I tried KFC's ORIGINAL Pressure Fryer Method | Guga Foods

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you're gonna kill me what happened i crushed my car are you okay on today's video we're about to find out the secret the real secret of kentucky fried chicken i am determined to make sure that i get this right but which one is better kentucky fried chicken or chick-fil-a which one do you think andrew you know you know i'm gonna go and check my name chick-fil-a is the new chicken in town but kfc is the original and i believe it's better and we're gonna make it even better let's go okay so here's what i want you to do go inside and ask the manager if we can film inside of the kitchen they said no bro they said no so hard they're extremely nice very polite people but no filming in the kitchen though we got to be respectful we have to follow the rules but at the same time i'm going in there because i want some chicken you hungry let's cut some chicken bro let's go oh yes baby i got my wish damn good that's all for you i'll share with you after i eat a bunch what you're not going to say kentucky fried chicken baby the kentucky fried chicken was incredible but since you like chick-fil-a let's go ahead and compare it or find out which one is better once for all let's go right now what the heck is this is that the line for chick-fil-a is this trying to tell me something oh man i am doing this line i am not doing this you made me do it here it is we're finally here let's order some chick-fil-a oh god no way all right let me get some chicken bro i was going to ask how you're doing but i'm not too great first time i came here and i got the car messed up they happy now i'm happy now are you helping them i'm so ecstatic crash my car bad you're gonna kill me what happened i crashed my car are you okay i'm okay okay you're good it's okay it's fine you're safe that's number one all right love you wow that went a lot better than i expected let's see how bad the damage is oh man oh man all right chick-fil-a cheers cheers not gonna lie it's good but it is not deep fried chicken it doesn't have any bones it's chicken nuggets everybody that's what it is which one is better for a deep fried chicken cassie now i'm gonna go ahead and shut off the camera because i'm about to kill him because this was very expensive i would never do that that was a joke okay good job it was a joke relax on the comment i will never do that he's my nephew family so after a lot of research i found out one specific thing that colonel sanders was the very first one to do it and that is to use a pressure cooker as a fryer i mean think about it it's gonna cook to perfection and deep fry at the same time it's funny because that's still around today a lot of korean places i go to they actually deep fry their chicken on the pressure cooker and so does japanese restaurant now that i'm thinking about it so let's find out once and for all if the pressure cooker does make the deep fried chicken better now that our research is done it's time to get cooking and for that i have two whole chickens i don't know about you but i like to butcher my own chicken not only is it easy to do but i save a lot of money doing so i'll make sure to put a link below on how to do it because it's super easy now one of the most important things about kentucky fried chicken is the seasoning that's the secret for it and like always i put the exact amount of ingredients always on the description down below for you but one of the ingredients you must use is this the good old msg this is a requirement if you want to make your fried chicken better but after putting all the spices together you can see what i was left with now there's left to do is to get the chicken seasoned for that i always like to start with salt first doing it one by one will ensure that every single one of them is getting a nice coating of it so i highly recommend doing so once done do the same exact thing for the seasoning notice that i did not forget about any one of them that is the key ingredient of making your chicken better talking about making it better if you want to do so you must take this next step and that is to let it soak in buttermilk it makes a huge difference i highly recommend letting it marinate overnight but if you don't have the time at least give it four hours it does make a huge difference now let's talk about the flour i'm using all-purpose flour but it is extremely important to season this part as well for mine i just used salt followed by granulated garlic black pepper and smoked paprika mix it well because it's time to get the chicken and after 24 hours take a look that's right it's now ready all there is left to do now is to coat the chicken with the flour mix and i recommend doing it one by one you are doing fried chicken at home you want to make sure that it's perfect let's just say even better than kfc so getting one at a time breaded is the way to go because once i was done take a look at this every single one of them is perfectly coated the only thing left to do now is to elevate this thing to a whole new level and let me explain the plan is i'm gonna be cooking on this pressure cooker right here if you don't have one of these you can use the one you have it at home the only reason i'm using this pressure cooker right here is because it's nice and deep that way if there is any funny business with overflowing that's not going to happen and obviously the lid is going to help me as well because it has a pressure valve right here it's going to let me know exactly when the pressure is built here's the plan since i have all of this chicken i want to