I recreated the MrBeast Burger Menu, Feat. MrBeast!

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What up Guga I heard you're recreating the MrBeast burger and I'm really excited to see what   you do with it. Everyone watching keep watching,  it's a great oh my dog came and said hey there   all right we're putting it in keep watching and if this is at the end of the video well I hope you enjoyed it. That is Mr Beast and if you don't know who he is you should he's just super awesome,   and like he said we're making burgers. And my goal  is not only to recreate beast style burger but   every other one that he has available on his  restaurants. And hopefully by the end of this video  I'll be sharing so many different unique techniques on cooking burgers that everyone can learn something new. This is my take on how I would cook every single Mr Beast burgers. So let's do it! And obviously the first thing we need to do  is research, so i went to www.mrbeastburger.com   and checked out all of the burgers they  had available. And just in case you are   wondering he also has an app and after  about 30 minutes this is what arrived. This is the Chandler style. I could tell  immediately that is a cheeseburger we got   two patties and cheese on a soft bun, got it.  Let me show you my take on it. For this burger   and every other one I chose to use brioche buns. I  think they are the king of all buns and you know   bread and butter goes perfectly together. So if  you toast this buns without butter this is what   it looks like. However if you add a little bit  of butter to the pan put your buns right on top   and toast it up you are rewarded with something  way better. I mean take a look at the difference   I mean which one would you rather eat? Exactly! So  always toast your buns with butter. The next very   important ingredient is beef. Now I want to keep this budget friendly because if you know money was   not an issue we can always make wagyu burgers, but hey not today. So for that I chose this blend which is eighty percent lean and twenty percent fat, at least for me this is the best ratio for burgers.  Now to cook this is all about technique and the  first thing we gotta do is to get our pan nice   and hot, and I'm a huge fan of crust so instead  of making two large patties I much rather have   three small ones, this will give me the optimum  crunch. The next thing to do is to put a little   bit of parchment paper right on top and smash it  down, as you are doing so remember to be careful   of the flare-ups. Once juicy starts showing up  on the top it's time to flip then add american   cheese right on top, stack them together and place  them right on top of that bun. This my friends is   my take on the simple cheeseburger. The key is to  cook it as fast as possible that will retain its   juice even though it's cooked all the way through. Honestly it is one of my favorite burgers and   it's so easy to do, and when you give it to your  family members and they have reactions like this... you know you did a good job. That is as  easy as it gets and it is super tasty,   but now let's jump on to the next one. I can tell immediately that Chris likes a thick  burger not only does he have two big patties with   cheese but he also added bacon and fries. That  man is hungry! As you know the best way to cook   bacon is just like this setting them on a cooling  rack like this and putting it in your oven at 350   degrees fahrenheit and after 20 minutes this is what comes out. Come on now! However fries on the   other hands I might be a little bit against him. I  like my fries crispy and whenever I add it to the   burger it just does not work because it gets soggy,  however, I do enjoy his choice of this style of   fries. As you can see they have the maximum crunch, so at least to me I would not recommend   putting it inside of the burger. One other thing that is a requirement for me is to make a very juicy burger   and I'm gonna show you a complete different  technique on how to cook this one. I started   by first mashing my balls. To do that you can use  a cast iron skillet or anything that will make it   nice and flat. At the same time using parchment  paper will ensure that nothing gets stuck trust   me you want that to happen. As you can see once I  was done everything is nice and flat. Now the next   thing to do is to deep fry them. I'm using a very  special oil that is set at 350 degrees fahrenheit. Now the great thing about this oil is that it was  seasoned with garlic and thyme. Not only does that   add an amazing flavor to your beef but it also  makes it super juicy. This technique by no way was   invented by me it was actually born in the 1920s  and they still make this burger the same exact   way today. And I mean take a look at this! Is there  any chance that this is not gonna be incredible?   Adding the bacon right on top of it, oh man it  just puts an icy on the cake. So I made one with no   fries, but I also did another one with fries just  the way Chris likes it. But the most interesting   thing for me whenever you deep fry a burger and  you squeeze it, oh man it's juicy to the max. That   is the secret of making an incredible juicy burger.  Let's see what my nephew has to say about it. Try this one my brother let me know what you think  of that one. Here to make it better and then you   let us know fried on the side or not. -Like it's  dripping over here. So let's see what's going on. I've just come back from heaven, I'm ready to talk.  So juicy like this isn't fair. I gotta say the  fries might not be the play inside of the burger.   