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cheap as I'll get out are you driving this yeah man you've upgraded no this I've had this for 2 years man I can make change for you if you need it you just got to give me steep discounts on everything I know no please don't listen to this guy don't listen to man got a camera it's got to be serious you want it just depends on how much it is better than what you were driving [Music] nice PL empty it's empty 7620 that's pretty pretty cool how you doing take that all right thank you thank you he a local boy didn't i s you you did you did did a couple items uh-oh all right what do you got I saw I saw those two Harley things right there I got a a extremely nice coat well same coat I had last time okay and a brand new V all right what's your price on it if I turned it down last time must have been a tick too much so I know you had nice stuff so it's you were not asking too much I mean there's no doubt got that seat in the basement too $5 on um I take 20 foot of vest I like to get 150 out of the coat I give almost $500 for I know that's beside the point I hear you let me take a look I want to get this too I paid for that yeah you've already paid y 150 yeah it's it's beautiful it's beautiful three times yeah yeah you could seat it's absolutely beautiful 2x good size and what did you say you still had something else I thought I got a seat oh a seat that's right I remember that yeah I got a seat all right let me look at these real quick and okay oh you already got them talk on you that's a goodby I'll show them to you so they're not crazy good but they're definitely worth it so 40 bucks a pop so you should do you should do real well I mean they're already boxed everything is so nice well good no shoot hey there's so much stuff out there let me tell yes yeah I told you I told you I said I mean I mean you killed it at that one that was good I was like I make sure the right person's got them yeah I was actually picking him up and he came in and shoved me out of the way it was awful you should have saw it oh there's the seat huh do you know how much he's asking on ity I'm I'm going to make him an offer on that that's what you're looking at he wants 150 so it's quite a bit huh the seat 150 on the seat too okay well still on the yeah yeah 150 for both okay deal yeah okay 150 for both those off the code oh okay so that goes she thought I made these that's 160 I have a couple of fives here oh okay here you go I'll trade you that for the for a 20 I gave you 160 that's 50 all right well thank you and I think I think I'm a little little uh little lower on that one but it like you said is brand new in the box you'll do you'll do great can I have the hangers all right oh you I don't want make greedy I don't know man I would the top I could do probably I just looked it up and see what I cuz I resell need a bag I think I do 80 I'll tell you what I I could do 100 I think I can make probably 50 60 bucks off of it so which makes it worth it yes see I think I said on about three times this guy's a tool guy look at him man he's like an Eagle Eye over here he I'm sitting stuff down here on the yeah it's it's in perfect shape so with the box and everything 20401 okay thank you yes sir I appreciate oh I still owe you put that finish that yet man how much was this you can look at that isn't that nice okay I'm going to steal a bag from you too if you don't mind well thank you again yeah sure showell signs you got in the walls down no he's got walls of the metal Holly man cave he don't want to sell his man cave thank you thank you little much condition what are you what are you asking on the tackle all right there you go I can't ever leave your sales I just keep coming back got these stickers on it but it's in good shape and the inside was good so I think I probably get 40 minimum even with the some people like the stickers you never it's cold you got them ear muffs on you got the right strategy my ears get really really cold my nose is cold little bu let's go for 12 13 bucks [Music] [Music] brgy in and Andy $10 I know those cameras are kind of expensive yeah yeah but I don't need them well you mean you don't use a film camera anymore not too many people do some of the kids are bringing them back a little bit old like they think it's interesting that yeah well I'm going to buy this well I'll just put it right here for you I'll put it in the bag for you thank you uhhuh what color is that day what does that mean down in Florida look at those magic erasers or at least knockoffs they use the heck out of those 50 cents thank than you thank you have a that looks like an old rubber M right there one on the left those old hampers actually sell for some crazy reason hey Bizarro [Music] Kevin I'm go say hi to my buddy but there's one more sale they're put down down there stay over there you don't need to come over here how are you doing good how you can get your a truck now all right you got some got your hair cut I got my haircut I got my haircut I went with the cool with the summer look huh yeah the summer look where'd you go so I don't have to go there Metal Ridge the um there was one on Fleetwood okay the one early one there was one started at 7 one starts at8 I went to the one no good they some toys nothing crazy I didn't know do you have a YouTube channel I do you want to be on it he's famous only for good reason how much you want on your jackets um four four okay what's your channel Commonwealth picker okay this a hobby or little flipper hi my name's Kevin J it's fulltime full time I used to teach I used to teach it you see glass matter of fact some of my old ball players is that him right there