know if the pressure cooker is better than the traditional version and what i'm going to be doing half of it i'm going to be cooking with a pressure cooker and then the other half just on the cast iron and finish it off in the oven then we're going to find out really if this method makes a difference or not so now i say it is enough talking and let's cook this thing let's do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody here we got our beautiful chickens are you hungry again well if i was hungry then i'm not gonna be when i get up right exactly all right so here's the deal i'm not upset about the car all right it's okay i feel like crying inside okay before moving forward and trying these chickens let me just explain exactly what i did with these right here these are the ones that i cook on the pressure cooker the secret is you got to keep your oil at 350 degrees fahrenheit got a nice golden brown color just a little bit probably about two minutes once that's done then what you want to do is cover the lid and cook it on high pressure for exactly seven minutes that is exactly what i did in here make sure that when you're getting the high pressure you put your stove or whatever it is that you're using in its lowest setting you don't want to over pressure because you're gonna have a bomb no bombs allowed all right everybody do it carefully and you should be able to do it just fine okay so here's what we got the original this one here like we always make it but a little bit special with wagyu fat yes and this one here with the pressure cream oh what was that for fixing my tie yeah when you put wagyu in there you gotta you gotta fix the tie you gotta fix this i wish we had some thai all right here we go grab one so that we remember the original taste of the kfc to make it official everybody that's right i don't care what anybody says i like this i forget about chick-fil-a never again chick-fil-a in my life chick-fil-a call me so that you can uh embrace me on my car cheers everybody it is good everybody it is amazing this thing is really nice by the way we just got a new hot bucket all right it's not from before to do a nice fair comparison okay what do you think good old-fashioned kfc chicken exactly no complaints that's why we're actually doing this video that is amazing i will say kfc is kind of consistent with the way that their stuff tastes they don't really change they know what's going on it's always good all right let's try this one right here angel ready for it just smell it just smell it oh it smells different it smells different it smells different yeah good because that's not what you're going for right yeah i'm going for better oh if that's the case and maybe yeah the wacky fat is definitely better if you can't imagine exactly then i don't know if you no i'm not trying to match it i'm trying to make it better everybody i mean come on if you're going to make it home you got to make it better than kfc you know what i'm saying hey you know if you just want to match it then you know we want to make it better okay it smells way better i know it does right all right this one straight up cast iron and then in the oven cheers everybody cheers you say it no no you don't need to say anything no but the crust is more flavorful first of all because of the wagy fat i can say that right away i will say this yes the crust is more flavorful and rich yes the actual chicken softer and more tender you think so you're dripping bro it's juicier i'm just saying what you're gonna say okay the proof is in the pudding exactly yeah that was some good chicken broth we need to move on if this video is gonna take forever all right angel go for it since we tried the drums yeah we'll make the drum drum again ready smells the same smells phenomenal you make them both but why are you yeah they're both the same all while you're fat here's the deal you see this one a much nicer golden brown color you see this one that was cooked on the pan what happens is it touches the bottom of the pan so you get a little bit of char because it's touching the pan yeah i wanted to say this one looks more flaky yeah flaky and gorgeous it's more like a fluffy crust correct than uh then like a hard crust exactly it looks beautiful everybody enough talking i'm ready to try you ready for it i almost cheated all right enough pressure cooker kentucky fried chicken cheers everybody oh what's going on here wow huge difference like night and day from this one this one every single one of what do you think my brother you tell me that's it bro what do you mean that's it that's it that's it right i think you got it got what you nailed it you got the secret i got the secret at my boy it is extremely tender ridiculously juicy the flavor is off the chain everybody obviously we use a little bit of msg we use the wagyu fat this is by far the best deep fried chicken i've ever had in my life so this one is i think maybe even more juicy than the last one we tried which was spilling definitely everybody the best chicken i ever have i highly recommend just do it very carefully remember keep the temperature at 350 degrees fahrenheit let it fry for two minutes cover it up cook for another seven minutes on high pressure open it up and you're gonna have the best chicken of your life i guarantee you i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 3,227,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kfc, recipe, original recipe, cooking, pressure cooker, how to make kfc, deep fried chicken, best chicken
Id: mo_nf6ka73o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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