He Blew my Cover at this Estate Sale

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it is 7 57 right now and I'm waiting outside of an estate sale well from the pictures it kind of looked like it was a small estate sale maybe just located in the garage but I'm not really 100 sure what to expect but they should be open in the garage in just a few minutes and we're gonna go see if we can find anything awesome to flip on eBay all these cars here and all these cars behind me are all patiently waiting and these guys just got here and literally went up and started ringing their doorbell these people right here and it's 805 and the cell is supposed to start at eight o'clock so unfortunately that last sale the guy came out and changed the start time from 8 o'clock to nine o'clock so I'm getting to this in like 10 minutes late hi hello how much are your are your dolls I guess these ones don't have stickers the prices okay are they like under the hair oh right there I'll see okay let's see Samantha in the box is a huge [Music] box thank you so after after the camo guys running the doorbell the guy came outside and said y'all are gonna be waiting a while we don't start till nine even though their ad says eight o'clock I told him the ads at eight o'clock and he said it absolutely did not that it was another sale down the street so I looked at it on my phone and sure enough the ad says eight o'clock so there was all those cars outside waiting and it's not opening for another hour so unfortunately all those vintage American Girl dolls which is what I was interested in at the sale were priced in between 50 and 100 bucks now the Samantha doll with a dress on actually sells for around 100 because she is quite old I think from like 1986 and she is from Germany but with her being priced at 100 bucks at that sale there is no meat on the bone and you guys probably saw the Lily Pulitzer pieces priced 25 bucks so that sale is just not like a regular yard sale price yard sale so I'm going to head on to another one that's like 15 minutes away and then probably drive back over here for that estate sale that starts at nine all right we're back at the estate sale that was supposed to start at eight they changed to nine thank you for not breaking foreign Grace [Music] darn it these are kind of cool where are they excuse me [Music] years outside the singers [Music] okay [Music] [Music] noodles foreign should have one set up there to be two dollars two dollars unless otherwise mark all right a few things so far but pretty decent prices you you can give it to us and tell us your name Kayla Kayla you got it I got it yes it'll be right here great thank you so much I appreciate it thank you very much thank you so I did a quick walk through of the house and just grabbed kind of like what I knew would sell really well and now I'm going back through looking stuff up that I saw the first time that I wasn't really sure about and this little Panasonic stereo cassette player they have priced at two bucks and I just took a second to look it up by the actual model number and you can see that it has sold for 50 bucks 39. 30 30. so I'm just gonna keep doing that all throughout the house but just from going back to early we found another 30-ish dollars in profit to even mess with these clothes gosh I just hate clothes so much you guys I know I'll leave money behind not like it is not what floats me boat s [Music] all right let's run back downstairs and see if I missed or overlooked anything down here I'm rushing through the first time these oh that's a cool little Office Products of 1988 with a little wood frame building Woodland 2500 1988 made in Thailand but there are fair prices also this is probably probably worth it that's in the collection so ten dollars it is pretty neat it kind of matches this ashtray oh it does yeah never say anything like that with a folding speakers made in Malaysia I don't care so there's several of those listed but there's none of these sold I'm gonna pass on that that's kind of what I suspected just because it doesn't have a name but that is still really cool never seen anything like folding little stickers so this cool lamp comma are the first time around it's got like a vintage electric meter as the base of the last one the brand is looks like it says Duncan electric it's in perfect condition and it's only priced at 10 bucks so I'm looking it up right now and I don't see any that are Duncan branded but like this is General Electric hook and this one is sold for 150. we got a Westinghouse that sells for 209 and they're using steampunk as a lot of the keywords here there's that one sangamo for 240 looking like all these various brands are selling for pretty decent amount so with all these little prices I'm thinking that this is probably worth 10 bucks so let me go out to my collection oh it's plugged in still just the top it's still that is so neat I've never seen anything like that before oh man oh man yeah oh yeah because I can't find any down here yeah I saw it the first time around had to come back take no look it got me I need to add it to my pal upstairs is this somebody's pile on this okay okay I figured did you need me to take that up oh sure that would be great I do uh do you want both like that yeah Kayla Kayla yeah it had like the big Pampered Chef on it okay thank you looks like this got myself for 15 and 13 bucks I don't know if I want to fool with it for that so maybe if it's like a dog no no that's fine because I also just picked this out [Music] DVDs up there and it's new in the package like sealed on the top and bottom and it's Disney so I'm thinking it's probably going to be worth um a dollar it says all the DVDs are a buck I think that would be good to go I'll pay a dollar for that too just 1.15 is not too bad it concentrate a lot harder with one eye it'll get better it will oh no here let me help you put them back around there yeah foreign you're very welcome your reseller yeah I can tell I can tell the way the things you look at and how you look at it exactly right I had to make my first lap and this is my second one going more slowly so we should have hired her to work [Laughter] kind of a method of shopping yeah you gotta do that one time quick and then come back and look very slowly he called me out right in front of the estate