MrBeast tries my STEAK Experiment, Feat. @MrBeast

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This is me, and here we have Jimmy, also known  as MrBeast. He's about to try one of my insane   experiments and I know exactly what you're  thinking. Guga what did you do? Well let   me explain. I just love burgers! I don't know about  you but there's something to be said about a nice   juicy burger, especially when you keep it really  simple and you do it right. The combination between   meat, cheese, and bun is just incredible. This  combination of flavor is craved everywhere so   I decided to go ahead and add those flavors into  steaks. I wanted to find out which Burger will make   the best compound butter. So I went ahead and chose  three of them. We're talking about the Beast Burger,   McDonald's and Burger King. The first one is going  to be the Beast Burger. To make compound butter is   pretty simple all you really have to do is to  cut it in half, throw it in the food processor,   add one stick of butter, blend it on high really  good, add into clinch plastic rolling to itself,   let it solidify in the refrigerator, take it out,  cut up the butter, and there you have it. This is   what I like to call the Beast Butter and if you  take closer look you can see little bits of the   burgers in there. Is there any way that this is  not going to be amazing? Of course it will I just   hope that Jimmy does not punch me in the face in  the end of the video because I'll be letting him   try two steaks one will be a control and the  other one will have a compound butter. But I   wanted to find out which one was gonna be best so  I went ahead and did the same exact thing with two   other Burgers. The first one was a McDonald's, now  here's the biggest difference with the Big Mac it   has lettuce so I'm not quite sure if it's going  to be a good combination to go into a compound   butter. But as you already know the process is  pretty simple once everything has been blend   really fine I just throw in some butter, mix it a  little bit more, put it in clinch plastic, roll it   and let it solidify. Because I still got one more  and here's the Whopper from Burger King. Now this   one is also very different, it has Tomatoes. I'm  not quite sure if a compound butter with tomato   is going to be good but we're gonna find out  which one is gonna be better. Because the process   is pretty similar, as in the end once everything  was completely done this is what I was left with.   We have three beautiful compound Butters ready to  go. First is the Beast Burger, second the McDonald's,   and lastly the Burger King. We need to find out  which one is gonna taste best and for that we   need some steaks. As you can see these are the ones  I chose for today's cook. We got two New York Strip   and one Ribeye. It has a good amount of marbling  and it should be perfect for this experiment. I only season them with salt, followed by freshly  ground black pepper and garlic powder. Keeping it   nice and simple so that we can taste those butters.  Now I gotta be honest not quite sure if it's gonna   turn out fantastic, so I went ahead and decided to  make a quick side dish. And this one, of course it   has steaks. We're talking about loaded fries and  to make it it is super easy and here's how. The   first thing to do is to cook up some steaks. As  you can see I'm using this beautiful skirt. One   of the most important things we gotta do whenever  we're cooking steak is to put a nice sear. And at   the same time doing everything possible not to  overcook it. Since the steaks are really thin   the residual heat will carry over to cook it  to medium rare which is 125 degrees Fahrenheit.   And don't forget whenever you're cutting a skirt  steak if you want the best results cut it against   the grain as your steak will be a lot more tender.  So all I really have to do with this one is to   chop it up in small pieces. For the fries I  chose these today. To make them loaded steak   fries I first went with a good amount of mayo,  followed by ketchup, and a tiny bit of mustard.   Then I added a good amount of steaks right  on top, added some parsley for color, and that   is today's side dish. Come on now you tell me if  this does not look delicious. Oh yes these steak   fries should be perfect to go along with steaks.  Talking about that the only thing left to do is   to go ahead and cook them. First I'll be putting a  nice beautiful sear, once it's done I'll be adding   my compound butter right on top, letting them  melt throughout the steak and have it come up   to temperature in indirect heat until it reaches  an internal temperature of 135. Because now I   say it is enough talking and it is time for us to  cook some beautiful steaks. So let's do it! [rock music] Alright everybody here we got our beautiful steaks with  a little side dish. -You know, I'm gonna say it, these   are beautiful steaks. -Yes they are. So as you guys  can see I got a little crumbly crust, I want your   honest opinion on this one, all right. Don't  hold back, if it's good if it's good if it's   bad if it's bad. And obviously you guys gonna  see Jimmy try it really, really soon. -Where do   we start? -Right here let's go dig in please. -Let's  do it! -Smells like, smells like heaven everybody   huh? -Whoa that is a very different smell right  there guys. -Well we're gonna let you know right   now how it tastes, enough talking. Cheers everybody!  Cheers. -Oh man! -That is incr. -Wow it is so juicy so tender and that crust -Chef's kiss. Very, very flavorful, punches you  right in the mouth. As soon as that butter hits   your tongue it's just an absolute wave of flavor  and deliciousness. -Yeah this is a flavor bomb my   my mouth is like really like, boom! - I really like this everybody, I  know it sounds weird when I make it but it's   good. With all that being said I'm ready for the  second one. Are you guys ready? -Let's do it. -Let's   dig in please. Make sure you get that crumbly crust  it's all about that. When the steak is dripping you   know you did it right everybody. I mean come on  let's give it a go right now. Cheers everybody!   -Oh that's so good. -That's so delicious. -Oh wait  there's a flavor in there. -Oh he's trying to   decide. -All I know is that there's lettuce in here.  -He can taste the greens. -There is a little bit of   greens. -Oh I know I could tell. --Dang  this boy don't like no greens! -I really do taste   it. You don't taste it? -Not at all. -I definitely  don't taste no greens in here, but definitely   a different flavor profile than the first steak  we had. I think this butter is a little bit more   on the saltier side compared to the last one. Still nice and still has a lot of flavors to   it, but personally I'm sticking with the first  steak. -Wow me too. -Yeah like the first one. obviously you too   because of lettuce. Would you like to wash your  palette sir? -I would love to wash my palate sir.   -Please. -Please yes indulge in a few fries. -Let's  indulge, I've never used that word in my life.   Let me know what you guys think yeah.  Let's see, cheers everybody. Cheers.   -Oh come on. -Bro you can't mess that up bro. -You  cannot mess this one up everybody. -A little crunchy,   a little Savory, a little tangy because of all  the sauces. And that steak is totally unnecessary,   but super delicious. -Very required yeah I would  say. -I want to say that steak is very, very tender   because there's no resistance whatsoever.  -Yeah. -Can you guys guess the sauce? -It just   tastes like meal what I would do in a school  lunch just mix a mayo, mustard, ketchup around   and that's what it tastes like. -That's exactly  what it is. Very simple my take on Jimmy loaded   fries. If you want the recipe Jimmy, well there you got  it. Okay with all that being said enough talking   let's go for the last one yeah. I want to know  your opinion, go for it please. -Leo goes first.   -Okay I'll go first yes. -Oh now you want to be  second. -No fighting we have plenty. -There's so   much crumbly crust on this one I had to go for  it. -Very last one let's give it a go. Cheers! -Cheers. -Oh my God. -I don't understand why it works so well.  -I gotta say. -What? -They all work. -Yeah. -This one's the   best one so far for me. -Only because of the lettuce?  -Not just because the lettuce I just think this one   also has the best flavor. -I have nothing else to  say because I also enjoyed this very first one.   Which what about you? -I'm gonna go with the first  one as well that has to be my winner overall this   last one that we tried I feel like the butter is  just a little bit more subtle than the other ones.   The flavors are a little bit more toned down  and the first one was just the perfect blend   of flavors that complement the steak well and  don't take it away. -Are you ready to find out   what it is? I basically made compound butters out  of burgers. -All of them? -All of them so here's what   we got the very first one I did it with the Beast  Burger. The second one was with the Big Mac. -Oh man!   -Yeah that's why you taste that lettuce. -Lettuce.  -And then the very last one was with Burger King   which is the Whopper. -And there's lettuce in there  too. -God you're good! Strong palate baby strong. -With   all that being said I think the only reason that  we like this one here more is because there's no   lettuce. -Let's go! -That's awesome you guys don't like the  greens either, you see you see. -No I don't know   I think it feels like the flavor intensifies  a little bit more because everything is very   flavorful on this one here, versus the other two.  But I'll tell you one thing the other two taste   good man. They're all good with all that being  said I'm curious is to find out, I'm gonna go over   there cook one for Jimmy and I want to see what  he thinks of it right now. For Jimmy to really try   out a Guga experiment I have to cook two steaks  I chose two Australian wagyus one a Ribeye and the   other one a New York strip. As you can see they  have great marbling. Now you gotta remember I'm   cooking this inside of Mr Beast Burgers restaurant,  and believe me they don't have any seasoning but   hey I brought my own. Just like I seasoned my  previous steak I went with SPG salt pepper and   garlic powder and don't you forget about the  Beast butter. Unfortunately in Mr Beast burger   restaurant there's no charcoal grill. My only  option was to cook it on the griddle, so now I   say it is enough talking and it is time to cook  these beautiful steak so let's do it. [rock music] You like medium rare Jimmy? -I do! -Oh perfect I got two steaks for you  to try. -Okay this one is more regular and   then this one has a little something special  on the top. -Okay. -I wonder if you can tell the   difference and which one you like better. -Here  I'll close my eyes hand me one. Okay. -All right. -That tastes like the regular pretty  juicy. -Very good, let's go for the next one.   There you go okay all right Jimmy let me know now. -Bro I don't even know how to describe this.  What did you put on this? I mean it's not too   strong. -It's mild. -Yeah it just tastes like better  mayonnaise to me. -There you go better mayonnaise.   I actually grabbed butter, grounded your own  Burger, mixed it together so I made it. -Oh you   did it again. I don't know why I didn't predict  that, that's funny. Which one you like better? -This one obviously. -There you go. -Yea steak by itself sucks. -There you go everybody those are  the results. I hope you enjoyed this video if   you did hit that thumbs up. If you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always on the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching we'll see  you guys on the next one take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 3,017,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, experiment, mrbeast, cooking, grilling, steaks, beastburger, food, street food, how to cook steak, best steak
Id: n1gopOA9U3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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