glad I saw that even though it's so pretty still pretty cool yeah 27 and a half half half so hold at 25 to fire 412 so this box of Halloween and this box just the box of Halloween and give 10 T to get T to get 10 five s and A2 now 10 10 now 12 and A2 now 15 17 and 1/2 now 20 now 2 and 1/2 now 25 27 and 1/2 now 30 now 32 and A2 now 35 you out I sold at 32 and a half to buyer 422 I got two now $3 $3 $3 three sold at two to buyer number four uh 453 all right you got it yes was it 32 yeah 32 50 yeah a little bit more than we wanted to pay but I have to see what's all in there we have to heck yeah okay so the next thing is like a row and a half away so do you want to go take this to the car really quick and lick inside yeah let's go check it out all right so we got we got all the way over here and realized it's super noisy and the lighting's not that great so way too noisy to show you guys so we won't be showing you guys the stuff right now but we will go over it later indeed yep but yeah you killed it with all your bidding I can't believe it my heart was like pounding out of my chest yeah I'm impressed mine was beating too so all right let's go win some more stuff all right this is going to go with the perfume look that's going to go perfume it's Lio Leo okay you've talked away Leo so many yeah those are the trinket boxes itself for like over $100 but look come here so it's the tray then I'm assuming that's what a powder dish yeah probably sure and then this also had that lcome that sells for like 30 okay these are both almost empty but this dish might be good the tray and everything is all L yeah okay not casually looking up zipping our lips 32 four S this little dresser set you want to sell just the hat pins uh it matches don't it yeah just leave it on there sell the whole thing set give 30 with the perfume and all 30 get 30 get 30 get 30 I got 15 20 20 get 20 get 20 now 5 25 now 30 30 now five 35 now 40 40 get 40 get 40 get 40 get 40 get 40 get 40 sold at 35 to buyer 422 sold the cordless iron and steamer a about to give 20 for it to 34 two so these two boxes Choice take one or both of them I got 10 15 for Choice 10 and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 and 15 give 12 and 1 half now 15 $15 $15 $15 15 15 15 17 and A2 now 20 for Choice 22 and 1/2 now 25 I sold them 22 and A2 422 do you want one or both uh just this one she takes one Paul the Polish box what do you want to do I want to just take a Ganda really quick while nobody's down here okay I want this box right here and I know this is going to be the first one so if they do it for Choice I'm going to have to go the first time or that's going to be gone you're killing it with the choice and I'm sweating everywhere you're killing it though you can't even tell oh hush I don't know why it makes me nervous but it's so fun no you're doing good it's fun to watch I'm so excited we got this limo set so I think that just this just the set not including the perfume is going to be probably around $100 and then we have all these beautiful hat penss which I know nothing about but those are really nice yeah the guy was saying from a local artist so yeah like they were they almost sold them separately I was thinking please don't please don't please don't pretty cool yes okay yeah those some good finds so you got the the Polish stuff was really cheap what was that I think it was $22 that was it yeah and then it's like 30 on the other one or yeah I can't remember and I think this is going to cover the this whole perfume tray it's not the best but it was still like 30-ish no it's awesome yeah all right let's go get that stuff to the car them I got five seven and a half now 10 T get 10 10 get 10 12 and2 12 and 1/2 have it get 12 and 1/2 have it get 12 and 1/2 have it get 12 and 1/2 sold at 10 buyer number 422 and she takes one box Choice again five for Choice six for Choice seven for Choice do you want to give seven do you want to give seven for choice sold at six to 461 any flat give 20 for Choice 20 20 get 20 give 10 for Choice 12 and A2 for Choice 12 and a half half now 15 17 and A2 now 20 now 2 and 1/2 now 25 27 and 1/2 27 and 1/2 half you want to give 27 and2 I sold at 25 to 446 I didn't realize that was for two boxes on that last one oh really she got two boxes that was the one I wanted the first one dang it and I was hoping she wasn't going to pick it well these are cool yeah I got my Santa yeah I love my Santa I think those were the coolest ones yeah they were but still wanted those other ones the other box yeah she got that one for like 22 or something yeah I wasn't into it for that much okay all right well there's at least two to three more things we're interested in outside yes outside yeah I don't know when they're going to get to him though me either I think they're going to stop right that's what he said he's going to do okay let's just hang around for a second and then I'm guessing he's going to stop after this trve they have to stop and then do the cars and then they're going to restart again yeah probably okay these guys are cool too aren't they those are awesome little German carved you're shaking a little am I aren't they so cool I F out about that one I wanted the other ball I would did more it's okay he did a great job so the Porsche battery tender yep get 20 for the battery tender 25 I got 20 25 now 30 30 get 30 now five now 40 40 get 40 get 40 get 40 you're both out 40 I sold at 35 to buyer number 422 sell the LA blanket the uh cushion the serving pieces five for five five five to get five three for it now four I got three now four another four another four another four sold them three to buy our 422 got Canon Canon Power Shot about to give 10 digital camera I got five s and a half now 10 12 and 1/2 15 17 and 1/2 20 2 and 1/2 25 27 and 1/2 30 2 and 1/2 35 37 and 1/2 40 2 and 1/2 45 yeah 47 and2 50 2 and 1/2 55 572 60 sold at 572 to buyer number 469 so this box with the decorative pieces and the carving set get five for it five to get five and five to get five three for it now four now five five get five get five sold it four to buyer 422 box with the game puzzles gra dollar now $22 $22 375 okay our next thing is going to be the video games which is probably going to go crazy I don't know how much now 35 I got 30 now 35 five to get 35 500 to get 35 five 35 for Choice sold at 30 little confusion with the video games I thought they were doing Choice per game okay not per box how much did the guy get it for 35 okay he got a deal cuz that there's a piggy