Maybe it's better just bacon and then the fry on  the side. Let me see we're gonna keep it crunchy.    -I have to agree, fries on the side is definitely  better. But now it's time for the main event. This is the beast style burger and not only does  it have two massive patties with cheese but I can taste onion, pickles, ketchup, mayo and mustard. I got it. Now let me show how I will cook this beast   of a burger. And if there's one thing I love on  a burger is caramelized onions and to make them   is super easy. These are white sweet onions to  get them nice and caramelized I just throw it   into a hot skillet with oil. I like to use a hot  temperature oil because I like my onions to be   cooked nice and fast. The only thing you gotta keep  in mind is to keep them moving because my fire is   so hot it takes no time at all. After about two  minutes I like to deglaze the pan with a little   bit of water, when you do so a lot of steam will  come up but most importantly all that flavor that   was stuck onto the pan will release and get it  onto the onions. That is caramelization to the   max my friend, and it is what makes onion taste so good. The next thing to do is a sauce and since MrBeast likes mayo, ketchup and mustard let's just go with that. As you can see I used 2 tablespoons  mayo, 2 tbsp of ketchup and 1 tablespoon of mustard. Keeping these ratios will make your sauce   awesome and at the same time it is much easier to put it together on your burger. Talking about that   the next thing to do is to go ahead and make it. So I first started with a layer of the sauce,   then I added all of those beautiful caramelized  onions, followed by three slices of pickles and now   to the most important ingredient and since this  is a beast burger we're gonna cook it like a steak.  Yes you heard that right! It is extremely important  to have that cast iron skillet as hot as possible, that's because when you do a flip you're gonna get  nice crust just like this. Exactly like I always   say when cooking a steak whenever you have a nice  crust it will make a much better steak. Once that   flip is done the next thing to do is to throw in  butter, thyme and garlic because we're gonna take   this burger to the next level by basting it. Yes,  basting it with a lot of butter! The wonderful   thing about this is that as the butter starts  browning and you are basting that thing with it   boy let me tell you something you are going deep  into flavor town. Once you are happy with that   basting the next thing to do is to add your cheese .And you think i'm done ? No, no, no, no we gotta baste it a little bit more as I always say the more butter the better. I mean take a look at this!   That is what I'm talking about! The  only thing left to do is to assemble   and as I did check this out. That my friends is  a beast. The only thing left to do is to give   it a try. All right everybody here is my take  on MrBeast burger. Are you ready Angel? -Uh I'm hungry. You're hungry? -I'm ready. -I  have never made a burger this way it is my very first time making a burger this way. You smell  something different? -Smells good. -Ah smell good? -Smells like goodness. -It smells like goodness? I thought you were going to be able to catch right   away what I did with it I have never cooked it this way and I'm excited to find out how it's going to taste. -I think I smell something that I didn't smell in any of the other burgers. Let's see what's going on. -All right let's find out my  take on Mr Beast burgers everybody cheers! -Oh MrBeast. -Oh what the heck. -What does it taste like? -A steak. -It tastes like a steak! -It tastes like you  basted it in like thyme. -That's exactly what I did.   -Yeah you could taste the thyme. -Thyme and a little  bit of a lot of butter not a little bit, you guys   saw it quite a bit of butter. Yeah a lot of basting  there and the cheese is nice and gooey. But most   importantly it feels like a fancy steak. -Yeah. -Like  a fancy burger I mean. -It's a fancy burger. -Jimmy I   hope I did its justice and that would be my take  on it if i was cooking all of the burgers for you.  I don't know if it's efficient for all the  restaurants to make it this way because you   know it takes some time you got to baste you got  to put some love into this burger you know what   I mean so it i don't know if it's efficient  enough, but if it is for all the restaurant   I highly recommend you doing this way because I  can honestly say this is a beast burger. I'll tell   you one thing everybody if you have not tried  MrBeast Burgers yet go ahead and give it a try   let me know in the comments down below which one you think is best, which one is your favorite. Do   you like it more fancy or do you like it more you  know just plain and simple like angel likes it. Which   one is your favorite one out of all of them? -Out of all of them my favorite one has to be just cheese. -As you guys know Mr Beast is a great guy not only  does he help a lot of people but he keeps all of   us entertained. Jimmy shout out to you my brother.  I hope you guys enjoyed this video, if you do enjoy   it make sure to give it a thumbs up. If you're  not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always in the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody. Bye Bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 4,480,441
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Keywords: burger, smash burger, best burger, cheeseburger, how to make a burger, burger review, bacon cheeseburger, double cheese burger, mrbeast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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