I Redesigned Youtuber's Logos In 3D Software

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this video is brought to you by squarespace i'm a 3d artist and in this video i'm going to redesign the logos of some famous youtubers this video was suggested by griffin carmody down in the comments and i thought it sounded fun enough but there's a lot of pressure making something for other youtubers so let me know if i at least did uh all right i guess so the first logo i'm going to design is for video game dunking he's a youtuber who makes comical gaming videos and reviews and songs his favorite game is super mario 64. so i thought i would make his logo in the nintendo 64 style artists had to really make the most out of the hardware back then so models had very low detail this is mario's model for the nintendo switch he's got just under 10 000 vertices and this is the model for the n64 he's got 480. so for donkey's logo i'm going to be referencing the big donkey vinyl that he sells on his website i decided to use bowser as a reference model because of this similar shape and without further ado nintendo 64 style big yoshi donkey let's make it the big dunking model is based on artwork from super mario rpg commonly known to cursed image enthusiasts as big yoshi i looked around for a bit to find a 3d modeled version and a quick warning what i found can only be described as beautiful i finally found a decent model of big yoshi and he's uh oh oh he's he's real big he's also got 350 000 vertices on him so we got to get those numbers down i started messing around with it reducing the vertices did that for like an hour i also noticed the models from that area are usually symmetrical so i made that happen too i finally got it down to around the same density as the other models and now it's time to start the creative part so some older models have complex textures or patterns that are reused creatively and some seem to rely on gradients or solid colors in my case i'll do a little bit of both since there's not that much texture i need to convey minus a few key areas i started just by laying out the major areas to soup up later i also started modeling my own features in like the hair the tail the sunglasses the ears and a few more things finally i started making the textures this included the pattern for the teeth the hair the suit the tie the buttons gradients and really everything that was just a solid color up to this point after some cleanup the mall's looking like an absolute snack and if you look at the texture on the tie you can actually see it says subscribe please i'm almost at one model's looking great but it needs a background i decided to use the iconic donkey kong scene with a spotlight on the floor but it was not easy to find i went on this expedition to find the texture for that room but all i could find was another wood texture from a different area i slapped it on the floor and used texture math to draw a spotlight effect on the floor that looks like it's baked but i can still change the texture underneath and the radius of the spotlight quite easily that is to say in today's render engines we have real-time lighting and shadows but back then it was not the case so we have to imitate that as well for a final touch i lowered the resolution and made sure the texture projection was blurred a bit and well for my first model in this style i think i did all right but before i do pewdiepie's logo here's what it would look like on dunkey's channel and here's what it would look like as a banner minus the websites and things and speaking of websites real quickly guys today's video is partnered with squarespace the best place to be for web design if you need a website then you need squarespace not to be confused with octahedron space that one got cancelled with its award-winning templates you can effortlessly turn your website idea into reality whether you're trying to make a portfolio or run a business squarespace is there to help you get that premium look without that premium effort which is kind of like my videos i mean i did spend 13 hours filming this but some of that was just well whatever your use case happens to be squarespace makes it all very simple you can automatically link your social media posts to your site it can automatically resize images to fit whatever screen they're on they really focus on ease of use which is invaluable if you're trying to save time and cut down on complexity so head over to squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to squarespace.com danielcraft to save ten percent off your first purchase of a website or domain let's get back to youtube logos alright so the next youtubers logo i'm gonna redesign is pewdiepie he's had a ton of logos over the last 11 years he's been on the platform so there's plenty of ways to go about this his current banner and logo kind of has this grunge feel to it which is why i'm using the patisserie model i found on sketchfab as reference i think it would be really cool if i could make pewdiepie marzia and the pugs in this style because that would be a cool banner let's make it so first i made a material that generates an outline around an object which is slightly darker color than the main one for the hair we start with a loaf that can be controlled by moving a curve around but unfortunately the outlines keep messing with each other so we're just going to sculpt it instead yeah this will work i messed around with the hair for a while and then i realized headphones so i made those and it saved me from having to deal with the hair i made the cool wave pattern and the cat ears for the headphones made a shirt based on one of the two clothing brands he has or three i think i don't know then i made the rest of the body pretty simple stuff so this is when i entered over complication mode after some research i sloppily drew all of his tattoos well almost all of them and just gotta crank up the biceps a little bit my man works out pretty religiously uh so next i was gonna make marzia and i did that by duplicating the model i just made with the intent to modify it i'm gonna level with you guys real quick i have made some messed up things in this 3d program of blender but this is on an entirely different level as soon as i conceived this intellectual property i packed up my workspace sat down for a while but when i came back the textures were gone my will to complete it was gone and my sanity uh disappeared on november 7 2009 but i wasn't done yet i still had a logo to make and i was not about to quit just because the first attempt made me question whether technology was a mistake i wrote out a list of things he enjoys one thing that caught my eye was the show evangelion which he rated a 10 this show happens to have funny pose and so my brain went yes as for the art style i've really been enjoying the low poly art style which has seen some pretty cool pieces of late the industrial revolution and its consequences let's make it i started by building out the room behind him starting with the mirror and putting a placeholder for where he will sit i extended the wall and started making this into an actual room i even made the backlight thing around the mirror for dramatic lighting and started building a desk area fun fact the wall in front is invisible to the camera but from the inside of the room it actually is still there so we can keep the light out and it says please subscribe i started working on the figure more to build out the main shape but there's still a long way to go after making the glasses a placeholder for the hair and some headphones the composition is really starting to come together i couldn't help myself and i made the sunglasses material and yeah this is going to be really cool make those headphones larger though those things are substantial i put the famous chair behind them and modeled the individual light bulbs around the mirror rimmed up the sunglasses and added cat ears to the headphones and now we get to do the fingers we do some snake hook sculpting to start us off at first it looks extremely messed up but just give me a minute okay many things are my forte sculpting might be lower on that list great he's got baby fingers now if you would trust me for a second i will wait let me grab my human anatomy book real quick uh yep that's not how joints work so somewhere along the way i realize that fingers have three joints so i fix that uh then i have the skin creases where they go fingernails knuckles and little wrinkles on them and then i just which of course is the veins that protrude from the top of the hand wait a minute this is supposed to be a low poly model baby fingers no okay so now we remove all the detail and mirror it to the other side the progress render is looking pretty good so we're just gonna start doing the basic materials make the shirt black make the tables shiny this would be ways or if i just made reaction videos leave a like if you appreciate my suffering that's always nice well this is also starting to look real nice did some work on the chair lowered the detail on everything gave him a funny hair strand that sticks up i should have been asleep hours prior to the current time i added a few more details like the monitor that's always in the shot and the microphone that uh well finally i finished up the renders and i think it's looking pretty insane here's what it would look like on this channel you fool that's not a redesign you didn't even take anything from the original that's where you're wrong oliver great britain x premium 22 22 i wasn't done yet there is no such thing as a coincidence
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 841,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, blender, minecraft art, minecraft mobs, creeper art, villager art, 3d minecraft, minecraft 3d art, 3d art, minecraft animation, minecraft animation tutorial, blender 2.8, blender eevee, cycles render, game art, blender tutorial, tutorial, animation, minecraft build, cute creeper, iron golem, enderman, fall guys, 3d, mrbeast, mrbeast playbutton, mrbeast award, ender dragon, dream, dsmp, dream smp, speedrun, elder guardian, ocean monument, pewdiepie, videogamedunkey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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