that Daddy yeah that's his daddy he didn't even know I am over here this guy the whole world he's a world you don't listen to this guy all right well if you can have make a living doing it then yeah yeah for sure I love that shirt oh thanks he taught me a lot of stuff on have I watched his channel no please don't listen to this guy don't listen to he's got a camera it's got to be serious you the main thing I learned from is how to ship stuff all right so let's talk about free shipping first this seems to be the most controversial how to ship stuff he taught me and he taught me some stuff I didn't know sold people buy and then I sh him stuff to buy that that didn't sell like like twhere those hangers absolutely absolutely I always ask I was going to ask I promise but he was distracting me he was distracted I got more hangers than I know what to do with thank y'all you have a good day Dakota think they this from here every year all right right oh wait there's one more down there did you go to that one she said that stuff I didn't see we might see I didn't see yeah I might as well go talk to you later do you know if you're having a girl huh are you having a girl yeah you want these polka dotted single pain dark darkening room shades curtains it's just one though that's okay thank you you're welcome do you know if you're having a girl huh are you having a girl yeah you want these polka doted single pain dark darkening room shades curtains it's just one though you're welcome they say never look a gift horse in the mouth you know said they say never look a gift horse in the mouth you should you should say yes anyways I'll take it oh ja on it nice you got that from the neighbors so your jacket controversy oh my goodness I was going to try to get to my little knes but she prob what is this here Ika bags hey Tim oh Tim I got something for you brother I'm going go get it for you okay you about oh yeah it's hit and miss just depends on the type you know all right what are you asking on these pieces here uh it really depends on if it's like I bought these just simple ones $5 to $7 on those and then I going try to find it and when it has I think something like that in the front okay we'll do a little bit more on those what do you got on these pants these these uh in my hand um n or 10 sh okay just a little bit too much just a bit although there's still money to be made in those CU they're car heart go bu this one too um you think 17 is that good how about 15 15 okay sound good sound good it's fine going towards my it's my Grandpa's stuff that he wants me to to sell and he has cancer so it's oh my goodness gracious thank you very much I appreciate it sold his stuff you have a good day you too all right come here to my come here to my car real quick I got to give you something you're going to like it that's not like it though but you don't think it's going to fit you you wear a large you try it on If It Don't Fit I'll get you an extra large why you got my mouth open we got we got to put it on campaign all right I'll get you we'll get a better picture of you next time here look I'll get a picture you like yellow look we'll get you a better picture and then we'll put the money towards your campaign and then we'll go to the White House but I get to be the vice president okay cool I'm going show it to him all right I'll see you later scamble board you know mean my obsession with I want $2 for Scrabble I don't pay $2 for Scrabble it doesn't meet my model if you haven't watched it before the come with flipper Channel where we sell stuff oh hey that that's two sets two three four so actually two games but that feels like 100 tiles them out take the boards put them all together and sell them take the racks put them all together and sell them take the pieces and sell them off by thousands and I can usually triple my money oh oh goodness we obviously I'm looking at the [Music] light no chelse I thought chelse said he's a liy didn't she say that okay maybe she said would you sell just one well I she okay let me ask my husband there which ones did you take it from this one this one y there's a putter here but not this yeah um cuz I'm not interested in the rest but I'd take the putter okay hang on just one minute no problem take your time well let me ask you this uhuh we said make an off what would you be willing to pay for it for this yes just a couple bucks five maybe at the most let me let me look and see it's in pretty good shape yeah but you can ask him i' give you $5 for it all right thank if nothing else I'll use it beat hay tornado with it just kidding Josh just kidding let just stop rematch he said five is fine five is fine okay okay well then I will buy it if you trust me I'll set it down and keep looking I'm going to watch it I don't blame you it's getting a little better a little bit getting a little better August 22nd actually great condition though how many will SP for her three three well yeah four oh I'm sorry that's why you watching me like a HW look at her no no I'm not I'm sorry no I really she wasn't kidding that's funny what do you want on this let me get the she couldn't get reception this one that's sir uh yeah okay how much you want on that guy oh man I think I got film in it hav I I don't know you're welcome to take it out if you want thought it was film no no no it's fil no is that one digital yeah yeah yeah you got now you got these guys here oh that's it okay yeah so it's not your so is that interesting to you guys still or not yeah how much you asking 25 too high for yeah what you want to off what do you want I might make you mad I'd give you 10 bucks for both of these anxiety I'll tell you what you seem like a