sale lady are you a reasonable you know I am sir you really can't tell a lot of the times that people are resellers it was not wrong that's okay thank you I wonder what this charger is here our USA and Canada are made in Japan listed for Authority with a battery let's see if any of the actual Chargers itself have sold okay 24 bucks with free shipping and 22 free shipping this is extremely light so this would cost four dollars to ship so again if this is a dollar I'll be able to get about 15 out of it so add it to my little stack here these are super cool branding there but they're like little magnetic blocks it's like these pop in and like actually rolls on top like there's mine it's just inside of them and like they just stick right on that you can build whatever cars and Contraptions unfortunately the only one that sold for like eight bucks so I'm not gonna buy these but you guys might appreciate saying that pretty sure are you looking at these you want to check those out those are pretty cool little magnets inside a little pile anywhere I do upstairs yeah you got you one going too don't you I'm doing the same thing yeah a yard sale that's so where do you sell at primarily well I'm gonna I'm gonna start I'm just starting to sell now okay I've been picking um okay next Saturday I'll do a yard sale I've got a flea market scheduled over in Louisville Memorial Day Weekend okay I'll do another yard sale about a month after that and then I'll do another flea market in Louisville again Labor Day weekend okay so in person yeah yeah I'm considering eBay but um I'm hearing different things about eBay the good and the bad yeah and I'm trying to weigh out your options yeah yeah well I've tried all the platforms yeah it's Mr Christmas brand as well um I'm confused about having this little Gap though here oh yeah so that doesn't seem like it's supposed to be there but yeah no out of all the Online ways to do things eBay is the way to go yeah like I said I've heard it's a little bit as much bad as I have good so I'm really trying to I'm just trying to see if this yeah I want to see how my yard sale goes and my flea market goes yeah for sure I want to see how that goes yeah uh before I get really involved yeah yeah shipping is like the part that's not as much fun yeah but you know you hear these scams too that you know if they're not very prevalent just just remember that you know you're you're talking to millions of people exactly so you're going to get to run yeah so yeah that's for sure I honestly it has probably been four or five years since I've ranched scammer and that's what I do all the time so but that you know the negative are definitely always going to be your loudest voices just remember that foreign thank you you too how was your trip to Florida me oh goodness I thought you looked familiar yeah we ran into your good wheel over it's uh that's right I see so many familiar faces and I'm like do I know you see a lot of faces I do well next time you're gonna have to remember the names Dean and Ron Dean and Ron okay I'll try I'm the worst with names if you count me on camera it makes it easier though because you can go back and watch it do you guys find lots of good stuff oh yeah checking it out yeah that's what I'm doing like I did one quick walk through and I made my pile and now I'm like yeah very slowly just looking up all the stuff I don't know anything about I'm glad you guys found some stuff yeah that's pretty good better than Goodwill yeah for sure I was here at eight I saw the ad on Facebook that said the estimated eight yeah and he was like no we don't open eight we opened at nine I was like oh bam bummer oh so you've been there a while then well no I left and came back which was probably not smart because then they had already started but I won't complain no there wasn't a line everybody was already all inside yeah heck yeah well at least we all found some stuff anyways can't beat that oh sorry well it was really good seeing you guys again next time I will know for sure you guys too are you good at school yeah subscribe thank you so much that's awesome you found some goodies too yeah heck yeah we're at vendors Village oh okay I know you've been there yeah and I used to have several boots at a vendors Village myself yeah oh we meet again hi somebody already bought the majority of this Pyrex so I'm assuming these ones are not the best no that's this is beautiful I'm about to check into it is it um yeah that's what I'm about to do I can't believe they left this one I know um we ran into each other last last weekend or so yeah you gave me the Ally of your pile oh that's right yeah um you need to go to the one um found it two weeks ago on Facebook okay it's my business partner will remember that okay okay thank you so much for trying to remind me I'll come find you keep looking and I'll just come find you and ask in a second okay okay let's see [Music] one and a half quart I think that is it 450 which isn't the best out of 20 another 50 or you going you'll find them I'm looking there yeah they are I just don't know if it's worth it at 20 but it's still nice yeah there it is for 30. [Music] appreciate it there is again for 50. I don't know uh 20 into 50 is not the greatest oh that's two and a half quart so it looks like the one of course so it's better than the other one I might ask if I'll just take a little bit less on this one oh thank you okay come on over here would you I've got my pile over here I was just gonna ask this has 20 on it would you guys consider 15 for this one okay I'm gonna add this to my pal over here thank you very much by the way is this your yes it is in the right place that's all mine I'm gonna go keep looking one more time thank you okay I think I'm officially done I have been here for well over an hour actually I kind of wanted to look up Longaberger man longer burger is hard but this one still has the tag with a little model number and sometimes these little basket ones do really well so I'm going to look at this last item and then I'm gonna go check out with my pal so I've not found any of this exact Basket in the sold I've seen some similar song for about 20 bucks like that one has the turn lock this one has the wrap around so that's not the same either there's two listed one for 75 and one for 100 but there are