I Designed Youtuber Lego Sets

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i'm a 3d artist and in this video i'm going to give youtubers their own lego sets and then pitch those sets to a real lego designer this is a lego ship in a bottle and this is a guy who designed it as well as all these other sets it turns out he has a youtube channel of his own so i was able to get in contact with him i've been a lego psychopath since the age of five so getting this set up was a big deal except there's one small problem and that is i have no idea how to do any of this and the call is in one week now this isn't the first time i've learned something without any experience when i made mr b's play button the only building experience i had was legos and ikea furniture but this is the first time i've only had one week to do it i dove right in researching how to design something like this and what i found was pretty interesting there were two types of experience i needed practical and digital it turns out there are free programs out there where you can design and build things out of pretty much every lego piece ever made but i also wanted to build some more in real life because that way i could write them off on my tasks that way i can see building techniques in practice next i needed to figure out how to design legos digitally because that's how most lego designs get made i looked around for programs i could use and found three main options the main program i use for my 3d designs is blender and it turns out there are blender add-ons for designing legos this one can turn any 3d model into a lego version this one contains realistic plastic for the pieces and this one makes animations of a set being built people have made some cool stuff with it but i might as well just buy real legos with how much they cost option 2 was mega bricks which lets you design sets out of any lego piece except it's all on a web browser and option 3 seems to be the one that most people use and that is studio by bricklink it can even generate instructions for whatever you build and you can even buy the pieces for what you make straight from the app i'll probably use this one as it has the most available pieces to use but is also the most complicated by far there's no way this could be learned in a week and i have until tomorrow morning awesome let's look at what other people have made in here to see kind of what we're dealing with someone made this dragon i'm not gonna get even close to that wow okay someone made a different ship in the bottle i think i think these took longer than a week guys all right well that's enough of that you can also import any existing set into the program by entering its id number i've always wanted to build the death star let's try that one oh no they even laid them out by color i'm really glad they separated all the hands there that's really that's really nice of him all right i just downloaded the instructions you guys better like the video man that's all i'm saying okay there's step one uh that would mean there's only about 502 left to go anyways the app started freezing every time i moved a piece and i could have just worked this whole time and got the real one that was a poor use of time so now that i had some experience under my belt it was time to start designing something completely by myself i thought a good way to ease into it would be to take a bunch of youtubers and turn them into minifigures so i frantically wrote down a list of youtubers to make and got right to it the first youtubers i'm gonna do is mr beast's team my plan is to pick out the basic colors and models and then modify them using blender which is my main program so far so good i can tell who's who but i'm definitely gonna have to add some texture details and modify the hair and speaking of hair today's video is partnered with the keeps it's pretty easy to ignore your hair unless you know you know but it turns out that two-thirds of guys will experience some form of male pattern baldness by the time they're 35. [Music] but keeps is an online solution to help prevent that keeps connects you to a licensed doctor who will review your information online and recommend the right hair loss treatment plan for you then your treatment is brought directly to your door unlike my play button i'm getting desperate now keeps offers generic versions of the fda approved medications for hair loss which makes it considerably more affordable the best time to prevent hair loss is when you still have hair so if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss go to keeps.com danielcraft or click the link in the description to receive 50 off your first order that's k-e-e-p-s dot com slash daniel craft i move the models over to blender to make them look as realistic as possible for some reason the models that were brought over were almost completely broken so i had to do some model surgery to get them looking right there were gaps and holes and just really messy geometry all over them but i was able to get them looking pretty much perfect so next i started working on making a photorealistic plastic to put on the lego pieces which didn't have any colors at the moment after messing with colors i added some randomly generated scratches paint chips and general imperfections so i removed imperfections and then added imperfections just don't worry about it i didn't really like the textures for the faces that were available in the app and i wanted to make custom textures to match the actual people drawing is not exactly my strongest area but i've gotten better at photoshop since the snapchat incident i studied real minifigures and started drawing my own lego faces most lego faces and pieces in general have one base color and if they're printed they then have a designated area for the printed part to go it sounds simple but making all these custom textures and materials takes longer than you might think but in the end we have something that looks like it could be a real lego piece for the torso piece i simplified some of the mr beast merch designs and printed it on in a similar way to the face and with that the first minifigure is done with a few more left to go for mr beast i made another custom face another one of his merch designs gave him a hat similar to the one he's always wearing and a couple of other things for chris i did even more custom textures and then there's carl which i based on his youtubes figure in the end these are looking exquisite but i was almost out of time the call was in less than a day and i still barely had anything to show for it i wanted to make more youtubers and more sets but maybe that was a little ambitious for having less than seven days whatever the case i wanted to at least make one full set even if it wasn't going to be that good if i was going to use these minifigures it had to be something related to mr beast so i came up with a few ideas really quickly by basing them off as existing videos just try to imagine these as lego sets on second thought never mind i did see one thumbnail that gave me a pretty good idea or at least i thought it was a good idea mr beast's target practice it'll be like a carnival game where the only goal is to hit one target the main part of the set will be a giant mr beast logo with a target inside of the jaw and if you hit the target the jaw will drop causing money to just eject out of the front probably a few more dollars there i i reckon a couple more yeah can we get can we get a couple more it sounded better in my head all right i'll admit it but i didn't exactly have time for second guessing i wanted to at least get some good tips out of this i started the build by designing the mechanisms as i learned from building the mustang larger sets tend to use these technic pieces for the mechanisms and then use normal legos for the exterior i knew this wouldn't be easy but i didn't expect it to take 10 hours i'm used to normal modeling where you can make any shape in a few minutes but modeling with legos is more like those puzzles where you have to make a shape out of a bunch of smaller ones one major setback is that it's very hard to change a model once you've already made it because the changes usually involve the entire thing that being said i gave them my best and even though this is the most horrifying thing i've ever made which is saying a lot i'm happy i at least got this far i changed a few final things and now it was time to show it off i've made some pretty like horrendous things but i think this is at this is up there with like okay i'm scared now then we have the slingshot and pointed projectiles now that that's a little harder to explain i'll get to that in a second like a challenge or something a challenge yeah yeah i was going for a carnival theme i i kind of ended up with more like five nights at freddy's oh my that's okay there she is so what would you say this model right here what's the next thing that it needs to make it better i'm i'm giving honest feedback but the mechanism it feels like you have figured it out the overall looks of the jaguar face it's not exactly there but like coming up with uh you know organic shapes and making animals these big out of lego bricks can be really challenging so here's all the stuff i made this week even though what i made was horrifying i'm pretty sure i could still make it better mario like seriously what happened to you [Music]
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 5,420,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, blender, minecraft art, minecraft mobs, creeper art, villager art, 3d minecraft, 3d art, minecraft animation, minecraft animation tutorial, blender 2.8, blender eevee, cycles render, game art, blender tutorial, tutorial, animation, minecraft build, cute creeper, iron golem, enderman, fall guys, 3d, mrbeast, mrbeast playbutton, mrbeast award, wither, ender dragon, speedrun, warden, axolotl, lego, lego youtube, lego set, daniel craft
Id: fgSToI0JTjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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