nice guy I'm buying your Club off of you oh yeah okay do 15 and we'll make that five we'll give you 20 bucks okay does that sound good okay let's do that you're the salesman today huh you're selling more than her no no thank you tell her I paid you for that Golf Club so she doesn't keep watching me for the golf club Hees any thank y'all you're getting rid of your anniversary plate so she was really excited you know I'm planing on staying together what's that say 50 oh that's that's old it's old news you're shooting for 75 no we got 60 in already oh congratulations $10 for the whole thing of I'm not I guess I'll keep looking for a second it's tough to pay up for those cuz sometimes they just don't work so I'm been mad at me look at that sweater look at that old sweater right there I'm going to buy it if it's cheap enough I'm going to buy it how much are your clothes that that that thing right there is is a one of a kind for look at this guy for $1 all right now you're talking my language where youall from with the I'm from Bedford County quite a ways away here no I grew up in California did you yep I'm going to give you your hanger back you could have it I don't want it you get it okay thanks man very nice to meet you meet sisters with VI that's what it is all right that's just not in great shape but it's probably $20 camera still interesting good morning good morning how are you fine are you I'm doing good it's amazing how many things you can just find for your own house out garage sing fire those earbuds those earbuds aren't too bad actually except for 21 free ship there's not much money in it but I might buy him for Turner cuz he's always losing his not spending big bucks on your buds for Turner it has a little comp for like 15 I might grab those if they give me a DE nobody's in the parking lot so $25 for slippers H C foxes 25 bucks originally 100 that actually probably he's got a little money in it not enough to spend 25 a piece I don't think ma'am yes sir I'm going to make an offer on something and don't feel bad to turn me down okay I do three bucks a piece I'll buy all four of them I'd be what 12 I'll tell you what 15 I'll do 15 all that sound like a plan y okay Junior can you go get him a bag please I'll take the money people some sometimes she'll take the money she's funny little business woman thank you there you go I really appreciate it very much we appreciate uh-huh you have a good day you too don't spend it all in one place i' never been on this road before hello hi just go to sleep and wake up when get there that would be we doggy may I thought I would just hold it much you got on the sweatshirt here grab that be careful cuz I fell already this morning my place go figure yeah I am about this one my shoe caught it I'm wearing these stink Andes they're all going to be like a doll I'll buy three of them that's that's my kind of prices I get some North Face for looks like it's in decent shape large what is this right here ceramic bunny I got some hang okay I figured you might know yeah that's cute I'm going to look over here go about 30 bucks to shipping maybe 25 I don't know cell three rate's not amazing so I'll probably pass Matthew and Julian great hey I SED played again Rick I sens this towering man above me how you doing man how you doing doing all right any luck today things to kick up a little bit yep it's finally got a few sales out today anyways nothing amazing Mar stuff see how much SP for that whole bag full of stuff Bonnie do you have any change on I have a 20 to say I can make change for you if you need you just got to give me steep discounts on everything I know right what do you need um um she needs to give me I need a 10 to give back to her so you got have what do you have she has a 20 here here's break the 20 for her you take there you go thank you that really kind of you thank you you thank you so much we appreciate it oh no problem casy lifts 1996 darning basket I got three of these that's three bucks got a teddy bear and a and a Mary Kay bag that set with Mary Kay staff in it okay and then there's a basket right there a longer burger basket you want it just depends on how much it is um so three say $2 for that that would be five okay and then maybe five for this yeah is that good gra the basket yes thank you very much okay thank you very much so 10 bucks holy moly might as well get this too huh no jokes I think you're a repeat customer anyway from last year did you come out here last year do he's got that recognizable voice you just can't can't forget it know that I've never I've never been you're going to be famous good Lord Almighty all right tell people for us we going' how about this what is it mhm uh $3 how about five we make it 15 oh you're so nice three well you know he tried to you know get a couple dollars off I got a make up for him three four five there you go all right thank you so much and thank you for making change earlier for next year when he comes you need to charge him a fee for being on his show [Music] oh don't listen to this guy I'm going to start charging it myself all right so I need a $20 uh appearance fee on this video right here thank you so much good luck to youall appreciate you y have a great day thank you guys thank you driving now man man you got everything I was looking at I looked at that you passed it by cuz it was still there yeah you might have missed that I didn't know the prices were so cheap I'd have bought it all yeah I hear you [Music]
Channel: Commonwealth Picker
Views: 42,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Va2rVtRLKdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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