none sold so for that reason I'm Gonna Leave it behind because these can be like a really hard thing to sell it looks like in 1986 somebody paid 21.95 plus a dollar and 20 shipping handling holy cow and a dollar ten in taxes that's cool how's the original receipt in there and honestly it had in the original tag to my main oh it's taped on also so maybe not I don't know I'm not making a mistake leaving this for 10 bucks but I am going to leave it behind also shout out to all the awesome viewers that I just met here and you guys know I don't haggle too often but I really wanted that pirates dish but it wasn't quite worth 20 bucks especially with like the pain of shipping and shipping supplies and all that jazz I think I'm gonna head to the checkout now oh Cobra oh good you're telling me yeah that's perfect so I'm gonna need your help sure so I want I think I heard him come down five dollars he did so 15 bucks on this one I'm doing bigger ones first so this is 25. okay and we're gonna say 35 because there's two of these they're five dollars a piece oh okay so you're counting the separate five dollars each okay well this is actually the lid to this one it's a roaster I might pass on this one I'll go take this back again I'll sell it to you for five dollars take it are you sure yes okay yes five fifteen okay fifteen five is twenty Thirty Thirty okay now 30. and where did you get all this downstairs uh 37 28 39 40. all right sounds great 40. perfect sounds like a bargain yeah that's what you find at these estate sales yes normally he and I are shopping them oh okay we're hosting this one okay we know it's fun yeah I'm about to head over to another one somebody just told me where where is it I want to hear Englewood she said Englewood I wonder where that is I do not know I haven't even looked it up I just came right back in so I can hustle over there yeah yeah okay let's bag up do you want to bag up the glass or do you want to carry it you know what I might just carry it so much you're welcome now I wonder if these are supposed to be a topper for something or if they're just like little pyramids or whatever you know what these are three yeah they're pyramids I didn't know if they were if they were oh you're just guessing we don't live here we don't know we just put the sale together are they pyramids or are they Lids are they okay okay there we go now I have answers is that that's not gonna bust openness I don't think so I'm gonna have to make a second trip yeah man there are a lot of cars at this one it started a couple hours ago but there's not a ton of sales out so I'm still going to go and see if we can find anything there's cars lined up all the way down both sides there's also a really nice little neighborhood a cute little house hello thank you on all three floors okay great I'm gonna go for the kitchen first you all know me kitchen kitchen fancy glass excuse me thank you oh man I don't see flatware do not open do not open does that mean these can be opened empty the precious is not the best song in the world that is neat oh it's the whole box there watch that for myself but that's drawn another dog foreign [Music] [Music] it's like some kind of ocean creature what the heck is that literally what is that I would have looked it up but since it's broken I'm not gonna bother yeah but somebody do tell me what the heck that thing is because I'm curious oh this one should show you another now what's up guys these are cool that feels brass those are heavy and ass ten dollars for the pair hmm those are kind of Wicked hmm I really like those I kind of want one I might keep one and sell one I love those [Music] exactly it's like jumbo close today but not how neat is that with the bubble bubble and little quails brass bills [Music] question is is this one even vintage I don't think it is cute though there's a Holland I like that too main Holland it's metal on a rock I kind of love that these four stairs excuse me unfortunately this planner was missing a piece and a little broken or I would have paid eight dollars for that this style is really in and I could have probably sold that for anywhere from 50 to 100 bucks thank you and heavy he's cool Hollow in the back sorry wow oh it's a little box hmm why would you call that guy [Music] they're 25 bucks I'm really not material that is looks like Stone but it feels like metal yeah that's ten dollars and then this one's seven okay um okay nothing too fantastic if that one wishes kind of to be expected after the sale has been open for a couple hours but I did get three really cool like those two brass birds and then the other little that was brass but then the other little sculpture but some kind of metal mixed in with that rock have no idea on value of that but at seven dollars I should be able to make a little bit of money off of it wasn't signed or anything I'm just banking on the design itself to sell that for me and I'm sure it will this is actually where I'm going to cut in today I did go to a few more sales after that but I'm going to end this video here so this little seagull sculpture that was made in Holland I was not able to find any that have actually sold there was only one listed and it was listed for I believe fifty dollars I'm probably gonna list mine a little bit more reasonably somewhere around probably like 35 dollars now as for the little um herons or egrets or whatever I'm keeping one of those and I already found the perfect spot amongst all my little knickknacks he's so stinking cute and I'm gonna list the other one for probably around 25 or 30 dollars I hadn't found another one just like that but I'm thinking with the size and uniqueness um that's probably a good price point all in all the first estate sale was much better than the second but I'm very happy with what I found today especially with there only being a few things out this little one's over here hiding you got Apple straws not gonna say anything and ignore my hair it's a mess um but anyways thank you guys so much for watching and I will catch you guys next Thursday with another video
Channel: The Homeschooling Picker
Views: 167,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ebayreseller, #workfromhome
Id: Vg2SQr3UGyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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