game that sells for like 70 and then the other two are like $30 games okay but it's okay okay whoopsie no big deal it's weird because you don't know what they're going to do yeah I didn't know okay and I I was like way far away I didn't realize what was going going on but you did get have to get a paper from that guy that says everything with our number on it maybe we can 1 I saw people getting and the balance is 1065 okay 10 what are the chances I have any change in here [Applause] [Music] none 20 40 60 80 100 120 yes ma'am all right guys so we are back at the Airbnb and I have been processing all of the stuff that we picked up at the auction this morning and I just want to show you all a couple of things that we didn't get to show you at the auction so this is what I picked up in the ornament box that I paid $10 for uh all these little painted Santas they sell for about $13 each and obviously you guys can see I have four of those these little guys might have been something but unfortunately they both have a broken little Cattail they're signed but I didn't even bother to look those up yet but this little set right here and end up being a little goldmon these are all German handcarved figures like that's a cat trapping a duck and here is the signature I don't not know how to pronounce that urge made in German and Dominican Republic and these are all marked as such uh so for example I found the exact comp for this one and she last sold for $66 see all the little wood candles on the Christmas tree and then then like these little size Figures were selling for anywhere from like $30 to $60 the cheapest one I saw was $30 and then this couple back here I saw sold comps for I think it was like 66 bucks and I mean there's just as you guys can see numerous of these I saw a couple rabbits that sold for around $40 not this exact one but yeah so that was just a little mini gold mine hidden in the ornaments and I donated about half that box these were just the goodies hiding in the in the mix and now this box I picked up because of this flly set that sells for about $30 I paid $4 for this bin I didn't necessarily want it but for four bucks I couldn't leave it because these three tiles also are all worth about $20 each um this one they're none sold or listed but the mug with this exact design and you know thing on there last sold for $18 so I would say that's about worth about $20 this one last sold for $18 plus like $30 shipping but it's a Turkish uh ceramic tile and then this one was made in I believe Albuquerque New Mexico and I already forgot the maker but these tiles consistently sell for $20 also so for $4 we ended up with like 90 bucks so most of this set we covered in the video I just wanted to touch base on this figure here she is marked on the bottom Ceramica excelus and she is Madonna uh these have consisted recently sold well the 1988 and the 1990 both have sold for $40 unfortunately she has a little chippy on her finger otherwise I would have thought she's worth 42 cuz there's none of her listed or sold so that was a bummer cuz I didn't notice that chip but the rest of it we're still good and then you guys also saw this beautiful Polish pottery set I know I probably should have bought this for shipping sake but it is really beautiful this is probably like a $100 or I'll probably list it for $100 for the whole set and then we bought that $3 bin of silverware basically for these two pieces of law for serving utensils I looked up comps and I the last set sold for like $27 so for $3 that's not too bad we already talked about this little Porsche charging thing and it sells for like 100 to $120 all right so these are the coolest things out of that Halloween box that we picked up uh this huge skeleton dim bones is made by am skin M skin and he sells for like $26 by himself and then we have all these other Little D Cuts this guy folds all the way out I saw a com for him for $18 but ours might be in perfect condition I don't want to open them up until I get them home uh these little guys the Bissell glow-in-the-dark Ghost with the pink eyes this will March there this set sells anywhere from 25 and then I saw some comps all the way up to $60 for this one obviously this guy right here is uh seen better days he has a lot of tape residue but the other two are in really nice condition so we I mean at least $20 for those two uh these little felt guys are only worth about like $10 but they're still super cute and then we got this awesome creature of the night vintage t-shirt I mean I don't know that's got to be worth at least $20 by itself too I'm not sure if these cuties are going to make the cut I have um a box of stuff I've been pulling to donate and these are just what I think are the Keepers this is actually a very beautiful painted wood uh pin set and I don't think I can donate those cuz they're really cute also these little guys don't sell for as much as I thought they would they're all marked paper art and this little set of three is worth probably about $20 then we just have more cutesy little die Cuts this is just a wood kitty cat sh I don't think they're going to make the cut either even though it's super cute then we have these two little guys which I did not look up yet but they're cute so this little um crepe paper honeycomb foldout ghost that was made in Denmark really surprised me and not the best way I thought it would be worth a lot more and the only sold comp I found for this was one new in the package that sold for about $18 and I was hoping that this one would be worth like 20 bucks or more used but I was wrong um anyways even this is this is really cool too this vintage tablecloth I don't know if I'm going to end up using it for wrapping but oh I don't know we'll see if it makes cut I'm saving all the tissues for wrapping also so that was the last of the stuff from the auction so all in we spent around $160 and there's somewhere around $700 in stuff here for us to get listed and sold obviously it's not the score of a life time but it was such a fun experience for both of us never having done a live auction before and we picked up some really cool stuff so now I'm on to start packaging the step up for the trip home as always thank you guys so much for watching and I catch you in a couple days with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 203,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: 7tv1UIl3PoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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