I Redesigned Minecraft Bosses In 3D Software

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in this video i'm gonna completely redesign the two main bosses for minecraft the wither and the ender dragon not that there's anything wrong with them i just had some very good ideas like giving the wither spider likes you know actually that that's a terrible idea now did this take me an unreasonable amount of time to make yes but was it worth it absolutely i always start off by finding some concept art so that i at least have some idea of what kind of nightmares i'm gonna have i ended up finding some from this mod that has a lot of really cool designs called the between lance the models especially for the mobs are a lot more complex than the original ones and i thought it would be interesting to steal to take inspiration from this style the first one i'm gonna try is the wither it'll be pretty similar to the original one except probably more deformed bigger as spider legs who knows i started by blocking out the body which is actually pretty similar to the original except there's a lot more segments to it after that i added on the heads and made sure the jaws were separate so they can open and close now i know it sounds like a bad idea but i'm curious let's see how it looks with spider legs what could possibly go wrong oh wow that makes me so uncomfortable i love it right now everything is way too blocky so i created some random teeth and other extrusions on the head little details like that are super quick but make a massive difference hey that reminds me of something else that would be super quick but make a massive difference anyways the design is making progress but it was nowhere near done to get back on track i wanted to start mapping out the colors to kind of see what i needed to do next so i used a color palette technique for the basic parts and then a more advanced phase mapping technique for the more detailed sections later on this shouldn't take too long probably about 15 minutes well i'm never doing that again now that the basic colors are added on i made the eyes and mouth glow for a dramatic effect i made sure the materials are set up really well so you can change the eye color really easily this of course is because it's actually the razer rgb gaming weather available now for the low price of 69.90 there's still some optimizing to do but first i want to animate it to see it running around using its cute new spider licks i've done a lot of 3d modeling but i haven't done much animation so i pretty much had to learn it from scratch for this video now some people would say that learning animation takes a lot of time and you really shouldn't rush through unfortunately i look through all three dimensions and i'm still unable to find who asks minecraft mobs usually have pretty simple animations and get more complex the larger the model for the most part using an actual spider as reference i began to work on the animation wait did did that spider just move no longer using an actual spider as reference i started on the legs which move in an alternating pattern and blender has tools to repeat the same motion over and over so it wasn't so difficult next i made the body sort of slither around because before it was just kind of sitting there not really doing anything by the way i want to thank skillshare real quick they made this video possible and they offer thousands of classes including the modeling and animating that i do in my videos think 3d art illustration uh whatever this is pretty much anything you can think of now i've been making videos for a while now but before i made videos for youtube i was actually making them for skillshare uh-oh is that a trade offer skillshare receives ten dollars a month you receive infinite wisdom on what you want to learn and that's a great price okay so blender is the program i use for most of my stuff yes mostly because it's free but also it's very good at what it does and skillshare has about 500 classes for blender like this one by remington market the first 1 000 people to sign up using my link in the description will get a free trial of skillshare premium membership so you can explore your creativity back to animating i added some random animation patterns to the head and the jaw and it's looking pretty disgusting which is pretty much exactly what i wanted now if hypothetically this was actually going to be used for a project you'd want to put some more effort into the animation however no thanks for a final image i had to look around for a map to potentially use as a background this of course involved hours of very hard research very focused definitely not goofing off for several hours in a row after looking for a while the perfect backdrop ended up being this map right here or should i say our map right here i brought it into blender using a method i learned in this video where i redesigned the enderman and the iron golem hey wouldn't it be crazy if you were to go and watch that video after this one now this is where i fell off the deep end i spent a few hours messing with the blocks making the water look decent making the torches actually glow and eventually i just realized that being a perfectionist isn't the right way to go and you can't obsess over small details like that for why is the metal part of the rail not reflective it's metal i decided i didn't really like the white glowing eyeballs i'm just gonna change the color real quick so basically it's an ender wither so it's got purple eyes and it would spawn if you put the dragon egg on the beacon while it's lit up anyways after giving it some depth of field i animated it moving towards the camera so before i show you the inner dragon i made here's the original wither model and here is the redesigned version i also made some desktop backgrounds for it because if you don't make a desktop background did you really do the project did it actually happen probably not so one has a quite large version attacking the theme park map and one is up close on the face if you want these backgrounds for yourself that's too bad just kidding you can download them from the discord daniel craft splendor cult such a nice place all right now it's time to do the ender dragon my idea for this one is an obsidian bass dragon with magma crystals there's not as much reference material for this one so we're going in blind i started by checking out the original dragon model it's pretty cool and i'm pretty sure it's the most complex out of all of them i remade it with some slight modifications to make it a bit bulkier and started adding unique parts like horns made out of small blocks the other unique spot is the eyes which are now on the side of the head and are also made of little blocks to top it off i added little crystals along the neck and the tail the original idea was to get some sort of stegosaurus type thing but it just didn't look right so i put them on a separate layer like a responsible adult just in case i need to use it again psyched straight to the shadow round now it's time for colors for the crystal parts i made part of them glass and part of them glowing i use special shader techniques to randomize it across all the crystals and there's also a nice little section to change the overall color this of course is because it's actually the razer rgb gaming drought then i made a discovery something that would revolutionize texturing forever i figured out that you can paint not only colors but entire textures it's not much of a discovery i should have known that a long time ago finally we are reaching levels of laziness that shouldn't even be possible i can literally take an obsidian texture and paint it all over the body of the dragon now if i had figured this out just a day earlier i could have saved two hours of this it's finally coming together and if you zoom in it really shows all the nice details but the background is looking pretty plain so i decided i had to put another minecraft quote there it's actually looking pretty good it's just hard to see the obsidian on it so i did a super simple and easy fix where the normals get slightly perturbed along their local coordinates based on a grayscale texture how exactly did i do that well that's a great question finally the dragon is complete for final touches i cleaned up the block textures added some depth of field and the ender dragon is now all done here is the original model and here is the redesigned version and here is the next video please watch it thank you very much i'll see you next time
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 3,361,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, blender, minecraft art, minecraft mobs, creeper art, villager art, 3d minecraft, minecraft 3d art, 3d art, minecraft animation, minecraft animation tutorial, blender 2.8, eevee, blender eevee, cycles render, game art, blender tutorial, tutorial, animation, minecraft build, cute creeper, iron golem, enderman, fall guys, custom fall guys skin, fall guys skin, 3d, mrbeast, mrbeast playbutton, mrbeast award, wither, ender dragon, dream, dsmp, dream smp, speedrun
Id: ZAH-bj-McMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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